Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ 1r.. rank Persojns Oct., 1918. Chair: Commi4 tee to Conduct Capain arinst 4anish nfluenza SPMIlfH IP~tUENZA t Mr. Greer's rewet - im linging herewith the strps t'kn U. Iistritute i-"o''t~ nocurnlrg SpanIsh Â~IflUenza o the peoTle throughth 4b& ed Cross orwztin The Public dal th Service, on Tuesday (ttobcr it. rsquecsted th. ed Gross to -srrarge hor the dittribut ion of 00',O00 Ieaflets. As the erideiic was re severe in the Fast, it was decided to dilvide thc country aproximate y ivt o two parts; i the Eastern section to dlstribute le'flets lready printed, and in the Western section, to repuest tde ' ieton ofrices to reprint the leaflet. Acting or this general pan oc tapaign, the follorinp steps were taken: 1. On Tused,y a letter was despatched to the Northern, %orth westrn, P ci ic, Mountain and 3outh estern Division Hectuarters 4'or es'rles o* Ieaflet requesting them to reprint it in eufienrt Uarntity to distrbute it throuh their kerritory, providng one leaflet for every ten of the population. Copy of this letter is Kttrhei >rked ('). 2. It was decided to send leaflets direct to certan chapters in Thw Thdand, New York, Pennsylvania, Potomac and Southern Divisions. These cities were selected by Dr. Shipley ad Dr. lark, and on Tuesday 4f7,500 leaflets were sent by parcels poet, special delliery under O.S.Treasury Frank from National Headquarters to these chapters. The list of the chapters to whom they were sent with the quantities is attached marked (b. bach bund hM pxsted on it a Red label which is attached marked (c). The division managers were advised that these leaflets had been sent and told that this distribution only touched the high spots, and if they wished more to arrange for their reprinting in autfto lent quant it y. 5. it was Jlanned to send leaflets direct to the?ake and Central dvisions. The Lake Division was informed that 112,500 woul d be sent them for distribution to certain cities. The Central was informed- that 3EO0 would be sent them for d istribution.!e have as yet been anable to obtain r sufficient quantity from the U.S. Public Health Servite to complete these two orders. They have promised 7f,000 today of which 50,000 wIll be sent to the Lake Division and 25,000 to the Central Division. In each case when the shipment was made direct to a chapter, IIv} a1 S3nNOV1N!IN31I 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

Courtesy of: 803.7 Epidemics, Influenza, Publicity and Publications, 688, NARA, Washington, District of Columbia

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