A relation of three embassies from His Sacred Majestie Charles II, to the great Duke of Muscovie, the King of Sweden, and the King of Denmark performed by the Right Hoble. the Earle of Carlisle in the years 1663 & 1664
Miege, Guy, 1644-1718?
Page  [unnumbered]

To his Excellency the Right Honourable Charles Earle of Carlisle, Viscount Howard of Morpeth, Baron Dacre of Gillesland, Lord Lieute∣nant in the Counties of Cum∣berland and Westmorland, One of his Majesties most Honourable Privy Councel, and at this present Ambassa∣dor Extraordinary to the King of Sweden.

My Lord,

WHen I consider the Perfecti∣ons and Sublime Qualifica∣tions wherewith Nature hath so Page  [unnumbered] advantagiously adorned Your E¦cellency, I cannot but think, would be an injury to the Public should I omit to attempt some de¦lineation thereof. And seeing 〈◊〉 is no new thing for others to b ambitious of describing the Actio of Great Men, it is but reasonab that I, who for sometime have bee an ocular witness of those of You Lordships, should erect a Mon¦ment for Posterity of the same. Up¦on this account it is that I no publish this Work, under Your Ex¦cellencies favourable Protection, b which it is manifest, that Your Ex¦cellency hath born the Charact•• of Your Prince thorow three fo¦raign Nations with all imaginab•• Prudence and Honour. There is no¦thing to be seen in the whole S¦ries of Your Lordships Conduc but what is generous and Noble Page  [unnumbered] and in which Your Excellency makes it appear with what Rea∣son and judgement His Majestie made choice of Your Person for the Representation of his own, un∣der the Illustrious Title of His AMBASSADOR EXTRA∣ORDINARY. Which same Ho∣nour, being now conferred upon You again, is a sufficient Proof of the Verity of my Sentement: and, without further Enlarging upon Your Lordships Worth, I believe the Knowledge alone of Your Lordship is sufficient to render You beloved: which yet one cannot do, but with a most profound respect. For my part, my Lord, if I have any Ambition in the Publication of this Work (of which Your Ex∣cellency is both the Subject and Ornament) it is onely that I Page  [unnumbered] may have the Advantage to te¦stifie to the World with how much Zeal and Devotion. I am


Your Excellencies Most humble, and most Faithful servant G. M.