Three Kings of Cologne : an early English translation of the "Historia Trium Regum" / by John of Hildesheim ; edited from the MSS., together with the Latin text, by C. Horstmann

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Three Kings of Cologne : an early English translation of the "Historia Trium Regum" / by John of Hildesheim ; edited from the MSS., together with the Latin text, by C. Horstmann
Joannes, of Hildesheim, d. 1375
Horstmann, Carl, 1851-
Millwood, N.Y.: Kraus Reprint

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"Three Kings of Cologne : an early English translation of the "Historia Trium Regum" / by John of Hildesheim ; edited from the MSS., together with the Latin text, by C. Horstmann." In the digital collection Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed June 16, 2024.


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[Mr. V. closely follows MS. R.; the differences are mostly only dialectical or graphical.]

P. 3, 4 seintes. glorius. 5 þinges. 6 specially. 7 worschippe and om. 8 childehed. forasmuche. 10 risyng. sonne. 11 merytes. 12 cleris. shynes. 16 manne. þeire giftes. 18 myscreauntes. 19 maidens. 21 holowed. 28 places. wreten̛. openly. 29 þai did. men om. 30 vnknowen̛. after. 31 men̛ is.

p. 5, 2 þis. blessed. 7 and said. 9 say. 10 spryng. arise. 11 fullich om. 13 bytwene. Iues. sayn̛. 14 þeire bokes. an. 15 þrougℏ. and by þe. 16 called. an. 17 agains. 18 sain̛. 19 þam̛. 20 gloriusly. 21 of2 om. 22 þis. yf. hys om. commen̛ of. 23 deueles. þey wolde. forbed. 25 an. toknys. greued. 26 evel counseƚƚ. for om. 28 þay calle. 29 an. 30 þere. 32 commendid. liteƚƚ. taken̄ & ofte seþen. 33 ebrewes. þay say. 34 before. 35 dwelled.

p. 7, 1 sais. lande. Sirre. 2 towne. called. 3 almost om. iurnay. 4 seen̛. same om. 5 saint Paule. casten downe. 6 þis. 7 nor. þeire. þaym̛. 11 þat þe childre. gone. 12 hadde om. subiecte. þam. 13 lande. 15 an. 16 called. 18 þam. kepers. 19 childrē. 20 Romayneȝ. landes. 21 eny. entren. 22 contre. among inst. of anoon. 25 a2 om. 26 of heithe om. 27 whanne. any om. soche tokyn̛. 28 seen. þanne anone. 29 þam. agaynst. 30 eny. com̄e. 34 lordes. þe om.

p. 9, 1 ynde. gretely. 2 byhete. yiftes. of þat. 3 þam. if hit. 4 see. ferre. 5 ayre. seen. 6 bef. þay. þam. 7 þe om. cāme fame. 8 þat. spoken̄. boren. 9 for. of þe. rose. 11 called. 14 þat. 15 came. 16 blode. called. offird. 17 afterwarde.

19 and om. whenne. 20 acon̛. called. 22 of diuerse om. 23 many maner. 25 borne. 28 marchauntis. þeire. marchaundise. þedir. 29 lande and by water. like. 30 nobley. þe. 31 and þe loos. 32 of þe. 33 came. sawe al.

p. 11, 1 disporte. abode. 3 þam. 4 and oute of. 5 Iuelles. 7 hiest. wreten̛. 8 of golde. & a. 9 appered. soght. 10 crosse. 11 offrede. 12 þay say. þe d. 13 þe. helid. both beest & man̛. 15 taken̛. 16 apon̛. þerfore. aftirward om. here. 17 maisters. afterwarde gate. 18 with golde & wt oþir om. 19 Iueƚƚ. 21 becōme. 22 knowen̛. 30 shaƚƚ. 31 vndirstande. of þe. 32 beres alway. þere. þe signe. 34 forme. 35 borne. 36 done bytwene. sarasins.

p. 13, 8 regued. kyng & lorde. 9 lande. Isay. 11 hir sonne. 12 lo saies. maiden̛. 13 conseyve. 14 seek. deetℏ. 16 to þe walle. 17 saies. dede. onely. 18 had none eire and for. 23 here (of om.). 25 agayns. shulde. 26 þis. 27 hevyn̛. wondred. 28 whenne. tokynne. done. 29 gyftes. 30 for om. 31 Innocentry. 32 not. knowlege. þe. 33 not.

p. 15, 2 þeire messingers. 3 borne. wreten. 4 þougℏ. borne. 5 to hym. 6 yet. not. rise. 9 gave þam. 10 mayden̛. man̛ is. cource. 11 gyf þam. 12 biselich om. 17 þes. 18 killed. 21 name (Ioakim) om., and in his tyme om. 23 weren. 25 prophecied had before. 27 and þus þay. 28 þe om. 29 gaue. 30 forgeten̛. witnesseth. 31 þe Iues. 33 whenne. spake. 34 presciso. afterwarde.

p. 17, 4 commes. cease. 5 þanne þe. 8 Michee om. 9 þis. 10 fullfillid. þam. 17 done. god is. 18 for B. was þe. 19 callyng. 20 when̛. saied. 21 callyng of þe. 22 birtℏ. þis. 23 and so þougℏ. 24 paynyms. yet. þis. þe bokes. 25 fonde. wiste wele. 26 had

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om. by his prophecies byhested. 29 gaf þam. 32 was. 35 som̛. 36 one.

p. 19, 1 neuerþeles. not. 2 moche inst. of onlich. bitoknyd. 13 on heiþe om. al. 14 apon̛. 15 þis. 16 tymbre. growes. good. 17 erbes. 17 many faire. aboute þis hiƚƚ om. 21 made of stone. 22 wondirly. height. on. 24 turnes. 27 in þe. 31 Rightfully. 32 comen̛. 33 fadire. 34 sonne. to be flesshe.

p. 21, 3 saith. Ex. ed. a Cesare augusto & c. 4 discrye. 6 Cirre. yode furtℏ. 7 yode. 9 þe om. wiche. called. 10 maynye. 11 yode. contre. 12 whiche. 13 cōmen̛. 14 s. Marye om. hir. 16 cloþes. layd. 17 shipperdes. 18 þeire. an. 19 cōme. þam̛. 20 had. 21 þam. 24 shaƚƚ. 25 cloþes. and om. 26 sodenly. cōme. angels. 27 said. exc. deo. 28 in heght. peas. 30 gret om. 31 has. 32 Celers. 33 þe erthe. 34 called. 36 somtyme an house.

p. 23, 2 borne. 3 anoynted. 4 place. 5 borne. modir. sainte. 7 called. or helid. 8 hit was called so, was by-cause. 10 heled. blacke. 12 comon̛ callynge. 13 also (and om.) hit was. 14 of d. hostillers. 15 tye þeire. 18 into. of þinge. 19 þedir. marked. not.

p. 25, 15 whenne. wonne & destroyed. 16 walles. 19 brede. 35 werkes. 36 agayne.

p. 27, 4 borne. yode. 6 þay cōme. 7 places. 8 pore. yode. 10 sawe. 11 apon̛. 13 nere. 15 in þe derke. 17 borne. disease. 19 bifore. 20 faþom̛. 21 mans (or mane?). teide. 22 herberowe. 23 bande þat asse þat oure lady rode on̛. in om. same om. 24 wrappyd hir blessed sonne. 25 laid. hey before. 27 and--contrey (28) om. 29 borne. 30 saith. 31 an. apon̛ þe. 32 as1 om. brede. 33 þat is quik brede (seiþ om.). 34 came. 35 þat oure lorde was borne in. 36 called.

p. 29, 1 bodely. 2 gostely. added: þerfore shulde be borne in Bethleem rathir þanne in any oþer place. 4 borne. 5 contray. sainte. 7 shipperdes. þeire. 8 borne. 9 gyfeth. 10 ffurþermore. 12 fedde. þam. beere. lion̛. 13 saitℏ. 14 ij tymes. were. þeire flocke. 15 þo. whenne. 16 one. 17 lande. 18 byheste. wondrly. 19 montaignes. 20 not. 21 wele knowe. for. 24 as in valeis. playne. 26 shuƚƚ. 27 gedred. þam. dweƚƚ. 28 put. caues. borne. 29 chaff. markedde. lordes. 30 wol bye hit. þeire houses. 31 apon̛ þeire mete-borde in a basyn̛. þeire. 33 comunly. 34 wodes. place. shadowe. 35 floode.

p. 31, 2 commys. 3 seedys and om. 4 of herbes. feldes. 6 p. in. 7 place. 9 heyere. place. 10 place. 11 places. 12 Cristesmas. barly begynnes. eeres. to om. 13 waxe. calle amanges. 14 calle amanges þam. þeire. þat same tyme om. 16 when̛. 17 bytwene þt place þere...and Bethleem. þe. 21 and daye om. waked and þay now in. 22 dwelle. þeire. 23 yette. 24 bare. 28 of age lxij yere whan she deyed. 30 No new Chapt. þoo. 32 herode. 34 yette.

p. 33, 1 borne. 2 august. Romaynes. subgetes. 3 þem. landes. 4 þem. honde. 5 an. 6 borue. 11 yette. 12 in her2 om. said. 14 cesed not. 15 forsoke not. 17 verray. 18 vtterly. 21 sceptir. 22 done. stocke. 24 abiden̄ fore. be bytwene. 25 þeire. 26 þeire. 28 borne. 29 aƚƚ om. 30 calle apon̛. 32 abiden̛ fore & lokyd after. 33 astronomyers. 34 oure. borne. 35 begonne to rise. 36 in om.

p. 35, 1 and alday. hieste. 2 ayre. eny. 3 whanne. 4 hye. bytwene. 5 neuerþeles. som̛. say. 6 borne. sonnes. 7 sene. whenne. vp on higℏ. 9 þe st. þat þis. was. 10 like. ben pointed. 11 places. 12 light. þanne. brand. 13 fire. ayer. 14 bemys. 17 of a crosse. voice. 18 seynge. 21 borne. 22 hane abyden̛. þam. 23 goos & sekes. to om. 27 failes noght. saint. saies. 29 calles þoo. not. þoo. 31 gave. 33 gyve. 36 whenne þey see.

p. 37, 1 mervelous. 3 neuerþeles. 5 was om. aboden̛. 6 Seynt om. Grisostom̛ telles. founde. 7 certen̛. 9 þis. fonde. 10 in bokes. per cause. kynne. 11 þat he pr. 12 texte. 14 risynge. 15 whenne. was borne. 16 knowlege. 17 þam. 18 þam. any died. 20 wayte. 21 þis. 23 place. 24 ayere. 25 place. þis. 26 of nec. 27 levynge. þis. stoden. 28 hie. praieres. 29 praynge. risynge. 30 comen̛. þis. þis. 32 þeire praieris. sodaynly. 33 apon̛ þam̛. ayere. 34 eest party. 35 þer om. an.

p. 39, 4 seen̛. 5 þis. 7 þem. gyftes. 9 reuerence and worship. þis. 10 lordes and kynges 11 apon̛. texte. 12 xij. birthe. offerde. 14 No new Chapt. þis. 15 blessed kynges. 16 sekirre. þis. 17 astronomyers. beforsaid. 18 gladde. 19 longe; tyme om. 20 abyden̛. 21 loked. þis sterre om. þis 22 yf þay were euerlyke of þam ferre fro. 23 oþere purpose. yette. 24 one. one oure.

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þam. 25 hem om. 26 gyftes. diuers riche.

p. 41, 6 þeire bestes. & for d. 7 vitailles. 8 for beste. 9 plentye. 10 suffice to þam. 12 afore. 27 ben̛ Iles. waters. 28 orrible. 29 growes. reedes. 30 houses. ben̛. 31 þam self ferre fro. þis. 32 growe--also om. ben̛ many perilouse. 33 passe fro a k. to a. 34 wreten̛. 36 in E.

p 43, 1 No new Chapt. 4 borne. 6 lightly saile. reed. 7 Firthermore. 8 fro. passen̛. 9 say. 10 it om. semes. þow om. 11 water. 12 salte. 13 place þerof þat men̛ may. 14 lies. 15 þerof. 16 hase. ebbes. floweȝ. 17 Occian̛. and his but. 18 brode. broddest. 19 yode. fote. 20 pursuyd þam. drowned. 21 rede om. flowis. 22 into þe. 23 called. passeth. 24 com̄yth. marchauntis. 26 passen̄ furtℏ. 27 & so. be bore om. 28 ffurthermore. 29 as--aforesayd om. 30 also is. also om. and om. 31 growetℏ. 32 hit om. 33 also is founde. wondirly. 35 an. called.

p. 45, 1 called. stone. 2 kutte. 6 No new Chapt. 7 & of. 8 borne. offerde. ensence. 9 was also in. 10 called. contrey. grewe. 12 groweȝ. places. 13 hit om. droppes. certaine. 14 places. þer om. 15 none. 17 No new Ch. 18 called. 19 offerde. 20 lande. called Egris willa. 21 lies. 22 growes. eny place. 23 worlde, & waxes right þycke (= R). waxes. an. 24 lyke. fire inst. of wedir. and--thyk om. here. 25 waxeȝ. 26 cleues. 27 þanne. taken̛. cordes & gyrdlys. 28 and þanne þe. 29 cleues apon þe. 30 wrongen̛. 31 waxes Timiama. ye. 32 done. 33 þis. 34 and þilke 1. þis giftes.

p. 47, 1, wexes & growes. also þey þe whiche. offerd. 2 þe om. rathir of þis lordes whiche shulde. 3 called. londes. þe proph. Dauid. 6 kynge. thaarȝ. 7 offere gyftes. 8 þese. 9 called. 10 called. 11 called. 12 called. & Thaars is annexid to þe same yle (the rest om.). 14 þeire. 17 þe om. Criste is. 18 Theophile. also a om. 19 werkes. saien̛. done. þese. 20 stered. 21 borne. 22 birde. þe om. called. whiche had. 24 borne. 25 spices. 27 cercle. & in þe hiest party of þe cercle. 28 sprongen̛. 30 of þe. yode. 31 ayere. many voices spake. 32 borne. 33 aƚƚ þe. 34 wyffe. birtℏ. vp right. feet. 36 cried. borne. þe om.

p. 49, 2 leve. 3 shaƚƚ I die. done. 4 Remigye seyes. opynyons. þis. 5 sōme sey. 6 of Chaldee om. worshipt. 9 saith. tonge. 10 þe philsofres. 13 No new Chapt. þis. 14 ornamentes. 16 yf so be þat. 17 þem̛. ne intencion om. 18 longe way. bitwene euery. 19 yette. yode even̛-like. 20 before. þeire. 21 rested þam. 22 yode furth or rode. yode forthe before. 23 þam̛. euermore om. gave. 24 to aƚƚ þat þere ware. wreten̛. 25 borne. 26 þes. 27 yode. 30 þis. yode. 31 gretely m. 32 sye. 33 passe. 35 where ne om. were cōme of.

p. 51, 2 a grete. 3 þat. 4 of om. þis. redyn. 5 londes & k.. rode. 6 perilouse places &. waters. 7 playnes. & om. places. 8 eny d. 9 none. 10 herberowe. none hostrye. 11 ne (inst. of neþer) ete nor. 12 þeire. þat þay. þeire way. 13 semed 14 one. þis. 15 londes. 17 borne. 20 many--ffor (21) om. 21 som. telles. 22 & to. middes. 23 telles. þis hastely. 24 þese. and to. 25 says. 27 admirabile. 29 of god almyghty moght. 30 man̛ is. witte. 31 hase. 32 shewes. 33 an. 34 hede. þe Iurye. 35 þe om. a om. Iurnay. bytwene. 36 lions.

p. 53, 2 agayn̛. 3 out--and (4) om. 6 middes of þe ij bestes. 7 merveled. 10 lyons. eny. 11 yate. or of. 14 þese. 15 þe Iurye. 18 borne. pouerte. 20 yette. mervelously. 22 maieste. 24 No new Chapt. kynges blessed euer in þeire way. 25 þeire ooste & þeire c. were om. 26 saue. 27 heled. 32 comen̛. 33 sprongen̛.

p. 55, 2 by. 3 done. 4 god is. 6 heght. þeves. 7 trespasses. put. 8 an. 11 þe way. abode. yode. 12 ferthure. 14 places. a. kirke. 17 No new Chapt. þis comen̛. 18 þe cloude. 21 called. 23 afore. 24 into. 27 wreten̛. 29 afore. 30 lande which. called. 35 No new Chapt. þese.

p. 57, 1 comen̛. þis places. 2 in þe. 3 wexe. þe. 4 sawe. nere. 5 yf inst. of þouȝ. 6 ȝit om. 7 and men om. com̄e. 10 oste. 11 þis. euery. 12 mette. 13 þis. 14 before. seen̛. 15 neuer om. 16 euerycℏ one. 18 if. 19 yitte. as to oþer v. 20 one. And--and (21) om. 21 to om. 22 & þat aƚƚ þere cause; wille--her om. 23 aƚƚ ac. 24 reddyn furtℏ. 27 kynge is. 30 bore om. And inst. of Ferþermore. 32 distroubled. sodaine. 33 oostes. 34 and so.

p. 59, 12 gedred. 14 þis. Nabrotℏ. þei om. 15 or none. 16 wexes. bodie. 17 goote. 18 þis. ben. 19 taken̛. 20 may. þam̛. 23 comen. 26 of om. 27 borne. spekeþ. 30 whenne. 33 borne. 34 sye. 35 distroubled.

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36 gedred.

p. 61, 1 called. 2 borne. 3 þis is wreten̛. 4 þe om. 5 of þe. 7 called. þis. 10 gos & enqueres bisilye. 12 cōmes. 13 yode. 14 sawe. yode furtℏ afore hem. 15 where þat þe. sye. 16 yode to. 17 founde þey. 18 tresoures. offerd. 19 Of þis om. 22 wreten̛. expounde. 24 sawe. þat þes þat were kynges come wt þeire oost out. 27 þer. 28 troubled. 29 þat om. comen̛ fro. 30 borne. 32 but om. an. 33 Romayneȝ. that he. 34 borne. 35 þis. god is.

p. 63, 6 & þes scribes. of longe t. before. Criste is. 7 place. borne. may. 9 Of þese. spekes. 10 an. saies. 14 may. 17 before. sawe. not. neuerþeles. 20 among hem om. 21 not. 22 borne. before. 23 not only by lore; þat--bore om. 24 borne. to om. 31 Criste is. 32 place. borne. 33 þan om. 34 vnto þem̛ ageyne. yode. 35 afore.

p. 65, 1 shipperdes. 3 rode. 5 sawe. ronne. 6 suche. in om. suche a. 7 an. tolde to þem. 8 ffurþermore. 9 spoken. and--seiȝe om. 10 done. euery thyng om. 11 wherfore. 12 þis. 13 wordes. of þe w. þe inst of þes. 18 birthe. 19 spake. þe. 21 bryȝter & bryȝter om. sawe (!). and þat. 22 yode afore. Childre. 23 fire. yode. 25 yode furthe. afore. 26 þis. 28 saies. 29 makes, þat as an. and ij walles. 30 kirke. 31 peples. of ij walles. 32 is. feitℏ. 33 whiche is C. I. þis. 35 a cornerstone om. feitℏ.

p. 67, 3 mean̛. 4 botℏ he drewe þem. 5 peple. 7 saies. 8 makyng as two þ. in one. 10 þis. and--cornerstone (11) om. 12 cōme. 16 þe sh.. byleued. 17--26 om. 28 No new Chapt. 29 spoken. þe. 30 gave. rode. 31 comen̛. 32 horses. 35 rode.

p. 69, 1 yode afore þem; forþe om. þey inst. of þe kyngis. 2 was borne. 3 þat om. 4 yode. houre. 5 þe whiche day. 6 rode furtℏ. before. 8 þe. or þe. 9 afore. 11 aƚƚ þat. 13 aboue in. 14 þe same place. was borne of oure lady. 16 rode & offerd. 20 an. 22 but yf. goolde. 23 elles. 24 wt. wt. 26 ffreres menouris. 27 offer. 28 may. nor goolde. 35 Philippi macedo om.

p. 71, 1 Peres. ieweƚƚ. 2 fonde. Salamon̛ is. 3 tempeƚƚ. vessels. were. 5 borne. 8 þis. were. offire. 9 comen̛. 10 horses. 12 manhode. 13 pure. 15 wreten̛. 17 þis. 18 keuered. 19 clos afore. 21 hilled. 22 satte. 23 almyghty is. þe. 24 comen̛. founde. 25 pore. 26 yeuen. place. 28 & þanne. 30 with hem om. 31 hapnyd. 34 tresoure. appuƚƚ. 35 esily. 36 þis. offerde.

p. 73, 1 mean̛. of. 2 tresoure. 5 of. þat inst. of wherof. 7 saies. 10 afore. 11 ethiop̄s. like. 12 bokbited. 13 steppes.

p. 75, 14 tresoure. 15 þis. 17 wordes. 20 hir. 22 þis iij. what -- done om. 23 as afterwarde. But om. 25 of kynge Alisaunder. 26 þe a. 27 gedred. 32 þis. 34 person̄s. 35 moche. þat om. 36 comen̛.

p. 77, 1 nerre. 2 borne. 4 of spices. 6 comes. 8 marchaundiseȝ. 9 landes. 10 rises. 11 suffir. 12 wonte. borne beyonde. 13 londe. 14 deef. by. 15 wirke. aƚƚ om. þis. 16 one tyme come þey. 10 londe. þis. 18 offerde. 19 spekyn̛ diuerslye. bookes. 20 hire. 21 aƚƚ contreys. 22 passes. 23 to his o. dorre. 25 not. holden̛. 26 betoknys. 28 to þe maument. done.

p. 79, 2 in om. oure lorde. Criste is. 3 poeeste. manne is. 4 perteines. 5 þis. 6 ȝiftes om. offers. 8 offeringe. confused. 9 not. 10 been. 11 þat god is. 12 and of þe incarnacion of þe kynde. 13 forsakes in. god is sonne. 14 þerfore. þis. 15 of whōme. 18 byleue and feithe. 19 þat one. forsakes. 20 denies. manhode. þis. 21 þridde. þe Nestoryen. confounded. 22 deuide. in ij. 23 canne not. ne vnderstonde. þis. 24 offred. 26 to criste þis iij gyftes as to man̛. 28 departed in þes gyftes. 29 in þe iij gyftes and knowen̛ god and man̛. 32 No new Chapt. And ȝe shuƚƚ vnderstonde. 34 bowed. 35 borne. 36 saied before. yette. þis.

p. 81, 2 is be. 3 and in. 4 neuerþelesse 6 made. 7 offrede. þat appil om. 8 to-broken̛. 9 a stone. 10 kutte. 11 man̛ is hande. brake an. 12 poudre. þat. 13 sawe. 15 borne. þe om. 17 into nouȝt om. 23 offred. done. 24 asked. 25 begune. 27 afore. dronken̛. 28 afore. moche inst. of mekelyche. 29 that cite of om. 30 þat þe. 32 hit. 35 responso in sompnis. 36 in an.

p. 83, 3 yode. 4 afore. yode afore þat tyme. 5 yode. 6 herberowe. by. 8 cōmen̄. 9 togedre. 12 rode. 13 riden̛. 14 supposed. 15 ben̛ comen̛. 16 eny towne or Citee. 17 preched. seen̛. 18 done. place as. 20 wondirlye. 22 forgeten̛. 23 m. of þinges. 24 lacked. 25 meynye and aƚƚ þeire bestes come. 26 sauff. londe. 27 ryden̛. 29 vnneþeȝ. nor. 31 done. feele. 32 bytwene godde is wyrkynge. 34 aƚƚ om. 35 gone. 36 as he.

p. 85, 1 wtgrete. 5 angre. 7 ryden̛. 8 apon̛. suffred. 10 made. goodes. 12

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wt. 15 yode. 16 gydes. 17 rode. coude not teƚƚ. 18 wondirfully. 19 þe Iues. 20 places. þerof. 22 had. 23 oure lorde criste called þis. 27 so om. 27 to vse and so. contynues. 32 þis. 33 dwelles.

p. 87, 7 No new Chapt. þis. comen̛. 11 rested. 14 lordes & princes. 15 and1om. 17 rode. 22 testament. done. 24 fro. 26 þis. 27 euerychone fro. 28 hertes. 29 comen̛. 30 londes and kyngdom̄s. 31 seen̛. done. 32 her om. 34 left.

p. 89, 3 þis. kynges worshipfully dwelled. 8 done. gone. 9 þeire own̛. 10 waxe. 11 hir. 12 þe. 13 borne. 14 þe erthe. 15 hire. god is. 16 women̛. loved. 20 of þis. 23 gave. souke. one tyme. 24 on þe. feƚƚ. 26 seen̛. yette. 27 knyves. 28 borne. places wt. 29 gone. 30 comen̛. forgeten̛. 32 wounden̛. folden̛. 34 place. 36 þedir.

p. 91, 1 helde. 2 borne. place & a cursed. 3 not suffire. 5 Iuys. yode. 6 comen̛. 7 hire. turtles. doves. 8 þe sc. telleþ. 9 in his armes. 11 suffire. 12 oolde. 13 scribe. prophecieed. 15 witnesseth hit. 17 comen̛. 19 And om. 20 seis. 21 þe angeƚƚ of oure lorde. 25 lese þem̛. 26 yode. 31 þis ij places. growes roses. 32 called. þis. growes. 33 place. 34 yode.

p. 93, 1 gedres þis. 2 of þe. selles. 6 growes. 8 ben̛. 9 welles. 10 wasshed. 11 ben̛. 12 roses. 13 þis. 14 ben̛. hiere. lengthe. 15 leves. 17 clere. 18 þis. 20 hase ben̛ oft-tymes preued. 21 kepes. 22 growes. may. 23 þere for. 24 roddes kyttes. 25 kutte. 25 ere bounden̛. 26 cotton̛. 27 rennes. 29 vndir-nethe þis. 30 a om. pottis. 31 pottis be. galons apece. pottis. 32 hase. 33 eny messenger. 34 gyfes to hym. fyaƚƚ 35 so om. gedred. 36 droppes oute of þis roddes no more. gose.

p. 95, 1 whiche ben̛. 2 sethen̛. 4 swymmes abouen̛. 5 flesshe. þickere. like. 6 brisoures. 9 borne furtℏ aƚƚ aboute in þe w. 11 droppes. 12 toke. laid. 13 honde. rennes. 14 roten̛. 16 called. 17 sodden̛. 20 truly. hase souche. 25 Nowe shuƚƚ ye redely here. 26 whiche (om. þe). 28 and--disp. om. abraham is fadire. þis. 30 called Nylus. 31 yode of. 32 into þe londe of Ebron̛. 33 called. þe same. 35 childre.

p. 97, 2 brethren. merchauntes. 3 gilt om. 4 died. þis. gilt om. 5 bye. 5 ornamentis. 6 in. 7 kynge is. 9 gilt om. 10 Iuelles. 11 Salamon̛ is sonne. 16 þat tyme Melchior. 17 borne. 17 in. 18 borne. 19 Ar. and also of Nubye as hit is af. 23 toke þem̛. 25 yode. 27 þe gyftes. 28 bonde. hire. 33 no man̛ ne leche. 34 as om. 36 anoþere place, and þanne he founde þis.

p. 99, 1 bounden̛. aƚƚ om. 2 þis. before. 3 godde yode. 5 soche an. 6 praied. 7 so om. 11 bounden̛ to-gedre. 12 sawe. 13 bade. 14 offere. 16 & offred--autere (17) om. 19 sawe soche. vpon̛. 20 of þat. 21 bycause soche oblacioneȝ. 22 seen̛. of þe temple om. 24 tresoure. 25 afore Criste is. 26 cōme. 30 gafe. 32 done. 33 þis. 34 suffire. manne kynde. 36 yode.

p. 101, 3 þanne þe. 4 þis. felde. sepultre. 5 saies. 11 þe2 om. 12 done. 15 borne. 17 places. 18 called 19 þe cause is þis. 21 caƚƚ. calles. 22 beyonde. scutes. florynȝ. yette. 24 coppire. 25 gilt om. 26 þe oon̛. kynge is. on þe. 27 wreten̛. 28 canne. reede. 29 worthe. weght. value. floryens. 33 an. seith. 34 beden̛. to. þere om. 35 called. spekes. 36 saies.

p. 103, 1 called. 2 eertℏ. 3 telles. 5 No new Chapt. 6 taken̛ agains. 7 deueƚƚ. 10 ynde om. 11 and yf. 12 yode. 12 done. þe om. 14 þe om. 15 his syde. 16 in þe. 17 þe which rose. 18 þat he shulde. 22 profuitom. 26 prophete. 29 it om. twice. 30 it om. 31 here om. 32 Bartilmewe. 35 wreten̛. haue. 36 þat þe oon̛. brodder.

p. 105, 1 of þe. 2 half þe. 3 nor. 4 a om. 6 shuƚƚ ye here. 8 done. þrogℏ. 9 helpynge. 10 seek. 13 þis. 14 yode. 15 temple. 16 painted. 17 borne. 18 abouen̛. 19 sawe. Bisshop̄ȝ. 23 toknynge. borne. 25 yode. landeȝ. 26 wondirly. 28 borne. 29 home om. landes. 31 done. sene. temples. 34 aƚƚ om. 35 childhede.

p. 107, 1 on. 6 halowed. 7 borne. as it is om. 8 rise. 9 þe ap. om. 10 miracles. 16 þe signe. 17 places. 19 bene. 21 taght. 22 þe om. yode. 24 had an. 25 tiƚƚ þat. seen̛. 27 and he toke. 28 praied. 29 dye. 30 bapteme. 31 herde saye. 32 comen̛. called.

p. 109, 2 feble. yeette. 6 þis iij w. 8 to om. 15 þe whiche. 19 aforesaid. 20 þus. 21 came. 26 done. 27 yode. 28 halowed. 32 to þem. 33 soche. 34 risen̛. 36 wymen̛.

p 111, 1 visette þe. on þe. 4 come. þis. 6 called. Sevyƚƚ. 7 yette. 8 dwellys preter. 9 called. dwelles. called. 12 called. 18 sacred þis. 19 into. 20 Bisshoppes prestes &

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Clerkes. 21 archeb. 22 halowe. 24 temple. 25 clerkes. gafe. 26 god is. 29 prestes. 30 messe. 31 seied.

p. 113, 1 charged. forgete. 3 yode. 7 he telles. 10 wymen̛. 11 noght herye. 15 god is. 16 wordes. 17 kirkes. and om. 22 called. 24 certen̛. 26 degre om. 27 afore. 29 ordeyned om. 30 calle. and om. 32 kirke. 33 childre nor. 34 noþer. quenes nor. 36 and aƚƚ.

p. 115, 1 aƚƚ om. of þe C. 2 in þe. 3 died aƚƚ / yff. 4 Croniclere. Criste is. Theophile. 5 Criste is. 6 after þe. and had. 8 writynge. 11 writen̛. 12 dignite maydenes om. 14 and2 om. 15 deynge. agayn̛. 18 leue. 19 angeƚƚ is. man̛ is. 20 aƚƚ togidir om. 21 þei om. 22 amonge þem aƚƚ a man̛. chefe. 23 men om. stede. 25 þat he om. 26 called. þe om. 27 done. 28 chosen̛. þis. 35 chaunged. called. 36 to þe.

p. 117, 3-8 And whanne þus was done þanne þey chose and ordeined amonge þem a myghty lorde. 10 rise or tempte. 11 agayn̛. 15 called kynge nor E. 16 called preter. 17 in þe. 18 owes. 19 and anoþer. 20 called preter. 21 þe Eu. 22 chosen̛. lofed. 24 Criste god a. of whom̄e oure lorde saith. 25 þat om. childre. be borne. 26 wymen̛. nor. 28 chosen̛. 30 preeste. 31 chieff. þis. 32 ȝit om. 33 done. yode. 35 abode.

p. 119, 3 gafe. 4 called. a om. 9 appired. 10 nere. 13 tumbe. kirke. 14 ordeyned þere. 15 Cristesmas. 18 seied. 19 messe solempnylye. 20 a om. & om. 21 afor. laid. 22 yelde. 23 & so he died. 26 tombe. 28 of Ep. 32 þe om. 33 Cxij yere.

p. 121, 6 afore. 12 leied 14 euerychone fro .gaf. 15 myddes bytwene. 16 þis. in holy writt om. 20 and Erch. om. 21 loufed. 23 buryed. 25 on slepe. 26 on lyve. 27 vncorupte. 28 and praieres. 33 by see. 35 souccoure.

p. 123, 2 workynge. 5 No new Chapt. 6 whan þat þe. 9 vertuoes destriere. 10 angeƚƚ. 13 places. 17 helden̛. 19 so þat om. preter. 21 correccioun om. 26 forgeten̛. 27 ne at. 28 þus iij. 29 vncorupte. 32 askes. 36 comen̛.

p. 125, 2 in a cheste. honestlych om. 3 landes. 6 tyme om. 18 And--Cryst (19) om. 23 place (!). 24 halowed. 28 done. 30 stode. sawe. 31 remewed. 32 to. 34 appired.

p. 127, 4 borne. let make. 5 gave. exc. deo. 12 done. yode in to B. 13 and om. 15 ne. helde þat place. 16 fro. gone. 17 þat. þere--bore om. 18 came þydire. cme. 19 ne. in þat plaas om. came. 20 þat. founde þat same haye. 22 wonde. lady is. 26 chieff. 35 done.

p. 129,4 let. þat. 5 þe. 6 was s. Ierom̄e buried. 7 Eust. also. þe om. Romayneȝ. 11 lileƚƚ faire. 14 And--of Gal. (15) om. 13 Also beside Galilee. 17 afore. 19 narowe. 20 an. 24 þat--hem om. 21 No new Chapt. had þis. 32 beganne. þinke. 33 had. 36 comen̛.

p. 131, 21 his holy p. 27 of þis kyngis. 29 of--kyngis om. whiche was I. 34 þridde om. body om. þe said lady s. E. 36 þe om.

p. 133, 22 bodies. 23 ioy and riches. 26 þe kyrke. 31 þe. 32 þornes. 34 bic. þat þe. p. 135, 1 cāme. 3 Emperours lande. 4 Lowys þe kynge. 15 and also--lawe (17) om. 19 yf. 21 Grece. 26 þe tyme of þis. þe2 om. wanne. 28 landes. 29 cāme. called. 31 aƚƚ þis londis. 33 and þis. 34 translated. founden̛.

p. 135, 1 called. 3 done. 4 geten̛. 7 & and also þat. 8 vnto. 9 þis om. sente hem̄. 10 called. 11 Freres. 17 þat was. 18 called. 20 of Col. om. 21 came to þe Cite. 22 of Mel. om. 24 þe b. 24 þe om. called. 29 lorde is. with. 30 honde 32 praynge þat he. 35 so do. comen̛ to hym. 36 þanue he praid þe Erchebisshop̄.

p. 139, 1 and lordschippe om. 2 and þanne. gyve to the archebisshop. 3 þes 5 &--Emp. om. and so was. 8 and he sent furtℏ. 9 meyny 12 þis iij b. 13 Neuerþeles. 18 iij om. 20 and be om. 22 wirkes. 23 þrougℏ þis. 25 iij. tymes. 26 called preester. 27 calle. 31 þere. þere. 34 þridde offrynge. 35 of þe masse om.

p. 141, 1 offrynge om. þe offer e. 2 þey offer m. 4 eueryche of þem. 5 holdes. 6 certeyn om. 8 yf þey be. 10 afterward here. 11 wat. 13 of þis. 18 candilles. 21 vigiƚƚ. 22 gose. 23 comes. dorre. seyes. 25 vespere. 26 even̛. 27 afore. 28 yf. done.

p. 143, 2 þey be. a om. 3 grete crosses. 5 comyn̛. 6 and euery s. stondes. 7 þem-self. 11 red. 12 worshippes. 13 offres. done. 16 a om. 17 and seint. 22 wessℏ. 25 may. 26 nere. 27 and Clerkys om. 28 done. 29 as--af. om. 30 gose. 32 called.

p. 145, 2 þe messe. 4 seys. 5 And om. 11 And also. 19 diocise. 13 Iude. And also in. 14 þus iij. 16 þe. 17 rede þes. 20 þis. 21 redes. 22 Saraȝens. 23 hase. 24 in om. 25 þe Nestoriens. 26 þus. 27 an. 29 Emperoure; sone om. 30 Emperour is. Tyrtaryn̛.

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31 lande. yolden̛. mennes. 32 handes. 33 Colayne. 34 þe. 36 nor.

p. 147, 20 ben̄.

p. 149, 1 rose. 2 þes om. 4 calles. 6 capitayn̛. 8 killed. 13 yode. preester. 16 on om. 17 þes. 19 ne souccour. 20 god is. 22 wakynge. 23 his. 24 aƚƚ his. 25 gyven̛. þes lordes--aboute om. 31 counsele. 32 called. with a.

p. 151, 2 peple. were mette. 3 John̄ is. 5 Casteƚƚ. 7 þerof. 9 to om. of om. to þis. 18 wakened. 22 one. 29 worþi om. 31 þe w. 33 dwelled.

p. 153, 1 bene. 5 bene. 5 bene. 8 of þis iij k. whiche. 13 her om. 14 beres. soubdeken̛. 15 beres. þat þis. 18 bene. Iohn̄ is. 19 ben̛. 20 an. 21 yrne. 22 knowen̛. 23 and. preestis. þe om. mete to--so far Ms. Vesp.; the last fol. is torn out.

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