Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~19YAl Ne th lng reported rrom itoglad since.the rinmistlee was signed lats produced a more stnfulimirpre o among many.People athia coontr' than the atoatement by one hl delegatesa to-the peaty: conference would esmantfrot Germany a war indemnity of Y nrossu olsesiycvrh entire:cost of the war to the whole tritsb empaire. If France, Italy and the aites States were ta put- in,clslmsme for sde*sties on a correuponding scale Gerasay would b required to pay for In ex-' loo: of the eotiyee wealih of the-.former erssn empire. -which 'In 1013 was recksera at duly $T,0000000. - If a hundred billion dollar.Indemnity reas tled. the German people would ave> to he virtually enslaved -for many son to come in-order -that the- amobot sdght be paid.' It Isl unbelIevable that -the ter ---people,: or-any otber- people, 'would ver -pirso tupendous it sum.. The Lono. gaiy Mail.may have been merely estag.public opinion. -No reaponsible. amniter for. the present Is likely to be apeite- as to 'the.- Goverumenta montry --it--ishet not to--vIe-w-- very seriously laiythaing being said In Britain while.the leeaca empaign la In progress. Amerral- no3w: only- too well what stump paking. ed - ote.ctchitg.nuually In. -Mlres, &fter ne ct- Suaisy i-he utterlaces_ of the British pol ny soil press nay. he expected to 'contoe,. more closely o whet British pollipy inis peace-maktng actaalreetetlplet T1s--teublenrefuses o helieve '1 that policy Is o eoe iking the nea.'-Springla"1d *.epubilcsnt. WAHYILLE FIREMEuN ASK FOR BETTER PAY ppiation to Be Considered by BOoard of Commissioners on Friday.S, -G. Carlisle' chairnian; R. H. Bostick,.It. Hyman,:ilugli It..Tucker and John itCormzirkc r eld op atihe Boardl ot _City..onisslonerh Wedinesday afternoon as a le legatlo "frosif' the Nash-rIli'firemen' In -elation e t the pending reqluest-of thme firenan fore an increase In their pay. The-committee, which yens appsointedl by eoaiUnloit 1441 of the Internationai AsantIstion of" Fire Fighters, first; organized In: is city, hrought with them fifteen large 2l isu ltnernusly signed pettionesalting, hast -their, request.bhe granted. Only,three members -were present when li epumnattee called. Conmissloners Lewis and Tanharsi being- abeent on business con. eatiet withl their office,. The members yrgsent, however, decided on a foil=meeetn; of the board at 2;30. Friday afternoon:s cossieer.the matter, end so'agreed with the c ommittee. FALIUREID,PAYI IL Si FORES 'DENOUNCED WASHINGTON,, bee 1i:--Representaive. liens spoke in the House; todnay en in, gtancesof folno iiof the -WarDepartment to "pay soldiers, end, denoune sucll faileras as a "senel on the ntilon." Sir. Mann,read ea teleg ram ffiWest flien, lad., srayIng 'several hundred -men COMMUNIC-A BLEGIVESmATTENTION Will, Be Systematically. Cornbatted by' Health Authorities of Tennessee -"The State Iloard of H~ealth, concluded Ito meeting Wedifeosdy afterinoon, after having made a close investigation of the work of the- department for thte "post year. All members expressed themselves- as. well plesedt with the wvork accomplished. The meeting Wedimsdsy was. in the offlees of--Melbsoard at. the Capitol, and a feature was the talk bty Dr. Deriveux of the Poablic Health Servico of the U. 8. Governent, and who sided time ptate, coonty-and -state-., officials in bundling the IfGoeaaat-pldemsea-lba-oun.t#.- 4l-erlveux reported the bhttery of the "flist" in this county, and sxpressed the view that while much had been learned about lt ile. easse, Its control Was still a matter for further determination, ""te exhibited a chart to the botardt allowing the begiltin of the, and how it ranged itnseverity The.first: case- wsi, as far as the is-- vesilgatmo revealed, developed it the pow-- der plisnt. To atanlp it niltithat: it.vould: not cur- wasEsmet nov pqsalbls, in his opdnion. -However,, better methods to prevent it ap ailing- had betec'devised, end at further stuil of thie tilooe wilt doubtless rob it: of.s onic'of its terrors. The state lion d will itiist on -promp t reports from pha-olcitus of alcommnn Icable disease,: It witl\ aloe continue -the lebo - tory avork - strengtien ing the vital sita. tics department,'- and desres-to eatablish a' sanitteri enginee-ring department. Rtural sanitatiqn elan camne in for consideration. 'and reports ofavwork 'this year in this line department. hettd woo gone in~o Inkdetail. SUIT INVOLViNG BI0G -SUM IS TO BE HEARD The Supreme Court-.will this morning hegin the i erlng of the 'Anderson-Galloway ncag fromnlSitelby- County, in whichimsore, titan $8X1l,000O is- involved, snd is,whicht stme of.tie leadig; lawnyers of ttemphJis are of' counsel, It In mtde. thanilikely thtt all of. today and haort" off Friday.- sil tie reqtuipei to complete thy-:arguments, The Patterson estate 'of Mempihis.-Is sulug the estate of Robert Galloway 'for $150,100 in stock iin the Gsll oway Cutil Co.,.now worth two'for ohs, and $1115000 in dividends'o h ok.Te'atesnTase o and te Galloay Coal Co. were! associated companies in" Menipimsfo: yeace, tihil the hesits of botli corportilons are now _desil. - Thte Pattersn. estate was gIven a decree by: te (thtmcelor-of Shelby County for $115000, the.-amount of dividends claimed; and the Glallowray etate iaieeled fromithe chasrellor's declatofi to Ins. Court of'ilivil Appeals,.whitt rt rirerocd imetochancellor. Time case woastten tuteitto the Sulireimi Court on certiorai,indtlhie -hearing on boit the -law eaid the facto will. begin this morning. leadiitg lawyer-i of denpbtis,snd.Johnu_._ T'ilIman of 'lirmnitiinnait, Ala~ -till appear for. the Galloway eat/rts, while.opposedl to them will lie Gus 1T.'ltalmoglm and Carrutti era Einmg,. tw-nther distinsuid.lawyers of iemplile.. The opening.argumtent wilt be delivereid by L: T. Piltugh, WILL STRENGHN DEFENSES AGAINST QUESTIOQNS,OF I1MPQRTANCET1e__E COSIDERE Three Subjects.Will Be.Discussed at' Com mercial Club-- Meeting- Friday. Night. A ronosmig memnbership.sand, get-together - mceing of all the members of the, Con-- inereliti Clibwilt lehlfhu't ii0-p. m 'Fri. ily, it time main, siilgkrooin oni the fifth--- flor of the 'club biiidng.Tile mieeting, 'h-ichiiWill be of vital lIttereott to ev-erytitit5ite nsieness smi In- Nashville, 'taill Ito precemied by n idiniter, amil- tt full tttenitite of the taeinitersil Is urged. -Tltri-of -the most Iii potntt - qulesiotis itiw fatrin g the city will iseIice-- -tentedit Attjlsautset.-d-_ n_.concert-il Ic-- loit oitalt three Is expected tobe tikeit. Thbe three sntmfeetto are.a followsc 1. A cantta of the business Interesis of Ntashille for time purpose of listing ll - vtacant: positions. and turming sante oie to 'liie United' -States Rnaployinent ilureiaut. - 'Die resj meat "that the club slo this caun;" tdrrect fromt the Government, Thtais Its-a labor itf iiraamtid siprexiuton tipmt shoatlild timpetil to every nemmber of.the Conmnertitil Cliui. The-re will he needed in tiewo-rk mt ltit 210 nenm for one 'da. You ttior iry nitavhitonie whtlseems 1to3.y1u youmr fTllastore of puotriotic work, Nit mi-- ter litw mucht patiot work you matyliars lone. you uufcan nr iayv the ilelt von oats -'these solidiers *ho liars moiie ontlial ayrftres situ lhtie rlakeid It-ei lve, -fo'r you toil youtrs.It to i4 p iinito to se att nome of tueose mien are forn'i--i1 lowalk the, strseta of Nashvaille Isosri-ore a position,. 2Along. the same line -pf work us thabov-e, --tile emitb, through a coumimittee,-., - b~en hanslIlitS for the State- of' Teinness--, tme tiestlon of securng fainting lends for fthe - colonization of the.returned sot- -- iera who, nitiSdiesire to engage' lb'tifl- 7 -cultural pursuits, A report, for tie ota-- inltteye will-leas de by lil. Geo. B.(lilles- - pie, its, chairmitin. - - - -3. Time- present condition of the ity -- pumping piant ' OtItdis needs1.w"-lIe-ae---- santed ftp -tonier McI~onldl, chief eng-- maepi of the Nashvile. -Cititanooga1 & Si.Louis Hallway, anil president 'of the NashVille Enginteering Association. Nashville is faiog a condition in - regard- to its water siipply that,is.slarming. Should one of -- time suiuinisr- aclueots'tmat happen at marhinery every. day Itt the a-ear, happen iiio-' the pumopinig plmt.;lNashville infire dasiv' - time irold herB. 1n absolute water fami ne,which would litke months to -cure, GENe1 W. L.,FRIERSON-TO ATTEND COURT HERECHATTANOOGA, Temnn.. Dec. 11.-(tpeclal)-iret AssIstant 11. B, Attor 3- -iteral: W. I. Frierson:-avill conie to Chtl-- tanooga Saitutrday. '.ie goes to Nashtville on 4nOt per-eoeteSpeeCourt.1mm the case, of Pilotit vs. The Chickanmauga Quarry &'Construction C. MILLION INFLUENZA CAE IN - AST INDl fAltER l Teay e.10Motrea.)-lt is officially intimated thatthmers are. a -mnliliei cases of influenza la -- the Dutch- Rest Indies.:- - -hla Ncal.mOeTIC~dyaUtto,'a ao eebeA fM o11- 1t o O___~ L~sesh~lsdv_~~ttnw~a~m ma 1 whoes.were;;thout uTn d Lnit hogh they san.doe, I-esrAl monsce oy.ascy tee' psations Committee had recoin-to.the department - that-hboseo ~.:livento nih soldiers for fuse as Whhth b ad heck pay due them, wu tasntly ties depee tment -had not!il.lnInto, operation., L " 1" A ~nrr IIATr 0

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