Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ MORTALITY DETAILED FROM INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF CAUSES OF DEATH Notice to the Medical Profession The atltention of the prpfession is called to three additional charts in OTr monthly bulletin,: One-referring to contagious diseases, tabulated as to the different wardis7 the second, the number of deaths reported, tabulated as to wards, and the third, showing the number of births reported, tabulated as to.wards. In this connection, I am again obliged to emphasize the importance of promptly reporting births to this of ce, properly filling out death certificates, and the prompt reporting of contagious diseases. Our physicians have been very derelict in this regar~d. As you may know, we are obliged to report these statistics to the State Board of Health and are blamed for any errors on your part. It has become necessary, on account of carelessness oui'the part of the,physlciaain these matters, for us to start a campaign of arresats for non-reporting of any 'of these three items. Roping that the additional charts will prove of interest, I am, Fraternally yours, GUSTAV A. BENZ, M. D,, r ALL CAUSES I--General Diseases 1 Typhoid fever.................I 2 Typhus fever.................... 3 Relapsing fever.................. 4 Malaria............................... 5 Smallpox...................... 6 Measles............................... 7 Scarlet fever.....................1 8 Whooping cough.................S 9 Diphthteria and croup.............4 10 Influenza.........."................. 11 Miliary fever.................... 12 Asiatic cholera...................... 1.3 Cholera nostras.................. 14 Dysentery............................ 15 Plague............................... 16 Yellow fever..................... 17 1,Leprosy................. r"............ 18 Erysipels..............................I 19 Other epidemic diseases........... 20 Purulent infection and geptiehae. mls...........,.:...."1......... 2 21 Glanders.}....................... 22. Ant rax".r...r...........r..". 24 r"....... }..... 28: _Pel gra.,.,,.....Tubercplos (_totrlx.18. 28 Tubercalo s of llrb p!//gs,,,... /r..2 29; aoteP4 iia y }tAcolpsis...""1. 1.30.T,erqu' q;'e ri....}.....2 32 P,?, is........ 33 W #w' ]p~7+.W l /i gc....../.."............. baWi51PqiUtohrorgans.......2 38 P ~kI t,..,....."......~ ke7eypin..a.l..iu r~..........r........1y Cancer au4 othe~'r naslIaut tnor (total) 24 l9 Cner.of tebuccal cavity;.....r 4 ('.n eer of the stornch, li ver.... 18 41j, a orof a e p wnp, rectum.. 2 42 + ancer of t,lte female genital organs 2 4a ('al ent"of 1ti IIi a 44 (aixcir of L i k its. 4:, ( soc ir f uti r 'iigills orI efogans {1i ( )tiler Lt~oi (Lllll. if the f,-.iiiee genIita~il)Irna I Sijit & 47:Acute articulrii lei itiatii(rr 41 I~ont 'ic i i I t 1 ism miA gui 49h Scurvy'............ 50i 1)iai et......_....... 51 ixuiial CIC golf Irt 52 Addison's disease.... 5:3 Leuchamsnia....................._ 54 Anamia, chiurusis................5 Other general diseases........... 541 Alcoholism, (acute u cirriiv)..... _ 57 Chronic lead poisoning........ 58 Other chronic occupation Iitisoiingsi Si) Other chronic 1oieuiiings....... Ii.-iDiseasesot the Nervousti ystema and of the Organis or special tease. 030 IEcephalitls.................. 611 Meningitis A. Simple meningitis.......... B3. Cerebrospinal meningitis (undefined)...................... C. Cerebrospinal fever... 82 Locomnoter Ataxia................ 83 Other diseases of the spinal crd A. Acute anterior puliornyelitis... 13 Other diseases of the spilnal co rd............................... 64 Cerebral haemorrhage, apoplexy.... $1 85 Softening of te brain............. 86 Paralysis without specified cause.. 87 General p~aralysis of the insane... 88 Other forms of mental alienation.. 69 Epilepsy.............................. 70 Convulsions (nonpuerperal....... 71 Convulsions of infants............. 72 Chorea............................... 73 Neuralgia arnd neuritis............. 74 Other diseases of the nervous system............................. 75 Diseases of the eyes and thejr ad. nexa............................... 76 Diseases of the ears............... a hi ".:y:...,, '.. r '?!+:. i. ti / i. n, t Y. l, f,.- r wt. 11 Deputy Uealth Offcer.. IIj _.. _ 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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