Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ Roadway gles of E HOME n uflets and L. 19118. at the Front. f tote Krlemtytted to the a the crack vislon swung was done grtcanu have tnegest proGerman re Hilt 260 en as the highreduction of q so as to ice was the an two tine.. to. Barbed oturn fences s something line of doebeing toterstakes set arrangement t Is eati to "e entangle'as noteonty Is but aleo luce the pi reat every to be done ud splashed bte on deny. ant iring ice October men have mey rninute eying gune. des. isnonw it as a mat cer finched, em. mc over 20. uat effonrt In nfantry ad dajer Curtin an letee le an obser ver and sig Atiery cone actom. At shels burst n stuck to hiencing the aexploedi cc only two ened to the le annieee oe further nded by was oeof wo ent pelt rates which nd familes. rite at lest When Col rem parents ybhave net aregiment. ng him to no weeks. ' regiments 'rate en the re of Cete the)Crtem tiwYork )cross opn der a mr east ef tine gs. a pest. not dream o survive. assanltts in cured, the d capturing cratien. - 'AL, IS SURE and many come frem er cass. ltonaccord ihevertures king to the the war. uistice and egotlattons tnable." StpePr/ recent ovsr ANTI-RUN BULTABREAKSA ADS teft bre vwe > ir ''oE &a START IN RUMANIA a commiseion in thetbohesf bewas transferrea ed t De- Townley, Be Parle. Ott. 17.-Outbreaks aAt C DoWttCtoa.lnsd bs ths eSECONDveocARMYdInIW II S ofthe D Corpht o YPorlI thetieman has eenewodIspaoy. dted at his home las tiomhL L KHe northern Rumaala In Mstdlavbs. Five Hundred' Thousanld- Men wade thirty-six. He was a maebr of the Very Fewhi say, a despatch eto e JuralMamufacturecs. the Skusr'ae k from Zurich.. Quickly Welded. Into Fight- et il nD Clttbue. f. e sur vived by a wife and two etiliren. A A marked The population suddenly assumed gFoe brothsr. Howard BSmith, of,Geantowit n. Cme an openly hostile attitude to the i oreis recovertog from Influenza.inCmea Berman authorits. aocording to --r-- Daniel J. Sheehssn. Junior partner of the bight by H4 stevedoring fttm of Thomas' phehauea: Not 0ne e the adviices. which coma by way GEN. LIGGETT LEADS FIRST Sen. Bourse Beiding., isd'klt idehome, at the Bpat of Buchrest. 626 Larchwpoti AV. of BcharstJohn A. Rlader. a policeman ef the N5th while only:a Insetoaldltrct ter hws ByJehu e wnd Cbt I Tn.unletisn5 aN. n.neee stat~on, 'died-at his ad at Glout boon clashes between bands of Ru- Ciirao eva tCeyst uemLi hqmo. 406 Geshil 1.t emother and wits hospttals~re1 manis pasats nd ustr-Ge. Wth b. meroan rmto a th frntare itl witto nfiuensa Charles H. Stois. geney Hosi manlan easntsand usto-Gr- ith he mercanarmis a th frnt.a pellceman, died yesterday at his home. There were moan freos. Oct. i.-Amsericas Semend Army Is ten1860. Rittenhouse at. yesterday. K arl Wilietts, a private t the United the epideml BM p cbs f~ld. It was assembled so quietly States Army, who seered seven ertnths adopted. CANARIES, BIRDS OF WAR that Its appearance hardly caused a in France. died last night iso Coop~er He- James J ____ripple en the wars surface. pltal of pneumonia, He ltved-at M ickie the Woodt at.. Camden. He hadalneen invealided hoe coed W. H. Used on Battle Front to Give Notdoe of Armies are cnmlngsed of corps, corps of from France after eingetef a~ef Johnluensa last Poso Sc.divisions. divclilons ef regiments and regt- MN. Ardet t bee rrc. wfeaofWabJ rDIEh O Thousands ef canary heroines were tall'- meetseof battalions and companies, 'AnMsN.'' rPFmahnfed.bew died yestsoerdayk at her Wle ISO American rm batArmy eubattalionsumer eqesalsgasis osdothersummer ths hremeegiWntasdwnsiodtdCi Estpen a.erJne eeks Ilnee.lNpJ. scouts In mne, and sP. and grim to- argiet scosittnii Krpenafe oeweks leos plcmn.Armies. HEmil retemactept.' 486 Vassar av. - aleni pAsee ethee uiiri lhuh This. affords same slight cmarsnSwarthmore, who died of pneumonia. was Ferdinand As thenTheenineedef an Americanthnughistmnaisoal hurled today at Westminster Cemetery. aM-e. Dolts C ntice to tine Madeiras. hans bee bredThways te ofanmertihecaerpedivisio astlt.His wife is ill is bed with laduensa. Mr. o h by myriadsis n the Harts Mountains, the depending upon the number of divisions Gretsmacher was a gradnuate of the. VetDermans men draft all they nesed. The tnt it, junt en the elue of the army depends veretty of Pennsyvania, and a member chial pneume Allios. hewecerobho have used-theme most, upon e cnumber of corps In it. of toe Univorsity Masonic Lodgeh.sad the feet woe ref have drawn upon the scantier supply at Rtoughly en. American Acme- contains City Club. Hle was In the marble heel- day, and thi Nerwich. Egland. and the surrounding about r500.4101 fighting men. When it it new in Fraekfornl. He had beon mar- will he bun town. tGeneral Perehing Issued a cell fur remcmbered ithat in additien there are tied about a year. CathedralC three thousnd, ard pact of the levy was the htspitau. engifleot. supply anti' other DULED- asterav met in this counetry. auxiliary byatyitens sine idea of its relDUBEDATSCFOM KFU O'Brien em Only the female menaty Is fitted fun size may tv!gaied. a. _ casvm i military purposes. fer she. 5ot beieg a Major-General Robe~y L. Bufllsd was M5 to~,.. A the $t sungstress. is nut liksly Isohbeay her seletedsn by Generul Perhing to omjd lbid WYEisdI5550' A June 1. La presence. it is only by accident that teth eend Army.mht Father sad Son.U- 3. B. All e of the species gets to the firms ltire. The Becond Army te elready in being., obedahtl asbo ae natof thoen i1'"efflb's Trenthes" paareobsird. with the stuff erganised. Getting the Dnubler at h tldlha ef aikenbynthectheomther. The chief war use of the canoret is fur men en thnemceeud, though moving anme fPiaepi o ieb h h ohr the detecioen ef the dangerous gases single Itaic~gon requireSl tweetyp seven epidemic Influenna. The young which form he all kinds of confined spacee railroad trains, le a simple task comn- Fred Greenwood. 86, and his wife. on his first after hcavy explesions. The small cage(l pumed wit orgunising the wetting staff. Sarah Philips Greenwood. will he burted tier of his d conteining them' will he found thereonre Tbat lltiswslsreais letcl eco~ihd aps, tInttheegalleries of military minses onatate s vnaiily ofcenmeies home 820together Eturday fafter ase -their iseatien which are geeing driven under the enemy. dmntae h thlt f rshm.32 reft o.Ms re-lehdbe in concealed. weii-camouflaged maehine- military fabric end the thoreughees and wood died a week age, the husband yes- Byr gun emplacements, and in dec.' pts where effectivene of the support In men and terday.' motr n ev rtleysehde. money given by America. Another husband and wife, echo wore R. H. Bays Inmtr thim retspect lbsy hecieyanleyar serves the tieneral Bullrd is as old Philippino esomonia victimo, are Mr. Ad Mrs. deiphias ye same purpoae as she has te ths American campaigner.lie was a Celonel do Texas Loutis D. Ward. They will he buried in thn Chet ines for years, where small birds and at the time of the Moulton bordor after brief services at the home of Wit- meets whit animals had long been utilieed for the roubles. When he vane no Fronco -be liam A. Ward. to. manos father, 1718 was rpr.dtcino h edlriedmsadtedrcedteam col.Tn e8 1t t hyde a prtTebigi fe apthoabnmnxdcntomnddteFrtDvso.nxohehsadws2,adtewfe LSe'-cro ixd hundreds of lives lb the colieries of the Major-Gleneral Hunter Liggett, is in Their home was at 2228 5. Ive at. United Bli~es. In fact, the term "gassed' cemmand of the Firet Army. The funeral of James Dugan and his was used here long before It became9 General Pershing. tommander-in-Chief wife. Carrie, look place today, The hue eummen epresion of the Eropean w o~ f the Enpedition while relieguishing band died October 11. of Influenzsa end The effect of carbon monealde is abenlt command of the First Army, retains the the wife a day later of pneumena. They the semspon the human heart as are active command of both armies, thus sat- lived at 2(180 K. Albright at. ' JT the bromine and chlorinesand othet tyleg bis' desire for active field service. A father and his infant sa will beD diabolical mialures introduced by the Ger- _..~beurted tonmorrow afteroone at Holy Cross r mans. sgas mesoenCemetery. They are Lawrence A. Do Seliers often are apprised of thne DEATHIENlEIDEM~IC~i venne-. 3d Wyota st.i and Lawrence, Jr.. launching of a gss attack by the anatices. ON aDECLIEhs AT LAST S months old. The father died Tuesday of small birds over the eeemy lines. The ND5oll,~ of pneumenia. end the son two days lunge of a bhrd eccupy a relatively target____ later. space in the body than do toe respiratory ' coetlnoedfyen the Yim( Psoi) organesofmost creaturefs. e ihuhthe canary is regarded as the most et- eml f Nationnsl Defense, of which Judge CEG ICS E Li A tv ofthe acmne race. to atmospherbc J. Willis Martin Js chairman." pulhution, other winged deteto have The balance of the Mayors war omer- Uplscopsl Mlnsters Meet But Are No5 their values. gecy fend is available to pay for thse out lnt Qegsola The militamy art develops. ever night. tunerelIs. end the launching of gas' attacks de- Frank Paul. chief of the Coroners Bu- About twenty membero-..of the Kpis-. pendet upon the direction of toe wind ieau of Inveotigation, charges that many copal clergy In Philadelphia met is the ritving way to ths shell method. The undertakers and cemetery OtffIcals are Church House. 12th and Walnut st. togas shels are cylindere filled with ipm- oeuging the families of the ptrichen - Peel day and discussed_ a remonstmanc pressed gas and provided with detonatomrsdeelot ad that he has the namem of filly against Direeter Fresen's order closing which cause them' to oxplobeso011impact. undertakers who ars said to have charged thr'-vhurohess durlng the lnfiuensi eptSuch expurts as CaptasheNoel Heaton, exorbitant prices for funerals. The cost deeste of the British War Mission. now In thic has been advanced 6010 per et. within The Rev. Dr. Floyd W. Toinkins. recceiictry, teetify no the sxtraordinary to weoeks. hs asserted. When the,cpi- tot of Holy Trinity bhutch. is chairmen progrees being made In the hurling ef dvg- dcmtec Is ever the accused undsrtakers will of the commitee which prepared thos tbstrutllcer vapors In containere from mor- ho proceeded axainnet and an effort Made monatraeces. Asepebated wth him are the tars. Boldiere theme days have In hoop to take away their licsnses.. Rev. Dr Frederick D. Ward. rector of dg heir gas masks on most nfl the tine it've thousantd men are absent from St. Elieabeths Church, and the Rev. J. Foruntely theasme siecewhchInHog Island as a result of the epidemie. J. Joyce Monte. rector of St. Andrew's y vented the gas bombs ailsInenstedaC The slump in ship preduotion is expected Churoh. The Rev. Dr. Samuel Upjohn. A methed of protecting the human oegan. to be a matier nr g-ave moment. - reoter of Si,. Lukes Chureh. Germantown. Ism agalist the Iuious, often lethal Otte thousand operators of th. Bell Tel- presided at the sesston which was an f effect of breathing those poisonous gases. ephono Company are suffering from Is-esecutive one. The modern gas masks are effliint Is fluens. according to an official. who add. Episcopal clergymen are not a unit In nearly all cases-Popular Science. ed that the public Is co-operating slen- their opposition to the order of Director didly In reducing the tolls. Itrusen. The Rev. Dr. David M. Stools, TWEE Oillai d LA The Hoe Sevis Seetion. of the Red recoo fl the Episcoal Church of St. Cross. 1006 Wanut at., has assisted the Luke and the Epiphany has Issued a signLive en Ccaut 'n Acn to Great autheorities In aring met the sick. In ed statement In which he states that be Oeooseuhesad Aesd cases whets It has been impossible to-get belIeves the action of the clergy In mak HeIghts to Gut Them ambulances the girl volunteers have tng'"a remonstrance is "presumptuous." That the. robbur- or cocoanut-crab real- dressed the patientesand taken them In Dr. W. W, Keen ions written to Diree taib climbs trss Iaoeerted by H. A.. t axicabs to the hospitals. They have gone tot Erosen expressing ourprise at the Into houses where entire families wore opposition of toe clergymen to the vboemerman, writing In 'American Frorestry ill, beilt fires. bought and cooked food. isg order which he commends as a meas(Washington)- This crab, he says, 'nas bathed the patlente nod cleaned 'the urs to preserve health. boon known for some ceeturiss. but unti! heusesa Much of this Is done in the eve-. lally oobet avoexste Icothr Winlg after the girls have boon working a1. aFL1Qe HALTS PROSEOUTIOII3 latuly debmtr aeesters hterocoadc.rt ncu.l He mstrs orec h goes oc:- Nr Philadelphia has organised an Wumesa Without Posses ltsttege n mrea.eifAscainwt ed limbilng. this crab scarcely uses its Hueo h eodPrsyeinCucHilt Cetetry: and a sobad of ae-tees lh arisotclgs toatoeiranswIt ist and Walnut ste.. is now in operatton. 'wliltfire a salt oilvqer the grave as the the sarptocintsaloftvetalegs.oktIn forty-sight ]deers the women. of toecashet is lewered. faces.'' 'ssentials for a day and nighit nursery formerly a' tolephone-eoperat at the mar Y' - for the welt Childenu of sick " famillisa ise quartermaster depot. 1100 5. Broad at. MANY INSECT EN 'I Nina borbik whose mothers were, sick sbo enlisted Inl the Marine Corps Saeto wets rohm~i' soon after the housm was bee-lb and p-s assigned. to duty at the The-r' -o-- - pee' esesdty toilothers are being denet PHor father Samuel Rartle. Is a Their 'CaAS*JS* 2MM ebrdilgh t in aln t query keur. Hates TerrIfic 1"' There arser hnrt scyted speiesof o'Insects y 1 0/2 5/2 0 06 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ten and Gltoucester' ddecrease in indluenfssa " and Gloucester was noted tas [ealto authorities smergency call was eeivred ird ef HeabtBt n either city. seven new eases. were repotster-. Three of the Camiles spetted so deaths. The Emetitat reported three vlotimO. e five deaths at (Ploucestfr Sevsral orphans created be tc at 'Glouoeste- have bees Meorgan has been ilested by c iyN.Jcty Coudci to sue T. Roland; who dlsd4t ii1 NAVAL HOSPITAL La Seler Victim of PmewEa. After Short Rimes A.OB-ise.twenty-one,.sem of O'riee. 1314 N. 6S at.. died S.. Msrc),. Octoer B. of brontonta. Official word to this efveinved by the mother Sats'hs ody arrived 'yesterday. It risd Friday morning In the Cemetery. 48to 51. ani Lan nlIsed 7May 17. an! wasn sent Helena naval training stattqe aer hes was assigned to the labama as fireman.' A lter ien om the commanding eoAlabama has been received by r man had been expeced home furlough this week. The noloath was the first word that ohad concerning his ullnsep. nsick only a few days. yard loiabe. Jr.. oe of Philenung woe- heroes, who In ilb hoot Hill Hospital with puet-.h developed fe-em tofluonz sd by physioians today as Itil serious codition. Mr. Bowie I s i nteeqtfc;:mses.1 H*..duas 6ti100-Bu5Ine'e,Â~es houses IclosetL 1kn4spbi '5541.- Fixnce-5f hio ^ w s eo n ey to b oy ' u$ o ds. Pee'um Crisis Club wit*' Jay Afn"u "edClvii War, at hssAdto meet situation. be nineteen and was Is porvios with.the American Ambulance Carps In Francs, where he was wounded In the left aOft *Ho dx- a son of Mr. and Mrs.. IL Barard Bovls, of 1710 Walnut at. LEHIGH'S TOTAL $5,500,000 Mee[ g t Allentown es.106000 in An Hour Alletown, Oct. 17. ($poclal).-Lehigl countys Libety Loan subsciptions to day reached 55.nOO.OI. against " an allot count of V.N1060., Ata msting at ths War Work Pailion on Contra, Square. William H.' T~oins and his Catesatiquan committee roansd $108.000Is an hoer. 'The conty chairmen, Reuben J. Eute predics that by night Lohtghs suheetip..pndR~lfatb;,000.000. Tm! LOUs of PumopkIn pie Harrisburg. Oct. 14.--Pensylvasnia Nei Ohi tion wo iesa an New ad ma -*146 0 - 0 6 If 'fr C.; ';;,...,r._._._. a - NEWSPAPER R MN 0

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