Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~! A ~'Kb5 HKUA l1KNNG ANAY 6,119 STATISTICS SHOW Workmen besiege CHAtW Mrlee FLUEZAfSARE the federal officeROI 1drurn iAnderson itousIN ~ FLUENTZFAFSCY.rseek ing Wof'ositions*ods) D, "Seneca 4(u) RetCmfrturnHTOFFACY_.dolsgetin - = - -- - --await outcome of alleged D.Sin rd produces figures to but there are more uneenpiny- victim's Injuries. poenumber of cases in ed men than jobs., city is normal. The fiiI'iil iiipIniimn oo in the flLIDURl't.Y SENTIiiTrO - - - (eieral ii llidin; itt biiaiuiiiui peelrdsy DEATH RATE IS A,~RAGE by ten' nk i rtx a()f3U0lwh Pratt end Pelons yzk are ec L N of eathreprt i-forebultlii, t ittnaryu day iii c Iniiiui fined $50 after quarrelswit ',"Depariment Aoferhealthit(ireportsllriin-ittheir wives. -;. II. II, "1~I-:.... I "----,J. ite hat alarm is unjus- li I f i i in i frfcult to find P 11pJ.WellNo. 163 a sire r ifled, he says, ul. ci,, hauffeir for the Iroquois Itrwn ',"for woirk. 'i r ii i r"pait are me (iiiiiliiuuy ucateritsy pleaded not it 1 ~.DOCTORS ASKED TO CO-OPERATE ~i iii fl tnlwe reaeibfr ut~~i~ People advised to fpllorw ordinary b h hy- n:n e) i'ti l G t oe o 10 i anCurhtada glenicrus to avoid taking cold Inubioig for in itstli.i i ion wiho iqoir nti because of the unrer~j T urn umasnbl eahr, bfoe thowr. wii etIn oi ri +- fIowo a' ondition thecit duin usesoabe eahe. ture to ind womni n d iii grl, Ini their -ploascseIedii i leiathearing 0,until Ocilsy s, f ~~~~~~ilaicgdecided that thoud would be p rlfaeIhoil iiip losrslire unwhtllg {polnreii jneessty ort$3.OtO. which we, t'uo,-l+ urshrl ithe part of the advisory comosl~ole o Jos wern oul i tr;nore tan.00 Arcordleg -t(o patrolmen Joseao i ii" i I l f ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~whirh assisted Dr. Gramin I he insore lust wei. Iniiriulets Point t Amigone and Joseph Jordan. wh 114fvnaeieuoo atfl.Icle ralyi'raw ubrti el etn h ciet olft off the mooiting planned for Ibis after- thouigii(lie demniloir work Inslgreter. freck through Shelton square fro I I noot. "said Acting Comnmlesloncr of A limitehdil uineur m en it ll luin:'g i tem creet toward Sc Sri e t in Hlth George 8. Stanlhandhat night. etch ho skipyanlon ilti tortowtin-, -reclueoand imprudent manor -An examination of some roenpuru-'c-ems, hut It Is hrlhuveuul haul courri"n ooiyeisterday, runslng down l tire figures. showing statistics of last uviIhlahue iior )iIr wourkifrno w weice. Mrs. Baker was tiJnayas mar itrohshsot tnfrrtundWle hyaeb"t aeetadwde e wn ' lined is that it wouldl I shibsrd to htutgihene the iirutrrroeIt they cae front whitels. 'got exeliud o-er th l ti. stii us it nut i the jtihicaliled ifo., Whits Ohio Henderson of NoI 7 1' 3 IIr? S -eaildwLastear13$ people died dur- Local conia;re naked to co-oper hlrlersreold Roscoe Briggu --- Friday-- stu rdayt~r aso Janua~rypraciclely helf Is this distrct. Ilei-reth tiuhitere:t -cell on rlie sme girl, in Cedar sre th ottuhoal nuinber of deaths urally turn to ill uti-rnmot ol uictu-u early pest erday morning, he probhl " (fromt theso sn acsura40. or connider- Mr. Arery said, as i itt]- ati lfee e-uthur loblueved what he said wasyin' ably ieen than half the number for Jan- beeping them In uJit J timfo the ii- Anyivay. ho will not see the g~r o IV!iss T1his Opportunity to temp 1910. they were In the a-rty iintihyept--u /1 ityuneleen she calls on hIt, I did nt take tie trouble ho ernme thu government iuo hi-i thueut enttiulluilitheipiitentiary where Judge MH izl ey i Th s S m "A n u l-rtilefigures for Influiena deaths In Jan- thhriei-lcits it civililtifle. sent im. - ey inTisSair nua ny.1910. to compare will Ike 74 Briggs culled on a girl. It Istad i r 'dahfromthtcnso far this year, RESTRICTS SALE OF NARCOTICS aid whendlie loft bar house hewb euoven if the total numbuir. 74. -epetle by Henderson. Hendst -war in enui-eon of the same perhiel foraer l im-- qani- t esodsaidh Brigge would have to keepawy 198.Itwoldprvenohig xcpt(lntThe two were arguing when MqdrH-- t-m? TS AEingto dhsmetees of that character tisN Atnion ib aldhLife td his nrgusuiit more forceful bydrw FiII( U thewuhe i e eellyci pescriby uI a itohvatepdtomkng a razor. Patrolman Z rne d itrln ONo cause for alarm, oa nenlrvin+ittollet h the corner shout this time and grabbedotc ut c - wby thethtrzo bfoeltuottbii ju IuI.~RN(; OUR te"razor bforeeIt ethworkinn thetieptaItmenr Th limsshw i h eatetWhitney nit which goIniitioeffotonai erreted Ilse couple for beingdin- 1iut'ti )0 Shitsfor t' 6 chealth santsfficenlyenll eiianry ltliiiduillh ia Ketrdorly Juidge 1-artatll disc'iel~t u'op, Shart) 1.!eJi~esv yi Uut of tho thns A rsrtci o iBtl isb rug rgseand impoeed a fine onHe- - deo.Si t o - iperlmie4of - it t-hu inutaiter wsether of un nuoiuhh al isciehe the nunuiotien.l0 Shirts for 0 i5 merelyin the numberof dealu-tiThreestrthwo lleged wife abusera nnlu for 0 ii nothing Intese facteto cause s r thie lnveutitlguliousoif lhe Whitny Ins reigned heforo Chief Judge Jeni- it 0e ter fur h imthie itmbuem of deathas lg siiuiuieewue vstdtiIn the ctycourt yesterday ehagd t--i-i'i increarirgtIn proportionatu titt inter wI thi illordorly conduct, were eah i hl t-.0 hit for5'an eftomi hltu iiexsuuueto ettoptmire Inu 6.iO-J-ilt OOS it fo $ 95Incsngthecprsof m ftl eiem h~ic, ( sfuiietthepilvon-ieloe i rtuit Is separated from hit ~e i Shrsfo """"" Vi Iw>In teAwe o e al toeeui cacoud lehilt rh g ete hen"; ileetiothwho lvee at No. 115et- ttt ~O hitsbr *s e d.)were reported with thirteen dealat ie- etiiieon Ia sileo befor It remu.agle t, ndle toleleged~hh cordingt to ttiemiport for Jauary 9th. the reitll e-u Frin whom addicts u-oe- to he o eato - tyt oo 0Shrsfo85That 'foa aproultiuttuhy one desih out 1ili h rcnsatlen.When abe refusht il.ttiP.i -of thirteen cases miported. A week hater Thle hhlpohe i i piltetI nu o aegabdhrb k tui-ti ~O Shirtsfor 5 e ethe nme of coa pereported Nwas 29Y0f5 +anm lue ad wodeputies 1hi limit.doo~ ru1ao h es jtad 11ade ns o t ofee. As a uecteof wltTc tdoes tic tru lsoeof the - ).OO Shirts for e* 4 $ 85Vat hugth etpiml h tb enhat tie ltxumuimnie tTeir ift oce F snl to. "tti ti--urwll1M inisr othseo " 1with new oases for any particular day, thela a oiyeiiuuiim weilie the fed- trouble. H~e created such n deub- --lt-tti ~O Shirts fr s a s a ~,5' - - because the deaths if hodayup beit at penichuiene lule hem ine or hsiulru-ieat the woman's home thit tu --- i5S it fr""" s 685 Itedeths of pieople oseuoe scweret;uciirtut or iuth. neighbors notified the police, x= -.-i-ch reported poeviouchy. no hlo the total Walter Zecliser of Tonawand - i ittt 5 hrsfo ea$ 5numberofciaeretported in date, natny Sherry men dawn by taxicab. reigned before Judge McLaughlinpt bering aon,00so e-y sm l i lumu easod fN. teidey charged with stealing asl it-ivh shirtx(oohorowyng,41)g & Ce. vied,. iu Noe.eui;e Cooe Nezligee Shirts are *_*. number of deaths. Lloyd street weeitiriule oeil e 'A etrromieonigving$a rpla tethe qualities from; " Wants doctors to co-operate. ride early etemility when inthck lefta nitnaed oii probatioin to make Ieht- ke in t i If the doctors -wIth eui-ehiei-cie wih taxlit'thegoingnorth in ilainbstaethein, st in well-known makes, In - son t rareothy dlttumeuiining rhaut s u Quaty street. liort hoier -fINo ilward Bring. Jenniele n,QrBrofomIfngzaIntetedprtI oi20Vigiii ittirrvetokhitireulDaa fNo 05P TFES OXFOR.D CTuOTHS satisfied that thi neuberr ifmuis rr- tie Colulubus hospitatltier treatment- thedoil guiliy whlen arraignedbere i.lerel > R TX' T;.! tported daily would slhow us henvy do- and reported the uiidelit to the liolite.Judgee Mel~nughlln yesterday, chrci aIuisen Et;,1craewIth being morphine addicts. Tiy -lts-luil SIKMXUE So faus itaking en effort to check judgment for $3,000 afirmed. teld tho court that they wantedtoht cr-ee.A D-- - Ioherty of No. 142 SEa plae pernia- " {3 @ U ~ W ~ l!,.. eu5i sect suibeituuo eaInchaergeic. U 3ffjnU1Yt 53 As appropriation of =5,00O0v-as as- L1L.P JL5 Monthoerited he prepnoe a war history of fptse ct. VkA t el, ho ileithl the work, will receive:50A m mieot: nA0~e h wl LCLEAN-UPyOURW MRS TONSELL nDIegaES OF anINJURIES REGULAR SITSTOCK, IN TILS Gre ineragan frstmanLONDlON YM.C A. PLANS Ncwstead wonan never regained con. to;ct receipt for county taxes. tcioiulieis after brutal assault RaeinÂ~ restc-," ' - we wish stiles baffles M lboe uikc,.aw irCrdyl Twetayoec 11/06/2006 LIBRARY O F CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R I- boe 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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