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Title:  Prolicionycion [sic]
Author: Higden, Ranulf, d. 1364.
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¶ Capitulum 28 THan trewes were take for thre yere bytwene kyng richard & the soudan / & hubert bisshop of Salesbury yede to the se∣pulcre for hym self / and for the kyng and offred there an hooly oyst / and cam thennes and sayled with the kynge to Cypres / Thennes the kynge sente forth to Scicile twey quenes / his wyf / and his suster neygh with al̄ his meyne / and he myght not wel endure in the softe see / but he sayled with a strong wynde toward the countray of hystria with fewe men / and was dryuen til that he cam bytwene Aquila & venyse / & ther he houed & bleynt hider and thyder / & hyd hym somwhat of tyme & men made grete pur∣ueaunce of vytayls for hym / and so he was aspyed and take of the dukes men of Austryche / whan that was knowen the kyng of fraūce made Iohan kyng Rychardes broder to torne lyghtly ageynst kyng rychard / ānd exyted also themperour of almayn a∣geynst kyng rychard / than themperour made couenaunt with the duk of austryche for to haue the thyrdde part of the prouffyte & wynnyng that come of kyng rychard and had kyng rychard in to his owne warde / yet whyle kyng rychard bare the crosse and the sygne of our lord / And the emperour putte hyin in a place that is called Tryuallis / there arystotle seith it were good a mā to sle his owne fader / but about palmsonday themperour brought forth kyng rychard to yeue his answer before many lordes of the emperours land / and he cam forth with so glad chere & answerd to alle thynge that was putte ageynst hym / that the Emperour was bowed not only to mercy / but also for to doo hym grete re∣uerence & worship / than cam to the kyng that was so holden wil¦liam bisshop of hely that was put oute of englond for his grete extorciōs & outrages / he cam to the king for to espye what wil the kyng had to hym ward / & whanne he myght not begyle the king with gyle of blynde flateryng he had euyl trust to hym self and torned ageyne to Fraunce with hoope of grace / But Hubert bisshop of Salesbury come oute of Scicile to the kynge and was sente in to englond for gouernyng of the Royame and also for to spede the kynges raunsone whan he was comen in to englōd he was chosen archebisshop by assente of the monkes of Caunter¦bury and of the Bisshops / and noo wonder / He toke the pal & and was stalled / and toke anone the habyte of Chanon at 0