Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~I 011d. / I ( g e-- I -mbm -id M oirtahty ot "F'Iu 414, 9rsen t Week Shown Graphically! 11m1 aU IUn SALE OF BONDS 1ngs Ol ponseh 'Xw INo ~lg.stat. dtte4 b 1f6t he stit xhete tost Was order" tlsthe m t tat* 1w!The o00ll hl*4smfsno: 'Wilhelm Gaer 8t It was stal stal iuftlo to ser rious that opted at o AU 'children 4ay 'ordere W6ture theat usem6tit. Thtasands ed4 t rve In heo ttedlses4 d forpm jpu*chase 11,ir. Rtoyal I 4thealth, de( Sconaditlon ort atlon slltin the Att In- ttns per cent s are I haalso AV sea,Martin Con Nr New Yor OVt boards ce the nam v trants v Owned nurses Svolunteers mount Sinai Af _'K _______________ ___ CONVENTION IS POSTPON.D. pread of enza Despite Many Enormous SubThe golden jublee cebration of the fr to ' 0 Ex- or.t coun voo, mdo- scriptions Campaign Lags and der ofM n, M which was to ha Strenuous Work Is Needed. 0i rheld in Tomlinson Hall. Oct. 18 StrenuousWorkIs eeded...... 'and 1. has been postponed because of the In.ueas orders. Ateh L. Hobbi. af11. Dr. Herai great chief of records, made the an- NEW YORK. Oct. 1 l.-Under thespur o0mitlesl of he4lth, nouncomnt yeter.. n7 i of appeals pointing out the danger of )y|x ulcH 1 on nent Rod Mon. Includin o e ailrse"o vrteto"wt t y the Puble Heeih Coun- of South Carolina, were on the pro- (alure -to "go over the top" with Its e epartment, at a meet- gram for the two-da gathering. The $1.800,000,000 quota of the fourth Liby, to tale charge of the onvention -will be eld later in the erty Loan, the New York Federal Rensa situttion In the state. all serve District Jumped ahead today to a 64 to sar *no expense in total subscription of $513,797,400. or 286 nachinery of his depart- per cent of Its quota. The gain for the kmedlate action to check M I- I "day was $66,672,650. spid of the disease. The 4= el411 nL.. Although cheered by the day's report, re&orted to be snore ser- leaders of the campai lagn aeclared the an lita New York 4ty, district must do virtually twice as w4ll W illh bW.5A br Dr* 1gs Bduring ech of th remaining days o6f I ftm er in the itat con- the campaign if the quota is to be sub* *sforp combatting the dis- scribed. Nothing lss than a daily total entOw its spread. of $160,77,a3 6 will sufice. New Yo-k city's official total for to adopted a rule making it date was $354,026,250, or 26.56 per cent r fdt any person to cough of its quota. 16.publ" he aeanywhere in loubt poyae n hre inouth Many Large Subscriptions. lators Will b rigidly pros- Many subscriptions running into the shment will be $100 Site millions were anoounced, among them,A oU10nflenzeaa$10,000,000 by the General Electric Coma 6, which meas that V any and employee; $10,000,000 by the tma " be reported to the American Telephone and Telegraph oiffioerp by dotors. hotel ngtn house kepers aod. Company and employes; $5,000,000 each ery new case will be by the Northern Finance Corporation, st under stat e m too -rol 0the Prudential Insurance Company of NO41voateddteme- Kuhn S teded the meet- America, the Corn Exchange Bank, the Dr. Reay N. On- 4 American Tobacco Company and Kuhn, n of the Roc efelerIn ' Loeb & Co.; $2,500,000 by the Delaware, edictl Research and Dr. Lackawarna & Western Railroad; $2.dtner of uResrff h a nd Dr.lo. 000,000 each by the American Sugar Refining Company and subsidiaries, the uatlon #r6us. " Bowery Savings Bank, J. P. Morgan & ted that the situation in O Co., and the Standard Oil Company of ted that the itu on nI o'New York, and $1,000,000 each by the ious and In O eo so. Fidelity and Casualty Company, Berndrastic measures must be hard Scholle & Co., the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Coal Company, the no*.Erie Railroad. Glmbel Brothers and the under 16 years old were New York Life Insurance Company. d excluded from motion Officers and employee of thirty-five ers and other places of railroads in the Eastern region have o o n e6subscribed $22.843,350 so far. it was anof volunteer nurses were nounced, and canvasses are not yet San emergency 06unell to completed. es,her9 there are cases e Rb rove proper Sperson who are uhable The accomnpanying chart pcrtravys the CHICAGO LOOKS TO McADOO. or themselves. Influensza ttUatUon among civilians of S. Coplsid, commlssloper Indsianapolis and at the army vocational Hopes Secretary WI Be Able to Put dlared ihere were "shockd" of oveterowdlng on tbohe schools and Fort Benjamin Harrison Loan Over There. r linOsOf' the oty, which on each of five days of the present infhctol of passes we h e oums o the let o can reduce the frequency of new cases CHICAGO, Oct. 11.-With Chicago far netht b a n de a ek. Theve ve columns to the left show be ingthe utmost precaution, and the behind in its fourth Liberty Loan quota, )te hathe ten at dvo e taobservance of all promulgated rules rethe health lrtment's resultant mortality among civilians, and sar ding ventilation, avoidance of crowds local leaders in the campaign tonight I and hundreds of phys- the columns to the right how daily de- and immediate treatment of colds. The looked to Secretary of the Treasury McSstffer from the d velopmentin the army camps. The decreasing lines at the. army camps on Adoo to prevent a pocsible 'German rch forN Soutlined portion aboy the base line Wednesday and Thursday are Indicative doo to prevent p e Gman rtr for Nu~ss ahows the number of new Influenza of the passing of the peak, and while victory" in this district by his speech boy, director of the draft c oses reported each day, while the solid the number of new cases and of to be delivered tomorrow night. k rtty, equted al Ic black below the base line Indicates the deaths at the camps may show consld- The loan rally, which will be the cul-. number, of deaths. The particularly erable variation for several days to mination of Liberty and Columbus day to send to his office at high outlines for Thursday and Friday come, It is expected that there will be Icelebrations, will be held in the Audies of wives or relatives of in the city may be duplicated fo ev- a gradual and fairly rapid reduction at tortum Theater, where Secretary Mcho kIpar to have be6n er odays to come, t1 the opinion of those places in the number of new cases Adoo. It is believed, will lay the burden e n whoMy be availablmedical authorities, the only thing that snd deaths from now on. for the success of the fourth loan upon _s ana who may be _vatble persons of wealth, who. local officials Sdsay. have failed to buy bonds to the ex"o oiwater;- director of.I tent of their ability. Ho Ltai. er com - Rete saults of Gen. Mangin's fores and the rFigures announced tonight showed heaLh ajued fosttement army op 'I tng northwest of Rheims, Chicago's total of bond aales at.$126.4 * <@ Big Retreat Begun ACha'tlo*dls critice d the health de- was shiiWt-Iste energetic resistance, 000,000 against a quota of $252,000, havingtaeoleFrot' the enbmy Intending at all costs to pro- Sales today were announced to have rus m uts to rd on 39- M ile Fron tect the retreat of his forces delayed on been $6,000,000. m the Alsne. The oenemy was obliged to A monster parade will be staged topra of6..ln -tnougnsL.. abandon enormous bootir in the Ar- morrow aftern',on with 140,000 persons r i thu,.ghu Salient Crum blng gonne. participating. More than,000 women 18 auntil toay there have are expected to march. sees of itlfui altthe city OPPOSITION SEEMS PRU ITLESS. Among subsriptions reported today s 95uet~iatheeths O 0 _O _M FRT_ were those ot seventy-nine men in the olzbed 1,01 I4 from CONOLUDKD FROM PAGE ONE. aviation regiment at the Great Lakes French entless In PNraut of Nvl Training Staion, who bought - 0 8..20 LIBF CO P.SE $175,000 worth of Liberty tonds in one -S$,25 per man. te. ib 0 8/1 6/2.0 06 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R MN m rathv The appoint men and eight state for Knli tarIal duties overseas was William F. F the Knights o headquarters c ties in the CIt Benjamin F. has been assli overseas and West Abbot st Camp Custer, retary. John B. Clal to France as I E. Gregorte, I salesman, who can speak Fr for overseas rentz, Fort V candy manufa city. will go t Five other Otrant( Rocks Coast; CONCLUDE ing had dropp cause of engin, torpedqrd witl after a white the mast. The Navy I public the f sinking of the mony of Chief Tapply, who r, today: "The attack Sept. 30. Th, overcast, the conderoga wai hind the con to keep up. "Tapply sale general alarm when he reac afire. At thi -for 'Abandon. paymaster br was badly wc the forward b two after boat carried away, sent out. Th time. When I It was about The U-boat's bridge, settitn liot carried deroga's guns 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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