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Title:  Thus endeth the prologue of this book named. Cordʻyal. Whiche treteth of the four last and final thinges that ben to come ...
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man what so euer he be. The kingis of ye erthe / the princes of the worlde / the tribunes / the riche / the strong & all men aswel bonde as fre / shal hyde them in the caues & emong stones of the roches / saiyng to ye moūteines. fal̄ vpon vs and hyde vs from the face of him yt sitteth in trone / & the wrath of the lambe / for the greet day of Ire is come. It is redde in ye same apocalips in ye xviij chapitre. The kingis of the erthe shal wepe / & they shal specially compleyn̄ that haue made fornicacion with Babilon & haue liued in delec¦tacions. when̄e they shal see ye smoke of his embrasingis & shal wil them to be ferre for fere of the tormētes / Certein̄ as saith seint mathew in his xxiiij chapitre. Ther shal be then̄ greet tribulacion / and so greet / ye sythens the begyn∣nyng of the world til now wa ther neuer none like. Se¦cundly ther is an other thing that agrogth the said sentēce That is to saye / yt ther is no place there for sīners to hide them in. And as seint Ancelme said. It shal be then̄ a thing impossible oon to hyde him / And therfor he saith in his xxiiij chapitre. Ther shal no tenebres be there nor no shadowe of dethe that they may hyde thoes that haue doon iniquite. Seint Benard said in oon of his sermons That before the iudicial cheire of Ihesu crist shal they ston¦de al naked / that haue stopped their eres to the voys of coū¦seil. wherfor they shal here the voys of the Iugement / as it is before alleged. My right dere brother & frende drede this daye and dowte cordyally the saide Iuge and lord that shal deme alle thingis / to thentent that thou mayst the more diligently eschewe alle synnes. And it is redde in 0