Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~1'EACE iSSUE PUT ~SQUAELY UP- TO GERANPEOPLE LONDON, Oct. 25.-(Friday. )--Arthur fenderson, leader of,the Labor party, in'"the;bourse of commons said today th~a t htis first impression of President Wilson's::ote to Germany was that it wo ild aiisist very xnaterially in clarifying the situation. "It is of the highest importance that the German people should,bet encouraged to look not for a temppra t dessatli oo hostilities, but for a' Phrmunint disjredIting and destruction of the milt rIstic and arbitrary system,,that,-has Involved them and nearly the wholet worlId in, unprecedented suffering and loss of life," he said. ""It the German people, are hon stly seeking peace."- he contiriu d they *shou doio all in their. power to~fmediately provide such effective politi cal' sa~feguards and constitutiduza,,guarantees, for the futture world eace that a'no seb Ion of their population 'i ii be In a 4 ios Ition. If so edi spiged. to Influence a r'esumpnjtion of military efforts As Presi4ent Wilson has cleagly shown, the best safeguard Against ""further war is the i'eduetlon, at les f tom vii'tus. impotexcy. of "all' the forces. uponl whom rests the diect;responsibility for the horrors of t t e1seAIII& str',1e'n s 77ate.: for six hours each day. in acdo-ft' ance with- the order i ssue+d Frida aft-: ernod n, the -army of fi r Announced. The.: revised street carp' ch edu leS will 'be naintailned, he..aid.. while stores and commercial establishdaents of elI kinds; off ice buildings, and residences wI~ll continue under the-,Same regulatin as they have been all we ek. _"There ho5 not been sufficient rainfall to inditate that a permanent con-; dition has b'et in at' the Tallulah Falls plant." said Captain, Miltenberger.. "Rains in North Carolina have tended to* help conditions!n" Tennessee. At the earliest possible m oment the order will be lifted here, but that condition is not yet' in sight." DeKaib Public Schools. Will Reopen Nov. 4 The public schools, of DeKaib county, which have been closed for the past three weeks on account of the prevalence of Spanish influienza, will re-open on November 4, It was announced S aturday morning by Superintendent It. B. Carroll, after a special meeting of the county board of education. This does not affect the Decatur public schools, which are uinder the Jurisdiction of the Decatur board of education. The Decatur schools will open on Mtonday morning, October 28, for "eorganization, while regular school work Iwill be taken on Tuesday. The K,ircwo schools will, remain closed un tilI further notice. PEAEXNJ (SHOOL WIL OPEN MOKPAMORIG, Announicement was mom. Satw'Va"by ol run ror E? L is 1JF 5IS j A ' i[ dozy stated. The. Grand theater At at 5oe' gram,end' the perforinan tinuou s until It oclock.' that the theaters wl operate have not. beens p tarom Miltenberger; but~ to the pleasure of the- i selvQes. The motion. picturet city,.the -$trayd,.the tenion, the Alpha*. th& orththe Alamo Two tesavoy, 'Wi.: openV and remain oe ntil fhalf. an houre.a rlier ",' tomned closing. time,' German Subr LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER RN 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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