Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~-=,=*NEWS-PAGES 1 to 4. IANAPO iSSUNDAY STAR. WITH GERUA ad Head of New York Cihoern DiscussW P of Situation. i NO. SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 1918. PICE-SEV'EN CENTS. Out 'the Flu Don Herold na" Mtnto07 C. b7 for. lowa..f Aw7m M m7 trt 77 o, 7, 0 hw "-n, a a z co CO u N~a~ 0 0 slowly Ri Gwwam it M f7 saril; A sa,~ a pla t t t.. word'sa o.t tod 7et t h ha.itati htat tlha dimhat.bouhtgt ponherselfad th b,and Ia o r t ha t sh e e pe t o a o rs a d n t f b t ev rt i t gh as nn athi g tloo dalhonorabl, tasbdoa altoherta a- at, h tving.aost petigeatheato Ave financd etprises the prodt at7a ken. a tnshIn ordert ia arkt teh.los tword athtat. 77 bash tOur fture.. at. a *lo wnt she vetsup undethetnea.ragite. ghatta..heseare t h aor.7of ha.ta a.ate tahe a t.of a rdttab a..t one.a aaa 7 Es f at such as he has t 7 Intjwetan otde al th a bankut n 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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