Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ N ~ Irth of trCptdi.ay sit4 cres '' n, of Scko t i wlaW,s. Asnseioin4t in. Aovi. OceL2.-The 3r~tleb bean!; attacktoday on;the front between nthao an koemsesothof Yalec00, Wield Marshal 4fel a Oeoeeo Mrtub have opt 'bS *taaev. 24 North of Val.ent I~u hod have I thelt bank thoil ats t. #iAss nIs 1l1;tt mllsset, aut, I qed' t" Cnte o tuU st Soipmeasa Thre.11*4 * abeed at -ii vitalAto the sieeis of tai anretreat plan. hetwese. the Osq eoss t.Rivra) *4 teeps. have eoteted (fit~ Md OraodhuA,north of tad., a.. 1a tltnti port.' Oct...Anv'.4rloaetranport chek be tw baige lo4ddv6tb(0)0 tes.dl&osE today'. Four itfe on the bate Weoeter- tI 04.4 by a tug. 'lb. tracti ltd hot dainacod. rto.1 a~ that feinlp45e, t5115O5J9* gad e ometsen t frope t M 50et iesth ALLIES T~b ONEIIY-ALL WN Plan to GLyec Ge ya 'Igo ' Rest Troops oz K uknrt Supplius SECE IS RER.'ONLY '1*4 (B m iatt"rs With thes ' nrea?crs rt of, Vsrdne. Oat.:9.--Ueiese Gis sawed b h tk tort atns. DISCUSS LIFTIN6. OF EPIDPJIICB AN Hiealth "Authorities Expected ' Re open Schools. Churchedsad Theatres rt ofMonday NEW CASES STILL o"FALL The Bursau of Health mtet. at niq n to d w ic hbbet i fm i. eib the paotttfure weeitÂ~ Iets today show a aipll~futttA46 - 005In 06w caoeoof Infiosis. - 1 t reported for the past twett r. o lbeus. being seventy lower than - estsr S PhU l fl~ha had now lteon Oe 1 wi1th 1 causenw ""over 'night. Nor f Mrketat.there wore 149 new listho arket, &T, and In ola 1i_1h~WGermantown. seottoes W' 10 ON DAY'S IIONOR LIST; 4 OFEKI3RS DID Lieut. Heziohurst Succumbs to Wounds--Horace lskr VIctim of Airplane Apcident 86 MEN WOUNDED Iri ACTION~ THE ROLL OF HONOR etlnsushe M woe the m~ eHell shlw swan. 1? w Nc. J. Inc. eti Use lyIs beonmtng 'tb, bl driven lb lIs Armisesin Fra it.-British trdobs ray into' the coo Kipt todagc.'T'hey Seemy n'obhtM..k of the gob"0."ceameei Raniehurat 4e;. aan. *1... F J= 1111 ilio l e Joha It. 11...1 Pos at Os tAoL~n r s..Aker. iossbe I a.. 30us ieone asked hlim the colers of ew Caoo flag. I and White." beesid, bof thE IsOf a certain. onrarying shade. heequated his shouldere-the red 5104 i dlfgts. wore haded b i i'b and by Pvofesor Ntert -A. 9ftt Oberlin. Professor Millier bme ads ed a close studh n late' of seidie Korope end!q" 't en the subject. H.I. stdre' e now onion, sod the only Aieet s4e, Oct.. o?* t,.,Serve front tao U1 the.Grniswisek awith beavy saa *o un fitse th" f pof the Frelo o.toe$daerv.' gas ~issS~eFurther 4a.w M O t S Ae~ i i ~ b T w i. IH ~ issee h K Waaler ieingpodoms "i 1 s. I f' I a 2"t e-dost w ti I~ Oar." datgat be 4m *for Aoe un. -1.fdir4Ni Veea eac d 22-o lted vbth 1*.a"ittevto ht. La ___ tli4tatesnt whwch e. An osepilled to- con- tisre men and matsrPirehlng's troops Plato Thid PRO. I Coo i MCM " the'"- a!2i end Pd. at. Ii. regulatlon ai he allowed to k" 01 anoband dent fail to do no w -declded role morning. after n Ironference ticon Presldmit and Professor Herbert. if Oberlin College. Director at kocrette tid-iCuropean Union. to to a resolution in oofterence the Government of the Unit.1 nthe stand taken in rogard to peeos note. ~'lOM The order iesed 'Is illstsotlws: * Inteflilhteven ue -otflswill linn llnseennirk(iim.nnreln. e M, ic.k4Ko. "We foalthai the position taken by ~teidntWiso 154 ~eq o ts uetAod s whO 'hatt ilthensed rliquor andu- Ct le leeene.?T4 as ft. the Pteeldoni of the t.nited States In tees o Gtea nog n"Unsrtt}. no phed F lu legAd- 1'nb.... rot han Amy eciA. RrosidrO 62Pie U temailer cf the German snotete IMel v. ifots than sef -alp apt tof. tvocriuetion. provided 'his 411tnt 24rate r. is a just and geod one. We bellete with sate1t Vd statestr dtent 000io0 Id anensecial internal indocik If. teas,.A blur. him that Germany is merely pltaring for SleRae et reohle axofactn J3nt i jtr, snt ia. timc.' Profoeor Mastaryb said. '-' ofcoat, v let w osotd whisky or wise. Pnck ft. ol*t. sso tsnt, nO. i holieve it would be a good thing withdrawO ancd Iew4iaO Jf olI u ofwhether tlin or otkorolttis srok H, 'uhrr. 2110. 11,ii t. right hsre, et ticeopening or our ooh-" poots. thesPhye- if e o eatr 1 b Ii t seilta, id e- J>,. n ":t It. ll wen! nt. ference. to let the people of the Utaelut P.M.,by II tsotoopt toarsal ltsoentee eator Ledrer rostor iolni7. IlmOdnir 221ils et;. tatens, sod thase good people of thestll;teat appreolation rtosenorsr"t edthroug tho night day."It Is Important thai themewo: l3hn 5.rofw. lp. os.d. w. of Philadelphia, nnddretand thet we takes a hnd, or.or 11br n uepe lrnieiI t I hiamitc v otere of w 'Clu 1. r Or morandmeain d. fie'. oee saloons during the a0nt it. ee"Threcanbe no teams." he deeed. idegm on p. esd PN osohep the1 wltetIot efort ehoald pay j * itn7. ii'iineoil. u1. tllewenh t..-his fae lighting up determinedly. "until etch you and L. mote...,..enter and leave <et o 0" nllion of} tho, d.. t fehehskena nanilst n. er eeusfSgbV0".month t ' teo nsthey will Wilw icl.-.ko 4sre1P surrender of the German urntiles." o4 ' Stais5 dns: respective rooms.'bte labie to adtoa helyo 0Iit lt, won.. u i ttst a TO sn. h ei ~tn fte a. VI1m lM.Jr. l if s psdl la pnaty f 0at.em e, e.ANT DIALU.CTS A PROBI.T~[ p~eIO deere i...i RDER Wi..thely oaset oftf1umes 111ehisea1 "The greaiest diotoulty in the way of aed4 whw iiiOORER WihX wkv'~~oai.055 Whntau et fdrtigteCseno-etovak peoples he. aainhegra,.I-tatoorsity of Peomyl- tilin!' bnv Ai niO. i adtart, vanla.,.00 h have inldnd to Hoell1d'. elson 00T7 iliftinait, n number and divergenoy of thes die td tXU llg Anfset Tioltre 0thndon a ' hy hoopial at tin Oneini.Plose teprc. tacts spen by the ndl!dual unts of O tho safrd ci--uX11o Delta 'P >1i foesr. Tht two "t ~nlN. Cssaratse. 1100 Siloweb r. thinnew naion elsd~io.Msr Ivtt isior'Yo.eaedaphe. remetaAltg _ a wretrosterredto.1 fbrledweie ise. Oust i. PIn n poabiog of the new union of gtsllOw 't", ltrt' tdathr. hnki xloaythe b tland nilie other "inenf ir qetoati~r 624 etilnd peen peopes. Tsro in no tuestion of a5 itecir to A T omts. } U rtitd theies tu niv bPedital e.e A nrmr. 15 ire tt+t.trennd malse e areondieni lif polse Tise ores r t'. it ybS perl l the stedeote ed.::jrY 114 hom.ettl - ele ttidb Spr *eo..eoI' alsr S yN eliU: " bh ai n ighl em hoy and see ta Ithtendeitt Wildi. fat tlag a ocferente READJY biOVR KAISER::"othX roir.61. il. ol l. Pohb>farcdsigtyame 10 "" ra n, i~hrd 1 011 1 N. in b6? tod. gt hrdt, Iooso lu idle the rare adco with Dlreoete bi afety Wilson. pery tlolc. 1x18a0. 5kSi. t oih:Tusdyioer dat Irfeantt Suoertanand eo ' bafterword1'. anplale-. lie kmtsh~l tesor I oo Sd hNne dedc:.o afterwthd lppoo- u U11116eace Fcr Day,:&I:. t..s:. o s-4tots. int 0. i a. naw,. enoming unsettled; tight "A-I i t ce qosittlee ht hor')menstht h Ois-iae rne'..lua inuc thtt.e h,g.aft 'i..dwc""f19 Pleur ~ nh NH. neitor.e i e1 F. w rearev1. able winlLo when i[say aatha ulroe ai 41i1'.is In ltheenrl"Tyo rrÂ~at"lir,14 lsr., would be served part of the, f t ean extended t Alilnt5Idati. 0 7.A1,-Untderr modert m t. 41.aleacie-rei 111.4l. Sheetway. athe.every elda; sInest in the cty. oona1ndit)Oe, the.Freotitrt Ilead- 'IlllienRaeon. lilmoyoc. iinIG1T AoefoeRxSnATm.E SILLER'f W~lryiscesn bdqein lastruclesi ti sa kcitseen thq pe~tst carrful one. on fo~uA 0!In 'ti 17i ' _^1 8 r Ecallfytten ol'that that thee pttin t rhbitles broken ep as the Wetier'h t. will inch l io oee. Wlecooi-*uuyMo T 501 OItin0 __ _!X11 __ esee bone pactg a further. IIssed 0501agt the spread It Inslnot t w"rIto,,l tMy, H"~t.fwa ~1ouv t tTl~ et rap lo i rag nlhe e4t 'doeinilna rcirral from ilItBisa~~ tartithul lvn D rdvmr i ia Ajctr hlc!hirereheoldle fuk-."ftlts 1 &63nseaAeniedree. t5lTA"707 sel:il~tt irn l laodrm to lndy. e Zptl~f ~ ll 0 lili ly s"O it llln ',. iters. iee10STA1DFO OW WILUONY. 510 e sch. lut Ii cleev dy. * tog. ' et.WetT:rut. eftvere. so ts o. St car. iot. 1eeh A uppltlntt ' was Iseued I W b oelc ico- ls~.lde,.Ine.e~e.mj a1s. i. aod l Ksfesi cn.v lrMdv oco e% ns inn A1 IE l:Ibare t m.tatn ide. ihreng foment silotilthe r11- or t'tetelic ene wul.1.evoewaoin0 wAk e HitlssC they are fist Omois uf 151185 proceeddInsoclicual o51acsriiie ocyenla. ' t1eat noiiveonrotcto. pren.snl~o sprinled. TN Mg q 4ud r iln dedr oe 16Uolslnidi in sill inn' howard. 1011 rtc..-wil no tc 7 of the ')epet'ft ox Health and Chas.IN rose% aesf~tlo osie lFnr he third tusse thin weak moo from rd.0 o no Ml e'w nI Issn i.a. fNe2~ ifesto keep p4{ oat which to a carrier j' ton onlsad iint regve o Or[ i ' orjall QOtlln~* to, On i.' -.Thecdor tch. fIn he ni ilit v gvn to lci-Ate,oat Igo ranik k.nd~lr Ooiern did N11 f5Pente)-Dr. amoted e5M t d. matting Infob t. 'ib.paysm 0 susie ilrayth ntc f botirorn00hoary of- Aitneo, e.end oisod. Aj.kty. died today " itdr"y..wsn0tewad n lrirdced Isk' taoaed "'t sldent C lown or she finlal crality'lists. l 'j i snr i tat hi onwvei. iili')sreo from tnhhold rtc In Coenctlis, at t roequet of Alles refoee t.' ia telfur unertoltice Inploding "honor roll"sidlue roreort- wb.R shi._ nes no-sd i. e Ito15 P dt,.s3. ysv l o ietrX 'ns ' eteel rnoatsy. esl' reiltives, 1009 etone are namsed. tP kh~i 'Tnt..l'inio Ii - Sc.K -. ' pairts, life s o Tikastd l.cssd.Is here Of tre enn ff1gal sip their is.. s'i ~Osei 5 hese~i. Is tall(cabt' theita necssei." 1tics i tlhii'.e mn,. revowoundod ansd four t.iI'f.Pao' er.,sl'o s".n fen e ad dae ea hsca rTEXAS L ~1AW KNOCKED OUT WolSo enti cesi. " "wn'it denyor NIsoine. eh t li- pwrot teeMsisr... 1 Io ~n poilti fil; pk ih violenco son 'Yesterdays war lint containd the n's er.'t e'0 tGeCOlt u0 tCnflict ts at thwhen lhey Ilhouflt tDos- nns..mof moe ihass A01 oscwhe full Ie ^"" i.-? At3 iio Tm1r tes wilier) anl0SO1d t. 3h Wg ' Opio Proo sE I ticsliht battle,. tondayi total onr nearly?11, iA')pn ai"t. ~nif t om Ot1l. S >hould P do41t Wilsass emnd h tLioncani JBaci Fnidman, tiotnd ae ltcsr sins v055*w e el5o.'. tc i. n:ego. ho to ad. eatlt 'teford51 e oses t Imoaelbis.w O p5150 lrockosnwith a s-en- billed ledat'. a s rret~uiy reported. wcnl t i t,,0lei o091 tun. is et,. f it i~s gthflAhitlnO UsE'.,-tIV.!.-lhe Cort ef tinuatlefi of.thae war.'Lieustocant liarnsuadofl onlasl aGerts~- lc00-tancit sili.0 Ocs-oawrrt. 1ir"-O. thes lue'loqlCinnlABMiedi 0 amajority opinion Peed.10"meet eiudolayid o ningln icon. hae died ci waunda, eaccording to otescetst i.. wrn cip., nl'Roih necilesns if ihen a War I>paricneenuecooag. - - 'today, beld tie ttats?r olalblllon Law role it' 1IIVOTTr nmnt s ou i R &it'o Itveed -' uontttoit. fati td. Jnait. Alclaros the Volk-. 1ruath tense '10 ielenant Horaee1Ba- i- '5r Ustocl!N. 5.1. 1 1k nerd.wnqt. i(01isn4ontfeol50tiri l5utd. Jer. ilurferd. In sin ciplwesaccdoist. Lrct': 1..;itic5 lssasInc ettsonwn. per i 11knod ' a.ds....Tht epinioni1la' - arrow. who The lnWit Tktgwsmht anwevery- As-sWeelt was ales. hisiosotor Ihe death.ef I-nn i ae t. roivisee lt"on it ruirJ~~vle. trat Ito; W. "conliot with one s oonolne the.Allce oillstv.5le-.LIotonant Jocoph Kc rnlab. Bridoeburet., int' ).et "J lot441 0e'On-.A ates' UM 'tier local 0op "t4d 'Of the constitu- coe d Gts tep pa. 'slii Jk rodvg aemilN 11e. trlcn N ni ii iilir -dl f te.. -s:thc airy of issrnlol I m~r. Its ho He~seI 'r Crpsa, 111th Infantry. 1.. mKrao. in 4th end lisseod Is 0.1k.b " t53o11.. -mny is the P. e, tin lnn ~nl smle n-switsae, e ". oss-slsg to aw iom t s. is1-s,.s'ts."ni.00N46111 ol. Inl4n r ne ar ved to'5. wroto hie musher, hire. Henry lisomasn..s.'f cellals -in s..e..otietllo incerh adoro.t avinsas0tl - 4, P.-Major wit- 70Ded l"' 'atory Explosion agelof t h e Jed theSllao.h iF.nt. tIAt I theo s d, m11. lietonNe. seti'unilnctci AIh K a 10/25/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M TitnmJ; ltOl 0. Oct.',of this,t hoepoltel fifty-twi i ' r '7 i 1 f S Y,:, 1, y ^. ' Y ' 0

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