Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ 'aratWitd'a~ A~Q~ 'Re i - ~ BIoatrd~ Aldermien met ths wtr nonat city Hall. as a actrd of! h AU: 0 $ealth' to remove, the ban oni chuerches.,,~bs ech ojs, theatres and Indoor public F, ut gefheririge generally, which hesbonI ~ary~ ~tixit force for the past three weeks because I ~il iketo be of the influenza. epidemic.,_ over Prior tot the meeting, Mayor Gainer retar ofthe oht-conferred with Superintendent of Heaith d ' org Nach- C. V. Chapin, at th conclusion. of which it,Cafe, itn both of the Mayor stated that, in his opinion and Sae ~A'S that of the heaelth authorities. condithe, defendant die- tions have improved suciently to war- t-~M*t &Om.oaf' the rant the remov"al of lhA restrictIons. ~ ~ses erm- The attitude of the Mayor and of other X"1o41er d inbr ftebor ro t h et "Vket, lug lef ite bd rou tthe ore of u*ket.t lauedat r leftlitte4 dobt ta thatoderof~ awtek t or abtrOc.4wudtercnddadhtno t t e oer dabusdtMoniin ol erme tmd ttng At the'Of-n-uit,,o morrow 'night, By msak~ng the vy, the tsurt denied wlthdawral effective to-morrow night, the tet 4jrect the ver- klerniean will open up the way for a Som nt and ad~e- free day on Sn urday, so that the mer L chants of the city may carry on business - unrestricted on that (lay. Acctording to reports received by Dr. Chain up to noon to-day, there were but I)I new cases of the disease yesterd ay in }this city. For the peat 24 hours ending at noon to-day, Z7. deaths were reported, have tW:1 ved 38 fron ait lenra. tnd it from pneumronia. tit. o verseas: Elieven new cases were admitted to 4 y Fps hospitals to-day. the numkzber showing the Ilbe-husual recent. decrease. At *Woon socket, where the situat~on 'has been faet cleaing, only four deaths we 4 ip yesterday, and the generyl sit ~t~at Tht atison remained about the same. At ~ O~D pr's; Little Cunpton, where the disease spreadI ' r"S ' f t.rapidly last- week, the outiooc now is ~- brighter each day. There were no new #~of Wr. vses there yesterday, and cinly two pa-? 9?vest Usluts remain at the emergency hospital. There were three new influenza cs iteia- se one death et itl Newport. How l~ h ~ Emertsya ra.4+1 new easpe were r-. Wirte In the ltceemd NavalDies trctbat x ~det so~rr Ither-. Therye was. -3.." a. ""=; oha oi or- so ho~ ad sat r! u Y*'. a.nn'~i.rall at Ithe. & P p, plant.,Pbwtuet, toty, dolare&. Se Ator Cold':Itadj stock hr tbe 'rortione and aga.{nst.the people,. in hip,' vip on- importa't measres before the e. He cited t;tator Cot'Notes ori the colpOratihl tax featuere of the 1917 APprt p #&tgof billthe,,bedera. Rserve Bank law and the Federal* Farm Loan bill, as proof of his. statenient, Senator Colt is *"the last man, in the world': to he returned to the Senate to help President Wilson in the reconstruction meajtures to follow the war, he As serted.' and declared Mr. Colt to be lOO. miles awlt y from 'the. President's thoughts and alms and purmase" He said that Senator Colt's record. indicated that, in the. work of reconstruction, he would "volte to rcotr~*uct Arnerict for. the benefit of the. corporalions and trusts and against the peo-" pie." ssrveri fling Abe Seeks Mising Wifte. George Provost of Springfield. Masrs., is seeking his wife. Mary Louise. Provost, who left her home. '21 P'rprnont street, Sept. 4. and has not been, seen by her fanmily since. Mr. Provost says his wife was 41i at the time. She wore a dark "blue coat and skirt, and a white waist. trimmed with red. Her eyes and hair are dark brown. and 'she Is 5 feet 1 Inch tall and 'weighs L35 pounds. Mr. Provost offers a $b liberty bond (W~;newt, of his wife, dead or alive. i ta igthe r~bd J3*rry WI h(enate. w48 bely enasbe47, gated, bt earz the madhiso. *314 i ila before th y t *'repazat'tos )ad W h bWAWA Cha rmsn. t' Ufa terday the eomuiil War Fund. Drive which, -begins. Nov. through. tt tweek.. Vlcevhairman-T4hos -David R. Mc~Cay; A Harry W: Godin,. tee--Andrew E.C. Mart Elton BS. Fiher, PO' Hull, WIll#ard3. $ 11wrS.and Freak J.. NO MORE BLUE MONDAYS Fap 7 m1:.' i, r t..:! r. '.sue' 'r _.. 01/12/2007 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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