Treatises of fistula in ano : haemorrhoids, and clysters
John Arderne
D'Arcy Power
Page  79

Of Powders

19. Of þe properteȝ of Vitriol.

[leaf 166]

19. [O]f atramenteȝ, i.[e.] of vitrioleȝ, bene many kyndeȝ; And þat is better þat is more grene and þat is founden in þe yle of Crete"or cipre"; and it is called comonly dragante,bot noȝt dragagante,*. [una species] ffor dragagant is a white gumme and clere like vnto gumme arabic. Also þer is a spice of vitriol þat is called vitriolum romanum, i.[e.] coporose; And it is of ȝalow colour in reward of*. [in respectu viridioris.] þe grenner vitriol. And þer is one of white colour bot noȝt schynyng, and þat is seid to availe to þe cureȝ of eiȝen. Vitriol is hote"calidus"and drye"siccus" in þe 4 degre after platear,*. [Secundum Platearium] And þer ar 4 maners þerof: Indicum, þat is founden in ynde, and þat is white; Arabicum þat is founden in arabye, and þat is ȝelow; And ciprinum þat is founden in Cipre, and þat is grene; And romanum þat is coprose, þat is more grene is competent to medicyne. It haþe strenght of dissoluyng, consumyng, fretyng."corrodyng" It may be kepte by 10 ȝere effectualy. Also vitriol combuste be itself or with salt combuste vputte vpon a venemyd wonde draweþ þe venym fro byneþ vnto aboue.*. [ab inferius ad superius] Also puluer of vitriol combuste streyneþ blode in euery place if it be putte by itself or with iuyse of any herbe streynyng blode, as of rede netle, or bursa pastoris, or moleyne, or walwort. Also it is seid to availe agayns polipe in þe nose if it be putte into þe nose with a tente of coton and melle rosette medled with ȝolk of an ey; it freteþ superflue flesch, and putte into a fistule mortifieþ it. And also it y-medled with diaquilon or apostolicon and y-put vpon fraudulent vlcereȝ*. [ulcera fraudu[lenta].]in dry membreȝ, it cureþ þam meruelously in drawyng, and mortifieþ þam and freteþ þam. Also if vitriol be combust it is lesse mordicatyue, but his dryneȝ is not lessened. fforsoþ al spiceȝ of vitriol bene scharp after lesse and more, and þai haue þair scharpneȝ in þair superficite; And when þai ar combuste þai bene exsiccatyue without grete mordicacion, and so in exsiccand þai gendre flesch, and most in drye membris and bodieȝ. ffor why; Vitriol y-put to diuerse membris or diuerse membris*. [Nam vitriolum diversis corporibus appositum vel membris.] it is sene to haue diuerse effecte In dry bodieȝ, for as coloricPage  80and malencolious; And also putte in dry membreȝ when it fyndeþ strong membreȝ agaynstayndyng to his strenght, þan may he noȝt bot dry superfluiteȝ y-founden in vlcereȝ or in wondeȝ; which forsoþ y-dried, nature gendereþ flesch. In moist bodieȝ, forsoþe, as in fleumatike men and childre and wymmen, and in moiste membreȝ of þe bodie, þe membreȝ bene feble and may noȝt withstande to þe strength of þe vitriol; and so þai suffre liquefaccion of it, and so putrefaccion is augmented in þe wonde. And as it wirkeþ þus in diuerse bodieȝ, so wirkeþ it in diuerse complexions and diuerse membris. And it doþe noȝt þus for contrariouste of operacion þat it haþe in itself, bot for contrariouste of complexions to which it is y-putte; As fire doþ diuersely in dyuerse þings. ffor whi; lede or oþer metalle as bras and siluer y-put to þe fire ar molten of þe fire; tyle, stoneȝ, and erþen potteȝ y-putte to þe fire ar hardened; and þise be noȝt done for þat þe fire haþe contrarious wirkyng in hymself, bot for contrariouste of nature of þe forseid þingȝ. [leaf 166, back] Wherfor seiþ galiene, if þer be tuo þings euen in helþe, and þe tone be in a dry membre and þe toþer in a moiste, þat þat is in þe dry membre nedeþ more dry medycyne. Emplastreȝ, forsoþ, þat ar putte to membreȝ owen to be of o kynd to þe membrys, after Ioℏn Damascene: Tak of vitriol als mych as þou wilt, i.[e.] 2 vnceȝ or 3 or 4, and putte in ane erþen potte whos mouþe be wele stopped with clay distemperate with horse dong, þat is called lutum sapien,*. [cujus orificium fortiter obturetur cum luto bene distemperat. cum flmo equino quod vero lutum sapienciæ dicitur.]and sette it to dry; þe which y-dried, sette"birye" þe potte with þe vitriol among coleȝ, and make a softe fire by one houre; And after ane houre make it stronger, and blow strongly with beloweȝ 2 houreȝ, and after lette in pece vnto þat þe fire defaile by itself. And þe potte y-colded, be it opned, and þou schalt fynde attrament, i.[e.] vitriol, of rede colour cleuyng to þe sideȝ of þe potte; whiche remoued fro þe potte, be it poudred subtily vpon a stone, and putte it in a strong leþer bagge and kepe it to þine vse. By sich combustion is his natural hete alterate and so it is colded, and so his mordicacion is dulled; wherfor it may restreyne blode in noseȝ and woundeȝ and lure and marice. Also itPage  81availeþ agayneȝ þe cancre and agaynȝ venemous apostemeȝ and fraudulenteȝ*. [contra apostemata venenosa et fraudulenta]; And to teþe or gomeȝ freten or gnawen medled with symple hony, or better with melle rosate; Or best if þat licium, i.[e.] iuyse of caprifoile with clarefied hony be soþen to þe þikneȝ of hony, and be medled with puluer of vitriol and putte vnto þe gomeȝ; ffor whi; Iuyse of caprifoile þat is called licium availeþ bi itself to al þe viceȝ of þe mouþe. Also vitriol y-medled with hony and licium putte þer-in helpeþ to vlcereȝ of ereȝ, and to þe quitour of þam and fretyng. Also vitriol combuste when it is medled with puluer of hermodactileȝ and putte vnder-neþ þe tung it helpeþ to þe ranule."frog" Ane oyntment þat availeþ to cancrose vlcereȝ, and to wondeȝ, and to apostemeȝ, of which floweþ out blode, and to yuel carbuncleȝ þat ar called pestilencialeȝ, and to apostemeȝ þat ar made of yuel mater, is made þus: Recipe of old swyne grese*. [adipis porci vetustissimi.]ounce iii, vitriol ounce iiii. Be þe grese molten ouer þe fire & be it coled, and breke long tyme þe vitriol with oile in a brazen morter, and afterward medled with þe grese ouer þe fire, and make ane oyntement mych fruyteful. If þou wilt make it in maner of one emplastre, putte þer-to wax and blak pich, for pich haþe strenght or vertu of drawyng fro partieȝ bineþ to aboue, and þe same doþe vitriol.

20. Of þe properteȝ of Alum.

20. Alum ȝucaryne is called comonly alumglasse. It is hote"calidus" and dry"siccus" in þe 4 degre. It is a veyne of þe erþe y-knowen ynoȝ,*. [satis cognita et commune] bot how mych it is more clere & schynyng so mych is it better. It haþe strenght of consumyng and of gretly desickyng."drying" It availeþ with hote vinegre agaynȝ inflacions of þe gomeȝ; And it availeþ in medicyneȝ agaynȝ þe scabbe. Also poudre of it combuste profiteþ mich bi itself, or y-medled with hony, [leaf 167] in mundifying of liȝt cureȝ. It mundifieth, forsoþ, with a stiptikneȝ,*. [cum quadam stipicitate]and in þat þat*. [in hoc quod.] it is stiptik it is confortatyue of membreȝ, for al stiptik þingȝ bene repressiue of humours. Þer is, forsoþe, anoþer kynde of alum þat is called alumen scissum, comonly alum plume, and it haþe þredeȝ and it may be diuided and ryuen in sondre. And it is riȝt gode, and it haþe þe same vertueȝ as alum glasse. Alum glasse isPage  82brynt þus: Tak a tile stone or a scarþe of a potte,*. [Accipe unam tegulam vel testam unius olle.] and putte it in þe middeȝ of brynnyng coleȝ so þat þe coleȝ touch it noȝt, and in þat scarþe putte þe hole pece of alum, and alsone it will melt as it war yse, and boile, and afterward it wexeþ hard; and in boilyng it will blow and wex hiȝe in drying and wexing white. And lat it be stille so in þe fire vnto þe blowyng and boilyng vtterly cese, and to it be broȝt into ful white colour; þe which y-sene, sette it fro þe fire and poudre it ful smal vpon a stone, and in a leþer bag kepe it to þine vse. Water of alum is made þus: Tak a quantite of it als mich as þou wilt, and breke it at þe best,*. [et teratur optime.] to which be added to 8 partieȝ of gode vinegre and strong, and so boile þam in a panne at þe fire vnto þat þe half parte of al-togidre be consumed. Afterward remoue it fro þe fire and cole it; And þis is called watre of alum, which availeþ agaynȝ ychyng of scabbe of salt flemne. And þis watre mundifieþ in coldand, bot watre of sulphur mundifieþ in hetyng or chaufand.*. [valet contra pruritum scabei ex salso flemate et ista aqua mundificat infrigidando, sed aqua sulphuris mundificat calefaciendo]

21. Of þe properteȝ of Vertgreȝ.

21. Viride es i.[e.] vertgreȝ, is hote"calidus" and drye."siccus" It is ful penetratyue and dissolutyue, and it prikkeþ and brynneþ and melteþ, and repressiþ putrefaccion. Wharfor, after galiene, [cap.] 4 de ingenio, of wex and oile and vertgrese may be made anoyntement temperate. ffor whi; vertegrese is ful mich penetratife, dissolutiue, pungityue, vrityue,*. [uritinum.]and liquefactyue. And al þise ar repressed and dulled of wex and oile adde to it; for siþe wax and oile moisteþ riȝt mich and gendreþ putrefaccion, þai dulle þe scharpneȝ of vertgrese, And vertgrese represseþ þeir putrefaccion and humeccacion; wherfor of þise bene made a temperate oyntement.

22. Of þe properteȝ of arsenic & auripigment.

22. [A]rsenic & auripigment bene boþe one, bot arsenic is noȝt so fair as auripigment; neþerlesse boþe haue a ȝalow colour, but auripigment is gretter and more schynyng, and more disesy for to grynde for his þredineȝ; for in substance he is like vnto plaistre of paris. Bot arsenic is as it war puluer in reward of auripigment, and it is more liȝtly broken; And when it is broken it haþe as it war vermilion within it, of rede colour and of aȝour colour; which vnkunnyng men saiþ to be realgre, &Page  83þat is false. ffor whi; realgre is ane artificial confection made of alkenemistreȝ*. [secundum modum alkimistarum id est alkenemyers.] bi sublimacion, as arsenic sublimed, And for certayn þai ar noȝt different in operacion in any þing, out-take þat realgre is of rede colour, and arsenic sublimed is of white colour; bot neþerleȝ arsenic entreþ in confeccion of realgre, And forþi realgre is called of som men rede auripigment: of þe nameȝ is no stryuyng so þat we vnderstond þe þingȝ. [leaf 167, back] Auripigment is hote and dry in þe 4 degre, of whiche bene tuo spiceȝ as is seid aboue, ȝelow and rede. Ȝelow is more competent to vse of lecheȝ. It is forsoþ dissolutyue, attractyue, and mundificatyue, And it haþe in it a vertue putrefactyue by which he putrefieþ straunge humours comyng to a wounde, or ane vlcere, þat þai may noȝt be assimilate, i.[e.] liken to membreȝ, and engendre superflue flesch or dede flesch. Also it availeþ in medicyneȝ agaynȝ þe scabbe, þe tetre and white morfee y-medled with blak sope. And for þat we made mencion of arsenic sublimed, þerfor it is to witte þat no leche bot if he be more experte in cirurgie presume for to wirk with realgre or arsenic sublimed. ffor of þam ar bredde many diseseȝ for þair distemperate violence. ffor why; þai boþe wirk with one maner and violence, and þat more violently þan cautery of fire. And if any man ow for to vse þam, þam owe to be putte to in þe lest quantite, for þe vertu of þam aboute fire is þe vttermoste of strenght,*. [Quoniam virtus eorum circa ignem in ultimo fortitudinis et quod patet] and þat is schewed, for þe watre of þam freteþ euery metaƚƚ, out-tak gold. Witte þou þat auripigment is called comonly ortment,*. [orpigment] whos puluer vseþ falconereȝ agaynȝ pedicleȝ"lise" of þaire falconeȝ. Also witte þou þat auripigment is desiccatyue, consumptiue, euaporatyue, eradicatyue, putrefactiue, ruptyue and cauteriatyue. Also witte þou þat of arsenic sublimed or of realgre, þat oneȝ in a tyme in þe bigynnyng of my practiȝing, when I knew noȝt þe violence of þam, I putte of þe puluer of þe tuo forsayd in þe leggeȝ of tuo men; þe which, forsoþe, y-putte in, almost þei wer wode for ake bi tuo daieȝ naturel and more; And þair leggeȝ war bolned out of mesure. Þe þrid daie, forsoþe, þe place wher þe puluer was putte appered of riȝt blak colour, and þe pacienteȝ war so feblePage  84þat þai war almost dede. Þan I anoynted þair leggeȝ with oile of rose or popilion, And I fomented þe leggis in hote water for to euapour yuel humours contened in þe membreȝ; And aboue þe place I putte rawe larde kytted þinne,*. [apposui lardum crudum tenue incisum] with oile of rose. Aboue þe larde putte I ane emplastre of þe ȝolkeȝ of raw eggeȝ, And stuppeȝ of lyne aboue for to hold þe larde. And aboute þe 9 daie þe place combuste beganne to dissolue in þe circumference and for to putte out quiter. And þe place noȝt reparate bot fro þe þrid day to þe þrid daye*. [de 3o in 3m.] I continued euer-more þis cure in þe forseid maner, vnto þat al þe mortified flesch within was fully putte out þe which, forsoþ, putte out, þe bone of þe legge"schine" appered bare with a wounde riȝt horrible; þe which y-sene, I filled þe wonde of stupeȝ y-kitte smalle, and putte þam aboue þe naked bone; and I putte in of þe ȝolk of a raw egg wele temperate with sanguine veneris, and I filled al þe wounde þer-with; and so euery day oneȝ reparalyng it vnto þe quiter biganne to cese, and þe sideȝ of þe wounde byganne for to sonde or conglutinate. And witte þou þat when þe sideȝ of þe wounde come to þe place of þe bone cauteriȝide of þe arsenic, which was blakke, [leaf 168] þai miȝt no more grewe, for þe mortified bone miȝt noȝt receyue nutriment, þat þer miȝt no flesch grew vpon it, ne be regendred. Þe which ȝitte sene, I, sewyng þe ignorance of þe comon puple,*. [Quo adhuc viso, ignorantiam vulgi prosecutus.] euery day I schoue*. [Abrasi.] þe bare bone with instrument preparate þer-to, entendyng for to gendre flesch vpon þe bare bone. And I putte to regeneratyueȝ of flesch, þat is to sey licium with mel rosate, and puluer of aloes, & mastike, and mirre, sarcocoƚƚ, san. draconis, and þai profited noþing. Neþerleȝ þe schauying euery day continued in þe maner of ydioteȝ, as I seid afore; a daye, as I schoue þe forseid bone, þe bare bone vnder þe instrument moued vp and downe; þat, forsoþ, perceyued, I meruailed ouer mesure, neþerleȝ I perceyued of þat þat þe schauyng of þe bone profited noþing: fro þan forþe I lefte þat werk, and I putte noþing elleȝ in þe wounde bot licium with melle rosate and ȝolk of a raw aye ymedled togidre, with carped stupeȝ of lyne, and so fro day to day continuyng vnto þe forseid bone, Page  85flesch growyng vnder-neþe appered hiȝer þan þe extremiteȝ of þe wounde, and was made more moueable and more; þe which ysene, I putte þe poynt of a knyfe vnder þe side of þe bone and I raised it a litel, and al þe bare bone stirt out, and rede flesch had filled al þe space where þe bone laye, and blode went out. Þat bone, forsoþe, had in length 4 yncheȝ, and 2 in brede; in þikneȝ, forsoþe, it was drawne out almost vnto þe merewgh of þe bone; And þis was in þe schyne bone. After þe seperacion, forsoþe, of þe bone, I cured finaly þe wounde with licium and mel rosate and raw ȝolk of an ey and puluer sine pari. And þe pacient recouered wonderfully his goyng; he was, forsoþe, a ȝong man. And as it feƚƚ on þe tone man, one þe same maner felle it of þe toþer. And witte þou þat I putte noȝt of puluer of arsenic in þe leggeȝ of þe forseid men ouer þe quantite of a corne of senvey,"a mosterd sede" and neþerlesse þe wondeȝ þat come of þe arsenic passed fully þe lengthe and þe brede of a manneȝ hande. Þerfor vnexperte men be wele war fro þe vse of realgre and arsenic sublimed, and namely in þe face and þe leggeȝ, and synowy placeȝ and bony, and in a manneȝ ȝerde, and in þe lure; for bot if þai haue grete resistence þai wirke ful cruely.

23. Of makyng of þem & of þe werchynge.

23. [L]icium is þe iuyse of caprifoile, þat is called wodebynde, and it groweþ in wodeȝ and wyndeþ strongly aboute treeȝ; and it haþ long floureȝ, and it bereþ swete rede berieȝ. Licium cureþ þe canker in þe marice and in oþer inward membreȝ, for it haþe vertu mundificatyue, consolidatyue, and confortatyue, and regeneratyue of flesch in a bare bone and in schynne boneȝ; and it haþe a vertu mundificatyue of putrefiyng of þe bone. And generaly it availeþ in al fretyng sekeneȝ, as in cancre, lupe, fistule, and noli-me-tangere. And agayne þe cancre in þe mouþe licium is a principal medicyne, boiled with hony vnto þe þikneȝ of þe hony. And it may be þus made: þe iuyse schal be pressed out and sette to þe son for to dry vnto þat it may be pulueriȝed. And þis pulueriȝed availeþ to derke eiȝen, putte in þe eiȝ, and forþi is called oculus lucidus. [leaf 168, back] Bot it may be made profitably oþer wyse, availyng to ful cause of cirurgie, & þat þus: þe iuyse of caprifoile pressedPage  86out bi itself, be it boiled with alse mich of clarified hony vnto þe wastyng of þe iuyse, and be it kepte vnto vse. And þis availeþ to þe cancre in þe mouþe, and in þe lure, and in þe marice, and al cancrose vlcereȝ and fraudulentȝ of leggeȝ. If þe iuyse, forsoþ, may noȝt liȝtly be pressed out for þe þikneȝ, als it falleþ, oft tyme, þan be þe lefeȝ watred with gode white wyne or rede, and þan may þe iuyse liȝtly be pressed out. ffor whi; witte þou þat caprifoile owe noȝt to be waschen with watre afore þe brissyng, and moste when þer owe to be made licium to cureȝ of þe eiȝen, Bot if it nede alwaieȝ to be wette, be it no maner done with watre bot with wyne, as it is seid. Also lefeȝ of caprifoile brissed by þam-self and with al his substance without medlyng of any oþer þing, putte vpon vlcereȝ of leggeȝ desperate & stynkyng, and puttyng out foule blode, and growyng hiȝe to maner of a cancre, and vnobedient to any medicyne, cureþ þam happily and meruelously. And þis proued I in þe legge of a grete man hauyng a pustle, In curyng of which al medicyneȝ defailed; and with þis was he cured. ffor whi; þe first tyme þat it was putte to it dried þe fistule, and did away þe stynkyng and al þe yuel accidentȝ, and within a moneþ he was plenarely cured.

24. Of makyng of pulv. sine pari & of þe wirchyng.

24. [P]uluis sine pari, or french Poudre sanȝ pere, is made þus: Recipe auripigment. parte 1, þat [is] ounce ii; vertgrese ana, or after som men partes ij; Of vitriol combuste, or noȝt combuste, als mich as of boþe þe forseid; Alum ȝucarine combust, or noȝt combuste, als mych as of al þe forseid. Ich on of þise bi þamself be ful subtily grouden on a stone, þe which wele y-growden, be þei eft-sone grouden al to-gidre vnto þai be riȝt wele medled; and putte þam in leþer bag, and kepe to vse: þis may be kepte bi a ȝere and longer, and þat in gret effecte. Þis poudre is seid "without pere" ffor it haþe no pere in wirchyng; ffor why; it mortifieþ and bryngeþ out dede flesch or superflue or putred in al wondeȝ and vlcereȝ. And witte þou þat þis puluis bigileþ neuer þe paciente ne þe cirurgene, for it doþ not wickedly. ffor whi; if þe cirurgene bene vnkunnyng and putte þis puluis in a wonde or in ane vlcere noȝt hauyng dede flesch, it doþ none harme to þe wonde or þe vlcere; bot without any oþer help it schalPage  87at þe best be conglutinatiue, dissiccatyue, and sanatyue of þe wonde; bot neþerlesse noȝt without mordicacion. ffor, for certayne, if þis puluis war noȝt mordicatyue it schuld in prise passe al medicyneȝ. Þe vse of þis puluis is sich; when þis puluis is putte in a wounde or in ane vlcere, be þer putte to it, without any-þing atuix, cotone or stupeȝ of lyne cutte smalle with schereȝ; And þan aboue al þat be put aboue emplastre Nerbone or anoþer, and be it bounden, and so latte it be wiþout remouyng by two nyghteȝ. [leaf 169] After þis tyme, forsoþ, when þou remoueȝ þe emplastre and þe coton or þe stupeȝ putte aboue þe puluis, If þe puluis putte in go willfully out with þe dede flesch þi nedeȝ is wele sped. Þan owe þou for to putte in þe hole of þe vlcere or of þe wonde a drop or tuo of sanguis veneris, with stuppeȝ of lyne or coton, vnto þat þe hole be eftsoneȝ replete with flesch. And if, forsoþ, in þe first remouyng þe puluis putte in come noȝt wilfully out with þe mortified flesch, þan ow þe lech for to putte o droppe or tuo of sanguis veneris vpon þe puluis in þe wounde or þe vlcere, and aboue coton or stuppeȝ of lyne, as it is seid. And aboue al-togidre þe emplastre Nerbone; and so lat it abyde by a naturale day or more after þe estimacion of þe discrete leche. And when þe dede flesch goþ out of þe vlcere or of þe wounde, be it reparailed as it was seid afore. And to a leche be þis a reule, þat puluis corrosyue be neuer remoued in a wonde or ane vlcere byfor þat it wille wilfully go out. Also þer is anoþer reule in which I haue sene erre in my tyme almost al men noȝt practiȝours bot foleȝ; þat is to say of þe ofte remouyng of woundeȝ or vlcereȝ. Siche operacion, for-soþe, spedeþ noȝt, bot letteþ couenable effecte of curyng. And þat by þis reson, for natural hete in þe body, which is principal actour of curyng, expireþ"breþeþ" out of ofte remeuyng of a wounde or of ane vlcere, and so is letted digestion of humours comyng to þe wounde or to þe vlcere, Wherfor þer may noȝt be nade generacion of quitour and, by sewyng, ne purgyng of þe wounde. Wherfor superflue humours rennyng to þe wounde ar gedred togidre and ar holden stil more and more; wherfor þe bolnyng in þe wounde is augmentedPage  88and, by sewyng, þe ake; for þe tone is occasion of þe toþer. Wherfor þe wounde or þe vlcere waxeþ hard and foule, and for þe quitour þat it owed of riȝt to putte out, it sendeþ out watry humour & venemous, and so ofte-tymeȝ of liȝt hurtyng ar made incurable yueleȝ. Also þer is anoþer errour in ofte remeuyng of woundeȝ or of vlcereȝ; ffor as seiþ philosophreȝ, aier chaungeþ þe body and by consequens þe wounde, and þat may be proued by experience. Þe breþ of a menstruous woman noyeþ vnto woundeȝ if sche neȝen nere; Or of þe lech if he haue liggen with his wife or with anoþer woman menstruate, or if he haue eten garleke or onyons. Bot be þis maner of wirchyng boldly holden, þat a lech be content only of ane reparacione in þe day, þat is if he haue þe medicyneȝ contened in þis boke. ffor when he seþe a wounde or ane vlcere wele cast out quitour, and þe bolnyng for to vanysh away, and þe akyng for to be cesed, and þe membre for to come agayne to þe first habite and colour, helþe is at þe dore if þe pacient be we[le] gouerned, i.[e.] if he slepe wele in niȝtes. In slepe, forsoþ, nature wirkeþ better aboute digestion of euery mater beyng in þe body or in þe membris. Bot for þat slepe is oftyme letted of akyng, þerfor bifore al þingȝ be it laboured þat þe akyng be cessed. [leaf 169, back] ffor akyngȝ afor al oþer þings noȝt only presseþ downe vertueȝ of þe body but also of þe medicyneȝ. And þat þing soueranly mitigateþ oile of rose in hote cause, or oile of camamille in cold cause, for it is hote and resolutyue, of which it schal be seid afterward. Also ane emplastre of hony and branne and a litil vinegre fried togidre mitigateþ"eseþ" euery akyng for certayne. And witte þou þat þo þingȝ þat ar putte aboue makeþ to þe closyng-in of naturale hete and excludyng of þe aier. Be þise þingȝ seid afore of remeuyng of woundeȝ and vlcereȝ comended wele to mynde; And be it done boldly as it is seid, ffor oftymeȝ in many caseȝ I was noȝt wount for to remoue bot fro þe þrid day into þe þrid day, and þat namely in hurtyng of þe schynneȝ; and I sped wele, And I cured many hard þingȝ and forsaken of oþer men with þis puluis sine pari and oþer emplastreȝ y-named. And IPage  89saw neuer in al my tyme þis forseid puluis defaile, outtake in þe legge of a gret man in which it miȝt noȝt haue no strength of wirchyng as it was wont for to haue in oþer; wherfor I was hugely astoned, bot neþerleȝ I heled hym wele with grene licium putte þer-to, our lorde beyng mene, as it is seid aboue.

25. Of makyng of sanguis veneris & of þe wirchyng.

25. [A]nd for þat many men couaiteþ for to here nameȝ of oileȝ and of emplastreȝ and of oyntementȝ, þerfor I haue putte þair nameȝ to þam. One for þe rednes and swetneȝ is called sanguis veneris. Of french, forsoþ, for ladieȝ is called sank damours or sank de pucelƚ, ffor why; venus was called goddeȝ of luffe. Sanguis veneris ow þus to be made: Recipe puluis of alcannet ounce 1. and putte it in a quart of comon oile, and þe oile schal become rede to likneȝ of blode, wheþer it be boiled at þe fire or noȝt, for it may be made on boþe maners; and be it kept to vse in ane erþen potte or a pewdre potte. Þis maner of confeccion of sanguis veneris is riȝt gode for þe alkenet þat is cold and drye in þe first or second gre. ffor þis alkenet consumeþ humiditeȝ of woundeȝ and of vlcereȝ, for it is subtiliatyue and resolutyue without mordicacion, and carminatyue & appertyue, and exsiccatyue with stiptikneȝ. Wherfor it is gode in hote apostemeȝ with litel mater in þe bygynnyng, for it is cold and drye and þerfor it is repercussyue and exsiccatyue of hote apostemeȝ. Also it helpeþ to synues and iunctureȝ, and vlcereȝ of þe mouþe in drying. And it medled with vinegre & ynoynted helpeþ to þe akyng of þe heued. Sanguis veneris heleþ wele, and purgeþ, and defendeþ fro drede depe woundeȝ made wyth knyfe or arow, and holow vlcereȝ,if it be putte in with stuppeȝ of lyne, And emplastre Nerbone putte aboue, And it doþe al þingȝ þat perteneþ to cure of a wounde or of aposteme, and þat in a fair maner.

[leaf 170]

Bot witte þou þat Sanguis veneris may be made on anoþer maner, and þat to noble men, if þe lech may haue in tyme of his confection al þings necessarye vnto his confection, þat is to sey þe blode of a maiden virgyne or of a maiden damisel about 19 or 20 ȝere, which was neuer impregned,"with child" þof sche be corrupte; for now in þis tymeȝPage  90virgineȝ comeþ ful seldome to 20 ȝere. Which blode ow to be drawen out in þe ful of þe mone, þe mone beyng in virgine and þe sonne beyng in piscibȝ. Also it bihoueþ þe lech haue to þis confection aloes, & mirre, & sanguis draconis, and puluis of alkenet. And þus is it made: Recipe blode of a maid, as it is seid afore, to þe which alsone after þe drawyng out, or it be cold, medle puluis of aloes cicotrine, mirre, sanguis draconis ana ounce 1 or 2 or 3, after þe quantite of þe blode; of subtile puluis of alkenet als mich as of al þe toþer. And al þise, forsoþe, be wele medled with þe blode in maner of a paste, and afterward dry it at þe son: when it is drie kepe it to þine vse. When þou wilt, forsoþe, vse þerof, tak a party of it or al, and poudre it wele, and seþe it in grene oile of olyueȝ als mich as sufficeþ; þat is to ane vnce of þe forseid confection þou ow to putte 2 lb. of oile, þat is a quart of a galon, or more if it be nede, and boile þam togidre vnto þat þe oile appere rede; which beyng rede, putt it of þe fire, (sette it of þe fire) and kepe it to þine vse. And when it is boiled cole it noȝt bot lat it abide with þe oile, for it will satle in þe grounde, and so it will strengþe þe medicyne.

26. Of makyng of salus populi & of þe werchyng.

26. [A]n oyntment þat is called Salus populi is made þus: Recipe celidon M.ij, edere terrestris"hayhoue, folefote, horshoue"M. i, and brysse þam togidre; and afterward take herteȝ talow or schepeȝ talow or boþe, als mych as sufficeþ to þe quantite of þe herbeȝ; And of oile of olyue als myche als half of þe talow; and boile al with þe forseid herbeȝ vnto þat þe herbeȝ go to þe grounde of þe vessel and be made blak; afterward cole þam and lat þam cold, and kepe it to vse. Þis oyntment is hard, and þerfore when it is nede to vse it take of it and putte in ane holow oistre schelle and melt it aboue coleȝ, or aboue a brynnyng candel; And wher þat nede is anoyte þerwith. And witte þou þat it ow noȝt to be putte in woundeȝ or vlcereȝ bot only about þam withoutforþe, þat is if þe skynne about þe wounde be flaien or skalded of hete, or if it haue many puscheȝ"blayneȝ"& smale, white or rede or blak; þan be þe skyn first wele fomented with a sponge & hote watre, And after þat it isPage  91dried be it anoynted with þis anoyntment hote aboue þe place flaien or pusched, And alsone without any þing atuix: if it be nede in grete caseȝ þou may anoynte it aboue with vnguento arabico or with comon vnguento albo for to kele it more strongly and dry.

[leaf 170, back]

Salus populi, forsoþ, dryeþ wele and sicatriȝeþ, and it availeþ at þe best to lippeȝ y-brent of þe sone or chynned of þe wynde, and to leggeȝ and fete and handeȝ; and it availeþ agaynȝ brynnyng of fire, and it quencheþ þe wild fire after þe fallyng of þe puscheȝ. Þis oyntment wold I neuer wante for many benefeteȝ of it, And witte þou þat it is best remedi to þam þat haþe þe emoroides or þe fistule or oþer sleiyng.

27. Of makyng of nerbone & of þe werchyng.

27. [A]ne emplastre þat is called Nerbone is made þus: Recipe diaquilon, and with comon oile or with oleo siriaco resolue it vp[on] þe coleȝ, and boile it alwaieȝ with a spatulre vnto it bigynne to wex blak. And if þou wil haue it riȝt blak boile it langer, and if þou wilt haue broune boile it lesse. ffor whi; by long boilyng it may be made most blak without medlyng of any oþer þing. And after þat þou wilt haue it hard or softe be added þerto, or minusched, oile with which it is resolued. When it haþ boiled ynouȝ sette it fro þe fire and late it stande stille without mouyng by þe space of a 'pater noster' & 'aue maria,' þat þe litarge of þe lede þat is in it may descende to þe grounde; and alsone be it ȝette out softly into anoþer panne þat þe litarge be noȝt ȝette out withalƚ, and þan moue it with a spature strongly vnto þat it be colded. When, forsoþ, it is cold þat it may be malaxed, enforme þerof trocistes vpon a table in quantite as it pleseþ þe, and kepe it to þine vse. Þis emplastre is called Noirbone, for þof-al it be blak neþerlesse it is gode, for it heleþ wele wondeȝ and vlcereȝ, and it is wele cleuyng to, and it matureþ wele apostemeȝ and bresteþ þam in any place of þe body.