Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~IFSIUL5 Stuents from Flu infected a, that ation world know, faft. Ions." f the W Ith 11 the me 10 or anl he ily re Districts Not to Be Admitted The possibility that high schools may be opened next Monday, or at any time that mdcal inspection can be provided, and that pupils living In districts where elementary schools *are closed will not be admitted, was the new angle in the city school situation today. It the school board secures ntecessary doctors, for which a $5000) appropriation is to be askled, schools will bo! opened am rapidly am possible. according Io decisidon of the board last night. Superintendent or Schools Shiels stated that Iho Labor templo night school -end the & twentauoul ahigh school will be opened next Monday. aned it is prohabie that mevsrat (thor schools will ho openc 11011 also. Dr. Herbert Trim..fiend of Iho school beal h rdepartmnent. announced that It would be InadVisableA to open scrhools in. a fim of' the districts a.9 tho intllitent'.t epidenttt it AStit citt aba ted. If the high wsdotttl are *operndtlpupils front it theInfected dlstrici s witill n-1tit, h allowed to attend, htil. wotilti Ihettrttvimtlwitb hoine cork. a ccmiiiingto I'tt lath tt plans. Certification of Dry Amendment Held Up '64AK F'FtANt'I'iCO.Jan.2 i lnjlinctLifnt prohilinglogOvernor Ste -; Aictis frenm certifying It( ecreLarV ~f State Lansing CoO Iltornelis r-tLtittta.Iota of the dr-y amioiit t,the ftettt.l consititllion Is stihi int effectI(lay. Judgeo Troutt or the iittiteihor coutrt decided that illtiertnnent tieclilon would he mttotie util ho t nd4 Jutdge Crothers couldi ilteroturi-the InterittI of tite case. Attorney (I nriial WebbtMod aeileI'murrer (tit is, aritttd ita (o -it -, perior cotirt tadi it i st itt hi 1%illhi lie case, its lilt: st ale -l1igIstutel acoted as a 1ritri I igoel'V hotit.i ratltltttlthe ittiidit't i. Til t- iii' tion ws Itskel In I lie l1t1e11Pf ph 'lateLight. a ('tafliig imit ghlt gti he grower.'lTh-ettlirt trumst oSL a di-kA sloe as sonortits itim,'ttibll Claim Alleged Bunko i Well Known inl West:, J. J. Brown, alleged butiko artiiqt, under arrest on a charge or attemvptIhg to obtain $110600 by llnpersonatItg*Cl. P. Cunningham of Dell Rapids, S. D., now living at Long.Beach. Iao beett l4entified sa mean who has operatedl In the weast for many ~ asin similar roles, according to atafte Ins1pector Naltet M.L C1oAcin.i 1rown was arrested shep aa yES, Madam, Clothes. loh Clothes that youft' Ever'y excuse,dt-a for not havingb overcome. YOU, afford just aszll I/ else, and what i should wait fro Credit'offers, you -, I for only $1.00 dow4 conveniently xrraodJ and scrape'Ia, st modern metho.4, buying of wiorth.4~J4 All that is, q, i;_ "7 L I:?Te pootmistress of one of tie sulsdivIsiouss said to me "IIterm of thie 'Cohiolia' in a peculiar w1ay. Twotomen have bee sending nionrv orders from, nmbwindowt to yow' store regularl" and;It sred so enjollable for themi to do -16. and so C vertiet iat I dccided to tryt itmyself. So I have come tctdatt and bought a coal." Aforal:--IVc extenrd Credit chcrrfulit. Our customers pay chee fully, tcsuliing in a muluallyV cheerful transactioun. lie Chieefully yours,. Manager. Seldom ifvi's a largwer disiay of wOomen s u~ar ever,.! 1 I d.':: i,m, _;,.: _,,, 1 i. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER RN 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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