Alphabet of tales : an English 15th century translation of the Alphabetum narrationum of Etienne de Besançon, from Additional MS. 25,719 of the British Museum
Etienne de Besançon
Mary Macleod Banks

Demon confessionem in quantum potest impedit.

Cesarius tellis how þat in þe town̛ of Bon̛, in þe dioces of Colayn̛, þer was a prestis lemman̛; & hur irkid̛ so with hur syn̛ at sho hangid̛ hur selfe. And as sho did it þe rape braste, & sho was stiƚƚ on̛ life; and when̛ sho saw sho was delyverd̛ of þat deade, Page  179 sho went & made hur a non̛. And þan̛ be temptacion̛ of þe devuƚƚ, hur luffer come agayn̛ & laburd̛ to hafe hur as he was wunte; and sho wold̛ noȝt grawnt vnto hym̛ be no mene. And þan̛ he hyght hur þat, & sho wold̛ consent vnto hym̛, he sulde make hur a ladie. And þus he laburd̛ hur nyght & day, & sho cuthe not avoyd̛ hym̛; so sho kest on̛ hur hali watir, & made a cros on̛ hur, & he vanysshid̛ away for a while. And þan̛ þe devuƚƚ come in his lyknes vnto hur agayn̛, & laburd̛ hyr. And þan̛ be cownceƚƚ of a gude man̛ sho sayd̛ hur Ave Maria; and onone as sho had sayd̛ it, he fled̛ away as he had bene stryken̛ with ane arow, and durste not com̛ nere hur; not-withstondyng he lefte hur not aƚƚ. And a man̛ cownceld̛ hur to go shryfe hur; and as sho went, he come vnto hur & askid̛ hur whyder sho was bown̛, & sho said̛; "I am̛ bown̛ to distroy bothe þe & me." And he sayd̛; "Nay, nay, do not so! Turn̛ agayn̛!" And sho ansswerd̛ agayn̛ & sayd̛; "þou hase oftsithis confowndid̛ me, & þerfor̛ I wiƚƚ now go shryfe me." And evur as sho went he flow abown̛ hur in þe ayr, as it had bene a *. [After a, g & half 1, erased.] glede. And als sone as sho oppynd̛ hur mouthe to shryfe hur, he vanysshid̛ away with grete crying & yowlyng; and he appered̛ nevur vnto hur afterwerd̛, nor sho hard̛ hym̛ neuer efter.