Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~LJUIS 01. 'LJ~ IL nILue 1.11 his roll. call membership acting as mnessengers pplies, etc., for both the Gross headquarters and divisions. ft GOES DRY NIGHT HOUR Aaeciated Press.) Dec. 17.--When the r struck Nevada N vent e appeared to be little jollification in Reno bars were well filled t" ir. Stocks,of liquor mic places before the lamw ct. Some of the saloon; ed by other busirnesses, rill try the sale of soft RN POULTRY I PO T OEDec. 17.-The North-?onltry show;-' shedule Greeley,- beginning Jan. definitely postponed belu conditions in this sec. te. re -. -.,...,'tion of the farmer. Shortage of sf- W 5 SO Stfr 1 m hd rdropped to 10. F+rom;.S to.: U.. by 005#Sha;:i'te e%_r., 'aisgrenl lri he ficie t I tedlitieg to care for' the hogt th c am 'rhmdrI 1111,;w pthe r ue ir urgent solicitatioan led crewss t heastreagth i t, ' 'anti dry, while in 1017 it teas'40. The 1the rittnher of 90;0X) on onre Monday, >esses atlsfsct nt 7 lolation's in Blordeauix mix uer and a lth _there hurl been an effort. to reg- '" -; Bordeautxmixture combinctd'wi hbin- ua. u ot tsipn pit o~~ "' ecticides vere "98 per cent for 1011- n sn gt d orderin river marke t to,w, ~ 2;end '3'for 1917. I laig ter their own supplies and not,r., Two fartors mainly hjire d ani at d pasjthe buck to Chicago anid further.;' > hog reeptioh at the markets li1 ited east) > ~~and 'iterrup ted killing facilie n I'F' Â~pore than a: ear now, those'C 'r accoun o ena anda hor tr.. '-.ier-o" the,(dairy situation, t, age of ipping. Both of th se bale, tho t! actively emia eml in it, have t,;'.f.';: *; een ref ected In a present ov rau ply beg a the, cities nd' food controllers, e, t - 4 'h ut fMr.floover: a sures uakehats t te not it fight th'e' murjmne.m w& w Â~ere, coin;thevery:best possible under adP Vrn'171dtio sasto' feed andlab r, ren irads of scows that furnisah the, Sbidk -f milk.antd finally terrible inklf'JIAUroad ha 'e been made on th t' class;>U IIIIL I of ii ssthat are above.the verage, 1II1U ILIL~iIbunt U albe at present prices to roduice, 'i t!i~R milk t profit. 'the result eatsily; Wisev~ II drec,... n nnnm n t rl is that.babies are dy ngrfor' L Wointere t.ctit ruiorl dv'rEntn f. milk or, what.Is,perh paa t51fl55- mpagn for C ral b b nstunted Aadrobbed; lneetfielet develop ent hif E, rin rene -advertising campaign soon after the -.oo1 eulto ta4 ist ' t1 tr * ir + people" of the entire Urnited States the Aillili1g Town of 75 1 1 Las reset ae retailer. is doomted, to ailure. t1 t h 'claims of, Coloradlo as a.pleasure state \ia -a a~s Tl e d hls tlton s figures show and1. the elegancies of the Bronalmnoor ' No' ' that d irjg the first year of atrol fri, ea hotel, o D2ctor. '.farmm}tides,appreeia ted l1, pe cent No p expense is to' be s pared to rmake } --:'to i20 Icent, lwhile =i holesale pricer the Imlvrtkisiuig ca~umpaigim an suqual- eie mpoeetint pi- 1erees d4 perkcent to;lOper eat. ifieri slmece's. Pro ctinly "everry aag -, l il ' itmt. hlcmie his amny hiea' atisfaetorvy sIowing aie with 'lilttiom-toide irrimmat ion rt~sand ioium bytIme new cases rep rte~l to its1a mere:-figur, but'the 15 p cent -every lbig iewmpsapem-, mis well as ar- time'?ity heat!h'lie' lii t tistic literature are to be acd uern wet-fu ou' Tet alofnarrlalrthe incr~eased costs. of I roducF ~ hour. Te o n it;I ' hen it calveoto time retni ce.- *h function in ian iiteim, ive drive 'to Pert cases reported wi s 171, cotnisired- tor K D 'the charms of Colorado's rugged beaiu- 3 frtesm dyw~i. public id tlmru the, nose, smbstitu es as ty and time jileasmire of her lmnlth-giv- Trhis total includles case- of 4 tisrdla, es'cry o yep kimows were highler tli mu.the,,,,;,,, iog climammte befimLte, all,the:'nation. 'Sna n ody articles there wtas an' attempt t catnt agrSunmdaynywhoesal tras ctaii nicmettig 'o railroad heads to le ie Te dentli-rate rhmanins hsigl,bat amern.n rn woeaetas in held in Chicmago in' the irnamediate fmm- mbstantial decrease in the nu rmber t the de ea ed'- profit;were; mnertmat; jF tmre is 'exaacted fo make!changes inidah ro hs Isesel lookes fdr ters o0 bookkec ping. Salaries were j)3 11 su mmeir fares to (Iolosrado:wliehb 4111 soon. The total of "fliu" de1ths,r t oobled end trebled, costs of'lar e en-Il; ) U U at 'least, npproxitmte thset in effect Ported the ltuv tentyfoumr ho rs was a g is takenoitofproitaod previous to tlue ut-a;r. 'fbi. is cxpected tenty-ott e, compared' to seven cen f'or charged t'o ctrreht expenses. to he a -reiteriuti aid fitu. lrirsgitngtor tlir.the Iay-hbefore. Additional Pfll mamomit It k ts athe aenut' wlmo manulfti-taned' state' ' omristt iuuins rno ' r temrly tim lcmtlus were sixv, om thuroe ilia Catm p limcts s tmo ran Ithe sht 'o; p'romortium tto time mu tfrau.r~errtts of time tl~t 'ti~ri, t -omty-forur thoutrs 'l'itctier re t itpi-oliced thmemmnot ctien eptertrtbu umemt' ffmi-jlt:ul1 heaths frntuirill causes 'report t3 'wa~titorse llto, dkel 1ean t L tam rt of 1; inrir~ r trnti-tsfir' tsix uind;l, a lmf thirty-t ev n, or six smore than be,du - Illimmo s, or ]Jfesi - $llc- frs years aedrertisinti teum' ftfur th lm.,ob-efore. I'I'a' ten any'wbq avo producton coins ' o+ M x ratio & Southmeurnratilroad, end isi well 'a')me situm itin tlmrutout time tats is at;thimi fingeris' 'ends anti these costs YearjutTa informedl regarding all the; natural ad- imiproving daily, according to r Erl _ 'work d ut d.abtlated' so 'the 'they C I I1 antageit of timerstate.' ZVr a time '',,enutedy, secretary' of thb etat~ were " a fly acre Bible.Reofa hue was general publicity,agentfo teboard of health., 'hree cr>lls' or doe-,'I IFlagler..sys>tem of ruzaild, hotels and tors: were received, Tuesday lnornin I istea mship ties; wi th headqlparters' at byD.,nnd.Jhst, ~l~ ':~knott f s veral fit: 4uguustiae, Fln. He returned in cotunty,' reported that' thn.'ommW physm-.. myself wtho are'I tacim ~eptember:and has.} since 'been 'con- cian there bad taken.ill.with bhe d4 - =I i they:all sayas do, I. te k-ith. the Denver Civic andfCoin- ea se, a nd there were about tdirty. ea D o -.tY waitV u t71:y ur them; a,world of: god" iercliassociation.:. that needed" medlcal attention.i Tay- ton, who us c n teted I eand' Ris w."n~it -ha yic ia nr f,.o.. eve _ps _pa, sh L aI ad__ mu 1 dmpe ae eatclay ~nohfor R ffro sur e s oa htea uis tIuscldr-forced to-. i tjm tl~ m Jivestoc' 'industry re.nire~iar in, rt4'iut -EEIIN ell. IVsmab d Y5amey th ree long rnomtbsjZI1we 9han ar: me. u A hnt7Al x) bse u iY 'T~'~feri tui th o of a~tni'trig mi s. tic- - I Withb ' 1eE o ofa ~d which dos the teeth. id,if prop-( condition xosug the ay, sets in: ire said to biigs are. leep up'. 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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