Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~eac byVictor Cea I. IirSb l g1 it 1919. I y. isvM&W. - _. a.. ''FL 'D I I. " 4c, * * *, Alter five ti eeks of 5rl:cit,/ ii le,.;rte' Â~f vD +-4 4 t R 4" " 4 "i f f f j eghta&to nn In Cincinniat.A i a: I 4E OF MARCH. MA4'. A IO1N. *to t~ mbat the tliledmic of lOfhis.-';'".. i14 the Huard of fleatdl in e lot'selso aly 4The big Victory and War Clieat 'S4 lor Grlli'naredqi.i#t liowiug ~cMonday unaniniuiry toted to Htt tie. y 6 arade, Wednesday afternoon, w111 0 procatuatlon c0i al liig on ' ban on all placen of brusiness, at~fuiss6 stove promptly. at 2 o'clock over 'S the citizens hf Cyi npse*i'.o:otb- p mepAs, saloons, retail s$oi'es, ihurchdse '~~~~~~~~ tAhe following line of march: Siouth. serve Wedoesdk)y air; Yd~o e d!schoois adpbi alolgof41 [m n d-S is f*nGlett Eighth, tie Main, to k'~'to hs kc inds. The order became elyfstivo' ti F ineh, to Walnut, to Futto 'o y "In order that, (Git icititat.ts 4 t a Al rlminar' uiht. w, d # Jinto 'lltoenth, to itace, to4.f( proiecrly obseers oeet. the halt- *J peneed with wilrs the hosrd. wnt $ Sixth, cKhell the ptaae -wiii die- i i ralni ee tuo thei into- sessilon. C,iini laniuot Wt1Tiest itras i iesevnsi e.hsoy teVc tiecird the tilia for lifting 0$io 'bawl s~~e 4 and *,:roenceninsoM t te wrld4 hd arrived.:.dl ho' tossed that ol d sye. A. f f,y:,;y y;". ~ f ar, In the anoceseftilpr~oetutiou 4 rentrictions be lifted inmeditesy,. Hde-. $9850 $12a5.. Threiiao f whicih her ptisena,. we an fore taking nc;i:: on Ticat'kWil. Th tnl fj.:t.tla iu Mt.,ioioe 'peeidiett Faoehle asked 'for- 'aste-" the like of -whit-i Ciucnitiht;, tevr t" cV-too4- tithe, plyd. unc~ia opteti- tr"uetit from fl-ioiil Officer WilI1aeia IT. bore ctnoseod1, whicit ate folly ic- o didl'.,. i ttyoVd Cineitriati, v Peer Cn she heciit ntilatini. I)r. sotiliad in arootldr mccii r t:t rerh procliati Wtedaetilsy1 No- 4 Ptiers assured tie: ito t'd that coodi: J rta tots h" rc trotl 1H, it ittory null Walr ir liens wern favetttie lie liflog the r( oasdupilented Wednesday, whit hat heeat ',u ihou en n n the -t cf. 'e Oleett I ie ioatt nititoot i-title".y 4he ctimunfty urT mn gs ofcaydeiatthcMy Jeit* r '" ttti0 recquest tiat btt- -~Mayor Golea;It etn urgent npG ~itl 45"'i~- edV:le, ginn aot 1" o'cltock. noouo. thef <s: peat thtn the 1)it l1ee lifted. 'The Doay. The riuepal extu"" o the1Mayor mid, "I iteije hfir psycitolog raigt tie stles' day itb manor paallenwih daty: hr v by al -ier of w acl lints fastot liiis 11;:Iyean te at..patclyeeyoguzto.e ~~rmnia; hl o~'y u hn.Wieeeyoecnee h ttractive winter taalpulcbidgsadat"speddwrrfth 3,dofelh anti n'itary, gilpartlcipate. *Ita i ulc ldlg ed n stingl m ork o f 6er of*4teat'i Mtayor tGalein. Monday, Ol: lcac n 'tbsin res of whatsoever ciaracter f indthii prevnttilu padu ti ds"ct.+rno preen tiue' spoa thf thennatat din big that the "square -head pieitent- 0eoeis htsLlcnaln ese, It seemin to t that, In view. c?;8.0 $110, "tiarles of Berliti.nd otIosdam" ittd + tany tolkc a proper part in the nit- vc then report of lit. Peters, the ban v.signed the nrntlntiee of tie aliiel con- s.ertants, of the occasion.. should he lifted. TIhe people are cef. fereuosat erslite. lnmeiatty og - 0 ttoereithiannunc tht ~Inv under ies ceaj~ait of the Ifeit ferece t Vrea~lle. mmelutly ug- '' 1 aso ereithannunc th t lt<ard. The eltineits have faithfully 1getedi to lien (,oncil of Natleetal D- - tere. will he held during the aft- s obeyed ait orders of the hoard at fense and Wtir Chest thtat Wetnlttvi: t, e,toet rf that day 4 ocii Victory;e great financial loten, and speaking as r ocks -a b set anita an then frictal day rnr ' ande iWr Chest parade,. sod t her:- e' lay-man I hetietve the hen should whic tocelbrctc thetrionspt tf: -I. tv t ite all mllitacy, sdese 't ot pa~ n osr htI frocks of suede - lied arms. Tler suggestion nu-met Fith s:faenl oraiations fn the city t- thle board remoese the restrictions it and t rtcaeIn It. -will net a l ott, to the people and an rctne n sotae u Jt-., or, an Mtile l Ca-t.. r AII ao: - in nc-else affect thte gooid erork that 'JIIHin f f Â~ has beett accoiuplislted. The people trimigs and - akdby the Mayor to arratege thet 4 4 44 4 4 are wildly jubilant over the peace detais of the paradeO. net n a o ersrie 'attn of tilitary ot gaoluttioaor n N Y 1 iN U TO loe uss eelonwsaotpe C-nips ev1l belot h ettet I~ A lI~ltt by n bre vifte at er midigt Mon-e $957 $ 10, eludIng t oaritey.,tort, and Mir-- yo Clifford titituhlo to the effecirthat -honor in the pertudo Ntt ftut i-or_ IS NUI U LLII OF. day, and wan unaniomously adopted. tance u-Ut ho t-e various: var rtut W RD rn u Titat thle Influlenza msenace in Citeake-is, sneb oe tie Ied Cross, Ltierty OR FROM PtALER clntiati has jee h eiu lg e Sh rsLoan, War C hest., etc. The tinrodi, cill Io IeL i houts in the pa ereport of Health "d h r --eoeo h otItira~.itcfr Officer Williamt If. Peters for M1ou. facts in beaded complete rschbuitsiness organlnatiout.V eah n cnl erewr ri aetimd ery civic ctne anod labore otBanuinatiti KEEP YOUR CAJRD lah n otity egten 'new eases, ri lcbeemd a been lpllet to take pert. The eii- pesne of th Jfinlo Cont PU LC-H S' Home tIsardo s-ill be in lnt"e and the:rÂ~ Wrigwssa u ody4 25soldiers frost 1' t. Thomatn, tic - Stu- Â~ to drafteef not to destroy or throw r- TO REOPE rWg, NESDAY $ 5demn' Army Training Corps, V. 1. 4 aw~ay their registration cards.4-.Miltary 'tuaiig- Battaliotie, S. 'C. 4 They should be kept carefully ott 43 Dr. Ranidall J. Condom,, 'Superlntendfts of Georgette Rttintlger ceemmanding, atnd sarI- 4it, official notice is. setnt out ten- -" tit of Schools. anntounced Monday that nun other tilitary units o' the arnmy * enn hi pslnthe pushlic sc-hools would topeut Wedneti-,ilk. - till hare conspituqute positiotn. theig hi isoiea 'dy morning a h sa or h The parade will be under tee' di- ":ff444lfÂ~gC 004 Â~44 444 thange to the lct-ttteced school dayl X12.75 reto fClnlHkGrated Maur- - - Ill tnat he inuguataed it Mondety, slial, with the folloin-~g aide, dhe " Specipl inductions will be non- November to. camp: Samuel Amsur, Captaitt John lisued andthet movement of general All school aetivities coverng the ctir0F. Maycox, Captain John F. Steveni- ", iuuatioml sctoole, the tight. - cool it son, Captain W. C. Cilkins. Captain 55ivlice mien scheduled for Illovernber indUitrial and houstehold auto, kinderits Ahbert'.. Heekin, -Captain Fred " L.15 hss not bestn officially- sailed off." garten classs as wcell an the aetites Hi-tl man. Captain' John VG. Id rgati, The shove message was received taon- o thescood Wodunaycneswl imed styles and - Captain b.ank Miller, Captain 'raunk *reue csae J. Zuzastein and Lieutenant C, y.- day from:Masor R. S. Pealer of tlin Dr. Condon desired that npeil em. cing the use of Phelps of the A-ome Guards. Colonhl Adjutant General's office, Columbus, phasic be ]liven to the- fact that ehil- Lansing H. L.laeh will cotmmaud the by Captan John C. Maytex. Hamiltout dreti sccio had been ill at influenza niole and beaver, " Fnirt Division. County mohilinatiom officer, -Dispatches stust not attend school, unless a seven-to issuing lila Instruetlotta for the from Washington say. that by order day period had passed after the phyei-- fomto fte parsd Cooel President Wilson Provost Marshal ucl. cad erged the patient-" as mrsHakle sect ntitces to the various General Cr-owder has directed thetcan- thre weiren ese fo hnuoe wera Ur companies Monday to be at the coellation of all outstanding drsft codells r csso ifunacn - designated mobilization points prompt- anid lbs 'setting aside of ant November j escent or othlerwise, shoud not be perlyat 1.110 pm. Wednesday. All or- calls fov then. Hamilton Coutaly- beards nitted to attend school classes, he and short coats, ganlsations Intending to -participate have notified appnoxumately 1.00 reg -_a_____ ita and separate are retquested to get itn-,tooth mm- Istrasts to report for entraimtent to-lb na.evrmedIately with Sergeant A. W. Mar- various camps during the', five-day WILiL. RESU.ME:LUNCHEIONS. vibevr gun- giletlt at ties chamber of Commerce. period beginnlhig November "--ib. 'Ate- - - tnu~ratas ell Telephone MVain 1!119. cording to a long distatice telephotee Thu- Rotary Club Thursday unietiasWll 'hore ciii be neith~er flopta tt.conversation, of Major Pealer with Cap- colts, which were cuiled off tinderth.n.dark Eastern any fetrs of adrertiacettot iu the tams Maycox Saturday afternoon, the bait of the Health Departmecnt's gee-parade. Altlottite scll masrch, as 50 men so -notified will be reihufrtet to re rt ctlsinig- rutitug, wili be resumned ail >,eksnv-te h i. Af Cslonel t~onKc W it. ac asot!...matt but " will 4w aIt additional Instruction ete,, tttfl.eeven days after fever hiaa all me-h0 been trainled "ai enauitls a m u elti re os duty- andi of the Provost Marshal General before oobslded1 Public- gatherings wil be' Liy ever " A ndcto- o. leavse. In Citncinnatwl et ~ui -b*Meed t1$ adn I h unitopadeno-ssd"tOsfrtdc~i: he sild ~sollgte out. diseourgdsi 0plcpaaewl I bsUits( States. The meiii otebe~ stelinwisle acr not limns utist-U: S - May Cinitinnatlans - who hlleled In held, -uii Paad -r snscattsred Ibru the service tlifestry -Snd, Ot 0.. ittonupy. t xt the motor. transport corps for service - - -:5rywhen thoubet Cborps.id1orA I teo rn semmaslls broad ws're entrined. Monday meritn~ ~ ~~l o - I ni foge Oueitlunin - I. >Matlis Mad -10. l0~~ie~t,i-- e-a11 e faes iaesq-m &h.d iM$" shd.o r~alown.' ta~I4v 't"ftdly tIrdand finishede--ali fresh new - stls ut nfrom ou'rfa(86 -pemre( fit 1 GIV g lee TeaPl heel's OaksBlmel#.sel Winr Chet 3s11,, V. ttingPustmof terlns. -Borsalmmo Hats -'-Kuppmlseismer Clothes -Nettleton Shoes. Yo'U fn 'drmos 'gdrmost ecoditions daily ~t Pogt'a5 N ow i ha5ve no besr of crowding \. Ithe w~sau cof' says 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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