Primitive Christianity revived in the faith and practice of the people called Quakers written, in testimony to the present dispensation of God, through them, to the world, that prejudices may be removed, the simple informed, the well-enclined encouraged, and the truth and its innocent Friends, rightly represented
Penn, William, 1644-1718.

§. 1. BUt though there be no Passage or Proposition Page  14 to be found in Holy Scripture, in which Mankind is more Interested, or that is more clearly laid down by the Holy Ghost, than this I have produced, yet hardly hath any place been more industriously wrested from its true and plain Sence: E∣specially since this People have laid any Stress upon it, in Defence of their Testimony of the Light with∣in. Some will have it to be but a Natural Light, or a Part of Man's Nature, though it be the very Life of the Word by which the World was made; and wrapt within those Verses which only concern his Eter∣nal Power and Godhead. But, because I would be understood, and treat of things with all plainness, I will o∣pen the Terms of the Objection as well as I can, and then give my An∣swer to it.