Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~LinqOCly ily 5I &OU I i 7V15 Iadvertise them in The. News* Tines 'ant Ad Columns.. *'--~.. VOL. LIX: NO. 269. DEN V11 TA.. THURSDAY. SEPT. 26.- 1918:-4 ii n;; ',. 7IRNY STARTS '$17,911,750 DENERS QUBTA; fIGNT TO STOP -TViI ~i - F INFLUENZA JIsaie, Epidemlic in New England, Now Reported In P6 2States; on Wane at Devens. The Fourth Liberty loan quotas for Colorado and Denver are 6b37.I32 0 and $17,911,750, respectively. These figures were telegraphed late yesterday from the Tenth federal reserve district's headquarters at Kansas City to Chairmen Samuel D. Nicholson and Earl C. Schuyler of the Colorado state and Denver Liberty loan committees. This apportionment leaves $19,271,500 to be raised by the counties outside of Denver. the Third Liberty loan, but only $6,970,600 more than thseit frstems~ usi subscription of $10,91,250 to that loan, while the entir4unth quota for Colorado is -$l6,$TO,350 more than the $20,314,900 third quota, but only $6116,49 more than the state's total third subscription of $31,066,800. The-total $280,00&,000 -quota for -the.Tenth district is exactly twice the dis. trict's third quota. The second loan minumo quotas subscriptions were $14,910,760- and -$33,02300. WbIh- tver'rourtht quota is $295,150 more than the minimnum quota for the -Vitjtate on Up~ second loan, it Is. only: 3,. 001,000 above the city's actual sibscription to the second loan. Both the city hod stats conmnittees-have anticipated quotas tn the neighborhood of those named, and haye been instructing their workers to urn at such high figures and feel jirepared to put Denver and Colorado well over the top in the Fourth Liberty loan drive, as in-the former campaigns. ff IO. LEADER IIlng'Adislon of W ing Mini udgedIn Wasi Igt n -s VelledlovsToward BY ARTUE Xsa amesZNZ staft Cpreespscsdent ef The Nev WAB~li(GTON. d!pt 2L-As 51 tcial admission, of, the usoaveus quota ti tm i ore ' -..-*-. W" srw' es, By Assiesiated Ress, than twice the $8,65'2,100 quota for 904,900 and $17,616,00, and their WASHIGTON.Sept. 25-Spanish influenza has spread over the coun- utry so rapildly that officials of the aWIL __or~ Ippihat evcwradnvW S N S ATdepirtents and Red Cross conferred e toda y on measures to help local cozn-.*u *~~9 --RV WT nunities in conmbatting the disease. iUnllE L111 Surgeon General Rupert Blue of W t u ~ e *the public health service said tonight N W VlK TA ~ u eett~Fe. that latest reports showed that the N W Y R A K8 seltaPes malady had made its appearance in ' " IE LONDON. Tuesday. Sept. 24.-The twenty-six states, rcornitoe Attantic first case in which it is known that. to the Pacific. The disease is epi. * "ms,.1 a submacine fought back when atdenic In New England, where it first f iU1Sl peiai, F.OfllO Ut~ tacked by a seaplane resulted in 3np mads Its appearance.ofGetLksM rn p Influensa has appeared on the Pa- o ra ak rn robable destruction of the subtoersicfil coast in Washngton and Cal-d TORTV.S 7 ble by an Apoerican. a Vtor, Reserve. fofnia. but is not yet epidemic there. Badt Tu.. jBai~n J. FPCarpo Ilt was annousod atl~ has lien reported in Mtinne- oa y" d.I sot.ss4Iowa,"bitt with few cases. sB aa l ' [i. el!rant Q- o y there are tow states where it has not - -seaplane, fl?~4O4n~oed,eeufud Wilson will launch tihe fourth Libertr"utlh i~6i~t or ah Naw Coeas In Army, 1" ~ 'u ieIt g 0 I S RECAPTUR ED Macetr Hill, Where English 'Fought, TilleR by main committee was received with ontasual interest. Otherwise the speech is viewe Washington as merely another3 in the Prussian.pease". orfsta4~ tlhe effort to negotiate a peac. the allies before diasater overwh the ihaperlal plans* of conqnest aim bf. 7,thi hnoellor' ilslieutly to htarteg',the..n~hpeople; h becoming '.4 sour-seed y l1 tary Mic isyv ad ttddrln4m.?ake an exiandad era ofpqa 'thear-teyeui a0to., r z lI'th ut we h'ave- noaso aka ean extenfdthearm con,1%-as:nd dropped on ltth'---*- --- tit flrlting on tecii. 'tsriu, u wh Y behalf of the loan, but he Wosne %ithin a few minuttes the how of of -1Pdtre n rcot hr h icuae.W aear~y noon. ire ndGior- hr h toe speak onptheeeverof the openin the U-boat appeared on the surface German rear guards have been de- thro more severe tests. toda Thesttlrgeted nfro y the ap of the three week,' drive. and remained visible about four win- fending their earthwork. stubbornly eesv q Final preparations for the campaign utes. More bombs were dropped in with teuul ahn uofr.I W have carried on ti a to 2900:! cases. The number cf poeu wn steadily ahead today. Treasury this interval and it is believed thestl sem - ol ae eotdaogtes-department officiais took cognizance unereacrftwa ethreadymam 4oubtful whcether the the first ds as a defensv a mona csesreprte amngthesot unersa caf wa eiherbady dm"enemy has been cleared out of the thoughts -of conquest aret rin diers since the outbreak of the influ- of widespread reports that no sub.' aged or destroyed. rsn fPofe.bti sptIlsyW a amyaatti54 ensa epidemic Sept. 13 Is 2,313. and *setiptions of less than $20 would be Ensign Carson's machine, with two ran -fPnfe.bti sA~ irl ecncll wi -the-nesb- eestns since tiset dx eacce~e.Lor.Lhafouth loan. adthat -oters, was pit at TorWBithe50sb t h h-.holvI55nor5tn yp1-o~ r-ns.roy na ant-O~f is 53t, with 155 reported today- no 1511 bonds would be issued, marine was sighted ten the surface, posts and some sniping posts in that tude of the German peoplWl Fer the first time since the out- Rumors Dented. and the ensign made.for her. As he ground. The fighting here.,espeolally go imploring for grace wt r break the number of new cases cc- As proving the falsity of these wass getting into podtion to use his near Selency and O Cricoort. -hase been N:Ae i ported from Camp Devens. Mass., was rumors. officiats pointed; to the fact machine gun or to bosmb the under- severe, and the enemy madiSWeveral- great past, their still gretrm lower than the number reported from that a larger proportion of 450 bondsI sea host the German fired five shrap- counter attacks during the last forty- in the future. They wilrea another camp: The new cases atj hae!bteo.nrlnted.thla-lme- thas aver nel.ahells.Ahraot~wlph. a ii ight-k tura..Lo-o her own 2dat hae:te il o uiit Camp Elevens numbered i99, making before. and to the atditlooal fact that to the seaplane, doing it some dam- age, because they were repulsed and selves5." the total 11713. Hoboken reported I loan committees have instructions to age. The other seap3lnesdd not cost them s-beau ricel n.: Count von Hertling's of, a the greatest number. 1.0215S. This-tmake strong efforts to sell these take psrt in the attack. lives, as th co ismander-lo-chlef men- ntiin5Ol tKi"Swd-otgtn tb..however included several camps and "baby bonds' to persons of very smell -140 tions officially. ma- popeisrea -e depots. means. Automobile Plunges The companies of the second Royal significant. This tditcorietl Mlild is Wetetrsn sssps. About 1,.00(1O~t bonds, tialaly ofI 5 57 F u Sussex met the enemy with the h-ay- the turning of the tide_ofwra Camp Dix, N. J. repored 9!i3 necw small denominations. had been finished Over Bank WithF ou onet and inflicted heavy losses. In Germany, and to the Ji-r -cases, the largest fr-ni a enngic by the bureau of prnting and en-____ the comnbate over 2,000ooo eirtfslnve Prussian war lords-toi ak camp. while Camp Lee. Vsa. had h ar:n1td93n heeweeo VICTOR. Colo.. Sept. 2.-Word been taken by our men, many ma- their; promlises that th sbo -new oases. Other csmps reporting their way to federal reserve district reached this city just before midnight chine guns, trench mortars and one and Hindenburg would bigt new cases were Logan. Tex., 20x fedlistoter nesiI Sevir.. C. 10; yrause N 48headquarters. The " first ahipments that a hunt-g f--atty of four, led byfel gun. The French on our right le oterkesI hr r Sever S.C. 10; yraus, N Y. 18:went yesterday to San letacisco and Mancli Curran, well known here, had captured 500 men and made good Govenment oa Til Funsto's. Kan., 135; Gordon.,iGa.. 2H[.-oter dosts-nt poiss, gone over the bank in an automobile progreas about Epine de Dalion, tho The whole tone of thedae Goant.ili. 293; Humphreys,. V 106. oAhrae fi nc S. 9;Ieve"'s.2: ltseustPTu ^ njr st n ftemnI o pfrti tMnhse ilr-ta ftedfneo Meadec. Md., 208; Pike..Ark., 209. Tay-- GREAT LAKES. Ill., Sept. 23.-The known. A party left at once to take doubt. on trial before theams tor. Ky.. 43; Upton. N. 1'.~, so.atd music special.' a train bearing the the injured men to Canon City. The It was on the rporntng Of March 21 for;mg tnan again--l e e misc.I tia~juO caniy njpns.5321.:-tl,i,,h,3 ~s f te,r ~ It kts s,5 pin t; acien-I-dscribed as ta the ensm iJeoron trenttity-the kalse..'.acts antocr Other' ramps reported fromn ene toj battalion band, will depart Thursday one of the most dangerous points In came thru the fog and brokteronO the people that thels rulesnv -tour new cases. for its big sweep around the mid-die the canonk...--both sides of Epics de Dalton and carried out the popularwi AtttUinp Deccci.;42 new a: es of West In the interest of th5e fourth Lib- c- Manchester hill. driving forward fend the empire againsagr -----5 a~es erty loan. The train will ho a'ininia- U._.SAD Sell Property twean-lroutjUlster divisions and LaRq- Von eRatling betrays theoul (etleonPiL ta Y totre navat station on wheels. LieuL. cashiire men,-...-----.d-ns -,.,, ------ fir"' lil----0 themselves engaged. Inis " THE WEA HE in. Y Our outpost line was held by a war are waking uip.andta UJFAT 4FR '-------------~----' Iseries of redoubts including those I who shared the dream-n wol THE ~ ~ ~ ~ n WASHINGTON, Sept..-Real estate js e~indadarc-orer-qetaegoln-co osi TH'Rplt EP. eSraaA1580 C na ia s nrivrsdedrve.Nw drivey.JstmetiNew nda Yorkure -city, doubtgc wnd y er. iwasushwiheldt ash by y the Inniskillin government In its hour o ali 13T ' ad viciitof by Mrs.. LilSllyosuscharwifearfusiliers. These places and, othets The chsaed 'temtper o h Today aeing ith e SAROIIKYDT.aLo the late Adolphus Busch, mill- like them were -quickly* surrounded, evidently has aroused thutm toorwfi n t4U4.x hree o t Lusaetob int our men held out in them with ficial anxiety. Popular dsot vre.Coeadn-Today fags OTTAWA, Sept. 2.-The net looses sold by the federal custodian of alienCoe in the west portion. I,7 sF in the overseaso military forces of property at private sale. (Cotisseed en Page!. Colmn 2.) (Coatissued an Page 3 clearing wstb risieg7,.,~er~tu. e aa-tianada in Enland and59France upto li q n l 1 i E 9 E e t l i i i i 0 E t 1 ti C l t Llmplratur'e a a[ " "","a<was.. uus.a au saay a a..p... I a 10 1=1 I 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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