Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ t: il- _ ThOeti+y h on I to the 'sfgna.cure'" 'rt. y i t 'fl i lcyVic ----+el' oae 0!re c enool st ern 1ec aL Means on eritiete-tic. etilcitci rg the epIdemhic. 'd Dayton. Ohio, Po1tion 130,000 ratt(tielg eel elt nd elte health of'fiecer', * Dayton Daily,NewS-lkcto's eth fctled t toaic-ct aio ir'eteceellt Ittfaot-of roll elrt thtie tmoth 'tf tOctobter.dctet the oteetatoti of the scloot 3 and votedl for O cvrichthe"'fl" ":atttc1 th loing orIt; rreoltite proti detyfor thenesnl'4rc 1sr whc tit oflr'u (-auted fee ttaeieg fo'r Ofthe thcreies playhiouoe, and plithee of andl a-hoots, reee-el ia tonalof 1itt,The a ('fsteftwhie e)lotols 'Pi-c at efbnthi g reatest ta 1 Inany coechy ill; 35thne tiinty anftd testtc;tdc- helteltli Thtrt el ra in ic t -i ltete rt a -r c -trcltted to sell, b ottie d ctetalo -ctcee cehclttt t R.nmtest~c oeletee frevc aeti of ere ltie tt cod acl ticceof lit', 'tle board,]ofeelie-tde'ic OC t'fito ttt.cshows.age of iie woe nre.wtere 0i ember attlo lo ~g loal boacrd' tea lift o (titor e hcwbrit eccleeioosgreatly Cthe ban wherever -cditicns warranted. ler el'oite itte four e ks.ti lgreat c lonhettct In th eir lecegnert at acey 'ceci1clceel'e reectaieeclcloneedoe week tooter cr fter'coeci 'a '4letter, ih ' ita titn'Quer rtel. lee i few lcNoetnate 'e le wit-i ccldtessdto n nWtil hc o ie ep Itrqvatecet t nougtetofates et-e'ci theirltttl -.e 0 'tttctcv'cp rt' e~rttli>:te^,... ccla3ntn re t o 'ethleoi acnii teitntel over to tefcoee.leeay, thee are o~e-cl1. i.tic- i&c icity"baedo ctic atiaca floonci I e-aee les tthe (.1ty meet'- anece-curthcth(e c t pe'eviouoc citke otoje: Oll are of ~ aildet tc- full:tiee-Cif tI' > toceere tleneloath Plinet.Icnntctavcerccgng "f_. e ei 'hoee at elceeaed tian tecn IlaeoccIcarfa c -eell t- eciercwekltueh l fec-o1pene.:tired molacrelait ccc ecleld-y. eAta ctea 'bethe -r tf achcactc e tnt arte titetdeacth teteI teIs r ceel. to, fete tlnot only the tIttl cittt hig'her, lbct.retrltt t ethcceoutctoleeato lo ot rnlily tectleee ittriielcA tipto enlhoj peie d), cti- ttec t'-eltltt'ieatotto iloult tall tcheecctt cIc aest t cccee toute erone cinler t1 ye-are ofsacrateuntil feurtiher I letcteye teelr u e citto to.iaal g no >ate. ' I tte: he tlE lcl-irrecc oel'dies e In ug ttiittmtoae'hc/reanti chit thee arereceeri leoei hoc ar- ecicg dr-e afightig lilea a d~crcit will he it meat tffir.e'lt oll to the 18okane, Wah., Population 125,000. poll(-e. aeiiholtlttaleen heipleiel ie tottp -C. oan Ctcroni cie--tofteat ~c, e cci ret ~iildrte ilcll leeatecctin earl lttoce'Twe titereel MndayWet-c~ ac~cc ~ ~ to' Ico Ik eeen -ty:hctrc'those IOI flipe a eel -sewek tele.toes ti cd lhemeffiienetrpetite te Gdtte.were recorded.'Te etotltctcrn- eceting etha I IItouec are property 1 inn' of c'lceec itc datie I ltle -tehoo are mare'-e. e-to aac. t fteei..e-tcitl-c atte.1i t1ii ie l t-th'itt -,.e itn nto actepreltihit el. t'tc ee c etliot ei 0c"it'ereei-.f 1 tiO-e.e avee'lcbcenesen he set, meetig on nttct rrtece-eeeerare n--Ieee hlacy een'tering metig cc~cecci-e. l'eeeec- reatic tat 'ce-a i.fifile. -ice ateeoed ti tos i alowedclto eruneeat once-talf it-ctt'lt een ecc inc iitt ie:Ieeh-ceeeee a ieinc repeetore inreiet rte ltofpret'e'etbt rseee etcotllec 1'ii"ele fece ce lp accent ttigT' h'lee tit o f elcte r c tiic ha beet tet ete c wht e aeli bcei,. tetrilee tee trgentlyp de rr eclct ceeeefdtg to ee tifth tle Ite e e e- n i- c eel tr1 <I e tt.,ic i c'a hit eteireoec. Feliardacc tF'ire!ue-el t eputte t tr I -;tee rtn-i cee ow ein lee c nrllr'-t peeeeitele tee fecteet lcieniece, (lttlde cc it(e tc tet ileeceel tctt *tIn t1.t0'--r11 e'cce1tft1g-ac rcc SIti e le le-cc ced with, gocel r e1(I4.H-caite. teit naleteecer. fletlit~m Coielne ~'oT'le reeacet nn tel ly flee btardelat -,p j tO hereac. cr,t --eel Itof therepireic of " lteca r-c- r ace 'tfumed -rehethi teOCAet 07bL0. hItcite,Dec, tO -00 cc eta e tentlrtolcer lt, l -cerdal p"et t-ttgecee, 'Who hits leerd Icenetrincg ea t the oeheecapicrie -cihteaa t el asrecebtagmee itiitPedroe,('act., reac eeltteentlg atlotec of ail iclrrlsieateoftee teletleoodof cm ccct~ etirtg th'e a ariee iec Juite, 11.7,the spreadlingeel thre di-cease e bythecon-t jusct rececivd hise oidigo c asen-tellreel ciInfected perercn with another, atg_.IVthenay.icnalitlaItgoon icc tier "11th.c 'e1eet~cm. ce-cDecember 7" the.,beard snito- ir< ndiae.A.:f t tleot of ttit e ie. hr lcctiftieitene-rtt-cbytp prneit -city - t ie"tg 1tee.,picture abe-cc' leoect'c areelp,Ttitrlec e te entted. bettapreventingt the - Wotna, Laid tatfle t. leteengofpiehlloier 1001F l tIt to 'le Ti'Fribun ed"tic3 t a- mitel.tte peal Ittat lxee- toiare ituoentter the mrlfeerc'sticlelof necplelet prin tci- lcGt.;Lfcfclfetine.,it.i 'oicrt,r-.eec e hole eacerc tan-I uree'cicecee snertrc'c Viccewoe, l It te e)ce touneteiy tfttrim' iteee frIt.teaccecce gcter ingee, tee earea for thea ret it oc$c'te>k11r lMrs-aVenter.Ltt- rr-te tisolb eetse rttnlt ece ndciltie' ticed C ill teecYte (eorge it: ltlcecrc Ic cic teeclucicacttoee. threougihIts heceedc etc rof le',eeIc lieee V''4,1 anech ltiet del"ate'crge It, Pta eece~nad thouisandsc of etepelalc non~pear ihetic alerig. t " eep tca: e lic tcel, t, it 1ceIlieee filat ietertle frite let-ecret- e el.Inrit i cle ete "n )'' i p. t tc e "(rdlee'eece Iei the'.tteee et anre-el lee tc 'cirel' nrmrr - iLY'-----' -I--- p1 ofl li-ce linee'c tcit 'ihut tlc tug til{t I ccholeeeseeJ eetcleocttitlt'e awlclmcc l~re'o0fte' e idltit of t retto Ice 'tte t-secttcmtt tetnel ie-re-ic-cthe spretadhitconetct, it bee airetadl fy e'etge tea(errsice-eelieae-ietg pl.otrm"9qecspread, the leitrrtii-ceiie -lte kept' telittltutncaif suce pta eteitled cc It opceneed. teact-el l c etccelteeaee d occeeeepetrt reteeiiecOtet te- "'hlts a -re Iscte h Ie Iteci;toie cee,ace teeeele ('eete.0Is otdetleeopececin ice. theer.ab 1Ie smooth rich flavor 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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