Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~JARS ranu. funse lopos. Per dozns. Rings gtde. 7n Iosn. gh cas. o done. -high erode. & It cenis dococ. ott loze. Ine, for sealing L008'. 20 encto per 1C ttS. waesh boiler. TO 10 Cants es8oh. i a-ch. kes. f0c each. 1. 16 Cpmsa loi Ing seieee j*xL 4.f for drying fruhts ^REENS. Hardwood, ats each. 'ent5 eooh. cents. t o AIT cnts doue. MAPES. P5EARS. o cents rpt~d. O-S, 25 cents ring. 'in JA"4, d so 0.51*. 215, ETO). n05, $1-. qnweits. h&Lf-gow~~ St."O aints doses. cull Jama I and 6 -bbsr rings, lie do&, RIKS, SPOONS. ). $so,.-I 4.U 10. L2 and See s"16 St. 42 and 53%. 47 end.50. pale. 0. 1 111.7p 1 05, I's 12.05, 12 IS AND FORKS. pg % 8nen.410 Ta~s~nWnrks 5' sasSb. -45 WLi)u. i I, I 11Ji 1 1 UNOFFICIAL VOTE 54 TO 30, LESS n~n a~aru TilTHAN TWO-THIRDS BtbUIIIYIFIU fl~lMAJORITY. flhllfltflWashington,' Oct. 1-Wonn nii~ 'ALONS- CLOSE a eae oa n h eae U On the final rol gail on adoption of RESOLUTION' ADOPTED B3Y THE count before foremal ancncemlenL. BADOHEALTH' the Senate cast 64 votes.,for and 30 BOARD OFagainst the measure, loss than the THIS AFTERNOO.N. two-thirds majority. of ealh a a neeing Wasblr~gton, Oct.I-Moving to. Tho floard o elha ward a Efnal vote on the 'woman sufthis afternoon recommenedd tat the frage amendment today, the Senate 'puhlo aleof ll evsrgssIneotonsrejected,- 6t to 22. the proposal of Sondrug stores, me.nreaO parlors and ator Williams ty limit the franchise other paces to aholiaheil until the In while woman. very serious prrsent danger owing to The Senate also rrloctsd, 04 to 17. the influenzna epidemic in passed. If an amendment hy Senator Fletcher nf aotd Florida, designed to apply the resciut~n rt~cmmndalonIn ot tion's, prohibition against ahbridgeftformal order to Lhla effect willlhe me'tof thefranchisesbecauss of sex lanued. to the Federal government oly. Follwin Is he esoutio adpt- Calling of the final roil on adoption Folio lg Isiho enootl adpt-of tine resolution began in the Senate ed: at 3:01o'clock. Whereas, Trhopresent epidemic In Today's dehate won opented by Sonspread hy ihe distribution of a verY aicr Cummins, who favors the aufdangerous germ or microho principally frage resolation. from the moeth and nose of persons "I fear that a little group of wilful infected by thn disease and the gather- men." he sold, 'are abcut 1o defeat a log of persons In personal contac t end meaaut'e that the President han de- In spite of all the efforts on thl the use of articlea used io the eon- roared is vitally necessary for the seves every mlsuteof every day of t sumiotion cf heverages whioch have porosecution of the war. It is a strange that 100 men land In s dsy asd 30( been contaminated. t peplarie to me. I hops iters wilt not dveesI ese qeln ew The Board of liroith recomw!Irtds alo o ht oescnenttodvmoAI rmmeuligbte the polilce t.omisaeonerreantiLo all ta all form0ertotieoerscdemiteeo persons engaged In the dispersing of ta iafre iewevstdo teveragra 10o the pudlc that in the ottother little group of wilful men, general interee;t. the publicle teof:,)1v%010 itecireil nothing more than ' beverage in naloostl, drug storet.lo o- tiing the measure lten aefore the E II' cream parlors antI other piurri: Se ~n t e. ~ JA i~I. j j abolishetd until the very nerios pree- in evrrthing ole the great mIa - eni danger is pained. jurity of the locnale has accepted the Trhin rro'ommecdatlon Is made In lion:odgment of the President," SenatorUE IV DVII'n hope and helief that Ull1owill ro-opoerate Cumesleeproeeded. "You either go- 11EA 1Y BUY IG O for thn puboico good tond thai it will he opt this view or you repudiate It, and. 5 J unnecesary for toit hound t10 1050s0 If ho thereohy is unnlle to bring this forcmal order t0 th0 above effect'an00t%%1it r lo anand andoaccompliohlthe 'f II thlg way thte graoiitodo and otlolre- sihle for his illioro In thot regord.' eainof tbe Itiblic will he uot'ootl d Rolerrloogta the reentdefeat of to toseot' 00 Cat etofer a lboo of Sentort'Vardamano r ofMicoiloaipyl. rePrtp ad bs~c-is fr t-, wb lirDmocrat, for reelecotiot olelioing OiSTINCTIVE.WAR SHARES SUFgood. ttloa~ltiott from 'the Prnioiccl, Sena- FER FURTHER SNMEL 13..-oiiiiORIS, Xcr.n, bWard of1 ieiroi. l10- Cummins odad:. IREVERSLS. ________"it Ia 001t 1000 sincre the Preaident DOUBLE HONOR,- FOR KEMMES. retired the junior secnator from Mid- - elnetippi frutc putlic life. Why? New York, On., i-War saore and Nebtrssks Man TwiceasPun Machoine Beo'aue hr at times reruseti to associated issues were again suhjectGan Nests Oat ef Acton Sinlelsobey." Haned-Newn Bedford Man Giosen The junior penatior from Georgia ed to moderate pressure at the active 0.. reseuffereod the same fate." opening of today's stuck maorkel, hot D. S Crss.Then tournng in the Democrats who peace shires and high grade rails were WVaoionttgon. O.t.i.i-ihn dauble lad beensouon ted among the appasi- Inclined to supplement yesterdayns hounor' of being uuatauea aListin' ticeon eooalr Cumminsoshouted: gauns. Rtecesions of one to two points guintdlServicec Croas oltte i~nrght 'Huw do hout hope to eseaps?' were recnrded by United elates Steei to WU.1 a ilvr bar uun ts ibbl oumpatring thn atltade of the 1Re0- and Alliled IndustrIals. Harvester Corvcwvoa 010c att upo Iarolooto 'oolioax e m mr toward the adesto- poratton, tobaccos, motors and fertilhos ehercgveo to loitait Churles otiralion In oar measures, Senator lzersonere higher hy fractions to al1-ormoiesof ViiLo uoy Nt:b.. U)i len.cummlna said It bhsawialayn been a most three points. ketcio11oc. I digllogiebhed rlouaaterlatitof the mi- Ralls assumed ito oommanding postA iiooiairh lbom rnoi. Pershing to- turloy loader thtlhe -as ready to lion laier when byaoy buying etonddaLy ays thal, an 000 00, 1. oVULtano d tty the President in all war.ell tdoftpw pritced nsse,. nntably Southat 0 nooobooo uto Orrhis oLOutegut11'ns ( f h or 4 oeewh hp-ernltailway comomonoandtrferred, aid sood no ton iora ooi.ooonc. braoorr, rytr"o 3 nn vo a-Rock Isanod, Clitoago, and tireal oWet000 a Iiiotooi-too-huno oolrttat, sotogic letn 10 be senators of the United ern, and St. Loulu & San 0raneisn. bacaead, Jpt t VoLuo a oioaol.,'o1. boo States,' he said. 'are about to deny to Canadian ltaeoltle made upits nutionnf Z1% li a oaoaoo'orud lbr looooioLnUiftcd I-li people the right to determins for points and o10er lrane-Contntentaie9 bervce ros. To dys u~e k yra-oeles heter h~e deirethechanged honds at gains of one to 2% aeco ru. ro ~0s i, er- ttoie1 ohte hy eie10points. posited 00:0 0 aoel toor.ooc. ouooocs on1- constitution amended tn sthts reapect. Mexican Petrnleum rallied briskly ather iioohto, n un tit estoto. ation' Mote thanonoe-half the men in1 the and motors inereased their early adwitout.On loot oo 'oyit' oc tot Ihe slverr Uclted Stat eore In favor of submito- vantage," 'Shipptngs wera~broteght foeator'. Itong this raolatlvon to t0e Stoltes for ward at midday when Marine preferred obe. flearohott alsa reported the r.tiicalion or rejection. Tce mntl- rose three points. lilstlntlve war aacad of Ii.o,.vtoasiohva S60o tie I eeec I everywhere for It." shares meaaotblile eoperienced further crowsess in 2Z olioeros and enslisied Senator Lenront read from a Parn- reversals and United States Steel tolli men, Inolodiog Calti. 35tarr -04..btn phlet. eligoed. he Bay.,, by W. 0. Jamie- un'der yesterday's minimu o 1e61Au.,60:11011; Carpoaa Waldo S. hlitceit, son. aseistant treasurer of the DOnsO- Royal Dutch Oil featutred the midb'ronki,n. Ms~0.. and iFrioate Otetoy cratle Natianal Committee, saying tb1 'session, onoas advance of 11 points, Viwrro.E Netw Lidtlrd. Maaa. election of a Republican Congress In -attributed to imnproved--ooedinons in - '" ' ' November wouldbIe viowed by the Eastern Purasne. Other oils broke WINDFALL FOR SUFFIELD, CONN. Allioa and particularly by the enemy eharply and war Isses became hsav-' ' au a dofeut fer President Wilson. ler, with one to two point reactionss In Penalty Tao on Shteldon Estate Will Thte Wisconsin senator satd ho did eoaltn Pay Town D001 ard GivesIt a Sal- not thlnhI that tatemoat woe belleved Price movementsawooe more conanse of $70,ii00. even by the Democratic senators. flictisg In the lust boor. Shlpplngs' katoConOtt..-A ponuity, Senalor Williams Of MIeSeSSIPI and coppero strengthened while Inl-iirtfod, unit. bther of the amendment barrintg'duetriain and specilies continued to txono the estoiteofc Macton J. Sn- negro women from the vote, sold hoe. sag. Iall aieO lost gioond. The don, nro 'digdits0 SuollotO, nit. z;!. lovedi President WIleon as a brother, closing woes heavy. Jl*ii, amounting to $104,100. paid abut when the )?resident told bims he-- o 1-ao Ztate a'aa sorena icoap. Tnla tiol c ould nOt out-frlaneuver Ludondorff or be a nonuoull oar -3U~iei.and will en- -captureo jsne un oless tintwoman in LIBERTY BON4D QUOTATIONS ubeIntitno ir Oft its' onooro inoelon- IM ltloippl could vote, be declined to, Nnw York, Octi.-Finial'prices, on Osnea se olitvs'amoo to'n aut Eagree with him.. HItonail ho- cosld not Liberty- Bonds today weret: 3 'As, 41,000. ana otooe t on ot nds 'li flbout son what the mWar against von Htnden- '100,.04:, r~t convertIble 41a 9- o0000t me uret eainuei. toarf. eLodedriff ar in Palestine hadcan du-sto, 9,90.,fArst. eonvqrtthl 4140.,. tdo with the right of, negro women on 11t;-Aechnd nsvqtlbe,' -al, 1.94;A Oe part of Germany. Asrrcans soldiers are landIng In' Fr ance At the week. This fact is shown Ist dlsgrsmmastl foem above. This. )0000 In a month. General Veylon March says that there are now ea 1.400,000 and 1.5M0000 sacs, I (a QUOTATIONS WSITB ILL THE N4EW YORK STOCK MARKBT. hm f Tuesiday, Oct.,1. AM[RIANSr Am Can.......... 44% Am Loco,........ 67 Ant mel11%GERMANS HIDDEN, IN Anaconda................ IS THEN PLUNGED -IN Atchison..................... 8 BATTLE. - rolt & 0................. 03% Benth Ste1.....1.......... 77% Can Poe.................. 184 Severs Fighting All Day F Con Lotather......... 006% Point Wheare St. Q~assie C C'M & St P........... 401 ne1onti- ak COi, R I & StF.......... 26% UesMstatYesF Erie....................... 16% Than Give an Inch. Oe Elen- - - --.......... 49____ (Il Nor Pfd..,........912%Y Lou. Nash...........11% With the American Army Mo. Paciic............ 15 Quentin Sector. Monday, So New Haven.......40 N. Y. Can...........I.. 7% the Associated Press), 10.:A Nnr. Wont.......... 01 Annerican forcee lightiog oi North. Pae..........'.......... 87% denhurg line aotit of CGlbuY Reading...................... 91% -racily engaged,'all day,. Hepsh. Iron - - --......... 90% the action' e til cosoitno e4. so. Pac....................... 9980 l Austrlia*n snite hoehsy,. So. Ny - - - - --............ 29 tin.wtIhts xvla s Stodebaker.............. tl5ngowth thed'Arnqrieans Un. Pac...............128 n,i nd 30 t Portal0 - U. S. Steel,........... t09% ne, truh hih le Utah Copper....laai............l 8416g-h4 W. U................ 80% dajly cVjgpocooj t wan.01I W estinghouse -...t.......i..r....,14s45V, caal,. - Thoosoptie of-Gores BOSTQN STOCK MARKZT it h.tugl"d1af1 - Tuesday, Octobelr h 'sdipati Arizna Com'I......r....... ~'4ir~~c. Ins Am Tnl...........o..t..i.........aal ' Berston and Miob.....i4are ohosmt4 r-of' Orn Cop 1Hangs rn...............sll 19 Calumet and Arisona..... 17' TesOew ~tw.p Mat 1utte............ 10. -2IZdoho...... _ eqa dli jut~py-o No 14 Pond Creek...... 6j04 Ol o',~k~8~~ Swift.2...ent...r.. Shannon,..4 inste9of Shoe Macb'y..0....... b 17Cneit:og......' 40', -A) n St. Marys 0.......... xghrgh -~. it...0~0r40 'f t7n Fruit....%...... 238.'oS? td U. 8 Smelting........'0'~ - ~ - OaS. Smelttpp:Pfd. 'Utah Apex -.........i..seM 'i Utah Con'nt 1do*:, Tj 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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