Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ SING SERVICE ARE PNONCI Re(1 Flag Displayed by! Laborers Front Suburbs COPE~NHAGE2N, Nov. 1.--A ci Vpatkch om. Vicnni printed in the blatt?5.E )L Berlin says,::. ~~K,; i 1 I L V r.,. -,...._._._._"The national assembly * t at 3 nDi-.!H PPN B A Do'clock in tho afternoon. 1The." ast cr ow d had a~seinbled before the d;e ~trctsTAK S S EAM RS1and friinticallv cheered, tha red fl ag TAKE ST AME S ov. - 1which was displayed by laborers from.A F._lS ', Nv 1. -The the subur)-bs.)f Vi,-ntna.. stc'amers Veniozuela and Santa LruI/ "Scals mmer.f h-de.w of the Pacific MailSteamship corn- cr std when they adreOf the ewr poiny's trans-Pacific fleet have beenrhee hnte drse h tzaken over by tt'? United States ship-.~ i a ro eulc or th ping board, it was. announcedl here "Mayor Weiss9kirchner tried vainly In. No- today by the miarinle department of to g~et a hearing, but hho was greeted the chamber of commerce. ~ ihI SS r ta rshave been 'oper alted "Meanwhilehesanir the national d55C llI lie bythe c omnn'a ny for the ls W(1hd cete constitution t in wh~ichl years. 110place~ was left fot'r' the ccrown. 'Phe L. ~ or- a- 1101ass has the legislati ve et, co21- 1,o30 hile the state council andl the U;IIAV s. ftat go nment share the executive tabi~e gllIMv men t 'ednesda y ni ght STOPS SESS 51 he nkle juts tad&<news today ach the __________ diit teurdermission Seurd i 1 ~ to sray air irsin Captain Ziegaus-Due t To It Origina Col or ParkjF 'es byte- ipI1Epideic. Gr streaked, lifeless hair takes B r eth- ____ o al: beauty twhen this scienti5 re Metho - Ssin fteieia ioy s tore ris used. The original color. 1s Monroeofth dic~aradisr: re coredthe gray'streaks dlsa pear rdoan d will b e discontinued until tite ike agic. YOUr ha r is u passing of the influtenza epidemic. adntrl n h etpr fi Permission to' discontinue the session is the ease w ith which Mary '1. Goldnclucles was secured from Captain Ziegaus of mai~s fa'ir Color:Restorer is used. ational, Olympia after local physicians. haa; $imaplyapplyItwithacob. tis uot ristian, advised himn that it. was unwise to lagreasy dye. buta~scetifcrestorer.;t, F irst call registrants together during tue Hots.=not interfere..with thne washing LUnited epidemic.J of the hair; does n bt Stain ordiscolovr ~e il The board had-been holding regular' 1sA.: to rs ie tiotr~t 1a "sessions two. nightsa week and IS hti est tt tthhi sermon,! now' fairly well.caught r:with isI to its.. llnal colorandbeauty. d Pres. work. Announcement will be made T. sut' gu ttsent Gadnas Soon as it is decided. to.resumeGlda' arCooRsor. Lincoln the sessions. MakFe sur of th a0P tebot _________t___Yoaxmggistkxa slt vie PLANTS SE;NSITIVETiaLWF. Bend 'for. trial. bottleQa 7 sa4 s preach TOWARD.LIGHT rwntm 1 ubrlen arsllrIb it pachda:ut# lim.bwtorlis od and R'ecent experiments have.demon- GbE4~Q second stra ted. the degree 'of sensitiveness ''he that- plant:- exhibit 'towar'd '-jght istr-ictsf Cress seedlings show a distinct cur Ldgr ature a fter.a n exposure of only twof Meth- seconds to a light of 200-candlepow-st ~hdser. The feebler the light the longer4 United.Is te time required to produce ar te,Iactin, but insan. hour thcsedinc _1k OWarm Sthe Bey aith Boards ~ve TariAinof. QUICKLY. EASED BY'PEN RAT or ('oat 15 Boy '..1n:.cliffdr4Y 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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