Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~Mills end told him the}, wanted t~receive patLO~ vIn Inc event tne ept' establishied emergency hospitals 4t- street: residence, CetaCiy om ~(comply w'ith the order, t~ c,ullnt denooc trelr;i1M magnitude whenc" most Immediately, and as a result 800 Joseph P. Carnow.2,90 aoc because oif the scearcity Of maks the regular he,,pitais cannot care 91RNH5T ROY PADGET. cases were reportod up. to Oct. 20. street. f'or the putiente+. Dr. Oharpley ex- Salida did sot have the epidemic as James B. MecFall 0 83Aak i0 T He c nnaeare esi tha thysot rrnved the, optiniton last flight that it Ernest Roy Padget died of oneumto- soon as Boulder. When the orisisteet li wotuld not b. neceeasry to open these nia Thursa ih thshm.17 was reached In Salds. however, the Lula Kahle, 98, Mryb~ia;~ Itse eeral e undrt tonoc that orerv os'i eteogttery, 1ot.incoin street, after a brief ilness daily number of new cases was sboit residence, Deenorestaarm tsTe is gnerliranoersoedtha evrybe little cnil t "r such hospitals. effort witi hie mtade tomorrow to have Tu uttre a h iete-M.Pde pn i oho as~ thirty. No oases were treated In Gladys Mace, IS.'S ~hn'she h tuks ready fur enmployes and fotout t ii oDne rD Stratton. Neb., and cams to Denver to,te teptet eo ae optl residroce. Waebug ms ecttteoers ouik'. but none wiii be Rod Hutc'hinson, nedialet prt 1make his hins In 1886, Be was rd. emrec spe tobert Rt. Payne, 2,18 ooo en barrd ifthe tore areonabe towho deciared that the maeet was a'uated front the West Denver Highsiealrthyhem iee, llet ppl thse ack tothecueottersbetter preventive of the spread of in- school In 1000..Eieseiae ele. Gog.Cabre 8 ae oW who haven't any.i~O hnteqsatn i itd tetm fhsdahh a Boulder is the only city other then home: residence, Clubs a 'hti The came complaint came fr'om Loesa ans th q uarantie. and cieted wth iteofhi es ath Meal 7eosr.thathas po restrictions upon Heitoro RIno. 40.,t oehsbe o scoresof bnnesses FAncilso witho as ea aptes.:orer. Managers of factories reported San Francisco had the mask order reompany. He had been a prominent eringe in public plaes. Salida Is Elsie Dubrldge.28St oehson an they hiadt't mtasks and couldn't obtain and Lots Angeles did seL meamber of tihe First Baptist church about to raise the b~an, aqcordilugto p11ai1".zLdepe.atR o,. asrp': veads of various industries sent DrDlthnoi ~ akt h ormn eradsre stes r. Kennedy. Boulder hadTa mtwh liosephene 0. Leont.~8 eoa1 ia simtiiar report, and so did heads Medicat society In Denver. declcaredl urer. lurger piroportionate illness among street. aco ofmany kinds of businasses. All re- that be considered the mash en the Besides his widow, -Mres Beulak residents in the initial wave of the Lewis Johnson., S aesret iri celved the same answer as that given ' best method of combating the sa- Whesier Peadget. and little dagtr epidiec than Denver. Umlehlctte 8aleude,4,~,ishtsleg,". ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ agtr temneroftesoe--odld an hectdIseseimayCities under strict' tquarantine 1d- hospitai: residence ntgvn us the managters cofld thel storsrt doa ad he ced It us in many- Jean. lie Is survived by his psarents, elude Gunnison, Delta, L~ake City and The two Curnowsgvnnthlst Ts 4theysaos I. Lerged. sory ho evert h od+. onciuding all per- M.and Yrs. R. D. Padget; two broth- Durango. Strangers whbo visit there of victims were boiceadde hs Next in confusion rams the rem-, sons appearing upon tlio street. era, Raymond Padget, now Is, the sice detained, and there are stringent Wednesday.wtththa-fwhor f ra pints of those tiving tn apartmenot Tite News last nigiot received frem aviation service, and Russelt Padget, Iregulations and conditions concern-, eath other.Mr houses whare there was an influenza T lt Bietty, utate oealth coisoion- who is in California. and a sister, Mrs. Ing those residing there who attempt Dcr~ Ist eee a l "patient and from m~embers of famnilies rr of Utah, the foiiowing telegram Mabel Idelvor of Nebrasha. to leave. W.' Â~I em confidentth hepent01 -wth such patients. The firet order,ragarding masks: -. =~ The epidemic is critical but tro increase In the numbro ewcsso cteomplated including ail members. "Undsuand Denver is tonnider-,alarming In Sterling, Greeley. Push-ofIlunanDe "of failies and the arrest of thaaa on. log compulsory masking orier. In lI, Walsenboeg. Cheyenne Ws-lls and o tnhen Vinr Denel setrl u WIbousiss where there wacso nnfla- reply to inquiry to California state I E-.~L Juotshorg. There are no quarantine the cosin weekwileea esIe i., "enta patIent. board of health as tat expierience in Fo d V-~ e regulations, and the epidemic li un decrnee in the numbrot css"uo ~ iwas definitely stated that the; San Francisco temp ad' d with other FeA ie der control..rshfD~"lalr~"oiida' rQuarantine on influenza was similar cities where masking *as not eaom-.Ceesdilesd Show i.tppev5m555. have ma4ql~ q Rtehn toa.po 1 toseharneslpx ofo eampll bhe tuoay. Chlompaing of r m ridiead. The health hoard was notified that jreitec"ats it that the' epe ay efrt totatoeaner smallpox foreamle. The pua:'maison efloin wobire recivd conditions In Trinidad. Glenwood calmed.'"al permitted to come and go. hut they.mortality covering varioue cities' anl ' lgdIUa S Sprin gs, Rifle and Fort Morgan are 1 -. -----n mut be isolated from Ihe patient or 'shows little If any influenza from more favorable for an early abat.-~ il, O 111 El iY'DRE o thno coming in contact with the ompulsory masking. Please pass this av ment of the epidemic. sALfGAUm naaui patient. 'Information to city health officer,' A t Re ports from cities In other states ot Aret Mer Be Made. I"T. B. BEA'TTY, AilS ignes disclose en Interesting study of how. VETERAN C I?~U 1.l Iwas also explained that in an Th"Stale Health Commisionr. the wearing of masks has helped put' -i IItha apartment house only the aplartttent Th mail carres were aog the _______________ the epidemic under control. The meek R~I Inwhich the patient was would he first to appeal" yesterday on the 1 rce ar of-hg inEgad&-mynthv enbepnil o'CIAO o.2 subject to quarantine. It was stated, see wtmasks. The masks were resyhg]i nln th maycoteae en ratsionsibhe for'-"G CIA O R"ov th Mee' thtirtby hoeeta iiigsc n'eeujgiven out by Postmaster Stapleton cording to a letter oeeived by Dean thgeraei etsate ab te-'el.H f the woldwritteldpin homes was strictly forbidden. This early to the morning to the firnt men H atnhrrcoif St John's monat o thet tsure hut fiures in Its'elfatena hnadqWrVtrn n ot ore smdi sexplained, bcuegoing out en their routes. Members cathedral, fromi his daughter-, bls diate tatcita enbnfcili:is'aioaoedures.s nteo ~ becaus is maan Francisco o hriving metropolis o ~iscl h uder the provIoaui ban it was found cof the police fore at headquarters Agnes Hart, who is now traveling ino The flu broke out during the week' Mont, almost Imspossihle to keep visitoors out:and the outlying stations also were that country. The war-tine prices ending Oct. 10., when eighty-sight News of Its existenerahdCi R osuhhue. Udrtuprsn0given masks promptly. ar etms ytetaeig u-daaths a-eye reported. Maaks were cago today in aprite ciulrau.M order such visitors are subject to ar- hr vsc reito aeb lie and in cafes and restaurants, ac- authorized the following week, by the t a request for pusbllciy 'ieUie ee rest by any health officer cc police- the authoritis yesterday s to how' close of which 494 deaths had been r War Veterans." Payste. rol~,'stc man. ~~~~~~~~long the present order would be In cording to her letter, extracts fromreod.Th wek nigNv.2Iaatnlogalaonfme$'i-tei To impress this order ouion the peo- efetreodta twul efrwihfto:- ecorded 079 deaths and from that I clods in its activeh alInl plc, the following was handed to Iat least a week. Dr. Sharpley said ''Tea is not ratloned, nor bread nor tinie on the epidemtic shiowe'd stgns'j vtiiiiti'iit" e cv a 2Vi reyfoir where there Is' in fluensa tthat thte shoitottrneet of the prresent fish. Prices are hIgh and everything of abatement. tear and all soldierssaoranes-hr Liand which haxs been placardted as con roles and regulations depended en- is taxed. i-or a railway ticket you For the week ending Nov. 0 there rinsa of the Unils tac i h n tamping a contagious diseaoo:: tirely upon the epidemic, but said pay the usual fare. and half as much were 876 deaths, and for the week weorld war." ee NOTICE: that they would not be abandoned again. To a taxicab fare a war tax I audiog Nor. 16 there were 174 deaths. The objects of theaseainaeI The object of a quarantne in to pme until all possiblte dlanger of the in- of 12 cents is added. I am most ins- i During the fiva weeks ending Ntov-. 1ii I said to be preservtio fter vent people from goting in or out of fluosa cbs passed. pressed with the awful darkness. i there were 221 deaths from pneu- I of veterans, aid to terfmle ~ infected heuse. We a"i.h to call Coyo hshrdyara flih te 11.001. - -' lhcT Inculcationt of ptitsyu )'or tt o hi. ad hos rhoC~iCAGO GO0ES OVER TOP dsationes;e outside Is acun acull mpenestraBeet LE'The nationaIheadquarters," at hand llate the quarantine itill ho ar- ' IN UNITED WAR DRIVE yo enoly aintsc LeS ITE DI. iaiptirom ndhttvlwrtoo r;qtste, pepl' faces, only forms walking I George Lvy, chief of the city veterans be preferres o fiebt h We uyge patients to decr'y ragts abouL: industrial bureau, received a cabin- eational and local,whrvrpsie.ty ogauze that they use andl (- Joe a CHICAGO, Nov. 2.I.rhicago con "Traveling is uncomfortable, as the gram yesterday announcing the death The commanderincefi0.1 cop for sputum. Influence c+ i-un- pited its quota of $8,:.0000 of' tue arriscee are always jammed, ot of his sister. Mrs. S. Role, Inl London. Reltthe. commandanto h?Ittl vexed thru the secretions of the no10 5171 1100.000 ['nited War Vsork~ funol tany trains have been taken off. GOe Eng. She was his oldest sister and S tate Soldiers' home spd throat, therefore it I.; advisable' today. The allotunent hi. been ex man toid me he came all the nray had four eons in the Britisb armty. to wear a mask if in aiteodate." on seeded by more than Si i JO tonight from Scotland last week and stood two of whome hate. boon eeverely PLATON'M RLISD t":e.toZ." _. and the float figures are expected to op the entire way. w ouonded In action. We are now s W.SAP.MP hwacnidrbylre vr n eoe lto auatr Manager of Health and Charioli. subscription.I same as before the ar B" g Isar OSees F F M~~e 0. 1.SCWR, Among the first dclegat; ins ro call TE WROSSTHED BUSY(3(~~~jj~' r Jwlr health was one coiposed of01 e L.ot I Q. Department of Agriculture.i)B S ~ nerstrma~e.n tr~ hnthan seventy-fire heads of theraters IObservations tahen at 7 p. en, meridian ____i______e______'_ and moving picture houses and moot- N OV'.?3. 1.818 P O ID r~Y M A itgpcueetrrieec a rtng a mask. E. A- Bishop 0f 1 espestarnt.. thsabi -asdoeem epn o - Forces Work AUl Night in Pre tion for De ad tiT a d that 55.nO.OUt capital vtas rep- >'.. b resented by the men. V'rAL oX Stale e's ~ s~aasa~ act~e Ihe delegates explaine" theet the:Supply YsedyNearly 'Jsedf tarr men alone stood to lose IY sedyE hutd 8'" 0.000 if. the cloning order stood and Ifyu asa h oli itr,ue te40 hile Clerks, stenographers, telephone operators -and-ots-er employes an If our dayTstailldwikwok 55,0;adteefgrsaefreach Ah c! of the lieod Cress were pressed into serviceewith the large f ore of volunteers Ia living, our evenin ta] e pe h Abilene; and.. tho2 figre ar5o0C t Cloudy."o.od for a sl eer ek that the ban v-,t be on. Ainsalel as. 14:14 ( coudy tn; yesterday to make Influenza masks, only 4 small supply of the little gauss repare yoursel__f e poi There are 2:5 tierri os movohOcd 'oct mnse.1t 42 22 C'loudy.."geruit shields a-as left ott hand at'I lion while you ars w"kn)i h --the various filn exchange"s in the city Ektso art 4.A Clea closing time last nIght. usede unles ntowon hasosiiet with an xverage pay- roil of 87.0001 siirr-7-7-1 -Zt -" 5k rtet pero ean dlalila ace younw hae Mnsue Cha'rle-Tstnoneold... 4Rr-r d Cn '- Ieudy"':' ou f t hh hoptl f ere aces, andk end ryglage to practically close their doors if the! Cherlentne ne i k. d "_) d otlo-i 0- e u t Red Cross offices at 1017 hsiaso h iy ok o ad 00motion picture houses of Dent-c vuwere ticag~o...,"a E4t5 t ote Lawrence street to persons who aro-;walters have been employed, and Enroll notew, eyureeif th Muiias unon stte that.._ the0.\ ""_R....c 0.set to. hospitals,.ardn col.... n hr notic hate t e nn ritere Ud. aon frd eoa -terweek y T earnslinsaed eOar i t - r;.i 29 Coudr.... -staed o on the obun ildaen' las i Ahr ne appeld was sent got Nye te clodsn th saare pai to acor "~ tub:iti 5 s i leaor.; ikn:sk a darom Ra e roavhaduabetrthe BurCntieasual conservativelyot 'e3er0. doormwea te-er 40 taQ " rateadinTe s okof punge solierseeciseroesmeednures Thn Ffiay in"eLargrooe ~05i. c IWa ~'Ms othe al s t of lb. nm eref c1eei a: -; Clearw to spind talsras cub late Wilimst reet, Re saC hyhv be sbe1 u s e s o ib an g n t o g n o ~ 1. i~ e o t t c2 Clio u d. T h a n o pi a E l a E l t e l e a n dl te p ro v ide r s e tf o m d gze n s o f to e '-thei thaerk meaninegarcd sto maros -oca7 '-it 41+ u; 4. Ra - O-uprfsr fteC ideshep- w eete ol ogetgo o i1t cosvatie t x FliJIst) pe oee r-aPea 2 i4 11- clear - -e cta nreies ffDr use Bas emrncy th e hqars beedaavailbl thred theuat pitoenin Fi. W. Bilns rawa;1.P1 Cioad S. ositas asd coplu n red Chero serice 000 Furidutay. lare the t'h patrmn dgtd toT(1y pthet 4-tin Clius a-io Dr. a' Rai eeaag an r 0.M nxeine, n ol o eptP > i' culsing order: T axt Amia:sh, Or ctietta~ t. is ur) 'Iin'd o charge of Dr C.B a at h edure s serdays and of iferd cacltigad-o 11-em F. ilig, ocd at r.u Ii lo ud $~r -Sliers and P wall ' cb in charge thersrie sn rehtalw r Cg' lioo and 0.rg T. (aes ivolle tcalh 0Ao cit pt Clay.3 fD. A.e Chlrs Thsitand M r.. -inexp e e and iscould n beptileslg ab iRialto and Princess; A. F. Megabso. Can 0 u Sr oM H ain.... Briggs will be the chief nurse at' the be used as assistants wherever it Is, S h o Sc' fain and Strand: Ben K~etcham, Den- a teic O10 10 Pt Cidy 120 Soldiers and Sailors' club, where found possible. esese Fe ".. n -- it Snw. women paenswilblardfraf the city opens the two emergency Inam; H.. Lustie, Mretro Film ex- Seatt- patot wil bet caeClose aptliti rbal ht l h change: Ward Sceott. P'athe: Edward Sheridan.., -e 6 deai~r.iii The men will be sent to El Jebel teenm optas I p rbletaalth 't Arsrn. 'ne-ta. 1 t. liotet st r"r {, 42:aot 5' r ui tcatlr. pie and children to the Children's hoae- assistant nurses and.girls who mike,,"odkiAnastong I'i.-; I- Il Loig. vole 0 - tIpia.-bd add te housework will be besanco tea n FlncHd initn fi lamno fI.'.to-ou ine t.tls - Ipkr"4 rvlner among the young womenana urn onr y. Zs,,:.4 c - n - Places Are Prepared. o.if Denver. All girls or-women Tho I~~ ttiSre Militon Cohen. Paramut.t If. 13. Fish, Tonopah; li i0 JS... I The kitc.hens are ready, the beds 1can help 10 any way'in the crisis, as 41 1.oidwyn; Charlie Klein, Stetro: A. 0 I alrntlr 14 0RI la,.-made and the pantry waiting to beI well as trained and practical surge. A1 Otcdward...~gaib, A. F. B2ga Wiso ny lec stocked as soon as the city health are urged, to goto the Red Cross.,Chat, 58 Fox; A. F. Fair. Teiancie: c. Looto.xnrr a h n 2is Snow, authoritiens des Ids It is necessary tohaqat+'i 1017 Lawrence street Selet, nd en ohe, Por-r~cae. "101 eg:c 10 0 P C~y. "", penthe. T ese lacs wll ot e an reistr. -U 0

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