Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~U, S. ORCE HAS, LARGE PA1RT IN', ALLIED.SUVCCESS Advance on Meuse River and in gonnieForest,) Ijershing Announces. POSITIONS HELD, FACE, r O F.SOUPER10R NUMBERS 100 Planes -and 21 Balloons 1JffTredW e; PasV~ Four Days. WASHING TON, Oct. 1.-Purthier adyas sbythbe 'Aineittrn forces attack]n -alonig th e-Mofurn river uod Ilothe ArgonneD jorest- were- reported in.-Gieneiral herobclosC lnOOqie for toly5% receic-chl toIsightt tb h WarDepaitineut.,Amoerlicn 150,000,-COLLEGE, S.TUDENTS MUSTER'EL ARMY RESIFIIV-GRP-SILA HEAR, A DDRESSE SFROM PREP IDL NT AND MARCH Wilson Tells. Youths They H-ave Become Coma is n Cause 4. iiWbf Belier Place to Live. in. g-T4-OITAL FULL; 5 0 CALLS TU.RNED DOWN Influenza Epidemic Here Is Regarded asMost Serious -". in Many Years. Due! to th he yicti- it tof nlonzo In Ash~vIlle. tin o-flin o preco-deoted condltton prontlo or ro0c3, hocylto, as many3 fil fifty r11.4it-nrecIved betoo-n'.1o'clotck Tuesidny afterno-on and.9 o'cloek Tu 'eaday bight horing loo-4n breed doiwn loenonue of lock of.ovolinbie necoomooitalts., At 4 W oeeb there woe enoltoIntho In-.sfttton oin ocolloie bed for a iflfln, a11 of the prlvtcoe roomsnodnt( the rhnrty c-nto opproirlrtlrfor Toen beingertirely occupIed 00 htlot beawlodIni the woncrn'si dpartmoeni. only-about lbolt ozeon beds eo avaottobte. As long on there 0-crc anr- b-dcovaliable to otolot co--ccwere brot -osn tnly ton e?,rotton brinlg itlrnis aitillted with t Iscese t the ho.14-lgo..a3M)lir. W0. F. eei -sap. Ar).,itteocent of the -.hnspitil. Artted-Tusda--it t-ttr 'Werti- between13ft end seonby-w veee n othe toctitu-! AUSTRIA WANTS- PEi BULGARIA'S LOSS L1 (AS BEGINNING 01 X Turkey Cannot lowing KiKjg A ccordingqn ers-SolernA nJieg7Vkw4-iiBe-eme -Part - of the.'Military Forces and Pledge Themselves to Defense of the Nation. e"WASH1!NGTON. Oct. i.-One hundred,]t tfty thounncd 'college students In ' )ops of toe onntry were nmosteredi Into tire Student.Arniy Reoerroc Corps at mere thana A)OOcolegeo acd id ntveritifeo-ttday, -herneutag-.pta-Ctbe-- mlitatry- forces--an dpleging - ller.iselricto the defense et thep nation. Speelot prurcnc-nm TjnAgtlilAWI tier corps with forim prrp ormny. Sounding at otetoithe jtudrois -icerd zncmeols. from.. Presi1dent Wileon. Ating secretiiy Croowellti General Moreb, the chief of rican OPENS' 'o-res II~tC. Goegani, Ser-Gnrnes of teIAc larmta sny. il Shr ate of retrerment cr51 -mesehlt IOTHER IDAY OF IORY CROWNS, Al I IMflFFOfRTR. tie reditb X-., - I, 3ishop 'Knight,',Cal BSrown and Othrs-ddrssKhaki clad Student Band. SEIVeLN'E Toxin..Oct.0 I.cpec I-l) 'Thiseutr enclc wltnecer be inirpeit until the nairceentmoo the trectm'ofTBrrtin or tees foreerr.nreh(]nut totie comliery mtecroc y of':Germny. S6 hoPicCnth rc letry D, Pbtilico ehpliieof tto InicerStip- of 01cc holbir Octhle exrr~Jsoeoentioted ut ieirc ocef~emmbers if the O.4tror1;tito Army vTrainiog Corps, 1!nesd*y-it11 ogAndti uch wuc theAbetef Ittthewinds if the ItrxeeTron it presentAobeo the mwowm bero of ihe corps. c-tad in-.thietiM ttic cr oct-e hhto ccc bieeeorc~mei.tire loy bho ore.- toettier citylthe b',fec i~ut ndnr otf -el-c of the untoeettly andt. 11, cc' cwoa Nit tery -A(.eirtccar o tloicero 4preresnt. Meti cond Wmneecnbithone'.otilce rrpeed efler Cloeil it-nine thc.outic of iltegitore to boo^ fiugne orcigtetthe One crpitet etlltert diocse--peohabty pot mle tIha dozen." Physicians Discuas- Influtenza Ep Before n ceetitog of lice Ncsr ep of Mccliine, reid In thce room ontiwue rncolntel licne olog. a0 -ompreiiroAv-- dioeos'ir IeflrcuezapaidniIc woo led -by P. Deriroric, Vitieri Stos uItc Servto-c: CtylUntertotoglst 11cr onni cther nleers cof thce ac~ieric -n IOtio lt'tsf.unoo It,-woso Virnt "thec- present.octiteolo ovras,i bait al MiL~ILLP M 1I witI IW idernic Long Lines of German TransilfAi- ports Stream -Out of the, ccc of the Camibrai Section., Cap1ft. n.- -- - tIc-. illy fliperyvfaoterci WITH 1iii11 itiBRIoTIH AiRl1MlY IN int 0 re- icRANtCE.,ct.1-: icc -hsno boo~qxnt~~ ac-notber ciii of flctarter tfre the figtingc ltrecisrc ticerctrI hi-egttc tgio tco continuredt )St iliit beic-fnrore incot criceit. c--t--- Wwepetst npraneie In encec c 1-citeti-h ie Acusticaorc wen C-iic b iopietsio no cccii ii Qjj(ico oc '.i coo-i It, eco- "jCic to pegicyci 11;to-rreosretilibe crci every-wctere,, ccboneilli-' te-t olg.e 4'tclliii orrtietcitcrdi roco thil ithan M.r"io-t ri oolirrfoco.9ooherregrns itce,pci'- toetcr ecr~iscf. rt irororer, if cc It tico. ih e icec-tic loic-i onthlie 71 ccciimn, Winecorc reow. ore- tt-icic withic -otecccideso f tIhep p,,4- cerctionto ceciio Llici their posbtioc, io public Inctics entiroecarco Ii uore reorcooc ican acodewy in, at any 1110cc dorirbr hepost four peorki. - bell. City'freAiern jfi4 tco icikccogthe ccliceirat 00 Trnec' ofciccocitcing cittec cI -nthe Ittocuesei oluicrieen-oco cclorebhere there, I stilt ""ery op-ncoun otry. 3bcoiti cifow 1twI c-e: ie 1crp qi;~ hind 11che Bitishc inccacoter irtin filuting. hotnyTheitoces ccreoo-.oie (ctcaoe ecit ffLevergie. Estreecapicored once ond thenlosbt Surrender& ie Ger'marny's Uc die East and For World.Er Tlciriccicrt ri'o oypa ers. icteirt riti CrocIci itif iiotii m c i i t -, jl thoci un1it c- -so, twil Blainr rton - p t'e 00 elce ive t-enoe Iclel WdScis 1 -c itr inc t- I otbic wopeot'in are-ce piresetree 01c OoncicoEnd of Great F -Tragedy Near griricinin s t n t()torc#ititcr ticciciccot ti-i end the om prt hrttcc-i-h or -en olit- tt to t 4pI* ' 1c11eit o 0c0ritr i c icctic r c rc-cl ccit t- he!o h101 Ftooce i--inc i) o! a(1ito oe- ii-,i it the r 00 "it ic no trilo f rex l iinititi. ic-ci'c'tci yr tc of u -rirl toi1i. tloc 'iitp s.p ri ci rtrriieo i t x lii 0 - ieto low rs (,I briong'tie (eunnlr the uowi cocci i Cii foronio ut Ioittheit icr cics ot irtciii 1-11tire tatbric O-Not-topps er Bucci hrt.-CONDON I TO MllI lif it mirizAtm atttick, has new ieen takes vugozl 0_NFLUENI eumonia. I ncreage__Is, Shw nCmps7:on lteso I-Cousn at.) Segnn-by aotoc-.The Auntrieco saanhed, -welt 'eastoertiof It, weking nsre,-ef MatiCoilning their gain. Ft-m em re the batttele ecee- batik SA ne-thocestwoerd., pasing abooutI1.5Wit yrds eacth esc -of Grcue. wocib.-also han -onre bgee -re arc-ed Uby thie Allied t t-aopajbui at ZAthe present ecoment Is In Germnnheeds.The. toria isuche'cn applied to!(fwharul. - and the torn is horning briskly. '11-is retS dent Ithulic theIet-wuos rtine-ibey cotist AIso gret owoc fr-o m thIm localityad.oje cclcenty,tb@inr of rficlesr Caenbrnl a114 -t uttr ponee Grenitnngnes 'of- fIsmes-se~dbilleows of Jswoee ere rislng- ft-ow. Cmbrul ester- C A WIN CollidesER IS SUNK PldesWith'.Oil Steamer -Off IS nat w J NW rsey' Coast., Victim Says,,As Not H ave' Bee -As toHis I day enight by IMortin_ C sueot-of an itecituit occi leb hbedlat- SI eaell detlcoi teil O ocull0ug c11141tire oflor alt pariito-areitbi I shoeting w't liio uAi It that H cNc-larlecicbcitManrtin Coaotcee, ceo etiop Cccwpaeiy, icosue 'CuO to bof i Iotoitosnehtil 1 sheboildenly;ccieciatc1 I lsperln o t ate tt Bat-u pottr. of 'lie Tee'nc sacnding Ice thet -llg Isselistbt, -a -icei Capitin. Maccoun i el 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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