Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ _ LIK-E-NAMEL The modern finish cr flonors, furniture, picture franmes, linoleams, woodwork and. all uses where a stain and var nish ejgect is 'desired. Aske for color cards showin jg the many beautifull ef ects abtoined by the use of this modern finish. F. P. COLLINS PAINT CO., Inc. 225 WEST FAVElTE STREET RECORD OF -NEW OF INFLUENZA SHARP_ DROP 1) ONLY 26. SOLDIERS REODSRICE AT TIE CANTONMENT Smalle4t Jiumber Since Plague Began ---Death List, However, Contains 14 More Names---Five Are Massachusetts Boys. O NLY twenty-six nesv cases of epidemic influenza were dis covered at the Syracuse Recruit Camp yesterday. The filgare is the smallest recorded since September 10, the day aifter the origrinal two cases of lbs disease were uncovered in a battalion of troops from Eastern Massachasetts. Major Arthur F. Thompson and Major A. 0. Coumbe were elated at, the sudden drop in the figures yesterday, the decline coming from 3t casea that broke out-Tuesday:-Osse-weele-ags tinenumber of new caaes daily was in exceas of 200. Death Record Continues High. Yesterdays deatlfslit neaineod alah, Patientsat Sh. nat. Fair gemunds In ea'iloanitalorino rteesn wsnit alsawlarnitnn toiinr. acnording Annr deaths n then.welve-hor enrind, to tanheet nade nst night Sy Men.,_~_ _ JmenP. ahanahan of the Rend Cros. CASES i1'.:I TAKES$, kT CAMP Dies at Camp Disc Victim of Pneumnonia former:Syracuse -I an Is Promoted, C., H. Birdseye Made U3ass tnanst-slonel of tillery. C zooms 5s5503503. am at Or.sandIt..eore. 1 a eve, Ceaesty offtis sity and Voan. 3m7, h beesprnmoted to ben an-*. tenaat-aniselni nthe naun1er7ses U.Snre Vewarhe a sine!.Of the Usehy anasais 5015.1.. of ts aSaaaoma Usap~. na SheI sinug nf 19ar haeta oassastnd a.5 - 5..a ona f. asie nfro iathe esenens db.. adl ltee cnn ndanosofie0a IMajity en..hnenneahed Sie coat eta. front. nlaani laiseyp's &ant Si th nagis.'coarpe. 5,000 QUARTS OF MILK CUiT OFF FROM DEALERS Claim Made byaDatrymen's League Mnst Lang. Distributosn Sign Agresament. Thu anrseffet as ts. slithnld-u# will he felt InSlyracuse toay. Aseansing that sien. s lvn o ut Sy C.hM. Cnn- on, She DalcyeiaLenauelasS elght areacu rats, 6,000 tines..woilnaeoithout Shetc uniy uat. Thisreresen..tlsat 1iSp sanS of ths eenimalansiaptin. Mn. Cme said ih. neasniheishorama wtas otfeli Tuesday and yestenday can becase sme oftedealers hand supnlie an handanedagmesntnd theme in draw leg uplon the linge oalies. Mn. Can nine delard thantsate. delerstolad ihe eanns. Say and siged uanwi101tea meaus ohen lheyhad hot done so. ne lievng tillstnatemeni. 1h pnoducesnet Coe weas eot neady iast night to heow -smsrdals- an sgne-lop sines She niik fnud,wasnecdininnd. All Sutna. ni She Inasedlisintor, esaid. liad_ don ns. He casn nat then ohe would followcwthein a day oenoi. Thercnlcitrants, willifned, oevern.tSaS naOsislyS Ssiic dnily *anlie Shad bin signed nvenrn o oterdenlersnor e next n 60 BARS IN SYRACUSE WILL 60 OUT OF WSISS Indinaed by Grantng nf 88 tecthn cate-Fec Xore Raecal. REpented. There wili S. aboat 300 Sacs isnngiinntlo In Syrcuse doringtien estet ight msnths, acording t i urnn cnn ielid intenday Sc Mosesi D. Rnlin. deputy aomsisseaner aS excise. Only O0 etia~eshare, hen Issea d theae csi.lesn Shan Sonic. in S vn l t. S "'I Sane lasS handed auticertificate No. eN'said ar. teubin lasa night. 'then. ace poeaisly sia nre sitmoen, Sat01. uer will111nsathaeaaoveN00.Thecnesnenn 30 Is n ocrtiolas teara i so ta She en. dantien Isnsidal."l. Twonplatesn ' ibhdidnnobuianssne dir a. "yeseday beca. se failure ts aporanniSann bsnatapea -^'.ni55 and tae Sc criictseao.They hnd trouale iththeSibo snng cnmsans, thesa id, and oneedelaying anly to gas it strightiend out. DEMOCRATIC HEADQUARTERS *FOR WOMEN TO OPEN TODAY Mrs. A. H. Hfiudnedth ts Engage Rnooms at tofuOnndaga, frnom Camber of, ominerce Starts Movemilent to Stage Big Contest. OCTOBER,26 DATE PROPOSED ardiron-Batt.Bg s-aA. T. C. and N.Vlport Teanne =Plaeaedn ASIA BOVEREMENT'S CONSENT If Obtained New Comabined Ow '. ganlzalloss Will Prof ' eel for Big Day Her. T HE Chamber at Conmmerce will try lq bring absoutan army-navy football game here on October 26. A committee was appointed last night ko,nrranga a meeting hetween the Students Army Training Corps of Syracuse University and, the, Newport Naval Training Station eleven. Seeks. Permilt for Gaps. Denaie te feet that Snhenoensnni has bannd Ietecnnilea n port. C. D. Warner j. POWERS' DRUG SPECIALS TODAY, ThURSDAI5SONLY Sneer elne a asnap slinSna Neen*D soges a.nal;aaanS Odeta Sb Shin Lsx-PIrinsMalted T~aio eiie Ml - I s'r" ~Ir '''5 afllaos: ANTSONIO SaTani, We~i eewer Vin, Mass. r~a~lr HNRYneATH-inTON, Armn atne. itRANK c Esunnanos oreteer serve admialy faorelavaiu ther ui.0 ICtean Greenvilles, Mict. puonsenn. rhec ace.GORGaE WELls. Livingston Manon. AteamerTrucnksAeTHURnOte HNSecNDoacestern Auta Truns.Mann. Weeened Traeik. DAVID LAeOevliiss. Maribor Pricd Scan.......$11.050 t 19Oi.00 cnoh, ans. Waecarsrr a euli lines aS oldies' SIDNEY rTUiCER, Auburn. neesiiesaned al resanableprnis. PRANeKteICiORSili. Oadensurg. Ensaen EWELCHl. osnllie. Syracuse Trunk Co. ]OEHO~~.EAbntr usaXX A, ]zProb.. 4445S. sauinas oGEOcEtensellIiPH. Mount Maccls. 'eserday's liest af xlttlebe coult IS. I Predctnsmade earlyIMHn eaweekn. 0 C MSalorthopsneawlajtasat. deal. HO rcoard woald Inceaesen I aboeaatis ime BUY 9we he tnilets ndmeid in mch tange flffenmbernabout a noek agoa ced LIB RTY cuiaollsntae. lUKI.KUYDevelopmnt eExp.510td. "n the ' n.saual run aSf te dise, BO NDS d MatacThamnmesaillaIst night,."th. (dNDS tfellhthe eon eseSomparativael o:allc --andi- liii mpnnplg as. Nowat e onansetesit 9 tA P OU T deaths appeecar oIecrnase-bt a t won AUTOCRACY nt olee avi ed." evsS Sden t Major Thompsnepessed iosnif as Itllespeleiliepdeased oilS iho dealionne liiiIllcases, ilewleoaS 5the pleasateathseir II ESTABLISH y estayneovanieg sed lane elaht A S DEMOCRACY locwad aSy5a eanorm aous tap n bO tal casts. BeceIntidid not, tasS niaht, it FOR T IIE in aten is iadicae thattheibnsdei in W 0O11LIDJ filliyoundereeonrol M Saeea~senie eieg caredforatth Merchnts aeecnthositlialSits aic Merhats rnseaaened aeieatel irmnsary warde National Bank aonham hroeneds naaent aS-! caea t thei I o spitals nd ed t.oaal ef nyrase N.T. new caes discoveed ias xlained by he sarI hatnueruseeaes fromhe01 107-109 Vanderhilt Sq. > am bailding.snweoeneod tas nee co Jtm ntttoslemnight ohen IS nas U0 discavecedthe ens plenty oaSoo 'SITUATION CLEARER NOW" DECLARES HEALTH OFFICER AFTER VISITING HOSPITALS Thbings Dr. 0. M. Tatmaseonaltfisen ae Te anainspectioan etthn hoepitale yeernday at therequsanseof MayoStoee.. BakerfounadIn eery hoaptal;" Or. Tot +Wants m san said last eligh, 'that the telp scans CinsielmOa~c, outsI1.idnt~e ha lndllldalulesere. care inst. 'hie ondeualaevice, and aithot lb.heaiu mutcorecat hia eye- side hle the hosnyllis neeroulnad liare i lit er tly aned ilateet ' mi n ons. hch ihas been hanslloei5 n all t eyMl"..,. m. n eat a en "TIhe oiantian Is111.e e:no. Theocnn enlcsvent toys anec Inw"seoved i t. h Z Optomstrta troaOhehsarhseliiai at She fairc r.s '-and t he norn. i''OpUlOian 227 IN. Sal Inas$.lhercheafro the teal institutioen }r;;r e~wved nihe hlb.pryiai, oe stilt 0.l1 J~5. Silcl5UP'" 'x+ 7q09 Chafing and Insect Sites Use. ot mnn..s u+AeI, t. o~titse "Theanony hingaley ak'"been. Shanahaen said. 'In ssnoe seic. I ould liktoasatlaat argeneiappe~al foryhonagrache acd nenrds Persons woehan. Sslt they coald like So daoeuomething fernthe toyn eind ahsir nypontanity In turniehing rcorsds. Inmsumre man er~sons have ld neds around the honsoSbey coaid he glad Sn glee. Phonoccsphm and renards can ne letat Stcd Crass neadquarntesat Wen Waer n ad osutbClintoen stcee ora dnlivsry. Stakt.he rcorada lively nanie Iestead oat he nihen Sled." ste. Robert 0. Saua ysernday do eaed ay anpan ar ha ann aS the toys at eanoalesent nanpital and nl day leng tbherecuitsoded artend taa and tealaoephanagraptIn taenbSoldIngC TS.eteed Crass nine tooka lmad aC books fremntealibraey to tha on 'aioeent baspital yestenday and.ill deliey anothennsad ioday. ndits itnbth'aospialseserday showedlencreaning Improeent ith the evloeitssning anmber nS painen. HUNDREDS OP CASES Or INFPLUENZA YOUNCD IN * VILLAGES 01 ONONDAGA Epidemi nlttensa Is spreading rapidly Ine subeurabsateSyrasea nd toon. In ondaga eaoitty.inn junation oith 'Isis msany phyeiinsepomeat I" ee nuplinally hnev nucmber aS griencss. iPr~actllnsvorn toe in atheaaeutyn'i6 Thn epidensieIsyprevalntIn Maenimnn. On. J. C. Parsons oS Ihat eillage has anslasasaIn illae ylIts eandlti Mhansevereea ses he. nlpl e Thvonituenson In.. vero iscritial. renp IndainnEyidgo aed nithin a twomielinradias oaSthe vnlage. Baldinsevile Atlay in. epideticis 'eny gennral Snd lneasieg capylD.. 0r. Mathews m sid last eight. n1bailslan. Innil liseiosI 555theaonty San. canking day and eight 01nan effor is eae foaeall lheirnpetiecnts. JOSEPH WICKERT -PasacrvseVO o nJneesict moe aS Mn.anad Mms. osynhande Wicke' aC No ses Catin rtllie bld Sat= anday moaeeing in ah. ChuofhSes-. asumtina i1 North aaliea streta.Thebody nndlved Innaesn oa elastetsnomCasee Din, Wlhlsen. N..J., wbern Wicaert diad at pseumnalfollowing aanaakaS Influenza Cases Lat Hospitals TOh. oslocise SOur" ae. ga out sn t mssa.... haqnlta.laongl - gapdao s nana aog' CHOUaR-IHTINeG. T000007. Wea..aaaty. ST. JOSEPH'S. OTsaedey. Wolseanay. 0T.otaan08.,..ns100 71 Tasis.... 0' a GOOD SHEPH3RD. Yaesosy. Welesay New ases....504 86 bac ases iS 18 an HOMROPATXIC. lonedap. WenedAy. TtL soana..... en noo no 64...5 10 HEBOIAL. Ineedap. Waneedap. Tta ae.. do 4 New anaua... 4 Oleshacgesi.. e a 5 53.4h0. 1 Â~L llianshsr btoesaIS nill siooed il snia-4.LaLgtimesaia araduaten managn oC ah. Uniersnity AthleoticAasociationa, Is aeoa~ing- wit Washington. Then nastesiiomrisning it it. Ci'sti. Maaetis iusinad 0U.-C. Sprague, cili becoesssactiva at ose. It tdnis- anfot nsueoeds. -oo 2"r wiii be a big day I.n Suranat. Thnre wii ben asithine eitemenand' nnthusasmatniending tse biggen santest hoiwn oWent Psint and Annapois. 'in fate the abersnpians to give thn game ciddpead publicity, drawing neroda, nsom sther towsaand ceien. vs. SrauaeatudetArmy Tranisng Corpsoioleven igilyp neagsheduled as play the Armse aS Wert PeiaS Onto. ber 26. haS aancelad th. date afternahs Wan Department Imated a nuling Shat no S. A. T. C. teaso 555ue anay trips pelan Se Novembesy1. The Weet Poina oame peobably clii an played No Talegraphs Sfsr Games. Athleticnonficlislseiterpreted the Way Departmenintlng prhitingnatripn to appiy only ts tha 0. A. T. C. andIt In believed San Naworst NavanS.teoenieta ca inane for She game. Onaduatn Man. agoc Smitetlegraphed Newort.'foSrnthe game atnistt. This wanshe mst impnnrtat bhsess tasated he she ditossfnthes. ann StndChambehofatCommenansoandCitay Club last sight ihiasttew hem. it ww~deihddthat.tia.of~iqans a-tha chamernwill agide the destinie nfabs sonitatesi uneilthSae npot She by laossacommatte s risceaaved. This prob ably cill be neat Thunsdap. Theosecnd Thursay at every' ssnth wasatetsr Sutan. sattega. The he. tawsosmmiatee wanonecharged oilS draft lag a no Sinlt. Incorporatg the hSt ao ntShn resards bfeaorgsanaisatisa. and wniting insosae othern borenoed,fros ohaimesof 5 ndnsrolathnnngtost the oosny. Virgil Clymerasn nchairmas at the comttese A. Ls nBroa anste edcar Vinol tar -yeung n= 1old Cod Unver Oil l9c Cod Liver Oil Gic Cod Liner Oil tar fso hna 41c PT oau American Mineral Oil 42c Imperial - 84cja-- Johnon's Red Cros 15c. Borax Sa Boriaxso Swani' She Sna t ' I rhwrw. Inn..1p&---&t I Which to Direct Campaign.. L LI.- Moll v4ml '!......... - s I n s e n r t. e.e i", N HUSBAND AND WIFE DIE WITHIN 24 HOURS FROM EPIDEMIC INFLUENZA Twenty-tonurloen afte the death oS hiss ie rm s oidae lananna. aAnthon Fatal..faSolasny suctasmbhd yesterday ts the Saone disoana. While the double fanenad is being Said todaynfromSt.OLCs asllia' Church, Iheir wemk-old Infant wcl lanlloa ~ e nat oor.~alais 'Tily Bas een marrsit, nlnna yea nid n'oeoe.atnivStoritise o.1005itlotit Inlletan'l aalldac. Tno daynslan Sen Infne t a rn.Snedeveloped poeu '~snnd.r~ i rni el toteanrsen ile 1c 1,In101III 0Mih ahilgs Cever, he hubn ass atni Ia-I cl ith h disease. huhaneli basns es rw. ie died atineat i'hendaahlo fanellelli t-'-.-nnduetsd tin day Sroe the lale here w.' ''a lockatby H. N.'ecelll' e A.,, h at-hour laer a sevle will h,I n he Solvacy chore 1~'.Thlern1I~w rrva 'I arlt anoto Palis. Hsld Synldlier. Jn aiSpelaier fNo. at i,.,e ata Ishtwn svaeld at Oleseh--,mterslo pial. WaleeS eas stabbed '',, 'lay - nine wheIa teonl of tha mitx,,r' Pearl sinets. padaitc w oun heem inater as Baldwcinsville, PneumoiaDaths Civilian deanths ceromalsenia ca pemd yestendaywe: FREDERICKeA. W AIL. 11. san Sgen aS tbsOnondaga Dm011 Cn.' Iphny at his ton.No.12teeWstl Plemsntiavne. Healssarvivnd by Si.swidow, Olive Cantilgt Wall; a men. Salney; SinsthnerSRobaetWall; sin sisters, Mrs. EaetninBan-ten, rs~y. J. A. 0mm., Mrs. W. 0. nacland ad Misaes Olin K. ad Mantle a. WnaoftShis ally ted Mns. EdonA. Tent at Warner, and Ins irothera,.W. It. and C. J. Wail. Funersml v lceanilibSnhold at Ia ealnan--asasr rwaftaenoonaSthia s ometadwili be prinaeb Re. On. iF. t. Belie wili conduct mahennerica and barial w111libs atnecdaga Vallay. 8nNJdMnN-F. teILaY sS t is ee -N. 313 West Delden ansoe. Besides blip cido.Many. ae s iasrvivd he nixs aon. Sasasa. Pete, anjeasia Sn., toet, Eodwadand terlitg, tnd Cmoan deaglmlnce. Mrs. ArthurnRten and Mrs.. innsMyeco, botnhOSfNe cant City, and isses Phoebnaand Sally Rtey. Fnanontrnntgeens amesat compglete. htes. ANNcA LEVY. wiof Hn 5ary (Cettlanod saonPage 310t..n.) TWO PNEUMONIA DEATHS IN ONE FAMILY THIS'{WEEK Josaeph V. Ilatagas, Si, Enpires "-Three Daps AftlaNiHs Wifeas _,fsther,' Sea. Ants R9oanay. Joseph V. alanagan. 3,Oie ld ynsnday at his nasec an BunetSaven, Fanst eracsenofnt eaumni.aS antya tan das' imlns. iIsewanst.taed deatih to takhopacsite.tIs 01miStotislawesa, Mrs. Albert H. Hltidcnillii open Docratis Snadquarend'Cnocswoe n th. idhzalmsmloorsenogfte Onondaga, Shin mortning. Tbnrnoe.~g~s w111bS. agaga5., Mrs. Hlldeeh silt condaci the Dssacr115 casepaigenAongwosen thnsyghoui tba slate. snila to n ani Ossoa In eacb Asasenly distriaS sa in. stats to 'inns ihargasoftatfairs wtitbiho disetacsa Captales,011its bassisnd by ihoAssossbtly ditic~t aees tns frooeotp asani Inn thi a e a gni~amsain toiba Deocrsatics uadldats tyroght isotseraS Miss AlicsaNorthrua cili asist Mrs. iudesln at iheadqates. ALVERSON PRINCIPAL OF DELAWARE SCHOOL, REPORT i Nanny Pbililips will head Sthetimasa sanlmeeo ad Arthun 0. Chaethe eudit ssommiite. The.hosne oaitan w111 be hladad he Mattlledidgne. NewacDinetorate. The nac direcoaatecnansigelattsas direcos eashogansatlnts, Sot On. Joha AIffaShese.Johni Re Claney, 3. Hesny Oliocann. JP. C. Seiols, H:'Seitil. A.'S.LsNietle tos. A. W. lisaye. orago U. Pain hild.. N. N. Cartls. Martin. ansn. Jona K. Wees, sewvard C. Ryan, EM card; C. Dnitoseny AdosN seoffmn. Vingil Clytmen, Hared C. Sragu. Pt.. Richardsoa. Thoms 0. Bte, tan. I. W. Menacao, A. N. Sits.1 WilliamoP. teafeats5.Wtiiisa._Atss - Dye. Oege La Ticknsr, A. W. Hud s N, oacasS. Wilkinsan;.. t Frnns. Leoard Rtena'. H. W. eSmith. Fed I. Peast and A. L. Broet --h. temnprayeens' al- iibs A. Mathews, nnesiden;lliuamNIP. i200 forty, Wiutase Alian Open. A' IW. Nsdson. niee-nytaidentsl Gomn.n'L. ITfeion. trenaunern ad,5'.. Nartn saenrentane. MIUTARYHONORS TO BE ACCORDED- SERGEANT SHARE The funea o e rganslorganF.Pshane, wo dietal s sdiany hospital. at MonSinai, Casada, ciii S. hold at 3e8eso',tock Olt Buttermilk Cream j fl' r loed haWoshed In fl1lI POWERS ' -DRUGSCOPIa 216 Sonut Warr fn 1. I, ' 5sel d;IZ i a yt he et- andslaIleen revilin g ny - the ancI'. h 51On. Ta: - "Igniatsfor- na-.in1 Buy Liberty Bonds CS, riaane n s.hIe l-sep ciii S. contnedyprobly untilll hedetaotha XMlsae sofna ta r ees lfnnae..Maine 'amnsn nsonced as t a"4'or 5niny. alny today. neght. TAUe ISed of.5. at. (C[0tses). h- 9A ERRD,tatq 1.,y1 orapod beeltad sitWnadien tor l;SSJ 1 ~V, c Wj. Ip:, 11/07/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M 0

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