Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~eterts of ubligallon sackboto do'st-the, iclety. action duties 5.are Dho ii IA- ~,tci 3, are; itlisn: is are rector 1 f Chaplain 'Algood, o lega Decatur, Stays Overseas Chaplain J. Lee Allgood, of the Ixddy. Emory unit, whlose homet In lDesdt-rotor, will not return, to Atlanta ' of teotfit. lows has esseenreceived Uhrls-. here that he ham bees; transferred (a work the Otto Hundred and Fourteenth en*. pub- flseero. tinus- Chaplain Aligood Im now' sti, duty ihove oith id ~aregiment In Francas and )tyorty doen not eopett to rturn home until deciL Hummer. )r iced n sod I LeANiOI.SE 1 Ct ris- at a ditusco with thesen Elassee. 1%d- Kryptolsltitocals will eolve title. Jeoof Jn. I Moore &&Snue; the 'Op tidlane. tea-will its ginA to help you. They a been te Kryptnit'lfoadquarters,'42 N.' sopuI; Broad et.--(Advt.) 'o tth en cat 1,skkrl Airleae or.,ea LrJiUtL.LVrNAI F-grmer Repubi gn" Candidate for President Pleads for Protection of American Interests NEW tO~tKC March. 17.--Seven amendments to the League of Natione covenant: intended primarily their authorto insure 'the Amercan eontinent against Eurspean aggresein. to protect the United Slates frsm enforced administration of fsreign territory and to revoke the "trouble-btreeding" guarantye ef.-tha eaisting political independence 01 momir nations, were proposed hers last night by Chacles Li. Hughes. Minor suggestiossf the farmer Rteput-lican presoidenltial 'eandidate ware that definite limitation he piac,so upon the leagues field ofan cosiry, reerving to the several nations exclusive costrol of immigration, tariffs and suter internal proslems, that proision be made for, the withdrawal of states from tne organization, and that what he termed asn ambiguity as tn the requireroost of unanimous decisios by, the league he oleaed up. In as address before the Union, League clubt-reviewing exnaustloely the terms of the proposed covenant, Mr. Hfughes declared that the American people "were entitled to a bettsr piece of work." He said a mistake had been made in giving, the impression that the doouisenltWasa finished product with.1a good reaso or its choice of expreseione, when' later it Was found necessary to eacuse it,as a hasty draft which required, added that "much would have beenan ed if at',tbe sutset "part of the time, expended in itn praise had been devoted to its correction." "The iHu giee amesdmenpi.suggeuted. "as ide from formal 'improvemeote, wer-s stated as follows: (1) Explicit provision as to the requirement 'of unanimity of decislon. (2) Suitable limitation as to ktse 'field of the league's inquiries and action, so as tdo leave no doubt that the isternal concoerns of states, suchl as Immigration and tariff laws, are not embtraced., htn e'(3) Providingthtn foeg power esall hereafter. acquire 'ity rostisest, 'purchase.' or in any ether way, any psssession on the. American contisent. yor the islands adjpotent thtereto. ( 4) Providing that the settlement 'of purely American, questions shall 'be remitted, primarily to the Americasnotions, sod thalt'Edropean naidofs sh~all sot intervene sntes.)ep cuired, to do fro by the American na(G* mtip h giaranty (ofth f R 1 i: l inislstrtl*, i;will eend next Man- With laughter:'fad werri eit. ussday in. Atlanta en his first oilieal restrained, 'the, wll ir s risit stnce succeeding Willilam Vii. formed into r' OS' taornfe of MicAdoo as bead of the. nations the Far Masad the cebr iona transporation:lines. )rd oslif ahngo e-which wilt be Shrlnterb.Areiaian' needay' night' to deliver an address Nighct festival at Pitteburg slid will the attend fbTis festival, it is saidl it conference regional directoriInp alI-vs 6.wt - 'Ciclogo a blay, B. LWhhipssal.vusefforts of regional director for the ' southest.,to 'Shrinedom, P]aotlinpiong t4" asleft Atlanta Wednesday to be. pres- ti-eel there will be a hall en at the Chicago conference and 11o~r w oh will accompany Mr. Hines to this a fifty-piece: will' furnish u-:city. sic. There--willtalso he, reft-' After his stay hesre Monday It is mente aplenty. expected that the raIl cblwef will make Arrangements for the big asel sa- tour of inspection over severai tiun on the night '- April 3 are' lines it the southeastern " division. now belog re '- by a r.-citte, of which Fred Patterson le Ohalan. 6018FluCase in Other members ef the ceardttte are, 6,18 FU.aesmW.iep ard Wiillard PaterSaeto March1 15 Wiley Went,- John8.:ulean The lfty-p'ece band that: will gurThere were 6.0lt cases of influen- aWih music for the dance will it no na reported to the state board of other than the Tarabs i6 us health during the period from Jan- band.uary1 t Mach, acording to a All Shriners are inviean o formal report just iesued by the questled to bring ladies The 819 badcvigcotgosdesscming usda, its official notice. As card will be the admission~ car fpr compared to the number of cases the occasion. of any ether contagious disease the influenza cases were,in the ratio of the physicians of the state,> a. about five to one. markbed degree, says the report, an d -The new department of epidemisl- material pt-sesee is being, mad in ogy, erganized by the board not long checking the eutbreakc of dents lens ago, is enjoying the co-operation of disea~ee.!? 9L'.:, r I( l L 1 t ' i "Cl.assic" High or Low i. F7: In.war times, even y o u r v a lu a ble s in a y u o I a y o 1r r for forlFd 4mocta4 where they can-b ~TE RTST C9, Â~ Bonds in safekeei,to. all patriot wh& mnent loans. - It-i y people who are a K Yoix "assume 2t'o Don't xchzangeyourJ -p-11 yo u iW plac~ to; help th&bhod n b Tile. Classic-an unusually snart shoe fo young men. -' I1s'a- Gun Metaistock-wears' well 'and" fits perfect. - - 08/09/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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