Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~m 0----.-( s11I s h A B 4 ' '.atof the: app nibpartmetts mane of ane t ese drawer~ hipaper azt -bUIs,;-;nd w.: to givead a roll -of white eat, then pres rhich seta the ire is a buzzing d to be made tdire iratus. which ectric d the r the paper Ees an m~otor sound y the '1 1 )utton is pressed and 's change plac* and had been 'piac~d the contain a bill of any Ired. mo with these mnoney is to give a d'p mon. itry to sell thie mace recall that', some ~ew York earn here and made ar in.gele of a- machitne for zot guilty this mornes were adilourized to ball fxed at' $500 Pod uction Of The Savior1 Ling the life of the j own tomorrow;after.and on Mondayr eveleenier Hall, 'dlifford juts. Each ac zne is ural colors an 4 apecompany the p 4odturall important events o Savior fromI Bethy. The presenjtation consumes abo~ t two iours of time. The Laub, pastor oW Holy a, extends an nvita. is who may be inter _____________ earsto cometIce Al togh t was understood.- that said. t at not, until to 2ay hadthG o the staute prey din:o henr. the Public 'Service Conmmission mission retieived any requ e s t t'o ry tisn te nyuet granted permission.Kto the New York men here. to check up the servicer tn taesen neb~~ tate Ral *i7s. Rochester lines, to said that the question would be ta en curtail its service for a month, the up by~the commi:ion on Monday. Local Ile halation t1 usf s been commission. would check up the serv- Fu zther hearing on the matter or c n"dned tq the Proposed endimez 1ttepoeue fr o main 1o, no such. checking has been done curtar ed service will be held at Albany thprcdefo' onento during the 10 days the curtailment has on February 5, when the city will p o- oceedin, Introduc~ed an Thursday been in effect, test yvigorously against h in fi both b.riches., of' the L glslatni'e, Public Servie Commissioner John "service" that ha - been given sne he nator Mullan ale~gt esr A. Barhite, in Rochester. this morning, order went into effect.:"I the' Senate and Asembly -an Adler SI the As mrbly. M'.erked I crease in te c'ty's territory hrough the 'an ~T 7Iexation mea ire that becetne oper P 1 redirtod. tie on the first oif the year may Z ero eatt er 4 ake for sgdditiona l 'eeeislat an at the present seeion. oltha ierh ns yet no In-. Vsv iIN tLa tL n t~mntinn of anything in th a~t line has A rapidly dropping mercury thisT The forecasted cold wave Is expected Daly Death Rol morning accompanied predictions by' to bring tho mercury down to ze'ro Weather Observer Luther M. Dey thatf and perhaps below." Local temperai tochester would experience zero1 Lure star ted to drop at 3 o'clock this weather by tonight or tomorrow f morning and since then went from 34 i u e "I 1 frmng Them crod wavs otioftwo gaboveabnon. Theoco1daegrisx frmtesm eina hto w bv tno.Tecl aei "#days ago which gave la temperature:ported to be as short lived as as J irt reading of ' three degrecs abocve zero.I the las~t.Is: The.funeral of C arles P. l3urritt, 57TH MAY BE I N etsFo veteran postoffle ea ploye who died No- ~eatis Fom jyesterday morning, will be held on ww..wy1 ~ ik~~ IflMonday~ aternoon aK 3 o'clock from WAY fthne family residence, 20~9 Barton rSreTesriewlbetchreOW A HOM 'EtY'Ine of Rochester Lodge, 660, '. and A. 3t. of wihhe ws'n ebr prvt eog ong Ii this morning thcvr- Mr. B3urrltt was foreman of the de pnvt erg.Y ug ignht. report from the. Irai ih livery department at the Rochester '~ns 'Writes He Is Coming. Buriieau shawed no deaths from postoffice. lie was appointed a letter dithner influenza or Pneumnoia, erner in 1890 and was promoted to --Not Heard From in and but 1 7 cases of Influenza the position he held at the time* of anrd three of pneumonia. htis death in 1912. tie its at 'one Several Months. 't ime president of the local -'branch of --------- '- ---"i the National Asaoctaion of Letter Car i. After a:zieflc(rier and was three times delegate of man ti"wee'k.W i uctionr 150 Iroms the Itochester branch,to the na Private rorgo A.~" tional convention o~' thin body. He Younighans, sonh Brof A was largely responsible for bringing Mrs. Rtose Young- Ba rels1)Of Apples tihe national association's onvention a' of 58b Arch. A F utbt to Rochester in 19 1 and' act t] as At F utE htstreet, has be himno tearneset corn heard from. chirrneat ofthtie. is well and U._____antteatta cording to a iet- Pre'icirations ari ('omte~t for the yrs.. Lewi's Vickery. ter just received, first joinLt eetinlg of the Western Genevsan. d.'Lth of Mrs. is on his way to Ne.rÂ~" urk locrticilt ural 8ceiety and I ew is \'icktery. aged 39 years, occurred B~rest to embark the New 'York State Fruit Oro wtzrs' 11- 1 teryit te y(enr 'as~ hiai n for the r' n I t e d Association, w'hich wtill be held. at, isughtedr.Lcy Lhnr ofEsha ira;n states. (onvention lili next Wedncsdlay." thrce' sons. Judson end Enel'e $choe Iiaisa emer 'rlnursday andi rd The sessions on iiar'r anid tichard C tr1 Vickery of this fIatey'.r7t hrsatty; her father. Andrew I.. Rose of nt lateryE.(.7h 1Thusdy afternoon' and all day Fri- ititnra; thrce sisters4.Mrs. George Pike T ~~It Chui i 1 0/0 3/2 0 06 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M fternon. teg b~re 't Powers 'kfi an unfort Turley.,hay of oppresalo government. key, under qtr. Morgi part of the half-fed and out clothing tenis at hi alties of life pie would 91 war and tI country bay chanics. 'the bank ors and men, chIldrt the burden try. Both tinei lice have be NEW Common tend t4 Sessiox ning I ing in Princ~pai. ticat of. the regular pet, next will be man and suj comprising added to ti boundary o Fcrederick.J clerk of Gal resentative Commoan Cc the Board o Another i with the ne' nance pi'oi sidewalk cbi U'nder the cleaning is aunpervision MED. red into rest. Jh t M. f hayne. ''W. and Ca t he street. aged 27 ata, she )enve J. of itoehest~ Won Corps. A. f rem Church.o iomday. Januarl m H. Nolan di~ at his home4 iHs leaves his' tnd Mr.. Thomn Thomas, Char, Lb. the Amerce.s in France. er; three sister r. Mrs. Wesley la N~olann. Please omit:R- -'s. Juliao of William. right at the hon Q1 41 years. Be aresa gson, to lear Bd $th Mrs. Johnn Kale rura tt en'f nuary eloved,in. A. years. at tWO r and It. P. Holy 3. ml 2,s 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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