Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ 10 THE i FLU" SITU GOWING DI FROM:DAY T1 Dr. Manning Says N Shows the Wisdom ting Lid on Gat ings Here. The Spanish influenza is improving slowly.. Frid cases were reported to coiminissioner's office and ber 'of deaths was 24. TI of Omahtans were senlt hec ial from Fremont, Fort.Canip Dodge. This make 132 deaths here since th started.,Health Comnissi ning has taken gecial ste the -gathering of trowdsa 'It is at funerals that crowd order is being viola hcsaid. "The people she that, there is very great crowding at such places, in chapels at undertaking detits. Only the close cc allow~ed to enter the chat danger is in the crowdin i'any contagion from the iI regard to the foot scheduled to be played ici otner and Lreighton teams Saturday, Dr. Ma uled to leave it "tip to pi on." "National ani state have ruled strictly against lg of erowds even in the hesaid. "I have- not made irder against playing this use you can't exactly fo n'ow the throats of the p don't believe that the gat yed when the schoola lize that there is - ve ger or that the publi;sd if it is played." Pr Manning is partici fhted with a.chart whicl epared by his office, sh ress of the "flu" conta shows unmistakably th nthe closing order here. eil line on the chart number ocases of "f starts at 140 on Octo day wvhen all publicg eclosed. It reaches it it three days later wh 9here were 540 new in the city. This,;ling; was the "period during which the bypeople before rder we~nt hiuto e rOtber 9th efie or-de, is seen. Th ht punges downwar hr12 there were aday. Since,then th us has fluctuated, b aoe 150. ~pital room for patien 4pget nd Dr.' Manai ATION Popular You og Matron of JUDGE REFUSES ETER] Omaha Victim of "Flu" WRIT 10WOMEN O DAY Mrs. Harry Graves Shedd died IN HOSPITAL Thursday night of Spanish influ cnza after an illness of two days. ew Chart An apparently light attack of in- Redick Announces of Put- tluei za veloped suddenly into pneumonia an-Mrs. Shedd passed tion Not to Interfere her- away before her husband, who as "'. W b7 ncp absent from town on a business _4, With Municipal could be recalled. Mrs. Shedd was Madge Bullard, daughter of W. C. e_-_ situation Bullard, Omaha lumberman. She at was one of Omaha's most beautittul Judge Redick in district court yes ay 110 new:ud talented young matrons. She therday afternooniannounced his de the healtis survived by h husband and a termination not to interfere with I the num- sister, Mrs.?o,7 ltllingwood. and a the adniinistraation of the health hree bodies younger bfother. Will, who is away..conunissioner, in case of women it school. Her mother died about comniitted to the Detention hosre for bur- a year ago. pital, except when it may h shtown Riley and' fTe funeral will be held in the tat the action of the health des a total of residence, 70th North Fortieth street-.partment was not prompted by hon at. o'clock Saturday afternoon. ate t was nt e 1pidemic vith interment at Forest Lawn ci- -m ecases of Inous Carthruni oner:Man- etery. -t-.and Marie Wells. lie denied writs of to stop habeas corpus and declined to hear at funerals. lence in either case, as lie be the anti- -I.ieved that interference by the court tedmost t H Ei such cases wvould be inmuical to ouild knw the health interests of the city. danger in The petitions, asking for the writs, especialy alleged that these vonen were held estahli- without proper authority in the Sti es: e A CA E W ANEo BelnstCy g and not W.he power to pass upon her dead." physical condition," the judge stattall game OffjcersDeclareSjtuationijed, ini the Carthlirut case. has been rc betweenn delegated to the municipal authoritiersity Improved as They Arrange ties, andi if she is held out a legal nning has order of the health department, she ubtlic opin- Pastimes for Men MRS. H. G. SHEDD. cannot he said to be illegally de-I Outdoors.taied, unes it can shown that the1 ato it Oudos nrFLorder- was wrongfully issued. To the gatL- substitute the judgment \of the courtb open air, TThree deaths from intheuza were for that of the pohice powers, prop-v a positive reported from the Fort Omaha Bal.. erly exercised, would interfere with r game, lie- loon school Friday morning. The the municipal and state legislation ree health total number of deaths is now 26. HAM'PE R W K and would be mischievous. Health b ublic. But Army officials declare that the sit- rules are adopted for the dbenefit ofc me will be nation is improved and that the epi- the public, and some individuals i authorities demic is almost completely under must suffer by reason of their entry grave control. Every precaution against O I I G S C forcement." a; c will at- the disease is being taken at the Five Denied Writ. fort and officers say that the quar- Wornan i Deserted b Sister Five similar cases recently were t ularly de- antine ruling will continue until all We yheard in Judge R,edick's court by the d is is"'being danger is past. Who FearsContagion and introduction of medical evidence fot b owing the Albert L. Coldiron of the 49th both sides and in each instance a gion hire. balloon company died early Friday Whole Fanilies Are writ of habeas corpus was denied. I e wisdom morning followimg an attack cf 'Mrs. Carthru, arrested\ at tI Spanishhieniciza. His home was in Suffering. Twenty-fourth and Burdette street; h indicating Oklahoma 'City, and the body will and Miss Wells, whose address. was' u in the be taken tl ere for burial. So thoroughly have the people given by the police as. 2933 North t ber 5. the - A Few-New Cases. of Omaha been convinced of the Forty-third street, are held on fc atherings,Albert Duriin, Carlisle, Pa., and!deadly contagion of Spanish influ- charges of being afficte( by com- t s greatest William, Britton, Dontotoc. Tex.. enza that the Visiting Nurses' as- municable diseases. 6 " t en on Oc- died from tlie disease Friday morn- sociation finds difficulty in getting Attorney for the women stated 'cases re- ing. Durnin -,was a member of the the help that is usually forthcoming that he would- take,the Carthrunt c hr. balloon coinpany and' Britton in cases of illness among neighbors, case to the state supreme court for th ofincua belonged to the 60th comnpan- according to Miss Clara Thomas, a ruling. The judie denied an apgerms in- Only a very few new cases of the one of the-directors of the Visit'ig' pearance bond. " ' 'r teus iti disease have 'developed at "the fort Nurses' association. who has char e t thectute- the last 'few days-' of the telephotne calls in' the office. Brother of South Side Man Major P.o Vn Nostran, executive in th thiicassettle 0ditic vbeyond KildoBtle ronltJ etlinethe officer at the ~fort, 'has' planned en- thue Deaf and 'Dumb institute; too ' W. L. Browning of. -Twenty-first d line oni tertainment for the soldiers and' has far for 'the nurse to call often, the and I streets, is lii~receipt of a telidnand1on arrantged for outdoor nuoviig plc- sister of the patient refuses to enter grat stating that his brother, Stephi- m onlymber tures. and has provided for hand the huome. She brings food, leaves en C. Browning, was killed. in ac- 0 ut nmber tbnsgerts every night. Foot. balh it on the doorstep and scutfles away tions on September 12. 'Mr. Brown- pa utteeteams huave been organized and box- in terror, allowing her sister to ing was alt 'enphoye of the bur alu ph 'is is now ia ng nd wrestling matchesav beern take care of herself as best she of animal inuduistry until last i siy, na mg pstr-anedin Theicrst th ae fre a iuen he left for Camp Funstonnd 'ce Thics y are don thi bes to maelf One call which recently came to wuv soon sent across. '" th fuas heerfu for the shtut--in soldiers. -the office reported a whole family This is ' the 'first reported 'death pe lfdColumbia" Records for. in a foreign district ill. when the of tthe 25'hureau of animal indpstcy, h be litede........nurse at'iyed 'the ydungest baby emjsloyes wlohave beencaedtolh MAJO HONI C.1 Chamber Farewe J. G. to Major Jo quartermast ha, who ha teiaihly for guest of hor eon at the given lby it nation. ihe litune of a farewel grattilatoy imajor's sple aha. Ther< felt regrets the 1rospte4 leave Onait desire to se active dutie C. C. Gt Chamber of thue luncheot tis suesheo John V. G executive c Commerce "Nebratkt hasing sons Maher to < Keller said how fortuna whetn the w; boys in Ser when such ive 'over tlThe majc tut bespoke Omahia, the t. "I've simi s best I cot my duties v lhe part of eserve suc een given, "All hone corld conf: he hilier o os-the h 'hey are tl o win 'this oret it. I o be tenor he credit g. "A s for herish a gr is state a1 -and wn h ender of tIrn here to ews of V ForP 'Paris. Oct eeting~ of J ctober 14, issed askiin.hin umbi 0

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