A rich store-house or treasury for the diseased Wherein, are many approued medicines for diuers and sundry diseases, which haue been long hidden, and not come to light before this time. Now set foorth for the great benefit and comfort of the poorer sort of people that are not of abilitie to go to the physitions. By A.T.
A. T., practitioner in physicke.

Cap. 194. ¶A Medicine for a Canker in the mouth, both white and red: the white Canker will breake out, but the red will not: Also this Medi∣cine is very good for any sore lips, sore legges, or any other sores.

TAKE two handfulls of Woodbinde leaues, and a handfull of Sage, shread them fine, and beate them very small in a Morter: Then take two spoonefulls Page  40 a Honny, and Roch Allum to the quantitie of halfe an Egge: then take a quarte of faire running water, and seeth these alltogether, vntill they be thicke, then strayne it through a fine linnen cloth, and put the licquor into a faire earthen potte, and couer it very close: then an∣noynt the gummes of the patient therewith, within his mouth, on the sore syde, or else if neede require, you may annoynt your whole mouth therewith: And if it bee a white Canker, then annoynt the vtter side of your mouth, and then wet a cloth in the liquor, and lay it thereunto, on the out side of the sore, and vse this three or foure times in a day, and when you are dressed, then lay your face to a warme chafingdish of coles, and then you shall see the water runne foorth of your mouth in great quantities. And if the Canker bee in the nose, or in any other place where it can not bee touched, then spout some of thys liquor with a quill, and this will heale you within a short space. This liquor will be kept well one and twentie dayes, in his vertue and no more. This hath bene often prooued.