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Title:  A relation of the state of religion and with what hopes and pollicies it hath beene framed, and is maintained in the severall states of these westerne parts of the world.
Author: Sandys, Edwin, Sir, 1561-1629.
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power, which at Venice they doe not, but a meere prima∣cie of order, which the auncient Councils thought good to give him. No more do Grecians in Apuglia, and Calabria, about Otranto, and at Cassana, nor in Cortu, & other Ilands adioyning to that coast, being the old remaines of the Oc∣cidentall Grecians, and who have alwaies, and doe still fol∣lowe the Greeke Church in all things, though these in Ca∣labria, and Apuglia be subiect to the King of Spaine, and in his power to roote out when soeuer himselfe listeth. And yet euen in Italy it selfe doth he suffer them and their Reli∣gion, who never could be induced to tollerate the Prote∣stants in any the remotest corner of his huge scattered Mo∣narchie, though the Grecians are condemned Heretiques, even in matter of the Trinitie, and perpetuall oppugners of the Papall right and authoritie. Then for the Iewes, they even swarme in the most of the chiefe parts of Italie, at Rome specially where the least number I could ever heare them esteemed at, is ten thousand and vpwards, though others say twise as many. They haue there, at the least, fower or fiue Synagogues, both there & else-where; their Circumcision, their Liturgies, their Sermons in pub∣lique, and all that it may resort vnto them: yea, in means of enriching themselves, they are so much fauoured, that in all places they are permitted to straine vp their vsurie to eighteene in the hundred vpon the Christian, (for among thēselves they no where vse it) whereas also that summe in a Christian is not tollerated, which causeth many of the Christians to vse these Iewes vnder-hand, in improoving their vnlawful rents to their vtmost proportion. They have also in some places & it may be in all, a peculiar Magistrate, to decide any controversie betweene Christians and them, with particular direction to favor thē in their trades. And lastly, where France hath banished that race, in Avingnon only the Popes citie are they harbored & retained. Some answere to this demand in defence of the Pope, that the Church hath no authoritie to chastice the Iewes, who ne∣ver 0