Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ T-lo 'j IConf5i ''--4e aa Olt;,-&i15-rIia. ~ "~ tian Scientits. In ao far as they praO rice their science, live lives of con- wIyTbeo., ys,;v, i v stinual, Prayer. *They pray morns-ng.:ih:, ti eh r, 0noo, and -nt: they pray beforeFO Ne S-;.': they work, eat, or sleep. o FOUND~ HIDDEN KEYS,,,, "Gaining an understanding of spirit " S{ " ' '',;y '.< r+ and the omnipotent powrer o spiritual 01 ' laws and an, understanding of the Roloeceft ootrs After Thefts-. y;.;" false nature of matter and of mortal mind and material laws, the seeker Otiner Children Out on:?w,. is armed successfully to cope with- any Probation. human discord. Is it then surpristng' tÂ~ k~~C thsat-AL.loulla4presume to attempt to:.. - 7'$ heal disease as well as sin? Whatj Threq burglars, not yet In their Its disease that it should ecnfsedtlhepliedetT..,Iminister and be assigned to tbg-edt tepoieYetr 'siotan,- and what is sin tha it eil ir entrance of three houses In defy the physicland'abd lofte to alit('r one of them three timn e Lte minister? From whence origin another fQor times. They baJi d 7 tatedbptbe -F rom _06,d? No, senee the tered the homes of Charles B. Reed, Dceo mele- than the other. JesUs._ idea - _ bat l andling of sin and disease 22 aiobuead.1.Rse word at they have an identical Brown, 2607 Manito boulevard, in th'+ sour las two wes Thesy removed a scout.. 5hAir ot Follow Wrong Sense. hatchet, pineapples,frruit. cookies,? ~'The sman wiii' expresses th capdy and 8 bottle of creavo. Among selfish.: -riesive, rind therefore other things the Brown homne yield 4false na of mortal mind. This ed them a diamond ring. vaiued at false -nebt't y apar tnco tox."gold rimmed spectaclesaChrit huanbe bosxhma of tobacco bought forChit. Christianz Science shows that in 'pro- mac. Portion as the evidence of the ma- Fonnd Hiding Place of Keys. " a< h ter-ial senses,. when it testifies to. sin. The lads made a point of obtaining -r disease, or any discord, is queslioned definite information. as to the loca and rtected through an understand- tion of keys -with which the houses '. 'lg rained oniy by Christian Science, could be entered, - sometimes by their then- a higher sense.of being, purely own observation op the departure 01 educational and monre nearly spiritual, an occulpant and sometimes from the, supplants- the, faise controi and ea- children of. the household. One key -tnbiiehes a-t:- improved condition of wss hung higp on a porch, another.,.,.i ~ mind and body. How much helter it 'lay under a brick and a third lo an.<,, f:'e.- is for any human being tn educate ice chest. The doors were reiccitri -l imsel.f in.this, the -spiritual way, and ihe keys carefuliy replaced on ' than to 'follow eM h narrow, limitedj departure. sysem.i vgu" - Bictid Fire, Enjoyed Fea.5. "A warong sense has often been The articles taken were carried t0,o~~~'- 4 ~taken of. the true meaning of Christ: b od bu' rtodsat. ", cz,, y Jesus and of the B: ble. This is also where a fire was built end a feast ell. -the caste with 'd Csctncadd H e wftic -.B i' slif'te Ne rims with the Key. to. the Sc~rritors,5*Mr:esue- is the.lensed umndamaged- and other articies -perversity and tenacity of the ma-.-were found there yesterday hy i' eis 'afternoon. The.}isliidic' terial mind, -nd if -iil material-, and ti'ctlves Roy Fordyce and B. S. Dugofwhc her fathier ts }talea personal Judgmnent has - influenced g' who wero led to the scene by the bouit the marine epsine; for thdught toward."science sod health, it! is nut surprising that it has done like- GEEA!. ADiESTlsLNO. wise toward 3lrs. Eddy herself, Preju dice, ignorance and distrust, however, give way before the facts, Those so u erroneously influenced, who after variably experience a total chevnge of AR-CIN IS feeling.flowort true are her written- On M dw tr Awds ~v'it is self-evident ta h -" - discQVere~r of an eternai truth can not eenltuhta h n iw n e -he a temporal fraud' (itisosliany,j Lebr f ~ tn Is. Pul ed Consciusess. Table Pleasure t Lecture at Lewis. - --"Heaven is not a region nor a locality to be entered physicrally, but that inii reasin~ au3l Olark. it is a state of purified consciousness, n m eso it state of spiritual hdertsnding, a n mbe- 'fwell fed -salvation from smin, stckrie-s, and - peole are " POWE O PRAY R?eath. Death, devil, heiil Sin, disease S O tIV-P~YRand- disaster si-s the experience's of thfp eno Cup bf 'the old man," which SL..Paul insists:cu ow' Disje MyBeov must be 'but off.' Christian Sciene - shows that they are not the facts of ~Aser rtiso bightar ny lusosofm- I N STA N T -.,,ai~i Citc o eng u aeolytlufn o a r.l~l~ Tshng"' terial consciousness which must he e.~~ssTahig. worked out of. and inlie ratio that EOS U 1 "_......::,_this is. done, salvation is attained, spany rsone aster Will you choose the- material, at 3t,, -ftvand perishable, or will you*. yc~sr 1-E tscmunder the. conditions of choose the health-giving, Joy-inspir-- as sa tons ban were presesnt IastiIng, and permanent?" _ Coffee. tf -.ewvies -and Climk 41di W~ar~bn Cj Lathirop of DR. CARRIE A. BEIEIL hs cheer McP wiithi ~ repst' he ldttme onits rich delicious flavor r +Eeece' Wioh he gave at Wfe of Noth Central Principal Has hs ~ - - a~. laoe _Mofitly nht. -'..: - Pneumnonia. has aper, suiy.:Yr lig Bs-Dos~i.,- r.Carrie A. Beniefici, wife of Dr. the ple~c of coffee in 'i' psi ethuhh- A. H. Benefiel, principal of North mf8J rar oie t~tia. uite a different Central high school, is suffering with at it.appssars 'to bronchial pneu onis following an at- A RA Is REALLY "j4geenes4o b e. and to tack of infl uenza. Her condition for. or]ifsaoi- no' intelligence of 'the last three days has remained WORTH W, IIL 4tha i miateria1 enorgy,-or much the same, and if there is no Cs fmid to poteese a very -telapso, she. should ce convalescent to nlfe s Inteligence. -withilt a ftw days. her physician {Ct~ l~teY O1 ym atter thrinks. -- af~d be>a1- -., -,ii b a ea * ~r aria L bweste y-.s i>,s.Tsterd yWs homne and other losers have idoetifid'"" " flashlights, ilats, tuna. revolve n d cartridges. - f-On su~ S.- A. T. C. TRAINS COME ictyn-o8 thf ve it wak~ r SI T1 DENT SOLDIERS 1 r Mttiat~sot-oml WgIW SPOKANE. day.; Thuthedeatth rln -week. tbda hetiest.stnce to En Route to wC~nLes~.s., fing of the $nfluens.:epi Were in Two Partie.--E- flected the great Ilitrease poet Moss Today. oases reported.1during,.the= December. 7. Two trainloads of student soldiers The!frift influel sa outl of the S. A. -T.C. at Washington tamed its beigltb in the Sthe ollg.PlmnpasdtruhNvmr2an eatodheity yesterday over the Northern it reached-_ its lowest polo? Pacific, -en route, to Camp Lewis for vetliber 23.. The- epidemnin demobilization. There were 250 men vised until it attained- its h oradmr r xetdt eko eebr.7 b leav Pulma toaythe better was taken last.. The first train reachedSpkn contin us to ie shown fiver about 245 yesterday afternoon and Folwn-reU wek the second about 7'p. m. The soldiersascmiebyheiyba were greeted by the Spokane racep-Wokedn Cases of tion committee and the Red Cross Octobeding.......1 canteen departmentl October 6U... MRS. E. D. OLMSTED VERY ILL Ocoo. 9.... 6 Wife of Physie Suffers Fr't Pare lovemnb..... 1.3A9 1 oebre...tial Paralysis. November '165... 184 The condition of Mrs. E.D.01Olmsted, November 23 612 wife of Dr. E.D. Olmsted. who i-a- November.80 9i.X cemitly suffered a partial stroke of December 7...2,10 - paralysia. is regej-ded as serious. December 14.: lSt There has been i-i tie chaoge within tb.atto 3r'-tr ee dVEtTW~ Tota l,...:.:. irf01 ii: II al: Christmas Gift Jeweir Many pretty lots from which you can selct Christ gifts will be shown on the main floor tomorrow; each pii in each lot neatly boxed and each assortment containsa i diesirable articles that this line of merchandise affords.' Three lots.will be featured. -One lot includes coral beads, pearl beads, lingerie cli brooches, stick pins, ear rings, fancy combs and hair Pi: choice 75c. J e w e lry N o v el- J e w e lry N o vd ~ i t e t $ 0,a 2 O n t e o d e a. ties'at'$100tat.$2 Y LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER RM 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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