Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~~S-PICAYUNE, SUNDAY, SEZPTEMBER--2v, L918s... 4ith the work of' the II~O T~FIIll h oIle unit.smand to o.1othem., wlvlhealtptedto the utair.oAr.Cttal.asw Uie. *Ill be disouosod 111EiIi1 Nr4e f. Coiosn end MUMuanita Brookhaven met-7Jul iedof 4nt~brakin3iiio ro Van, eporai chairman IL;RS=BaIAL 5J eyhlveluaoered their services and Utale, telloew a eblabtolunsaye- tar pget e 5 rs:etomazf, A meeting or..,... Miss Dapitane h e nureesto in- ton. 1If. w&V he of the two 11%1 =tieein U iftty. HIg *was*66e. ly. comwittee will 'be E9lIEhAW0UIMs ft slIothirrsee WaXnd lwiVesthat le69Wd44 PartesIUlan 8. C., for the live -t.:5I&1 lt timA.01130,1311i,00 ueei~. r ~ inUiLLIih 'lba short time they,,would have to avIatiou school at bridge HeM. Brookhaven RepliedCnaoh. eeettUM.tend at the, N il'out 4useeilouanUlr ebt from Wash-- - ititee. -appointed to, lngtoo. The questineaimp will he amT Wesdraft. They w oclamelfled in gteoe omithe wl Tost!i tonu sillbeotheoplace orle e n In tefbwecommit-'wl-hvto-otiqusonar. ambug the mplThe.,uwranf-Une placed on the isolated '00 mon th etaplo- wrd.of~theCharity Hoepital a week to e xpenees of organ- D2 g when Mlin Ruth MHafkestirlng, a i nitiseeta Frday rst F'Reien fCity to wl aetoor4"lueinare.S L theleague under irtway.ofi nfurses. oentraoted Spanish itaotea FO 'olock Monday 01gbt EdeC wile nervinlg, four sallors suffering F R S L will go over the Vist Succumb to fpdeic om the disease was lifted Saturday by______________ wee and decide upont the bospital suihortie. Irb~ton each should ''is Morris Maurier. Mimn&aflreobring and rour other rdLitofthe emb- CtiuIncluding threeoftesir.Mscompiled and olao- fIrst iObe treate at the hospital, wore declared enrol. One sailor. Peter 1)5 -rtmIttee 1to ottpoed o h s etof eien fWwvenuky, ied of the dison.. at the bdkFal. 'a.l e. ThOfiOfrtdhomf easidnethef dw it-&IvOa ay ~s atrbeing admit- N Orlene a rm thatu Mor si 111amthe______NELSON'S BAK~ERY Johaos asebgan spreading throughout the ________ lappXt= tynode ' Murr, 16 yeaws, of i* c~oum 3*r~ e~i l Lionl Farot ~stht Trpotof him deathfilied Wokao.Mm et -omrM d r n Lrhfesna: ho-wit he Board' of Health Saturday*'K eom Phy'Hetitthe cause of death es influenza.,ModernaidM Ig rbcfGoend Joh or. idnot state Spanish influenza. oranX.P Ok;'WL There have -been recent deaths front imittee also will Moest Spanish -Ifnfluenza In New Orleans, but EqUippede Moday l~k oall of they were of sailors fronm a merchant af Commercoe hold In ship who developod the disease while invitmedcebalnugberan the high se"a n ote here.,Re hasIvtdanme Twelve oases of Influenza. eleven of O a lo~snCemrflyqipd residents to moot with which were In Joffbrmon parish and one Re o aAloNsnCrmryfuy. d plan. for the negro in New Orleans wore reported to the 'a of thto ban nt cot SatcBard of hoffalth Saturdafy. None, J400. -, X.,~qrmM 'as'ihe"B caes owver wa dagnw4modern machiney waos a utomobiles ton egTO,uoohn am bein dfeencrm nlenza ten, Palr. Jahncko dovelepld here In fromeifastn. We Have Re- ant live tcr. Will sell as a goingcuq~ Wili br of the State Board of Health re1ra. L, Rome. ported these. caneam follows: At lhar- O 00csoes anod p i~c~t- vey, family of Vincent - Torrito. four M umbe ofnogres o;at arvy Ontle oreAlso some of the stores, indluding lucre ueme o ur and also c.efanl yofe;T. THrrvteywcasee:Mr The committee to coin- Politia; at Marrerov W. Gtomes; at C m LJ n tr Libnieth, W. R, Silver. Weetwego, C. St. Blanc; at Mcflonogb- Co m d usca iean strfxue. GlOrO W- Moore,.It. tills, Mr. Costello. lHe also reportedod us" he 1enInvited to attend strees. New Orleans. The Atate Boar Ofced Also, we e a 1500-acre plantation yle, F. Farrell1, H. H. of Health also received a report of one Ofcsatr o rend H. Wittenbetv. case at Garyville. that of Raymond i utvtosokadfr ml,-a and the Reverend H. Guidry. The three military camps in Now Orlensnofa a sownga o"reor p33-835 Gravier Also a large lot of store fixtures at one god and the disease be. not obtane a foot- % rgr lre. hold In any of them. At Jackson Bar--.0mT~rQ T racs 0 cm of manwho t nowwarehouse; display refrigerators,icboe n Woods In charge convalescent was diagnosed by. the Indoltan, ovrteLouisia narmy esurgeono thero am Spanish In- noitak Pigatlou Company line flenn b am been stationed at thoe rard to eupplement tbo barracks for eome time. Twoote urees there In caring mten who bad just arrived at othe LeBlanc & aly Ltd. I~ la. of Spanimh Influenza Nicholls from C amp Beauregard anAplyMaagr,51-S.-etrsS ure followed a call hoepital at Jackson Barrackm and are LJ 12cials for help from being hold under clogsequarantine. ______________ officer of tho cmI Their cans have not yet ben dingrece' ivectrotfit Camp Martin at Tulane University soU J ane Delano. head far has not developed a single caso. ational head tarer A wild report was ircelated that the ____________________________________________ rganise for the Ii h( camp was under quarantine Sat Y., d4 in the hU*d9bt t his proved groundless. InqU at Ies work has been ao- the camp brought the Information thatn 14010 recruits who have recentlvyide ______________there, had beepi plaed under lite usual two weeks quarantine required at all camps for recr'uits. The man who have )N SALES* been stationed at lb. camp for some TOP t time are not under oareD ne. thI e p e o t e C t Dr. W. H. Robin' Of the City Board t flod by Dr. Stoops of the Algiers Navltaintat twenty-eight ouam of its of the on n afice ob'thateight oases bad dovelope OF.5UajP Saturng hiasdlearnem.infot N eiv O rleans amnong the sailors at the WestEnd,m fNaval Training Station.:ul gat the Algiers station that none ~LK PACE f came wpms seriouft and. In fact, XKPLACE 40svo9-y man who showed the slightest 'trcesof Illness vwas immediately tak -___________ Septemer 30 m -nch-rg and treated for the di.September sl"se t 11 a. UL Toung Maurer. who died Thursday. Mt the IDraft).1.tne the Jesuts' Cohereb and was Mr. Charles Weinbergtr has overstepped the scope of his appointmen't 010.Another death which It I the executive head of the American Protective League and is now engagdl1r COST NEW -K0j- tougbt may have resulted from fgn_ 00wee that of TUoutenmat enry manufacturing propaganda for the destruction of winter racing in New Or'RED ~J ~IF5 offman, aged 26. who died Saturday IRIE nXURE, ateruenat 8145 Calhoun streeC HMs lean&. N. WASHSTAND. illness began two weeks ago at Campha -Radn l.where he attended -theosns MnsA~ D.O~ CLO 0C K. 'Mooe rininsohool, having pmne The Busns Mn Racing Association hsconducted rcn omittniw r SH.C Wilbifrs so comleseion. ham the purpose o serving as a winter attraction for strangers raocng u S W befisAmeth o e Lvent. He utraiS ofewo 1o0. t out and+ -if- not sold. etigo-mvny-ietrie City., Racing -with us has never been omrcilgzed. Ouir receipks, after pay be eid n Ioa. eturd leim taforwa-dThefir"nof ing costs of oertinand a small dividend to the c'sh aare oldrs.have beendo So tlob situatio.bhu 54 nie part Offil "'_ -ttAt: Ito the -GCovernment, making. possible thi'e etablishment- of apMrtna L. CVWOTXPIV CoC., XMo. radio, and auto mechanic school under the supervisinofthfauyofTi.i: -- University, and all without cost* to thie Government rai> M e vhan iseIt is 'suggested by Mr. Weinberger that-we abandon racinig. The aband4, ee09/21/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPERRM R 1 1 I' 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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