Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ DEATHSO0CCUR.AMONG CAMP ON OF ______ ANOTHER DROP IN NUMBER OF.,tHsptl LSKED otat Hospitals MEN STRICKEN_WIITH MALADY "u lasfalau ns s oteS.. AezsT YORursoay. Only Twenty Ill Recruits Found at Canton Now oses.... lonoare..._3 a ment-Decline Encourages Me ica BT. ez. 3OSEP'& Offi o fBelieve Epidemic Len.micese. Te as.7 'a ~Ha$ Passed Crest. 'SECTeIO., o tN 0000"" SN-" " " D. 4A STILL fur ther drop 'in the number or new.cases of.epidemic SETIN GOD HPHRD infuenna at the Syracuse Recrultt amazp wae'rTeported lost.oaloaes....Go N light to the War Department by Major Arthur, Fr Thompson Decided g'ew sases ".s25 s camp surgeon. Only twenty canes of. the dineaseweete diecovereci Depart- aet g '.... during the day and the death lint dropped to eevens' fie- OMEOPATHIC. Officer on List of Dead. we4p..sq. wasnenr Stoles who died during the.,da' at terno Mr. Steddard. brnled.he -est Iot Gses"...". 04.lseal hospilals Included onle fcr ted haadWsdsssdq walls handlsg a asets. nl as.... 0secrults. asoloews: Her moth.r to Il, e graedmsther, Ms. onforence Dscage q LEUT. HOMES A. OAOENAIS. sHopkmns, Il*I01, sod her arother In else Dets,,.,.. lle eh, wns. IIl. tIl of lofiusso Dr. Rbeet J. Menon be- Ssela.. lo S o H rLEtknlBnoolnayten. Quire s 1. otoding hse. Dr.M EMORIAL. JOSEPHRDeca, Providece, so. I. Dr.. M. W.ossdayr. wassar. hOYT JONES, Satdusky, 01. EK UIIR O~ tuna, and Total sass... ++ 45 onoa mHOnTOrO. Canon Mast. L1AUIAR TSP5 No ss..... o IUIARD KAISEe, Newark,. s. ~TO HELP SICKe=OLDIES esith om- nsoar e..."O I NY. LUJSsIEB. Orango, ases. - Nlicholson, Doats....... 53 Cedll5n.O5 lincm eosters~sdayhad Al the firsstssting of thesesn on lie afey, rclo ealty returned Isonoormal, I end heLadles' Asolllsry, 8. P. 0.Id, No. Sli NINEI nru~uvrhu whateverstotsh0 e medial sif 01 lrlOty sCrssdrlo Copt,.a issue an t woroane, ate sista tionso lar te ed rth015 0s0Hoptal.c~ physicians _ t*3.~ hat Maor A.0. Couofth et su..orsf -~Js~s-roee-e~re moD-"1g th U.IYuuvuluuauuL Onlesss the epidemnleasl.outtee, eneana sply 01 lose. which is toesldarsd highly Imprehahis. The auxiliary will hold Is fist card fthe OpI- TO mulic r AM h m o p s~T hospa l one fteands 55 OOmtln5 dayrl fe oaten 00 lOs nelshos es to cIl- practicallrsationarr. Thels nowene are halatnd hr hseonumher ofn s.) _____________ s here but s hargedalnd returned to dule. finite re- Moupeerintendent. oft al local hospitals the sweep Willvet. ofeRecruor Of taus discwharged lows In-WillBe Started When again outnuonhsred tie newca; s physicians Quratie s ifed Ther.e.suit In osed of outside hnlp ted op read to Qurnun sL gta raduate oornos and civilians still do a Sy and in greatdeal o,.wort In thesf0v. lnstitutions tycaring for tsh"'eldlse patien. Mtyerof U rulral sec- 12500NUW AT CANTONMENTIthe ilsinw0oden; woklllng 1 " th._.f _-_ parlein tfoed trnsnor the soldinrn, Iata. Officers Bellew. Two or Three Isn he spitals ra e theso nldlshtn 00 with lbs Weeks Will Be Needes ignlht, allhe several ourson aresersrlyt t0 YonterdaryIl. I E r defiieIn-. to Transfer All Yesntrdar found additiool rernotll In Syrtoum Soldiern. hblbentaet It neveralsctons ofbhe citr N E city. If tsn.y1 soobth endinsase. No roses of Inoed nurng " d- uena iav.bees reported at ti00 O1oo t Tns tSylg racusc Recruit Camp ~daga easslorlun,-Cut to eetsotle dln. Itro HE nkliygses nlgarlC oqhold sot hs entirr to Ineteayrr will be. closed joel 'an Inssltllutt has. 15us aederts atIhesito Is oo hers h0 quarantinle against otline. of ~ItIn e0o00nf000zathere hen been ruised THREILL 0r INTLVEOZA, of eonesIt and the 12,500 men now there ANOTHER WITH BAD BURNfS -saiel sit- are shipped out i varioos The hoses of 3..H0Sloddard, soo. s1n Ihrough Th. p0o1n1. Schuyler street, has mouch Ihe 000050 -eliate report Definite. orders to this effect seoso f a"'howils. The re rsl~of In. ry telehone. were received from the War Do-e-nna otsher 'sffornlg fronm Oi.pertinent yesterday af ternoorn-rshn.Ede.1rnelddah which they~l by Lieut.-Col. B. 0. Ruttenco t- nsiTflOYCUSN-r Per,.commeander, and smade pub- COMES 0 ISIT OSN Picnrn 1 bh y'ls adjutant, Capt. Sidne BT DEOF'F'EZ no desire so - uponthems Hope to Movre Soon. Moe, Patam o Hasoltee Pta, and ofascertuin- The reoort of the smedical oficers of' hoe bhr t h. erpoetrdtr on he npidemilc was Hoe. Murphy victims.of said Maoran jrang. Caplals Stashed, saId, but. Epidemic. It 'Creosslhlo ry e to shwhn she seor- s-sant lntes C Ifrom 90tlt aminsean bee'llfled- If the sttsloh oO. ' o l aass eots niYorkat 10nleu.e oproveerapidlytrsiofnsOf roess peoo Owo reog wmenns we hops the thse ear hy e hot amasher of darncasin, whon sd Ig55h01 t few days by phrsiciansanteh.offcrs Core lihelter conditiotnnsoeaoher. whey wayn 3.n. Aloms.0 enable n oted yeclordayanod thes doy hofsr. will Tre u asa =ebxton Pa.teand terad sire worrans thoeerly hehltg of tlestse}n-t. Ds; nar'xrpa, 00f5t5tscary." o mt InI. l*olahed InthIle orders of the War tDepart r.Pti st rm=sio Ahle dl"Gaag, -Notmo 'cf-ss'last"etslttetrOITOl jnet...gooowus - " #o"-me -o- he-ast-clr~fe~lt p ' n W ea st Weay lurMs. Necs ' a rogta. fromtesttes.ef stem York Mssacho.p. wnmelaswostbon o st oted etldtsand Michgan haveuKeen shippe ass esmn"weatSo hePr ome of acts..01 ~ndfrom hero. and thearte mcnoethers of A. C. Plnton nly toheo. sioke etr-..r.Ilan,ood the n onnents oswho hoveseIther blunstelfowith te matady tnesolewiag os. We wiCI engaged It speitI door hshft or whom" o.C~ oe et~dtslv t oseo ransfer ts otherrplaces has been delared Mrs. Plnaas wedanikai tadUme fast as theyry hre05outbrnak of Influotnz. co.seoa. Iovry practl.Whills ItIsInpsbrmlle he forseast thn e. Pvy' aum e tea od r Pr tl ment Ilte I,wl-10.,hdoelulo td oouenaa s 3.asom Sd ec dtoed to row- comptntlnursesondo hsicial n nat. JOHIN l'h'SARCHT. 150, atOhs Mle inluenzoa tsndooec. Crous-Irolog oglcptal. He in sari ootsn andtdhs Onlr about fiten nen ae f lenz hots bonn rerorted amongthsh ent (Contioued oo Page tet.) Only a con weoleNSilerytid lat night, and te datle nd It Is believedposs.ible so Oeep then 00 Iur. thatnt o down t10thshntumber. 00 sin Hill. MaStstropeced ases.wero rroedn o llot. atlthe I5I'c o 0be only hadcoldand wr stricen o m Cr te l int.. Several ofth" oade In open women ltiin atthlisMliao sla Oet both otes soroityr hots. It Universityrav~ene r lo500 r01n0 Ill early In the wekn. A nerse was sn.llotuaed 'toattend ln.thead alIhav Coonered. - pe Nu i otrend ndr oracodtoseessts deal would b. cared for atlhesHopitalnofC ths 0o00 Shepherd, omned br ths Uct *". n a nFO.1 nigtIan- tarsity, hut hsetoumber of solder patolns WO KRwolnobfmthSyaueecitamanth scary, but If Universsir training dttehotent prevns to holvrslty lhn oneof tit buidlogdn tsay rs'rescs Th resd.s r a luti iF~3ilr tlat> n.,. stb l, By.ATo I:SOLDIERS rtei Mrs. Fitch,:e o All Our Boys AskIs ill Stricken After Caring Your Financial. Support ft? Soldiers Two and They. coo Days. Will Do the Rst? To0 8 ters. OtueoTarry F'ic, i f/e ofDr. - gOS bys base To:No Cloarlen F. 71100. Is another Of theonrse given up ev rythlng to rnalibthe T:o N whoae vn te li vlestorIn ty o world sate for demoorso / To 01ec,tt tie infenzano q~dete e i ed10atI 0 oDe 0.t0 o'clock Cast night at0 bnr do, o. c si ntuboucw oaes i qn t5 teoMrshall street., I I o u o *.hoae..f aoe liri. 70hwsaIrnae fOAbsr"'W homes amid usual cor-n- ow: It Sltal 7Trulli oi woih dl 'Fiic4"*gheh tel ort to'OOm'ae-a -snA'- - tutu 01 '- tearly, I utsro erecalled for swntbm oo t he ILas6gI Honpital of ths Good Shepherd he help BUY LIBERTY BONDS? $1.00 men. tor soldiers. shlo worked two days iWe our duty to do It. worry Lwhonsnhe was stdicen twith Itflensa, d3" roloplsg 100nt~onemniao. hstas 10i ono - Liber week.,w }.a L S', Filch Cod Coon President of the Co. v oodltn-Btish wore elet Oltoondsine s INC organisation hero. Thnws a member o Plymoouth Cogesgt.eolChurch,. 1 08otl alta 55. sides loer hushand, shls Is nurvied bhr th~er, Strd7 occt StaeO.ugCIln: throe ______________ hrotlhnrs, F. H. Tsrrr of Torote, It. J3s Tnrrr of St.ohns. 0., aed tHarry Otto t'uvghlln of thinselit. Wanted-Diamonds Funerol arraen nhaeols otl ooe' C will par the tighest meDash Nm AYE ceompleted, Thos hody will nt to 0Cone- for daoeds om sntate ted tuIsony.frbra ydrdds tyu antstCrel lmn $Wihudraes Rbehoeo rt Aw f ssCntiue. Srcl oldnia~ogyoedy ottulnet eehnb~wren 2tevroshsias o s. nhlig '.L BALY1 tont careoheolos nre oulfor hursldlirs iodIt. n incaogtI wateooof rftytrs es senotnto t e lps-'n dadBid Crouse-Irving hy 00. 0. ottardntndr nidn N. PETERS-The Store on the Hill IWOOLENS M XFALL' CLOTI IRETAILERS downtown m give you new Fall -clothingn< HIGH:PRICES or o ld 0o" clothing at lower prices. W( fine quality woolens bought: atolId prices and manufactu Sinto new Fall "ind Winter limit. Low costs -law expe. low prices. ________K Suits -O.,vetoe' DO B E evi~aretstat~L1 Take Sa ift,;ot ak 0 s5Lts 11/07/200 6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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