Comedies and tragedies written by Thomas Killigrew ...
Killigrew, Thomas, 1612-1683.


Enter Calis, and the Guard, as from Lucius Chamber.

SPeak with no body!


'Twas his command.


Come, I will make your excuse, for disobeying him this time.


Pray, Madam, pardon us; till he calls we dare not open the door.


Do you fear I should bring him a challenge? well, Sir, I will retire; and when you see him, pray, tell him that I was here to have spoken with him from the Princess Cicilia; and I believe he will not thank you for refusing me the door.—This passionate man will suck poyson out of every flower; and I know his jealous

humour and cholerick heart is now gnawing it self; and con∣cludes all the world false to him, and has not patience to imagine one truth of his business; 'tis the greatest misery in the world to have a friendship with such a jealous nature to whom all things ap∣pear as his fears present them; and what is meant with most kind∣ness, their jealous nature corrupts into injuries, so that 'tis impossi∣ble but friendship wanting the nourishment of faith must wither and dye; and were I so miserable as to love such an humorist, I would set my heart before him, and let him carve himself; for 'tis impossible to please him, give him what bit he will: Now in the evening when he shall hear I was at the door, how he will storm that I came not in! and if he had not been obey'd, his rage would have been as great; there could be no reconciliation with a jealous man; but that we know, jealousie commits and punishes her own crimes; for none of those doubts but has his own sting, which car∣ries Page  257 Revenge as well as Injury for the Lover. I am now to find the Princess, and when she shall know he refus'd to speak with me, 'tis ten to one but she grows as angry as he is jealous. They have indeed both their diseases, though from different causes; which I fear will never be cured till they are bound in a pair of sheets to∣gether; Hymen and a Bed some Physitians hold a certain cure for Love; would Manlius and I had honestly tryed the Receipt.

[Exit Calis.