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Title:  A relation of the state of religion and with what hopes and pollicies it hath beene framed, and is maintained in the severall states of these westerne parts of the world.
Author: Sandys, Edwin, Sir, 1561-1629.
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and pleader, it must needs in the end maugre the malice of all enemies, and craft of all inventions, prevaile and have the victorie, although the vtter abolishment of the King∣dome of Antichrist they referre with the prophecie to the appearance of our Saviour in iudgement & triumph, now shortly approaching. On the other side, the Papists hope that their perswasion being seconded by so great Princes authoritie, and fatered, by so many collaterall aydes, of motives, and practises, leaving nothing vassayed which may preiudice, inflict, or annoy their opposite; and pro∣viding as they do, a perpetuall succession of instruments to be imployed in each kind over all partes of Christen∣dome, they shall in the end tyre, eate out, and vtterly con∣sume the strength and stomacke of their vnpolitique and divided adversaries. In the number wherof, though they score vp all religions, especially christian, that acknowledge not the Pope, and the three-fold plenitude of his super∣nall, terrestriall, and infernall power, extending to heaven in canonizing Saints, to the lower parts of the world in reeing from Purgatorie, & over the earth in being the v∣niversall guide and pastor of all mem, yet are they not af∣fected to all their opposites in like sort (speaking of such as with whom they live and daily converse,) For, to omit the Iew whom they moke with their Mssias so long in comming, as also the Gaecian whom they pittie with their Patriarch vnder the Turkish slaverie, their hatred is to the Lutheran, the Author of their calamitie. But hatred and feare both of the Calvinists onely, whom they account the onely growing enemy & dangerous of their state. ForLutherans in Germany. as for the Lutherane he was long since at the highest, & if he fetch an inch forwards one way, for an ell he looseth an other, it is only by a kind of boysterous force and violence against the Cavinists as in Strasborough of late. The reason herof (besides the absurdities of the biquitary Chimera) ath perhaps beene in part, for that their opinion tooke vp his seat in Germanie, a stiffe people, but on heavie, 0