Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ nAU Fzd1~ Iisfrd e8 Marc Cl s WS 0*e a ere' is 7e yiqsteedy ede meu nill awed to plaes TField at Allanta 44y tant1 Ale Der, 4i ant in the bursaka' tb monng and thase...-t-o too Studen 4sArmy Tiral g Corps who have a tet iU4Wtad will5b sit the Ulaivers ti of 8teskb, placlags Placed ndeq aine in the Enater FOR D MEC UM the sair mam ler x4 quaras- y n ~ous.B a fa a latedieiac idre+tp rr ft- romtl aWad went ordering more " litre.-. agaist the spread of 1 sat and woee inth for each ealisted VibSakPcrt ia'ill gonto eetat e@on. i(e na, an k thebartacks is be ~ i~loa SackPacr o Ve- embr, te, Univ. ty lazing cosn- lng conuajiacted an the Alotha gym na y inopeingstae E~la onRaret wll e prmttadto l e the slum is being sad as temiporary steen 0 Card, Oinl Elret University campus fur the [diei to g quiarters forta t- eighty men. fenn for Cin Entr this city has beena d tely sctde ez- The, folowa will be answered d erl ose ept for athletecwork t the Dive ty bjy the abets nu call, 6:30 A. M1.; 4Soild, which will be Pad Y ~vie.5 n,86;rd al:0 eb to Dlemnocrat and Chronlele military authorities. scol 7:8- a reeile Ay;~,.; re*call, 12 1.,s,, ae. IL--Mini Wodhne, Although the Uolvrslty n have first bj 8 ecl, 2 mea12110; sc 12:56i; retreat,rt 1N~ Dat al little bay wnare, owaed bees kepg under close obesev tion sleep cell, 6; aass, 4:10; ool, first call, 1.26; i. j. g itnd, of lFrankln. Teone, ad Iifluisize gained a f old i thin city amnaboly, 7:80: to quarters. 9:415: itby Fits raid, and Dirctuns J. tihe no Canes of the dine have bees' die- 0., The ha meat of Kendrick r" J pof b cm burs belonging to eovered among them. T was sea tou-Hat ilb 1e aamt ale pipcee of 1 apotis, and piloted thriouigh mingling with he c a oo 11 ilb ue eshl n,r. y y, thde reran Grand Ctrcalt lotion the student-eoldiirn m t contract the inr wrtllb4qfe!bere in two shifts. 01),v, won the opt ag features to the the disease and the military "ro cam at Stecond: L lna Wlar i G' in- rnde circuit ' -ting In the Month the 'University wol a~ -ei affect, of the Unit d Sta Infantry, reported 1s ~ a lokthbe liicla trotting and Peginuing to-day, the tins' reity mama terday. bieutezlantIGreen Is a tochester lie asJ 20 tt 'ain et become fually eallsttd: soldle a. of the- man who foilmoray attended East Nigh:ie two euing t Z 2:01) nly i eos seac events United Stotes witht 14e rank p"g ad school.,I'etaprar r non-'omisiaoned caasrol' that iiciisi.trd three irunning privileges of a. prate 4n the no;y. All -officers were, apJpoiated yesterday. be lag to the iiurd rain of fudtzdysa Sudytetakwa vR ETE ~ ~ t h C feature event was aka-race In whi O 1OLI) IIAIK Y T hh ~or fe PROMOTEDOV SEAS HAVE aM?01h ~ ofiecms f b fr r.A e gruelling hosts. to n.--c-U-- '1sEm n Ain. ' rectal J., whitch took the winners erbert Clarkson Rises to Y~l~ ~ m E ~ C nit. event, won the eeenth of.his four- or er ad a PeL n 'jor ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ofs e hoftetrelet ofte s- e o d L e en C. o m r d nal Pe i o 9 'do- ost pacing winner of the 1018 Grand Ga i am Co s way itaso ibis art~ a ee h ws iemonr thu fr - major flra~scb Rickey of the 'moted eley COOO0-COIA I;t'l', 2:01 C'-&tS9 PAC. States cheini'at warrare servtce, fo etly and. ING. l'lJRtt1, $2,5W0. president of;111e it is Cardinals, saied ging tan 1., i lk. h., by Chsamber-, for 07055055 Ouit on much short notic~e this itillif ",.,,, be (a ul (In 2 2 week that bm b d t1 ne to write only one the n,), ~or two of h cienldo and ask them to 2~u h. h. by hal.,il. ~ notify tht re t is thetm. rhe date ail-, hoe) c........ ""......4.1 2 -.. tag and the is of etmbarekation nm "aillyj thtNe nlicc b., by Liierty Jay ' lwr olunt ij 'ctnored. e;te ne 4.t J-,2O,2t -. There has been o much epec moton,i0~l~ iflti $i,coo. rI tR)E. abu his c~ aor h of the mon)e n illl.Ajx PLIAN. MNJ so much we de b as been ex realed ltneodbtc-. b. an.. by Em-. >',"?Oyer the ai ityv of civilians to es ii the at iie. s o itiun Ji'tagenld,.:t 4 11 rank of coos liloner oincetm wit littie urphy)......... J.. ~ military ex rio cc, that Joe Jackson of ria- ec the (;realii o% cu..2 4 u * eri ba db.Isd el tom hiead" r8 eles Rot StO tot...... 4:,:f quarters at Itoe cuue~t of admirers o1 Ty isai~BO.,. G, y Blonnivard, bb, who i a captain in that brnch of tons ac, 2:i0 1.2. ":(:O 1-4,:x:11;-4, 1:4.)112r Po ai y reout,: tied dow tpeetnwli~ iie r "a trce. 10v furloe.,--Namii Walton. ta r tteofcr n e n rd a~f rmsno: (laliaway. iti. (iiun- lite a h rm:ma at rfth e officrs nIcii ae ttwo ~ nond; Attorney Muir. 11, (Nutl- lite th"i"nca afr cci, c Au,' U rdl~it Tlust, 1:043'-4. Cauiuha, Sti'iro, only ex e t go out in front osf ther ta that. b Crowiey sod Cork nina ran. infantry p ou si to an attack following the} nss 114 racte, six furlongs-Nevtte Na)- ater raou iothe uicmoy 'eland. ad tomna) woo; Qsissr 1hi4, Tmen,'r artiller ta eS N. coneches, tb pray the Iiuxs ocunpyig e.le PltalheAssoApeac 'lasoo"No14 ro refrm.Emon. f! ~o ure tryd Tie. - In a letter receivedl y will eRichard d position m lets otfsne hrn tsais lv ct PtstblcTh Ascsor.~itm~e JckCiakso, f N 1 clw cot frm ea ed on t dlr acks and withl gait i rtn, lt fat lebaletohio rah. 1 fap- tnt race; one maile,-Gordon Roers his ma, Hlerbert Clawr n 1 infantry, ades ttb cii b hgad. Tots la lutend-1 s nir: ( Slso c cl av o; T i sig o, 114, M ~ew sn er) t ime o p ta tes th a t o t a s a c nm n a- ed to d a ce t ca e l les a m o n g i c in -!. t:tianr -AlMore, 114, (no. jotkev) third, elond second hteute at. Cl rkson eof dantry, Ic clmos long presantty owdl 1:42 1-4. Theophlla V. Frontier, Bisted in the Nstloal uard',ln September. omspletes t1i oea cleaning upi 1wi etnar e.iu Mohr, lte Sherwood.. J.- ~.,ccs1-m ofik-10/420 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R*^ M Fa,1 r 1,': t atobp tUse;lots of them;, the 0 And does anything tasti ba~ked potato--with a It And; wht t doking does Caw", tobacco -gives fl --f-his made Lucky Strike this wad as 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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