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Title:  [The cronycles of Englond]
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to hym and to his lordes to playe with al / And there the kyng & his lordes weren acorded that they shold be redy in armes with hir power in the best a that myght be done / And gete men of armes and Archyers that myght be goten / & al other stuffe that longed to werre & to be redy with al hir retenue to mete at hampton by lāmasse nt se wyng without ony delay / Wherfor the kyng ordeyned his nauye of shippes with al maner of stuffe, and vytaylle / that longed to suche a werryour of al maner ordynaūce in the hauen of southampton in to the nōbre of / CCC / xx / sailles And than felle ther a grete dysese and a foule meschyef / for there were thre lordes / whiche that the kyng truste moche on / & thurgh ls couetyse they had purposed and ymagyned the kynges deth And thought to haue slayn hym / and al his bretheren / or he had take the see / the whiche were named thus / Sir Richard Erle of Cambridge broder to the duke of yorke / the seconde was the lord Sope Tresoryer of Englond / the thyrd was syr Thomas gray knyght of the Northcount / And these lordes afore sayd for lucre of money had made promysse to the frensshmen for to haue slayne kyng Henry & al his worthy bretheren by a fals trayne sodench or they had be ware / But Almyghty god of his grete grace held his holy hond ouer hem / & saued hem from this peryllous meyny And for to haue done this they resceyued of the frensshmen a myl lyon of gold / And that was there openly preued, And for hyr fals treason they were all there Iudged vnto the dethe / And this was the Iudgement / that they shold be ladde thurgh Hampton And withoute Nthgate ther to be heded, And thus they ended hir lyf for hyr fals couetyse and treasonne / Anone whan this was done / the kyng and all his meyny ma∣de hem redy & wenten to shippe / & token / & sayled forth with xv C shippes / and arryued with in seyne at kydecause vpon our ladyes the assūpcion in Normandye with al his ordynaunce. and so wente hym forth to harefete / and besyeged the toune al aboute by lond and eke by water / And sente to the Capytayne of the tou ne / & charged hym for to delyuer the toune / And the Capitayn sayd / that he none delyuered hym / none he wold to hym yelde / but bad hym done his best / And than oure kyng layd his ordy∣naūce vnto the toun. that is for to say / Gonnes / Engyns / & Trip gettes, & sheten and st to the walles / and eke vnto the toune / And cast doune both tous and Towne / and layd hem vnto the grounde. and there he played at the tenys with his harde gonne 0