Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum
Etienne de Besançon
Mary Macleod Banks

Infernalis pena est magnitudinis inestimabilis MS. inextinguibilis, Lat. MSS. as above..

We rede in 'Vitis Patrum' how on̛ a tyme as Macharius went in wyldernes he fand̛ a dead mans head̛, and he had grete mervayƚƚ whose it was. And he commandid̛ it to spek & teƚƚ hym̛, & so it Page  266 did̛, and sayd̛ it was a prestes head̛ þat was a gentyle, þat was vncristend̛. And he askid̛ it whar̛ þe saule þer-of was in payn̛. And it ansswerd̛ agayn̛ & sayd̛ þat it was in heƚƚ, als depe as is fro hevyn̛ vnto erthe, & he said̛ þat it was als depe vnder-nethe hym̛. And þer he sayd̛ wer fals cristen̛ men̛. And a noder tale like þis tellis Saynt Gregur in his 'Dialoggis' of a grete man̛ þat hyght Reperatus; and on̛ a tyme he was kepyd̛ as dead̛ & sodanly turnyd̛ vnto life agayn̛. & he tellid̛ how þat he had sene a grete kyngdom̛ and it was aƚƚ coverd̛ ouer; and hym̛ thoght þe heght þer-of was als hy as is fro hevyn̛ vnto ertℏ.