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Title:  The fyrst chapitre is the lyf of saint ierom as it is take of legenda aurea The seconde is of his lyf also as saint austyn wryteth in hys pystill The thyrd is how saint Jerome apperid to sai[nt] Austin in grete ioye ...
Author: Winter, Simon, d. 1448.
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And yet in thys cold body & in my dede flessh I selt brenninges & sturinges of vnclennes: And therfore sith they fele suche temptacions that so despise their bodyes and fight only with theyr thoughtes: what suffre the men or wymen that lyue in delyces sothely as the apostel saith they lyue in body: but they are ded in soule / But our lord is my wytnes that after many wepynges / ful often tymes me semed that I was amongest the companies of angellis: After he had lyued thus in deserte foure yere he went ayene in to Bethlem & ther offred hym self as a wyld be¦ste to abide at the crybbe of our lord & there he ga∣dred many disciples. and founded a monastery & ly¦ued vnder the reule of thapostelles and v yere & an half he trauailled about translacyon of holy wrytt And vnto his ende he lyued a virgine. also he wrot the lyf of holy faders in a book called vitas patrū: he was so wyse yt what mā had asked hym ony que¦stion he shuld anon wythout tarieng yeue him are¦sōable ansuere / & whan ther had be neuer set no certeī seruice in holy chirche but eche body songe and redd what he wold The emperour prayed the pope yt he wold ordeyne som wyse man to set dyuin seruice / & for the pope knew wel yt saint ierom was {per}fite and most excellēt in latyn tonge grew & ebrew & al wise¦dom he cōmytted to him yt office & than saint ierom deuided the sauter in to nocturnes & assigned to eche day in the wike a {pro}per nocturne & ordeined yt Glia patri shuld be sayd at the ende of euery psalme. He ordeined also pistelles & gospelles for al the yere and 0