The Lansdowne ms of Chaucer's Canterbury tales / edited by Frederick J. Furnivall.

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The Lansdowne ms of Chaucer's Canterbury tales / edited by Frederick J. Furnivall.
Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400.
London :: Published for the Chaucer Society by N. Trübner,

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"The Lansdowne ms of Chaucer's Canterbury tales / edited by Frederick J. Furnivall." In the digital collection Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed June 5, 2024.


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[6-text p 201]

Hic incipit fabula de Mellybeo per Chaucer.

[There are no line-numbers or breaks between the paragraphs in the MS. Tyrwhitt's breaks are kept here to prevent slight differences in the Six Texts throwing out many lines.]

[Lansdowne MS 851, on leaf 192.]

[2157] A ȝonge man whilom called Mellibe. Mihte. & riche be-gate vpon his wyf. þat called was. Prudence. a douhter which was cleped Sapience.//

[2158] vpon a daie fel þat he for his disporte is went in to þe feldes him to pley; [2159] His wife & eke his douhter haþe he laft wiþ-in his hous. of whiche þe dores were fast yschett. [2160] Foure of his olde foos haue it aspied. And setten ledders to þe walles of his hous. & be þe wyndows entred [2161] & beten his wif & wounded his douhter with .v. mortale woundes in .v. sundre places [2162] ¶ This is to seye. in here fete in hire hondes in hire eres & in hire nose & in hire mouþe. And laften hir for dede & wenten here wey.

[2163] ¶ Whan. Mellibeus returned was aȝein in to his hous. & sauhe al þis meschief ¶ He ylike a mad man rentynge his cloþes gan to wepe & crye.

[2164] Prudens his. [folio 192b] ¶ Prudence his wif as ferforþ as sche dorst. be-souht him of his wepeinge for to stinte [2165] ¶ Bot not for-þi he gan to wepe & crie. euer þe lengeer þe more.

[2166] þis noble wif prudence remembreþ her on þe sentence of Ouide. In his boke þat cleped is þe remedie of loue. where he seiþe. [2167] He is a. foole þat distorbleþ þe modere for to wepe in þe deþe of hir childe. til sche haue wepped hire fil as for certeine time. [2168] Than schal a man done his diligence wiþ amyable wordes. hir to recomford. & to preier her of

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[6-text p 202] here wepeinge for to stinte [2169] ¶ For whiche resone þis noble prudence suffurd hir husbond for to wepe & crie for a certeine space. [2170] ¶ And whan sche sauhe hire time sche seide him in þis wyse /./ Alas my. lorde quod sche. whie maake ȝoure self for to be like a fole. [2171] ¶ For sothe it aperteigneþ not to a wiseman. To maak suche a sorwe [2172] ¶ Ȝoure douhter wiþ þe grace of god schal be warissched & ascape ‖ [2173] And al were it so riht nowe sche were dede. ȝe ouht not as for hire deþe ȝoure self to destruye. [2174] ¶ Senec. [¶ Senec.] seiþe. þe wiseman schal nouht tak to grete discomford for þe deþe of his childer. [2175] bot certe he scholde suffere it in pacience. As wele as he Abideþ þe deþ of his owen propre person.

[2176] ¶ Þis Millibeus ansewarde a-none & seide ¶ What man quod he scholde of his wepeinge stinte þat haþe so grete a cause for to wepe. [2177] Ihesu criste owre lorde him self wepped for þe deþ of Lazarus his frende [2178] ¶ Prudence anseward; certez wele .I. wote atempre wepeinge is nouht defended vnto him þat sorwful is a-monge folk of sorwe. Bot it is raþer graunted him to wepe [2179] ¶ þe Apostle paule vn to þe Romaynes writeþ. // Man schal reioyse wiþ hem þat hem þat maken ioye; & wepe wiþ suche folke as wepen. [2180] ¶ Bot þouhe atempre wepeinge be graunted; Outrageous wepeinge certes is defended. [2181] ¶ Mesurable wepeinge schold be considered after þe lore þat techeþ vs Senec [2182] ¶ Whan þat þi frende is ded lat nouht þine yen to moiste bien of teres; ne to muche drye ¶ Al þouhe þe teres commen of þine yen. lat hem nouht fallen [2183] ¶ And whan. þou hast for-gone þi frende .I. rede þou do þi diligence to gette þe a nother. And þis is more wysere þan to wepe for þi frende þe whiche þat þou hast lorne; For þer inne is no boote [2184] ¶ And þerfore if þe lust to gouerne þe be Sapience Putte awaie sorwe fro ȝoure hert. [2185] Remembreþ ȝowe þat. Ihesu Sirak. saiþe;

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[6-text p 203] A man þat is ioyus & gladde in hert; it him con|serueþ florischeinge in his Age. Bot soþely Sorweful hert Makeþ his bones drye [2186] ¶ He seiþe eke þus; þat sorwe in hert. sleeþe mony a man. [2187] Sa|lamon seiþe þat riht as mouhtes in þe schepes fles anoyeþ to þe cloþes An þe smale wermes on þe tres vn to þe fruyte; Riht so anoyþe sorwe vnto þe hert /./ [2188] Wherfore we ouht as wele in þe deþe of oure childerne; as in þe losse of oure godes temperel; ¶ Haue pacience.

[2189] Remembre ȝowe vpōn þe pacient ¶ Iob. whan he hadde lost his children & his temperel sub|stance. And in his [folio 193a] bodi endured & suffred mony a greuous temptacionz; Ȝit seid he þus. [2190] ¶ Owre lorde quod he ȝaue it me. oure lorde haþ be-raft it me. Riht so as oure lorde haþe wolde; riht so be it done. y|blissed be þe name of oure lorde [2191] ¶ To þis afor þinges Melibius ansewerd to his wif Dame prudence. Al þi wordes quod he bien soþe & þer-to pro|fitable. Bot trewely Min hert is trobled wiþ þis sorwe so greuously þat .I. note what to done. [2192] ¶ Late cal quod prudence þine trewe frendes al; & þin lignage whiche þat bien wise; telle hem þin caas & herken what þei seine in conseilinge; And ȝowe gouerne þere after here sentence /./ [2193] Salomon seiþe ¶ worche al þi þinge be counsel; & þou schal neuer repent.

[2194] Than be þe conseil of his wif dame Prudence. Melibeus lete callen a grete congregacione of folke [2195] . . . . . [no gap] olde & ȝonge. And somme of his olde ennemys reconsiled as be her semblant in to his loue & in to his grace. [2196] And þer-wiþ-al cam somme of his neihbours þat dide him reuerence more for drede þan for loue as it happeþ oft [2197] ¶ þare commeth also ful mony a subtile flatreres and wise aduocates lerned in þe lawe.

[2198] And whan þis folk togeder assembled were This Mellibeus in sorwful wise schewde hem þis cas.

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[6-text p 204] [2199] And by þe manere of speche he bare in his herte a cruel ire rede to do venge|ance vpon his foos; // And sodanly desired þat werre schold / beginne [2200] ¶ Bot naþeles ȝit axed he counseile vpon þis mate[re] [2201] ¶ A Surgeane / be licence / & assent of suche as were wise vp rose vn to Melibeus & seide as ȝe maie here.

[2202] Sir quod he as to vs surgeans apperteyneþ to euery whight þe best þat we can where as we be wiþ - holde & to oure pacience þat we do no damage. [2203] Ther-for it happeþ mony time & oft. þat whan tuo men haþe eueryche wounded oþere one same surgean heleþ hem boþe. [2204] Wherefor vnto oure arte it is nouht pertinent; to norische werre ne parties to supporte [2205] Bot certes as to þe warissheinge of ȝoure douhtere be it so þat sche is perilously. wounded. we shold done so entenfully be signes fro daie to nyht þat wiþ þe grace of god sche schal be sounde & hole as sone as it is possible [2206] ¶ Al men in þe same wise ansewarden &. þe Phesiciens. saue þei seiden a fewe wordes more [2207] ¶ That riht as Maladise bene heled be hire contraries /./ Riht so schal men warisshe werre be vengeance [2208] his neyh|bour ful of envye; // His feyned frendes þat semed reconsiled. his flatrers [2209] maden semblant of wepeinge empaired & engreged muche of his matiere in preiseinge gretely /./ Melibeus of myht of pouere of riches & of frende. Dispiseinge þe powere of his aduersaries. [2210] & seiden outerly þat he anone scholde wreken him on his ennemys & be-ginne werre

[2211] Vp rose þan an Aduocate þat was wise & seide be leue & be counseile of oþer þat were wise. & seide. [2212] Lordeinges þe nedes for whiche we bene assembled in þis place is a ful heuy þinge. & an hihe matiere [2213] because of þe wronge & of þe wikkenesse þat haþe be done. And eke be reson of þe grete. damage

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[6-text p 205] in time comynge. bien possible to fal for þis same cause. [2214] & eke [folio 193b] be reson of þe grete richesse & power of þe parties boþe. [2215] For whiche resouns it were a grete perile for to erren in þis matiere [2216] ¶ Where-fore Milebeus þis is oure sentence; We counsel ȝowe a-boue al þinges þat riht anone þou do þi diligence in kepeinge of þi propre persone in suche [a wise] þat þou ne wante none aspie. ne to wache þine bodie for to saue. [2217] ¶ And after þat we counseile þat þou setten in þine hous sufficeant garnyson so þat þei maie þi body also wele as þine hous defende. [2218] ¶ Botte certes for to meve werre ne sodanly to done vengeance we maie nouht deme in so litel time þat it were profit|able. [2219] wherefore we Axen leyser & space to haue deliberacion in þis caas to deme [2220] ¶ For þe comune prouerbe seiþ þus ¶ He þat sone demeþ sone schal repent [2221] ¶ And eke men seine þus ¶ That ilke Iugge is wise þat sone vnderstondeþ a matier; & Iugeþe b[y] leyser [2222] ¶ For al-be-it so; þat a tariinge be a-noyeful. Algates it is not to reproue in ȝeueinge of Iuggement ne in vengeance takeinge. whan it is suffisant & resonable; [2223] ¶ And þat schwde oure lorde ihesu criste be en|sample. For whan þat womman was taken in aduoutre & was browhte in his presence to knowe what schal be done wiþ hire persone ¶ Albeit so þat he wist wele him selfe what þat he wold onsewere. ȝete ne wolde he ansewere sodanly bot he wold haue deliberacione. And in þe grounde he wrote twyes. [2224] And be þis cause we axen deliberacione. And we schal þan by þe grace of god counseile þe þo þinges þat schallen be profitable

[2225] vp stert þan þe ȝonge folke att ones And þe most partie of þat compaignie haþe scorned þis olde wise man. & begonnen to maken noyce & seiden [2226] riht so ¶ Al þe while þat Iren is hote men schold smyte. Riht so men scholde wreken here wronges whiles

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[6-text p 206] þat þei bne frische & newe ¶ And wiþ loude voice þei criden. werre. werre.

[2227] Vprose one of þe olde wise. & wiþ his honde he maade a countenance þat þei schold holde hem stil; and ȝeuen hem audience [2228] ¶ lordeinge quod he þere is ful mony a man þat crieþ werre. werre. þat woote ful lytel what þat werre amounteþ // [2229] Werre att his beginynge haþ so grete an entringe & so large; þat euery wight maie entren whan him likeþ And lyhtly finde werre. [2230] Bot certes to whatt ende þat schal þere-of be-fal; it is note lyhtly to knowe [2231] ¶ Whan þat werre is ones begonne. þer is ful mony a childe vnborne of his moder þat schal sterue ȝonge be cause of þilke werre. Oþere elles leue in sorwe & deye in wrechednesse, [2232] ¶ And þere-fore or þat any werre be-ginne men most haue grete conseile & goode deliberacion. [2233] ¶ And whan þis olde man wende to enforcen his tale be resoun. welnyhe al att ones bygonne for to rise to breken his tale. & biden him ful oft of his wordes to abrigge //. [2234] For soþely he þat precheþ to hem þat lust nouht his wordes ne his sermon hem he anoyeþ. [2235] For ihesus Sirak seiþe. That Musike in wepeinge is anoyus þinge. Thus muche it is to seine As much anoyeþ to spek to-forne folke to wiche his speche annoyeþ as [folio 194a] it is for to singen be-forne him þat wepeþ. [2236] ¶ And whan þis wiseman sawhe þat him wanted audience al schamfast he sett him doune a-ȝeine [2237] For Salomon seiþe þere as þu mai haue none audience enforce þe nouht to speke. [2238] I. see wele quod þis wiseman þat þe comen prouerbe is soþe; þat good counseile wanteþ whan it is most nede.

[2239] ¶ Ȝitte hadde þis Melebeus in his conseile many folke þat . . . [no gap] conseilled him priue þinge. An counseld him þe contrarie in general audience.

[2240] Whan mellibeus hadde herde þe grettest

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[6-text p 207] partie of his counseile were accorded þat he schold make werre. A-none he consentid to here counselynge. And full affermed to he[re] sentence [2241] ¶ Than dame Prudence sauhe howe þat hire hosband schope hime for to wreke him on his foos; & to be-ginne werre Sche in full humble wise whan sche sauhe hire time Saide him in þis wordes [2242] ¶ Mi lorde quod sche .I. ȝowe beseche as hertly as .I. dar & can / ne haste ȝowe nouht to fast And Afore al guerdouns ȝeuef me audience. [2243] For Pers Amphons saiþe .O. who so doþe þe goode oþer harme haste þe nouht to qwyten it. For in þis wise þi frende wil abide And þine ennemy schal þe langere leue in drede; [2244] The prouerbe seiþe þat he hasteþe him wele þatte wele can abide. And in wikked hast is no profite.

[2245] This Melibe ansewerd to his wyf prudence; I. purpos nouht quod he to wirke be þi counseile ffor mony causes & resons; For certes euery wight wold hold me þan a foole; [2246] ¶ This is for soothe. If .y. for þin counsellynge wolde chaunge þinges þat buen ordeined & affermed be so mony a wyse; [2247] Sec|undly .I. saie þat al wemmen bien þikke & none goode of hem alle. ffor of a. þousand men as seiþe Salomon [¶ Salomon] .I. fonde o good man bot certes of alle wemmen fonde .I. neuere good womman [2248] ¶ And Also certes if .I. gouerned me be þi counseile it schold seme þat .I. hadde .y.-ȝif to þe ouer me þe maistre. And god forbede þat it so were [2249] ¶ For Ihesus Sirake. seiþe. If þe wif haþe þe maistre sche is contrarius to hir husbonde. [2250] ¶ And Salomon. seiþe. neuere in þi lif. to þi wif ne to þi childe ne to þi frende ne ȝeue none powere ouer. þine selfe; For better it were þat þine childern asken of þine persone þinges þat hem nedeþ. þan þou þi self in þe handes of þine childerne. [2251] And also if .I. wil worche be þi conseillynge. Certes my conseil most som time be secre til it wer time þat it must be

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[6-text p 208] knowe; And þis ne may nouht be do; [2252. For it is written, 'þe Ianglerye of wemmen can hide [only] þinges þat þei wote nought' [2253] Furthermore, the philo|sopher saith, 'in wiked counsel, wemmen venquyseþ men;' and for these reasons I ought not to make use of thy counsel. (See Prudence's answers to Reasons 4 & 5, below.)]

[2254] ¶ Whan dam pruden ful debonarly & [with] al pacience hadde herd al þat hire husbond lyked for to seye./ Than axe sche of him licence for to speke. And seide in þis wise. [2255] Mi lorde quod sche; as to ȝoure first reson it maie lyhtly bne ansewerd. ffor .I. seie. it ne is folye to chaunge counseil. whan þe þinge is chaungede or elles whan þe þinge semeþ oþerewise þan it semed a-forne [2256] And more ouere .I. saie. þeihe þat ȝe haue sworne & behiȝt to performe ȝoure emprise. [and natheless ye weyve to performe that same emprise] Be Iuste cause men schold nouht seine þerefore þat ȝe were a lyere ne for-sworne [2257] ¶ ffor þe booke seiþe þat þe wise man makeþ no leseinge when he torneþ his corage to þe bettere [2258] ¶ An if it so be þat [folio 194b] ȝoure emprise be establisshet & ordeined be grete multitude of folke ȝit þarre þe nouht accomplise þilke ordinance bot ȝowe likeþ; [2259] ¶ For þe treuþe of þinges & þe profit bene rather y-founde in fewe folke þat bien wise and ful of resoune þan be grete multitude of folke þere euery man crieþ & clatereþ what hem likeþ; Suche multitude is nouht honest. [2260] And as to þe secund reson. Where as ȝe seine þat al wemmen bene wikke. saue ȝoure grace; for certes ȝe dispisen al wemmen in þis wise. And he þat all despiseþ. all þinge him despiseþ as seiþe þe boke.// [2261] And Seneca. seiþe who þat woll haue sapience schall no man despise. Bot he schal gladly teche þe science þat .I. kan. wiþ-oute presumpcion or pride. [2262] And suche þinges as nouȝ can he schal not be ascamed to leren hem; & to enqueren of lesse

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[6-text p 209] folke þan of him self; [2263] And sire þat þare haþ bue many a goode womman maie lihtly be proued [2264] ¶ Certes sire oure lorde ihesu crist nold neuere haue descended to be borne of womman if al wemmen hadde be wikke. [2265] And after þat for þe grete bounte þat is in wemmen oure lorde ihesus whan he was resen fro deþe to lyf; he appered raþer to wemmen þan he dide to his aposteles [2266] And þouhe þat Salomon seiþ. he ne fonde neuer womman goode. It fouloweþ nouht þere-fore þat al wemmen be wikke [2267] ¶ For þouhe þat he no fonde no good womman. Certes mony a noþer man haþ founden many a womman ful goode & trewe. [2268] Or elles perauenture þe entente of Salomon was þus; That as in souereine bounte he fonde no womman [2269] ¶ þis is to seie þat þere is no wight þat haþe parfite bounte saue god alone; as he him self recordeþ in his euaun|geliste; [2270] ffor þere ne is no creture þat him ne wanteþ sumwhat of þe perfeccion of god þat is his maker [2271] ¶ The þred reson is þis ¶ ȝe seie þat if ȝe gouern ȝoue be my counsel; it scholde seme þat ȝe hadde ȝeue to me þe maistre. & þe lordeschipe of ȝoure persone; [2272] Sire; saue ȝoure grace it is nouht so ¶ For if so were þat noman scholde be conseiled bot only of hem þat hadd lordeschip & Meistre of his person. Men nold nouȝt be counceilled so oft. [2273] For soþely þilke man þat axeþ counsel of a purpos; ȝit haþe frewill weþer he wil do after þat counseil or no; [2274] ¶ And as to ȝoure ferþe reson. þere as ȝe seine þat þe Ianglerye of wemmen can hide þinges þat þei wote nouht. As who seiþe; þat a womman kan nouht hide þat sche wote; [2275] sire þes wordes buen vnder|stonde of wemmen þat bien Ianglers & wikked; [2276] of whiche wemmen Men seine þat þre þinges driueþ a man oute of his house ¶ þat is to seie. Smoke. dropeinge of Reine? & wikked wyues. [2277] ¶ And

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[6-text p 210] of suche wemmen seiþe Salomon . þat him were better duelle in desert. þan wiþ a womman þat is reyetous. [2278] And sire be ȝoure leue þat am nouht .I. [2279] For ȝe haue ful oft assaide my grete silence & my grete pacience. And eke howe wele þat .I. can hide. & hele þinges þat men ouhten sekerly to hiden; [2280] ¶ And forþe as to ȝoure fift resone; wher as ȝe seie þat in wiked coun|sel wemmen venquyseþ men; Gode wote þilke [folio 195a] reson stondeþ here in no stede; [2281] ¶ For vnder-stondeþ nowe ȝe ax conseil for to do wikkednesse. [2282] And if ȝe wil wirke wikkenesse; & ȝoure wife restreyneþ þilke wikked purpos; And ouere-comme ȝowe be reson & be goode counsel. [2283] Certes ȝowe wif ouht raþer to be preised þan to be blamed. [2284] This schold ȝe vnder|stande þe Philosofre þat saiþe. In wikked conseile wemmen venquisched her husbondes. [2285] And þere as ȝe blame al wemmen & here resons .I. schal schew ȝoue be monye ensamples þat mony wemmen han bien ful goode & ȝut buen. ¶ An here consel holsome & profitable [2286] eke: Sommen haue seid þat counselinge of wemmen es eiþer to dere or elles to lite of prise [2287] ¶ Bot al be it so þat ful mony a womman is badde. & hire consel vile & not worþe. ȝit haþe men founden mony a goode womman. & ful discrete & wise in counselinge. [2288] ¶ Lo Iacob þoruhe þe good counsel of his moder Rebec /./ whan he hadde. þe benyson of his fader. & þe lordschip ouere al his breþer. [2289] ¶ Iudiþe þoruhe hire goode counsel deliuerd þe Cite of Buþhilie in whiche sche duelte oute of þe hande of Olifernce þat hit beseged; & wolde haue al destruyed it. [2290] ¶ Abegayle deliuer Nabal hire husbonde fro dauid þe kinge þat wold haue sleyne him & apesed þe ire of þe kinge be hire witte & be hire good counseil|inge. [2291] Ester be hire counseile enchauncede gretlye þe peple of god in þe reigne of Assur [2292] ¶ And þe same bounte in goode conselinge of

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[6-text p 211] mony wemmen mai men tell [2293] ¶ And forþere more whan þat owre lorde hadde created Adam oure forme fadere. he seide in þis wise [2294] it is nouht good to bue a man alone Maake we an helpere semblable to him self; [2295] Here maie ȝe see þat if þat wemmen were nouht goode & here counseile goode & profitable; [2296] oure lorde god of heuen ne wold neyþer haue wrouht hem ne called hem þe helper of man. [. . . . .] [2297] ¶ And þere seide ones a clerk in tuo vers. What is better þan golde. Iasper; what is better þan Iasper. wisdome. [2298] And what is better þan wisdome Womman /./ And whatt is bester þan womman. þat is a good womman. noþinge. [2299] ¶ And sire be monye of oþere resons may ȝe seen þat mony wemmen ben goode. & eke here conseile goode & profitable also [2300] ¶ And þerfor sire if ȝe wil trust vnto mi counsel .I. schal restore ȝoure douhter hole & sounde. [2301] and eke þat .I. wil done to ȝowe so muche þat ȝe schal haue honoure in þis caas

[2302] ¶ whan Melibe hadde herde þe wordes of his wif Prudence. he seide þus; [2303] That þe wordes of salomon is soþe; for he seiþe þat þe wordes þat buen spoken discretelye be ordinance bien honye combes; For þei ȝeue swetnesse to þe soule & holesomenesse to þe bodye; [2304] And wif be cause of þi swete wordes & eke for .I. haue prouede & assaide þi grete sapience & þi grete trewþe .I. wil gouerne me be þi consel in al þinge

[2305] ¶ Nowe. sire quod Dam Prudence & seþen ȝe vouche sauf to be gouernde be my counsel .I. wil en|forme ȝowe how þat ȝe schal gouerne ȝoure selue In cheseinge of ȝoure counselours. [2306] ¶ Ȝe schol first forme al ȝoure werkes mekely. besecheinge to þe hihe gode þat he wolde be ȝoure. [folio 195b] consellour. [2307] And schapeþ ȝowe to suche entent þat he ȝeue ȝowe consel & comforte as tauht Thobe to his son [2308] Att all times þou schalt blisse

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[6-text p 212] god & prei him to dressen þine weies. And loke also þat þi counsele ben in him for euermore. [2309] ¶ Seint Iame seiþe if any of ȝowe haue nede of sapiens aske it of god [2310] ¶ And afterward þan scholne ȝe take counsel in ȝoure self And examine wele ȝoure owen wittes of suche þinges as ȝowe þenkeþ þat is beste for ȝoure profit [2311] ¶ And þan schal ȝe driue fro ȝoure hert þenges þat bene contrarious to good consell. [2312] þat is to so seie. Ire. couetise. & hastenesse.

[2313] ¶ First he þat askeþ counsel of him self certes he most be wiþ-outen ire . . . . .[2314] . . . . . [no gap in the MS.] & wrathe in him-self; He weneþ al waie þat he maie do þinge þat he maie nouht do; [2315] And secundly he þat is yrous & wroþe he may nouht wel . . . [2316] . . . . . [no gap in the MS.] counsel [2317] ¶ þe þredde is þis; þat he þat is Irous & wroþe as seiþe Senec ne maie nouȝt speke bot blame-ful þinges. [2318] And wiþ þilke vicious wordes; he stireþ oþere folke to angur. & to Ire. [2319] ¶ And eke sir ȝowe most drede couetise & put it oute of ȝoure hert. [2320] ¶ For þe Apostel seiþe; þat Couetise is þe rote of al harmes [2321] ¶ And trusteþ riht wele þat a couetouse man can nouȝt deme ne þinke bot only to fulfil þe ende of his couetise; [2322] And certes þat mai neuer be acomplised ¶ For euer þe mo abundance þat he haþe of riches þe more he desireþ. [2323] ¶ And sir ȝoue most also driue oute of ȝoure herte hastifnesse [2324] For certes ȝe maie not deme for ȝe best A sodan þouht þat falleþ in ȝoure herte Bot ȝow mot avise on it ful oft. [2325] For as ȝe haue herde here-be-forne; þe commune prouerbe is þis. That he þat son deme sone repenteþ.

[2326] ¶ Sire ȝe be not alweie in like disposicione. [2327] For certes some þinge þat some time semeþ to ȝowe goode for to do; Anoþer time it semeþ to ȝowe þe contrarie [[A great bit is now omitted in Lansdowne.]]

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[6-text p 213]

[2328] [Whan ye han taken counseil vnto youre self and [MS Reg. 17 D xv folio 246b] han demed bi goode deliberacioun suche thyng as yow semyth best [2329] than rede I yow that ye kepe it secre [2330] bewry youre counseil to no persone. but if so be that ye wene sikerly that thurgh yowre be-wreyeng your condicion shalbe to youre more profitable [2331] ffor Ihesus Syrak seyth neyther to thy foo ne to thy friend discouere nat thi secree ne thi folye [2332] for they wil yeve the audience and lokyng and supportacioun in thi presence and scorn in thy absence [2333] Another clerk seyth that scarsly thow shalt fynde any persone that may kepe thy counsaile secretly [2334] The booke seyth while that thow kepest thy coun|seil in thyn hert thow kepist it in thy prison [2335] and when thow bewryest thy counseil to any wight he holdith the in his snare [2336] And therfor yow is better to hide youre counseile in yowre hert than pray hym to whom ye have bewreyed youre counseil that he wil kepe it close and stille [2337] ffor Senek seyth if so be that thow ne mayst thyn owne counseil hide / how darstow pray any other wight thy counseil secretely to kepe / [2338] But natheles if thow wene sikerly that thy bewreyeng of thi counseil to a persone wil make thy condicion to stande in the better plite than shalt thow telle hym thy counseyl in this wise [2339] ffirst thow shalt make no semblaunt whether the were leuere pes than werre or this or that ne shewe hym nat thy wil and thyn entent. [2340] for trust wele that comunely thise counsellours bien flaterers [2341] namely the counseillours of grete lordes [2342] for they enforcen hem alwey rather to speke plesaunt wordis enclyneng to the lord his lust. than wordis that bien trewe or profitable [2343] and therfor men [MS Reg. 17 D xv folio 247a] seyn that the riche man hath sielde goode coun|seil. but if he have it of hym self [2344] and after that thow shalt considre thy friendis and thyn enemyes [2345] And as towchyng thy friendis thow shalt con|sidre

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[6-text p 214] whiche of hem bien most feythful and most [[MS Reg.]] wise and most eldest and most appreved in counseillyng [2346] and of hem shalt thow axe thi counseil as the caas requirith

[2347] I sey that first ye shul clepe to yowre coun|seil yowre friendis that bien triewe [2348] ffor Salamon saith for right as the hert of man delitith in savour that is swete right so the counseil of thy friendis yevith swetnesse to the soule [2349] he seyth also ther may nothyng be lykned to the true friende [2350] ffor certes gold ne siluer be nat so moche worth as the goode wille of a triewe friend [2351] And he seyth that a triewe friend is a stronge defence who so that it fyndith certis he fyndith a grete tresour [2352] than shul ye eke considre if that yowre triewe friendis bien discrete and wise for the booke seyth aske alwey thy counseil of hem that bien wise [2353] And be this same reason ye mow clepe to youre counseil of yowre friendis that bien of age [qui assez ont veu] and bien expert in many thynges and han ben appreved in counseillynges [2354] ffor the booke seyth in old men is al the sapience and in long tyme the prudence [2355] As Tullius seyth that grete thynges ne be nat acompliced bi strength ne be delyuer|nesse of body. but by goode counseile and bi auctorite of persones and bi science The whiche .iij. thynges ne be nat fiebled bi age but certes they enforcen and en|cresen day bi day [2356] And than shul ye kepe this for a general rewle ffirst ye shul clepe to your counseil a fewe of youre friendis that bien especial [2357] ffor Salamon saith many friendis have thow. but among a M1. chese the oon in especial to be thy coun|seillour [2358] for albe it so that thow first ne telle thy counseill but to a fewe thow mayst after-warde tel it to mo folk if it be nede [2359] but loke alwey that thy counseillours have thylk .iij. condicions that I have seyde

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[6-text p 215] before. that is to sey that they be triewe wise and old experience [2360] and werk nat alwey in euery nede be oo counseillour alone for somtyme behovith it to be counseiled be many [2361] ffor Salamon seyth saluacion of thynges is where as there bien many counseillours [[MS Reg. extract ends]] ]

[2362] ¶ Now haue .I. tolde ȝowe of whiche folke [Lansdowne MS, on leaf 195, back] ȝe scholde be counseled Nowe wil .I. teche ȝowe whiche counsell ȝe owe to eschewe [2363] ¶ ffirst ȝe scholne eschewe þe counseillinge of foles. Salomon seiþe; Takeþ no coun|sell of no foole for he wil counsel bot after his owen lust and his affeccions; [2364] ¶ The booke seiþe þat þe properte of a foole is þis. He troueþ lyhtly harme of euery whight; & lyhtly troueþ a bounte in him self [2365] ¶ Thou schalt eke eschewe þe counseileinge of al flaterers whiche enforcen hem raþer to preysen ȝoure persone by flatry þan for to tel ȝow þe soþe|fastnesse of þe þinge.

[2366] Wherefore tullius. seiþe Amonge al þe pestelence þat ben in frenschip þe grettest is flaterie; And þer-fore is it more nede þat þoue eschewe & drede flatrers þan any oþer peple. [2367] The boke seiþe þou schalt raþer [drede and] fle fro þe swete wordes of flateringe & preiseinge þat from þe egre wordes of þine frende þat seiþe þe þi soþes; [2368] Salomon. seiþe; The wordes of a flaterer is a snare to cache innocence. [2369] ¶ He seiþe also; He þat spekeþ to his frendes wordes of swettnesse; & al plesance; setteþ a nette to for his fete to cache him; [2370] And þerefor tullius seiþe Enclyne nouȝt þine eres to flatere[r]s ne take no counsel of wordes of flaterye; [2371] And Caton· Avise þe wele & eschewe þe wordes of [folio 196a] swetenesse & of plesance; [2372] ¶ And eke þou schalt eschewe þe counsellinge of þine olde enmys þat be reconsiled [2373] ¶ The boke seiþe þat no whiht retorneþ safly in to þe

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[6-text p 216] grace of his olde enmye. [2374] And. Isope. seiþe. Ne trust nouht to hem to whiche some time þou hast hadd werre or enemete; ne tell hem nouht þine counsell. [2375] ¶ And Senec telleþ þe cause whi; It maie nouht be seiþ he þat where longe time fire haþe endured þat þere dwelleþ som tyme vapoure of hete; [2376] ¶ And þerefor seiþ Salomon. In þine olde foo truste þou neuere. [2377] ffor sekerly þouhe þine enmye be reconsilede & makeþ þe þere of humylite & louteþ to þe wiþ his hede ne trust him neuere. [2378] ffor certes he makeþ þilke feyned humylite more for his profit þan for any humylite. or for any loue of þin persone . . . . . [no gap] be suche feyned countenance. The whiche victorie. he myht haue be strif of werre. [2379] ¶ And Peter alfons seiþe Maake no felaweschepe wiþ þine olde enmys; ffor if þou done hem bounte þei willen peruerten it to wikkednesse; [2380] ¶ And eke þou most eschiewe þe counselinge of þine seruantȝ þat beren þe grete reuerence; ffor parauenture þei seine it more for drede þan for loue [2381] And þerfore seiþe a philosofer in þis wise. Ther is no wyght parfitly trewe to hime þat he to sore dredeþ; [2382] And Tullius seiþe There is no wight so grete of any emperoureȝ þat longe maie endure bot if he haue loue of þe peple & drede [2383] ¶ þou schalt eschewe also þe counselinge of folke þat bien dronkenlewe for þei ne can no counsell hide. [2384] Salomon. seiþe. þere nys no priuete þere as regneþ drunkennesse [2385] ¶ ȝe scholne haue also in suspecte to þe counselinge of suche folke as counsel ȝowe a þinge priuely & counsel ȝowe a thinge þat is contrarye openly [2386] ¶ ffor Cassidorie. seiþe þat it is a maner sleihte to hindren his enmye whan he scheweþ to done a þinge openlye & wirkeþ priuely þe contrarie. [2387] ¶ þou schalt haue also in þi suspecte þe counselinge of wikked folke . . . . . [no gap] þat is alweie ful

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[6-text p 217] of fraude; [2388] And Dauid seiþe þat blisful is þe man þat haþe nouht foulowed þe counse[l] of schrewes. [2389] ¶ Tho schalt also eschewe þe counselinge of ȝonge folke; ffor here counselinge is nouht ripe as Salomon seiþe

[2390] ¶ Nowe sire seþens .I. haue schewde ȝoue of whiche folke ȝe scholne take counseile & of whiche folke ȝe schollen folowe þe counsell [2391] ¶ Now wil .I. techeche howe ȝe scholne examyne ȝoure counsele after þe doctrine of tullius [2392] ¶ In þe examenynge þan of ȝoure conseloure ȝe scholne considere many þinges [2393] Alþere first þou schalt considere þilke þinge þat þou purposed; and vpon what þinge þou wolte haue counsel þat verrey treuþe be seide & conseruede. þis to seie; Tel treuly þin tale. [2394] For he þat seiþe fals maye wele be counseled in þat caas; . . . . .] [2395] ¶ And after þat þou schalt consideren þe þinges þat accorden to þat þou purposest for to be by þine counsel|loures if reson accordeþ þere to /./ [2396] And eke if þi myht maie atteigne þere to; ¶ And if þe more part & þe bettere parte of ȝoure counsellours accorden þer-to or no [2397] þenne schal þou considere whatt þinge schal folowe of hire counselinge. As hate pees. werre. grace profit oþer Damage or many oþir þinges; [2398] And in al þinges þou schalt schese þe best and. And [folio 196b] weife al oþere þinges [2399] ¶ Than schalt þou considered of what rote it is engenderd þe matier of þine counsel & what fruyte it maie conceive & engendre. [2400] þou schalt eke considerer al þes causes for whiche þei bue spronge; [2401] ¶ And whan ȝe haue examyne ȝoure counsel as .I. haue seide and whiche partye is better & more profitable; & hast approued it be mony wise folke & olde; [2402] þan schalt þou considere. if þou maist performe it & make a good ende. [2403] For certes reson wil nouht þat any man schall beginne a þinge bot if he myht performe it as him ouht; [2404] Ne no wight schol

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[6-text p 218] taken vpon him so heuy a charge þat he ne myht bere it. [2405] ¶ For þe prouerbe seiþ; He þat to muche enbracet distreyneþ litul. [2406] And Caton seiþe Asseie suche þinge as þou hast pouere to done lest þe charge oppresse þe to sore; þat þe be-houeþ to weyve þinge þat þou hast begonne [2407] ¶ And if so be þou be in doute wheþe þou maiste performe a þinge or none; chese raþer for to suffur þan for to beginne [2408] ¶ And Peter Alphon seyþe. If þou hast myht to done a þinge of whiche þou most repent. . . . .[2409] . . . . . [no gap] It is better to hold þine tonge still; þan for to speke [2410] ¶ Then may .I. vnder-stonde be stronger resones þat if þou hast power to performe a werke of whiche þou schalt repent þe. Than is it better þat þou suffur þan begynne; [2411] wele seyne þei þat defenden euery whight to assaie a thinge of whiche he is in doute where he mai performe it or none; [2412] And after whan ȝe haue examined ȝoure counsell; as .I. haue seide be-forne; And knoweþe wele þat ȝe maie per|forme ȝoure emprise conferme it þan sadly til it be att an ende.

[2413] ¶ Nowe is it reson & time þat .I. schewe ȝowe whenne & where; for þat ȝe maie chaunge ȝoure counsel|lours wiþ-outen ȝoure reproue [2414] ¶ Soþely a man maie chaunge his purpos & his counsel if þe cause seseþ; or whan a newe caas be-tideþ; [2415] ffor þe lawe seiþ vpon þinges þat newly be-tyden be-houeþ new counsel; [2416] And senec saiþe. If þi counsell come to þe heres of þine ennemys chaunge þi counsel. [2417] . . . . .] if so be þat þou finde þat be errour or be any oþere cause harme or damage may betide [2418] ¶ Also if þi counsel be dishoneste. or elles come of dishonest cause change þine counsel. [2419] For þe lawe seiþe þat al behestes þat bene dishonest ne biene of no valew;

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[6-text p 219] [2420] ¶ And eke if it so be þat it be impossible or maie noȝt gladly be perfourmed or kepet

[2421] ¶ And take þis for a general rewle. That euery counsel þat is enformed so strongely þat it maie not be chaunged for no condicion þat maie be tide; I. saie þat ilke counsel is wykked;

[2422] ¶ Mellibeus whan he hadde herde þe doctrine of his wif Dame Prudence. he anseward in þis wise. [2423] Dame quod he as ȝit vnto þis time ȝe haue wele tauht me as in general howe .I. schal gouerne me. & in þe cheseinge. & in wiþholdeinge of my counsellours. [2424] ¶ Bott nowe wolde .I. faine þat ȝe wolde condescende in speciale; [2425] and telleþ me howe þat likeþ ȝowe or howe þat semeþ ȝow be owre coun|sellours þat we haue chose in þis present nede

[2426] ¶ Mi lorde quod sche .I. beseche ȝowe in al hum|blesse þat ȝo wold nouht wilfully reprouen aȝeine myn resouns ne distemper ȝoure herte þeihe .I. speke þinge þat ȝowe displese [2427] ¶ ffor god wote as in myne entent .I. speke it as for þe best; for ȝoure honoure & for ȝoure profit eke; [2428] And soþely .I. hope þat ȝoure [folio 197a] be|nignite wil tak it in pacience // [2429] And trusteþ to me wele þat ȝoure consel in þis ne schold nouȝt as to speke properly be called a counsellinge; bot A mocion or ameueinge of folye. [2430] ¶ In whiche counsel ȝe haue herde in mony a sondre wyse;

[2431] first & forwarde ȝe haue herde in þe assem|blinge of ȝoure counsellours; [2432] ffor first ȝe schold haue cleped a fewe folk to ȝoure counsell. ¶ And after þat ȝe myht haue schewde it to mo folke if it hadd be nede; // [2433] Bot certes sodanly ȝe haue cleped to ȝoure coun|sel a grete multitude of peple ful chargeaunt & ful annoyus for to here; [2434] ¶ And also ȝe haue herde for|þer as ȝe scholde onely haue cleped to ȝoure counsel ȝoure trewe frendes olde & wise; [2435] ¶ ȝe haue cleped also strange folk ȝonge folke false flateres & ennemys

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[6-text p 220] reconsiled. And folke þat do ȝowe reuerence wiþe outen loue [2436] And eke also ȝe haue herde for ȝe haue brouht wiþ ȝou to ȝoure counsell. Ire. couetise./ & hastinesse./ [2437] ¶ þe whiche þre þinges be con|trarie to euery good consell & honest. & profitable; [2438] The whiche þre þinge ȝe haue nouht anentisched oþer de|struyde hem ney þere in ȝoure self ne in ȝoure counsellours as ȝowe auht [2439] ¶ ȝe haue herde also for ȝe haue schewde to ȝoure consellours ȝoure talent. ȝour affeccion anone for to do vengeance; [2440] And þei haue aspide be ȝoure wordes to what þinge ȝe be enclyned; [2441] And þere fore haue þei raþer counseld ȝowere talent; þan to ȝoure profitte.// [2442] ȝe haue herd also for ȝowe semeþ it sufficeþ to haue be coun|seld be þis counsellours onely & be lytil avise; [2443] where as in so grete & in so hihe a nede it hadde bue necessarie mo counsellours & mo delib[er]aciones to performe ȝoure emprise. [2444] ¶ Also ȝe haue nouȝt herde ȝoure counsell in þe forseid manere ne in dieu manere as þe caas requireþ. [2445] ¶ ȝe haue herde also for ȝe haue maade no diuision be tuex . . . . . [no gap] ȝoure trewe frendes & ȝoure feyned counselloures [2446] Ne ȝe haue nouht knowe þe will of ȝoure trew frendes olde & wise. [2447] Bot ȝe haue cast al here wordes in an hoche poche & enclyned ȝoure hert to þe more part and to þe gretter nombre [and there be ye condescended [2448] Et tu scez bien que les fols sont tousjours en plus grant nombre que les sages,] of foles þan of wise men; [2449] And þare for þe counsellinge þat ben at congregacioun & mul|titude of folk; þere as men tak more rewarde to þe nombre þan to þe Sapience. of persones. [2450] ¶ ȝe se wele þat in suche consellinge þe foles haue þe maistre. [2451] ¶ Mellibe anseward & seide aȝeine .I. graunt wele þat .I. haue herde [2452] Bot þere as þou hast tolde me here beforne. That he nys nouht to blame to chaunge his con|sellours

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[6-text p 221] for certeine caas & for certeine & iust cause; [2453] .I. am al rede to chaunge my consellours riht as þou woldest deuise.// [2454] for þe prouerbe seiþe ffor to do synne is manysshe Bot certes for to perseuere longe þere in is werkes of þe deuel.

[2455] ¶ To þis sentence anseward anone dame Pru|dence & seide [2456] examyneþ quod sche ȝoure coun|sel. & lat vs see whiche of hem haþ spoken most resonablelye; & tauht ȝoue best consell. [2457] ¶ And for als muche þat examinacions is necessarie Lat vs beginne att surgiens & att phiciens þat first spaken of þis matiere [2458] ¶ .I. seie þat Phesiciens & sirurgiens haue seide ȝowe in ȝoure counsel discretely as hem ouht [2459] in here speche & ful wisely; As to þe office of hem [folio 197b] apparteneþ to done to euery whiht honour & profit & nouht for to annoye [2460] And after her craft to done grete diligence vn to þe cure of hem whiche þat haue in here gouern|ance [2461] ¶ And sir riht as þei haue anseward wisely & discretly. [2462] riht so rede .I. þat þei ben hihelye & souereingly guerdount for here noble speche. [2463] & eke for þei scholne more do þe ententif bisenesse in þe curacione of þine douhter dere; [2464] ffor albe-it so þat þei be ȝoure frendes þere for schal ȝe nouht suffre þat þei serue ȝoue for nouht; [2465] bot ȝe auht þere after guerdon hem & payen hem here largesse [2466] ¶ And as toucheinge þe proporcion whiche þat þe phecisiens encresseden in þis caas. ¶ This is to seine [2467] þat in maladies is þat a contrarie is waressched be anoþer contrarie [2468] ¶ I. wolde faine k[n]owe howe ȝe vnderstode þilke text & what is ȝoure sentence [2469] ¶ Certes quod Millibeus .I. vnderstonde it in þis wise; [2470] Riht as þei haue done to me a contrarie. So scholde .I. do hem anoþere; [2471] ffor riht as þei haue venged hem vpon me & done me wronge; Riht so wil .I. venge me vpon hem

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[6-text p 222] & done hem wronge; [2472] & þan haue .I. cured a contrary wiþ anoþer contrarie

[2473] ¶ Lo lo quod dame Prudence. howe lihtly is euery man enclined to his owen desire & to his plesance. [2474] Certes quod sche þe wordes of þe Phisiciens ne schold nouht be vnderstande in þat wise. [2475] ¶ ffor certes wykkednesse is not contrarie to wikkedenesse. ne ve[n]gaunce is nouht contrari to veng|aunce. ne wronge to wronge; [mais sont semblables [2476] Et pour ce, vengence par vengence, ne injure par injure n'est pas curé] [2477] bote euery of hem encreseþ & gregeþ oþere [2478] Bot certes þe wordes of phesiciens scholde be vnderstonde in þis wise; [2479] ffor goode & wykked|nesse bene tuo contraries; & pes & werre. venge|ance & suffrance. discord & accord. & mony oþere þinges [2480] ¶ Bot certes wikkednesse schal be warisched be goodenesse. discorde be acorde. werre. be pes. & so forþ & oþere þinges. [2481] ¶ And here to þe Apostel sein Paule in mony place; [2482] He seiþe ne ȝeldeþ nouht harm for harme ne wikked speche. [pour maudit] [2483] Bot do wele to hem þat done þe harme. & blesse hem þat seiþ to þe harme. [2484] ¶ And in monye oþere places he amonesteþ pees & accorde [2485] ¶ Bot now wil .I. speke of þe coun|sel whiche was yȝeue to ȝowe be men of lawe þe wyse folke & þe olde folke [2486] þat seiden al be one accorde as ȝe herde beforne. [2487] ¶ That ouer al þinges ȝe scholne do ȝoure diligence to kepe ȝoure persone & to warnyssche ȝoure hous [2488] ¶ And þei seiden also þat in þis caas ȝowe ouhten to wirchen ful aviselie & with grete deliberacione. [2489] ¶ And sir. as to þe first pointe þat toucheþ vn to þe kepeinge of ȝoure persone [2490] ¶ ȝe schul vnderstonde þat he þat haþe werre schal euermore deuoutly & mekely preyen befor al þinges [2491] þat ihesus crist of his merci wil

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[6-text p 223] haue him in protectione & bien his souereigne helpeinge at his nede; [2492] ffor certes in þis werlde þere nys no wiht þat mai be counseld ne kepped sufficiantly with|outen þe kepeinge of oure lor[d] ihesu crist; [2493] To þis sentence accordeþ þe profet dauid þat seiþe. [2494] If god ne kepe þe Citee. in Idel wakeþ he þat it kepeþ [2495] ¶ Now sir þan scholne ȝe qwite þe kepeinge of ȝoure person to ȝoure trewe frendes þat bene aproued & yknowe; [2496] & of hem schol ȝe axen [folio 198a] helpe ȝoure persone for to kepe ¶ For Caton seiþe if þou hast nede of helpe ax it of þi frendes. [2497] For þere is none so good a fesicien as is þi trew frende [2498] ¶ And after þis schal ȝe kepe ȝowe frome al strange folke & fro lyers; And alweye haue in suspect here companye [2499] ¶ For Pers Alphon seiþe Ne take no company beþe were of a straunge man bot it so be þou haue knowe him of longer time; [2500] And if it so be þat he fal into þi compaigne per|aduenture wiþ-outen þine assent; [2501] enquere þan as sotelly as þou canste of his conuersacion & of his lif be-fore; & feyneinge þine weie seyinge þou woldest go þeder as þou woldest not go; [2502] If he bere a spere hold þe on þe riht side of him. & if he bere a swerde holde on þe left side of him. [2503] & þan schal ȝe kepe ȝowe wislye fro al suche manere of peple as .I. haue seide ȝowe here be-fore. & hem & here coun|sell eschewe. [2504] And after þis þan schal ȝe kepe ȝowe in suche manere [2505] þat for any presumpcion of ȝoure bodely strengeþ þat ȝe dispise nouht ne acompteþ nouȝt þe miht of ȝoure aduersarie so lit þat ȝe lette þe kepeinge of ȝoure person for ȝoure presumpcion. [2506] For euery wiseman dredeþ his enemye; [2507] ¶ And Salomon seiþe. welfull is he þat of al haþe drede [2508] For certes he þat haþ þoruhe hardenesse of his herte; and þoruhe þe hardinesse of him self haþ so grete presumpcion him schal yuel betide; [2509] And þan

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[6-text p 224] schal ȝe euer more enconterewaite en-buschementez and al espyaile [2510] ¶ ffor as seiþe þe wiseman. . . . . [no gap.] [2511] he ne falleþ in no perile þat perilousnes escheweþ [2512] ¶ And al be it so þat þou seme þat þou be in secrete place ȝit schalt þou alweie done þi diligence in þe kepeinge of þi per|son; [2513] þis is to seie be nouht necligent to kepe þi person Nouht onely fro þi grettest enemye bot only fro þi leste enmye. [2514] Senec. seiþe. A man þat is wele a-vised he dredeþ his lest enemye; [2515] Ouide. seiþ. þat þe litel wesel wil sle þe grete bull & þe wilde hert. [2516] And þe prouerbe seiþe a litel þorne mai greue a kinge ful sore & a lite hunde wil holde þe wilde bore [2517] bot naþelesse .I. seie nouht þou schal nouht be so grete a cowarde þat þou doute where as is no drede [2518] ¶ The book seiþe: þat somme men haue grete lust to deceyue; Bot þei dred to be de|ceyued; [2519] [Après, tu te dois garder de venin] And kepe þe from þe company of scoreners; [2520] for þe boke seiþe þat scorners makeþ no company. bot fle here word as venum.

[2521] ¶ Nowe as to þe secunde point. þere as ȝoure counsellours consell ȝow to warnystor ȝoure houses with grete diligence.// [2522] I. wold fein knowe howe þat ȝe vnderstonde þilke wordes & what is ȝoure sentence

[2523] ¶ Millebeus ansewarde & seide; certes .I. vnder|stonde in þis wise þat .I. schal warnstore myne house wiþ toures suche as haþe casteles & oþere manere edifices; & armour & archers [2524] be whiche þinge. If .I. maie my person & my hous so kepe. & defende þat myne enemys schal be in drede my hous to aproche

[2525] ¶ To þis sentence anseward a-none dame Prudens warnyscheinge quod sche of hihe toures & of hihe edifices apparteined som time to pride; [2526] And eke men make hihe toures. [et les edifices a grant traueil et a grans

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[6-text p 225] despens / Et quant elles sont faites elles ne valent rien se elles ne sont deffendues par saiges et par loyaulz amiz & grans missions [MS Reg. 19 C xi folio 58a:2] ] [2527] And vnderstand wele þat þe grettest & þe strangest garison þat a riche man maie haue. [folio 198b] As wele to kepen his person & his goodes is [2528] þat he be byloued wiþ his subiectes & wiþ his neiȝbours // [2529] ffor þus seiþ Tullius; Thet þere is a manere Garnyson þat man maie venquysschen ne discomfite And þat is [2530] a lord to be loued of his Citeȝeines And of his peple

[2531] ¶ Nowe sir as to þe þred pointe; Where as ȝoure olde & wise counsellours seiden; þat ȝow nouht not sodenly ne hastely proceden in þis nede; [2532] Bot þat ȝowe ouhten purveye & apparel ȝowe in þis caas; wiþ grete diligence & grete deliberacion; [2533] Trewly .I. trowe þat þei seiden riht wisly & riht soþe; [2534] ¶ ffor. Tullius; seiþe; In euery nede er þou be-ginne it; apparel þe with grete diligence. [2535] Than seie .I. þat in vengeance takeinge in werre. in Bataile & in warnestoringe. [2536] er þou beginne .I. reede þat þou appareile þe þere to; and do it wiþ gode deliberacion [2537] ¶ ffor Tullius seiþe; þe longe apparaileinge beforne þe Bataile Makeþ schort victorie. [2538] And Cassidorus seiþe; The garnyson is strongere whan it is longe time avisede.

[2539] ¶ Bot nowe lat vs speke of þe counsel þat was acorded be oure neihbours suche as done ȝowe reuerence wiþ-outen loue [2540] ȝoure olde enemyes recon|silede; ¶ Ȝoure flaterers [2541] þat counseiled ȝowe cer|teine þinges priuely; & openlye counseled ȝowe þe contrarie; [2542] ¶ The ȝonge folke also þat counseld ȝowe to do vengeance and to make werre anone; [2543] ¶ And certe sir as .I. haue seide be-forne ȝe haue gretly erred to haue cleped suche manere of folke to ȝoure counsell; [2544] wiche counsellours buene ynowhe repreuede be þe resons a-forne seide [2545] ¶ Bot naþeles late vs nowe descende to

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[6-text p 226] þe speciale; ¶ Ȝe schollen first procede after þe doctrine. of Tullius. [2546] Certes þe treuþe of þis Matier eiþere of þis counsell nedeþ nouht diligently enquiren; [2547] For it is wele wist whiche þei bien; þat haue do ȝow þis trispas & velany; [2548] & howe many trespassours & in what manere þei haue done to ȝowe al þis wronge & all þis velanye [2549] ¶ And after þis; þan schal ȝe examyne þe secunde condicion; þe whiche þat Tullius haddeþ in þis matiere. [2550] ¶ For tullius. putteþ a þinge whiche att he clepeþ consentynge; þis is to seie; [2551] who buen þei & whiche buen þei & houe mony þat consenten to þi counsell in þi wilfulnes to done hasti vengeance; // [2552] And lat vs consider also who bien þei. & how mony bien þei [et quelz (MS Reg. 19 C xi, lf 58, col. 4)] þat þat consenten to ȝoure aduersaries [2553] ¶ And certes as to þe first pointe it is wele knowen whiche be þei þat consentine to ȝoure hastif wilful|nes; [2554] For treuly al þo þat counsel ȝoue to maken sodein werre ne bien nouȝt ȝoure frendes [2555] ¶ Lete se nowe whiche bien þei þat ȝe holde so gretely ȝoure frendes as to ȝoure person; [2556] For al be it so þat ȝe bene myhte & riche; certes ȝe bue bot alone. [2557] ffor certes ȝe haue no childe bot a douhtere; [2558] ne ȝe haue no breþern ne cosins germayns ne none oþere nyhe kinred; [2559] where-for ȝoure enmys scholden stint to plete wiþ ȝowe ne to destruyen ȝoure person; [2560] ¶ Ȝe knowen also þat ȝoure riches most be dispended in diuerse parties; [2561] And what þat euery whight [folio 199a] haþ his parte þei wolne tak litel rewarde to vengen þi deþ [2562] ¶ Bot þine enemys bien þre; & þei haue many childerne. breþern; cosins; & oþere nyhe kinrede [2563] ¶ And þouhe so were þat þou haddest sleine of hem tuo or þre; Ȝit dwellen þere y-nowe to awreken here deþe; & to sle þine persone [2564] & þeihe so be þat ȝoure kinred be more sikere & stedfast þan

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[6-text p 227] þe kinrede of ȝoure aduersarie; [2565] ȝit neuer þe les ȝoure kinred is bot after kinrede þat bien bot litil sibbe to ȝowe [2566] ¶ And þe kine of ȝoure ennemys bue nyhe sibbe to hem; And certes as in þat her condicion is better þat is ȝoures [2567] ¶ Than latt vs consideren also of þe counsellinge of hem þat counseleden ȝow to taken sodein vengeance; weþere it accordeþ to reson or none; [2568] And certes ȝe knowen wele naye; [2569] ¶ For as be riht & reson þere maie no man take vengeance of no wyht bot þe Iuge þat haþe Iurdiction of it [2570] whan it is graunted him to take þilke vengeance hastelye or at|temperellye as þe lawe requireþ [2571] ¶ And ȝit more ouere of þilke worde þat Tullius clepeþ consentinge; [2572] þou schalt consent if þi myht & þi power maie consent; And sufficeþ to þi wilfulnesse & to þine counsellours; [2573] And certes þou maist wele seie þat naie; [2574] For sekerly as for to speken propurlye we maie do no þinge bot onely suche þinge as we may done rihtfully [2575] ¶ And certes rihtfully ne maie ȝe take no vengeance as of ȝoure propre Auctorite; [2576] ¶ þan maie ȝe seen þat ȝoue pouer ne consenteþ nouȝt ne accordeþ nouȝt wiþ ȝoure wilfulnesse. [2577] ¶ Nowe latte vs examyne þe þrede pointe þat tullius clepeþ þe consequent; [2578] ¶ þou schalt vnderstonde þat þe vengeance þat þou purposest for to take his conse|quent; [2579] And þer-for falleþ anoþere vegeance. Perill. werre. & oþere damage wiþ-outen nombre of whiche be nouht war as att þis time; [2580] And as toucheinge þe ferþe pointe; þat Tullius clepeþ en|genderinge [2581] ¶ Thou schalt consider þat þis wronge whiche þat is done to þe; is engenderd of þe hate of þine enmys; [2582] And of þe vengeance takeing; And vpon þat wolde engender anoþer vengance & muchel sorwe & wastinge of richesse as .I. seide ere

[2583] Now sir as toucheinge þe pointe þat tullius clepeþ causes. whiche. þat is þe last pointe. [2584] ¶ þou

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[6-text p 228] schalt vnderstonde þat þe wronge þat þu hast receyued haþ certeine causes [2585] whiche þat clerkes clepen. Oriens & officiens & causa longinqua & causa propinqua. þis to seine þe ferre cause [et la proch|aine [2586] La longtaine est dieu qui est cause de toutes choses / [2587] La prochaine sont ces iij. ennemiz [2588] La cause (Reg. 19 C xi)] Accidentale. was hate. [2589] The causes Material bene þe .v. wondes of þine douhter; [2590] The cause formale is þe manere of here wercheinge þat brouht ledders And clomben in att þine wyndows. [2591] þe cause finale was for to sle þi douhter. It lakked nouht in as muche as in hem was [2592] ¶ Bot for to speken of þe ferre cause as to what ende þeie scholne come; or what schal be-tiden of hem in þis caas ne can .I. nouht deme bot be coniectinge & be supposeinge; [2593] ¶ For we scholne supp[os]e [que Ilz en vendront] to a wikked ende; [2594] Be cause þe booke of decrees seiþe ¶ Seldome or wiþ grete peine bene causes / [folio 199b] brouhte to an hende whan þei bene badly be-gonne.

[2595] ¶ Nowe sir if men axed me; whi þat ȝe suffer men to done ȝowe þis velanye; certes .I. can not wele ansewer as for no soþfastnesse [2596] ¶ For þe Apostele seiþe þat þe science & þe Iuggement of oure lorde god bene myhty & depe; [2597] þere maie no man comprehende ne serche ham sufficeantly; [2598] Nareþeles be serteine presumpciouns & coniettinges .I. holde & beleue [2599] þat god þat is ful of Iustice & rihtwisnes Haþ suffred þis be-tide be Iust cause resonable;

[2600] ¶ þi name is Melibe. þis is to seie a man þat drinkeþ honye; [2601] Thow hast ydronken so muche hony of þi swete temperal riches & delices & hon|ours of þis werlde [2602] þat þou art dronken; & hast forȝeten oure lorde ihesu criste þi creatour; [2603] þou hast noȝt done to him suche honour as þe ouhte; [2604] ne þou hast nouht wele take hede to

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[6-text p 229] þe wordes of Ovide þat seide; [2605] vnder þe hony of þe goodes of þi bodi; is hidde þe venym þat sleþ þi soule; [2606] And Salomon seiþe; If þou hast found Hony; ete of it what sufficiþe; [2607] For if þou ete of it oute of mesure; Þou schalt spewe & be nedy & pouere; [2608] And peraduenture criste haþe in despite & haþ torne awaie fro þe his face; & his heres of Misericorde; [2609] And also he haþe suffred þat þou haste biene ypunysched in þe maner þat þou hast trespast [2610] ¶ Thou hast done sinne aȝeines oure lorde ihesu criste; [2611] for certes þe þre enemys of mankinde þat is to seie. þe flesche. þe fende. & þe werlde. [2612] Thou hast suffurde hem entre in to þine [soule] wilfully be þe windowes of þi bodye [2613] And hast nouht defended þe sufficiantly aȝeines here defautes & temptaciouns; So þat þei haue wounded þi soule in .v. place; [2614] þis is to seine. ¶ þe dedely sinnes þat biene entred in to þine hert be þi .v. wittes. [2615] And in þe same manere oure lorde ihesu crist; haþe suffred þat þine þree enemys be entrede in to þine house be þe windowes; [2616] And han wounde þi douhter in þe same manere;

[2617] ¶ Certes quod Mellibe .I. see þat ȝe en|force ȝowe mechel be wordes to ouer-come me. In suche manere þat schal nouȝt avenge me of myne enmye [2618] scheweinge me þe perils & þe yueles þat myhten fal of þis vengeance [2619] ¶ Bot [who]so wolde consider in al vengeance þe perils & þe yuels þat miht sewe of vengancez takeinge [2620] a man wold neuere take veniance; And þat were harme; [2621] for be þe venge|ance takeinge buen þe wikked men deseuerd fro þe good men; [2622] ¶ And þo þat han wil to done wikked|nesse; restreyne here wikked purpos; Whan þei seen þe punyssheinge and þe chastesinge of trespassours

[2623] [And to this answered dame Prudence: 'Certes,' said she, 'I grant you that from vengeance come many

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[6-text p 230] benefits as well as many evils; [2624] yet vengeance be|longeth not to "a singulere person," but only to the judges, and to those who have jurisdiction over evil-doers.'] [2625] ¶ An ȝite saie .I. more; þat riht as a singulere person sinneþe In takeinge vengeance of anoþer manne. [2626] Riht so sinneþ þe Iugge if he take no vengeance of hem þat hit haue deseruede; [2627] ffor Senec seiþe. That maistere is good þat reproueþ schrewes; [2628] And as Cassidorye seiþe A man dredeþ to done outrages whan he wote & knoeþ þat it displese þe Iuge & þe souereyngnes; [2629] ¶ And anoþere. The Iuge þat dredeþ to done riht Makeþ schrewes. [2630] And seinte Poule þe Appostle seiþe in his epistle whan he writeþ vn-to þe Romayns; That þe Iuge beren nouht þe spere wiþ-owten cause [2631] bot þei beren it to punysshen þe schrewes & þe mysdoers & to [folio 200a] defende þe goode men; [2632] If ȝe wilne þan take vengeance of ȝoure enemys ȝe schol retourne or haue ȝoure recours to þe Iuge þat haþ þe Iurdiccioun vpon hem. [2633] & he schal punysshe hem as þe lawe axeþ & requireþ;

[2634] ¶ A quod Mellibe; þis vengeance lykeþ me no þinge; [2635] I be-þinke me nowe howe fortone haþe norisched me fro my childhode And haþ holpen me to passe mony a strange place; [2636] Now .I. will assayene here troweinge wiþ goddes grace & helpe þat ȝe schal helpe me my schame for to venge

[2637] ¶ Certes quod prudence if ȝe wolne wirche be my counseil; ȝe schol nouht assaye fortune be no weye [2638] ¶ Ne ȝe schol nouht lene or borwe vnto here after þe worde of Senec. [2639] For þinges þat bene folylye done & þat biene in hope of fortune schal neuer come a good ende [2640] And as þe same Senec seiþe; The more clere & þe more and þe more schineinge þat fortune is; þe more brutel & þe sonner ybroke sche is; [2641] Tristeþ nouht in hire for sche is neyþere stedfast ne stable; [2642] ¶ For whan þou trowest to be most sekere or sure of hire

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[6-text p 231] helpe; Sche wil Faile þe & deceyve þe; [2643] ¶ And where as ȝe seine þat fortone haþ norissched ȝow fro ȝoure child-hode; [2644] I. saie ȝoue þat in so muche schal ȝe þe lasse trust in hire & in hire witte; [2645] ¶ For Senec seiþe. þat what man is norisched be fortune sche makeþ him a grete foole; [2646] ¶ Nowe seþen ȝe desire & axen vengeance; And þe vengeance þat is done after þe lawe & be-forne þe Iuge ne likeþ ȝowe nouȝt; [2647] And vengeance þat is done in hope of forton is peril|ous & vncerteine; [2648] Than haue ȝe none oþer remedye; bot for to haue ȝoure recours vnto þe souereyne Iuge þat vengeþ al velanyes & wronges [2649] And he schal venge ȝoue after þat þi self witnesseþ; . . . . [no gap] [2650] Leueþ þe vengeance to me & .I. schal done it;

[2651] Mellibe anseward; I. ne venge me nouht of þe wronge þat men han done to me [2652] .I. schal somne or werne hem þat haue done þis velany to me And al oþere to done me anoþere velanye [2653] ¶ For it is wreten if þou take no vengeance of an olde velanye; þou somp|nest þine aduersarie to done þe a newe velanye; [2654] [Et ainsi par mon serement en souffrant len me fera tant de villenie de toutes pars (Reg. 19 C xi, lf 60, col. 2)] þat .I. myht neyþe ber it ne susteinge; [2655] And. so schold .I. be oueresett And halden ouere lowe; [2656] For men seine in muchel suffringe schold mony þinges falle. vn-to þe whiche .I. schal nouht suffre

[2657] ¶ Certes quod prudence .I. graunte þat ouer muchel suffrance is nouht good; [2658] ¶ Bot ȝit ne fouloweþ it nouȝt þere-of; þat euery person to whom men doone velanye take of hit vengeance; [2659] For þat appar|teneþ & longeþ al only to þe Iuge. For þei schal vengen þe vilenys & þe inIuryes [2660] And þerfore þo tuo Auctoritees þat ȝe haue seide aboue ben only vnderstonden in þe Iugges [2661] ¶ For whan þei suffren ouere mechel þe wronges & velanys be done

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[6-text p 232] with-owten punyschinge; [2662] þei sompne not a man onely for to do newe wronges; bot þe commaunde it [2663] ¶ Also a wise man seiþe; þat þe Iuge þat cor|recteþ nouht þe sinner; commandeþe & biddeþ him to do sinne [2664] ¶ And þe souereignes & þe Iuges myhten in her londe so muche suffure of þe schrewees & þe mysdoers; [2665] þat þei scholden be [folio 200b] suffrance be processe of time wexen of suche powere & myht; þat þei scholde put oute þe Iuges & þe souereignes fro here places; [2666] & att þe last maken hem lesen here lordeschippes;

[2667] Bot lat vs nowe put þat ȝe haue leue to vengen ȝowe; [2668] If ȝe be nouht of myht & powere as nowe to vengen ȝowe; [2669] ¶ For if ȝe willen maake comparison vn-to þe myht of ȝoure aduersaries; ye scholne finde in many þinges þat .I. haue schewde ȝowe aforne þis; þat here condicion is better þan ȝoures; [2670] ¶ And þerefore seie .I. þat it is good as nowe þat ȝe suffre & be pacient

[2671] ¶ Forþere more ȝe knowe. þat after þe comune sawe it is a wodenesse a man to striue aȝeines a stronger oþere a more myhty man þan him self [2672] ¶ And for striue wiþ a man of euen strenkeþ; þat is to seie wiþ a strange man as he is it is a perile. [2673] And for to striue wiþ a weyker man it is foly; [2674] And þer-for scholde a man flyȝe striueinge as muche as he miht; [2675] as Salomon seiþe; It is a grete worschipe a man to kepe him fro noyse & strif [2676] ¶ And if it so be-falle or happe þat a man of gretter myht & strengeþ þan þou ert do þe greuance [2677] Stodye & besye þe raþere to stille þe same greuance þan for to venge þe [2678] For Senec seiþe. þat he putteþ him in grete perile þat striveþ wiþ a gretter man þan he him self is [2679] ¶ And Caton seiþe if a man of hiher astate or degre or more myhte þan þou do þe anoye or greuance suffre hime. [2680] For he þat ones haþe greued þe

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[6-text p 233] maie a-noþere time releue þe & helpe þe; [2681] ¶ Ȝitt sett .I. caas þat ȝe haue boþ myht & licence to venge ȝowe; [2682] I. seie þat þere bue mony þinges þat schold reteyne ȝowe. of vengeance takeinge [2683] And maake ȝow for to encline & for to suffre And for to haue paciens in þe wronges þat han be done to ȝowe; [2684] first & forwarde yf ȝe wolne considere þe defautes þat bene in ȝoure owen person; [2685] ffor whiche defautes god haþ suffred ȝowe to haue þis tribulacione as .I. haue seide ȝowe here before; [2686] ffor þe poet seiþe; That we ouhten pacientlye take þe tribu|lacions þat comeþ to vs whan we þinken & consideren þat we haue deserued to haue hem. [2687] ¶ And seint Gregorie seiþ whan a man considereþ wele þe nombre of his defautes & of his sinnes [2688] þe peynes & þe tribulacions þat he suffreþ semen þe lasse vn-to hime [2689] ¶ And alsomuche as him þink|eþ his sinnes þe more heuy & greuous. [2690] In so muche semeþ his peine. þe lihter & þe esier vn-to him; [2691] ¶ Also ȝe owen to enclyne & to bowen ȝoure herte to taken þe pacience of oure [lord] ihesu crist. As seiþe seint Peter in his Epistles; [2692] ¶ Ihesu crist he seiþ haþe suffred for vs & ȝeuen ensample vn-to euery man for to folowe & to sewe him; [2693] ffor he dide neuer sinne. ne neuere ne came a veleyns worde out of his mouþe; [2694] ¶ Whan men cursed him · he cursed hem nouht. And whan men betene him he manessed hem nouht [2695] ¶ Also þe grete paciens whiche þe seintez þat bien in paradise haue hadde in tribulacions þat þei haue sufferd wiþ-outen her desert or gilt [2696] ouht muche to stire. [folio 201a] Ȝowe to pacience; [2697] [Aprez moult te dois encliner a pacience ce [Reg. 19 C xi folio 60b:2] ] [2698] consideringe þat þe tribulacions of þis werlde bot litel while endureþ; & sone passed biene & gone; [2699] And þe Ioye þat man sekeþ to haue by pacience in tribulacione is perdurable After þat þe

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[6-text p 234] Apostele seiþe in þis epistle [2700] ¶ The Ioye of god he seiþe is perdurable þat is to seie euer lasteinge /;/ [2701] Also troweþ & beleueþ stedfastlye þat is nouht wele y-norisched ne wele y-tauht þat can nouht haue pacience. . . . . [no gap] [2702] ¶ For Salomon. seiþe; þat þe doctrine of þe witte of man it knowen be pacience; [2703] And in anoþere place he seiþe. He þat is pacient gouerneþ him be grete prudence; [2704] And ȝut Salomon seiþe. þe Angry & þe wuþful man makeþ noys; and þe pacient man attempreþ him & stille him [2705] ¶ He seiþe also it is more worþe to be riht pacient þat to be riht stronge; [2706] And he þat may haue þe lorschip of his owen hert is more to preise; þan he þat be his force & strengeþ takeþ grete Citees [2707] ¶ And þerfor seiþ seint Iame in his apistle þat pacience is a grete vertue of perfeccione.

[2708] ¶ Certes quod Mellibe .I. graunte ȝowe dame prudence. þat pacience is a grete vertue of Perfeccione. [2709] Bot euery man maie not haue þe perfeccion þat ȝe sechen [2710] ¶ Ne .I. ne am not of þe nombre of riht per|fite me[n]. [2711] ffor myne herte may neuer bue in pees vnto þe time it be venged .// [2712] And al be it so þat it was grete perile to myne enemys to done a velany in takeinge vengeance vpon me. [2713] ȝit token þei none hede of þe perile bot fulfilden here wikked wil & here corage [2714] ¶ And þere-fore me þenkeþ þat men ouht not to reproue me þeihe .I. putte me in-to a litel perile for to avenge me; [2715] And þouhe .I. do a grete excesse; þat is to saie; þat .I. do a vengeance outrage be a-noþer;

[2716] ¶ A quod Dame prudence ȝe seyne ȝoure wil & as ȝoue likeþ [2717] ¶ Bot in no caas of þe werlde a man schold nouht done outrage ne excesse for to avengen him [2718] ¶ For Cassidori seiþe; That as yuel doþe he þat avengeþ him be outrage; As he þat doþe þe

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[6-text p 235] outrage; [2719] And þere-fore ȝe schollen venge ȝow after þe order of riht; þat is to seine be þe lawe; nouht be excesse ne be outrage; [2720] Also If ȝe wil venge ȝow of þe outrage of ȝoure aduersaries in oþere manere þan riht commandeþ ȝe synnen; [2721] ¶ Therefore seiþe Senec That a man schal neuere venge schrewnesse by schrewdnesse; [2722] a[n]d if he seie þat riht axeþ to defende violence be violence; An feihtinge be feyhtinge; [2723] Certes ȝe seie soþe whan þe defence is done riht anone wiþ-outen interualle or with-owten tarynge or delaye [2724] for to defenden him & nouht for to vengen him; [2725] And it be-houeþ þat a man putte suche temperance in his defense [2726] þat men haue no cause ne Matire to reproue him þat defendeþ him of excesse & outrage. [Car au|trement Ce seroit contre droit et contre raison (Reg. 19 C xi)] [2727] ¶ Parde ȝe wote wele þat ȝe maake no defense as nowe for to defende ȝowe. bot for to venge ȝowe [2728] ¶ And so seweþ it þat ȝe haue no wil to ȝoure dede attemperally; [2729] And þere-for me þinkeþ þat pacience is goode ¶ For Salomon seiþe; he þat is nouht pa [folio 201b] cient schal haue grete harme

[2730] ¶ Certes quod Mellibe .I. graunt wele þat whan a man is vnpacient & wroþe of þat þat toucheþ him nouht & þat at apperteigneþ nouht to him; þouht it harme him it is no wondere [2731] for þe lawe seiþe; he þat is coupable; þat entre-meteþ him or medeleþ him wiþ suche þinges as perteigneþ nouht to him; [2732] ¶ And Salomon seiþe. That he þat entermeteþ him of þe noyse & þe strif of a-noþere man is like to hime þat takeþ an hunde be þe eres; [2733] ffor riht as he þat take a strange honde be þe eres is oþere while beten wiþ þe honde; [2734] riht in þe same wise it þe resoun þat he haue harme. þat by his inpacience medeleþ him of þe noyce of anoþere man; wher as it apperteineþ nouht vnto him [2735] ¶ Bot ȝe knowen wele þat þis dede; þat

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[6-text p 236] is to seie my greue & my disese toucheþ me riht nyhe. [2736] ¶ And þere-for þeih .I. be wroþe & im|pacient; it is no merveile [2737] ¶ And saueinge ȝoure grace .I. can nouȝt see þat it myht gretly harme þeih. .I. take vengeance [2738] ffor .I. am more Richer & myhte þan myne enemys biene [2739] ¶ And wele knowe ȝe þat be mony & he haueinge grete posses|sions bien al þinge of þis werld gouernede; [2740] And Salomon seiþ All þinges obeyne to money;

[2741] ¶ Whan prudence had herd hir husbonde to avaunten him of his riches & of his monye; & dispreyse|inge of þe pouer of his aduersaries; Sche spak & seide on þis wise [2742] [Certes treschier sires] .I. graunte þat ȝe be riht riche & myhty; [2743] & þat þe risches bien goode to hem þat haue wele geten hem. & þat wele can vsen hem [2744] ¶ For riht as þe body of man maie noȝt leue withouten soule; ne more may it leue wiþ-outen temperale godes [2745] ¶ And be rich|es may a man geten him grace; [2746] ¶ And þer-for seiþe Pamphilles; If any goddes douhter he seiþe be riche; sche maie chese he seiþe of a þousand men. [lequel quelle veult pour mary [2747] Et de mil [MS Reg. 19 C xi folio 61b:1] ] one wil not for-saken hur ne refuysen hire. [2748] ¶ And þis Pamphiles seiþe al so if þou be riht happe; þat is to seie if þou be riht riche þou schalt finde a grete nombre of frendes & felawes [2749] ¶ And if þi fortun chauncheþ þat if þou wex pore; ffare wele frenchipp & phelauschipe; [2750] ffor þou schalt be alone wiþ-outen any company. bot if be þe compaigne of good folke [2751] ¶ And ȝitte seiþe þis Pamphiles more ouere; þat þei þat bien þralle & bonde of lignage scholne be maade worþe & noble be richesse; [2752] And riht so as be ryches þere comen mony godes; Riht so be pouert comeþ mony harmes & yuels; [2753] ffor grete pouerte con|streyneþ

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[6-text p 237] a man to done mony yuels [2754] ¶ And þere|for clepeþ Cassidor. pouert. þe moder of ruyen. [2755] þat is to seie þe moder of ouere þroweinge. or fallinge doune. [2756] And þerfor seiþ Pers Alphons. One of þe grettest aduersarie of þis werlde is; [2757] whan a fre be kinde or of birþe is constreyned be pouert to eten þe almes of his enemye; [2758] ¶ And þe same seiþ. Innocent In one of his bokes seiþ þat þe sorwe [folio 202a] Ful & þe mys happe is þe condicion of a pouer beggere. [2759] ffor if He axeþ nouht his mete he deyeþ for hungere; [2760] And if he ax he deyeþ for schame; And algates necessite constreineþ him to axe. [2761] And þer-for seiþ Salomon; þat better is to deie þan to haue suche pouert; [2762] ȝut seiþ Salo|mon; þat better is to deie of bitter deþe þan for to leue in suche wise; [2763] Be þes resouns þat .I. haue seide vnto ȝowe; and be mony oþere resons þat .I couþe sei; [2764] I graunt ȝowe wele þat riches bene good to hem þat geten hem wele; & to hem þat wele vsen hem. [2765] And þer-fore wil .I. schewe ȝowe howe ȝe schall haue ȝowe; [en amassant les richesses et en vsant de celles (MS Reg. 19 C xi, lf 61, back, col. 2.)]

2766] ¶ First ȝe schol geten hem with-oute grete desire be goode leyser so-keingly & nouht ouere Hastely; [2767] ffor a man þat is to desireinge to gette riches; aboundeneþ him first to þeft; & to all oþere yuels; [2768] And þere-fore seiþ Salomon. He þat hasteþ him ouere besilye to wax riche schal be none Innocent; [2769] He seiþe also þat þe richesse þat hastely commeþ to a man. Sone & lyhtly goþe & passeþ fro a man; [2770] ¶ But þat richesse þat commeþ litell & lytel wexiþ alweie & multiplieþ; [2771] ¶ And sire ȝe schal gete richesse ynouhe be ȝowre witte & be ȝoure trauaile vnto ȝoure profite [2772] And þat wiþ-owten wronge or harme; doinge to any oþere person; [2773] ¶ For þe lawe

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[6-text p 238] seiþe þere makeþ no man him self riche if he do harme to anoþere wyght; [2774] [Car la loy dit que droit et nature deffent que nulz ne se face riche au dommaige dautruy (MS Reg. 19 C xi, lf 62, col. 1)] [2775] ¶ And Tullius seiþe þat no sorwe ne no drede of deþe ne no þinge þat maie fall to a man [2776] is so muche aȝeines nature; As a man to encrese his owen profite to þe harme of anoþere man; [2777] And þouhe þe grete men & þe riche men geten richesse More lihtly þan þou; [2778] ȝit schalt þou nouht bien ydel ne slowe to done þi profitt; ffor þou schalt in al wise fliȝe ydelnesse; [2779] ¶ For Salomon. seiþe þat Idelnesse techeþ a man to done many yuels; [2780] And eke he seiþ þat he þat trauaileþ & bysiþ him to tilien his londe schal eten brede [2781] Bot þat is Idel & casteþ him nouht to do no besines ne occupacioun schal fall in-to pouert & deye for hunger; [2782] And he þat is ydel & slowhe ne can neuer finde couenable time For to done his profite [2783] ¶ For þere is a versifiour þat seiþe þe ydel man excuseþ him in winter because of þe grete colde; and in somer be cause of þe grete hete; [2784] ffor þes causez seiþe Caton; Wakeþ & enclyneþ ȝow nouȝt ouere mechel for to slepe For ouere muche rust causeþ & norischeþ mony vices [2785] ¶ And þerefore seiþe seinte Ierome Doþe some goode dedes þat þe deuel whiche is oure enmye ne finde ȝowe vn-occupied; [2786] ¶ For þe deuel ne takeþ nouȝt lihtly vn-to his worche|inge suche as he findeþ yoccupied in good werkes;

[2787] ¶ Than þus in geteinge riches ȝe mot fliȝe ydelnesse; [2788] & afterward ȝe scholne vse þe richesse þe whiche ȝe haue getten be ȝoure witte & be ȝoure trauayle [2789] In suche a maner þat men halden ȝowe nouht scarce ne to spareinge ne to foole large; þat is to seie ouere large a spender; [2790] For riht as men blam an auarous man be cause of his scarste; & þinkeinge [2791] in same wise; he is to blame

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[6-text p 239] þat spendeþ ouer largely. [2792] [folio 202b] ¶ An þer-for seyþe catōn; Vse þe richesse þat þou hast goten [2793] in suche maner þat men haue no matier ne cause to clepe þe wreche ne chinche [2794] For it is grete schame to a man to haue a pouer hert & a riche purce [2795] ¶ He seiþe also þe goodes þat þou haste goten vse hem be Mesure; þat is to seine spend mesurablye; [2796] for þei þat folely wasten & dispenden þe goodes þat þei haue [2797] whan þei haue no more propre of hire owen; þei schapen hem to tak þe goodes of a-noþere man; [2798] I seie þan þat he schal ffle auarice [2799] vseinge ȝoure riches in suche manere þat men seie nouht þat ȝoure richesse bue ybered; [2800] Bot þat ȝe haue hem in ȝoure miht & in ȝoure weldeinge [2801] ¶ ffor a wiseman reproueþ þe auerouce man; And seiþe þus in in tuo vers; [2802] Wher-to & Whi beriþ a man his goodes be his auarice And knoweþe wele þat nedes most he deye; [2803] ffor [deþ] is þe ende offe euery man as in þis present lif; [2804] and for þat cause & enchesoune Ioyneþ he him or knytteþ he him so fast vn-to his goodes; [2805] þat al his wittes mowe nouht deseuern him or departe him fro his goodes; [2806] And knoweþe wele or ouht to knowe þat whan he is dede he schal not bere it oute of þe werlde wiþ him; [2807] And þere-for seiþ sein Austine þat þe Auerouce man is likkened vn-to hell; [2808] þat þe more it desireþ; þe more it sweloweþ & deuoureþ; [2809] ¶ And also wele as ȝe wolde eschewe to ben ycleped an averous man or a chinche [2810] As wele scholde ȝe gouerne ȝowe & kepe ȝowe in suche a wise þat men clepe ȝow nouht to large [2811] ¶ þer-fore Tullius seiþe; The goodes he seiþe of þine house scholde not be hidde ne kepped in close bot þat þei myht ben opende wiþ pite. & wiþ debonarte; [2812] ¶ þat is to sei ȝef hem parte þat haþ grete nede [2813]

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[6-text p 240] Ne þi goodes schal nouȝt be so open to ben euery mannes goodes. [2814] Afterwarde in geteinge of ȝoure richesse & in vseinge hem ȝe scholne alweie haue þrei þinges in ȝoure herte; [2815] [Cest assauoir dieu conscience et bonne fame [2816] Tu dois donques auoir dieu eu ton ceur (MS Reg. 19 C xi, lf 62, bk, col. 1)] [2817] And for no richesse ȝe scholne do no þinge þat maie displesaunce to god [ton createur] [2818] ¶ For after þe worde of Salomon. It is better to haue a litel goode wiþ þe loue of god; [2819] þan to haue muche goode & tresor & lese þe loue of his lorde god; [2820] And þe prophit seiþe; þat better it is to be a good man & haue litel goode & tresour; [2821] þan to be holden a schrewe & to haue grete richesse [2822] ¶ Ȝit seye .I. forþer more; þat ȝe scal done ȝoure bisines to geten ȝowe rechesse [2823] so þat ȝe geten hem wiþ good conscience [2824] ¶ And þe Apostle seiþe þat þere is no þinge in þis werlde of whiche we scholne haue so grete Ioye as when oure concience bereþ vs good wittenesse; [2825] And þe wise man seiþe; The substance of a man is ful good whan sinne is nouht in mannes conscience; [2826] ¶ Afterwarde in gettinge of ȝoure richesse; And in vsinge of hem [2827] ȝow must haue grete besinesse & grete diligence þat ȝoure good name be al weie kepped & conserued [2828] ¶ For Salo|mon seiþe; þat better it is & more aveileþ a man to haue goode name þan to haue grete richesse; [2829] And [folio 203a] þerfore he seiþe in anoþere place; Doþ grete diligence seiþe Salomon; in kepeinge of þi frende & of þi goode name [2830] for it schal longer abide wiþ þe [þan] any tresor be it neuere so precious; [2831] And certes he scholde not be cleped a gentil man þat after god & good conscience al þinges left þat ne doþe his besines ne diligence to kepen his goode name [2832] ¶ And Cassidorie seiþe þat it is signe of a goode hert whan a man loueþ & desireþ to haue a goode name;

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[6-text p 241] [2833] An þerfore seiþ seiþ seint Austine þat þere beene tuo þinges þat bien necessarie & nedefull. [2834] And þat is good conscience [2835] to þine owen person inwarde; & good loos of þin neihbour outewarde [2836] And he þat trustuþ him so muchel in his goode conscience [2837] þat he dispiseþ his good name or loos and rekkeþ nouȝt to kepe his goode name; nys bot a cruel cherlle

[2838] ¶ Sire nowe haue .I. schewde ȝow howe ȝe schol done in geteinge of richesse & howe ȝe scholne vsen hem; [2839] And .I. se wele þat for þe trust þat ye haue in rechesse ȝe wol men Bataile & werre; [2840] ¶ I counsell ȝowe þat ȝe be-gynne no werre in trust of ȝoure richesse. For þei sufficen nouht werres to main|tene [2841] ¶ And þerfore seiþ a Philosofre That a man desireþ & wil algates haue werre: schal neuer haue sufficeance. [2842] For þe richer þat he is þe gretter dispence mote he make; If he will haue wor|schippe & victorie; [2843] And Salomon seiþe; þat þe gretter richesse þat a man haþe; þe more despendoures he haþe; [2844] ¶ And dere sir al be it so; þat for ȝoure richesse ȝe mai haue muche folke; [2845] ȝutte behoueþ it nouht ne it is nouȝt goode to beginne werre; where as ȝe maie in oþere manere haue pees vnto ȝoure worschip & prophite; [2846] For þe victories of batailles þat bien in þis werlde lyþe nouȝt in grete nombre of multitude of peple in þe vertue of man. [2847] Bot it liþe in þe will & in þe hande of oure lorde ihesu crist; [2848] ¶ And þere-fore Iudas Machabeus whiche was goddes knyht; [2849] Whan he schold feyhten aȝeines his aduersaries þat hadd a gretter nombre; & a gretter mul|titude of folke; & stronger þan was þe peple of Macha|be; [2850] ȝit he comford his litel compaigne & seide riht in þis wise; [2851] ¶ As lihtly quod he may oure lorde god almyhty ȝeue victori to fewe folke;

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[6-text p 242] as to mony folke [2852] ffor þe victorie of Bataile commeþ nouht be grete nombre of peple; [2853] Bot it commeþ fro oure lorde of heuen; [2854] And dere sire for also muchel as þere is noman certeine; if it be worþi þat god ȝif him victorie [neant plus se Il est certain se Il est digne de lamour de dieu] or nouȝt; After þat Salomon seiþ; [2855] Therfor euery man schold gretely drede werres to be-ginne [2856] ¶ And be-cause þat in Batailes scholne fallen mony periles; [2857] And happeþe oþere while; þat as sone is þe grete man sleyne; as þe lytel man; [2858] ¶ And as it [is] wreten in þe secunde boke of kinges; The dedes of Bataile been aduenterous & vncertein; [2859] ffor as lyhtly as one is hurte wiþ a spere [folio 203b] as a-noþer; [2860] And þere-fore it is grete perile in werre ¶ Ther-fore scholde men flee & eschewe werre in as muchel as a man maie goodly; [2861] ¶ For Salomon seiþe he þat loueþ perile; schal fal in perile

[2862] ¶ After þat dame Prudence had spoken in þis manere Mellibe anseward & seide; [2863] ¶ I. see wele dame Prudence þat be ȝowre faire wordes & be ȝoure resouns þat [vous mettez auant que] þe werre likeþ ȝow no þinge; [2864] Bot .I. haue nouht ȝit herde ȝoure wise counsele how .I. schal do in þis nede;

[2865] ¶ Certes quod sche .I. counseile ȝowe to accorde with ȝoure aduersaries & þat ȝe haue pees wiþ hem; [2866] ¶ For [Seneques,, MS Reg. 19 C xi, lf 63, col. 2] seinte Iames seiþe [en ses epistre] þat be concorde & pees þat smale Richesse waxen grete [2867] And be debate & discorde grete riches fallen doune; [2868] And ȝe knowen þat of þe grettest & most souereine þinge þat is in þis werlde is vnite & pees; [2869] ¶ And þerfore seide oure lorde ihesu crist to his Apostles in þis wise [2870] ¶ Wel happy & blissed be þei þat louen & purchasen pees; For þei bien cleped þe childerne of god; [2871] ¶ A quod Mellibe; Nowe .I. se wele ȝe loue nouht my honour ne my worschippe. [2872] Ȝe knowen wele þat myne

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[6-text p 243] aduersaries haue begon þis debate. [et la brigue par leur oultraige] [2873] And ȝe seen wele þat þei neuer queren ne preyne me nouht of pees; ne þei axe me nouht to be recon|siled; [2874] Wil ȝe þan þat .I. go meke me & obeye me to hem & crye hem Mercye; [2875] ffor soþe þat were not my worschipe; [2876] ffor riht as men seine þat ouer grete humblesse engenderþ despisinge. So fareþe it be to grete humilite & mekenesse

[2877] ¶ Þan by-gan dam prudence to make sem|blante of wraþþe; & seide [2878] certes sire saue ȝoure grace; I loue ȝoure honour & ȝoure profite as .I. do myn owen. & euer haue done [2879] ne ȝe ne none oþere sawe neuer þe contrarye; [2880] ¶ And. ȝit if .I. hadde seide ȝe scholde haue purchased þe pees & þe reconsiliacion; I. hadde nouht mechel mestaken me ne .I. saide amys; [2881] ffor þe wise man seiþe. The dis|cencion be-ginneþ be anoþere man; & þe reconsileinge be-ginneþ be þi self [2882] ¶ An þe profet seiþe; fflye schrewdenesse & do goodnesse; [2883] Seche pees & folowe it in al so muche as in þe is; [2884] Ȝit seiþ he nouht ȝe schollen þe raþer pursewe to ȝoure aduersarie þan þei schollen to ȝowe [2885] ¶ for .I. knowe wele ȝe bene so harde y-herted þat ȝe wil do no þinge for me. [2886] ¶ And Salomon. seiþe; þat he þat haþe ouer harde an hert; atte þe last he schal myshapp & mystide;

[2887] Whan Mellibe had herde dame produce maake semblant of wraþþe he seide in þis wise. [2888] Dame .I. preie ȝowe þat ȝe be nouht displesed of þinges þat .I. seie ȝowe [2889] ¶ For ȝe knowe wele þat .I. [am] angry & wroþe & þat is no wonder [2890] And þo þat been wroþe weten nouht wele what þei done; ne what þei seine; [2891] Where-fore þe prophete seiþe; þat troubled eyen haue none clere siht [2892] Bot sitteþe & counseleþ me riht as ȝe list; For; I am redy to done riht as ȝe wol desire [2893] ¶ And if ȝe reproue me of my folye .I. am more holden to loue ȝowe & to preise

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[6-text p 244] ȝowe. [2894] For Salomon seiþe he þat reproueþ him þat doþ folye [2895] he schal finde gretter grace þan he þat disceyueþ him be wordes.

[2896] Than seide dame Prudence .I. make no sembland of wraþþe ne of anger bot for ȝoure owen profit. [2897] For Salomon seiþe [folio 204a] ¶ He is more worþe þat re|proueþ or chideþ a foole for his foly scheweinge him semblant of wraþþe; [2898] þan he þat supporteþ him & preiseþ him in his mys-doinge & lauheþ att his folye [2899] ¶ And þis salomon seiþ affterwarde; þat by þe sorweful visage of man; þat is to seye; be þe sory & þe heuy countenance of a man [2900] þe foole correcteþ & amende him selfe

[2901] ¶ Than seide Mellibe; ¶ I schal nouht kon An|sewere vn-to so mony resons as ȝe putteþ to me & scheweþ; [2902] seiþe schortly ȝoure will & ȝoure con|seile And .I. am redy . to ffulfille & performe

[2903] ¶ Than Dame Prudence discouerd all hire will vn-to him & seide; [2904] I counsel ȝowe quod sche abouen all þinge; þat ȝe maken pes be-twene god & ȝowe; [2905] & beþe reconsilede vn-to him & to his grace [2906] For as .I. haue seide ȝowe here be-forne; God haþe suffred ȝowe to haue þis tribulacione & disese . for ȝoure sinnes; [2907] And if ȝe done as .I. seie ȝowe god will sende ȝowre aduersaries vnto ȝowe; [2908] & maaken hem to fallen att ȝoure fete rede to done ȝoure will & youre com|mandement [2909] ¶ For Salomon seiþe whan þe con|dicione is plesant & likeande vnto god; [2910] He chaungeþ þe hertes of mannes aduersaries; & con|streyneþ hem to besechen him of pees & of grace; [2911] & .I. praye ȝowe lete me speke wiþ ȝoure aduersaries in priue place; [2912] for þei schol not knowe þat it be ȝoure will or ȝoure assent; [2913] And þan whan .I. knowe her wil and here assent; I. may counsel ȝoue more surely;

[2914] ¶ Dame quod Mellibe; doþe ȝoure will &

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[6-text p 245] ȝoure likeinge . [2915] For .I. putte me holy in ȝoure disposicione & ordinance.

[2916] ¶ Than dame prudence whan sche sawe þe good wil of of hire husbonde; Sche delyuerly toke a-vise in her self [2917] þinkinge howe sche myht bringe þis neede vnto a good conclusione & to a good ende; [2918] And whan sche sawe hire time; sche sente for þe aduersaries to come to hire into A priue place; [2919] And schewde wisely vnto hem þe grete goodenesse þat commeþ of Pees; [2920] And þe grete harmes & perils þat bene in werre; [2921] And seiden to hem in goodely manere howe þat hem auȝten to haue grete re|pentance [2922] of þe iniury & þe wronge þat þei hadden done to Mellibe here lorde an vnto hire & vnto hire douhtere;

[2923] And whan þei herden þe good wordes of dame prudence; [2924] þei weren so supprised & rauysshed & hadden so grete Ioye of hire þat wonder was to tell; [2925] ¶ A lady quod þei ȝe haue schewde vn-to vs þe blisse of swettnesse after þe sawe of dauid þe profette; [2926] For þe reconsileinge whiche þat we ne be not worþi to haue in no manere; [2927] ¶ Bot we ouhten to require it wiþe grete contricione & humilite; [2928] ȝe of ȝoure grete goodnesse haue presented vnto vs; [2929] ¶ Nowe see we wele þat þe conscience & þe conynge of Salomon is ful trewe . [2930] For he seiþe þat swette wordes multiplien & encresen frendes; And maken schrewes to be debonaire & meke;

[2931] ¶ Certe quod þei we putte oure dede & al oure matier & cause & holy in-to ȝowre good wille; [2932] & bene redy to obeye to þe speche of þe commande|ment of my lorde Mellebe; [2933] ¶ And þerfore dere & benyngne lady; we preyne ȝowe & be-sechen ȝowe as we kon & mowen [2934] þat [folio 204b] þat it like vn-to ȝoure grete goodnesse to ful-fille in dede ȝoure goode wordes [2935] ¶ For we considern & knoweleche

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[6-text p 246] þat we haue offended & greued my lorde Mellibe oute of reson & mesure [2936] so fer forþe þat we be nouht of pouere to maken him amendes; [2937] And þere-fore we oblige vs & oure frendes for to done al his wille & commandement [2938] Bot peraduenture he haþe suche heuynesse & suche wraþþe to vs warde because of oure offense; [2939] þat [he] wil enioyne vs suche peyne as we maie nouht bere ne susteine. [2940] ¶ And þer-fore noble lady; we be-sechen ȝoure wommanly pyte [2941] to take suche avisemen in þis nede; þat we ne oure frendes be nouht disherited [et perdus] þorwhe oure folye

[2942] ¶ Certes quod Prudence it is it is an harde þinge & riht perilous [2943] þat a man putte him in þe arbitracione & Iugement al vtterly; & in þe myht & pouere of his ennemys; [2944] For Salamon seiþe; Leueþ me & ȝif credence to þat .I. schal seine; .I. saie [tout peuple et toutes gens et gouuerneurs de gloire (Reg. 19 C xi)] [2945] Ne ȝeue neuere þi sonne ne þi wif. þi frende ne þi self [2946] vn-to þe hondes ne myht of þine ennemye; [2947] And Naþeles .I. counsel ȝowe [Se il a doncques deffendu que on ne donne [puissance] sur soy a frere ne a amy [MS Reg. 19 C xi folio 64a:2] ] [2948] By a stronger resone he defendeþ & forbedeþe a man to ȝeue him selfe vn-to his ennemye; [2949] ¶ And naþeles .I counsel ȝowe þat ȝe mistrust nouht my lorde; [2950] for .I. wote wele & knowe wele þat he is debonaire & meke large & curteise [2951] & no þinge desirous of good ne Couytous to haue richesse; [2952] ffor þere is no þinge in þis werlde þat he desireþ saue worschipe & honour; [2953] Forþermore .I. knowe wele & .I. am riht sure þat He schal no þinge do in þis nede; wiþ-oute myne counsel; [2954] And .I. schal so werchen in þis cause be þe grace of oure lorde god þat ȝe scholne be reconsiled vnto vs/:/

[2955] Then seiden þei wiþ o voyce; ¶ Worschipful

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[6-text p 247] lady we putten vs & oure good al fully in ȝoure wille & disposicioun [2956] & bene redy to comme whan it likeþ vnto ȝoure noblesse; to lemete vs or to assigne vs [2957] for maken oure obligacion; & bynde vs as stronge as it lykeþ vn-to ȝoure goodnesse [2958] þat we maie fulfille þe wil of ȝoue & of my lorde Mellybe.

[2959] ¶ Whan dame Prudence had herde þe on|sewers of þes men Ȝe badde hem gone aȝeine priuely; [2960] & sche retourned a-ȝeine to hire lorde Mellibe · And tolde him howe sche fande his aduersaries repentaunt [2961] And knowlecheinge ful reuerently · & lowly her sinnes & tres|pas; & howe þei were redy to suffur al peine; [2962] Re|quireinge him & preyinge him of Mercy & pytee

[2963] ¶ Then seide Mellibe he is wele worþi to haue pardone & for-ȝeuenesse [qui nexcuse point son pechie [2964] mais recognoist et sen repent et demande indulgence [2965] Car seneque dist la est remission (MS Reg. 19 C xi, lf 64, bk)] wher as confession is; [2966] For confession is neyhbour to Innocence [2967] ¶ And þe wiseman seiþe in anoþer place; he þat haþ schame of his sinne & knowleche it is worþi haue mercy /./ And þere-fore .I. assent & conferme to haue pees [2968] ¶ Bot it is good þat we do it nouht wiþ-outen þe wil & assent of oure frendes;

[2969] ¶ þan was Prudence riht gladde & ioyful & seide; [2970] Certes sir quod sche ȝe haue goodely & wele ansewarde [2971] ¶ For riht as be counsel. assent & helpeinge of ȝoure frendes ȝe haue be stired to venge ȝowe & maake werre [2972] Riht so wiþ|outen hire counsel schol ȝe nouht accor; þowhe ȝe ne haue pees wiþ ȝoure aduersa [folio 205a] ries; [2973] ffor þe lawe seyþe; Ther is no þinge so good be waie of kinde As þinge to bene vnbounden by him þat it was y-boundende;

[2974] And þan dame Prudence wiþe-outen delaye or taryinge sent anone Messageres for here kinne & for hire olde frendes þat were trewe & wise [2975]

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[6-text p 248] And tolde hem be order in þe presence of Mellebe al þe Matier as it was abouen expressed & declared; [2976] And preyden hem þat þe wolde ȝeuen hire a wise coun|seile what best were to done in þis matiere; [2977] ¶ And whan Millebes counsel hadd taken hire a-vise & goode deliber|acione of þe forseide matier; [2978] And hadde examyned it be grete besines & grete diligence; [2979] þei ȝauen ful counseile for to haue pees & rest. [2980] And þat Mellibe schold receyue it with goode herte of his aduersaries to for-ȝeuenesse & mercye;

[2981] And whan dame Prudence hadd herde þe assent of hire lorde Mellibe. And þe counsel of here frendes [2982] accorded wiþ her wil & entencion [2983] sche was wonderly glad in hert & seide. [2984] ¶ There is an olde prouerbe quod sche seiþe; þat þe godnesse þat þou maist do þis daie do it [2985] & abide it nouht ne delaye it nouht til to morwe [2986] ¶ And þerfore .I. counsel þat ȝe send ȝoure messagiers wiche þat ben discrete & wyse [2987] vn-to ȝoure aduersaries tellynge hem on ȝoure be-halue [2988] if þei wil trete of pes & of accorde; [2989] þat þei schapen hem with-outen de-laie or tariinge to come to vs /./ [2990] whiche þinge performed was indede [2991] ¶ And whan þes trespassours & repentinge folke of here folyes; þat is to seie þe aduersaries of Mellibe. [2992] had herde what þes messagiers seiden vn-to hem [2993] þe were ful gladde. & ioyful & anseward ful mekely & beningly; [2994] ȝeldeinge graces & þonkes to her lord Mellibe. & to al his compaigne; [2995] And schopen wiþ-outen delay to gone wiþ þe messagiers; & obey to þe commandement of here lord Mellibe

[2996] ¶ And riht anone þe token her weie to Mellibe [2997] & toke þe somme of here trewe wordes & frendes to maken feiþ for hem; and for to bien her borwes [2998] ¶ And whan þei camen to

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[6-text p 249] þe presence of Mellibe he seide hem þes wordes; [2999] It standeþ þus quod Mellibe; & soþe it is þat ȝe [3000] causels and wiþ-oute skil & resoun [3001] haue done grete Iniuries & wronges to me & to my wif Dame Prudence; & to my douhter also; [3002] ¶ For ȝe haue entred in-to myne howse be violence [3003] & haue done suche outrage; þat all men knowe wele þat ȝe haue deserued þe deþe [3004] ¶ And þere-fore wil .I. knowen & witen of ȝowe [3005] weþer þat ȝe wil putte þe punysshement & þe chasteysinge & þe vengeance of þis outrage in þe wil of me & of my wif dame Prudence or ȝe wil nouht;

[3006] Than þe wysest of hem þre answarde for hem al. & seide. [3007] ¶ Sire quod he we knowen wele þat we bien vnworþi to comme to ȝoure courte of so grete a lorde & so worþe as ȝe bien; [3008] And for we haue so gretely mys-taken vs & haue offended & agilte in suche a wise aȝeines ȝoure hihe lord-schippe [3009] þat trewlye we haue deseruede þe deþ; [3010] Bot ȝit for þe grete goodnesse & debonarte þat al þe werlde wittenesseþ of ȝoure persoun [3011] [folio 205b] We submitte vs vn-to þe hihe excellence & benignite of ȝoure gracious lorschip [3012] and bien rede to obeie vn-to al ȝoure commandementes [3013] Besecheinge ȝowe þat of ȝoure merciable pitee to wylne consider oure grete repentance & lowe submissione; [3014] And to grante vs for-ȝefnesse of owre owtrageous trespas & offense; [3015] For wel we knowe þat ȝoure liberale grace & mercye strecchen ferþer in-to goode|nesse þan done owre outrageous giltes & trespasses in-to wikkednesse; [3016] albeit þat cursedly & damp|nablye we haue gilte aȝeines ȝowre hihe lordschippe;

[3017] Than Mellibe toke him vpe fro þe grounde ful benyngly [3018] & receyued here obligacions & here landes by hire oþes vppon here plegges & her borwes [3019] & assigned hem a certein daie to retorne vn-to his courtes; [3020] for to accepte & receyve þe sentence &

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[6-text p 250] Iuggement þat Mellibe wold comande to be done on hem be þe causes aforne seide; [3021] whiche þinge ordeint; euery man retourned to his hous /;/

[3022] And whan þat Dam prudence sawhe her time sche f[r]eyned & axed her lord Mellibe; [3023] Whatte vengeance he þouht to take on his aduersaris

[3024] ¶ To whiche Mellibe anseward & seide; Certes quod [he]; I. þenke & purpos fully [3025] to dis|herit hem of al þat þei haue; & for to putten hem in exile for euer more

[3026] Certes quod Dame Prudence þis were a cruel sentence & mechel aȝeines resoun; [3027] For ȝe be riche ynowe & haueþ no nede of oþere mennes goode; [3028] and ȝe myht lyhtly geten ȝow a couetouse name. [3029] whiche is a vicious þinge & ouhte be eschewed of euery man; [3030] ffor after þe sawe of þe Apostle Couetise is rote of al harmes; [3031] ¶ And þere-fore it were better to lese so muchel goode of ȝoure owen; þan for to tak of here goode in þis manere. [3032] ¶ For better it is to lese goode wiþ worschippe þan it is goode to wynne worschippe wiþ velanye and schame [3033] ¶ And euery man ouhte to done his besinesse to geten him a goode name; [3034] And ȝitte schal he nouht onely keppen him in kepinge of his good name; [3055] Bott he schal also enforcen him alweie to done some þinge be whiche he may renouelle his goode name [3036] For it is y-writte; þat þe olde good lose or goode name of a man is sone gone & passed; whan it is nouht newed ne re|nouelled /;/ [3037] And as toucheinge þat ȝe seyne þat ȝe wol exile ȝoure aduersaries; [3038] þat þenkeþ me muchel aȝeines reson & out of mesure; [3039] Con|sider þe power þat þei haue ȝouen ȝowe vpon hem selfe; [3040] And it is wreten þat he is worþe to lesen his priuelege þat mysvseþe þe myht & þe pouere þat is ȝouen him; [3041] ¶ And .I. sette caas þat ȝe myht annoye hem þat peyne be riht & lawe. [3042] whiche .I.

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[6-text p 251] trowe ȝe may not do; [3043] I. seye ne myht not put it to excution; paraduenture [3044] & þan were it likly to retorne to þe werre as it was be-forne; [3045] ¶ And þer-fore if ȝe will þat men do ȝowe obseruance & obeysaunce; ȝe most deme more curteisly; [3046] þis is to seine ȝe most ȝeue mor esi sentence & Iuggementz; [3047] for it is wreten þat he þat most curtesly commandeþ; to him. men most obeyen [3048] ¶ And þer|fore .I. praye ȝowe þat in þis necessite; & in þis nede ȝe casten þere-fore to ouere-come ȝoure hert; [3049] ¶ For Senec seiþe he þat ones ouere-commeþ his hert [folio 206a] ouer-commeþ twyes; [3050] ¶ And Tullius seiþe; þer is noþinge so commendable in a grete lorde · [3051] as whan he is debon|aire & meke & appeseþ him mekely; [3052] ¶ And .I. preie ȝowe þat ȝe wil for-bere nowe to do vengeance [3053] in suche maner þat ȝoure goode name may be kepped & conserued; [3054] and þat men maie haue cause & matiere to preyse ȝowe of pite & of mercye; [3055] And þat ȝe haue no cause to repente ȝowe of þinge þat ȝe done; [3056] ¶ For Senec seiþe; he repenteþ him in yuel manere þat repenteþ him of his victorie [3057] where|fore .I. preie ȝowe; lete. Mercy be in ȝoure herte; [3058] to þeffecte & þentente þat god al myhty haue Mercy vpon ȝowe in his last Iugement; [3059] [Car saint Iaques dit en lepistre Iugement (19 C xi.)] wiþ outen mercy schal be to him þat haþe no mercye of anoþere wyht;

[3060] ¶ Whan Mellibe hadde herd þe grete skils & resons of dame Prudence; and of hire wise informacions & techeinges [3061] his hert gan encline to þe will of his wif consideringe to þe trewe entent [3062] con|formed him a-nane; & assented ffully to worchen after hire conseile; [3063] & þongede god of whome procedeþ al godenesse þat him sent a wif of so [grete] discrecione; [3064] ¶ And whan þe daie cam þat his aduer|saries schold appere in his presence. [3065] He spak

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[6-text p 252] to hem ful goodly And seide to hem in þis wise; [3066] Al be it soo; þat of ȝoure pride & be presumcion & foly . & of ȝoure necligence & vnkunynge [3067] ȝe haue misborne ȝowe & trespassed to me; [3068] ȝitt for al so muche as .I. see & beholde ȝoure gre[te] humilite; [3069] & þat ȝe bene sori & repentant of ȝoure giltes [3070] it constreyne me to do ȝowe grace & mercye; [3071] wherefore .I. receyve ȝowe to my grace; [3072] & for-ȝeue ȝowe vtterly al þoffences Iniuries & wronges þat ȝe haue done aȝeines me & myne [3073] to þis affecte & to þis ende þat god of his endeles mercy [3074] wole att þe time of oure deyeinge forȝeuen oure gelte þat we haue trespased vn-to him in þis wrecched werld; [3075] ¶ For doubtelesse · if we bien sory & repentant of þe sinnes & giltes þe whiche we haue trespasede in þe siht of oure lorde gode; [3076] He is so fre & so merci|ful [3077] þat he wil for-ȝeuen vs ower giltes [3078] & bringe vs vnto þilke blisse þat neuere haþ ende; To whiche blisse he vs bringe þat blod on crosse for vs spreynde. Qui cum patre &c.

Explicit Fabula Galfridi Chaucer/ de Mellibeo . Milite
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