A rational account of the cause, nature, and cure of gleets: and other such weaknesses usually attending persons after former cures, self-abuses, &c. By the author of the Practical scheme. This book is given gratis only at the four following places, and no where else, viz. up one pair of stairs, between the Rose Tavern and the pamphlet shop, at the sign of the celebrated anodyne necklace, ... And (for the convenience of seafaring persons) at the Indian handkercher facing the New Stairs in Wapping. ...
Author of The practical scheme.


HAving above in the Title Page of this Book made mention of a Certain Anodyne NECKLAGE Re∣commended by the late Dr. Paul Chamberlen for the Easy Breeding and Cutting of Children's Teeth, &c. I'll here subjoin Two Testimonies published by Dr. Chamberlen in favour of this Soverain Necklace, and the Specifick Remedy and Elixir, mentioned in the Practical Scheme, in Opposi∣tion to some Counterfeits a broad in the World.

WHereas a NECKLACE has been Published under Pretence that it is the same with that which is Re∣commended by me (tho nothing at all LIKE it.) I here∣by declare to the World, that I know nothing of it, nor its Author, who pretends to Decry, what nevertheless he tries to Counterfeit. I do not deny but that I have for some time, and do still Approve of and Recommend to the World that most Admirable NECKLACE for Childrens Teeth, &c. As also, The Specifick Romedy and Elixir for the Secret Disease and Broken Constitutions, Sold up one Pair of Stairs, at the Sign of this Nocklace without Temple-Bar, &c. All which I know (from my Experience of them) to be most Excellent Things, and Page  40worth any one's having in those Circumstances. For which Reason I Recommend to every ones serious Peru∣sal, That most Excellent little Practical Scheme and Essay which the Ingenious Author has writ upon them, and gives away Gratis in most European languages. But if a∣ny other Necklace besides this (which is the ONLY one that I Recommend, and is a very valuable Secret,) As al∣so, if any other Specifick Remedy or Elixir for these Distem∣pers, are at any time under my Name Published by Per∣sons who live by Pyrating and Counterfeiting other Men's Secrets, it is a manifest Imposition upon me and the Pub∣lick. Therefore I hereby Caution all Persons to be ware of such Counterfeits.

From my House in Great Suffolk-street, near the Hay-Market, Mar. 22. 1717.

Paul Chamberlen, M. D.

THE SPECIFICK REMEDY: ELIXIR: And NECKLACE for Childrens TEETH, at the Sign of this Necklace without Temple-Bar, &c. I Approve of and Recommend. All others I disown as Spurious and Counterfeit.

From my House in Great Suffolk-Street,Apr. 18. 1717.

Paul Chamberlen, M. D.