Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden maonachi Cestrensis; together with the English translations of John Trevisa and of an unknown writer of the fifteenth century.
Higden, Ranulf, d. 1364., Trevisa, John, tr. d. 1402., Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491., Malverne, John, d 1415?, Babington, Churchill, ed. 1821-1889,, Lumby, J. Rawson ed. (Joseph Rawson), 1831-1895.

Capitulum vicesimum secundum.

IAIR*. [Lair, MS.] of Galaad, of þe lynage of Manasse, was iuge of Israel two and twenty ȝere, and hadde þrittey sones, and made hem princes vppon þritty citees, and cleped þe citees by his owne name, Anot Iair, þat is to mene, Iair is townes. ℞. Som telleþ þat Carthago*. [Cartago, MSS.; Cartage, Cx.] was i-bulde þe þridde ȝere of þis Iaire, but Page  397, vol.2 look in þe firste book, capitulo Affrica, scilicet Numidia.*. [So β.; Munidia, α. γ., Cx.; Mundia, MS.] Þe sextenþe ȝere of Iaire, Mynois of Egipt amendede armure aȝenst Dedalus in Sicilia, and was i-kyld of Cocalus his sones. Isidorus, libro primo. Carmentis Nympha, þat heet also Nicostrata,*. [Nichostrata, MSS.] kyng*. [kyng of, MS., and so below.] Latyn his moder, fond and brouȝt vp*. [vp] om. Cx.] Latyn lettres. Isidorus, libro nono. Þe longage of Latyn was departed in foure: for þe firste was vnder Ianus and Saturnus, and was i-cleped Prisk; and Latyn vnder þe*. [þe] om. α., Cx.] kyng Latyn and oþer kynges of Thuscayn;*. [Tuscayn, α.] in þat longage were þe twelue tables of lawe i-write; also Romayn þat bygan after kynges were i-made suget; and þat longage vsede Plautus and Tullius, Virgilius and Caton; but medled*. [melled, α.; myxt, Cx.] longage encresed after þat þe Empere encresede and was huge. After þe deeth of Iaire Israel seruede þe Philistinis and Ammonitys eiȝtene ȝere, þat beeþ acounted to þe ȝeres of Iepte þat was duke afterward of Israel.