Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~INTS. EICK ade to Like he ~'IRM ests of May Ory 'lotIon of tt attackts Osa doubt. he dlr. )sof the liont. lord this obtorlnot +dto toatthe rug. ha would tot ships, rht. nod or otherheir Use to eO.vtoU bluots to a s tt w!1!' fortnlgttV' $ ofth N UP B FIFLU OFFICIALS SAY. er~tclte fJournal In Land of{& Tells X11 ii IL.State Department Declares Ohio r System Has Fallen Down E With Inefficiency.,i stimoated Toll Front Epidemic Is 600000 Cases and 12,000 Death. Des0111tetortotus lios, iii.. '.111 inltorferoonceolith lndutry which th lttfuouza has aOmtloull lOhi11o. h de of the elot' loc'al 100111 odttlnloltrottor 0111t0. l,'lllrlslu,-liepatmen001.f.01111.11.1I.I day. } eurrl t" i tn:sm i vllags,11w 1110 II %l4 ~ * 1,10 cl.4)111'1 1.' t,, II 111 1, 1'. II' I I lttto e i'el it, 0,.O1t' u it."li.111glI~ I. 1.111111 II 1:,v1010 Â~10ilt wort I t ill,1101 4. 11 6" th~l~l.010111 tubll menll o... 11:o.1 l'tl~llutl rblilt, 11011 'truw I II,.1111 01110 llt tlhllO uk o"ld tolrcl ho t Il 111111ollI ltsll 111p 111 ndt l,4Itoot. II 11 lollol t-pI, 11011 Iutoe d 1110 1111111''oo1fu11Iliglngthe 1111100 IiI 111'hu llo lit, 'o.'l 111 pr.' ol Tito 1ll010011. "I ti lily, hoe 1o6thepl'olly I ll'1.. 1wk1Ituk hth dltrtrl..tote.1o. 1:0111isofahd 00re rlesu700 ingothae oud vuotl 1400sedthosblpo lasI dto 0,11.tot "Thor.udsouof eIntror 10101 dt partame ten Uate o r 10 od Ties in the ut ilicty of i otIo.te toott hesethsdsarit ds InOhieuo Itur. og. 2r dlitres. 700 vilaesofandlltnearly1 1400 otownshp hslo, w health. d oto ser a thnoeloathe to lousedttrtsmenlts 10 s~ettaoprrdequ. u The aonbthellpstat11001111dlstrictu, txopt nsbe ofthrmreuoyte, aeooa smallo spohasdortheloll.dAol thespmaldstric.tsinuyto fewe.slargeroeisrctsuc hab of mlultoessa. attrtutedubylat heal herie. oad to pruewhatr rusdale ofth locals eloottg sujcgoatss.sarervision.o 1s am fa~u Th s alothruaph. rulo lgt in. teroollstredosnte Inabilty ofOios toadprutabelythsmeret.rudstoa nflena a donatugthe Cal us. otororethdemipsldkello cawehlo - Rcurrdentooutasoflofluen.1 astiesad 02y00sdathsalt h th pemuresrblatyonhseof urca Inocusruspts ofth hio.repors soTtesutakrd ngt the statsndMaru omniisafeto.iin Faba tpreuma4ly Petnyestedyo norm the elaeosf ofeafral ad resudnof housoepudemiostrahiho c atd nestimatedltl ot aws60.00 csead 2,000wdeats InYhiwa W OITTEN before the needos- the pep' ltlos of drinking of; thIs;bp tcwas signed. Lteutenant soot of wtetr, vwhe did ott our ha11dl WiVlliam Telfolr Daugherty, lust 'week because it was lm1priE" t>1I1ss Cornter 01110ostate Journal' writer, outed with their poisoned gas,1'' has sent1 un loteresting letter to a..wsfinoally arrIve, after pasesing urlwapaper friend in Columbus, Ho Is through a splendid senery, whosOt an1 itrretr at headuarlters of lbe beautiful sotomnal coloring is { ",vs evenet.-nsloth Di'isio. Amonug otllor mockery of tbto war just ahead. 11 ' things he itrItes: The towo isn't to euchbhad shape. "W~eeil the lasd of ruined vII- FrtzWas Ints e oobc of a hurly to Fo1tc.til1 loges, uhore one-timu peaceul cotse utoy nfatvswel truh,i i'r ul ol motaur, stoeand stucco, b.dh too' nfat s eloktroganuloos windows osd 0000 door we for'>l<d "oath thho inevitable and umnipresent 'll~ ''.1t~l oelo, e ben wiucl t so he has loft Insucooba horythatn 0VIA1the ofsa. hoe beeorduc1doe habs 1.11wardtobe and all Is hie ~ ~ s s1mi1h11ee1bs. Wheropthure ses woe''e p0 l l ty age beor 5u to chapter of history that rout. AltllolI 1lÂ~ he~ Itwastied or ou edtoralblouse, a feldwutsu, a pair of It0O O191t lt" aI t,-mines. tseelutOrlot'deour ethrllere, hut ire beware that It Istist a 1t+l;?'c>og t011 0111uru e1 u ak.rp for he's tricky and often lsaveuu ywr are e iou'bck0 li1l ~~'10 '11,:,it ex01 1000 l ' oplosivss about under such baron- fo hr se f orth,hohorulIfte 110- les s bmufiage. And we fiod Ppers~ f p,to Ivl only a0tn--p, ndooereone pampthlets, eta,. littered anth~"h114 Iou-ll, ad wore000struwn everywhere. nH o ems to he have.h tl9.y;t;lo to, to holt antil their blood cr- Isjal edr.?tura atheus, l 9~si tile'u, the ounapeakable, rottes, ta- aodas-uc o ao.H aPodPIlll'P%~..11111.00 tlasdlh~og50010. Ildeed, tona Iurry to get out, drop, Coeqb 'I'lt ueo feno 0wtIplng hIsl bolesat the bench. leaving hhiblos lt~ l 111' on ump01into 001' oat. Wu'll go hisl beer asd winss--ohviously a the' wetsadeer i III'" 01Ito thevllasge that the Hoe hos stinging regret. tho bpe.'th' 1.10t b~en rooted out of and see If "Tender ho the roadsIde a grave- heeotne AceonuII? str.' lrd of Gcrmnn duad. How well sp- ~syr~~ "Wocll htsve to go hy the one-way pointed It lo, with his uoual thur e-obple' wil 011010 01111,,v0111eretlain areus, for ougbnstsl Grey granIte headstones isbtu os qo.e 1110110 IA poptig a soand shello over boor the names and grades of thoes Pee" thr oe. 1Wtt tass a couple of mlto lie beneath. It is 0ui0e a large 'T, W.wuab t00ns w0 11011in robes, only shale- graveyard.t'Pr lonsothi ftt ormer ootllpro show1ng "Up oe this hillsIde he is 0wel1 built bendtal e.Ibte1 n011. We''tmrvelat the hower of in, aoif herwere hereofor lf. Weagt edes loud 11111tllust halo falletn, for no visit a howe he lies built that s ans trs (Ilt,'iu e~lto hsecpd Sveoc-cmotbyapntdaouowIn lt loll te fid t1.0chirchis tower tCollumhue and wueh wore protoan- *ieIy a ea. 4o1tlhes qI Ph1tcoo, kbltIts1na00 uod altror Ione. A wonderful psorottet,"Io thlwatt 1' 11 0110,an ued otlno or c tretohos for miles andt toles he. Hltr rgas'teatil "1' 1101100off' wr hit into country 'On our way 'bashkWell have te will so-alterate'. from. 01.1.1 te'lHuhoe jut000n stop oaod take dinner. We arrive Altitrdlag t6 rot. i, 111P4le ouhve, loouh wth u lp- lbout twilight. Cre oIE St. 11101111"d e1rt, 01011111 00 froet road- "No sooner installedt than the tha wok coloi 4d.Ills. mac1hine-gun 1 emplanse-lghts go out. A stren dismally y, totoo ire rkunrchle lot their thor- scrleeches Into the now fallen night. 'Ourseople,' t~al~l~lOeO.l01r1conructionu onthuehbett norder. hot. in haste. we file downpresparing to oh 000010.' In his system. thr stairs and then 'down wore stairs eepo the wtllI olot~x wr, 'rusted frotm rainseutil we are 'In damp dusgouts. Hero wast that will, and11 to.'. tet ot- verots ureso f fields two huddle together, tough and uhat, The Pursns and n4 wn."tleIlItlums~aier.out 1m110c10 of whlie above us, with spattering which hoe 0th m cIc"t ost hoe enPasted hy our casthe bs bhs from lito's ate- cties, wIll bhas l..uiurhrot's of1 heIt n fatrt.y, lcu.a drip all about. ganisattost. Douts lh;.t 10end deepInt o the "Then we hear thc whIrr o0 air- ' Use of the refs lgrountd jr-.'ahutdaut. ltlmakes oneplooes. The French aregoinggup toby theWisaIt ponc',r on11to, ofler all, when metc hase. Then a staccatt of matheba- prohibitions laws 10 Ipp 11to ' he 1deatlb. try 11- 00.1 lire. And quiet. The Buoho In ths opiuion sio, lll'l re'rtt'tthe aiml ad togoneoand wereturn tours- adeasoable;l borrt deep11'. nlob tho grousd: shell filtehed mual'ehvltg'theeeafter,!Or.- '.<. hlest 1001100 oade, bou ttinwhich hTi" lways comwu hock onewe cant Dry. Dleerec waerIs l''dy bt'lmmiog lrom the hoebtttheett with spoadlng half the At ths samet eee-calco rau. We remembere ot lIsnor dugot ptsoet' D.*0oV'Ooh.te4l':j - ' -- _____ -eaferuesteit ofany lia- he g1 nnhurn r - m ~ lpass, en the the IJIIIUIHl i t laws -Will heoe FOLL iuviui PACIT i Casualties thts voters wioo'1 II ~ rg~v~'- II Day le 'ofr* yl ii 1 um Ohl,~ ipowss fO FOB R tNORIIDOPEACE N41 bOhio-lMen. fn -IS LEAGUE PROGRAM. Prom iet0lbs lovintg casualties are repoeted by beeni iled4 00,.1 so nfoseCens-the comsmanding geasral of the Ames'- drys afr. ades Organization t nor tCss ion exspeditionary-forces: 'oIted bns Jgeguo tton ef War Announces Pro- of accdent a~n or as 10 tidwill have 'eitlas ofdsae 28 one eeey 0 nns ha.tgram frNtin'Congrens. woudddegreo undeteusSOed. 2361 tosity ~;ta~l'wune lgtly 0;niigl.0 i otl si.I,ton, 52;1pritonse"1t. Total Di1 eteol.s1lor ne Forty-ose Ohiotosmenae}Insolofd 0 ~ O Coneinsud from Firsstssa n in too list: Kild In aetion, 1$: died, of wounds. 01 dIed of amidealan ru sui otheso osuseus.'1; dIed of droses, 5 tulIlsubor of the stabus quo thut wilwoeunded severet. 1; 'nhupdad,. de-,~ defrat tho forces of hteathy growth ucee usdetnihehislsX 5; woundedsltgtand change, otnd prevtdlag, on the i Kilulweding a ai.I other hued, a wuy hy which progress ot. W. aeo.Wnhse.'cnb eue n eesr hne J. MKse d i, effrcted without recoorse to war., P. F.OMoreis! Mareo. I t "4. A representativeocongressat B.B.dorris, Cleveland. forwutalo and codify roles of inter- E. C. Lawwal1 Bethel. '1 ___> WosleyruSooe. Obhiloothebt1.0,1. nationtal In,', to Inspect the work of 30. C. MdeClain, Athens'r the administrativ~e bodies and to a.' C. toedsle.5 (luem ill. hJO~b e ltt consider any matter 5affecting ths. F. Oer, t'Onati, tranquility of Ihu world or the p rug. OSRe.iinOllse usvdtes or bettermoent of human rota-.W. 3. Stort. Mansillon. 1 l tis. Its deliterations abould -he 'tose ' WItalelh, Otway. also "6. An executive,body, able t la ans Greer." Bptwardwth athorty l, ~Cinsait. 1t 'ale s sp wih autorityin th nameof W.L Mddleto.'aytoo., theon otIe n representod and to; sot Ia Leeos syitees, Cb.Ghts, 1 r 01 +y rse tha peace of thu world I. en-. Goor 'e Scott inlnnostlo ttangerett. eeai J bzF Terpoettvsofthte differ- -"'ale tuAtoll aid'as4.0r' - t1 ei oebt eat nations in the organs af the C S vrpAk lh)U.,e Y r:Loa league should he0Ios propotion. to:the L F.To rsshr p Yls o. 1 c is+be responslhilities" end ubligatlotes they C. W. Boos. xanas ata y' 0 ~eotl assutoo. The roles of lnternational.Ia-3.,Dillyl Audtsyyt^ i<oWt, ';urn 4"u< '.; law should nut 'be dueer t.orla sk. Optuar geNoio.o ori, of unanimity. Gus h trooooeotaossi. ^A reiaSrt _tbTrd-fe" hk "-"-n - >otr 30'OMIO14I"OOOII...eO'5 x,[r gi0 f 11/14/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M4 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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