Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ 511U Â~Ii1't1L WILL L*. Â~1 War Work do not ily. Office open 7 a. to 9 p. in. MINGTON MACHINE CORPORATION SLeighton Avenue. Main %t. cnr to flonuma St. iced h""". S. V. Permit its &Overcoats $15 to $30 fool Materials. Quality id Make Guaranteed. n's Fall Hats $1.50 up HUB (LOTilING CO. 90 State Street of High Rent District. DAY AND MATLU DAY Hair Switches $4.95 Guggenheim's SLocation Sale.Y l v -.,.u... "....,V-4"............, I...... 1.i, 1. " l"1...,.', (1, dustry". Just at pr('..-nt. the ntl'. 1(. I''.., ':I.1:. \; M r. aim 1l l I i,' ' 1. rri+' r t lsrecruiting of- IJ1K clanif ing hatis ~ing Bois; in1 " i. I*, 1~' hlir' I nt t;I~', Itittn ny flen for pres. t;: yinga thOf t I n t in r r 1+. I I, tl ":1., 1u ItJiM?..t i I;t" j;," irfs+.nt Btost. $i~r- itlt ji.. ' ~!..,,1, 1t1o.1,*t*' i i,., " 1Ital lti" '.I> It iv ". ha Is il i flg *'ia' t c. fa f ', t.p";l: i',' r, hf 1 l r",II ts~ie t s ' J,." n i i.,.. n.-. rC;al' -' t: jriL:...Ir is litr:' i1. irn t ctt tlt.) taren.; ra~; e':u.:,' t-'l 1 r:: a 1t Iik 1. II ru i 3+ tr.rii - l -: siv l r )I. h IIit juI crlt! * ai ria t, I nn-t, rfile -('a1'P. ur,- trgir~ u he l ' pgrir'.1 t ' ' i:1.t he tndr: i'".j r,. " ita,rn 'f l%1 'hr1 e ' ' r ha I:+' -~' lltsli'ralr.' naliher of ta t I %I 53 h 1''-trd:;.rniiera ar.?".t:;t.I;"rt, ',:'I,,,t, S '?' - I;t);t ruial'r Ii;tt'.' taeeij aac- seit:I the sr 'ral -l; r"1'ta t, 4;1 t4 nIr r "It 'J! i t1:Intl ma. now hemsng bIt1et e d- pres' r'. +n: I.jnIt'"':,"kP i. If n- ' fh~t' I nc r-I)' I t; a r.-n fron;: ltlngton. reg f.rI d,:.ii:h+.t a:t;'an t,, r 'stri'r- I.. 1 N + ". h! 1, I "-1,+ 11"r- '.:i ll iia- ylrh ordters are rdrop t+o;a-r:-;,..I flt ii." a1,! th."' ' i'.: 1 ' I '. n t t,,t!:dOI.I '1; I-1lI:-,.1.\}l.lid''. ",O Orir gan street; reqtt t ". i. ra,..- tilt the*"l.;.1' *., ~ i a -.rT;:,I'1 i ttll t } Il J" a l,. }. "t ttaar + l, 1 1 2ltet tl' of (d Th(-ae "',1- a'r " taci;t I tn, n,'"- '' }, ta' a'.art t.11^.; 11.t- ii~tnu+". Mt.tI t,. 'h1.1tIII:1, i. li ur-,i ant Thsid 'iv 'y' l,'ii-: a,, t. r,. Ir1 rl' t\ r' t 1.; A t I i 'n A.:",'-rt t-a.1t.ieI+ If. aa.l.443 F}'rond 't tlen '1 ' i. - ', ", rf 111i.1;~l+,..t tr..'.. ' ' ti,.non itn '"rn r. acid ':a ic Meyerc, 1. laey- ing t1 iliann I:l':it s-. 'S S+uth 'itzhauih if.,I' 1'*t ~l n- I t,tllti-t.; nicl t r rs-i. on, I qrrc'; ('ha rii-'a I 'hi p1 (ra fenct't r " r+'.I r' tt-.- -ii1, l ir-atrt }'k.; I-tin ti-r infariiition Mas been re- T p I'', 1 ',",1 I~a-i cy t.; W illiam T 15~ North Â~';thin;;ton snr'et:Ar'ltu.I:IK t1. ' - 1! } la'. II a,,r -iI: l,Irriano Ie'iveul hfer.'rl, isie to acceptance of Indici j(;eorr-tr'"t. 4 Front strret: IW.,r!,', " ' - tIiritiSt 'P"rank ItR. nen ffar enlitstment in the general at I1"I.,,.- ",+ tr,,t.wnrid TFir. Hari ant.r~t.)rr'h 64 I"'ontstret;Jtli~tI..:,sl+ ':4 I '(tl, i:.1't-I t N-h: t 4:2 aar'r lt+'r'. All rilen who join the Ma- girt' Sriilirigv. 6 Market street;: ~tt"''- I'>it t'.i n it Crarl t lits'fs-r',I It hu;' d 'ninelt'(ips will l1t' required to obtain cc: I ssn:a (;uironnt. 2:3 Ma in stree"t Â~'" '. ': 'rn". Valiitfc'. 1;134 aMnonlaur'titarifromt their rpruertive draft nano 'John Darion I1111. 54 lar ri-cr~t; tit:nj-J I. 'I>t t+. p srin r. 1 VI o;"re-tin ro efrrrtheyt can be acrepted at such ham t~tJohn At-earl. 'i1 &-..Â~'.!r.-.:. I. r;" '.1 5. i-IC.tl11 1 tnlrot in";', the to 'altrecruitlfig sttationl. nl (;oodhanrl Edwuin f lit-I-:,..VJ W'*.tlou ' t '1"' 1:d. r4 in n 1.. Jsid't1,: i-......-l 1ti 'A!-.,. I".nil taco A 11. "ZinVE '1,1,Tt onIhug 1lateares W;h 1t S d ~a}'s open street;.lohn Pa-anetl. 4!J or 4+:1li-t'::;.n -n trs; Cart A,. And r,'-s. I ion a1'enoe south;. r uk!,i.>. 1~1 i t t. 1 '. +.. Allen V.' Mi riftIll'lt hifi&.tltoi f th elect rake!rfttSt C-ak'911- " nn i St.; Anfhrnv Ilstn^ 156 Third: \F:11' 1OltI(.111':iulcl.\ - irttatir Prtat; "-rtit.. \td'.hl.+lI-inst --A ltter.from Prsidet WI enfP t;cus change street; Alexande'r lit s I ti- 1i I:;,1K11ti:1ltr, 4t1 103 "trd Ave. iI'r~ ~tr(t, eiet i"T _I.-__. -._. _._ _ _._______sont In ht is a nwriting. This will be a ti M a". souvenir well wo.-rth keeping. ponit I/x h i tc vI P1 Si-fend--A hr'auttfizl etching of the aon 0e er an 1Statue of Lihrrtla1y Joseph Pennell, ad reprolduced by rotogravure on fine p aire d-4 ee and lrinterd as a scearate supple- trart. j htient. andi oupi.d ta)" the 1', S. Gov- at lc 4 n 1 -rnrn-t to the N-a' York Sunday lgl 1An-rican for frest'eistiliatloa to Its Kleli - ___________ - - -- r-sae!a.'r ratd disappointment, Ibe S In the Iitat of deaths from Spanish iiileii ta '-ntrain early in tOctober hale;i--are and pllace 3usr~ order In advance -nfluienza at lbhe SyracuIse Recruit hco in s n'elled temporarily. Iwt yu iwselr-Av V Camap appears the naime of William E. ru~ln tiro has been compelled to In-I ' stir';ippeail for help In fighting the,t pool floy's anfl(lrls Attention. fGorse. of Rochester. The directory rlil'Ii' all available nurses being I Special skating session Saturday rails to show any such man residing either at work or victims of the din- I afternoons at the Stratford Roller in Rochester, and none of the lorcat Faso and a dozen other cities havej Rink. Clinton avenue, near Andrews boards has the record of any soil ben, asked to send nurses. Rochester street. Good music, pure air, dustless r man inducted Into service from Rtoch- haw noat yet received a call from Syra. floor. Admission, including war taxi war etror Monroe County. subs5. Ihit IRochester nu~rse-s to the check mroonm saes 6c-Ad. woo( (Conditions at the training camps nftiber of half a,(core or more are an satseve-dv have become such that the call fur' anssnfing ini the fight In Boston. folio committee on arrangements and M.,iag. Puree Of Gold1 andNi. Charles" It. Brower chhtand Fo M nister of charge of the donations. ares char C layC u h1Raymond L Fitzgerald f Payments pre- pie ( A purse of gold and many articles' Editor Of Madison viously a C - w -of silverware were presented to th nwde. 198837 oUan ReadMs..M~la tBartarak Pper noweded.. 1,58,63.5 rI 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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