The new religions of Japan : a bibliography of western-language materials
Earhart, H. Byron.


pp. N/A


Page  II

Page  III THE NEW RELIGIONS OF JAPAN: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WESTERN-LANGUAGE MATERIALS H. Byron Earhart Second Edition Ann Arbor Center for Japanese Studies The University of Michigan 1983

Page  IV ISBN 0-939512-13-0 Copyright 0 1983 Center for Japanese Studies The University of Michigan Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Earhart, H. Byron. The new religions of Japan. (Michigan papers in Japanese studies; 9) Bibliography: pp. 23-176 Includes index. 1. Japan-Religion-1868- -Bibliography. I. Title. II. Series. Z7834.J3E2 1983 [BL2207.5] 016.291'0952 83-2054 ISBN 0-939512-13-0 Printed in the United States of America

Page  V to my parents

Page  VI

Page  VII CONTENTS The Author xi Preface to the First Edition xiii Preface to the Second Edition xv Acknowledgments xxv Introduction 1 The New Religions in the Light of Japanese History 1 Definition of the New Religions 4 Western-Language Materials on the New Religions 10 Organization and Utilization of the Bibliography 13 Suggestions for Convenient Use of the Bibliography 15 Table 1: Members of Shin Nihon Shukyo Dantai Rengo-kai (Shin-shu-ren), Union of New Religious Organizations of Japan 17 Table 2: Alternate Names of New Religions 20 PART I 21 General Bibliography (entries 1-259) 23 PART I 65 Bibliography of Individual New Religions (entries 260-1447) 67 Ananaikyo — T 67 (entries 260-283) Bodaiji Mission 69 (entry 284) Bussho-Gonen Kai fL,- 69 (entry 285) Byakko Shinko-kai 01T 69 (entries 286-293) Chowado Henjoky5 Mission of Hawaii Tnii-AJh 70 (entries 294-296) Dotoku Kagaku it {Lt 71 (entries 297-301) Fuso-ky-o m 71 (entries 302-304) Gedatsu-kai A 72 (entries 305-320) vii

Page  VIII viii G enshi F ukuin U ndo R l,,I (entries 321-324) Hommichi (entries 325-341) Hommon Butsuryu —sh-u *P~{lA-/T(entry 342) Ichigen no Miya -37/ (entries 343-344) lesu no Mitama Ky~kai Ky~dan (entries 345-347) Izumo Taisha-ky6 WZ)k:~t (entries 348-352) (entries 353 —;i7) Kagami no Hongi 4 (entry 358) Kami Ichij6-ky?5 *(entry 359) (entry 360) K~d~o Ky?5dan i4~llf (entries 361-366) Kokuchilkai N41 — (entries 367-374) Konkbky? 5 (entries 375-415) Kurozumi-ky5 M{i3V (entries 416-432) Maruyama-ky?5 ALL11 (entry 433) Miizu-kai (entries 434-435) Misogi-ky5 WV (entries 436-438) Nyorai-ky? U* (entries 439-443) Ontake-ky?5 00 (entries 444-447) Oomoto -kt (entries 448-554) PL Ky-odan L-"~~ (or PL (entries 555-594) 73 74 75 76 ( --- 71 c)OaV^7zMH 76 77 77 78 78 78 79 80 81 84 86 86 86 87 87 88 VD] ) 97

Page  IX ix ReiyUl-kai 100 (entries 595-609) Remmon-ky5 MP9 101 (entries 609A-613) Rissh-o K~sei-kai ATRT-.~IE 102 (entries 614-667) SeichU-no-le IP-ROA 107 (entries 668-708) (entries 709-751) Sekai Mahikari Bunmei Kybdan tA:-PV 115 (entries 752-756) Shinnyo-en APA~ 115 (entries 757-759) Shinrei-kyb * St 116 (entries 760-764) Shinri-ky?5 WV 116 (entries 765-766) ShinshU-ky?5 *W 116 (entries 767-768) Shint6 ShUsei-ha {jJ 117 (entries 769-770) Shinto5 Taiky?5 *&-* 117 (entries 771-772) Shinto Taisei-kyb *kji1ZV 117 (entries 773-774) Shint?5 (or Shind~o) Tenk~kyo MMkff 118 (entries 775-776) Sh-uy~dan H?5sei-kai 118 (entry 7 77) S~ka Gakkai AilfiWlj 119 (entries 778-1094) Sliky?5 Mahikari 146 (entry 1095) Taireid-6 ~k~i 146 (entries 1096-1099) Tenk&-ky5 X)~ 147 (entry 1100) Tenriky5 Xfm 147 (entries 1101-1357) TenshU-Kbtai-JingU-Ky;5 Wfi)*9 167 (entries 1358-1402)

Page  X x Todaiji of Hawaii:Xk 171 (entries 1403-1407) Zenrin-kai A 171 (entry 1408) Utopian Groups (entries 1409-1447) General Discussions 172 (entries 1409-1409A) Atarashiki Mura L t, 172 (entries 1410-1412) Ittoen -M[ 173 (entries 1413-1437) Shinkyo,14 175 (entries 1438-1444) Yamagishi-kai v-X= (or i(o ) 175 (entries 1445-1447) Appendixes: Bibliographical Suggestions for Further Reading 177 A. Suggestions for Locating Western-Language Materials on the Japanese New Religions 179 B. Western-Language Materials on Japanese Religion 182 C. Japanese-Language Materials on the New Religions 184 D. Comparative Materials for the Study of New Religious Movements 188 Inexes 193 Author Index 195 Topical Index 203

The Author

pp. xi

Page  XI THE AUTHOR H. Byron Earhart received his Ph.D. in history of religions from the University of Chicago after study at Columbia University and Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan). He spent three years in Japan for research on his dissertation, which was published as A Religious Study of the Mount Haguro Sect of Shugendo (Sophia University, Monumenta Nipponica Monograph). He has written a widely used text, Japanese Religion: Unity and Diversity, and a companion sourcebook, Religion in the Japanese Experience (Wadsworth). A translation from the Japanese of Shigeyoshi Murakami's Nihon Hyakunen no Shukyo was published in English as Japanese Religion in the Modern Century (University of Tokyo Press). He has traveled and studied extensively in Japan and published numerous articles and reviews on the subject of Japanese religion. His present work includes the writing of a general introduction to Japanese religion and the preparation of a book on the New Religion Gedatsu-kai. Dr. Earhart is professor of religion at Western Michigan University, which in 1981 honored him as Distinguished Faculty Scholar. xi

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Preface to the First Edition

pp. xiii-xiv

Page  XIII PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION The Japanese New Religions have probably attracted more attention from a wider group of Western scholars than any other aspect of Japanese religious history. They are of interest not only for the understanding of Japanese history, Japanese religion, and contemporary Japan in general, but also for such comparative study as modernization and cultural change. Thus, they have gained the attention of anthropologists, sociologists, and political scientists, as well as specialists in the field of religion and Japanese studies. As a student of Japanese religion I was interested in this remarkable phenomenon long before I had time to pursue the subject. When I finally began a closer study of the subject, I made it a practice to keep a file of all Western references. As this file grew in size, it occurred to me that, if compiled thoroughly and systematically, a bibliography of this kind could be quite valuable for Western scholars and students. For, although many scholars of various disciplines are interested in the New Religions, few of them are able to read the Japanese materials on the subject. Most will have to depend on Western-language materials, but these materials are scattered in widely diverging and often obscure publications. With the intention of making a comprehensive bibliography available for Western scholars have I undertaken this work. References were compiled mainly during the period 1967-69. Entries were gained first from my own files, then from secondary works on the New Religions, from numerous bibliographical works on Japan and religion, from systematic searching of academic journals, and from library catalogs. A form letter (in Japanese) requesting denominational publications in Western languages was sent to the headquarters of about 200 New Religions. This letter offered payment for publication and shipping cost, but it should be noted that many New Religions kindly sent materials without fee. To confirm complete references to denominational publications I traveled to some of the headquarters of New Religions in the spring of 1969. A number of people familiar with the New Religions have kindly checked the contents of the bibliography at one stage or another. However, in spite of all these precautions, the admission that this work is subject to omissions and errors is an inevitable if unfortunate fact; the compiler apologizes for such deficiencies and begs to be informed of the same. Even as this work goes to press, references have appeared that cannot be printed in the present xiii

Page  XIV xiv Preface to the First Edition edition. It is my hope that, after a few years, these and later publications may be included in another edition. If the making of a bibliography is a thankless task, it is so because there is not sufficient space to thank all those who assisted in its compilation. This incomplete list includes the libraries (and their staffs) at: Western Michigan University, the University of Michigan, the University of Chicago, Notre Dame University, Columbia University, Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York (Missionary Research Library); in Japan: Japanese Diet Library, Kokugakuin University, Sophia (Jochi) University, Tenri University, Tokyo University, International House of Japan, Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai (The Society for International Cultural Relations), International Institute for the Study of Religion, Ministry of Education (Religious Affairs Section), and Oriens Institute for Religious Research. For preliminary help in searching journals thanks are due to Mr. Michael Perrone, undergraduate assistant, under special arrangement with Dr. Samuel I. Clark, Director, Honors College, Western Michigan University. A number of Japanese scholars helped me in obtaining materials and in organizing the bibliography. Mr. Shuten Oishi, Executive Secretary of the Union of New Religious Organizations of Japan, kindly offered advice, materials, and introductions to headquarters of New Religions. Mr. Yuiken Kawawata of the Religious Affairs Section, Ministry of Education, aided in obtaining and verifying information about the New Religions. Professor Fujio Ikado of Tsuda College helped in clarifying the Introduction. While collecting materials in Japan, I was provided office space in the Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics, Kokugakuin University, thanks to Professor Kenji Ueda, Executive Secretary of the Institute. Secretarial help in typing the manuscript was provided by Western Michigan University. For financial aid I acknowledge a Faculty Research Grant from Western Michigan University and a Travel and Study Grant from the Institute of International and Area Studies, Western Michigan University. A 1969 summer stipend from the National Foundation for the Humanities allowed time to organize the bibliography for publication.

Preface to the Second Edition

pp. xv-xxiv

Page  XV PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION A decade has passed since the appearance of the first edition of this work, making it appropriate to comment briefly on the current status of the New Religions, the procedures in compiling the materials for the second edition, the nature of these materials, and some changes in the format of the bibliography. The simplest generalization one can make about the Japanese New Religions is that they continue today, much as they did ten years ago, as one of the most powerful and conspicuous forces on the Japanese religious scene. In fact, the New Religions are more powerful and better organized than they were in the 1960s. The present situation of the New Religions is a result of the continuous process of "growth" they have experienced: the New Religions have advanced in organizational development as they have increased in age, and now most New Religions have rather elaborate bureaucratic structures. Of course, the level of development and extent of change depends greatly on the relative age of the particular movement. For example, Tenrikyo, founded in 1838, has had about a century since the death, in 1887, of its foundress, Mrs. Miki Nakayama, to systematize its teachings, branch organization, administrative headquarters, and overseas mission, and even to found a major private university. As can be expected from its more lengthy history, Tenrikyo achieved a highly developed organizational structure much earlier and has not changed that much during the past decade. On the other hand, Soka Gakkai, whose founding in 1937 followed by a century that of Tenrikyo's, and which gained momentum only in the 1950s through the effort of several dynamic leaders (after the death of the founder, Tsunesabur6 Makiguchi, during World War II), has developed more recently and more rapidly. The relatively shorter history of Soka Gakkai is reflected in the fact that it has undergone more dramatic changes during the past decade: the 1970s saw the opening of Soka University; the relationship of Soka Gakkai to its political arm, Komeito (the Clean Government Party), has been seriously challenged; and even the relationship of Soka Gakkai to its formal parent organization, Nichiren Shoshu (a Buddhist denomination in the Nichiren line), has experienced serious difficulties. A somewhat different case is that of the New Religions whose founders are still living and are actively directing the course of development and organization xv

Page  XVI xvi Preface to the Second Edition of their movements: these religions may continue to undergo significant shifts of energy and direction throughout the coming decades. One interesting change in the overall situation of New Religions is that recent years have not seen many founders (or foundresses) appearing to set up new movements. It seems that the most important developments are the expansion, consolidation, and elaboration of existing New Religions. The newly formed organizations tend to be more in the nature of secessions or splinters from existing organizations than based on the fresh inspiration of charismatic founders. (This is a matter of degree, for many of the earlier "founders" borrowed from previous New Religions; the point is that the day of powerful founding figures seems to be on the wane, and the time of organizing geniuses is at hand.) This is not the place to analyze and document the status of the Japanese New Religions. It is enough to show that they continue to be important aspects of social and religious change in contemporary Japan. Therefore, the original purpose of this bibliography is renewed in the second edition: to make available to students of social and religious change a comprehensive list of Western-language materials on the Japanese New Religions. Some more specific remarks may be directed to the new materials in this edition. A serious attempt was made to broaden the geographical scope of the coverage for this edition, particularly for Hawaiian and South American materials. Two days spent in the library and special collections of the University of Hawaii resulted in more complete coverage of Japanese New Religions in Hawaii, as indicated under the topic "Hawaiian branches" in the Topical Index. In fact, several Hawaiian movements that may be considered New Religions of Japanese origin did not appear in the first edition but are included in this edition: Bodaiji Mission, Chowado Henjoky6 Mission of Hawaii, and Todaiji of Hawaii. However, such a brief excursion into Hawaiian culture, far from ensuring complete coverage, only serves to indicate that more thorough work needs to be done in this area. Several other movements might have been included if reliable information about them could have been obtained. It is hoped that other scholars will collect and publish this information on religion in Hawaii,1 a task that goes beyond the limits of this bibliography. It seemed better to publish these items on Hawaiian branches and admit their incompleteness than to accept the less desirable alternatives: either exclude Hawaiian branches from the bibliography or delay publication of this second edition until more comprehensive coverage of Hawaiian movements became possible. 1. See the Japanese-language work of Yanagawa and Morioka (entry 253), which includes some English-language materials and is planned for translation into English. More work of this nature would greatly improve our knowledge of Japanese religion in Hawaii, including new religious movements.

Page  XVII Preface to the Second Edition xvii South American materials were searched by using the leads in The Japanese and Their Descendants in Brazil: An Annotated Bibliography, by searching the Library of Congress, and through interlibrary loan. Some materials were also sent in by Rev. Kjell Nordstokke. The same note of caution, however, applies to both the Hawaiian and South American materials: although more comprehensive coverage is included in the second edition, more work needs to be done. Until the above-mentioned bibliography is updated, or another work is produced, a 1979 article by Robert J. Smith (entry 210) provides a quick overview of the South American situation. Some new materials in European languages, notably German and French, are included in this edition, but no European libraries were searched, and it is to be expected that there are other works on Japanese New Religions in these languages. It may be well at this point to make a general disclaimer: the present bibliography, while attempting to be comprehensive, is certainly not exhaustive. Out of the hundreds of New Religions in Japan, surely more than those represented in this bibliography have produced Western-language materials. And obviously there are publications about the New Religions, articles and books not found in standard bibliographies and periodical indexes, that are not included in this edition. I have already begun to file such materials as they become known to me, and I will continue to actively search citations with the intention of preparing a third edition. (As this edition goes to press, the file includes more than a hundred entries.) Corrections and additions to this bibliography will be greatly appreciated; they can be sent to me at the Department of Religion, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008, U.S.A. The only subject that was deliberately limited while searching was Komeito (the Clean Government Party), the political arm of Soka Gakkai. So many general works on Japan, particularly works on Japanese history and politics, briefly mention Komeito that to include all such works would have inordinately expanded that section of the bibliography without adding to its value. Only articles and books dealing with Komeito at greater length have been added to this bibliography. For additional references, please consult Komeit6 or Clean Government Party in the indexes of general books on Japan. The general nature and quality of works on Japanese New Religions has not changed remarkably during the past decade. Works issued by the New Religions (referred to herein as "denominational" materials) have increased in number, but they still deal mainly with doctrine and propagation, while moving somewhat into 2. Robert J. Smith, John B. Cornell, Hiroshi Saito, and Takashi Maeyama (Sao Paulo: Centro de Estudos Nipo-Brasileiros, 1967), viii + 188 pp.

Page  XVIII xviii Preface to the Second Edition the cultural area. Secondary materials are still focused mainly on a few wellknown movements such as Soka Gakkai and Tenriky6. Looking only at these two movements, we find that Soka Gakkai spans entries 778 to 878 for denominational materials and 879 to 1094 for secondary materials; Tenrikyo spans entries 1101 to 1269 for denominational materials and 1270 to 1357 for secondary materials. The total of almost 600 entries about these two groups constitutes well over a third of the 1,450 entries in the bibliography. The extensive denominational materials demonstrate the size, organizational development, and dynamics of the two New Religions; the many secondary materials show that scholars publishing in Western languages are drawn mainly to the larger and more controversial New Religions. More often than not these secondary materials are the rephrasing and reinterpretation of previous Western-language publications rather than the presentation of new information and new interpretations. Some of the best works listed in both the first edition and the present edition are the results of doctoral dissertations, published and unpublished. For this reason, not only unpublished doctoral dissertations but also master's theses and some undergraduate papers have been included, insofar as possible, since they often include information not available elsewhere. Recent dissertations on specific movements have helped improve our knowledge of the development, activities, and nature of individual movements, but more monographs are needed in this area. For example, even the extremely important Oomoto and Tenrikyo have elicited only three serious monographs in the last decade (two are dissertations in German). By contrast, more than ten doctoral dissertations on S6ka Gakkai were completed between 1969 and 1979. The area of Shinto, which has always been underrepresented in Western scholarship as compared with Buddhism, is also slighted in connection with New Religions. Except for the two monographs on Oomoto and one on Tenrikyo, no major work on any of the former members of Sect Shinto (Kyoha Shinto) has appeared in the last decade. Perhaps the closest candidate is the work of Lokowandt (entry 130), which deals with legal matters rather than with religion as such. Davis's work on SUkyo Mahikari (entry 1095) is a welcome exception to the general fact that smaller New Religions tend to be ignored. The conclusion concerning monographs on New Religions is the same today as ten years ago: more monographs are needed, with greater use of Japanese materials and firsthand study in Japan. Studies published during the last decade have helped advance our general understanding of the New Religions, but it is safe to say that there is still no widely accepted synthetic interpretation of the New Religions. With the continuing publication of specialized monographs, it is likely that the next decade will usher in better synthetic studies. One hopeful sign is the enthusiastic activity of a relatively younger group of Japanese scholars, the Shukyo Shakaigaku Kenkyukai (sociology of religion society), which is very active in the study of New

Page  XIX Preface to the Second Edition xix Religions and is increasingly publishing Japanese materials on this subject.3 These works are just now appearing in English; see entries 166, 207, and 759. Many previous studies have tended to use the New Religions as convenient material for proving older theories about social change, but the younger scholars of this society have been more creative in taking a fresh look at the New Religions and attempting to arrive at their own interpretations. This tendency is a good sign for future studies of Japanese New Religions. Comments on the procedures for obtaining the new entries in the second edition, and the different arrangement of entries, are now in order. Even before the first edition was published in 1970, a file was begun for subsequent materials. Cards have been gathered systematically since 1970 at every opportunity, with some more intensive periods of bibliographic searching, especially during summers and while traveling in the vicinity of research libraries. Procedures for collecting the entries have been essentially the same as for the first edition, with a few minor innovations. Most of the secondary citations were acquired through continued research on the New Religions. Every time a new work was encountered, a card was typed and placed in the file. An attempt was made to locate every item, verify the citation, and inspect the item for footnotes and bibliography in order to discover new citations. Many of the denominational publications were kindly sent to me by the headquarters of the various religious organizations. Systematic searching was carried out at various libraries in the United States. Initial searching began at my home university, Western Michigan University, and then moved to the closest research libraries at the University of Michigan and the University of Chicago. In addition to the university libraries mentioned in the first edition, I have had the opportunity of using libraries at the University of California, Los Angeles; the University of Hawaii (including special collections); the University of California, Berkeley; and the Graduate Theological Union (including the Center for the Study of New Religious Movements). Two days were spent at the Library of Congress in the spring of 1979. While in Japan during 1979 and 1980, I systematically searched bookstores and the Diet Library. The procedure during these searches was to follow up all leads developed from previous reading and examination of other bibliographies; also searched in the card catalog were names of New Religions, names of founders, and general subjects such as Japanese religion. The main purpose of systematic searching was to verify previously recorded citations and discover new entries for scholarly (secondary) 3. For one example of the work of the members of this society, see the convenient handbook of essays outlining the problems for studying Japanese New Religions: Nobutaka Inoue et al., Shinshukyo Kenkyu Chosa Handobukku (Handbook for study and field research of the New Religions), listed in Appendix B.

Page  XX XX Preface to the Second Edition articles and books. These searches also turned up some pamphlets and "ephemera" published long ago by Japanese New Religions, for which there is no record in their respective headquarters. Many books and articles were obtained through interlibrary loans with the assistance of the Interlibrary Loan staff of Western Michigan University. In early 1980, after most new entries had been gathered, searches were carried out for three computerized data bases: names of New Religions and the term "New Religion" (or "New Religious") for Comprehensive Dissertation Abstracts (1861-1979) and Social Scisearch (1972-1979), and only the term "New Religion" (or "New Religious") for Magazine Index (1977-1979). Relatively few works were discovered through these searches, and most of these were already included in the second-edition materials. This negative result is mentioned here to save readers the time and expense of initiating this particular kind of search (by title of New Religion and the term "New Religion") for these data bases.4 The main source of denominational materials has been the headquarters of New Religions. Many complimentary copies of denominational publications were sent to me by New Religions during the past decade, and others were located in scholarly publications and libraries. The procedure for checking denominational publications while I was in Japan (in late 1979 and early 1980) was to duplicate printed pages from the first edition and the accumulated file cards for each New Religion, and send the copies to each headquarters (with a letter in Japanese) asking for corrections and additions to this checklist. The headquarters of most New Religions not only returned the corrected checklists but also sent free copies of their recent publications. The accuracy and comprehensiveness of the denominational sections were greatly improved by this invaluable help. The 810 entries from the first edition (with a few corrections and some supplemental information) form the basis for the second edition, together with the more than 600 new entries inserted in appropriate sections. Thus, the combined total of approximately 1,450 entries, almost twice the size of the first edition, actually results in a new work in its own right. To avoid confusion, however, it has seemed best to retain the original title and to designate this a second edition. At the same time, it has seemed fitting to improve the work wherever possible, and this had led to a change in the arrangement of the New Religions in Part II. In the first edition, I followed the practice of the Ministry of Education (now the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture) in grouping New Religions 4. The difficulty in locating materials about New Religions is that often such articles and books do not include in the title the name of the particular New Religion but focus on a more general topic such as social change or "The Popular Religion of a Japanese Village." Of course, other types of searches, such as by works cited, are possible for these and other data bases; the required time and expense did not seem justified for the present bibliography.

Page  XXI Preface to the Second Edition xxi according to the major tradition from which they derived: Shinto-derived, Buddhist-derived, Christian-derived, and "Other Religions" (sho-ky5'). The major change in the organization of materials in the second edition has been to drop this pattern of grouping by derivation and to arrange the New Religions simply by alphabetical order of their names. The reason for this change is twofold: first, the determination of a single tradition as the source of derivation is rather ambiguous, since all New Religions arise out of a complex background of diverse influences5; second, the matter of derivation is not a practical and efficient manner of arranging New Religions. It seems much easier for the user to locate New Religions through a simple alphabetical ordering. Note, however, that those categorized as "Utopian Groups" appear under that heading at the end of the bibliography. An attempt has been made in this edition to give more complete citations and to conform more closely to Library of Congress style. For example, where material and references were available, prefatory pagination of books has been provided. Books have been listed in as many editions as known (except for some standard works), and reprintings have been noted for both books and articles. Doctoral dissertations have been cited in full, with the publication in which they are abstracted, and the microfilm order number, when available. Other unpublished materials have been listed by the collection where they are located or the work in which they are cited. Titles of works in languages other than German, French, Spanish, and Italian have been translated. Russian works have been transliterated according to the Library of Congress style. Standard abbreviations for places of publication and publishers have been adopted. One exception to this quest for greater bibliographical completeness is the mention of illustrations (indicated by "Illus." at the end of the citation); although many of the works in this bibliography are listed by the Library of Congress as illustrated, I have used "Illus." only for works that illustrate Japanese New Religions. Unfortunately, some references still are not as complete as desired, but it has seemed better to provide partial citations than to omit those works. For more information on the materials contained in this bibliography, and how to obtain them, see Appendix A, "Suggestions for Locating Western-Language Materials on the Japanese New Religions." Several other changes should make the bibliography easier to use. All cross-references within the bibliography provide the entry number of the reference. Also, the topical index has been expanded to include subdivisions for 5. The rather arbitrary character of "derivation" is revealed in the fact that a New Religion is asked to designate the category in which it is placed in the Religion Yearbook (Shukyo NenkarO published by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. New Religions may decide to change their designation, as when Tenrikyo asked to be removed from the category of Shinto-derived and placed in the category of Other Religions (sho-kyo).

Page  XXII xxii Preface to the Second Edition general materials and then for each New Religion. This enables the reader to recognize immediately under each topic the general publications on that topic, and then the publications on that topic dealing with individual New Religions. For example, the topic "Founders and foundresses" is followed by "(General)," and the entry numbers for those works dealing generally with founders and foundresses; next, this topic is subdivided alphabetically by New Religions for works treating the founding figure of that New Religion: "(Ananaikyo)," "(Dotoku Kagaku)," "(Gedatsu-kai)," through "(Tensho-KIotai-JingU-Ky-)." Utopian movements are given last. For this or any other topic the reader can tell at a glance which entries are general and which deal more specifically with one New Religion. My sabbatical in Japan 1979-80 came just ten years after my trip to Japan to research the first edition of the bibliography, and for various practical reasons it has seemed best to take the end of this decade as the cutoff point for this edition: insofar as possible, the bibliography is comprehensive through 1979. Upon my return from Japan in early 1980, materials collected in Japan were added to the ongoing file, recently published Western works were noted (including some items for 1980), and the second edition was organized and entries were renumbered. The process of compiling bibliographies never ends, however, and much of the summers of 1980 and 1981 was spent checking and completing citations. This resulted in not only more complete and corrected citations but also the inclusion of additional entries. It has seemed best to incorporate as much of this new information as possible, and to do so, some changes in the numbering system have been necessary. Newly discovered items published in 1979 or earlier have been inserted in the appropriate place in the bibliography, with a letter following the entry number (see Prebish, entry 1040A). In some cases, works already listed in the bibliography have been shifted in order to conform to Library of Congress style (for example, different listing of multiple-author works; see Arutiunov, entry 12A). In addition, authorship was confirmed for some works that had been listed without author. In order to shift these works to their proper place (and to avoid renumbering almost 1,500 items), some numbers appear without entries and are labeled "no entry." In a subsequent edition my file of post-1979 entries will be added to the present list and all works will be numbered consecutively. It is worth noting that several other kinds of information were considered for inclusion in this edition but excluded, mainly due to limitations of time and space. For example, in the first edition there was a table listing "Approximate Derivation of New Religions." This table has been omitted from the present edition because these derivations are problematic, and to expand and clarify these derivations would go beyond the scope of a bibliographic work. Those who wish to explore the ambiguities of the derivation of these movements can refer to the

Page  XXIII Preface to the Second Edition xxiii first edition of this work6 or consult Japanese works such as Shigeyoshi Murakami, Kindai Minshu ShUkyoshi no Kenkyui, or Nobutaka Inoue et al., Shinshckyo Kenkyu Chisa Handobukku (cited in full in Appendix B). Another possibility considered was the listing of brief information for each movement-founding figure and date, development, clerical and membership figures, etc. But however useful such information might be, it seemed to go beyond the scope of a bibliography. My primary objective has been to compile and have published a comprehensive bibliography before it went out of date. Already this task has consumed an inordinate amount of time, and it seemed better to send forth an up-to-date bibliography than to devote more time and energy to the even larger project of a handbook on the Japanese New Religions. Those interested in statistical information may refer to "Statistics on Religious Organizations in Japan, 1947-1972" (entry 216A), or the Japanese work of Nobutaka Inoue et al. in Appendix B. In the future I may work on a more general treatment of the Japanese New Religions that includes such features as derivation and statistics of these movements. For ease in composition, all Sino-Japanese characters have been removed from the body of the bibliography. Those interested in the Sino-Japanese forms of the names of the New Religions may refer to Table 1 and the Contents. 6. H[arry] Byron Earhart, The New Religions of Japan: A Bibliography of Western-Language Materials, Monumenta Nipponica Monograph Series (Tokyo: Sophia University, 1970), pp. 21-22.

Page  XXIV


pp. xxv-xxvi

Page  XXV ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It is a pleasure to acknowledge the many sources of assistance in compiling this edition of the bibliography. No specific grant was received to support this work on the second edition, but several grants indirectly helped make possible the completion of this book. Much of the final checking of the new items, particularly the denominational materials, was done in Japan during 1979-80. This research trip (for a study of Japanese New Religions, especially Gedatsu-kai) was supported by a grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Nihon Gakujutsu Shinkokai) in a joint study with Professor Hitoshi Miyake of Keio University. Keio University kindly provided office space. The Faculty Research Fund of Western Michigan University supplied additional funds, and Mr. Kojiro Miyasaka, Chief of the International Division of Rissho Kosei-kai, kindly provided housing. A Fulbright housing grant in Korea during the summer of 1973 provided a valuable opportunity to study Korean New Religions and gain insights on the comparative study of Japanese and Korean New Religions. The headquarters of many New Religions kindly provided complimentary copies of their publications and corrected my checklists of their publications. Without their enthusiastic cooperation this work would hardly have been possible. The staff of many libraries and their special collections helped locate materials that otherwise would not appear in this work. The library staff of my home university, Western Michigan University, should be singled out for special thanks: they helped complete obscure citations, and the Interlibrary Loan service secured many volumes needed to prepare this edition. A number of colleagues were good enough to submit citation information, often unsolicited, and occasionally on request. There is no space to thank each one individually, but one name that should not remain unmentioned is Harold W. Turner, himself an indefatigable bibliographer: he has contributed many cards (particularly from European journals) ever since the preparation of the first edition. xxv

Page  XXVI xxvi Acknowledgments The following persons translated foreign-language titles: Professor Larry ten Harmsel (Dutch), Professor Larry Syndergaard (Norwegian and Swedish), Professor Emanuel Nodel (Polish), Maria Helena Crandall (Portuguese), Professor Irene Storoshenko (Russian), all at Western Michigan University; and Donald J. Harlow (Esperanto), of the Esperanto League for North America, El Cerrito, California. Dr. Michael Cooper, Editor of Monumenta Nipponica, kindly arranged for the printing of the Sino-Japanese characters used in this volume. The tedious task of completing a manuscript was greatly facilitated by the help of a research assistant, Mr. William W. McCall. Through the generosity of Dean Laurel Grotzinger and the Graduate College of Western Michigan University, Mr. McCall spent part of the summer of 1980 searching citations and editing the manuscript. My sons Paul and David helped in arranging the citations, compiling the two indexes, and completing and checking many citations. Mrs. Dolores Condic did all the necessary typing for the draft submitted to the publisher. The entire manuscript was read by a professional bibliographer in Asian Studies, Professor Frank Joseph Shulman, of the University of Maryland, College Park. His extensive suggestions, corrections, and additions have helped eliminate a number of errors and omissions and generally improved the format of the bibliography. The staff of G.K. Hall & Co., especially Mr. Ara Salibian, helped prepare the manuscript for publication. Special thanks are due to Dr. John Campbell, Director, Bruce E. Willoughby, Associate Editor, and Cindi Larson, Word Processor, of the Center for Japanese Studies, the University of Michigan for their prompt, efficient, and careful production of this book.


pp. 1-20

Page  1 INTRODUCTION The New Religions in the Light of Japanese Religious History Although the Japanese New Religions have attracted much attention and have served as the subject for many publications in Japanese and Western languages, they are not yet fully understood. Even for a specialist in Japanese studies, the New Religions present a number of enigmas. For the person not specializing in Japanese studies or Japanese religions, these phenomena are especially difficult to understand without some general introduction. For this reason, and to facilitate utilization of the bibliography, a brief interpretation of the origin and nature of the New Religions is offered here.1 The term "New Religions" is misleading, for these movements do not present much novel religious content. Rather, they are new in the sense of being new socioreligious movements. "New Religions" is the commonly accepted translation for the Japanese shinko sh-Ukyo, which means literally "newly arisen religions." This term was apparently coined by newspaper reporters and has the disparaging nuance of upstart religions. The new religious groups themselves favor the term shin shUkyo, which translates directly as "New Religions" without any pejorative sense. Since the term New Religions has gained widespread usage, there seems to be no point in adding to the confusion by proliferating terminology. We should be careful of the way in which we use the term, however, and this writer prefers to use it in the descriptive sense of new religious movements. In order to understand these New Religions, or new religious movements, we must know something about the general religious context of which they are a part, the general circumstances of their emergence, and their general religious character. The general context of the New Religions is the fabric of Japanese religion. The New Religions are of recent design, but the design is stamped on the 1. Those more familiar with Japanese religions and Japanese studies may proceed directly to the discussion "Western-Language Materials on the New Religions," and "Organization and Utilization of the Bibliography." Those wishing to use the bibliography before referring to any introductory material may turn immediately to "Suggestions for Convenient Use of the Bibliography." 1

Page  2 2 The New Religions of Japan warp and woof of Japanese religion. The earlier or "old" Japanese religion provides the background against which the New Religions are set in relief. Japanese religion is at least several thousand years old, featuring indigenous and borrowed religious elements intermixed through the course of history, resulting in a distinctive Japanese religious worldview. There are at least five major traditions in Japanese religion: folk religion, Shinto, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism; six if we count the recent addition of Christianity. With the passage of time these traditions interacted to such a high degree that not one of them remains free from mutual influence. Of the five major traditions, only Shinto and Buddhism emerged as religious organizations with strong institutional structures, while the other traditions remained important covert influences. Thus, Japanese religion reveals a plurality of religious traditions without the notion of exclusive affiliation to one ecclesiastical body. In fact, in Japanese religion informal practices are just as important as institutionally organized activities. What constitutes Japanese religion is not just the totality of these individual traditions, but also their mutual contribution toward a common religious worldview sharing a number of persistent themes. These persistent themes include: the closeness of man, "gods" c(ami), and nature; the religious significance of the family (living and dead), and the home as a religious center; the importance of purification, discipline, rituals, and charms; the prominence of local festivals and individual cults; the intimate relationship between religious practice and daily life; and the natural bond between Japanese religion and the Japanese nation. These persistent themes pervade almost every individual tradition and every specific historical period. In general, Japanese religious history can be understood in terms of three major periods: (1) the period of formation, from prehistory to the ninth century A.D., when all the major traditions first came into contact with each other; (2) the period of development and elaboration from the ninth to the seventeenth century, when these traditions became intricately interrelated; and (3) the period of formalization and renewal, from the seventeenth century to the present, when the older "established" religions became formalized and New Religions began to appear.2 The New Religions arose at a time when the two major "established" religions, Shinto and Buddhism, became so rigidly formalized that they tended to lose their religious vitality and retreat from the needs of the people. The New Religions appeared out of a complicated interrelationship between prior religious 2. This interpretive framework of persistent themes and historical periods forms the basis of my general introduction, Japanese Religion: Unity and Diversity, 3d ed. (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1982). For a more complete onevolume history, see Joseph M. Kitagawa, Religion in Japanese History (New York: Columbia University Press, 1966).

Page  3 Introduction 3 history, socioeconomic conditions, and personal inspiration. The stagnation of established religions opened the door to external innovations, while the prior Japanese religious tradition provided the content for the new groups: socioeconomic conditions of severe hardship stimulated or precipitated the formation of the groups, and to a certain extent socioeconomic conditions influenced the pattern of their formation; the personal inspiration of the founders initiated the movements and became the religious orientations around which the groups of believers could organize their corporate life. Although institutional religion became formalized, there were still vital religious elements within institutional religion and informal religion. The New Religions may be best understood as renewals of the older tradition in somewhat different form. The New Religions revitalized the slumbering religious heritage by reviving its vital elements in the garb of divine inspiration and creative restructuring.3 What distinguishes the New Religions is not their novelty of religious content but their existence as new socioreligious organizations. In particular they present a strong contrast to the established religions of Shinto and Buddhism. In general, the established religions are more concerned with preserving the heritage of the past, while the New Religions are directly engaged in the life and salvation of the populace. The vitality of the New Religions is reflected in their dynamic origin and active character. These new movements usually were initiated by founders (or foundresses) who received the special inspiration or revelation which resulted in the formation of a new socioreligious group. The founder was considered as semidivine or even as a "living god" (iki-gami) in the Japanese sense. Usually through the combined power of the founder's charisma and the revealed (or renewed) set of religious resources, a sufficient following was attracted to form a permanent group. The existence of "living gods," charismatic leaders, and powerful religious sources is nothing new to Japanese religion-the remarkable thing is that such leaders and their messages resulted in new socioreligious bodies. With the increase of followers came a structuring of the movement into a unified religious organization. For example, if a previously existing scripture was not revered, the founder often dictated a set of scriptures. Other aspects of organization that appeared were priestly offices, doctrine, ritual life, and the like. Sometimes they developed wedding and memorial rites, but they were usually willing to share religious devotion and practice with other religious institutions. Therefore, the New Religions are not necessarily "religions" 3. The interpretation of the New Religions presented in this brief introduction is treated in greater detail in my article, "The Interpretation of the 'New Religions' of Japan as Historical Phenomena," Journal of the American Academy of Religion 37, no. 3 (September 1969): 237-48. In subsequent articles I have treated other theoretical aspects of Japanese New Religions; see entries 50 -59 in Part I, General Bibliography, especially entry 59, "Toward a Theory of the Formation of the Japanese New Religions: A Case Study of Gedatsu-kai."

Page  4 4 The New Religions of Japan in the ordinary Western sense of the Judaeo-Christian tradition or Protestant sects and denominations. Many of the New Religions encourage their members to continue their attendance at Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples. Indeed, a prevalent feature of the New Religions is their syncretistic character, which has led some groups to include aspects of Western thought. All the New Religions promise an immediate contact with sacred power, either personal or embodied in a sacred resource (such as a sutra), which is able to solve personal and social problems. Some groups feature creative forms of individual and group counselling (or blending of confession and guidance). These practices shade off into forms of faith-healing. These groups prospered, especially after 1945, when the New Religions were free to organize, and their membership increased. They have plunged into the modern world more quickly and deeply than the older religions, using mass media, developing extensive publication facilities, erecting elaborate modern buildings, and setting up their own schools and facilities with emphasis on lay participation. In the immediate postwar years, when severe control of religion was removed, a great number of short-lived religions arose, some with questionable intentions. But at present the older and larger of the New Religions are so efficiently organized and stable that already they have assumed the status of established religions. This is attested by the several religious federations that they have set up. Definition of the New Religions Definition of the New Religions is beset by a number of difficulties: the complex and syncretistic nature of Japanese religion, the sudden changes in political and religious history, and the large number of New Religions. We may review some of the alternatives for defining the New Religions before outlining the particular usage followed in this bibliography. It has been suggested that there are three ways of focusing on the definition of the New Religions: (1) in terms of those religions such as Tenrikyo and Konkokyo that formed around charismatic leaders about the time of the Meiji Restoration (1868) and came to possess well-established, large religious orders; (2) in terms of those religions such as Seicho-no-Ie, PL Kyodan, and Sekai Kyusei-kyo, which were legally considered spurious or "pseudo-religions" (ruiji-shUkyo) when they originated about 1910 to 1920 (but experienced their major growth after World War II); and (3) in terms of those religions such as Soka Gakkai and Tensho-Kotai-Jingu-Ky-, whose development and expansion occurred mainly after World War II.4 Each of these ways of defining the New Religions is based on an important aspect of their 4. ShUkyU Nenkan, Sh5wa 37 [Religion Yearbook, 1962] (Tokyo: Ministry of Education, 1963), p. 206.

Page  5 Introduction 5 development. For example, Tenriky6 and Konkoky6 are important because they were among the first new religious groups to emerge as large religious bodies: chronologically they are landmarks in the rise of New Religions, and practically they served as prototypes for the organization of later emergents. Some scholars, however, feel that the status of Tenrikyo and Konkokyo as officially recognized members of Sect Shinto (Kyoha Shinto) already at the beginning of the twentieth century separates them from the truly "New Religions" that existed outside of officially recognized organizations. In this sense Tenriky6 and Konkokyo are forerunners or pioneers of the New Religions which later arose. This is one reason why Japanese scholars tend to see Oomoto (and other prewar groups) as indicative of the rise of New Religions, since these groups arose and continued outside officially recognized channels, providing the model for new socioreligious organization. Ky6ha Shinto may be seen partly as an extension of the prior established religions, but Oomoto and its contemporaries were clearly labeled as "pseudo-religions" (ruiji-shUkyo). Here we see the clear legal distinction between officially sanctioned sects and spurious religions. The third possibility for defining the New Religions, in terms of postwar developments, emphasizes chronologically the tremendous significance of postwar expansion in the New Religions and their success in realizing the ideal of drawing the masses into these movements. This is the general pattern usually employed to bring the several hundred New Religions into some semblance of order. Another means of arranging the New Religions is to trace them back to their primary derivation. Japanese religion is syncretistic, and this is even more true of the New Religions, but many of them owe heavy debts to particular branches of Shinto and Buddhism. These are the two major categories of derivation, and those which have no explicit denominational point of departure are placed in the category of "other" or "various" religions (sho-kyo).6 In fact, some scholars prefer to limit the term "New Religions" to the sho-kyo, on the grounds that they alone present a distinctively new blend of religious life which cannot be placed in the camp of Shinto or Buddhism. These are the major alternatives for defining the New Religions; further discussions of these alternatives may be found by consulting the General Bibliography. It will be seen that the author's interpretation of the New Religions as "new religious movements" is more inclusive than any of the previous alternatives. The present definition recognizes the value of these previous attempts and incorporates them within a systematic framework. Thus, there seem to be three 5. Ibid., pp. 213-26 contains a valuable chart of derivation and lineage for all major Japanese religious groups. 6. Ibid., pp. 206-13. 7. See items listed under "New Religions, definition of" in the Topical Index.

Page  6 6 The New Religions of Japan major criteria for distinguishing new religious movements: (1) chronologically, those movements that appeared from late Tokugawa or early Meiji to the present; (2) in origin, those movements that arose as renewal or "revitalizing"8 forces; and (3) in formation, those movements that led to permanent socioreligious organizations. This tentative definition is helpful in compiling a bibliographical work since its criteria are both chronological and typological. This definition allows the inclusion of any movements from late Tokugawa times to the present that are revitalistic in character and have resulted in socioreligious organization. Such usage embraces all the religious groups mentioned in the major definitions of the New Religions, without insisting on either a specific derivation or independent origin (lack of clear derivation). Thus, it grasps both the sho-kyo and the New Religions directly related to a prior established religion. For example, it includes Soka Gakkai, which technically is a lay organization within the Buddhist sect called Nichiren Shoshu. At the same time, such a criterion makes possible the exclusion of various movements that did not result in socioreligious organizations, as well as the exclusion of splinter groups that are schismatic in character rather than new religious movements. The author's interpretation of New Religions in the sense of new religious movements will become clearer by noting some specific exclusions and inclusions. Excluded from this work, for example, are the various ethicoreligious movements such as Shingaku, which have been quite influential since late Tokugawa and early Meiji times. They are excluded because, even though they may represent revitalizing forces which exerted considerable influence (even on the New Religions), they did not result in major socioreligious organizations. Their main activity was ethical and educational training.9 The boundary between religion and ethical instruction is quite hazy in both China and Japan, where a "teaching" (chiao in Chinese, kyU or oshie in Japanese) can be the basis for a religious movement just as well as a divine revelation. While recognizing their considerable importance, we exclude ethical movements for the reason that they do not in themselves constitute significant socioreligious organizations. The group Dotoku Kagaku or Moralogy, however, which legally is organized as a foundation rather than a religion, can be considered a New Religion in terms of our criteria for new religious movements. (See entries 297-301 under Dotoku Kagaku in Part II.) 8. See Anthony F.C. Wallace, "Revitalization Movements," American Anthropologist 58 (1956): 264-81, for a general anthropological treatment of this concept. Wallace's theoretical framework for revitalization and especially its application to religious movements raise problems which cannot be discussed here. Some of these problems were mentioned indirectly in my "The Interpretation of the 'New Religions' of Japan as Historical Phenomena" and were discussed more directly in my "The Interpretation of the 'New Religions' of Japan as New Religious Movements" (entry 52). 9. See Robert N. Bellah, Tokugawa Religion (Glencoe, IL: Free Press, 1957) and the bibliography therein. Reprint. Boston: Beacon Press, 1970.

Page  7 Introduction 7 Also excluded are many groups which first achieved independent status from higher ecclesiastical control in postwar times. Many groups in this category represent schismatic splits that had long been thwarted by political control. The formation of both new denominational patterns and new religious groups was strictly controlled by the government, with increasing suppression, up until 1945. Then, with the enactment of complete religious freedom, shrines and temples were free to break former lines of authority and either become independent or form new associations.10 These groups represent changes in polity and finances, but they do not constitute new religious movements. What confuses the picture is that the enactment of religious freedom in 1945 opened the floodgates to a simultaneous outpouring of repressed religious currents which flowed originally from several different sources: new religious movements that had existed in prewar times either in expedient submission to a recognized sect or as nonreligious associations, which after 1945 were able to express their true character; groups that desired independence of polity (but not a new religious orientation) in prewar times, which were able to gain independent or revised status; and New Religions which arose for the first time in the surge of unsuppressed activity after 1945. These groups achieved independence simultaneously, but that does not mean that they are identical in character. The most numerous of these postwar denominational or schismatic splits are found within Buddhism. Some groups stand on the borderline between schismatic splits and the formation of new religious movements, but no attempt is made to include them in this bibliography. This definition also excludes a number of cults that, although quite important in religious activities in Japanese history, are usually neither revitalizing forces nor formally organized socioreligious institutions. In some cases these cults may take on the character of new religious movements, but most often they simply continue the prior tradition of loosely organized cultic devotion. The cult of Kannon, a Buddhist saint or bodhisattva, has apparently been influential in some New Religions such as Rissh6 Kosei-kai; other Buddhist cults like that of Jizo have not resulted in new religious movements. The widespread (Shinto) faith in Amaterasu (Sun Goddess) has been an important aspect of some New Religions. At the same time the cult of Inari, the so-called fox deity, seems to retain the status of a cult. In some cases even the Inari cult centers have been considered as New Religions, but this deserves further consideration. 1 10. See Kitagawa, pp. 290-91. 11. See Harry Thomsen, ed., A Religious Map of Japan (Kyoto: Christian Center for the Study of Japanese Religions, 1959), p. 9. The famous center of Inari worship, Fushimi Inari Taisha, is treated as Shinto, while several other Inari groups are treated as New Religions: Inari Shin-ky6 and Inari-kyo. Concerning

Page  8 8 The New Religions of Japan The present interpretation of New Religions as new religious movements entails the inclusion of several developments that may be seen as being on the periphery of shinko shUkyo: these are the members of Sect Shinto (Kyoha Shinto) and several communal or "utopian" groups. For even if they should not be considered identical with shinko shukyo, they do represent important attempts at revitalization resulting in socioreligious organizations. Sect Shinto was recognized by the government in the Meiji era partly as a countermeasure when, in 1882, most Shinto shrines were declared to be integral to state Shinto, and therefore "nonreligious." By contrast, those Shinto shrines that had gathered many followers through the work of historical "founders" and had disseminated teachings were designated as Sect Shinto, of which thirteen members were eventually recognized. In the eyes of the government these sects were "religious" and accordingly treated apart from nonreligious state Shinto. For example, Sect Shinto was required to use the term kyokai (religious meeting or "church") instead of the traditional Shinto term jinja (shrine). This sort of official recognition was observed until 1945, when religious freedom was enacted.2 The problem in treating Sect Shinto is that, in spite of the uniform government recognition, the members represent diverse phenomena in terms of religious history. Two of its original members, Tenrikyo and Konk-kyo, are sometimes considered the first major New Religions, while other members exhibit strong Shinto, Confucian, or mountain pilgrimage influences. Even though it is widely agreed that Tenrikyo and Konkokyo are important New Religions, the other groups maintain Shinto practices to such an extent that it is difficult to judge whether or not they actually left the established religion of Shinto. The interpretation of Kyoha Shinto will be left for future research, but their members are included in this bibliography because they are socioreligious groups seeking revitalization, and because they are directly involved in the history of the New Religions. Also included in this bibliography are four groups which are communal or "utopian" in character: Atarashiki Mura, Ittoen, Shinkyo, and Yamagishi-kai.13 Inari see D.C. Buchanan, "Inari: Its Origin, Development, and Nature," Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 2d ser. 12 (December 1935): 1-191. 12. See Daniel C. Holtom, The National Faith of Japan: A Study in Modern Shinto (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1938), pp. 189-286, for a study of the original thirteen members. See also Table 2. As many as 82 movements are listed in the "Sect Shinto line" (Kyoha Shinto-kei, literally "Sect Shinto-derived") in the 1979 government publication for religion. See Shukyo Nenkan, Showa 54 [Religion Yearbook, 1979] (Tokyo: Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, 1980), pp. 58-62. 13. See David W. Plath, "The Fate of Utopia: Adaptive Tactics in Four Japanese Groups," American Anthropologist 85, pt. 2 (1966): 1152-62; also references listed under each group in the section "Utopian Groups," entries 1409 -1447.

Page  9 Introduction 9 These groups are certainly attempts at revitalization and have produced distinctive organizations, but their avowed purpose for organization is more social or communal than explicitly religious. (One may remark that in spite of this avowed purpose there is a great deal of religious content in them.) It may be best, as with Sect Shinto, to recognize that these groups, too, stand on the periphery of the shinko shUkyo. But they stand so close that it seems appropriate to include them in this bibliography. A problem that will interest many Western readers is whether there are any Japanese New Religions that can be considered as "Christian"-either by virtue of deriving from Christian movements or by virtue of containing considerable Christian content. If this question is directed to Korean New Religions, an affirmative answer can be given without hesitation, for Korean new religious movements such as the Unification Church (Tongilgyo, known widely in the United States as "the Moonies") and Chondogwan (sometimes translated as the "Evangelical Church") are clearly Christian both in derivation and content.14 But the role of Christianity has been much more limited in Japan than its expansive role in Korea, such that its contribution to Japanese New Religions has been slight.l5 There are no Christian-derived New Religions in Japan comparable in scope and dynamics to Korean movements such as the Unification Church and Chondogwan. Some Christian movements may be considered as quite similar to new religious movements. For example, at least one Christian group, the Omi Brotherhood, has a long history as a communal movement. It is probably best to consider it in relationship to the previously mentioned utopian movements because of its communal character, but it seems to be a Christian development with no peculiar Japanese features. It does not seem to correspond to the criteria of a New Religion and, therefore, is not listed in this bibliography.16 It is sometimes claimed that Christianity exerted influence on a number of Japanese New 14. See my "The New Religions of Korea: A Preliminary Interpretation," Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 49 (1974): 7-25. 15. For a general interpretation of the role of Christianity in Korea, with comparative remarks concerning China and Japan, see Spencer J. Palmer, Korea and Christianity: The Problem of Identification with Tradition (Seoul, Korea: Hollym Corporation, 1967). 16. Since these references did not seem to fit into the present bibliography they are noted here: Grace Niles Fletcher, The Bridge of Love (New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1967), 220 pp.; Winburn T. Thomas, "Faith Working by Love in Japan: The Story of the Omi Brotherhood," Missionary Review of the World 60, no. 12 (December 1937): 584-86; William Merrel Vories, A Mustard Seed in Japan (Omi-Hachiman: Omi Mission, 5th ed., 1925), 129 pp.; William Merrel Vories (pseud. Hitotsuyanagi), Poems of the East and West, ed. Frederica Mead Hiltner (Omi-Hachiman: Omi Brotherhood, 1960), 169 pp.

Page  10 10 The New Religions of Japan Religions,17 but this indirect Christian influence (whatever it may be) is only a small facet of the multiple influences upon the New Religions and would not be sufficient to label them "Christian." Only two Japanese New Religions appearing in this bibliography can be called Christian: Iesu no Mitama Kyokai Kyodan (The Spirit of Jesus Church) and the movement called either Genshi Fukuin Undo (Original Gospel Movement) or Makuya (Tabernacle of Christ). There is still insufficient information on these groups, particularly in Western languages, and we will have to wait for scholars of Japanese Christianity to assess more fully the nature of these movements. But it does appear they meet the criteria of new religious movements and are Christian in derivation and content. Makuya, which arose out of the well-known non-church movement (Mukyokai), has been closely compared to the New Religions: "It is clear that the Makuya movement resembles many of the new religions in Japan, and it performs the same social function....,1 In general, the definition and classification of the New Religions requires further study, which I hope will be encouraged by this bibliography.l9 Western-Language Materials on the New Religions Just as the New Religions are rather recent developments, so the study of these developments is still in its infancy. And it is to be expected that Westernlanguage materials will remain well behind the number, quality, and importance of Japanese-language materials. A safe generalization is that all works on the New Religions by Western scholars are the initial steps into a new and difficult field. It may be remarked, parenthetically, that Western study of the Japanese New Religions can best be advanced by three kinds of study: (1) solid monographs on individual New Religions, utilizing Japanese sources; (2) an overview of the New Religions as a phenomenon in Japanese history and society, utilizing both Japanese sources and Western monographs; and (3) comparison of the Japanese New Religions with other new religious movements, utilizing Western materials on both Japanese and other movements. This bibliography may help in achieving these goals, particularly the second and third. 17. See "Christian influence on New Religions" in the Topical Index. 18. Carlo Caldarola, Christianity: The Japanese Way (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1979), p. 208. He goes on to say that "The Makuya is the only movement to indigenize Christianity-traditionally an upper-class religion-in the Japanese lower classes," a statement full of significance for understanding both the extensive development of the New Religions and also the rather slight impact of Christianity in Japan. On p. 3, Caldarola mentions other independent Christian movements arising within the last few decades which might be compared to new religious movements. 19. See the materials in Appendix D.

Page  11 Introduction 11 Western-language materials on the New Religions may be divided roughly into two kinds: (1) denominational publications, written and often published by denominational personnel; and (2) secondary publications, produced by people outside the denomination (both Japanese and non-Japanese). Even if the present bibliography is rather comprehensive in both categories, it should be noted that these materials still represent a limited sector of the New Religions. For example, starting with denominational materials, we should recognize that those New Religions that publish in Western languages exhibit some general features not necessarily shared by all the New Religions. There is a contrast between those New Religions that publish many Western-language materials, and those that publish few or none. This contrast can be charted as follows: NEW RELIGIONS WITH MANY NEW RELIGIONS WITH FEW OR WESTERN-LANGUAGE NO WESTERN-LANGUAGE PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATIONS 1. Longer history 1. Shorter history 2. Rather large 2. Rather small 3. Rather affluent 3. Less affluent 4. National in scope 4. Local in scope 5. Dissemination interna- 5. Dissemination limited tional in scope or mainly to Japan intention 6. More open to outside 6. More closed to outside religious and cultural religious and cultural influence influence This chart represents the kind of contrasts within the history and nature of the New Religions that has led to different publishing records. It will be evident from looking at either column that the reasons for publishing or for not publishing are not universal; usually two or three outstanding features will suffice to explain the case for any New Religion. For example, on the left side of the chart, Tenrikyo (which has produced by far the most denominational materials in Western languages) is exceptional in that it displays all six features. S6ka Gakkai has also published considerable Western-language materials, but in contrast to Tenrikyo manifests strength only in points two through five, having a shorter history and being less open to outside influences. Seicho-no-Ie, like Soka Gakkai, has a shorter history but is still a frequent publisher of Western-language materials; however, Seicho-no-Ie seems to publish partly due to its emphasis on point six and its international contacts with spiritualists. These are just a few examples of the varying factors which lead New Religions to publish Western-language materials.

Page  12 12 The New Religions of Japan On the other hand, it is important to ask the question of omission: what kind of groups are not likely to be represented by Western-language denominational publications? A glance at the right column of the chart will give some immediate if tentative answers. Those groups with a shorter history, even if they would want to publish Western-language materials, may not have had time to produce and translate them. Likewise, those that are small and local in scope do not have the organizational and financial resources for such publication. Those that are local in scope or limited to Japan have no reason for publishing Westernlanguage materials; those groups closed to outside influence may even be opposed to the notion of such publications. On this side of the chart, moreover, one or more of the factors, and not necessarily all of them, will suffice to explain a New Religion's publishing record. For example, Nyorai-kyo,20 which has a longer history than Tenrikyo, has published no Western-language materials, apparently because of the preponderance of points two through six. Some of the New Religions that fall in this category of few or no Western-language publications represent local, particularistic faiths, which are important for understanding current Japanese religion. Some of these groups present different attitudes than will be found in New Religions producing abundant Western-language publications. Such publications often make much of international cooperation and world peace, or at least insist on a worldwide faith; to read these materials one might think that it was a universal trait of the New Religions. But those groups that present a more particularistic (and sometimes nationalistic) viewpoint often do not publish in Western languages. These points should be remembered when utilizing the denominational materials in this bibliography; they do not necessarily provide the basis for sweeping generalizations. (See Table 1 for a list of groups belonging to the Union of New Religions.) Secondary publications (especially those by Western writers) tend to follow the pattern of more works for those New Religions that produce Western publications. Original interpretations of the New Religions are few, the bulk of those Western works being based on translated denominational materials and Western scholarly works. In general, there are more secondary publications on the New Religions falling in the left side of the chart-especially abundant are works on the older and larger groups. There are more secondary treatments of Oomoto because it has a long history, of Tenriky- because it has a long history and a large following, and of Soka Gakkai because of its large size and controversial character. Secondary publications are limited not only in their coverage of the entire field of New Religions but also in their interpretation of individual religions. The gap that needs most attention is the placing of the New Religions in their natural context of Japanese history and Japanese religion. The 20. See the secondary references Nyorai-kyo (entries 439-443) listed in Part II of this bibliography.

Page  13 Introduction 13 temptation to try to understand the New Religions in their most recent form, without fully tracing their background and formation, is too often not resisted. Also, the tendency to try to interpret the New Religions in the categories of Western religion (especially Christian theology) is a hindrance rather than an aid in the task.21 While acknowledging our debt to all earlier works on the New Religions, we must use them critically so as to advance our understanding of the subject. Organization and Utilization of the Bibliography A brief description of the practical organization and scope of the bibliography will facilitate its most efficient use. The scope of the bibliographical references encompasses: all books, pamphlets, essays, and magazine articles dealing directly with the New Religions or one New Religion; those parts of books (and longer articles) that deal with the New Religions; longer book reviews and reviews of Japanese books on the New Religions that introduce new material or important insights; and unpublished theses and dissertations. Some unpublished materials have been included, with mention of their location, or the works in which they were cited. Materials to be excluded are shorter book reviews, newspaper articles, and other brief notices (some brief notices have been included on subjects for which little information is available). The Western languages covered most completely are English, French, and German: I have tried to search out and verify these references comprehensively through 1979, including some 1980 publications. References in other Western languages are included but have not always been searched out and verified. References have been divided into two major parts: Part I, General Bibliography, materials describing the general phenomenon of the New Religions without being limited to one specific New Religion; and Part II, Bibliography of Individual New Religions, materials limited mainly to one New Religion. Materials in Part I have all been arranged alphabetically by author's name. In Part I it has been the compiler's intention to further introduce the New Religions to general readers by annotating all available references in English, French, and German. (Those items listed with an asterisk "*" preceding the entry number indicate materials not available to the compiler.) Realizing that, for the newcomer, having too many references is as frustrating a dilemma as having too few references, I have placed a plus sign " " before items that are recommended for primary consultation. 21. For elaboration see the review by Werblowsky (entry 244) in the General Bibliography; also my review article "Recent Publications on the Japanese New Religions" (entry 57).

Page  14 14 The New Religions of Japan For all available materials, the following publication information is cited: complete author's name (family name first); title of article or book; for articles, title of journal, volume and issue number, date and year, followed by page citation; for books, place published and date, followed by prefatory pagination and total pages (with reference to specific pages if part of a book), and indication of illustrations. Incomplete citations (such as no indication of place of publication or page numbers) are given for works not available for direct verification; these citations are preceded by an asterisk. In Part II, Bibliography of Individual New Religions, materials have been listed under the name of each New Religion, with the New Religions arranged in alphabetical order. Under each New Religion, materials have been subdivided into "Denominational" and "Secondary" headings. Denominational materials are those published by a New Religion or written by persons identified as leaders or members of a New Religion. Under denominational materials, those with no known authors are listed first, followed by those with known authors; periodicals published by this New Religion are listed at the end of the denominational materials. Secondary materials are those materials written and published by persons outside of a New Religion, about that particular New Religion. Secondary materials are arranged alphabetically by author (and by title when the author is unknown). Materials in Part II are not annotated, but plus signs before entries (especially secondary materials) indicate those recommended for primary consultation. Many items are listed both in Parts I and II. In this case full citation will be given only in the General Bibliography, and later references will mention name and title, followed by a cross-reference to the number of the entry in the General Bibliography. For denominational materials, the most common place of publication and publisher will usually be given but once, with exceptions being noted as they occur. Every entry is preceded by a number, which serves to identify materials in the indexes. All Japanese names in the bibliography are treated in the Western bibliographical fashion: family name, followed by a comma, and then given name. Long vowels have been indicated as listed in the original publication. Otherwise, the Hepburn system of romanization has been followed. In some cases where the published form of the name varies significantly from the Hepburn system, alternate readings are listed in parentheses. Transliteration of the names of New Religions presents special problems because each group tends to favor its own style of transliteration. My practice has been to follow the transliteration favored by the New Religions, with several exceptions: e.g. Soka Gakkai instead of Sokagakkai (because the former has passed into Western usage).

Page  15 Introduction 15 Translation of these names is not attempted since direct translations are difficult and sometimes meaningless. Some common terms frequently appearing in the names of New Religions are: kyo (also read oshie), "teaching" in the sense of a way of life or religion; kai, meeting or association; and kyOdan, religious organization. In transliteration these terms may be directly joined to a previous term, separated by a hyphen, or stand as a separate word. Suggestions for Convenient Use of the Bibliography The following suggestions are offered to help the reader use this bibliography to the best advantage, finding as much information about the desired subject as quickly as possible. These suggestions move from a more general to a more specific concern with New Religions. 1. Those interested in general information on the New Religions, such as articles interpreting the nature of the New Religions or books surveying the New Religions, will benefit by first turning to Part I, General Bibliography. Entries preceded by a plus sign (throughout the entire bibliography) are recommended for first reading. Readers with no previous knowledge of Japanese New Religions may want to scan the titles in the General Bibliography that are preceded by a plus sign to find entries that are most relevant to their study (and readily available). 2. Those interested in a specific New Religion may turn directly to Part II, Bibliography of Individual New Religions. Materials in Part II are grouped by specific New Religion, with the New Religions alphabetized according to their most widely used names. (Some New Religions are known by more than one name; see Table 2, "Alternate Names of New Religions.") Under each New Religion, such as Ananaikyo, the first to appear in Part II, materials are separated into "denominational" (published by the New Religion) and "secondary" (published by scholars and writers outside of the New Religion). Denominational materials will be harder to find in libraries, but where available, they will give an "inside" view of the New Religion by its own representatives. Secondary materials provide an "outside" view of the New Religion from the viewpoint of journalists and scholars not members of that New Religion. 3. Those interested in a particular topic or aspect of the New Religions should first refer to the Topical Index. For example, to find out about activities of Japanese New Religions in a geographical area such as the continental United States, refer to "American (continental) branches of New Religions" in the Topical Index (or "Hawaiian branches" or "South American branches"). Readers more interested in the social aspect of the New Religions can refer to "Social background and social change"; for the political aspect, "Political activity and elections." All references in the indexes are to entry numbers of citations (not page numbers).

Page  16 16 The New Religions of Japan The Topical Index is subdivided according to the format of the bibliography: first come "General" references, if there are any, and then entries for each New Religion, arranged alphabetically (with "Utopian Groups" last). For example, under the broad topic "Social background and social change," first comes a large number of entries for "General" works, then entries for specific works about Ananaikyo, works on Gedatsu-kai, works on Genshi Fukuin Undo, etc. Those wanting to know about social aspects of Tenrikyo can look up "Social background and social change" and scan the alphabetical listing of references down to "Tenrikyo," which is followed by entry numbers 1280, 1303, 1312, etc. These entry numbers will help the reader quickly find the needed citation. Unfortunately, Western-language treatments for many aspects of many New Religions are not available, but this process enables the reader to quickly check availability without having to scan long lists of citations. 4. Those interested in a particular presentation of a New Religion by a denominational author or a particular interpretation of a New Religion by a secondary writer can check for the presence of the author's name in the alphabetical listing of authors under the individual New Religion. For convenience, all works authored or coauthored by any person are listed in the Author Index. Soka Gakkai has more citations than any other New Religion, with denominational materials spanning entries 778 through 878 and secondary materials 879 through 1091. Out of the hundred denominational materials one can choose materials written by earlier Soka Gakkai leaders such as Makiguchi, Toda, and Ikeda. Out of the more than two hundred secondary materials one can choose materials written by a scholar known to the reader (or first scan the items marked with a plus sign). To facilitate access to individual New Religions and individual authors, a single article or book has been listed under as many New Religions as it deals with. Such works usually are listed first in Part I, where they are cited in full; subsequent citations in Part II simply identify author and title followed by the entry number of the full citation in parentheses. This refers the reader to the General Bibliography for full citation. Books (and some lengthy articles) with separate chapters or sections on individual New Religions will also include page numbers to help locate the specific pages of the work treating that New Religion. 5. Those interested in materials related to the Japanese New Religions may wish to refer to additional citations. A separate category for "Utopian Groups" has been added at the end of Part II (entries 1409 through 1447) because these groups, even if not considered New Religions, are very closely related. Some readers may want related materials to help interpret the Japanese New Religions. Toward this end three bibliographical appendixes have been included: Appendix B, "Western-Language Materials on Japanese Religion," to help place these New Religions within the context of Japanese religious history;

Page  17 Introduction 17 Appendix C, "Japanese-Language Materials on the New Religions," to indicate some preliminary materials on the New Religions published in Japanese; and Appendix D, "Comparative Materials for the Study of New Religious Movements," to provide some comparative and theoretical works on new religious movements in cultural areas outside Japan. Table 1: Members of Shin Nihon Shikyo Dantai Rengo-kai (Shin-shi-ren), Union of New Religious Organizations of Japan Founded in 1951, this Union is a legal foundation composed of religious groups who choose to participate. (These religious groups are all "religious juridical persons," as defined and registered according to Japanese law.) Although Sect Shinto (Kyoha Shinto) has its own federation, and although some religious groups do not choose to participate in the Union, it is still the major spokesman for "New Religions" (shin shUcyo). The large number of groups that participate in the Union and the fact that they designate themselves as New Religions are important considerations in assessing their significance. This list is offered here to indicate the number of such groups still flourishing in Japan, many of which do not appear in this bibliography. The basis for this list is a 1966 publication of the Union, Shin-shu-ren Yoran [Union of New Religions Directory], rev. and enlarged ed. (Tokyo: Shin-shu-ren, 1966), pp. 68-75. Mr. Shuten Oishi provided information to bring this list up to date as of 1979. New memberships and withdrawals are noted as follows: (w) withdrew prior to 1969; (wl) withdrew between 1969-1979; (n) new member, entered prior to 1969; and (nl) new member, entered between 1969-1979. Ananaikyo -~ Ti A-un-a-ky5o IWaPi* Amaterashimasu Tenshu-ky6 Honch-o, X Bussho-Gonen Kai (wl) {L/t$y Byakko Shinko-kai (n) A Daie-kai Kyodan AF@3 Daihizen-kyo ^ H MA Daishizen-kyo X~ f Mt Daiuchu Daishizen Kyodan t~i V Hm Daiwa Kyodan IfnkiA Doho Kyodan Byodo-in 1MfTKW^E

Page  18 18 The New Religions of Japan Table 1 (continued) Enn6-kyo Pqrf Enjoshu Giken-in P iP Ensho-in (w) L,Gedatsu-kai m Goo-in IE~I Heiwa Kannon Myoan ~^a^^ Higashiyama Ky6kai ~:t Hikari Kyokai (wl) ut, 0 Hikawa Kamiichi-jo H * — i Hi no Oshie BL Horaizan Seishin-kai (wl) *P~ Iozan Rissh-u iS J Ishin-kai (w) 'Pt Ichigen no Miya — 3/ Ichijo-in -- Isson-kyo -#Izumo Shinto Yakumo-ky6 Shinjin-kai Kyodan SnLA-V A=H Jish- Ky6dan,is1 Kami Ichij6-kyo W —o Kannagara-kyo * ts ti 6b Kikuei-kai Kyodan tiWtH Kishin-kai tb' Komyo Kyokai (n) WOt~A Kyuseishu Hikari no Michi Honbu (n) ' ~ Makoto no Ie (nl) (O)~ Meiji Ky6dan oAeN Meirin-ky'o {t Minetaka Inari Taisha-ky-o A ~i MIt Miwa Shint6 Hiromitsu-ky-o — ~~_~ My6chi-kai Kyodan kVtV Myodo-kai Kyodan 0_M^:al Mury6-ji M,~ Nanayo-kai -tc Naobi-kyo a H Nihon Jingu Honcho H w NikkU-kyo H t Omiwa-kybo ~^ Omiwa-ky-o:k —4 PL Ky6dan!~-^ /tH (or PL R ) Rissho Kosei-kai IzE~fj Ry6ben-ky6 Honbu-Kyokai ~w$S

Page  19 Introduction 19 Table 1 (continued) Seichudo-kai (nl) VPiPA Seigi-kai Kyodan!E&iif Seihikari Kyokai bt 'J t Seikyo Jikaku-in tk ts Seishin My6oj-kai LCYi Sekai Heiwa Kyodan *Iti anl1p Sekai Kyusei-kyo (w) t!UtA:t Sekai Shind6-kyo tf-,~jl Shidai-do Honcho (wl) []l~*j Shinkakuho-ji jijt Shinko-en ~6 Shinkomyo En tpM Shinnyo-en (wl) %$au Shinri Jikko no Oshie A fTfo Shinshin Kyokai* t Shishin-kai, Shinto Funi-kai (nl) MtA-T Shintoryu Yogen Shin-ky-o ~ 4gi,, Shinto Tenk6-kyo *ilff Shaka Danjikido Komyo-ji F =aa~ Shoroku Shinto Yamato-yama &Xtia nl Shuyodan Hosei-kai {[ Soshindo Kyodan Wft H Taireid-o k{i TaiyF-kyo Tenchikai Manseidb ~M i7 Tamamitsu Jinja,EWt~ Tengen-kyo Kokoro no Ie R Lcfi, Tenjo-kyo *t Tenken-kyo Xir Tenko-kyo x~ Ten-on-kyo X,>, Tenshin-kyo 5Lt Tenso Ko-kyo Kanazawa Shibu: ft Tenchi Genrei Kyodan XtASt~ Uchu Moto Hajime Shin-kyo (wl) ft:-n Wakodo Kyodan fnathFI Zenrin-kai ~A * Name has changed to Koboen Shinshin Kyodan.

Page  20 20 The New Religions of Japan Table 2: Alternate Names of New Religions Materials for each New Religion are grouped under the most common name for that New Religion, with the names of the New Religions arranged alphabetically. Western readers may have encountered alternate names for the New Religions; for convenience such names are listed here, with indication of the more common name used in this bibliography. Most of these names are variants accepted by the New Religions: alternate pronunciations, alternate names, and abbreviated or more formal names. The term Odoru Shukyo (Dancing Religion) is a label applied by outsiders and is not accepted and used by this New Religion. ALTERNATE NAMES FOR THE NEW RELIGIONS MORE COMMON NAMES USED IN THIS BIBLIOGRAPHY Hikari-kyIzumo Oyashiro-kyo Kegon Shu Todaiji Hawaii Bekkaku Honzan Komeito (Clean Government Party) Makuya Mitake-kyo Moralogy Nichiren Shoshu Odoru Shukyo (Dancing Religion) Perfect Liberty Shinto Honkyoku Taisei-kyo Sokagakkai Tenchi KSod Zenrin-kai Kagami no Hongi Izumo Taisha-kyo Todaiji of Hawaii Soka Gakkai Genshi Fukuin Undo Ontake-kyo Dotoku Kagaku Soka Gakkai Tensho Kotai-Jingu-Kyo PL Kyodan Shinto Taikyo Shinto Taisei-kyo S-ka Gakkai Zenrin-kai

General Bibliography (entries 1-259)

pp. 21-64

Page  21 PART I

Page  22

Page  23 GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY +1. ABE, YOSHIYA. "Religious Freedom under the Meiji Constitution." Contemporary Religions in Japan 9, no. 4 (December 1968): 268-338; 10, nos. 1-2 (March-June 1969): 57-97; nos. 3-4 (September-December 1969): 181-203; 11, nos. 1-2 (March-June 1970): 27-97; nos. 3-4 (September-December 1970): 223-96. Treats the general problem of religious freedom for all groups, but especially in the last installment deals with the denial of full freedom of practice for the "newly emerging popular sects" (New Religions). 2. AKIYAMA, AISABURO. Shinto and Its Architecture. Kyoto: Japan Welcome Society, 1936. Reprint. Tokyo: Tokyo News Service, 1955, 217 pp. See pp. 35-46. Brief comments on Sect Shinto. +3. ANESAKI, MASAHARU. History of Japanese Religion. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1930. Reprint. Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1963, xxii + 423 pp. See pp. 309-16, 370-74, 395-403. A brief mention of "The Rise of Popular Theism" and popular religion in the light of recent Japanese religious history. +4.. The Religious and Social Problems of the Orient. New York: Macmillan Co., 1923, xi + 77 pp. See pp. 52-73. An analysis of the socioeconomic factors causing "religious agitation." Description of the new religious groups Oomoto and Ittoen, and of the Christian leader Kagawa. +5.. Religious Life of the Japanese People. Tokyo: Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai (The Society for International Cultural Relations), 1938. Revised by Hideo Kishimoto, 1961, 105 pp. See pp. 93-102. In the context of "The Prewar and Postwar Situations," the reviser Kishimoto concludes that "The 'new religions'... are the most conspicuous religious phenomena of postwar Japan." 23

Page  24 24 The New Religions of Japan +6.. "Social Unrest and Spiritual Agitation in Present-day Japan." Harvard Theological Review 15, no. 4 (October 1922): 305-22. Reprinted in Anesaki, Katam Karaniyam; Lectures, Essays and Studies. Tokyo: Herald Press, 1934; Boston: Marshall Jones Co., 1936, pp. 132-52. A discussion of the rise of the New Religions out of the troubled social and economic conditions in the 1920s; mentions Oomoto and Ittoen. +7. ANZAI, SHIN. "Catholicism in an Isolated Village." In The Sociology of Japanese Religion. Edited by Kiyomi Morioka and William H. Newell. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1968, pp. 44-53. Printed simultaneously in Journal of Asian and African Studies 3, nos. 1-2 (January-April 1968): 44-53. Documents peaceful coexistence in one Japanese village of three groups: Oomoto, Nichiren Sh-sh-u (Soka Gakkai), and Catholicism. 8.. "Newly-Adopted Religions and Social Change on the Ryukyu Islands (Japan) (With Special Reference to Catholicism)." Social Compass 23, no. 1 (1976): 57-70. See pp. 64-70. Comparison of recruitment and experience in Catholicism with two New Religions: (Christian) Iesu no Mitama Kyokai and Soka Gakkai in the Ryukyu Islands. 9. AOKI, TAMOTSU. "Some Remarks on the New Religion Movements in Contemporary Japan." In The Symposium on Family and Religion in East Asian Countries. Edited by Chie Nakane and Akira Goto. Tokyo: Center for East Asian Cultural Studies, 1972, pp. 106-12. Reprinted from East Asian Cultural Studies 11, nos. 1-4 (March 1972): 106-12. An attempt to present the "special characteristics of the New Religion movement." +9A. ARAI, KEN. "New Religious Movements." In Japanese Religion: A Survey by the Agency for Cultural Affairs. Edited by Ichiro Hori et al. Tokyo and Palo Alto: Kodansha International, 1972, pp. 89-104. A good general introduction to Japanese New Religions, focusing on their general characteristics and distinctive features. (Other articles in this volume provide introductions to the various religious traditions in Japan.)

Page  25 General Bibliography 25 10. ARIGA, TETSUTARO. "The Non-Christian Religions." In The Japan Christian Yearbook 1953. Edited by B.L. Hinchman and Robert W. Wood. Tokyo: Kyo Bun Kwan (The Christian Literature Society), 1953, pp. 47-67. See pp. 59-67. A description of the growth and decline of several New Religions. 11.. "The So-called 'Newly-Arisen Sects' in Japan." Occasional Bulletin (Missionary Research Library, Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York) 5, no. 4 (March 1954): 1-6. A Japanese Christian defines a New Religion as "a living contemporary religion or religious movement that has spontaneously arisen and grown rather recently on Japanese soil" in the "religious vacuum" following World War II. 12. ARMSTRONG, ROBERT CORNELL. "Modern Revivals of Ancient Religions in Japan." Japan Evangelist 31 (July 1924): 43-48. Modern revivals have been attempted both within established religions and recent sects (New Religions). 12A. ARUTIUNOV, SERGEI ALEKSANDROVICH and SVETLOV, GEORGII EVGEN'EVICH [pseud. of Georgii Evgen'evich KomarovskiiJ. Starye i novye bogi IAponii [Old and new gods of Japan]. Moscow: Nauka, 1968, 200 pp. In Russian. Chapters on the classification and nature of New Religions. 13. BACH, MARCUS. Strangers at the Door. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1971, 189 pp. See pp. 96-128. A popular account of contacts with seven Japanese New Religions. +14. BAIRY, MAURICE A. Japans neue Religionen in der Nachkriegszeit. Bonn: Ludwig Rohrscheid Verlag, 1959, 135 pp. A general analysis of the Japanese context of the New Religions, a survey of the chief religious and social characteristics of the New Religions, and a description of PL Kyodan. 15. BALLOU, ROBERT O. Shinto: The Unconquered Enemy. Japan's Doctrine of Racial Superiority and World Conquest, With Selections from Japanese Texts. New York: Viking Press, 1945, xi + 239 pp. See pp. 200-7. Reprinted from Daniel C. Holtom, The National Faith of Japan (entry 85).

Page  26 26 The New Religions of Japan "Doctrines of Sectarian Shinto" includes quotations from Japanese sources. 16. BASABE, FERNANDO M. Japanese Religious Attitudes. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1972, vii + 94 pp. Illus. See pp. 12, 68-69. A brief summary of two surveys by the author and collaborators; contains some general statistics and survey information regarding New Religions. 17.; ANZAI, SHIN; and LANZACO, FEDERICO. Religious Attitudes of Japanese Men: A Sociological Survey. Tokyo: Sophia University, Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1968, 135 pp. See pp. 6-8, 25-45, 51-53. Results of detailed sociological surveys of religious beliefs and practices, including comparisons of established religions and New Religions in Japan. 18.; ANZAI, SHIN; and NEBREDA, ALPHONSO M. Japanese Youth Confronts Religion: A Sociological Survey. Tokyo: Sophia University and Charles E. Tuttle, 1967, vi + 183 pp. See pp. 33, 53, 126, 128, 130. Mentions that the "common belief outside of Japan that the new religions, particularly the Soka-gakkai, also exert a powerful influence in university campuses... is not accurate"; of students interviewed, only 1.21% belonged to the New Religions. 19. BEARDSLEY, RICHARD K. "Religion and Philosophy." In Twelve Doors to Japan. Edited by John Whitney Hall and Richard K. Beardsley. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1965, pp. 310-47. See pp. 329-30, 339-43. General comments on the formation and nature of Japanese New Religions. 20.; HALL, JOHN W.; and WARD, ROBERT E. Village Japan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1959, 498 pp. See pp. 446, 468. Notes the almost insignificant presence of Sect Shinto and "indigenous evangelistic sects" in a rice-growing community that is exhaustively studied. 20A. BENNER, PATTERSON D. "The Universality of 'Tongues."' Japan Christian Quarterly 39, no. 2 (Spring 1973): 101-7. See pp. 104-5.

Page  27 General Bibliography 27 Brief references to the Japanese New Religions as Japanese examples of the universality of "tongues" (glossolalia). Compares Christian and other phenomena of "speaking in tongues." 21. BENZ, ERNST. Neue Religionen. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag, 1971, 179 pp. See pp. 17-24. A general treatment of the development and characteristics of Japanese New Religions. 22.. "'Neue Religionen' in Japan." Antaios 2, no. 1 (May 1960): 63 -74. Summarizes the common characteristics of the New Religions. +23. BERNIER, BERNARD. Breaking the Cosmic Circle: Religion in a Japanese Village. Cornell University East Asia Papers, no. 5. Ithaca: Cornell University, Cornell China-Japan Program, 1975, iii + 188 pp. See pp. 116-28, 148-64. A contrast of Tenrikyo and Soka Gakkai in an anthropology dissertation on religion in a Japanese village: Tenrikyo blends into village practices but Soka Gakkai breaks sharply with village rituals. 24.. "The Popular Religion of a Japanese Village and Its Transformation." Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell University, 1970, 244 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International 31, no. 3 (September 1970): 1027B. University Microfilms International order no. 70-17,073. Basis for entry 23. 25. BLACKER, CARMEN. "Millenarian Aspects of the New Religions in Japan." In Tradition and Modernization in Japanese Culture. Edited by Donald H. Shively. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971, pp. 563-600. Analysis of the founding of Japanese New Religions from the viewpoint of the concept of millenarian movements used for European and nonWestern movements. +26.. "New Religious Cults in Japan." Hibbert Journal 60 (July 1962): 305-13. A discussion of the origins of the New Religions in folk religion and popular religion, along with interviews of founders and accounts of visits to New Religions's headquarters.

Page  28 28 The New Religions of Japan 27. BOBILIN, ROBERT T. "Japanese Peace Movements." In The Religious Situation: 1968. Edited by Donald R. Cutler. Boston: Beacon Press, 1968, pp. 461-97. Describes the involvement of New Religions (especially Oomoto) and related groups (such as Ittoen) in Japanese peace movements. 28. BRADEN, CHARLES S. "Religion in Post-War Japan." Journal of Bible and Religion 21, no. 3 (July 1953): 147-53. Observations of the flourishing New Religions after a visit to several headquarters. *29. BRAND, J.A., S.J. "Shinkoshukyo-As religioes novas do Japao" [Shinkoshuky —The New Religions of Japan]. Estudos 21 (1961): 23-35. In Portuguese. Cited in Novas religioes japonesas no Brasil (entry 172), p. 38. 30. BRANLEY, BRENDAN R. Christianity and the Japanese. Maryknoll, NY: Maryknoll Publications, 1966, x + 271 pp. See pp. vii, 111-21. Brief comments on "New Religions and Social Mission." 31. BRAUN, NEIL. Laity Mobilized: Reflections on Church Growth in Japan. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1971, 224 pp. Refers to Japanese New Religions as illustrations of how Christian missions should be understood. 32. BROWN, DELMER M. "Japan's Century of Change: The Religious Factor." Japan Christian Quarterly 35, no. 1 (Winter 1968): 24-33. Uses frequent references to the New Religions to reject two "overworked generalizations: one, the Japanese people are not really a religious people; and two, modernization always makes people less religious." 33. BUNCE, WILLIAM K. Religions in Japan: Buddhism, Shinto, Christianity. Tokyo and Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1955, xi + 194 pp. See pp. 160-65. Based on a 1948 report entitled "Religions in Japan" (ix + 204 pp.) prepared by the Religions and Cultural Resources Division, Civil Information and Education Section of the Supreme Command for the Allied Powers, this book mentions briefly five classes of New Religions.

Page  29 General Bibliography 29 34. BUREAU OF RELIGIONS, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. A General View of the Present Religious Situation in Japan. Tokyo: Bureau of Religions, Department of Education, 1920, 68 pp. Useful information on the supervision of the national cult of Shinto and its distinction from "religion" such as Sect Shinto and Buddhism: "While there are yet no special regulations concerning cases of secession or incorporation in the Shinto or Buddhist Sects, such are practically made impossible without the approval of the Minister of Education." 35. BURROWS, EDWIN GRANT. Hawaiian Americans: An Account of the Mingling of Japanese, Chinese, Polynesian, and American Cultures. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1947, 288 pp. See pp. 160-63. Briefly describes several Japanese New Religions in the Hawaiian context of "religious reversion." 36. CALLAWAY, TUCKER N. "Christianity and the Religions of Japan." Review and Expositor 58, no. 1 (January 1961): 50-66. Emphasizes Christian influence on the New Religions, especially Ittoen and Seicho-no-Ie. *37. CERMENO, ANTONIO. "Las religiones novismas del Japon." Siglo Mision 42 (1955): 423-26. 38. CLEMEN, CARL. Die nichtchristlichen Kulturreligionen in ihrem gegenwdrtigen Zustand. Vol. 1. Leipzig and Berlin: B.O. Teubner, 1921, 123 pp. See pp. 27-33. Brief remarks on several New Religions that appeared prior to 1920. 39. COLE, ALLAN B. Political Tendencies of Japanese in Small Enterprises, with Special Reference to the Social Democratic Party. New York: Institute of Pacific Relations, 1959, ii + 155 pp. See pp. 48-49, 60-61. Irrationalism leads the otherwise politically conservative men of small enterprise to espouse "mystical and kindred sects" and their political candidates. 40. "The Constitution Investigation Council." Contemporary Religions in Japan 8, no. 2 (June 1967): 145-76. New Religions mentioned from a legal viewpoint.

Page  30 30 The New Religions of Japan 41. CREEMERS, WILHELMUS H.M. Shrine Shinto After World War II. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1968, xviii + 261 pp. See pp. 8-9, 214-16. Brief remarks on Sect Shinto in relationship to Shrine Shinto. 42. CURTIS, GERALD L. Election Campaigning Japanese Style. New York: Columbia University Press, 1971, xiii + 275 pp. See pp. 198-200. A brief but valuable comparison of Soka Gakkai and Komeito campaign activities with those of other New Religions. 43. DAVIS, WINSTON BRADLEY. Toward Modernity: A Developmental Typology of Popular Religious Affiliations in Japan. Cornell East Asia Papers, no. 12. Ithaca: Cornell University, Cornell China-Japan Program, 1977, 108 pp. See pp. 75-78. Brief comparative remarks on the New Religions in the context of a historical and sociological overview of the social organization of Japanese religions. 44. DeFRANCIS, JOHN, and LINCOLN, V.R. Things Japanese in Hawaii. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1973, xiv + 210 pp. See esp. pp. 69-91. Popular impressions of the grounds and activities of some Japanese New Religions in Hawaii. 45. DEVARANNE, THEODOR. "Religiose Inflation in Japan." Zeitschrift fUr Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft 50 (1935): 189-90. Comments on the remarkable rise of New Religions (religious inflation) in the 1920s and 1930s, interpreted as partly the quest for "a Japanese religion for the Japanese people." +46. DORE, RONALD P. City Life in Japan: A Study of a Tokyo Ward. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1963, viii + 472 pp. See pp. 291-373. A valuable description of the apparent lack of interest in established religions and increasing interest in New Religions in urban Tokyo in the 1950s. 47. DRUMMOND, RICHARD H. "Japan's 'New Religions' and the Christian Community." Christian Century 81, no. 50 (9 December 1964): 1521 -23.

Page  31 General Bibliography 31 Argues that the New Religions are "authentically religious" and examines the implications for Christianity. 48. DUMOULIN, HEINRICH. "Buddhismus im modernen Japan." Saeculum 20 (1969): 291-351. See pp. 317-51. Reprinted in Heinrich Dumoulin, ed., Buddhismus der Gegenwart (Freiburg: Herder, 1970), pp. 127-87. A general description of the historical development of Buddhism in Japan, followed by brief treatment of Buddhist-derived New Religions. 49. DUTERMUTH, FRITZ. "Religion in Sociological Perspective." Contemporary Religions in Japan, nos. 1-2 (March-June 1968): 1-29. Analysis of the emergence and function of Japanese New Religions from the viewpoint of the sociology of religion, seeking universal factors to explain not only Japanese but also Western religious phenomena. +50. EARHART, H[ARRY] BYRON. "Gedatsu-kai: One Life History and Its Significance for Interpreting Japanese New Religions." Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 7, nos. 2-3 (June-September 1980): 227 -57. An interview with a man who was a Christian until middle age, and then entered the New Religion Gedatsu-kai; includes analysis of this life history in terms of the personal dynamics of joining this New Religion. +51.. "The Interpretation of the 'New Religions' of Japan as Historical Phenomena." Journal of the American Academy of Religion 37, no. 3 (September 1969): 237-48. An analysis of the factors that contribute to the rise of the New Religions, balancing the socioeconomic factors over against the prior history of religious forms in Japan. +52.. "The Interpretation of the 'New Religions' of Japan as New Religious Movements." In Religious Ferment in Asia. Edited by Robert J. Miller. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1974, pp. 169-88. An interpretation of Japanese New Religions in terms of new religious movements, focusing on four basic characteristics. +53.. Japanese Religion: Unity and Diversity. Belmont, CA: Dickenson Publishing Co., 1969, xi + 115 pp. See pp. 87-95. 2d ed., 1974, viii + 148 pp. See pp. 106-18, 122-24. 3d ed., Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1982, xii + 272 pp. Illus. See pp. 168-83, 188-90.

Page  32 32 The New Religions of Japan The New Religions treated as a distinctive feature of Japanese religion in the historical period of "formalization and renewal" (1600-present), with brief descriptions of Tenrikyo and Soka Gakkai. 54.. "New Religions." In Encyclopedia of Japan. Edited by Gen Itasaka and Maurits Dekker. Tokyo: Kodansha International, forthcoming. A general treatment of the formation and nature of Japanese New Religions. 55. _, ed. "The New Religions." In Religion in the Japanese Experience: Sources and Interpretations. Encino and Belmont, CA: Dickenson Publishing Co., 1974, pp. 237-55. Two brief chapters introducing English publications by Tenrikyo and Soka Gakkai, and a general article by the same author, in an anthology of readings on Japanese religion. 56. EARHART, H[ARRY] BYRON. "The New Religions of Korea: A Preliminary Interpretation." Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 49 (1974): 7-25. Contains comparative remarks on the formation of new religious movements in Korea and Japan. 57.. "Recent Publications on the Japanese New Religions." History of Religions 10, no. 4 (May 1971): 375-85. A review of one book treating a communal movement (entry 1438) related to Tenrikyo, and three books treating Soka Gakkai (entries 907, 922, and 1015). 58.. "The Significance of the 'New Religions' for Understanding Japanese Religion." KBS Bulletin on Japanese Culture 101 (April-May 1970): 1-9. Reprinted in part in Earhart, "The New Religions" (entry 55), pp. 249-54. A general interpretation of Japanese New Religions within the context of Japanese religious history. +59.. Toward a Theory of the Formation of the Japanese New Religions: A Case Study of Gedatsu-kai." History of Religions 20, nos. 1-2 (August-November 1980): 175-97. Criticizes the "crisis" or "anomie" theory of the development of New Religions and argues for a new theory on the basis of three interrelated factors.

Page  33 General Bibliography 33 60. EDER, MATTHIAS. Japan mit und unter dem Buddhismus: Geschichte der japanischen Religion. Vol. 2. Asian Folklore Studies, monograph 7, pt. 1. Nagoya: Asian Folklore Studies, 1978, 248 pp. See pp. 203-30. A general treatment of Japanese New Religions in the context of a two-volume history of Japanese religion. +61. ELLWOOD, ROBERT S., Jr. The Eagle and the Rising Sun: Americans and the New Religions of Japan. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1974, 224 pp. A general treatment of the activities of five Japanese New Religions in the United States, featuring first-hand observations and interviews at their branches. 62. _. Many Peoples, Many Faiths: An Introduction to the Religious Life of Mankind. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1976, xiii + 365 pp. See pp. 204-7. General comments on Japanese New Religions in the context of Japanese religion. 63. EPP, ROBERT. Review of Nihon no shinko shukyo [Japan's New Religions], by Hiroo Takagi. Japan Christian Quarterly 37 (Winter 1971): 53-55. A review of a 1954 book by Hiroo Takagi, an early standard interpretation of Japanese New Religions. *64. FANTOLI, ANNIBALE. "L'attuale situazione religiosa del Giappone." Civilta cattolica 115 (19 September 1967): 527-41. Cited in Cumulative Bibliography of Asian Studies, 1941-1965 2: 12. 65. FISHER, GALEN M. Creative Forces in Japan. New York: Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada, 1923, viii + 248 pp. See pp. 126-33. Notes dissatisfaction with old religions and the appeal of popular sects. 66. FLORENZ, KARL. "Die Japaner." In Lehrbuch der Religionsgeschichte. Vol. 1, edited by Chantepie de la Saussaye. 4th rev. ed. Edited by Albert Bertholet and Eduard Lehmann. TUbingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1925, pp. 262-422. See pp. 344-48. Notes the extreme gap between Shrine Shinto and folk Shinto; describes briefly the thirteen members of Sect Shinto.

Page  34 34 The New Religions of Japan 67. FRAGER, ROBERT, and ROHLEN, THOMAS P. "The Future of a Tradition: Japanese Spirit in the 1980s." In Japan: The Paradox of Progress. Edited by Lewis Austin. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1976, pp. 255-78. Compares and contrasts New Religions with other religious groups and other social movements in terms of Japanese "spirit" (or seishin). *68. GAY, J. LOPEZ. "Las nuevas religiones en Japan." Misiones Extranjeras 45 (1965): 41-63. Cited in Fernando M. Basabe et al., Religious Attitudes of Japanese Men (entry 17), p. 5. 69. GERLITZ, PETER. Gott erwacht in Japan: Neue fernistliche Religione und ihre Botschaft vom Gluck. Freiburg: Verlag Herder, 1977, 173 pp. Views the Japanese New Religions in the light of Christian missions, interpreting them through categories such as secularization and syncretism. Features separate chapters on five New Religions. 70. GONCALVES, RICARDO MARIO. "A religiao no Japao na epoca da emigraqao para o Brasil e suas repercussoes em nosso pais" [Religion in Japan in the period of emigration to Brazil and its repercussions in our country]. In O Japongs em Sao Paulo e no Brasil. Sao Paulo: Centro de Estudos Nipo-Brasileiros, 1971, pp. 58-73. In Portuguese. A brief analysis of the historical background of Sect Shinto and the New Religions, their major groups, and their activities in Brazil 71. GUARIGLIA, GUGLIELMO. "Prophetismus und HeilserwartungsBewegungen als volkerkundliches und religionsgeschichtliches Problem." Wiener Beitrdge fur Kultur und Linguistik 13. Horn and Vienna: Verlag Ferdinand Berger, 1959, pp. 1-322. See pp. 249-53. An attempt to treat Tensho-Kotai-Jingu-Kyo (or Odoru-shukyo) and Tenrikyo in a worldwide comparative typology. 72. GUNDERT, WILHELM. Japanische Religionsgeschichte: Die Religionen der Japaner und Koreaner in geschichtlichem Abriss dargestellt. Tokyo: Taiheiyosha, 1935. Photomechanical reproduction. Stuttgart: D. Gundert Verlag, 1943, xvii + 267 pp. See pp. 128-39, 158-61, 181-82, 204.

Page  35 General Bibliography 35 A prewar treatment of several New Religions, considered as sect developments of Shinto and extensions of Buddhism. 73. HAMBRICK, CHARLES H. "Tradition and Modernity in the New Religious Movements of Japan." Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1, nos. 2-3 (June-September 1974): 217-52. Concludes that "it is the traditional religious symbols that create and maintain the world of the new religious movements." 74. HAMMER, RAYMOND JACK. "The Idea of God in Japan's New Religions-with Special Reference to Tenrikyo, Konkokyo, Sekaikyuseikyo, Omotokyo, Reiyukai, Risshokoseikai, P.L. Kyodan, Seicho no Ie and Ananaikyo." Ph.D. dissertation, University of London, 1961, 334 pp. Analysis of the idea of god (kami) in the New Religions as understood through their historical emergence from Shinto, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. 75.. "Japan." In Religions of the World: From Primitive Beliefs to Modern Faiths. Edited by Geoffrey Parrinder. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1971, pp. 307-31. See pp. 321-31. In a general chapter on Japanese religion, briefly describes the major New Religions and their characteristics. *76.. "Japan's New Religions." Frontier 5, no. 1 (1962): 356-61. Cited in Index to Religious Periodical Literature 5: 167. 77.. Japan's Religious Ferment. New York: Oxford University Press, 1962, 207 pp. See pp. 135-45, 188-92. A survey of the New Religions in the light of the history of Japanese religion, viewing them as a reaction to cultural crisis. 78.. "Popular Religion and the New Religions of Japan." Japanese Religions 3, no. 2 (Summer 1963): 1-9. The importance of understanding the New Religions in terms of "popular religion." 79.. "The Retreat from Eschatology in Some of Japan's New Religions." In X. International Kongress fur Religionsgeschichte. Marburg: Kommissionsverlag N.G. Ehvert, 1961, pp. 125-27 (abstract of the full paper, which is included in his "The Idea of God...," entry 74).

Page  36 36 The New Religions of Japan "Retreat from eschatology" refers to the fact "that thought about the future does not loom largely in those religions under consideration." 80. HAMMITZSCH, HORST. "Die Religionen als gesellschafts und staatsbildende Faktoren im neuen Japan." Saeculum (1968): 74-82. Brief reference to the New Religions as an example of religious change in postwar Japan. 81. HERBERT, JEAN. Bibliographie du shinto et des sectes shintoistes. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1968, 72 pp. Lists 1,182 publications in Japanese and Western languages, but does not cover Sect Shinto either systematically or exhaustively. 82.. Dieux et sectes populaires du Japon. Paris: Editions Albin Michel, 1967, 287 pp. See pp. 123-213, 215-19. A treatment of the thirteen bodies of Sect Shinto with brief comments on New Religions of Buddhist origin. 83.. Shinto: At the Fountain-Head of Japan. New York: Stein & Day, 1967, 622 pp. See pp. 515-24. Brief treatment of "Sectarian Shinto"; also quotes Shinto authorities on the distinction between "Shrine Shinto" and "Sectarian Shinto." 84. HODOUS, LEWIS. "Religious Ferment in Japan." Chinese Recorder 52, no. 6 (June 1921): 375-85. Mentions TenrikyU, Remmon-kyo, and Oomoto as part of the widespread religious ferment in Japan. +85. HOLTOM, DANIEL C. The National Faith of Japan: A Study in Modern Shinto. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1938. Reprint. New York: Paragon Book Reprint Corp., 1965, xiii + 329 pp. Illus. See pp. 189-286. The first major study of Sect Shinto in a Western language. Still an important work on the thirteen members of Sect Shinto in prewar times. 86. ___, and HONAGA, M. "The Religious and Ethical Teachings of the Modern Shinto Sects." In Christian Movement in Japan, Korea, and Formosa. Twenty-second Annual Issue. Kobe: Federation of Christian Missions, 1924, pp. 249-68.

Page  37 General Bibliography 37 See Daniel C. Holtom, The National Faith (entry 85), for similar material. 87. HOPKINS, E[DWARD] WASHBURN. The History of Religions. New York: Macmillan Co., 1918, 624 pp. See p. 287. Mentions Tenriky6 and Remmon-kyo as examples of "superstitious and licentious practices" in modern Shinto. +88. HORI, ICHIRO. "Penetration of Shamanic Elements into the History of Japanese Folk Religion." In Festschrift fur Ad. E. Jensen. Vol. 1. Edited by Eike Haberland, Meinhard Schuster, and Helmut Straube. Munich: Klaus Renner Verlag, 1964, pp. 245-65. Also included in Ichiro Hori, Folk Religion in Japan: Continuity and Change, ed. Joseph M. Kitagawa and Alan L. Miller (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968), pp. 181-251. Treats generally the origin and characteristics of the New Religions, including an analysis of lives of some founders of New Religions to show the shamanic elements found therein. +89., and TODA, YOSHIO. "Shinto." In Japanese Religion in the Meiji Era. Edited by Hideo Kishimoto. Translated by John F. Howes. Tokyo: Obunsha, 1956, pp. 35-98. Traces the history and activities of "nationalistic Shinto," and how, in spite of the relative lack of religious freedom from 1868 to 1912, independent sects (Sect Shinto) arose. 89A., et al., eds. Japanese Religion: A Survey by the Agency for Cultural Affairs. Tokyo and Palo Alto: Kodansha International, 1972, 272 pp. In addition to the article by Ken Arai, "New Religious Movements" (entry 9A), and other articles on Japanese religions, Part 2 "Specific Religious Organizations," pp. 161-232, and Part 3 "Statistics," pp. 233 -63 contain concise information (including addresses, numbers of clergy, and numbers of members) about individual New Religions. 90. HSU, FRANCIS L.K. Iemoto: The Heart of Japan. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman Publishing Co., 1975, xiv + 260 pp. See pp. 173-79. Chapter 11, "The lemoto Pattern in Religion," written "with the assistance of Professor Esyun Hamaguchi," contains a section that offers an interpretation of the Japanese New Religions as "Old Wines in New Bottles," variations of Japanese family and social patterns.

Page  38 38 The New Religions of Japan 91. HUNTER, LOUISE H. Buddhism in Hawaii: Its Impact on a Yankee Community. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1971, x + 266 pp. See pp. 193-97. Brief comments on New Religions as means of maintaining Japanese identity and sense of direction, especially during and after World War II. +92. IKADO, FUJIO. "Trend and Problems of New Religions: Religion in Urban Society." In The Sociology of Japanese Religion. Edited by Kiyomi Morioka and William H. Newell. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1968, pp. 101-17. Printed simultaneously in Journal of Asian and African Studies 3, nos. 1-2: 101-17. Analysis of statistical and sociological information about the membership of the New Religions that shows there is widespread exaggeration concerning the extent of the religious revival and its supposed "threat" to modern Japan. 93. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF RELIGIONS. Directory of the Sectarian Shinto Federation and the Principal Shinto Shrines of Japan. Directory no. 5. Tokyo: International Institute for the Study of Religions, 1957, 40 pp. See pp. 1-6 for addresses and information about sectarian Shinto. For more current information, addresses, and statistics, see Ichiro Hori, et al., eds., Japanese Religion (entry 89A); and "Statistics on Religious Organizations in Japan, 1947-1972" (entry 216A). 94.. New Religions, Bahai, Islam and the Japan Free Religious Association. Directory no. 4. Tokyo: International Institute for the Study of Religions, 1958, 75 pp. Lists the "present" (1958) leader, address, and official bulletins of many New Religions, in both English and Japanese. For more current information, addresses, and statistics, see Ichiro Hori, et al., eds., Japanese Religion (entry 89A), and "Statistics on Religious Organizations in Japan, 1947-1972" (entry 216A). 95.. "What Is a 'New Religion'?" Contemporary Religions in Japan 1, no. 2 (June 1960): 70-71. A note clarifying the ambiguity of the term "New Religion."

Page  39 General Bibliography 39 96. IWAMOTO, TOKUICHI. "Present State of Sectarian Shinto." In Research Tour Papers, Tokyo. Mimeographed, pp. 21-25. Traces the development of Sect Shinto out of conditions of the Tokugawa period (especially Confucian influence) and its interaction with New Religions. *97. IWATA, SUMIE. New Religions in Japan through the Eyes of a Christian. Tokyo, 1960. Cited in Werner Kohler, Die Lotus-Lehre und die modernen Religionen in Japan (entry 118), p. 288. 98. JAECKEL, THEODOR. "Psychological and Sociological Approaches to Japan's New Religions." Japanese Religions 2, no. 1 (1960): 6-13. The Japanese New Religions are indigenous movements that provide social cohesion in a dissolving society, spiritual certainty in time of psychic crisis. 99. Japan-Manchoukuo Year Book, 1934. Tokyo: Japan-Manchoukuo Year Book Co., 1934, 1094 pp. See pp. 157-58. An official statement of the distinction between "sectarian" and "nonsectarian" Shinto. (Similar information in yearbooks for 1935 and 1936.) 100. JAPAN, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION. Religions in Japan. Tokyo: Religious Affairs Section, Research Bureau, Ministry of Education, Government of Japan, 1959. 2d ed., 1963, 136 pp. Includes information and statistics on Sect Shinto and the New Religions. 101. The Japanese Immigrant in Brazil. 2 vols. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1964-69. Vol. 1, Statistical Tables, edited by Comissao de Recenseamento da Colonia Japonesa (Burajiru Nikkeijin Jihai Chosa Iinkai), 1964, 76 pp. See pp. 279-95. Vol. 2, Narrative Part, edited by Teiiti Suzuki, 1969, 321 pp. See pp. 121-31, 273-74. Volume 1 includes statistical tables and figures on New Religions and Shintoists (and a sample questionnaire); volume 2 is an interpretation of the statistics. Generally, New Religions are grouped under "Japanese religions" (as opposed to "Brazilian religions"); religion is also treated as a factor in other categories, as indicated in the index.

Page  40 40 The New Religions of Japan 102. JAPANESE NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR UNESCO, comp. Japan: Its Land, People, and Culture. Tokyo: Printing Bureau, Ministry of Finance, 1958. 2d ed., 1964, 885 pp. See pp. 399, 406-7. 3d ed., 1973, xlviii + 702 pp. See pp. 188-89, 195-96. Brief description of Sect Shinto and several New Religions. 103. JOHNSON, PAUL E. "The Counselor in Modern Society." In RisshK5sei-kai. Tokyo: Kosei Publishing Co., 1966, pp. 167-72. Describes the need for counseling in modern countries like Japan and mentions the counseling techniques found in Konk-kyo and Rissho K5sei-kai. 104.. "New Religions and Mental Health." Journal of Religion and Health 3, no. 4 (July 1964): 327-34. Social and personal stress in modern Japan is alleviated by the New Religions, especially through their forms of religious counseling. 105. JOHNSON, THOMAS W. "Japan's New Religions: A Search for Uniformities." Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, no. 42 (Spring 1970): 99-118. A general treatment of the common features found in many New Religions. 106. KAGAWA, TOYOHIKO. Christ and Japan. Translated by William Axling. New York: Friendship Press, 1934, vi + 150 pp. See pp. 84-85, 91-97. A famous (Protestant) Christian's comments on various New Religions: their borrowing from Christianity as well as their down-toearth evangelistic techniques. 107. KERNER, KAREN. "Japan's New Religions." Japan Interpreter 6, no. 2 (Summer 1970): 135-50. A general discussion of Japanese New Religions from an anthropological viewpoint (comparing them with African and other movements), with special attention paid to Tensho-Kotai-Jingu-Kyo as an example of messianism. 108. KIMBALL, BRUCE A. "The Problem of Epistemology in Japanese New Religions." Tenri Journal of Religion 13 (August 1979): 72-93. A comparison and criticism of epistemology in the theology of various New Religions.

Page  41 General Bibliography 41 109. KISHIMOTO, HIDEO. "The Problem of Religion and Modernization in Japan." Contemporary Religions in Japan 1, no. 3 (September 1960): 1-19. A critical evaluation of Japanese religions from the viewpoint of "modernization," with remarks on the New Religions. +110. __, and WAKIMOTO, TSUNEYA. "Introduction: Religion During Tokugawa." In Japanese Religion in the Meiji Era. Edited by Hideo Kishimoto. Translated by John F. Howes. Tokyo: Obunsha, 1956, pp. 3-33. Analysis of the historical and religious context out of which the New Religions arose, especially revealing the strict governmental control over religion from about 1600 to 1945 and pointing out "Buddhist spiritual stagnation." 111. KITAGAWA, JOSEPH M. "New Religions in Japan: A Historical Perspective." In Religion and Change in Contemporary Asia. Edited by Robert F. Spencer. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1971, pp. 27-43. Analyzes the historical background out of which the New Religions developed and comments on their significance in the postwar period. +112.. Religion in Japanese History. New York: Columbia University Press, 1966, x + 475 pp. See pp. 214-25, 233-36, 278-84, 306-36. Treatment of the New Religions in terms of Japanese religious history, showing how they developed out of earlier religious traditions and meet particular needs of modern Japanese. 113. KIYOTA, MINORU. "Buddhism in Japan Today: The Agony of the New Generation." In Studies in Asia, 1966. Vol. 7, edited by Robert K. Sakai. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1966, pp. 77-88. The New Religions are more directly concerned with the people's immediate problems than are established religions like Buddhism. +114.. "Buddhism in Postwar Japan: A Critical Survey." Monumenta Nipponica 24, nos. 1-2 (1969): 113-36. Analyzes the shortcomings of postwar Buddhism by reference to the success of New Religions such as Soka Gakkai.

Page  42 42 The New Religions of Japan +115. KOBAYASHI, SAKAE. "Changes in the Japanese Religions after World War II." S.T.M. thesis, Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York, 1957, 153 pp. See pp. 48-107, 134-35. Notes that the New Religions tended to be nationalistic supporters of the war effort but in postwar times have emphasized "the international nature of religion." 116.. "Changes in Japanese Religions After World War II (Part I)." Kwansei Gakuin University Annual Studies 8 (October 1959): 1-53. See esp. pp. 46-53. A general account of the changes within Japanese religion for the period 1945-1951, with specific remarks on Tenrikyo and Konkokyo. (Part II was never published; this appears to be a published version of some of the preceding entry.) 117.. "The Peaceful Co-Existence of Intellectual and Magical Elements in Japan's New Religions." Japanese Religions 1, no. 4 (December 1959): 28-35. +118. KOHLER, WERNER. Die Lotus-Lehre und die modemen Religionen in Japan. Zurich: Atlantis Verlag, 1962, 300 pp. A general treatment of New Religions ("modern religions") dependent on Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra: Soka Gakkai, Reiyu-kai, and Rissho Kosei-kai. Questions the relationship of shamanism and ancestor worship to the New Religions. *119.. "Die modernen Religionen in Japan und ihr Verstindnis der Mission." In Lutherisches Missionsjahrbuch 1965. Nuremberg NUrnberg Bayer, Missionskonferenz, 1965, pp. 41-60. *120. _. "Neue Religionen." Ostasien 2, nos. 5-6 (1959). Cited in Werner Kohler, Die Lotus-Lehre und die modernen Religionen in Japan (entry 118), p. 289. KOMAROVSKII, GEORGII EVGEN'EVICH. See Arutiunov, Sergei Aleksandrovich and Svetlov, Georgii Evgen'evich (entry 12A). 121. No entry. 122. KOPPING (KOEPPING), KLAUS-PETER. Religiose Bewegungen im modernen Japan als Problem des Kulturwandels. Inaugural dissertation, Universitiit zu Koln. Published under the same title. Cologne: Wienand Verlag, 1974, 159 pp. Illus.

Page  43 General Bibliography 43 General chapters on theories about cultural change, followed by analysis of three Japanese New Religions. 123. _. "Sekai Mahikari Bunmei Kyodan-A Preliminary Discussion of a Recent Religious Movement in Japan." Contemporary Religions in Japan 8, no. 2 (June 1967): 101-34. In analyzing this religious movement from the viewpoint of cultural anthropology, discusses methodological considerations for studying the New Religions, their character as nativistic innovations, and the general significance of Japanese New Religions. 124. KOTANSKI, WIESLAW. Zarys dziejow w Japonii [Outline history of Japan]. Warsaw: Ksiqzka i Wiedza, 1963, 214 pp. Illus. See pp. 120 -29, 152-67. In Polish. An overview of Shinto sects and some "Buddhist" new movements. 125. KUBOTA, SHOBUN. "Belief in Hokkekyo and Its Development in Japan." In Research Tour Papers, Tokyo. Mimeographed, pp. 11-14. Traces the history of belief in the Lotus Sutra and its contribution to new religious movements. 126. LANCZKOWSKI, GUNTER. Die neuen Religionen. Frankfort: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1974, 201 pp. See pp. 10-54. Includes brief overviews of nine Japanese New Religions, as well as treating new religious movements from other areas. 127. LANTERNARI, VITTORIO. The Religions of the Oppressed: A Study of Modern Messianic Cults. Translated by Lisa Sergio. New York: Knopf; London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1963, xix + 343 pp. New York: New American Library, 1965, xvi + 286 pp. See pp. 223-27. First published as Movimenti religiosi di liberta e di salvezza dei popoli oppressi (Milan: Feltrinelli, 1960), 365 pp. Also published as Religiose Freiheits- und Heilsbewegungen unterdriickten Vilker, trans. Friedrich Kollmann (Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1960), 538 pp. A worldwide comparative study of messianic and prophetic movements, discussed by region, including mention of some Japanese New Religions. 128. LEE, ROBERT. Stranger in the Land: A Study of the Church in Japan. London: Lutterworth Press, 1967, xvi + 216 pp. See pp. 135-54.

Page  44 44 The New Religions of Japan General remarks on "Appeal of New Religious Groups." 129. LOFTIN, MARION T. "Japanese in Brazil: A Study in Immigration and Acculturation." Ph.D. thesis, Vanderbilt University, 1951, 348 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts 12 (1952): 759. University Microfilms International order no. 3974. See pp. 86-89, 160-63, 230-38, 256e-256i. First-hand description of a "Tenri-Kyo Temple" and a "healing ceremony" therein (pp. 256e-256i); Tenrikyo is treated as a Shinto sect, and the earlier references give some information on "Shinto." 130. LOKOWANDT, ERNST. Die rechtliche Entwicklung des Staats-Shinto in der ersten Hdlfte der Meiji-Zeit (1868-1890). Inaugural dissertation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitit, 1976, 509 pp. See pp. 304 -11. Published under the same title. Studies in Oriental Religions, no. 3. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1978, ix + 383 pp. A brief treatment of Sect Shinto in the context of the development of state Shinto. 131. LOUIS-FREDERIC [pseud.]. Le shinto, esprit et religion du Japon. Paris: Bordas, 1972, 159 pp. See pp. 63-69. A brief treatment of Sect Shinto. 132. LOWELL, PERCIVAL. Occult Japan or the Way of the Gods: An Esoteric Study of Japanese Personality and Possession. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1895, 379 pp. Appeared originally in Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan 21-22. Description of various forms of possession that have been very important for the foundation of the "mountain sects" of Shinto and the New Religions in general. 133. McFARLAND, H[ORACE] NEILL. "The New Religions of Japan." Contemporary Religions in Japan 1, no. 2 (June 1960): 35-47; no. 3 (September 1960): 30-39; no. 4 (December 1960): 47-69. Except for the description of Tenrikyo and Ittoen, materials later included in his book The Rush Hour of the Gods (entry 136). 134.. "The New Religions of Japan." Perkins School of Theology Journal 12, no. 1 (Fall 1958): 3-21.

Page  45 General Bibliography 45 135.. "The Present Status of the Religions of Japan." Journal of Bible and Religion 26, no. 3 (July 1958): 222-31. Argues that "functionally the New Religions are crisis religions." +136.. The Rush Hour of the Gods: A Study of New Religious Movements in Japan. New York: Macmillan Co., 1967, xvii + 267 pp. Analyzes the "social crisis and the rise of the new religions" and identifies their recurrent characteristics. Treats Konkokyo, PL Kyodan, Seicho-no-Ie, Rissho Kosei-kai, and Soka Gakkai. 137. MAEYAMA, TAKASHI. "Ancestor, Emperor, and Immigrant: Religion and Group Identification of the Japanese in Rural Brazil (1908-1950)." Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs 14, no. 2 (May 1972): 151-82. Analyzes the rather late success of the Japanese New Religions among Japanese in Brazil, arguing that initially rather low family identity and later rise to middle-class status (and growing family consciousness) are the major factors in this process. 138. MANIKAM, RAJAH B., ed. Christianity and the Asian Revolution. Madras: Diocesan Press; New York: Friendship Press, 1954, iv + 293 pp. See pp. 175-84. Comment on the New Religions in the context of resurgent Asian religions as a challenge to Christianity. +139. MARUKAWA, HITOO. "Religious Circumstances in the Late Tokugawa and the Early Meiji Periods: Religious Backgrounds in the Cradle Years of Tenrikyo." Tenri Journal of Religion 11 (1970): 43-78. A good summary of the sociopolitical conditions, religious beliefs, and customs out of which the first New Religions arose. 140. MASAMUNE, HAKUCHO. "Thoughts on the New Religions." Japan Quarterly 4, no. 1 (January-March 1957): 65-69. The New Religions are actually no more naive than faith in science; they appeal to the inevitable human nostalgia for religious certainty in an age when Buddhism and Christianity have lost their vitality. 141. MATSUMURA, AKIKO. "Psychological Approaches of the New Religions." Japan Christian Quarterly 41, no. 2 (Spring 1975): 111-13.

Page  46 46 The New Religions of Japan 142. MELTON, J. GORDON. "The Eastern and Middle Eastern Family (Buddhism, Shintoism, and Zoroastrianism)." In The Encyclopedia of American Religions. Vol. 2. Wilmington, NC: McGrath Publishing Co., 1978, pp. 393-444. Includes brief descriptions of Japanese movements, their founders, history, and activities in Hawaii and continental U.S. 142A., and GEISENDORFER, JAMES V. A Directory of Religious Bodies in the United States. Compiled from the files of the Institute for the Study of American Religion. New York: Garland, 1977, xiv + 305 pp. A comprehensive directory of addresses of religious groups in America, arranged alphabetically; the bulk are Christian and Jewish groups, but for the lists of Japanese religious groups that include New Religions, see p. 275, "Buddhist Bodies," p. 276, "Shinto," and p. 278, "Miscellaneous." *143. MIURA, YOSHIKAZU. Neue Religionen in Japan. Christus und die Welt, vol. 19. Bad Salzuflen: MBK-Verlag, 1963, 39 pp. Cited in Cumulative Bibliography of Asian Studies, 1941-1965 3: 306. 144. MIYAKE, TADASHI. "Who Gets the Religious Vote?" Japanese Christian Quarterly 44, no. 2 (Spring 1978): 118. Provides membership figures for politically active religious organizations and analyzes the strategy of the Liberal Democratic Party to mobilize the religious vote. *145. MOLINA, GONZALEZ ANTONIO. "'Shinkooshuukyoo,' las nuevas religiones en el Japon." Razo'n y fe 161, no. 745 (February 1960): 153 -64. Cited in Bibliography of Asian Studies, 1961-62, p. 650. 146. MORIOKA, KIYOMI. "Contemporary Changes in Japanese Religion." In Sociology and Religion: A Book of Readings. Edited by Norman Birnbaum and Gertrud Lenzer. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1969, pp. 382-86. Brief comments on Japanese New Religions. +147.. "The Institutionalization of a New Religious Movement." In Proceedings of Tokyo Meeting of the International Conference on Sociology of Religion. Edited by Organizing Committee for Tokyo

Page  47 General Bibliography 47 Meeting of CISR 1978. Tokyo: Organizing Committee for Tokyo Meeting of CISR 1978, 1978, pp. 217-45. Reprinted in Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 6, nos. 1-2 (March-June 1979): 239-80. An incisive analysis of institutionalization procedures in any new religious movement, with major focus on Rissho Kosei-kai and comparative remarks on other Japanese New Religions. +148.. Religion in Changing Japanese Society. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1975, xvi + 231 pp. A collection of essays on changing social and religious patterns in postwar Japan by a leading Japanese sociologist of religion; the essays describe the general context of the New Religions and provide incisive comments on the New Religions in relationship to other religious developments. 149.. "Les religions contemporaines du Japon: Coexistence et conflit." Revue francaise de sociologie 8 (July-September 1967): 348 -54. 150. _, and SHIMPO, MITSURU. "The Impact of the Physical Movement of Population on Japanese Religions after World War II." In Actes de la 1le Conference Opatija (Conference internationale de sociologie religieuse). Lille, France: Edition CISR, n.d., pp. 189-211. Reprinted in Kiyomi Morioka, Religion in Changing Japanese Society (Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1975), pp. 155-67. Analyzes the impact of population movement on the decline of organized religions and the growth of New Religions. 151. MUCCIOLI, MARCELLO. Lo shintoismo, religione nazionale del Giappone. Milan: Instituto Editorale Galileo, 1948, 143 pp. See pp. 124-31. A brief treatment of Sect Shinto. 152. MULHOLLAND, JOHN F. Hawaii's Religions. Rutland, VT and Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1970, 344 pp. See esp. pp. 270-90. Brief comments on the history and activities of Japanese New Religions in Hawaii, including their addresses. +153. MURAKAMI, SHIGEYOSHI. Japanese Religion in the Moder Century) Translated by H[arry] Byron Earhart. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1980, xvii + 186 pp. Illus.

Page  48 48 The New Religions of Japan A critical analysis of the development of Japanese New Religions out of grassroots religious movements, in spite of governmental suppression; treats all the major New Religions and many lesser known New Religions (all of which are included in the book's index). For Murakami's original book (in Japanese), see Appendix C in the present work. 154.. "New Religions of Japan." In The Symposium on Family and Religion in East Asian Countries. Edited by Chie Nakane and Akira Goto. Tokyo: Center for East Asian Cultural Studies, 1972, pp. 17 -27. Reprinted from East Asian Cultural Studies 11, nos. 1-4 (March 1972). A convenient overview of the development and activities of Japanese New Religions. 155.. "Les religions nouvelles au Japon." Social Compass 17, no. 1 (1970): 137-51. An analysis of the New Religions in terms of their historical background, their relationship to social and economic factors, and their expression of conservative values. +156. NAKAJIMA, HIDEO. "On Some Problem in the Classification of Shinto." Tenri Journal of Religion 11 (December 1970): 36-42. A critical discussion of the notion of Kyoha Shinto (Sect Shinto) in the light of New Religions. 157. NAKAMURA, HAJIME. Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples: IndiaChina-Tibet-Japan. Revised English translation. Edited by Philip P. Wiener. Honolulu: East-West Center Press, 1964, xx + 712 pp. See pp. 449-67. Remarks on the Japanese tendency towards "Absolute Devotion to a Specific Individual Symbolic of the Human Nexus," helpful for understanding the phenomenon of founders in modern religious movements. 158. NEBREDA, ALFONSO M. "L'etudiant japonais en face du probleme religieux: Ombres et lumieres." Etudes 307 (December 1960): 361-70. The New Religions are part of the religious confusion that students face.

Page  49 General Bibliography 49 159.. "The Legacy of the West: The Japanese University Student Confronts Religion (Part I)." Monumenta Nipponica 20 (1965): 15-40. See pp. 34-40. Concludes that "when confronted with the New Religions, the students are strongly and unanimously opposed to them." (The other part of this article, in the subsequent issue of Monumenta Nipponica, does not deal with religion.) 160. "New Religions of Japan." Hibbert Journal 62, no. 244 (October 1963): 10-15. A general treatment, mainly a summary of Harry Thomsen, The New Religions of Japan (entry 233). 161. "New Religions of Japan." Herder Correspondence (October 1963), pp. 22-26. 161A. NEWNAN, EDNA S. "Female Leadership Roles in Japan's New Religions: Their Relation to Shamanism and Max Weber's Charisma Theory." M.A. thesis, University of Michigan, 1956, ii + 151 pp. Available at the Asia Library of the University of Michigan. 161B. NICHOLSON, SAMUEL O. "New Religious Movements in Japan." M.A. thesis, University of Michigan, 1956, ii + 151 pp. Available at the Asia Library of the University of Michigan. 162. NIELSEN, NIELS C., Jr. "Japan's 'New Religions."' Christian Century 74 (October 1957): 1196-98. In spite of certain deficiencies, "positively, these new faiths serve as a barrier to communism." 163. _. Religion and Philosophy in Contemporary Japan. Rice Institute Pamphlets (Houston) 43, no. 4 (1957): 1-132. See pp. 82-109. A survey of Japanese religion in its different aspects, briefly treating New Religions. *164.. "As novas religioes do Japao" [The New Religions of Japan]. Unitas 20 (1958): 25-32. In Portuguese. 165. NISHITANI, KEIJI. "The Religious Situation in Present-Day Japan." Contemporary Religions in Japan 1, no. 1 (March 1960): 7-24.

Page  50 50 The New Religions of Japan A famous philosopher's analysis of contemporary Japanese religion, especially religious indifference and nihilism. +166. NISHIYAMA, SHIGERU; SHIMAZONO, SUSUMU; SHIRAMIZU, HIROKO; and TSUSHIMA, MICHITO. "The Vitalistic Conception of Salvation in Japanese New Religions: An Aspect of Modern Religious Consciousness." In Proceedings of Tokyo Meeting of the International Conference on Sociology of Religion. Edited by Organizing Committee for Tokyo Meeting of CISR 1978. Tokyo: Organizing Committee for Tokyo Meeting of CISR 1978, 1978, vi + 284 pp. See pp. 74-91. Reprinted in Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 6, nos. 1-2 (MarchJune 1979): 139-61. A valuable synthetic overview of "the common underlying structure to the teachings of the various New Religions." '167. NIWANO, NIKKYO. Lifetime Beginner: An Autobiography. Translated by Richard L. Gage. Tokyo: Kosei Publishing Co., 1978, 300 pp. Illus. See esp. pp. 227-30. This autobiography by the cofounder of Rissho Kosei-kai provides valuable insight into the process whereby New Religions develop; a number of New Religions other than Rissho Kosei-kai are mentioned in the work. 168. NIYEDA (NIEDA), ROKUSABURO. "New Religion in Japan-Japanese People's Religion." Religions in Japan at Present (1958), pp. 23-26. Treats the New Religions as the attempt to break through the traditional political control over religion and to relate religion directly to daily life. 168A. NORBECK, EDWARD. Religion and Society in Modern Japan: Continuity and Change. Houston: Tourmaline Press, 1970, vii + 232 pp. Also printed as Rice University Studies 56, no. 1 (Winter 1970). See pp. 10-43, 161-217. An introductory chapter on general features of the New Religions (origin, founders, doctrine, organization, and membership) followed by appendixes describing Soka Gakkai, Rissho Kosei-kai, PL Kyodan, and Seicho-no-Ie. 169. NORDSTOKKE, KJELL. "Seitas e orientalismo: Sua infiltracao no Brasil" [Sects and orientalism: Their infiltration in Brazil]. In Anuario Evangelico 1980, 9Q ano. Edited by Editora Sinodal. Sao Leopoldo: Editora Sinodal, 1980, pp. 83-91.

Page  51 General Bibliography 51 In Portuguese. A general treatment of New Religions, especially the Japanese New Religions present in Brazil. 170.. Utfordringen fra Brasil [The challenge from Brazil]. Oslo: Luther forlag, 1975, 111 pp. See pp. 86-98. In Norwegian. A general treatment of Seicho-no-Ie, Sekai Kyusei-ky6, and PL Ky6dan in Brazil. 171. Nouveaux Melanges Japonais. Mimeographed, no. 1 (March 1953)-no. 22 (April 1961). Occasional articles on the New Religions translated from Japanese into French. 172. Novas religioes japonesas no Brasil, por uma equipe de Franciscanos de Petropolis [Japanese New Religions in Brazil, by a team of Franciscans from Petropolis]. Vozes em Defesa da Fe, Serie 2, Caderno 60. Petropolis, Brazil: Editora Vozes Limitada, 1964, 36 pp. In Portuguese. Treats especially Soka Gakkai, Tenrikyo, and Seicho-noIe. +173. OFFNER, CLARK B. "Individual Values in the New Religious Movements of Japan." Japan Christian Quarterly 39, no. 1 (Winter 1973): 31-38. States that "the contemporaneous manifestation of new religious vigor can be related to [the] search for relevant individual values and personal happiness." 174.. "Resurgence of Non-Christian Religions." In The Japan Christian Yearbook 1966. Edited by Gordon K. Chapman. Tokyo: Kyo Bun Kwan (The Christian Literature Society of Japan), 1966, pp. 32-42. Analysis of dissatisfaction with "obsolete, but rigid forms" in established religions, and charismatic leadership in the New Religions as an explanation of this "resurgence." +175., and STRAELEN, HENRY (HENRICUS J.J.M.) van. Modem Japanese Religions, with Special Emphasis upon Their Doctrines of Healing. Tokyo: Rupert Enderle, 1963, 296 pp. A Protestant and Roman Catholic missionary jointly describe the New Religions in terms of faith healing and the concept of deity; Straelen treats Tenrikyo while Offner treats "Omoto-related" and "Nichirenrelated" religions. See the reviews by Shuten Oishi et al. (entry 182) and Joseph J. Spae (entry 215).

Page  52 52 The New Religions of Japan 176. OGUCHI, IICHI. "Common People and Religion." Translated by Angelus Aschoff. Missionary Bulletin 10, no. 8 (October 1956): 633-34; no. 9 (November 1956): 695-99; no. 10 (December 1956): 780-83; 11, no. 1 (January 1957): 79-82. Mentions the New Religions in the context of magic, shamanism, and healing. 177.. "Foundation and Characteristics of the 'New Religions."' In Research Tour Papers, Tokyo. Mimeographed, pp. 7-10. Interesting overview of the New Religions as socioreligious phenomena. 178.. "Founder and Organizer of Religious Group-A Problem of Religious Authority in Japan." In Proceedings of the IXth International Congress for the History of Religions, 1958. Tokyo: Maruzen, 1960, pp. 382-83. Notes that many of the founders of the New Religions both possessed charisma and became objects of worship. +179., and TAKAGI, HIROO. "Religion and Social Development." In Japanese Religion in the Meiji Era. Edited by Hideo Kishimoto. Translated by John F. Howes. Tokyo: Obunsha, 1956, pp. 313-51. Examines the roots of religious phenomena such as the New Religions in social developments of the Tokugawa (1600-1867) and Meiji (1868 -1912) periods. 180. OISHI, SHUTEN. Review of Nihon ni okeru Kirisuto-kyo to sho-shuFyo5 [The religious encounter between Christianity and other religions in Japan], by Masatoshi Doi, Yasuo Mizoguchi, and Sakae Kobayashi. Contemporary Religions in Japan 3, no. 2 (June 1962): 165-75. Includes remarks on the New Religions from the viewpoint of Japanese Christians. 181.. Review of Nihon no shinko shukyo [The newly established religions in Japan], by Hiroo Takagi. Contemporary Religions in Japan 1, no. 2 (June 1960): 59-63. A review of several valuable Japanese scholarly publications on the New Religions. +182., et al. "A Review Article. The New Religious Sects of Japan." Contemporary Religions in Japan 5, no. 1 (March 1964): 45-80; no. 3 (September 1964): 221-31.

Page  53 General Bibliography 53 Review of The New Religions of Japan, by Harry Thomsen (entry 233), and Modern Japanese Religions, by Clark B. Offner and Henry (Henricus J.J.M.) van Straelen (entry 175). Response by representatives of the New Religions to their depiction in two Englishlanguage treatments of the New Religions, alleging many factual errors and misunderstandings. 183. OOMS, HERMAN. "The Religion of the Household (A Case Study of Ancestor Worship in Japan)." Contemporary Religions in Japan 8, nos. 3-4 (September-December 1967): 201-333. Comments on the interaction of New Religions and "ancestor worship" found in field research. 184. OSAKI, NORIO. "A Study of Interdenominational Cooperation within Each of Three Japanese Religions in Los Angeles: Shinto, Buddhism, and Christianity." M.A. thesis, University of Southern California, 1941, 131 pp. See pp. 1-4, 14-26. Included in the treatment of "Shinto" are Shindo Honkyoku (Daijingukyo), Taisha-kyo, Konko-ky6, and Tenrikyo. *185. OYA, SOICHI. "Die Inflation der Religionen in Japan." Die Auslese (1934), 3 pp. Cited in Jean Herbert, Bibliographie du shinto et des sectes shinti'stes (entry 81), p. 42. 186. PLATH, DAVID W. The After Hours: Modem Japan and the Search for Enjoyment. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1964, xi + 222 pp. See pp. 60, 164, 174, 179. Brief remarks on several New Religions in the context of postwar use of leisure time. +187.. "The Fate of Utopia: Adaptive Tactics in Four Japanese Groups." American Anthropologist 68, pt. 2 (1966): 1152-62. A brief analysis of four Japanese examples of utopian varieties of "revitalization." +188.. "Modernization and Its Discontents: Japan's Little Utopias." Journal of Asian and African Studies 4, no. 1 (January 1969): 1-17. Reprinted in Joseph R. Gusfield, ed., Protest, Reform, and Revolt: A Reader in Social Movements (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1970), pp. 90-107.

Page  54 54 The New Religions of Japan Describes the variety of utopian movements found in Japan and compares them with Western counterparts. 189. RAJANA, EIMI WATANABE. "New Religions in Japan: An Appraisal of Two Theories." In Moder Japan: Aspects of History, Literature and Society. Edited by W.G. Beasley. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975, p. 187-97. Criticism of the theory that the New Religions are substitutes for the loss of the emperor after World War II; criticism of the theory that the New Religions arose as substitutes for social institutions (as "antidotes of anomie"). 190.. "A Sociological Study of New Religious Movements: Chilean Pentecostalism and Japanese New Religions." Ph.D. dissertation, University of London, 1974, 228 pp. Briefly treats five Japanese New Religions, discusses the general characteristics of these movements in sociological categories, and compares them with Chilean pentecostalism. 191. RAMMING, MARTIN, ed. Japan-Handbuch: Nachschlagewerk der Japankunde. Berlin: Steiniger, 1941, 740 pp. See pp. 535-37. Brief remarks on Sect Shinto. 192. RAMSMEYER, ROBERT L. "Finances in the New Religions and the Christian Church." Japan Christian Quarterly 37 (Spring 1972): 84-89. A comparison of finances and religious organizations for branches of Rissho Kosei-kai, Konkokyo, Tenrikyo, and Soka Gakkai, with several Protestant churches in a Kyushu city. 193. RAPER, ARTHUR F., et al. The Japanese Village in Transition. Report no. 136. Tokyo: General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, Natural Resources Section, 1950, 272 pp. See pp. 221-28. Except for the presence of sectarian Shinto, "the wave of new Shinto and Buddhist sects which has been sweeping the whole country since the Surrender has hardly brought a ripple to the 13 villages..." 194. REISCHAUER, AUGUST KARL. "Religion in the Japan of To-day." International Review of Missions 26 (July 1937): 322-33. A prewar recognition of the changing religious situation, one result of which was "new religious cults."

Page  55 General Bibliography 55 195. RICCO, MARIO. Religione della violenza e religione del piacere nel nuovo Giappone. Florence: Saggi, 1967, 139 pp. Includes separate chapters on Soka Gakkai, Tenrikyo, and Seicho-no-Ie. *196. RIGMARK, W. "Nya religioner i Japan" [New Religions in Japan]. Svensk Missionstidskrift 40, no. 1 (1972): 4-11. In Swedish. Cited in Index to Religious Periodical Literature 10 (January 1971-December 1972): 264. 197. ROCHEDIEU, EDMOND. Le shintoisme et les nouvelles religions du Japan. Paris: Garnier Freres; Geneva: Edito-Service, 1968, 255 pp. Illus. See pp. 199-230. General characteristics of the New Religions. 198. ROSENKRANZ, GERHARD. Fernost-wohin? Begegnungen mit den Religionen Japans und Chinas im Umbruch der Gegenwart. Heilbronn: Eugen Salzer Verlag, 1940, 304 pp. See pp. 119-27. Brief treatment of Sect Shinto and its largest member, Tenrikyo; mentions nationalistic tendency of Sect Shinto. 199.. Der Weg der Gltter (Shinto): Gehalt und Gestalt der Japanischen Nationalreligion. Munich: Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Zeitgeschichte, 1944, 223 pp. See pp. 11-12, 121-31. Brief remarks on Sect Shinto. 200. ROTERMUND, HARTMUT O. "Les nouvelles religions du Japon." In Encyclopedie de la Pleiade; Histoire des religions. Vol. 3, pp. 520-41. Brief treatment of the historical background of the New Religions and the characteristics of individual New Religions. *201. SACON, Y.H. "A Study of the Religious Organizations in Japanese Communities in America." Research Report, University of Southern California, 1932, vi + 231 pp. Illus. See pp. 154-91. Source: card catalog, University of Southern California library. 202. SAUNDERS, KENNETH. "Glimpses of the Religious Life in New Japan." Japanese Religions 2, no. 1 (January 1922): 70-80. A criticism of the New Religions, especially Oomoto, as nationalistic and vulgar.

Page  56 56 The New Religions of Japan 203. SCHIFFER, WILHELM. "New Religions in Postwar Japan." Monumenta Nipponica 11 (April 1955): 1-14. A general introduction to the New Religions, which follows Reiho Masunaga in limiting the New Religions to "those religions... which originated shortly before, during, or after World War II." *204.. "New Religions of Japan." Today's Japan, no. 4 (1956). Cited in Harry Thomsen, The New Religions of Japan (entry 233), p. 259. 205. Sectarian Shinto (The Way of the Gods). Edited by Shinto Shogakukai (The Society for Promoting Shinto). Tokyo: Japan Times & Mail, 1937, 62 pp. A brief description of each of the thirteen members of Sect Shinto by this prewar society, specially prepared for delegates to the World Education Conference. 206. SHIBATA, C. "New Religions and the Christian Church." Japan Christian Quarterly 37, no. 3 (Summer 1971): 173-80. Reprinted in Lutheran World 19, no. 1 (1972): 59-64. An analysis of the origin, growth, and practices of the New Religions, leading to the conclusion that the New Religions provide lessons on how to indigenize the Christian church in Japan. +207. SHIMAZONO, SUSUMU. "The Living Kami Idea in the New Religions of Japan." Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 6, no. 3 (September 1979): 389-412. The best synthetic interpretation of the nature of founders (and foundresses) as living kami in the rise and institutionalization of New Religions. 208. SIEFFERT, RENE. Les religions du Japon. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1968, 132 pp. See pp. 112-17, 128-31. Brief treatment of popular Shinto and New Religions in the context of the history of Japanese religions. 209. SMITH, ROBERT J. Ancestor Worship in Contemporary Japan. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1974, xix + 266 pp. See pp. 34-38, 60-63, 73, 148. Traces the continuity of traditional ancestor worship within the New Religions: "the syncretic sects that the Japanese call the New

Page  57 General Bibliography 57 Religions have continued to foster the household ideal and concepts of filial piety." +210.. "The Ethnic Japanese in Brazil." Journal of Japanese Studies 5, no. 1 (Winter 1979): 53-70. See pp. 62-63. Brief but succinct comments on the contrasting situations in Brazil and U.S.-Canada for Japanese religions generally and the New Religions specifically. 211. SOLOMON, TED J. "The Response of Three New Religions to the Crisis in the Japanese Value System." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 16, no. 1 (March 1977): 1-14. Analyzing PL Kyodan, Rissho Kosei-kai and Soka Gakkai, concludes that "The three religions are trying to alleviate social anomie not only through a reaffirmation of traditional values... but also through a reformulation of the value system that incorporates many modern values of an industrial society." *212. SPAE, JOSEPH J. "Faith Healing and the New Religions." Missionary Bulletin 10 (1956): 518-23. Cited in personal communication from Joseph J. Spae to H[arry] Byron Earhart, 14 December 1969. 213.. Japanese Religiosity. Tokyo: Oriens Institute for Religious Research, 1971, 313 pp. Many interesting comments on the New Religions are included in this general interpretation of aspects of "Japanese religiosity." 214.. "The New Religions." Missionary Bulletin 9, no. 10 (October 1955): 583-87; no. 11 (November 1955): 670-73; 10, no. 2 (March 1956): 125-29; no. 4 (May 1956): 277-80; no. 9 (November 1956): 668 -73; no. 10 (December 1956): 746-50; 12, no. 6 (July 1958): 440-44; no. 8 (October 1958): 586-90; no. 10 (December 1958): 748-51; Japan Missionary Bulletin [title of journal changed from Missionary Bulletin to Japan Missionary Bulletin] 13, no. 4 (May 1959): 238-44; no. 8 (October 1959): 514-17; 14, no. 1 (January-February 1960): 26-29; no. 5 (June 1960): 321-25; no. 7 (August-September 1960): 454-57; no. 10 (December 1960): 654-56. Brief introductions to various New Religions.

Page  58 58 The New Religions of Japan 215.. "The New Religions: A Review Article." Contemporary Religions in Japan 4, no. 2 (June 1963): 169-77. Critical review of Modern Japanese Religions, by Clark B. Offner and Henry (Henricus J.J.M.) van Straelen (entry 175), "the first sizeable book in English on the New Religions of Japan." 216.. "The Religions of Japan." Missionary Bulletin 9, no. 7 (July 1955): 410-14; nos. 8-9 (August-September 1955): 501-4. A survey of members of Sect Shinto and Konk-kyo. 216A. "Statistics on Religious Organizations in Japan, 1947-1972." Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2, no. 1 (March 1975): 45-64; nos. 2-3 (June-September 1975): 175-206; no. 4 (December 1975): 289-316; 3, no. 1 (March 1976): 63-87; nos. 2-3 (June-September 1976): 223-46; no. 4 (December 1976): 307-30; 4, no. 1 (March 1977): 75-97; nos. 2-3 (June-September 1977): 213-39; no. 4 (December 1977): 293-314. Convenient lists of the information religious groups must submit to the national government in order to gain corporate status as a "religious juridical person": number of religious buildings, clergy, and adherents. Because religious organizations can designate the category under which they wish to be listed, the "New Religions" in this bibliography may be found in this set of articles under various headings. 217. STRAELEN, HENRY (HENRICUS J.J.M.) van. "The Japanese New Religions." Numen 9 (1962): 228-40. A brief definition of the New Religions and their main characteristics. 218.. "The Japanese New Religions Are Not New." Neue Zeitschrift fiir Missionswissenschaft 20 (1964): 263-70. Analyzes the "different kinds of worship" found in the New Religions to prove "that the Japanese New Religions relentlessly continue the traditional religious mentality of the Japanese people." 219.. Modern Japan, het land der felle contrasten [Modern Japan, land of many contrasts]. Voorhout: Uitgeverij Foreholte, 1940, 210 pp. See pp. 101-2. 2d ed., 1945, 223 pp. See pp. 101-2. In Dutch. A pre-World War II comment on the "at least 800 new sects" that had arisen in previous decades "notwithstanding a strict police surveillance."

Page  59 General Bibliography 59 220.. Religions nouvelles du Japon. N.P., n.d., 30 pp. Reprinted from wglise Vivante 3, nos. 5-6 (1961): 344-56, 441-55. 221. SUGAI, TAIKA. "The Soteriology of New Religions." Japanese Religions 6, no. 2 (1969): 23-46. An attempt to define "New Religions" and identify their special characteristics, using the founders of Tenrikyo and Oomoto to illustrate the notion of salvation in Japanese New Religions. 222., comp. "Statistics of Japanese Religions." Japanese Christian Quarterly 37, no. 1 (Winter 1971): 20-22. Brief list of statistics of membership, etc. for most religious groups, including New Religions. 223. SUGIYAMA, HEISUKE. "Religious Racketeering." Contemporary Japan 5, no. 4 (March 1937): 612-17. Referring to Tenrikyo, Hito no Michi, and Oomoto, he claims that "what is common to all these cults is the fact that either their founder or their successors have amassed great fortunes and live in luxury through contributions offered them by their followers." +224. TAKAGI, HIROO. "The Rise of the New Religions." Japan Quarterly 11, no. 2 (April-June 1964): 283-92. By analyzing Japanese history he shows that "Soka Gakkai is a typical manifestation in present-day terms of the religious outlook of the Japanese." 225. TAKAHASHI, KYOJIRO. "A Social Study of the Japanese Shinto and Buddhism in Los Angeles." M.A. thesis, University of Southern California, 1937, 134 pp. See pp. 61-74, 85-89, 119-21. Includes history, organization, and statistics for four groups of Sect Shinto. 225A. TAKEUCHI, AIJI; KOBAYASHI, SAKAE; and MIZOGUCHI, YASUO. "The New Religions of Japan: A Panel Discussion." In Glimpses of Social Work in Japan. Edited by Dorothy Dessau. Rev. ed. Tokyo: Social Workers' International Club of Japan, 1968, pp. 20-27. A general assessment of the characteristics and activities of the New Religions; one claim is that "the new religions function as social welfare organizations."

Page  60 60 The New Religions of Japan 226. TANAKA, JIRO. "The Meiji and Present Constitutions Compared." In Religion and State in Japan. International Institute for the Study of Religions, Bulletin no. 7 (September 1959), pp. 59-95. Describes constitutional treatment of religion and political control of religion (including mention of the dispute concerning the "Kagoshima Branch of Tokumitsu Kai of Hitonomichi"). *227. THELLE, NOTTO NORMANN. "De 'nye religioner' i Japan: En fornyelse av de tradisjonelle religioner pa legmannsbasis?" [The "New Religions" in Japan: A renewal of the traditional religions on a lay basis?]. Norsk Tidsskrift for Misjon 16, no. 3 (1962): 129-41. In Norwegian. Citation provided by Harold Turner. 228. THOMPSON, STEPHEN I. "Religious Conversion and Religious Zeal in an Overseas Enclave: The Case of the Japanese in Bolivia." Anthropological Quarterly 41, no. 4 (October 1968): 201-8. General comments on New Religions, especially Soka Gakkai, in the context of religious activities of Japanese immigrants in Bolivia. 229. THOMSEN, HARRY, ed. Bibliography of the New Religions. Kyoto: Christian Center for the Study of Japanese Religions, 1959, 37 pp. Contains mainly English and Japanese materials for sixteen New Religions. 230.. "Japan's New Religions." International Review of Missions 48 (July 1959): 283-93. Reprinted in Japan Christian Quarterly 25, no. 4 (October 1959): 292-300. Emphasizes Christian influence in the growth of the New Religions and points out six main characteristics. 231.. "'Neue Religionen."' In Christus Kommt nach Japan. Edited by Gerhard Rosenkranz. Bad Salzuflen: Verlag fir Missions- und BibelKunde, 1959, pp. 39-53. General description of the New Religions and their major characteristics. 232.. "New Religions of Japan." In Readings in Eastern Religious Thought. Vol. 3, Chinese and Japanese Religions edited by Allie M. Frazier. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1969, pp. 218-66. Materials reprinted from his The New Religions of Japan (entry 233).

Page  61 General Bibliography 61 233.. The New Religions of Japan. Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1963, 269 pp. Illus. Reprint. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1978. One of the first English books surveying the New Religions and their characteristics. See the reviews by Shuten Oishi, et al. (entry 182) and R.J. Zwi Werblowsky (entry 244). 234.. "Numerical Strength of the New Religions." Japanese Religions 1, no. 4 (January 1960): 3-4. A note on membership figures of eleven New Religions for 1958 and 1959. 235., ed. A Religious Map of Japan. Kyoto: Christian Center for the Study of Japanese Religions, 1959, 51 pp. 'The present map gives the location and address of the headquarters of all Buddhist sects in Japan, the principal Shinto shrines, the headquarters of all the New Religions, and the main Buddhist training centers." See International Institute for the Study of Religions, New Religions... (entry 94) for the Sino-Japanese rendering of these addresses; some of the organizations have moved since 1959, and many of the addresses have been changed. For more current information, addresses, and statistics, see Ichiro Hori, et al., ed., Japanese Religion (entry 89A), or "Statistics on Religious Organizations in Japan, 1947 -1972" (entry 216A). 236. UMEDA, YOSHIHIKO. "Concept of Kami in Shintoistic Sects." In Proceedings, The Second International Conference for Shinto Studies. Theme: Continuity & Change. Edited by Organizing Committee of the Second International Conference for Shinto. Tokyo: Nihon Bunka Kenkyusho (Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics), Kokugakuin University, 1968, pp. 15-21. Includes remarks on kami in some New Religions. 237. UNDERWOOD, A[LFRED] C. Shintoism: The Indigenous Religion of Japan. London: Epworth Press, 1934, 126 pp. See pp. 104-9. A popular summary of the thirteen members of Sect Shinto. +238. UNION OF THE NEW RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS IN JAPAN, RESEARCH OFFICE, ed. "Reminiscences of Religion in Postwar Japan." Contemporary Religions in Japan 6, no. 2 (June 1965): 111 -203; no. 3 (September 1965): 295-314; no. 4 (December 1965): 382-402;

Page  62 62 The New Religions of Japan 7, no. 1 (March 1966): 51-79; no. 2 (June 1966): 154-87; no. 3 (September 1966): 217-73. Interesting commentary on postwar religious developments from the viewpoint of the New Religions. 239. UYTTENDAELE, FRANCIS F. "Les religions nouvelles au Japon." In Devant les Sectes non-chretiennes: Rapports et compte rendu de la XXXIe semaine de missiologie. Museum Lessianum, Section Missiologique, no. 42. Paris: Desclee De Brouwer, 1961, pp. 196-209. A general treatment of the New Religions in terms of founders, organization, doctrine, and major characteristics. 240. WALDENFELS, HANS. "Moderne religiose Bewegungen in Japan als Impulse fur eine christliche Theologie?" Verbum (Rome) 13, nos. 1-2 (1972): 155-72. 241. "War of the Sects." Newsweek 67 (7 March 1966): 86. Notes competition between S-ka Gakkai and other New Religions. +242. WATANABE, BAIYU. "Modern Japanese Religions: Their Success Explained." Monumenta Nipponica 13 (1957): 153-62. Offers statistical information and suggests "nine causes to which [the New Religions] owe their existence and their great influence on the masses." 243. WENDT, INGEBORG Y. "Buddhistische und shamanistische Elements im Sakularisierungsprozess des modernen Japan." Zeitschrift fur Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 33 (1971): 319-38. Includes brief references to the founders of New Religions. 244. WERBLOWSKY, R.J. ZWI. Review of The New Religions of Japan, by Harry Thomsen (entry 233). Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 5, no. 2 (Spring 1966): 299-304. By criticizing this work he indicates generally the deficiencies in most Western treatments of the New Religions. 245. WILSON, BRYAN R. "The New Religions: Some Preliminary Considerations." In Proceedings of Tokyo Meeting of the International Conference on Sociology of Religion 1978, edited by Organizing Committee for Tokyo Meeting of CISR 1978. Tokyo: Organizing Committee for Tokyo Meeting of CISR 1978, 1978, pp. 112-30.

Page  63 General Bibliography 63 Reprinted in Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 6, nos. 1-2 (MarchJune 1979): 193-216. A sociological analysis of generic aspects of Japanese and Western New Religions, such as newness and attack on spiritual elitism. 246.. Religious Sects: A Sociological Study. New York: McGrawHill Book Co., 1970, 256 pp. Illus. See pp. 10-11, 218-25. Brief discussion of Japanese New Religions in the light of an elaborate typology for interpreting "religious sects" in cross-cultural perspective. 247. WITTE, JOHANNES. Japan zwischen zwei Kulturen. Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1928, xii + 505 pp. See pp. 256-62. Brief treatment of Sect Shinto (especially Tenrikyo) and Oomoto. 248.. "Neue Religionen in Japan." Zeitschrift fur Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft 32 (1917): 97-100. Describes the growth of Oomoto (called Daihonkyo) as an illustration of the new religious movements. *249. WOODARD, WILLIAM P. "Japan's New Religions." Japan Harvest 5 (Winter 1957): 18. Cited in H[orace] Neill McFarland, "The New Religions of Japan" (entry 133, 1, no. 2), p. 38. 250.. "Religion in Japan in 1961: New Religions." Contemporary Religions in Japan 3, no. 1 (March 1962): 39-41. Cites the continued growth of New Religions in 1961. 251.. "A Statistical Survey of Religions in Japan." Contemporary Religions in Japan 2, no. 4 (December 1961): 25-106; 3, no. 1 (March 1962): 67-99; no. 2 (June 1962): 193-204; no. 3 (September 1962): 280 -90; no. 4 (December 1962): 279-88. Includes figures on the New Religions. 252.. "Study on Religious Juridical Persons Law, Text of the Law No. 126 of 1951." Contemporary Religions in Japan 25, no. 3 (1958): 418 -70; no. 4 (1959): 635-57; 26, no. 1 (1959): 96-115; no. 2 (1959): 293 -312. Text and discussion of the new law governing religious bodies in postwar Japan.

Page  64 64 The New Religions of Japan 253. YANAGAWA, KEIICHI, and MORIOKA, KIYOMI, eds. Hawaii Nikkei ShFkyo no Tenkai to Genkyo. Tokyo: Tokyo Daigaku Shukyogaku Kenkyushitsu, 1959, 277 pp. In Japanese. Includes English-language materials such as addresses of New Religions and the by-laws of Sekai Kyusei-kyo. 254. YINGER, J[OHN] MILTON. The Scientific Study of Religion. New York: Macmillan Co., 1970, x + 593 pp. See pp. 169-71, 265, 272-73. A sociological interpretation of Japanese New Religions as "antidotes to anomie." 255. YOSHIMURA, TADAAKI. Commentary on Documents Regarding Establishment of Sectarian Shintoism. Tokyo: Shinshukyo Daikyocho Shuppanbu (also Kokusai Shuppan Insatsusha, International Publishing & Printing Co.), 1935, 26 pp. plus 55 pp. In Japanese. Attempts to "explain in detail... the cause and consequence of the emanation of public documents regarding each Shinto sect, judging from historical facts," treating the thirteen groups of Sect Shinto. 256.. Shinto (The Way of the Gods). Tokyo: Japan Time & Mail, 1935, 65 pp. Illus. Brief treatments of fifteen Shinto sects. 257. YOSHIMURA, TADACHI. "What Is Sectarian Shinto?" Religions in Japan at Present 2 (1961): 20-28. 258. YOUNG, ARTHUR MORGAN. The Rise of Pagan States: Japan's Religious Background. New York: W. Morrow & Co.; London: George Allen & Unwin, 1939, 224 pp. See pp. 180-94. Brief remarks on Sect Shinto. 259. ZIMMERMANN, WERNER. Licht im Osten. Geistiges Nippon. Munich: Drei Eichen Verlag, 1954, 112 pp. Illus. Observations of several New Religions as part of "spiritual Japan," by the leader of a religious organization in Europe.

Bibliography of Individual New Religions (entries 260-1447)

pp. 65-176

Page  65 PART II

Page  66

Page  67 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INDIVIDUAL NEW RELIGIONS Ananaiky Denominational (Unless otherwise specified, published at Shimizu by International General Headquarters of Ananaikyo.) 260. The Ananai: A Journal for Truth Seekers. Spring Special, 1959, 111 pp. 261. Brief Biography of Rev. Yonosuke Nakano, President of the International Organization for Cultivating Human Spirit. Tokyo: Publication Bureau, IOCHS World Headquarters, n.d., 56 pp. Illus. 262. A guide to Ananai-kyf. [195?], 26 pp. Illus. 263. The Report on the First World Religion Congress. 1954, 328 pp. 264. The Report on the Second World Religion Congress. 1954, 388 pp. 265. The Report on the Third World Religion Congress. 1955, 367 pp. 266. The Report on the Fourth World Religion Congress. 1953, 188 pp. 267. Report on the Fifth World Religion Conference. 1955, 224 pp. 268. The Report of the Sixth World Religion Correspondence Congress. 1955, 278 pp. 269. The Report of the Seventh World Religion Correspondence Congress. 1956, 266 pp. 270. Report of the Eighth World Religions Congress. 1956, 309 pp. 67

Page  68 68 The New Religions of Japan 271. What Is Ananaikyo? 1960, 32 pp. 272. NAKANO, YONOSUKE. A Guide to Ananaikyo. 1955, 26 pp. 273.. Information of the International Religious Federation. 274.. The Universe Has the Spirit. 1954, 230 pp. 275. _. The Universe Viewed from the World of the Spirit. Compiled by Shin Negami. 1956, 182 pp. Periodicals 276. The Ananai. 277. OISCA Bulletin Board [Organization for Industrial Spiritual and Cultural Advancement-International] (Tokyo). June 1977-. Bimonthly. Secondary 278. HAMMER, RAYMOND JACK. "The Idea of God in Japan's New Religions" (entry 74), pp. 116-24. 279. HERBERT, JEAN. Dieux et sectes populaires du Japon (entry 82), pp. 179-82. 280. KOBAYASHI, SAKAE. "Changes in the Japanese Religions after World War II (entry 115), pp. 78-82. 281. SPAE, JOSEPH J. "Ananaikyo, The Universal Religion." Japan Missionary Bulletin 14, no. 1 (January-February 1960): 26-29. 282. THOMSEN, HARRY. The New Religions of Japan (entry 233), pp. 143 -52. 283. ZIMMERMANN, WERNER. Licht im Osten (entry 259), pp. 16-24.

Page  69 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 69 Bodaiji Mission Denominational No publications known. Secondary 284. MULHOLLAND, JOHN F. Hawaii's Religions (entry 152), p. 274. Bussho-Gonen Kai Denominational 285. Guide to Bussho-Gonen Kai. Tokyo: Kai, 1967, 24 pp. Illus. Headquarters of Bussho-Gonen Secondary No publications known. Byakko Shinko-kai Denominational (Unless otherwise specified, published at Ichikawa-shi, Chiba-ken by Brotherhood of Prayers for Peace of the World.) *286. GOI, MASAHISA. Evil, Good, and the Cosmic Mind. Cited in other publications by Byakko Shinko-kai. 287. ___. God and Man. Translated by Shunsuke Takago. Ichikawa, Chiba: White Light Association, 1977, v + 144 pp. 288.. Japan and World Peace Movement. Translated by Shosaku Hara and Susumu Takahashi. Ichikawa-shi, Chiba-ken: World Peace Prayer's Society, n.d., 14 pp.

Page  70 70 The New Religions of Japan 289. _. Man and His Karma. Translated by Mrs. Akama. Ichikawa, Chiba: White Light Association, n.d., 10 pp. 290. _. Man and the True Way of His Life. Translated by T. Minakami. N.d., 16 pp. 291. _. May Peace Prevail on Earth! Translated by K. Azuma. N.d., 2 pp. (Also German and Portuguese versions.) 292.. The Prayer for Peace of the World. Translated by T. Minakami. N.d., 10 pp. Periodicals 293. Heywa (Japan). Spring 1979-. Published quarterly by the Society of Prayer for World Peace Japan. Secondary No publications known. Chowado Henjokyo Mission of Hawaii Denominational 294. FUJITA, YUKEI. The Law of Harmony in Health and Physical Culture. Tokyo: Chowa Shuppansha, 1929. Secondary 295. MULHOLLAND, JOHN F. Hawaii's Religions (entry 152), p. 288. 296. YAMA, EVELYN K., and NIYEKAWA, AGNES M. "Chowado." Social Process in Hawaii 16 (1952), pp. 48-58.

Page  71 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 71 Dotoku Kagaku Denominational 297. Towards Supreme Morality. Kashiwa: Institute of Moralogy, 1969, 65 pp. Rev. ed., 1970, 64 pp. 298. HIROIKE, CHIBUSA, and HIROIKE, CHIKURO. An Introduction to Moral Science. Translated by the Institute of Moralogy. Kogane: Institute of Moralogy, 1942, 274 pp. 299. HIROIKE, CHIKURO. The Characteristics of Moralogy and Supreme Morality. Translated and edited by The Institute of Moralogy. New rev. ed. Tokyo: Institute of Morality, 1966, x + 274 pp. (First English Ed., 1942.) 300.. Father of Moralogy: a Pictorial Autobiography. Chiba-Ken, Japan: Dotoku Kagaku Kenkyujo, 1970, 59 pp. Illus. Secondary 301. SPAE, JOSEPH J. "Dotoku Kagaku, Moralogy." Japan Missionary Bulletin 12, no. 10 (December 1958): 748-51. Fuso-ky Denominational 302. Sectarian Shinto (The Way of the Gods) (entry 205), pp. 4-8. Secondary 303. GUNDERT, WILHELM. Japanische Religionsgeschichte (entry 72), pp. 129-30. +304. HOLTOM, DANIEL C. The National Faith of Japan (entry 85), pp. 223 -27.

Page  72 72 The New Religions of Japan Gedatsu-kai Denominational (Unless otherwise specified, published at San Francisco by Gedatsu Church of America.) 305. English Prayer Book. N.p.: Gedatsu Church of America, n.d., 17 pp. 306. Gedatsu Ajikan Kongozen Meditation. Preface by G. Shiroishi. Los Angeles: n.p. ['Printed by the George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation, San Francisco'", 1974, ii + 18 pp. 307. The Goreichi. Kitamotojuku, Kitamoto-shi, Saitamaken: Gedatsu-kai, 1973, 23 pp. Illus. In English and Japanese; Japanese title Goreichi Annai. 308. Manual for Implementation of Gedatsu Practice. N.p., 1965, v + 35 pp. +309. KISHIDA, EIZAN. The Character and Doctrine of Gedatsu Kongo. Translated by Louis K. Ito. 1969, 160 pp. Illus. 310.. Dynamic Analysis of Illness Through Gedatsu. Translated by Louis K. Ito. N.p., June 1962, 153 pp. 311. 312.. Gateway to Gedatsu. N.d., 30 Gedatsu Kai, 1976, 33 pp.. Health and Spiritual Cultivation. Japan: n.d., 42 pp. pp. Expanded ed. Tokyo: Translated by Louis K. Ito. Periodicals 313. Gedatsu Companion (Los Angeles). Secondary +314. EARHART, H[ARRY] BYRON. "Gedatsu-kai: One Life History and Its Significance for Interpreting Japanese New Religions" (entry 50).

Page  73 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 73 +315.. "Toward a Theory of the Formation of the Japanese New Religions: A Case Study of Gedatsu-kai" (entry 59). +316. LEBRA, TAKIE SUGIYAMA. "Ancestral Influence on the Suffering of Descendants in a Japanese Cult." In Ancestors Edited by William H. Newell. The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1976. See pp. 219-30. 317.. "The Interactional Perspective of Suffering and Curing in a Japanese Cult." International Journal of Social Psychiatry 20, nos. 3-4 (Autumn-Winter 1974): 281-86. +318.. "Taking the Role of Supernatural 'Other': Spirit Possession in a Japanese Healing Cult." In Culture-Bound Syndromes, Ethnopsychiatry, and Alternate Therapies. Edited by William P. Lebra. Mental Health Research in Asia and the Pacific, vol. 4. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1976, pp. 88-100. Reprinted as "Spirit Possession: The 'Salvation Cult,"' in Takie Sugiyama Lebra, Japanese Patterns of Behavior(Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1976), pp. 232-47. 319. OPLER, MARVIN K. "Japanese Folk Beliefs and Practices, Tule Lake, California." Journal of American Folklore 63 (October-December 1950): 383-97. +320.. "Two Japanese Sects." Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 6 (1950): 69-78. Genshi Fukuin Undo Denominational 321. TESHIMA, IKURO. Introduction to the Original Gospel Faith. Tokyo: Light of Life Press, 1970. Periodicals 322. Light of Life. Special English edition of Seimei no Hikari see issues such as October and November 1973.

Page  74 74 The New Religions of Japan Secondary +323. CALDAROLA, CARLO. Christianity: The Japanese Way. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1979, viii + 234 pp. See pp. 192-208. 324.. "The Makuya Movement in Japan." Japanese Religions 7, no. 4 (1972): 18-34. 324A. KREIDER, ROY. "Christian Sect from Japan Makes Eighth Pilgrimage to Israel." Christian News From Israel, n.s. 23, no. 4 (Spring 1973): 262. Hommichi Denominational (Unless otherwise specified, published at Osaka by Hommichi.) 325. The Advent of the Savior. Guide of the Road, special issue, no. 10. [1950?]. 326. Cleansing of the World. Osaka: Tenri Hommichi, 1950, 16 pp. 327. The Difference Between Honmichi and Tenrikyo. N.d., 13 pp. 328. Divine Words Concerning Cleansing Mind. 1951, 64 pp. 329. Doctrines and Divine Miracles of Honmiti. [Takaisi-tyo], 1956, viii + 352 pp. 330. The Doro-umi-koki. (Tenrikyo's Creation Story). 1950, 28 pp. 331. Faith and Superstition. Guide of the Road, no. 4. 1947, 8 pp. 332. The Great Way of the World. 1950, 17 pp. 333. Guide-Posts: An Introduction to "Honmiti" (A Religion in Japan). 1952, 96 pp. 334. The History of Tenri Hommichi. 1950, 35 pp.

Page  75 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 75 335. How to Put an End to War. Osaka: Tenri Hommichi, 1950, 10 pp. 336. How to see the Tenri-Hommichi? Guide of the Road, no. 9. [1950?], 10 PP. 337. Japanese Mythology and Emperor System. Origin of the World. Guide of the Road, nos. 13 and 7. [1949-1950?], 43 pp. [Two works bound as one: Japanese Mythology and Emperor System, pp. 1-29; Origin of the World, pp. 32-43.] 338. The Origin of Sickness. Guide of the Road, no. 16. 1949, 12 pp. 339. The Outline of the Doctrine. 1950, 49 pp. 340. The View of Life and the World. 1950, 20 pp. 341. The World of Gods. Guide of the Road, no. 12. 1950, 16 pp. Secondary 341A. MURAKAMI, SHIGEYOSHI. Japanese Religion in the Modern Century (entry 153). See pp. 75-79, 99-100. Hommon Butsuryi-shu Denominational No publications known. Secondary 342. MURAKAMI, SHIGEYOSHI. Japanese Religion in the Modern Century (entry 153). See pp. 17-18, 87-88.

Page  76 76 The New Religions of Japan Ichigen no Miya Denominational No publications known. Secondary +343. SANADA, TAKAAKI. "After a Prophecy Failed: A Reappraisal of a Japanese Case." In Proceedings of Tokyo Meeting of the International Conference on Sociology of Religion. Edited by Organizing Committee for Tokyo Meeting of CISR 1978. Tokyo: Organizing Committee for Tokyo Meeting of CISR 1978, 1978, 284 pp. See pp. 131-46. Reprinted in Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 6, nos. 1-2 (March-June 1979): 217-37. +344., and NORBECK, E[DWARD]. "Prophecy Continues to Fail: A Japanese Sect." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychiatry 6, no. 3 (September 1975): 331-45. Iesu no Mitama Kyokai Kyidan Denominational No publications known. Secondary 345. ANZAI, SHIN. "Newly-adopted Religions and Social Change on the Ryukyu Islands (Japan) (With Special Reference to Catholicism)" (entry 8). 346. BRAUN, NEIL. Laity Mobilized: Reflections on Church Growth in Japan (entry 31), pp. 37, 161, 171-73. +347. YAMADA, HIROSHI, and BETHEL, DAYLE M. "The Spirit of Jesus Church." Japanese Christian Quarterly 30, no. 3 (July 1964): 220-24.

Page  77 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 77 Izumo Taisha-kyo Denominational 348. Izumo-Oyashiro-kyo. The Wost [sic; Most?] Natural Form of JinjaShinto. Taisha-machi, Shimane Prefecture, Japan: Izumo-OyashiroKyo, [197?], 155 pp. Illus. 349. Sectarian Shinto (The Way of the Gods) (entry 205), pp. 53-57. Secondary 350. HERBERT, JEAN. Dieux et sectes populaires du Japon (entry 82), pp. 128-29. +351. HOLTOM, DANIEL C. The National Faith of Japan (entry 85), pp. 199 -204. +352. SCHWARTZ, M.L. "The Great Shrines of Idzumo: Some Notes on Shinto, Ancient and Modern." Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan 41, pt. 4 (1913): 493-681. Jikkd-kyo Denominational 353. Sectarian Shinto (The Way of the Gods) (entry 205), pp. 9-12. 354. SHIBATA, REIICHI (REUCHI). "Shintoism." In The World's Parliament of Religions. Vol. 1, edited by John Henry Barrows. Chicago: Parliament Publishing Co., 1893, pp. 451-55. (Also printed in other works recording this parliament.) 355. Untitled address. In Congress of Japanese Religionists. Tokyo: Kinkodo Publishing Co., [1905?]. See pp. 42-45.

Page  78 78 The New Religions of Japan Secondary 356. GUNDERT, WILHELM. Japanische Religionsgeschichte (entry 72), pp. 129-30. +357. HOLTOM, DANIEL C. The National Faith of Japan(entry 85), pp. 216 -23. Kagami no Hongi Denominational No publications known. Secondary 358. SPAE, JOSEPH J. "Mirrorism (Kagami no hongi) or Lightianity (Hikariky6).t Missionary Bulletin 9, no. 10 (October 1955): 583-87. Kami Ichijb-ky-o Denominational 359. YONETANI, GYOKUSUISEN. "The History of Kamiichijoism." Typescript, personal files of H[arry] Byron Earhart, 6 pp. Secondary No publications known. Kbdo-chi-kyo Denominational No publications known.

Page  79 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 79 Secondary 360. "Kodo-chi-kyo, a Strange Religion." In Reminiscences of Religion in Postwar Japan. Edited by Union of the New Religious Organizations in Japan, Research Office (entry 238), pp. 243-48. Kod1 Kyodan Denominational (Unless otherwise specified, published at Yokohama by K-od Kyodan.) 361. Hieisan and Kodosan Buddhist Services for celebrating the Completion of the Main Auditorium of Enryakuji Temple and commemorating the Latest Anniversary of the Passing Away of Saint Jikaku. 1964, pages not numbered. Illus. 362. Kodo-kyodan: Layman Buddhism in Japan. N.d., 40 pp. 363. Pictorial Kodo-san Hanamatsuri. N.d., 50 pp. Illus. 364. OKANO, KIMIKO. The Heart of Bodhisattva. 1970. 365. OKANO, SHODO. An Introduction to Kodo Kyodan Buddhism. Translated by Taitetsu Unno. Postscript by Ken Shiiya. 1967, 252 pp. Illus. Periodicals 366. Kodo News. Secondary No publications known.

Page  80 80 The New Religions of Japan Kokuchukai Denominational (Unless otherwise specified, published at Tokyo by The Kokuchukai.) 367. Graphic Biography of Chigaku Tanaka. Translated by Alfred Bloom. [1965], 30 pp. 368. What Is Nichirenism? Buddhist Reformation in Japan. (Advocacy of the Kokuchukai). 1954, 12 pp. 369. KUWABARA (KINVABARA), T.J., trans. "The Nichiren Sect of Buddhism" and "Nichiren Tradition in Pictures" [ranslated from the work of Chigaku Tanaka]. In The Open Court 27, no. 5 (May 1913): 289-301; no. 6 (June 1913): 334-50. 370. TANAKA, CHIGAKU. What is Nippon Kokutai? Introduction to Nipponese National Principles. Translated by Kishio Satomi. Tokyo: Shishio Bunko, 1935-36. Nos. 1-12 (continuous pagination), 335 pp. Appendix 1, "Translator's General Explanation," Kishio Satomi, 7 pp. Appendix 2, "The Emperor Jimmu (The Founder of Nippon)," trans. W.G. Aston, 27 pp. Secondary +371. LEE, EDWIN B. "Nichiren and Nationalism: The Religious Patriotism of Tanaka Chigaku." Monumenta Wipponica 30, no. 1 (Spring 1975): 19 -36. 372. MORRIS, IVAN I. Nationalism and the Right Wing in Japan: A Study of Post-War Trends. London: Oxford University Press, 1960, 476 pp. See p. 185 for Tanaka Chigaku, founder of Kokuchukai. 373. SATOMI, KISHIO. Japanese Civilization, Its Significance and Realization. Nichirenism and the Japanese National Principles. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1923; New York: E.P. Dutton, 1924. Reprint. 1929, xiv + 238 pp. See pp. 228-30. (See also Tanaka in Denominational materials.)

Page  81 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 81 374. VALISINHA, DEVAPRIYA (General Secretary of Maha Bodhi Society of India). "Congratulations to the 50th Anniversary of the Kokuchukai." InKokuchukai Goju/nen no Ayumi. 1964, p. 37. Konkokyo Denominational (Unless otherwise specified, published at the city of Konko by Konko Hombu Kyocho.) 375. The Founder of Konko Religion. 1966, 108 pp. 376. Konko-kyo: A New Religion of Japan. 1945, 8 pp. Reprint. 1958. 377. Outline of the History and Present Situation since World War II. 1956. 378. The Sacred Scriptures of Konkokyo. Konko-cho, Okayama-ken: Headquarters of Konkokyo, 1973, 71 pp. 379. The Sacred Scriptures of Konkokyo. With an Introduction. Translated by Konkokyo Hombu. 1933, xxxiii + 48 pp. 380. ANDO, ICHIMARU, trans. "The Scriptures." Unpublished paper, 1963, 92 pp. In the files of Konko-kyo headquarters. In Russian. 381. FUKUDA, YOSHIAKI. Hand Book of the Konko Mission. San Francisco: Konko Mission, n.d., 43 pp. 382. FUKUSHIMA, YOSHITSUGU. "On the Faith of Konko Daijin-An Introductory Outline of the Faith of the Founder of Konkokyo." Unpublished paper, 1961, 28 pp. In the files of Konko-kyo headquarters. 383. HATA, YASUSHI. "A Konko-kyo Minister's comments on 'Konko-kyo' by Dr. Delwin Schneider." Contemporary Religions in Japan 4, no. 4 (December 1963): 358-59. See entry 412. 384. No entry.

Page  82 82 The New Religions of Japan 385. MIYAKE, TOSHIO. "The Obligation of Religion in our Era." In The World Religions Speak on "The Relevance of Religion in the Moder World". Edited by Finley P. Dunne, Jr. The Hague: Dr. W. Junk N.V. Publishers, 1970, pp. 182-86. 386. NISHIMURA, SHOZEN. Manual of Konkokyo. 1956. 387. OFUCHI, CHIHIRO. The Faith of Konko Daijin. Konkokyo Headquarters, 1972. 388. OKAMOTO, MASAYUKI. The Life of the Founder. Translated by Yutaka Yokoyama. Konk- Kyotosha Foundation, 1962, 133 pp. Illus. (Japanese and English text.) 389. SATO, KAZUO. Konkokya International Institute for the Study of Religions, 1962. 390.. Sacred Scriptures 1933, 81 pp. 391. Sectarian Shinto (The Way of the Gods) (entry 205), pp. 13-17. 392. TAKAHASHI, ICHIRO. "The Essence of Konko-kyo." Translated by Yoshitsugu Fukushima. Unpublished paper, 1961, 66 pp. In the files of Konko-kyo headquarters. Periodicals 393. The Journal of the Konkokyo Theological Research Institute. Secondary 394. ANESAKI, MASAHARU. History of Japanese Religion (entry 3), p. 372. 395. BACH, MARCUS. Strangers at the Door(entry 13), pp. 125-28. 396. CLARK, EDWARD M. "Konko Kyo." Japan Evangelist 32 (April 1925): 125-29; (May 1925): 164-68. 397.. "Kon-K5-Ky5 (A Modern Sect of Shintoism)." Ph.D. dissertation, Edinburgh University, 1924, iv + 145 pp. Copy in the personal files of H[arry] Byron Earhart.

Page  83 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 83 398. DUTHU, J.B. "La secte Konko." Melanges japonais 6, no. 21 (January 1909): 1-22. 399. EMBREE, JOHN F. Acculturation Among the Japanese of Kona, Hawaii. Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association, no. 59. Menasha, WI: American Anthropological Association, 1941, 162 pp. See p. 119. 400. GUNDERT, WILHELM. Japanische Religionsgeschichte (entry 72), pp. 136-37. 401. HAMMER, RAYMOND JACK. "The Idea of God in Japan's New Religions" (entry 74), pp. 94-105, 186-243. 402. HOLTOM, DANIEL C. "Konko Kyo-A Modern Japanese Monotheism." Journal of Religion 13, no. 3 (July 1933): 279-300. +403. _. The National Faith of Japan (entry 85), pp. 257-66. 404. KOBAYASHI, SAKAE. "Changes in the Japanese Religions after World War II" (entry 115), pp. 53-58. 405. LANCZKOWSKI, GUNTHER. Die neuen Religionen (entry 126), pp. 23 -27. 406. LIPP, FREDRICK. "The Religious Dimension and Practical Function of the Kekkai in the Church of the Konko-kyo Religion." Unpublished paper, 1961, 14 pp. In the files of Konko-kyo headquarters. +407. McFARLAND, H[ORACE] NEILL. The Rush Hour of the Gods (entry 136), pp. 97-122. 408. MURAKAMI, SHIGEYOSHI. Japanese Religion in the Modern Century (entry 153), pp. 15-17, 44-46. 409. OPLER, MARVIN K. "Two Japanese Sects." Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 6 (1950): 69-78. +410. PETTAZZONI, RAFFAELE. "Sur un pre'tendu monotheisme Japonais." In Proceedings of the IXth International Congress for the History of Religions, 1958. Tokyo: Maruzen, 1960, pp. 393-97.

Page  84 84 The New Religions of Japan +411. ROTH, WILHELM, with KONDO, RYOSUKE. "Konkokyo: Die Lehre von Konko." Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Vtilkerkunde Ostasiens 26, pt. A (1932): 1-35. +412. SCHNEIDER, DELWIN B. Konkokyo, A Japanese Religion: A Study in the Continuities of Native Faiths. Tokyo: International Institute for the Study of Religions, 1962, xv + 166 pp. 413.. "Konkokyo: A Religion of Meditation." Contemporary Religions in Japan 2, no. 1 (March 1961): 39-54. 414. SPAE, JOSEPH J. "Konkokyb." Missionary Bulletin 9, nos. 8-9 (August-September 1955): 501-4. 415. THOMSEN, HARRY. The New Religions of Japan (entry 233), pp. 69 -78. Kurozumi-kyo Denominational *416. KIYAMA, K. The Life of a Great Man, Kurozumi-Munetada. Cited in Harry Thomsen, Bibliography of the New Religions (entry 229), p. 13. 417. KURADA, T. The Truth of Kami (The Founder of the Kurozumi Sect). Tokyo, 1893. 418. KUROZUMI, TADAAKI. Kurozumi Munetada and His Religion. N.p., 1979, 17 pp. 419. Sectarian Shinto (The Way of the Gods) (entry 205), pp. 18-21. 420. TANAKA, GORO. The Brief Outline of the Kurozumi-kyo, the most Genuine Japanese Religious Faith. Omoto, Okayama: Nisshinsha, 1956, 10 pp. (Japanese and English text.) Secondary 421. ANESAKI, MASAHARU. History of Japanese Religion (entry 3), p. 315.

Page  85 Bibliograpi 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. ny of Individual New Religions 85 426A. +427. +428. 429. 430. 431. 432. GARY, 0. "The Kurozumi Sect of Shinto." Andover Review 11, no. 46 (June 1889): 640-49. DUTHU, J.B. "Kurozumi-Ky6: La secte shintoiste Kurozumi." Me'langes japonais 5 (1908): 131-51, 284-307, 420-42. GUNDERT, WILHELM. Japanische Religionsgeschichte (entry 72), pp. 130-31. HAMMER, RAYMOND JACK. "The Idea of God in Japan's New Religions" (entry 74), pp. 75-79. HEPNER, CHARLES WILLIAM. "The Fundamental Ideas of Kurozumi Munetada and their Sources." Transactions of Meiji Japan Society 45 (1936): 1-5. The Kurozumi Sect of Shinti. Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University, 1933, 298 pp. ____ The Kurozumi Sect of ShintU. Tokyo: Meiji Japan Society, 1935, xviii + 263 pp. HOLTOM, DANIEL C. The National Faith of Japan (entry 85), pp. 245 -56. LANCZKOWSKI, GUNTER. Die neuen Religionen (entry 126), pp. 11 -15. LAUBE, JOHANNES. "Zur Bedeutungsgeschichte des Konfuzianistischen Begriffs 'Makoto' ('Wahrhaf tigkeit')." In Femiistliche Kultur. Edited by Helga Wormit. Marburg: N.G. Elwert Verlag, 1975, pp. 100-57. See pp. 139-47. MURAKAMI, SHIGEYOSHI. Japanese Religion in the Modern Century (entry 153), pp. 12-13. THOMSEN, HARRY. The New Religions of Japan (entry 233), pp. 61 -67.

Page  86 86 The New Religions of Japan Maruyama-kyo Denominational No publications known. Secondary 433. MURAKAMI, SHIGEYOSHI. Japanese Religion in the Modern Century (entry 153), pp. 49-50, 134-35. Miizu-kai Denominational 434. KAWAZURA (KAWATSURA), BONJI. Manifesto. Translated by Shunji Inoue. Tokyo: Miizu-kai, 1965, 16 pp. Illus. (Plus Japanese text.) 435. SHIRADO, NAKAKO. An Introduction to Shinto of Rev. Bonji Kawazura. Tokyo: Miizu-Kai, n.d., 8 pp. Secondary No publications known. Misogi-kyo Denominational 436. Sectarian Shinto (The Way of the Gods) (entry 205), pp. 22-26. Secondary 437. GUNDERT, WILHELM. Japanische Religionsgeschichte (entry 72), pp. 131-32.

Page  87 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 87 +438. HOLTOM, DANIEL C. The National Faith of Japan (entry 85), pp. 240 -44. Nyorai-kyo Denominational No publications known. Secondary 439. ANESAKI, MASAHARU. History of Japanese Religion (entry 3), pp. 310-13. +440. DUMOULIN, HEINRICH, and ISHIBASHI, TOMONOBU. "Aus dem Kanon der Nyoraikyo." Monumenta Nipponica 1, no. 1 (1938): 222-41. 441. GUNDERT, WILHELM. Japanische Religionsgeschichte (entry 72), pp. 137-39. +442. ISHIBASHI, TOMONOBU. "Eine unbekannte Volksreligion in Japan." Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Japan 4 (1928): 4-7, 89-91. See also Commemoration Volume of the Science of Religion in Tokyo Imperial University (Tokyo: Herald Press, 1934), pp. 229-42. 443. WALEY, ARTHUR. "Kono Tabi: A Little-known Japanese Religion." Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies 7 (1933-35): 105-9. Reprinted in Arthur Waley, The Secret History of the Mongols and Other Pieces (New York: Barnes & Noble, 1963), pp. 141-46. Ontake-kyo Denominational 444. Sectarian Shinto (The Way of the Gods) (entry 205), pp. 27-30.

Page  88 88 The New Religions of Japan Secondary 445. HOLTOM, DANIEL C. The National Faith of Japan (entry 85), pp. 227 -31. +446. LOWELL, PERCIVAL. Occult Japan or the Way of the Gods (entry 132), esp. pp. 1-192. 447. WALTON, W[ILLIAM] H. MURRAY. Scrambles in Japan and Formosa. London: Edward Arnold Co., 1934, 304 pp. Illus. See pp. 99-141. Oomoto Denominational (Unless otherwise specified, published at Kameoka by the Oomoto Headquarters or the Oomoto Central Office.) 448. A alegria de viver [The joy of living]. Translated by J. de C. Bretas. 1974, 198 pp. In Portuguese. 449. Brief Sketch of Oomoto. N.d., 15 pp. 450. Dek gvidprincipoj de la Oomoto-movado, kan la komentoj de Jasuo Sakurai [Ten guiding principles of the Oomoto movement, with comments by Yasuo Sakurai]. 1960, 24 pp. In Esperanto. 451. Dialogos elucidativos para a Juventude [Enlightening dialogues for youth]. Translated by J. de C. Bretas. 1966, 98 pp. In Portuguese. 452. The Foundation of Japanese Culture and the Oomoto Religion: Relation between the Culture in Tamba Region and the Oomoto Religiorn Translated by Yoshi Suzumori. 1957, 11 pp. (Also French edition, translated H. Kato.) 453. Giganto Onisabro Deguci revivigas en Parizo [The giant Onisaburo Deguchi comes to life again in Paris]. 1975, 23 pp. In Esperanto. 454. No entry. 455. Guide de la voie. 1957, 14 pp.

Page  89 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 89 456. La hombildo de diversaj religioj [The human picture of various religions]. 1970, 34 pp. In Esperanto. 457. Kio estas Oomoto? [What is Oomoto?]. 1933, 93 pp. In Esperanto. 458. Kiss of Peace. 1978, 96 pp. (Pages numbered right to left.) Illus. 459. La konfliktoj en Mancurio kaj Sanhajo: Pri la agado de Universale Homama Asocio en Cinujo [The conflicts in Manchuria and Shanghai: On the action of the Universal Love and Brotherhood Movement in China]. 1932. In Esperanto. 460. Kvinteto: Ekstraktoj el verkoj de Nao, Onisabro, Sumiko, Hidemaru kaj Naohi Deguei [Quintet: Extracts from works by Nao, Onisaburo, Sumiko, Hidemaru, and Naohi Deguchi]. Translated by T. Nakamura. 1965, 63 pp. In Esperanto. 461. Memorlibro de Oomoto-internacia festivalo [Memory-book of Oomoto-international festival]. 1965, 73 pp. In Esperanto. 462. Noo (Japana klasika dancdrama) [Noh (Japanese classical dance drama)]. Translated by T. Mikami. 1963, 15 pp. In Esperanto. 463. Ofudesaki, The Holy Scriptures of Oomoto: Excerpts. Translated by Iwao P. Hino. 1974. 464. The Oomoto Art Exhibition in Europe and America. 1976, 92 pp. (Pages numbered right to left.) Illus. 465. Oomoto: Ever Living Up to Peace Doctrine. 1962, 29 pp. 465A. Oomoto Incidents and Oomoto Under World Scrutiny. Translated by Yoshi Suzumori. 1957, 15 pp. 466. Oomoto: La nova spirita movado [Oomoto: The new spiritual movement]. Ayabe, 1924, 8 + 40 pp. In Esperanto. 467. The Oomoto Movement: Its Origin, Aims and Objects and the Universal Love and Brotherhood Association. 1950. 2d ed., 1952, 33 pp. 3d ed., 1955, 48 pp.

Page  90 90 The New Religions of Japan 468. Oomoto-sepdekjara [Oomoto-seventy years old]. 1967, 20 pp. In Esperanto. 469. Oomoto's View of Art. 1957, 8 pp. 470. Oomoto, the New Spiritual Movement. Pamphlet. Ayabe: Oomoto Overseas Office, 1925. 471. The Outline of Oomoto. 1958, 34 pp. 2d ed., enlarged and revised, 1968, 92 pp., with Errata slip. 3d ed., ed. Iwao Hino, 1970. 472. Partial Portraits of Master Onisaburo Deguchi. Translated by Yoshi Suzumori. 1957, 22 pp. 473. El plan general de Oomoto. 1961, 27 pp. 474. Putevodnoe slovo [Word of guidance]. Translated by M. Kobayashi. 1962, 14 pp. In Russian. 475. Q's and A's on Oomoto for Young Adults. 1975, 66 pp. 476. Universal Love and Brotherhood Movement. ULBA Headquarters, 1977, 16 pp. 477. Utafesta poemaro [Poetry collection of Uta-celebration]. 1966, 104 pp. In Esperanto. 478. What is Oomoto? Paris: European Oomoto Office. 1926, 56 pp. 2d ed, [Kameoka]: n.p., 1935, 136 pp. Illus. 479. DEGUCHI, E. Comments on the Oomoto Ofudesaki. Translated by I. Hino. 1976, 38 pp. 480. DEGUCHI, ISAO. "Oomoto (Great Foundation)." Contemporary Religions in Japan 4, no. 3 (September 1963): 230-39. 481. DEGUCHI, KYOTARO (DEGUTI, KIOTARO). My Travels in Esperantoland. Translated by Michael A.L. Lamb. 1968, 189 pp. Illus. 482.. Onisaburo Deguchi: Un grand homme. 1972, 233 pp. 483. DEGUCHI, NAO. Scripture of Oomoto. Translated by Teruo Nakamura, 1957, 11 pp.

Page  91 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 91 484. DEGUCHI, ONISABURO. Didactic Poems by O. Deguchi (A Selection from "Aizen no Miti"l Translated by Hikosaku Yanagijima. 1957, 30 Pp. 485._ (DEGUCI, ONISABRO). Fundamento de animo [Basis of spirit]. 1931. In Esperanto. 486.. A Guide to God's Way: Extracts from the Scripture, "Miti no Siori" Written in 1925. Translated by Teruo Nakamura. 1957, 23 pp. (Also French edition, trans. H. Kato.) 487. _ (DEGUTSHI). "Mitshi-no shiori-Blumen auf dem Wege.... (Aus der Bruderbewegung, Oomoto)." Die Weisse Fahne 12 (1931): 568-69. 488.. Perpoema vortaro Esperanto-Japana [Esperanto-Japanese dictionary in poetry]. 2d ed., 1971, 450 pp. In Esperanto. 489. HINO, IWAO P. "The Grand Festival of the Omoto Foundress." Contemporary Religions in Japan 4, no. 3 (September 1963): 239-43. 490.. A Little Glossary of Religious Terms. 1975, 31 pp. 491., trans. Memoirs by O. Deguchi. 1957, 21 pp. 492., ed. The Outline of Oomoto. 1958. 2d ed., enlarged and revised, 1968. 3d ed., 1970, 92 pp. 493. INOUE, TOMEGORO. Klarigo de Kamigakari, lau la verkoj de Sinjoro Onisabro Deguci [Explanation of Kamigakari according to the works of Mr. Onisaburo Deguchi. Translated by Nishimura Kogetsu. Paris, 1926. In Esperanto. 494. ITOO, EIZOO; ESUMI, NORIYA; and NAKAMURA, TAZUO. Kvindek jaroj de Esperanto en Oomoto [Fifty years of Esperanto in Oomoto]. 1973. In Esperanto. 495. MURAI, TOJURO. What Is "Oomoto"? Why Do We Believe in Oomoto? 1957, 14 pp. 496. NAKAMURA, T. Enciklopedieto Japana [A little Japanese encyclopedia]. N.p.: KOSMO, 1964, 217 pp. In Esperanto.

Page  92 92 The New Religions of Japan 497. NISHIMURA, KOGETSU. Origino de Oomoto: Sankta vivo de Nao Deguci, kreintino de Oomoto-movado [Origin of Oomoto: Holy life of Nao Deguchi, foundress of the Oomoto movement]. Ayabe, 1925. In Esperanto. 498. _, ed. Sambishu, sinjoro laidata: Dedicaloj al S-ro Onisabro Deguci okaze de lia reliberigo [Sambishu, a highly praised gentleman: Dedications to Mr. Onisaburo Deguchi on the occasion of his regaining freedom]. 1928. In Esperanto. 499. __ (NISHIMURA, KOOGECU), and SCHMIDT, K.O. Oomoto. Neugeist in Japan. Lehre und Praxis. Alltagsbemeisterung durch japanische Geistesschulung. Bicher der "Weissen Fahne" 42. Pfullingen in Wurtemberg: Johannes Baum Verlag, 1927, 30 pp. 500. OKAKURA, K[AKUZ-]. La libro de teo [The book of tea]. Translated by T. Nakamura. N.p.: KOSMO, 1965, 132 pp. In Esperanto. 501. ONO, EIICHI. "Personal Testimony: Recovery from Cancer." Contemporary Religions in Japan 4, no. 3 (September 1963): 244-47. 502. SAKURAI, YASUO, ed. The Basic Teachings of Oomoto. Translated by Teruo Nakamura. 1955. 2d ed., 1961, 36 pp. 503. ___. Guiding Principles of Oomoto: Movement. 1960, 26 pp. (Also Esperanto edition, trans. T. Nakamura; Portuguese edition, trans. Mozart Varella; Spanish edition, trans. Shigenori Kakui.) 504. STEINER, R. The New Outline of Oomoto. 1977, 30 pp. 505. No entry. Periodicals 506. Oomoto. 1925-32, 1950-. Esperanto bimonthly. 507. Oomoto. 1956-. English quarterly. Official organ of Oomoto and Universal Love and Brotherhood Association. 508. Oomoto Internacia [Oomoto International]. Monata organo de Universala Homama Associo. (Paris), 1925-32. Kameoka, 1933-35. In Esperanto.

Page  93 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 93 509. Oomoto, oficiala organa de Oomoto kaj U.H.A. [Oomoto, Official Organ of Oomoto and U.H.A.I. 1950-. In Esperanto. 510. Verda Mondo. Secondary 511. ANESAKI, MASAHARU. History of Japanese Religion (entry 3), pp. 397-98. 512. L'art d'Onisabwr (1871-1948) et de son e'cole. Paris: Musee Cernuschi, 1972, 83 pp. Illus. 513. BENZ, ERNST. Asiatische Begegnungen: Stationen einer Reise nach Japan und Indien. DUsseldorf and Cologne: Eugen Diederichs Verlag, 1963, 300 pp. See pp. 178-201. 514. BRADEN, CHARLES S. Modern Tendencies in World Religions. London: Allen & Unwin; New York: Macmillan Co., 1933, xi + 343 pp. See pp. 147-49. 515. BURKERT, RUDOLF. "Omoto oder von der Hiitte Gottes auf Erden." Die Glocke 9, no. 1 (1929): 10-11. 516. DEVARANNE, THEODOR. "Fortgang der Omotokyo-Bewegung." Zeitschrift fUr Missionskunde wid Religionswissenschaft 40 (1925): 24 -25. 517. FERNANDES, GON9ALVES. "Uma seita nipo-brasileria: A Associaq-ao Universal Humanitaria" EA Japanese-Brazilian sect: The Universal Love and Brotherhood Association]. In 0 sincretismo religioso no Brasil. Curitiba, Brazil: Editora Guira, 1941, pp. 77-94. Illus. In Portuguese. 518. FRANCK, FREDERICK. An Encounter with Oomoto. "The Great Origin": A Faith Rooted in the Ancient Mysticism and the Traditional Arts of Japan. West Nyack, NY: Cross Currents, n.d. [~ 1975], 63 pp. 519. GERLITZ, PETER. Gott erwacht in Japan: Neue fernmistliche Religionen und ihre Botschaft vom GlUck (entry 69), pp. 75-102.

Page  94 94 The New Religions of Japan 520. GRAY, WALLACE. "Oomoto and Teilhard de Chardin: Two Case Studies in Revitalization." Japanese Religions 8, no. 1 (March 1974): 19-46. 521. HAMMER, RAYMOND JACK. "The Idea of God in Japan's New Religions" (entry 74), pp. 106-15. 522. HERBERT, JEAN. Aux sources du Japon. Le Shinto. Paris: Editions Albin Michel, 1964, 374 pp. See pp. 304-5. 523.. Dieux et sectes populaires du Japon (entry 82), pp. 166-79. 523A. HIBBARD, E.L. "Interview with Leaders of Oomoto-Kyo." Japan Christian Quarterly 28 (October 1962): 228-32. 524. HUCKEL. "Die Rolle der Oomoto ('Religion')." Zeitschrift fiir Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft 43 (1928): 117-19. 525. KITAMURA, R. "Oomoto: Nova spirita movado en Japanujo" [Oomoto: A new spiritual movement in Japan]. Esperanto (Geneva) 20 (1924): 40-41. In Esperanto. 526. KOBAYASHI, SAKAE. "Changes in the Japanese Religions after World War II" (entry 115), pp. 65-71. +527.. "Omoto, A Religion of Salvation." Japanese Religions 1, no. 2 (April 1960): 38-50. 528. KOHLER, WERNER. Die Lotus-Lehre und die modernen Religionen in Japan (entry 118), pp. 58-68. 529. KUNZE, R. "Eine neue Religion in Japan." Ostasiatische Rundschau 2 (1921): 104-7. 530. LANCZKOWSKI, GUNTER. Die neuen Religionen (entry 126), pp. 27 -32. 531. "Leaders of Outlawed Sect Placed on Trial." China Weekly Review 89 (22 July 1939): 247. +532. LINS, ULRICH. Die Omoto-Bewegung und der radikale Nationalismus in Japan. Inaugural dissertation, Universitat zu Koln, 1976. Published under the same title. Studien zur Geschichte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, no. 8. Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1976, 300 pp.

Page  95 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 95 533. LJUNGDAHL, VILMAR. "Oomoto-kyo, en ny religion? Japanese bolsjevism" [Omoto-kyo, a New Religion? Japanese Bolshevism]. Svensk Tidskrift 2 (1921): 167-78. In Swedish. +534. MURAKAMI, SHIGEYOSHI. Japanese Religion in the Modern Century (entry 153), pp. 70-75, 85-86, 95-99, 133-35. 535. NADOLSKI, THOMAS PETER. "Omoto and the Japanese Imperial Government." In Nihon bunka kenkyi ronshU/Studies in Japanese Culture. Vol. 2. Tokyo, 1973, pp. 26-32. 536.. "The Socio-political Background of the 1921 and 1935 Omoto Suppressions in Japan." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1975, 286 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International 36, no. 5 (November 1975): 3048A. University Microfilms International order no. 75-24,107. 537. NIETO, C. "Die Prophetin von Ayabe und der Omoto Kyo." Die katholischen Missionen (1921): 131. 538. OFFNER, CLARK B., and STRAELEN, HENRY (HENRICUS J.J.M.) van. Modern Japanese Religions (entry 175), pp. 61-70. 539. "Omoto-Kyo, an Account of One of Japan's Popular Faiths, By a Japanese Scholar." Chronicle Reprints, no. 1. Kobe: Japan Chronicle, 1920. RAZUMOV, S.P. See Tanin, 0., and Yohan, E. (entry 544A). 540. SAUNDERS, KENNETH. "Glimpses of the Religious Life in New Japan" (entry 202). 541. SCHILLER, EMIL. "Omotokyo, die neueste Religion Japans." Zeitschrift fur Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft 38 (1923): 97 -116, 129-42. Reprinted in Das Junge Japan 2, no. 1 (1925): 9-27; no. 7: 1-15. *541A. SIBIRYAKOV, P. "Kamioka" [Kameoka]. Gunbao, 7 and 12 February 1932. In Russian. Cited in 0. Tanin and E. Yohan, Militarism and Fascism in Japan (entry 544A), pp. 252-53. 542. SOUHART, ODETTE. "Omoto-kyo. Polytheisme moderne." Bulletin de la Societe franco-japonaise de Paris 48 (April-June 1921): 89-92.

Page  96 96 96 ~~~~~~~~~~~The New Religions of Japan 543. SPAE, JOSEPH J. "O5motoky6."1 Missionary Bulletin 10, no. 9 (November 1956): 668-73. 544. SUGAI, TAIKA. "The Soteriology of New Religions" (entry 221), pp. 38-44. 544A. TANIN, 0., and YOHAN, E. (pseud.). Militarism and Fascism in Japan. Introduction by Karl Radek. London: M. Lawrence; New York: International Publishers, 1934, vi + 320 pp. See pp. 81, 252-53. Note: apparently the author of this work, who usually wrote under the pen name of 0.S. Tarkhanov, is S.P. Razumov; see E. Stuart Kirby, Russian Studies of Japan: An Exploratory Survey (New York: St. Martin's Press), 1981, xvi + 226. See esp. pp. 3 1-32, 208. 545. THOMSEN, HARRY. The New Religions of Japan (entry 233), pp. 127 -41. 546. TUCKER, BEVERLEY D. "Christian Worship with Omoto-kyo."1 Japanese Religions 9, no. 4 (July 1977): 60-63. 547. WITTE, JOHANNES. "'Missionsarbeit der japanischen Omotokyo Religion in Europa." Zeitschrift f Ur Missionslcunde und Religionswissenschaft 41 (1926): 144-46. 548. ___."Neue Religion in Japan" (entry 248). 549. ___."Neues von der Daihonky6 (COmotoky?5)-Sekte."1 Zeitschrift fUr Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft 35 (1921): 150-55. 550. __. "Eine Propagandaschrift der neuen Religion Japans, der Omotokyo."1 Zeitschrift fUr Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft 40 (1925): 225-42. 551. ___. "'Verfolgung der Omotokyo-Bewegung in Japan." Zeitschrift fUr Missionskun-de und Religionswissenschaft 37 (1923): 60-61. 552. ___. "Zwei Abschnitte aus der Reikai-Monogatari der Omotokyo."t Zeitschrift fUr Missions kunde und Religionswissenschaft 40 (1925): 2 57-69. 553. "Worshippers of God." Hibbert Journal 64, no. 252 (Autumn 1965): 16 -18.

Page  97 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 97 554. ZIMMERMANN, WERNER. Licht im Osten (entry 259), pp. 42-50. PL Kyodan Denominational (Unless otherwise specified, published at Tondabayashi by The Perfect Liberty Order.) 555. Calendario PL (Anual) [The PL calendar]. Editora Vida Artistica E.V.A. Rio de Janeiro: Publiqacoes da Instituiqao Religiosa Perfect Liberty no Brasil. In Portuguese. 556. An Essay on the Way of Life. N.d., 13 pp. N.d., 36 pp. (Text in English and French.) 557. A Guide to a Happy Life. N.d., 8 pp. 558. How to Live a Happy Life: Introduction to Church of Perfect Liberty. Glendale, CA: North American Headquarters, 1978. 559. PL. 1958, 24 pp. 1959, 32 pp. (Text in English and French.) 1964, 20 pp. (Also Portuguese edition.) 560. PL: A Modern Religion for Modern Man. [1968], 23 pp. Illus. 561. The PL Handbook. 1964, 16 pp. (Later reissued, without songs, as The PL Kyoten.) (Also Spanish edition.) 562. The PL Kyoten. N.d., 12 pp. (Foldout). (Taken from The PL Handbook.) 563. Perfect Liberty: Guide to Perfect Liberty. Glendale, CA: North American Headquarters, 1975. 564. Perfect Liberty-How to Lead a Happy Life. 1951, 82 pp. 1958.

Page  98 98 The New Religions of Japan 565. MIKI, TOKUCHIKA. A arte de educar os filhos [The art of educating children]. Editora Vida Artistica E.V.A. Rio de Janeiro: Publicaqoes da Instituicao Religiosa Perfect Liberty no Brasil, 246 pp. In Portuguese. 566.. A arte do amor [The art of love]. Editora Vida Artistica E.V.A. Rio de Janeiro: Publicacoes da Instituicao Religiosa Perfect Liberty no Brasil. In Portuguese. *567.. Sayings of the Master. Typescript. Cited in Jean Herbert, Bibliographie du shinto (entry 81), item no. 518. *568.. "The True Way of Life." Typescript. Cited in H. Neill McFarland, The Rush Hour of the Gods (entry 136), p. 246. 569. _. Vida e arte [Life and art]. Editora Vida Artistica E.V.A. Rio de Janeiro: Publicacoes da Instituicao Religiosa Perfect Liberty no Brasil. In Portuguese. 570. YASHIMA, JIRO. An Essay on the Way of Life. 1950, 113 pp. *571. YUASA, TATSUKI. "An Introduction to an Artistic Life." Typescript. Cited in Werner Kohler, Die Lotus-Lehre und die modemen Religionen in Japan (entry 118), p. 291. 572.. "PL (Perfect Liberty)." Contemporary Religions in Japan 1, no. 3 (September 1960): 20-29. Periodicals 573. Jornal Perfeita Liberdade-Quinzenal [Journal of Perfect Liberty]. Rio de Janeiro: Publicaqoes de Instituiqao Religiosa Perfect Liberty no Brasil. Biweekly journal. In Portuguese. 574. PL-Revista P/A Paz Universal —Trimestral [PL-Magazine for universal peace]. Rio de Janeiro: Publicacoes de Instituiqao Religiosa Perfect Liberty no Brasil. Quarterly journal. In Portuguese. 575. Perfect Liberty. Glendale, CA: North American Headquarters. Monthly.

Page  99 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 99 Secondary 576. ABE, YOSHIYA. "Religious Freedom under the Meiji Constitution" (entry 1). See 11, nos. 3-4 (September-December 1970): 227-46. 577. BACH, MARCUS. The Power of Perfect Liberty. Out of Japan: A Creative Breakthrough in Humanity's Quest for a New Man in a New Age. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1971, 163 pp. (Portuguese translation, A forqa da Perfeita Liberdade [Rio de Janeiro: Ediqoes Bloch], 1972.) 578.. Strangers at the Door (entry 13), pp. 105-9. +579. BAIRY, MAURICE A. Japans neue Religionen (entry 14), pp. 70-111. 580. ELLWOOD, ROBERT S., Jr. The Eagle and the Rising Sun: Americans and the New Religions of Japan (entry 61), pp. 178-205. 581. HAMMER, RAYMOND JACK. "The Idea of God in Japan's New Religions" (entry 74), pp. 161-65, 244-59. 582.. "The Scriptures of Perfect Liberty Kyodan: A Translation with a Brief Commentary." Japanese Religions 3, no. 1 (Spring 1963): 18 -26. 583. HERBERT, JEAN. Dieux et sectes populaires du Japon (entry 82), pp. 189-96. +584. KOHLER, WERNER. Die Lotus-Lehre und die modemen Religionen in Japan (entry 118), pp. 68-87. 585.. "Der PL-Kyodan." Ostasien 6 (1961-62). 586. LANCZKOWSKI, GUNTER. Die neuen Religionen (entry 126), pp. 43 -48. +587. McFARLAND, H[ORACE] NEILL. The Rush Hour of the Gods (entry 136), pp. 123-44. 588. MURAKAMI, SHIGEYOSHI. Japanese Religion in the Modem Century (entry 153), pp. 86-88, 98-99, 141-42, 158-59.

Page  100 100 The New Religions of Japan 588A. NORBECK, EDWARD. Religion and Society in Modern Japan: Continuity and Change (entry 168A), pp. 197-209. 589. OFFNER, CLARK B., and STRAELEN, HENRY (HENRICUS J.J.M.) van. Modern Japanese Religions (entry 175), pp. 82-88. 590. RAJANA, EIMI WATANABE. "A Sociological Study of New Religious Movements: Chilean Pentecostalism and Japanese New Religions" (entry 190), pp. 68-74. 591. SCHILLER, EMIL. "Eine neue religiose Sekte in Japan." Zeitschrift fur Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft 51 (1936): 112-13. 592. SOLOMON, TED J. "The Response of Three New Religions to the Crisis in the Japanese Value System" (entry 211). 593. SPAE, JOSEPH J. "PL Kyodan, The Perfect Liberty Order." Missionary Bulletin 12, no. 8 (October 1958): 586-90. 594. THOMSEN, HARRY. The New Religions of Japan (entry 233), pp. 183 -98. ReiyU-kai Denominational 595. The Reiyukai Shakaden Completion Ceremony, November 9, 1975. N.p.: Reiyukai, 1975. Pages not numbered. (Editions in Japanese, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.) 596. KOTANI, KIMI, ed. A Guide to Reiyu-kai. Tokyo: Reiyukai Ky6dan, 1958, 25 pp. (Also issued in November 1958 under the title Reiyu-kai and Social Services.) Periodicals 597. Circle (The International Reiyukai Magazine). Tokyo: International Extension Bureau. 598. Inner Trip Friends. Los Angeles, 1978-.

Page  101 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 101 599. 600. +601. 602. +603. 604. 605. 606. +607. 608. 609. The Reiyu Kaiho. In English, 1968-. Secondary HAMMER, RAYMOND JACK. "The Idea of God in Japan's New Religions" (entry 74), pp. 142-46. HARDACRE, HELEN. "Sex-Role Norms and Values in Reiyukai." Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 6, no. 3 (September 1979): 445 -60. KOBAYASHI, SAKAE. "Changes in the Japanese Religions after World War II" (entry 115), pp. 83-87. KOHLER, WERNER. Die Lotus-Lehre und die modemen Religionen in Japan (entry 118), pp. 235-53. LANCZKOWSKI, GUNTER. Die neuen Religionen (entry 126), pp. 32 -36. MURAKAMI, SHIGEYOSHI. Japanese Religion in the Modern Century (entry 153), pp. 88-91, 105-6, 142-43. NIWANO, NIKKYO. Lifetime Beginner: An Autobiography (entry 167), pp. 75-78, 82-86, 99. OFFNER, CLARK B., and STRAELEN, HENRY (HENRICUS J.J.M.) van. Modern Japanese Religions (entry 175), pp. 91-95. SPAE, JOSEPH J. "Reiyukai." Japan Missionary Bulletin 14, no. 10 (December 1960): 654-56. THOMSEN, HARRY. The New Religions of Japan (entry 233), pp. 109 -16. Remmon-kyo Denominational No publications known.

Page  102 102 The New Religions of Japan Secondary 609A. ASTON, WILLIAM GEORGE. Shinto: The Way of the Gods. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1906, ii + 490 pp. See p. 376. +610. GREENE, DANIEL CROSBY. "Remmon Ky6 Kwai." Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan29 (1901): 17-33. 611. HAAS, HANS. "Remmon Ky-6, die Lotustorsekte." Zeitschrift fUr Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft 18 (1903): 73-81. +612. LLOYD, ARTHUR. "The Remmon Ky6.1" Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan 29 (1901): 1-16. 613. MURAKAMI, SHIGEYOSHI. Japanese Religion in the Modern Century (entry 153), pp. 50-51. Rissh~ Kosei-kai Denominational (Unless otherwise specified, published Co., or RisshZ K?5sei-kai.) 614. Fundamental Buddhism Based on the [1964]. at Tokyo by Ksei Publishing Teachings of Rissho-Koseikai. 615. A Guide to Rissho Kosei Kai 48 pp. (English and Japanese text.) 616. No entry. 617. Kyoden, Extracts from the Threefold Lotus Sutra. 1968. 618. Myoho-Renge-Kyo Narabi Ni Kai-Ketsuw Edited by Rissho Kosei-kai. 1970. (A romanized prayer book.) 619. Myoh5-Renge Ky5i: The Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law. Translated by Bunn6 Katb. Revised by W.E. Soothill and Wilhelm Schiffer. 1971, xii + 440 pp.

Page  103 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 103 +620. Rissho Kosei-kai. 1966, 172 pp. Illus. 621. Rissho Kasei-kai. 1966, 110 pp. ("Offprint from the book with the same title.") 622. RisshU Kosei-kai, A New Buddhist Laymen's Movement in Japan: An Introduction. [1968], pages not numbered. (Taken from Rissho Koseikni [entry 620].) 623. Rissho Kosei-kai: An Organization of Buddhist Laymen. [Tokyo: Kosei Publishing Co., 197?], 24 pp. (Also French and German editions.) 624. Rissho Kosei-kai-For Our New Members. 1972, iv + 108 pp. Illus. *625. "A Summary of the Rissho Kosei Society." Typescript. Cited in H[orace] Neill McFarland, "The New Religions of Japan." Contemporary Religions in Japan 1, no. 3 (September 1960): 37. 625A. The Threefold Lotus Sutra: Innumerable Meanings, the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law, and Meditation on the Bodhisattva Universal Virtue. Translated by Bunno Kato, Yoshiro Tamura, and Kojiro Miyasaka with revisions by W.E. Soothill, Wilhelm Schiffer, and Pier P. Del Campana. New York: Weatherhill; Tokyo: Kosei, 1974 [hardcover and paper], xviii + 383 pp. Previously published in part as Muryggi-kyo, the Sutra of Innumerable Meanings, and Kanfugengyo, the Sutra of Meditation on the Bodhisattva Universal-Virtue (Tokyo: Kosei Publishing Company, 1974), xi + 78 pp. 626. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF RELIGIONS. Rissho Kosei Kai: A New Buddhist Laymen's Movement in Japan. Tokyo: Rissho Kosei-kai and International Institute for the Study of Religions, 1963, 17 pp. 627. KAMOMIYA, JOKAI. "Rissho Kosei Kai." Contemporary Religions in Japan 2, no. 1 (March 1961): 30-38. 628. NIWANO, NIKKYO. Buddhism for Today: A Modern Interpretation of the Threefold Lotus Sutra. 1976 [hardcover and paper], xxvii + 472 pp. 629.. A Buddhist Approach to Peace. Translated by Masuo Nezu. 1977, 162 pp. Illus.

Page  104 104 The New Religions of Japan 630.. Honzor' The Object of Worship of Rissho Kosei-kai. Translated by Chido Takeda and Wilhelm Schiffer. 1969, 95 pp. +631.. Lifetime Beginner: An Autobiography (entry 167). 632.. The Lotus Sutra, Life and Soul of Buddhism: A Modern Introduction to the Lotus Sutra Giving a Better Understanding of the Buddha's Teachings. Translated by Kojiro Miyasaka, Wilhelm Schiffer, and Howard B. Gilman. 1971, 264 pp. 633.. "My View of Christianity: A Leader of One of the 'New Religions' Looks at Christianity." In The Japan Christian Yearbook. Edited by Hallam C. Shorrock, Jr. and Joseph J. Spae. Tokyo: Kyo Bun Kwan (The Christian Literature Society of Japan), 1968, pp. 112-15. 634.. The Richer Life. Translated by Richard L. Gage. 1975, 138 pp. First paperback ed., 1979, 169 pp. 635.. Travel to Infinity: An Autobiography of the President of an Organization of Buddhist Laymen in Japan. Translated by Chido Takeda and Wilhelm Schiffer. 1968, 192 pp. Illus. 636. TAMURA, YOSHIRO, trans. Muryogi-kyo: The Sutra of Innumerable Meanings. Kanfugen-gyo: The Sutra of Meditation on the Bodhisattva Universal-Virtue. Revised by Pier P. Del Campana. 1974, xi + 78 pp. Periodicals 637. Dharma World. Tokyo: Kosei Publishing Co. May 1974-. Monthly. Secondary 638. BACH, MARCUS. Strangers at the Door (entry 13), pp. 116-18. 639. DALE, KENNETH J. "Authority in Rissho Koseikai." Japan Missionary Bulletin 23, no. 8 (September 1969): 457-66. Reprinted from Ninth Hayama Missionary Seminar, 1968, By What Authority? +640., and AKAHOSHI, SUSUMU. Circle of Harmony: A Case Study in Popular Japanese Buddhism with Implications for Christian Mission. South Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 1975, xviii + 211 pp.

Page  105 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 105 641.. "An Investigation of the Factors Responsible for the Impact of Hoza of Rissho Koseikai as a Means of Religious Propagation and Education in Contemporary Japan." Th.D. dissertation, Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York, 1970, 511 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International 31, no. 6 (December 1970): 2752A. University Microfilms International order no. 70-24,140. 642. DUMOULIN, HEINRICH. "Buddhismus im modernen Japan" (entry 48), pp. 324-30. 643. GERLITZ, PETER. Gott erwacht in Japan: Neue fornostliche Religionen und ihre Botschaft vom Gluck (entry 69), pp. 103-28. 644.. "Kathartische und therapeutische Elements in der Seelsorge der Rissho Kosei-kai." Zeitschrift fir Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 27, no. 4 (1975): 346-56. +645. GUTHRIE, STEWART ELLIOTT. "A Japanese 'New Religion': Rissho Kosei Kai in a Japanese Farming Village." Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University, 1976, 402 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstract International 40, no. 8 (February 1980): 4652A-53A. University Microfilms International order no. 8002718. 646. HAMMER, RAYMOND JACK. "The Idea of God in Japan's New Religions" (entry 74), pp. 147-56. 647. ITALIAANDER, ROLF. Harmonie mit dem Universum. Zwiegesprach zwischen Europa und Japan. Forewords by Werner Kohler, Nikkyo Niwano, and Pater Hamasaki Masao. Freiburg: Aurum Verlag, 1978, 190 pp. Illus. 648., ed. Eine Religion fur den Frieden. Die Rissho Kosei-kai. Japanische Buddhisten fur die 0(kumene der Religionern Foreword by Werner Kohler. Erlanger Raschenbucher, no. 23. Erlangen: Verlag der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Mission, 1973, 170 pp. Illus. 649.. Wer seinen Bruder nicht liebt.....: Begegnungen und Erfahrungen in Asien. Erlangen: Verlag der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Mission, 1978, 185 pp. See pp. 120-53. 650. KOBAYASHI, SAKAE. "Changes in the Japanese Religions after World War II" (entry 115), pp. 88-91.

Page  106 106 The New Religions of Japan +651. KOHLER, WERNER. Die Lotus-Lehre und die moderen Religionen in Japan (entry 118), pp. 253-64. 652. LANCZKOWSKI, GUNTER. Die neuen Religionen (entry 126), pp. 36 -38. +653. McFARLAND, H[ORACE] NEILL. The Rush Hour of the Gods (entry 133), pp. 173-93. 654. MASIA, JUAN. "Risshokoseikai: Un budismo popular moderno." Razon y fe 177, no. 844 (May 1968): 527-34. +655. MORIOKA, KIYOMI. "The Institutionalization of a New Religious Movement" (entry 147). 656. MULLINS, GEORGE AUSTIN. "Conversion: Rissho Kosei-kai and Christian." Japan Christian Quarterly 35, no. 2 (Spring 1969): 112-18. 656A.. "New Religions? An Examination of Criteria for Determining the States of a Religious Movement, Based upon a Detailed Study of the Origins of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints, Christian Science and Rissho Kosei-kai." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Melbourne [Australia], 1973, 293 pp. 657. MURAKAMI, SHIGEYOSHI. Japanese Religion in the Modem Century (entry 153), pp. 106-7, 143-44, 158-59, 162-63. 658. NISHIO, HARRY K. "Comparative Analysis of the Rissho Koseikai and the S5ka Gakkai." Asian Survey 7, no. 11 (November 1967): 776-90. 658A. NORBECK, EDWARD. Religion and Society in Modern Japan: Continuity and Change (entry 168A), pp. 185-96. 659. OFFNER, CLARK B., and STRAELEN, HENRY (HENRICUS J.J.M.) van. Moder Japanese Religions (entry 175), pp. 95-98. 660. PHILIPS, JAMES M. "An Interview on Rissho Koseikai and Christianity." Japan Christian Quarterly 29, no. 4 (October 1962): 222-27.

Page  107 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 107 661. RAJANA, EIMI WATANABE. "A Sociological Study of New Religious Movements: Chilean Pentecostalism and Japanese New Religions" (entry 190), pp. 74-79. See also Eimi Watanabe (entry 666). 662. SOLOMON, TED J. "The Response of Three New Religions to the Crisis in the Japanese Value System" (entry 211). 663. SPAE, JOSEPH J. "Popular Buddhist Ethics: Risshokoseikai." Japan Missionary Bulletin 20 (1966): 101-9, 232-41. Reprinted in Joseph J. Spae, Japanese Religiosity (Tokyo: Oriens Institute for Religious Research), 1971, pp. 231-48. 664.. "Risshokoseikai," Japan Missionary Bulletin 14, no. 5 (June 1960): 321-25. 665. THOMSEN, HARRY. The New Religions of Japan (entry 233), pp. 117 -26. +666. WATANABE, EIMI. "Rissho Kosei-kai: A Sociological Observation of Its Members, Their Conversion and Their Activities." Contemporary Religions in Japan 9, nos. 1-2 (March-June 1968): 75-151. See also Eimi Watanabe Rajana (entry 661). 667. WEEKS, J. STAFFORD. "Rissho Kosei-kai: A Cooperative Buddhist Sect." In Religious Ferment in Asia. Edited by Robert J. Miller. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1974, pp. 156-68. Seich&-no-Ie Denominational (Unless otherwise specified, published at Tokyo by the Seicho-no-Ie Foundation or the Seicho-no-Ie-Foundation Divine Publication Department.) 668. DAVIS, ROY EUGENE. Miracle Man of Japan: The Life and Work of Masaharu Taniguchi, One of the Most Influential Spiritual Leaders of our Times. Lakemont, GA: CSA Press, 1970, 159 pp. Illus. HOLMES, FENWICKE L. See Taniguchi, Masaharu, and Holmes, Fenwicke L. (entry 679).

Page  108 108 The New Religions of Japan 669. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF RELIGIONS. "Seicho-no-Ie. Taken from Seicho-no-Ie Publications." Contemporary Religions in Japan 4, no. 3 (September 1963): 212-29. 670. TANIGUCHI, MASAHARU. Divine Education and Spiritual Training of Mankind. 1956, 249 pp. 671.. The Holy Sutra of Seicho-No-Ie. 1966, 44 pp. (Taken from Masaharu Taniguchi, Truth of Life [entry 677].) 672.. The Human Mind and Cancer. 1972, 350 pp. 673. _. The Nectarean Shower of Holy Doctrines. 94th printing. 1959, pages not numbered. (Taken from Masaharu Taniguchi, Truth of Life [entry 677]). 674.. Recovery from All Diseases: Seicho-No-Ie's Method of Psychoanalysis. 1963, v + 260 pp. 675. No entry. 676.. 365 Golden Keys to the Summit of Fulfillment. 1974, 323 pp. 677.. Truth of Life. 7 vols. 1961-1977. Vol. 1, Truth of Life (Tokyo: Seicho-no-Ie Foundation, 1961), 320 pp. (Also in an earlier edition, Seimei no Jisso [Truth of life], trans. Kakuwo Ohata, revised by the author [Tokyo: Komyoshiso-Fukyukai, 1937], 148 pp., Japanese text, 61 pp.) Vol. 2, The Spiritual Essence of Man (Playa Del Rey, CA: Seichono-Ie Truth of Life Publishing Department, 1979), 200 pp. Vol. 3, Spiritual Key to Abundant Life (Tokyo: Seicho-no-Ie Foundation Divine Publication Department, 1971), 237 pp. Vol. 5, The Mystical Power Within (Playa Del Rey, CA: Seicho-no-Ie Los Angeles & No. American Missionary Hq., 1975), 191 pp. Vol. 7, Wondrous Way to Infinite Life and Power (Playa Del Rey, CA: Seicho-no-Ie Truth of Life Movement, 1977), 232 pp. 678.. You Can Heal Yourself. 1961, 248 pp. 679., and HOLMES, FENWICKE L. The Science of Faith: How to Make Yourself Believe. Tokyo: Nippon Kyobun-sha Co., 1962, viii + 272 pp. Original publication New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1953.

Page  109 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 109 Periodicals 680. Gekkan. Published in six languages. 681. Seicho-No-Ie. English, Portuguese, and Spanish editions. 682. Seicho-No-Ie Truth of Life Movement. Playa Del Rey, CA: Seicho-noIe Truth of Life Publishing Department. Monthly. Secondary 683. CURTIS, GERALD L. Election Campaigning Japanese Style (entry 42), pp. 199-200. 684. ELLWOOD, ROBERT S., Jr. The Eagle and the Rising Sun: Americans and the New Religions of Japan (entry 61), pp. 147-77. 685. HAMMER, RAYMOND JACK. "The Idea of God in Japan's New Religions" (entry 74), pp. 132-41. 686. HERBERT, JEAN. Dieux et sectes populaires du Japon (entry 82), pp. 182-88. 687. HUNTER, LOUISE H. Buddhism in Hawaii: Its Impact on a Yankee Community (entry 91), pp. 194-95. 688. KOBAYASHI, SAKAE. "Changes in the Japanese Religions after World War II" (entry 115), pp. 96-103. 689. KOHLER, WERNER. Die Lotus-Lehre und die modernen Religionen in Japan (entry 118), 88-89. 690. LIND, ANDREW W. Hawaii's Japanese: An Experiment in Democracy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1946, vii + 264 pp. See pp. 208-10. +691. McFARLAND, H[ORACE] NEILL. The Rush Hour of the Gods (entry 136), pp. 145-72.

Page  110 110 The New Religions of Japan 692. MAEYAMA, TAKASHI. "O imigrante e a religiao: Estudo de uma seita religiosa japonesa no Brasil" [Immigrant and religion: A study of a Japanese religious sect in Brazil]. M.A. thesis, Sao Paulo, Escola de Sociologia e Politica, 1967, 307 pp. In Portuguese. 693.. "Religiao, parentesco e as classes medias" [Religion, kinship, and the middle classes). In Assimilag~o e integraqao dos japoneses no Brasil. Edited by Hiroshi Saito and Takashi Maeyama. Petropolis, Vozes, and Sao Paulo: Ed. da Universidade de Sao Paulo, 1973, 558 pp. See pp. 240-72, esp. pp. 255-57. In Portuguese. Reprinted from Takashi Maeyama, "Religion, Kinship and the Middle Classes of the Japanese in Urban Brazil," mimeographed (Cornell University, Department of Anthropology, 1970). 694. MOREAU, J-PAULIN. "'Seicho no ie, compagnie Limitee,' nouvelle religion japonaise au capital de 5 millions." Les missions catholiques 68, no. 3255 (1936): 497-503. 695. MURAKAMI, SHIGEYOSHI. Japanese Religion in the Moder Century (entry 153), pp. 85-86, 165-66. 695A. NORBECK, EDWARD. Religion and Society in Modern Japan: Continuity and Change (entry 168A), pp. 210-17. 696. NORDSTOKKE, KJELL. "Seicho-no-ie." In Anuario evangelico 1978 7Q ano. Edited by Editora Sinodal. Sao Leopoldo, 1978, pp. 139-45. 697. Novas religioes japonesas no Brasil, por uma equipe de Franciscanos de Petropolis (entry 172), pp. 27-37. 698. OFFNER, CLARK B., and STRAELEN, HENRY (HENRICUS J.J.M.) van. Modern Japanese Religions (entry 175), pp. 71-76. 699. RICCO, MARIO. Religione della violenza e religione del piacere nel nuovo Giappone (entry 195), pp. 103-39. 700.. "Seicho-no-Ie." In As novas seitas, by Alain Woodrow. Sao Paulo: Edicoes Paulinas, 1979, pp. 217-41. Appendix. 701. SMITH, BRADFORD. Americans from Japan. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co., 1948, xxi + 409 pp. See pp. 100-1, 175, 388-89.

Page  111 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 111 702. SPAE, JOSEPH J. "Seicho no Ie." Missionary Bulletin 10, no. 10 (December 1956): 746-50. 703. THOMSEN, HARRY. The New Religions of Japan (entry 233), pp. 153 -72. +704. WIMBERLEY, [HICKMAN] HOWARD. "The Knights of the Golden Lotus." Ethnology 11, no. 2 (April 1972): 173-86. +705.. "Seicho-no-Ie: A Study of a Japanese Religio-Political Association." Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell University, 1967, 261 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts 28, no. 6 (December 1967): 2245B. University Microfilms International order no. 67-17,258. 706. _. "Self-realization and the Ancestors: An Analysis of Two Japanese Ritual Procedures for Achieving Domestic Harmony." Anthropological Quarterly 42, no. 1 (January 1969): 37-51. 707.. "Some Social Characteristics of a Seicho-no-Ie Congregation in Southern Japan." Journal of Asian and African Studies 42, no. 3 (July 1969): 186-201. 708. ZIMMERMANN, WERNER. Licht im Osten (entry 259), pp. 105-7. Sekai Kyisei-kyo Denominational (Unless otherwise specified, published at Atami or Los Angeles by Sekai Kyusei-kyo Headquarters, or Church of World Messianity.) 709. Church of World Messianity. N.d., pages not numbered. 710. The Dedication of the New Hall of Worship in Atami, Japan. [1972], 118 pp. 711. Experiences of Members in the Divine Light Program. 1974, 128 pp. 712. Fragments from the Teachings of Meishu-sama. 1965, 72 pp.

Page  112 112 The New Religions of Japan 713. Home Gathering Messages. Mimeographed. 32 pp. (Translations from Chijo Tengoku) [No other publication information except "Church of World Messianity" on cover.] 714. Hoshi (Giving Service). Question and Answer Series, no. 4. 1979, 48 PP. 715. An Introduction to World Messianity. Color pamphlet. Atami: Messianic General Company, 1976, pages not numbered. 716. Introductory Course of World Messianity and Joining the Church Question and Answer Series, no. 2. 1976, 70 pp. 717. Johrei. Mimeographed. [Ca. 1977], 8 pp., pages not numbered. 718. "Jorei": Its Administration. 1955. 719. The Law of Order. 720. The Light from the East, a Biography of Mokichi Okada, Founder of World Messianity Mimeographed. N.d., 48 pp. 721. Members' Handbook. N.d., 19 pp. 722. Nature Farming. Booklet Series, no. 1. 1966, 18 pp. 723. Ohikari. Question and Answer Series, no. 1. 1976, 50 pp. 724. Prayers. Rev. ed. [1965], 29 pp. 725. Prayers and Gosanka (Poems to Be Chanted). 106 pp. [Printed in "large edition" and "pocket edition".] 726. Reminiscences About Meishu-sama. 2 vols. 1969-70. Vol. 1, by Nidaisama and Kyoshu-sama, 1969, 77 pp. Illus. Vol. 2, Meishu-sama's Mystic Nature, by members, 1970, 92 pp. Illus. 727. Report on the Pilgrimage to the Mother Church. 1970, 44 pp. 728. Sampai Question and Answer Series, no. 3. 1977, 60 pp. 729. Sounds of the Dawn. 2 vols. 1971-73. Vol. 1, "English translation of poems transposed into waka rhythm by Lisa Taylor Melton, Editor,

Page  113 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 113 Translations Division, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.," 1971, 239 pp. Vol. 2, 1973, 264 pp. 730. Study Material for Spiritual Growth. 1964, 40 pp. Reprint. 1969. 731. Teachings by Nidai-sama. 2 vols. 1970-72. Vol. 1, Prayer, Johrei, Faith, 1970, 155 pp. Vol. 2, Steps to Spiritual Unfoldment, Fulfilling Our Mission, 1972, 148 pp. 732. World Messianity and What It Means. 1957, 1963, 22 pp. Rev. ed., 1968, 31 pp. 1979, 32 pp. 733. The World Messianity Graphic. 1956. (English and Japanese text.) 734. FUJIEDA, MASAKAZU. "The Church of World Messianity (Sekai Kyusei-kyo)." Contemporary Religions in Japan 1, no. 4 (December 1960): 24-34. 735. HIGUCHI, KYOKO. Introduction to World Messianity. 1955. 736. KAWAI, TERUAKI. My Wish for Youth Members. 1978, 94 pp. 737. MEISHU-SAMA. Teachings of Meishu-Sama. 2 vols. Translated by Kiyoko Higuchi. 1960. Vol. 1, v + 58 pp. Rev. ed., 1965, 75 pp. Reprint. 1979. Vol. 2, 1968, 99 pp. [Meishu-Sama is the religious title of Mokichi Okada.] 738. OKADA, MOKICHI. Excerpts from the Teachings of Meishu-sama. 1947, 60 pp. 739. YANAGAWA, KEIICHI, and MORIOKA, KIYOMI, eds. Hawaii Nikkei ShUkyo no Tenkai to Genkyo (entry 253), pp. 241-48. Periodicals 740. Bulletin of World Messianity. [Title varies slightly: it was superseded by Dawn of Paradise and is sometimes titled World Messianity.] 741. Chijo Tengoku Messages. [See such special issues as October 1975 edition.] 742. The Glory. [Other organs published in the U.S.A., such as Wings of Light.]

Page  114 114 The New Religions of Japan Secondary 743. BACH, MARCUS. Strangers at the Door (entry 13), pp. 121-25. 744. ELLWOOD, ROBERT S., Jr. The Eagle and the Rising Sun: Americans and the New Religions of Japan (entry 61), pp. 111-46. 744A. HAMBRICK, CHARLES H. "World Messianity: A Study in Liminality and Communitas." Religious Studies 15, no. 4 (December 1979): 539 -53. 745. HAMMER, RAMOND JACK. "The Idea of God in Japan's New Religions" (entry 74), pp. 125-31. 746. KOBAYASHI, SAKAE. "Changes in the Japanese Religions after World War II" (entry 115), pp. 72-77. 747. MURAKAMI, SHIGEYOSHI. Japanese Religion in the Modem Century (entry 153), pp. 140-42. +748. OFFNER, CLARK B., and STRAELEN, HENRY (HENRICUS J.J.M.) van. Moder Japanese Religions (entry 175), pp. 76-83. 749. SPAE, JOSEPH J. "Sekai Ky-useikyo or Sekai Meshiya-kyo, World Messianity." Japan Missionary Bulletin 13, no. 4 (May 1959): 238-44. 750. SPICKARD JIM. "Shamanistic Renewal in Two Changing Cultures: Sekai Kyuseikyo in Japan and America." Unpublished paper, November 1975; with added notes, October 1977, Center for the Study of New Religious Movements. 751. THOMSEN, HARRY. The New Religions of Japan (entry 233), pp. 173 -82.

Page  115 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 115 Sekai Mahikari Bunmei Kygdan Denominational *752. The Art of Spiritual Purification. Tokyo, 1973. Cited in Peter Gerlitz, Gott erwacht in Japan: Neue fernistliche Religionen und ihre Botschaft vom ClUck (entry 69), p. 173. Secondary 753. No entry. 754. GERLITZ, PETER. Gott erwacht in Japan: Neue ferniistliche Religionen und ihre Botschaft vom GlUck (entry 69), pp. 139-52. 755. KOPPING, KLAUS-PETER. Religidse Bewegungen im modernen Japan als Problem des Kulturwandels (entry 122), pp. 77-88. +756.. "Sekai Mahikari Bunmei Kydan-A Preliminary Discussion of a Recent Religious Movement in Japan" (entry 123). Shinnyo-en Denominational 757. The Way to Nirvana. Tokyo: Shinnyo-en, 1967, 39 pp. Illus. Periodicals 758. The Nirvanians. Secondary +759. SHIRAMIZU, HIROKO. "Organizational Mediums: A Case Study of Shinnyo-en." Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 6, no. 3 (September 1979): 414-44.

Page  116 116 The New Religions of Japan Shinrei-kyo Denominational 760. OTSUKA, KANICHI, et al. Divination and Power: An Eastern Science and Teachings of Master Kanichi Otsuka. Tokyo: Metaphysic Scientific Institute, 1962, 82 pp. 761. YONEKURA, ISAMU. "Shinreikyo: The Fountainhead of Miracles." The East (May-June 1979): 70-72. Secondary 762. KOPPING, KLAUS-PETER. Religiise Bewegungen im modernen Japan als Problem des Kulturwandels (entry 122), pp. 89-97. 763. MULHOLLAND, JOHN F. Hawaii's Religions (entry 152), pp. 288-89. 764. "Shinrei-kyo. Healing Truths. The Thoughts of Master Otsuka." Info 4, no. 1 (January 1958): 30-32. Shinri-kyo Denominational 765. Sectarian Shinto (The Way of the Gods) (entry 205), pp. 36-39. Secondary +766. HOLTOM, DANIEL C. The National Faith of Japan (entry 85), pp. 195 -99. ShinshU-kyo Denominational 767. Sectarian Shinto (The Way of the Gods) (entry 205), pp. 40-44.

Page  117 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 117 Secondary 768. HOLTOM, DANIEL C. The National Faith of Japan (entry 85), pp. 233 -40. Shinto Sh-usei-ha Denominational 769. Sectarian Shinto (The Way of the Gods) (entry 205), pp. 45-48. Secondary +770. HOLTOM, DANIEL C. The National Faith of Japan (entry 85), pp. 205 -10. Shinto Taikyo Denominational 771. Sectarian Shinto (The Way of the Gods) (entry 205), pp. 31-35. Secondary +772. HOLTOM, DANIEL C. The National Faith of Japan (entry 85), pp. 190 -95. Shinto Taisei-kyo Denominational 773. Sectarian Shinto (The Way of the Gods) (entry 205), pp. 49-52.

Page  118 118 The New Religions of Japan Secondary +774. HOLTOM, DANIEL C. The National Faith of Japan (entry 85), pp. 210 -14. Shinto (or Shind6) Tenkokyo Denominational 775. Kojiki. Translated and annotated by Shunji Inoue. Fukuoka: Nihon Shuji Kyoiku Renmei, 1966, 225 pp. 1st ed., 1958. Reprints. 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1965. Mimeographed. Newly revised, 1966. 776. TOMOKIYO, YOSHISANE. Shumpu-Henro (Pilgrimage in the Spring Breeze). Mimeographed. Translated and annotated by Shunji Inoue. Iwakiyama, Tabuse: Shinto Tenko-kyo, 1961, 134 pp. (Also a larger work with the same title, 1961, 373 pp.) Secondary No publications known. Shuyidan Hosei-kai Denominational No publications known. Secondary 777. HAMMITZSCH, HORST. gegenwartigen Japans." Volkerkunde Ostasiens 28, "Shuyodan: Die Erneuerungsbewegung des Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Natur- und pt. J (1939): 1-16.

Page  119 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 119 Soka Gakkai (usually known outside Japan as Nichiren Shoshu) Denominational (Unless otherwise specified, published at Tokyo by Seikyo Press, or Seikyo Shimbunsha.) 778. The Buddhist Democracy. This is the Sokagakkai Series, no. 7. N.d., 15 pp. (Also published in seven other languages.) 779. Culture and Religion. This is the Sokagakkai Series, no. 9. N.d., 19 pp. (Also published in seven other languages.) 780. Doctrines on Nichiren Shoshu. 1957, 4 pp. +781. The 8th National Convention, June 25-27, 1970. [Tokyo]: Komeito Party, [1970], 163 pp. 782. Head Temple Taisekiji. This is the Sokagakkai Series, no. 5. 19 pp. (Also published in seven other languages.) 783. Introduction au bouddhisme. Sable-sur-Sarthe, France: Nichiren Shoshu Franqaise, 1975, 157 pp. 784. The Komeito: Clean Government Party. Policy Bureau, Komeito, n.d., pages not numbered. Illus. 785. The Liturgy of Nichiren Shoshu. Tokyo: Nichiren Shoshu Fukyokai, 1961, 48 pp. [Tokyo]: Nichiren Shoshu Academy, 1973, 48 pp. [Japanese and romanized prayers.] 786. The Lotus Sutra: Its History and Practice Today. Santa Monica, CA: World Tribune Press, 1977, 78 pp. Illus. 787. Min-on Concert Association. 1967, pages not numbered. (Also German edition.) 788. NSA "Blue Hawaii Convention" 1975 Photo Album: "A Salute to the American Bicentennial." Santa Monica, CA: World Tribune Press, 1975, 96 pp. Illus. 789. NSA 1974 Photo Album. Santa Monica, CA: World Tribune Press, 1974, 160 pp. Illus.

Page  120 120 The New Religions of Japan 790. Nichiren Shoshu: El Budismo Verdadero. Tokyo: Editorial Seikyo Press, 1970. 101 pp. 791. Nichiren Shoshu Sokagakkai. N.d., pages not numbered. Illus. +792. The Nichiren Shoshu Sokagakkai. 1966, 217 pp. Illus. [This is a "completely revised edition" of The Sokagakkai, entry 801.] 793. The Nichiren Shoshu Sokagakkai: Annual Graphic Report, 1966. 235 pp. [Compiler has searched but cannot confirm existence of subsequent editions] 794. Nichiren Shoshu Sokagakkai Photographic, 1968. 1968, 227 pp. Photographs, with Japanese and English captions. [Compiler has searched but cannot confirm existence of subsequent editions] 795. Nichiren Shoshu Through Pictures. 1961, 64 pp. Illus. 796. No Boundary in True Religion. This Is the Sokagakkai Series, no. 2. N.d., 15 pp. (Also published in seven other languages.) 797. Practice of Believers. This Is the Sokagakkai Series, no. 4. N.d., 14 pp. (Also published in seven other languages.) 798. The Road to Creation: President Ikeda's Visits to Universities of the World. 1974, 201 pp. Illus. Shakubuku Kyoten. See Noah S. Brannen, trans. (entry 905). 799. Sho-Hondo. 1972, 71 pp. 800. Soka University. N.p., n.d., pages not numbered. [A brochure explaining the various divisions of the university curriculum, etc.] 801. The Sokagakkai. 1960, 146 pp. Illus. Revised and enlarged ed., 1962, 172 pp. (See also entry 792 for a "completely revised edition.") 802. Sokagakkai and Culture Movement. This is the Sokagakkai Series, no. 3. N.d., 16 pp. (Also published in seven other languages.) 803. Sokagakkai and Komeito. This Is the Sokagakkai Series, no. 6. N.d., 19 pp. (Also published in seven other languages.)

Page  121 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 121 804. Sokagakkai and Nichiren Shoshu. This Is the Sokagakkai Series, no. 1 (25 October 1964), 19 pp. (Also published in seven other languages.) 805. Taisekiji. Pamphlet and map. N.p., n.d., pages not numbered. 806. The 10th National Convention, June 13-14, 1972. [Tokyo]: Komeito, (1972), 96 pp. 807. What is Shakubuku? This Is the Sokagakkai Series, no. 8. N.d., 19 pp. (Also published in seven other languages.) 808. Why Is Religion Necessary? This Is the Sokagakkai Series, no. 10. N.d., 19 pp. (Also published in seven other languages.) 809. AKIYA, EINOSUKE. Guide to Buddhism. 1968, 117 pp. 810. IKEDA, DAISAKU. Be a Leader Who Walks With the People. [Tokyo: International Bureau, Soka Gakkai, 1977], 32 pp. 811.. Buddhism, the First Millennium. Translated by Burton Watson. Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1977, 172 pp. 812.. Buddhism: The Living Philosophy. Tokyo: The East Publications, 1974, 94 pp. 2d ed., 1976, 98 pp. 813.. "Can Faith Move Mountains?" Asia Magazine (18 October 1964): 6. 814.. Complete Works of DaisakuIkeda. Vol. 1, 1968, 553 pp. 815.. The Creative Family: Life-force of the New Society. [Tokyo]: Nichiren Shoshu International Center, [1977], xv + 158 pp. 816.. Creative Life Force. [Tokyo: International Bureau, Soka Gakkai, 1974], 18 pp. 817.. Dialogue on Life. 2 vols. Tokyo: Nichiren Shoshu International Center, 1976-77. Vol. 1, Buddhist Perspectives on Life and the Universe, 1976, xxi + 243 pp. Vol. 2, Buddhist Perspectives on the Eternity of Life, 1977, xiii + 268 pp.

Page  122 122 The New Religions of Japan 818. __. The Future Is Your Responsibility. Translated by Richard L. Gage. [Tokyo: International Bureau, Soka Gakkai, 1974], 18 pp. 819.. Glass Children and Other Essays. Translated by Burton Watson. Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1979, 172 pp. 820.. The Global Unity of Mankind. Translated by Richard L. Gage. [Tokyo: International Bureau, Soka Gakkai, 1974], 28 pp. 821.. Guidance Memo. 1966, ix + vi + 297 pp. 822.. Guidance Memo. Translated by George M. Williams. Santa Monica, CA: World Tribune Press, [1975], 288 pp. 823.. A Historical View of Buddhism. [Tokyo: International Bureau, Soka Gakkai, 1977], 40 pp. +824.. The Human Revolution. 4 vols. 1965-68. Vol. 1, 1968, iii + 275 pp. Vol. 2, 1966, iii + 277 pp. Vol. 3, 1966, 277 pp. Vol. 4, 1968, 284 pp. (Also Portuguese edition of Vol. 1 and French edition of Vol. 2.) Also published under the same title, condensed and translated from the original Japanese Ningen Kakumei [Human revolution]. 3 vols. New York: Weatherhill, 1972-76. Vol. 1, 1972, xvi + 250 pp., illus., with a foreword by Arnold J. Toynbee, contains Vols. 1 and 2 of the original; Vol. 2, 1974 (2d printing, with corrections, 1977), with a foreword by Arnold J. Toynbee, contains Vols. 3 and 4 of the original; Vol. 3, 1976, ix + 140 pp., illus., contains Vols. 5 and 6 of the original. 825.. Lectures on Buddhism. 4 vols. 1962-67. Vol. 1, translated by Takeo Kamio. 1962, 292 pp. Vol. 2, translated by Takeo Kamio. 1962, 298 pp. Vol. 3, translated by Translation Division. 1966, 241 pp. Vol. 4, translated by General Overseas Bureau. 1966, 346 pp. 826.. The Living Buddha: An Interpretive Biography. Translated by Burton Watson. New York: Weatherhill, 1976, x + 148 pp. Illus. 827.. Ma conception de la vie. N.p., 1972, 146 pp. 828.. A New Road to East-West Cultural Exchanges. Translated by Richard L. Gage. [Tokyo: International Bureau, Soka Gakkai, 1975], 21 pp.

Page  123 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 123 829.. On Middle-of-the-Road Government. The Komeito Series, no. 2. Tokyo, 1967, 12 pp. 830., with NEMOTO, MAKOTO. On the Japanese Classics: Conversations and Appreciations. Translated by Burton Watson. New York: Weatherhill, 1979, 202 pp. 831.. Paroles offertes a mes juenes amis. Sceaux: Nichiren Shoshu Francaise, 1974, pages not numbered. 832.. La philosophie de la vie: Entretien a trois entre Messieurs Daisaku Ikeda, Masahiro Kitagawa, et Yoichi Kawada. 2 vols. Sceaux: Nichiren Shoshu Francaise, 1973-75. Vol. 1, 1973, 151 pp. Vol. 2, 1975, 205 pp. 833.. A Proposal for Lasting Peace. Translated by Richard L. Gage. Tokyo: International Bureau, Soka Gakkai, 1973, 38 pp. 834.. Protecting Human Life. Translated by Charles S. Terry. [Tokyo: International Bureau, Soka Gakkai, 1973], 32 pp. 835.. Science and Religion. 2d ed., 1965, xiii + 353 pp. 836. _. Seminars for Hope and Growth. [Tokyo: International Bureau, Soka Gakkai, 1975], 41 pp. 837.. Soka Gakkai. 1961. 838.. Soka Gakkai: Its Ideals and Tradition. Tokyo: International Bureau, Soka Gakkai, 1976, 30 pp. 839. _. Le Soka Gakkai: son ideal, sa tradition. [Tokyo: Soka Gakkai, 1977], 28 pp. 840.. Songs from My Heart: Poems and Photographs by Daisaku Ikeda. Tokyo: Seikyo Press, 1976. New York: Weatherhill, 1978, 111 pp. Illus. ("This book, in both its original Japanese version and English translation, was first published, in deluxe editions, in 1976 by Seikyo Press, Tokyo, on the occasion of the publisher's twenty-fifth anniversary.") 841. _. Les sources de la sante et de la jeunesse. [Tokyo: Soka Gakkai, 1977], 48 pp.

Page  124 124 The New Religions of Japan 842.. Sources of Health and Youthfulness. [Tokyo: International Bureau, Soka Gakkai, 1976], 39 pp. 843.. Toward a Third Great Revival. Translated by Charles S. Terry. [Tokyo: International Bureau, Soka Gakkai, 1974], 23 pp. 844.. Toward the Twenty-First Century. Translated by Richard L. Gage. Tokyo: International Bureau, Soka Gakkai, 1974, 17 pp. Reprinted in Daisaku Ikeda, Toward the 21st Century: Addresses by Daisaku Ikeda (Tokyo: Soka University Student International Center, 1978), viii + 135 pp. See pp. 49-59. 845. _. La vie de Shakyamuni: Dialogue entre Daisaku Ikeda et Issamu Nosaki. Sceaux: Nichiren Shoshu Franqaise, 1973, 198 pp. 846.. The Vision of a New Tokyo —Skyscraping City Among Forests and Fountains. The Komeito Series, no. 3. Tokyo, 1967. 847.. The Vision of the Komeito-For a New Society of Happiness and Prosperity. The Komeito Series, no. 1. Tokyo, 1967, 20 pp. 848.. Youth, Let's Advance Towards a New Day.-Lecture by President Daisaku Ikeda at the 31st General Meeting. 1968, 39 pp. (Japanese text included.) _, and TOYNBEE, ARNOLD. See Toynbee (entry 856). 849. KIRIMURA, YASUJI. Fundamentals of Buddhism. Translated by Seikyo Times. Tokyo: Nichiren Shoshu International Center, 1977, xi + 180 pp. ("Essays originally published in the Seikyo Times, January 1974-December 1975. Includes Index.") 850. MAKIGUCHI, TSUNESABURO. A Brief Synopsis. 1953, 28 pp. +851.. The Philosophy of Value. Translated by Translation Division, Overseas Bureau. 1964, xii + 199 pp. [Translation of the 1953 Japanese "Revised and augmented edition" by Josei Toda] Appendixes. See entries 1021, 1071, 1093. 852. THE SEIKYO TIMES, ed. and trans. The Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin. Vol. 1. Tokyo: Nichiren Shoshu International Center, 1979, xxxvii + 345 pp.

Page  125 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 125 853., ed. Nichiren Shoshu and Soka Gakkai: Modern Buddhism in Action. 1972, 143 pp. Illus. 854. TODA, JOSEI. Essays on Buddhism. Translated by Takeo Kamio, 1961, 172 pp. 855.. Lecture on the Sutra-Hoben and Juryo Chapters. 3d ed., 1968, xii + 305 pp. 856. TOYNBEE, ARNOLD, and IKEDA, DAISAKU. The Toynbee-Ikeda Dialogue: Man Himself Must Choose. Tokyo, New York, and San Francisco: Kodansha International, 1976. Reprinted as Choose Life: A Dialogue, ed. Richard L. Gage (London: Oxford University Press, 1978), 348 pp. 857. WILLIAMS, GEORGE M. The Buddhist Tradition (NSA Handbook No. 2). Compiled by World Tribune Press. [Los Angeles]: World Tribune Press, 1972, 23 pp. Illus. 857A., comp. The Gosho Reference. Los Angeles: World Tribune Press, 1976, 294 pp. Illus. 858.. NSA Seminar Report 1968-71. Compiled by World Tribune Press. Santa Monica, CA: World Tribune Press, 1972, iii + 120 pp. Illus. 859.. NSA Seminars: An Introduction to True Buddhism. Santa Monica, CA: World Tribune Press, 1974, 101 pp. 860.. Origins of Nichiren Shoshu (NSA Handbook No. 3). Los Angeles: World Tribune Press, 1972, 33 pp. Illus. 861.. The Practice of Nichiren Shoshu (NSA Handbook No. 4). Los Angeles: World Tribune Press, 1972, 28 pp. Illus. 862.. What Is Nichiren Shoshu? (NSA Handbook No. 1). Compiled by World Tribune Press. [Los Angeles]: World Tribune Press, 1972, iv + 41 pp. Illus. 863. YANO, JUNYA. "Japan and the Role of the Komeito." Contemporary Japan 29, no. 2 (March 1970): 228-44.

Page  126 126 The New Religions of Japan 864. YOUTH DIVISION OF SOKA GAKKAI, comp. Cries for Peace: Experiences of Japanese Victims of World War IL Tokyo: Japan Times, 1978, 234 pp. Periodicals 865. Argentina Seikyo. Bi-monthly 866. L'Avenir (France). Monthly. 867. Brazil Seikyo. Weekly. 868. Italia Seikyo. Monthly. 869. NSA Quarterly. Edited by George M. Williams. Nichiren Shoshu Academy. Santa Monica, CA: World Tribune Press. Spring 1973-. Quarterly. [Includes special issues, such as Volume 4, no. 1 (Spring 1976), Special Issue, New York Bicentennial Convention. 870. Peru Seikya Bi-monthly. 871. The Seikyo Times (Tokyo). Monthly. 872. Seikyo Zeitung(Germany). Monthly. 873. The Soka Gakkai News. Tokyo: International Bureau, Soka Gakkai. 25 February 1975-. Bi-monthly. [Nos. 1-56 prepared by the Soka Gakkai International Bureau, Information Center; nos. 57- by the International Bureau.] 874. Terceira civilizaqao(Brazil). Monthly. 875. This Is the Sokagakkai Series. [Vols. 1-10 are included in the preceding denominational materials, listed by specific title; vols. 11-14 consist of several short articles.] 876. World Tribune(U.S.A.). Tri-weekly. 877. World Tribune Graphic (Santa Monica, CA). Spring 1972-. Quarterly. 878. Komeito Press Releases [Although technically separate from Soka Gakkai, this is the political party that speaks for Soka Gakkai.]

Page  127 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 127 Secondary Note: many of the titles of works in this section deal more directly with Japanese Buddhism and/or Japanese politics and elections, not mentioning explicitly aspects of Soka Gakkai and/or Komeito (the Clean Government Party, associated with Soka Gakkai). Readers may wish to turn to the Topical Index for more convenient access to the many entries of secondary works on Soka Gakkai. Suggested for first reference are "Komeito" and "Political activity and elections." 879. ALVAREZ, SILVESTER. "The Soka Gakkai Threat." Worldmission 14, no. 3 (Fall 1964): 17-21. 880. ANZAI, SHIN. "Newly-adopted Religions and Social Change on the Ryukyu Islands (Japan) (With Special Reference to Catholicism)" (entry 8). *881. AZUMI, KOYA. "Functions of Soka Gakkai Membership." Unpublished paper, Columbia University, 1967. Cited in James Wilson White, The Sokagakkai and Mass Society (entry 1087), p. 355. 882. ___. "Social Basis of a New Religious Party: The Komeito of Japan." Mimeographed copy of a paper read before the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 1967. Cited in James Allen Dator, Soka Gakkai, Builders of the Third Civilization (entry 922), p. 152. 883. BABBIE, EARL R. "The Third Civilization." Review of Religious Research 7, no. 2 (1966): 101-21. 884.. "The Third Civilization: An Examination of Sokagakkai." In Religion in Sociological Perspectives: Essays in the Empirical Study of Religion. Edited by Charles Y. Glock. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1973, pp. 235-60. 885. BACH, MARCUS. Strangers at the Door (entry 13), pp. 110-15. 886. BAERWALD, HANS H. "Itto-Nanaraku: Japan's 1969 Elections." Asian Survey 10, no. 3 (March 1970): 179-94. 887. BASABE, FERNANDO M. Japanese Religious Attitudes (entry 16), pp. 60-65.

Page  128 128 The New Religions of Japan 888.; ANZAI, SHIN; and LANZACO, FEDERICO. Religious Attitudes of Japanese Men: A Sociological Survey (entry 18), pp. 25-45. 889. BEALS, DAVID R. "The Soka Gakkai Movement in Modern Japan: The Heritage, Characteristics and Aspirations of One of Japan's New Religions." Th.M. thesis, Berkeley Baptist Divinity School, Berkeley, CA: 1965, 159 pp. Bibliog. 890. BERNARD, BERNIER. Breaking the Cosmic Circle: Religion in a Japanese Village (entry 23). See pp. 120-28, 153-64. *891.. "The Introduction of Soka Gakkai in a Japanese Rural Region." Unpublished paper. Cited in Bernard Bernier, Breaking the Cosmic Circle (entry 23), p. 183. 892. BETHEL, DAYLE MORGAN. "The Life and Thought of Tsunesaburo Makiguchi: His Contribution to Education." Ph.D. dissertation, Michigan State University, 1971, 176 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International 32, no. 12 (June 1972): 6790A. University Microfilms International order no. 72-16,386. +893.. Makiguchi, The Value Creator: Revolutionary Japanese Educator and Founder of Soka Gakkai. New York: John Weatherhill, 1973, 174 pp. Illus. 894. BIRD, FREDERICK. "Charisma and Ritual in New Religious Movements." In Understanding the New Religions. Edited by Jacob Needleman and George Baker. New York: Seabury Press, 1978, pp. 173-89. +895. BLACKER, CARMEN. "New Religious Cults in Japan" (entry 26). 896.. "Le S-ka Gakkai japonais; l'activisme politique d'une secte bouddhiste." Archives de sociologie des religions 17 (January-June 1964): 63-67. 897. BLAKER, MICHAEL K., ed. Japan at the Polls: The House of Councillors Election of 1974. Foreign Affairs Study, no. 37. Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy, 1976, 157 pp. [See index under Komeito for numerous references.]

Page  129 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 129 898. BLOOM, ALFRED. "Observations in the Study of Contemporary Nichiren Buddhism." Contemporary Religions in Japan 6, no. 1 (March 1965): 58-74. 899... The Sense of Sin and Guilt and the Last Age (Mappo) in Chinese and Japanese Buddhism." Numen 14 (1967): 144-49. Abstract in Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions. 3 vols. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1968. See 2: 175-76. 900. BRAMELD, THEODORE. Japan: Culture, Education, and Change in Two Communities. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968, xx + 316 pp. See pp. 7, 12, 65-67, 145, 200-2, 262, 268-69. 901. BRANDFON, JANE HURST. "Becoming a Strong Member: The Commitment Process in Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism." Unpublished paper, Center for the Study of New Religious Movements, 1975. 902.. "An Ethic for the Maintenance of Capitalism: The Nichiren Shoshu of America." Paper presented at the 1976 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1976, 21 pp. Cited in Jane Hurst Brandfon, "Becoming a Strong Member" (entry 901); also personal files of H[arry] Byron Earhart. 903.. "Pioneer Women in the Nichiren Shoshu Sokagakkai." Unpublished paper, Center for the Study of New Religious Movements, n.d. 904. BRANNEN, NOAH S. "False Religions, Forced Conversions, Iconoclasm." Contemporary Religions in Japan 5, no. 3 (September 1964): 232-52. 905., trans. "Happiness and Life's Objective. Chapter 4 of Shakubuku Kyoten." Contemporary Religions in Japan 8, no. 2 (June 1967): 134 -44. 906.. "Religion and Politics: Sidelights on Soka Gakkai." Japanese Religions 4, no. 4 (December 1966): 79-99. +907.. Soka Gakkai: Japan's Militant Buddhists. Richmond, VA: John Knox Press, 1968, 181 pp.

Page  130 130 The New Religions of Japan 908.. "Soka Gakkai: New Religious Sect or Third World Power?" Japan Studies 1, no. 2 (1964): 15-20. 909.. "Soka Gakkai's Theory of Value." Contemporary Religions in Japan 5, no. 2 (June 1964): 143-54. 910.. "The Teachings of Soka Gakkai." Contemporary Religions in Japan 3, no. 3 (September 1962): 247-63. 911. _. "A Visit to Soka Gakkai Headquarters." Contemporary Religions in Japan 2, no. 1 (March 1961): 55-62. 912.. "A Visit to Taisekiji." Contemporary Religions in Japan 2, no. 2 (June 1961): 13-29. 913. "Buddha on the Barricades." Time 84, no. 24 (11 December 1964): 38 -45. 914. "Buddhist in Japan: Profit and Purity." Economist 208 (13 July 1963): 134. 915. BURKS, ARDATH W. The Government of Japan. 2d ed. New York: Thomas Y. Cromwell Co., 1964, xvi + 283 pp. See pp. 16, 84-85. 916. "The Challenge of Soka Gakkai." Christianity Today 12, no. 11 (1 March 1968): 29. 917. "Comprehensive Survey: Komeito." Translated by Universal Information Service. Shori (March 1968). 918. "Creative Buddhism." America 110, no. 26 (27 June 1964): 857. 919. CURTIS, GERALD L. Election Campaigning Japanese Style (entry 42), pp. 198-99. *920. DATOR, JAMES ALLEN. "Demographic and Attitudinal Data on Sokagakkai Members." Unpublished paper prepared for presentation at annual convention of Association for Asian Studies, March 1968. Cited in James Wilson White, The Sokagakkai and Mass Society (entry 1087), p. 357. 921.. "The Soka Gakkai: A Socio-political Interpretation." Contemporary Religions in Japan 6, no. 3 (September 1965): 205-42.

Page  131 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 131 +922.. Soka Gakkai, Builders of the Third Civilization: American and Japanese Members. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1969, xiii + 171 pp. 923.. "Soka Gakkai in Japanese Politics." Journal of Church and State 9 (Spring 1967): 211-37. 924. DELIKHAN, GERALD A. "Sokagakkai and Komeito: The Politics of Religion." Asia Magazine (26 February 1967). 925.. "Sokagakkai's Startling Success." Asia Magazine 4, no. 42 (18 October 1964). 926. DERZHAVIN, IGOR KONSTANTINOVICH. "Soka Gakkai" [Soka Gakkai], and "Komeito" [Komeito]. In Sovremennai IAponnia. Moscow: Nauka, 566 pp. In Russian. 927.. Soka-gakkai-Komeito [Soka Gakkai-Komeito]. Moscow: Nauka, 1972, 167 pp. In Russian. 928. DOHERTY, HERBERT J., Jr. "Soka Gakkai: Religion and Politics in Japan." Massachusetts Review 4 (Winter 1963): 281-86. 929. DUGLISS, RODERICK B. "The Foreign Policy of Komeito." In The Final Report of the Ford Research Project. Tokyo: International Christian University, 1967. See pp. 845-66. 930.. "The Komeito and the Japanese Elections." Economic and Political Weekly (India) (11 February 1967): 377-81. 931. DUMOULIN, HEINRICH. "Buddhismus im modernen Japan" (entry 48), pp. 330-51. 932.. "Soka Gakkai." Die Katholischen Missionen 83 (JanuaryFebruary 1964): 14-21. 933.. "Soka Gakkai, eine moderne Volksreligion: ein Besuch im Haupttempel Taisekiji." In Das Moderne Japan: einfiihrende Aufsiitze. Edited by Joseph Roggendorf. Tokyo: Sophia Universitit, 1963, pp. 189-200.

Page  132 132 The New Religions of Japan 934. EARHART, H[ARRY] BYRON. Japanese Religion: Unity and Diversity (entry 53); 2d ed., pp. 114-17; 3d ed., pp. 177-82. 935.. "The New Religions" (entry 55), pp. 244-49. 936.. "Recent Publications on the Japanese New Religions" (entry 57). +937.. "Recent Western Publications on Soka Gakkai." History of Religions 15, no. 3 (February 1976): 264-88. [Review of entries 893, 944, 950, 1038, and 1087.] 938. ELLWOOD, ROBERT S., Jr. The Eagle and the Rising Sun: Americans and the New Religions of Japan (entry 61), pp. 69-110. 939.. Religious and Spiritual Groups in Moder America. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1972, xvi + 334 pp. See pp. 267-75. 940. ENDO, YOSHIMITSU. "Soka Gakkai, the Study of a Society for the Creation of Value." Anglican Theological Review 46 (April 1964): 131 -41. 941. FARNSWORTH, LEE W. "Japan: The Year of the Shock." Asian Survey 12, no. 1 (January 1972): 46-55. 942. FELDMAN, ALEXANDER. "Buddhist Power." New Republic 162, no. 3 (17 January 1970): 20-22. 943. FLAGLER, J.M. "A Chanting in Japan." New Yorker (26 November 1966): 37-87. +944. FUJIWARA, HIROTATSU. I Denounce Soka Gakkai. Translated by Worth C. Grant. Tokyo: Nishin Hodo Co., 1970, 287 pp. 945.. "Sokagakkai Unmasked." Far Eastern Economic Review (12 February 1970): 19. Reprinted in Atlas (May 1970): 60-61. 946. GARRIGUES, S.L. "The Sokagakkai Enshrining Ceremony: Ritual Change in a Japanese Buddhist Sect in America." Eastern Anthropologist 28, no. 2 (April-June 1975): 133-46. 947. GITTINGS, J.A. "Politics of Mercy in Sokagakkai." Japan Christian Quarterly 23 (Summer 1967): 197-99.

Page  133 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 133 *948. GRESSER, JULIAN. "Komeito: An Assessment of Its Political Orientation and Future Course." Unpublished paper, Harvard University, 1966. Cited in James Wilson White, The Sokagakkai and Mass Society (entry 1087), p. 358. 949. GROSS, CARL H. "The History of the Sokagakkai Movement and Its Educational Implications." Unpublished paper, 1973, personal files of H[arry] Byron Earhart. +950.. Sokagakkai and Education. East Lansing: Michigan State University, College of Education, Institute for International Studies, 1970, 79 pp. 951. HAMMER, RAYMOND JACK. "The Idea of God in Japan's New Religions" (entry 74), pp. 157-60. 952. HAMZAVI, ABDOL HOSSEIN. The Prophetic Light. Tokyo: Privately published for the author by John Weatherhill, 1977, 72 pp. See pp. 57 -72. (Also in Japanese and Arabic.) 953. "Happy Talk." Newsweek 79, no. 23 (5 June 1972): 68. 954. HASHIMOTO, HIDEO. "Soka Gakkai-Komeito: Religion and Politics in Action 1977." Japanese Religions 9, no. 4 (July 1977): 23-46. 955., and McPHERSON, WILLIAM. "Rise and Decline of Sokagakkai: Japan and the U.S." Review of Religious Research 17, no. 2 (Winter 1976): 82-92. 956. HELTON, W. "Political Prospects of Soka Gakkai." Pacific Affairs 38, nos. 3-4 (Fall-Winter, 1965-66): 231-44. 957. HESSELGRAVE, DAVID JOHN. "The Background and Methodology of Soka Gakkai Propagation." In Studies on Asia, 1966. Vol. 7, edited by Robert K. Sakai. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1966, pp. 65 -75. 958., ed. "Nichiren Shoshu Soka Gakkai-The Lotus Blossoms in Japan." In Dynamic Religious Movements: Case Studies of Rapidly Growing Religious Movements Around the World. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1978, pp. 129-48.

Page  134 134 The New Religions of Japan 959.. "A Propagation Profile of the Soka Gakkai." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1965, 305 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts 26, no. 9 (March 1966): 5595. University Microfilms International order no. 65-15,264. 960.. "Resurgent Buddhism of the Soka Gakkai." Christianity Today 9, no. 16 (7 May 1965): 45-46. 961.. "Soka Gakkai's Inner Thrust." Evangelical Missions Quarterly 3, no. 3 (Spring 1967): 129-36. 962. HOLTZAPPLE, VICKI REA. "Soka Gakkai in Midwestern America: A Case Study of a Transpositional Movement." Ph.D. dissertation, Washington University, 1977, 348 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International 38, no. 12 (June 1978): 7415A. University Microfilms International order no. 7807941. 962A. HUFFMAN, JAMES LAMAR. "Following Nichiren's Trails: A Comparison of Saint Nichiren and the Soka Gakkai." M.A. thesis, University of Michigan, 1967, vi + 153 pp. Available at the Asia Library of the University of Michigan. 963. ICHIKAWA, HAKUGEN. "The Problem of Buddhist Socialism in Japan." Japanese Religions 6, no. 3 (August 1970): 15-37. See pp. 29 -30. 964. "The Impact of the Soka Gakkai." Christianity Today 9, no. 8 (15 January 1965): 54. 965. INGRAM, PAUL O. "Nichiren's three secrets." Numen 24, no. 3 (1977): 207-22. 966.. "Soka Gakkai and the Komeito: Buddhism and Political Power in Japan." Contemporary Religions in Japan 10, nos. 3-4 (SeptemberDecember 1969): 155-80. 967. Info, The Spirit of Service. [Contains many unsigned articles concerning Soka Gakkai. 968. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF RELIGIONS. "Soka Gakkai and Temple Cemeteries." Contemporary Religions in Japan 1, no. 1 (March 1960): 94-95.

Page  135 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 135 969.. "Soka Gakkai and the Nichiren Sho Sect." Contemporary Religions in Japan 1, no. 1 (March 1960): 55-70; no. 2 (June 1960): 48 -54. 970. ISHIBASHI, MASAHI. "On the Joint Struggle of All Opposition Parties." Japan Socialist Review, no. 269 (15 February 1973): 3-7. 971. ISHIDA, TAKESHI, and ISONO, FUJIKO. "Soka Gakkai." Correspondent, no. 31 (March-April 1964). 972. ISHIKAWA, TAIDO. "Has Soka Gakkai Changed?" Japan Missionary Bulletin 18 (June 1964): 366-68. 973. ITALIAANDER, ROLF. Sokagakkai; Japans neue Buddhisten. Erlangen: Verlag der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Mission, 1973, 423 pp. 974. "Japan's New Church Militant." Japan Quarterly 4, no. 4 (OctoberDecember 1957): 413-19. 975. JOHNSON, CHALMERS A. "Low Posture Politics in Japan." Asian Survey 3, no. 1 (January 1963): 17-30. 976. KAMSTRA, JAKOB H. "Japans grosste Gefahr-die Sokagakkai." Zeitschrift fur Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft 44, no. 1 (1960): 41-51; no. 2 (1960): 98-106. +977. KASAHARA, KAZUO. "Soka Gakkai and Komeito: The Advance of a New Religion into Politics." Japan Quarterly 14, no. 3 (July-September 1967): 311-17. 978. KISHI, NOBUSUKE. "Political Movements in Japan." Foreign Affairs 44, no. 1 (October 1965): 90-99. 979. KISHIMOTO, KOICHI. Politics in Modern Japan-Development and Organization. Tokyo: Japan Echo, 1977, 165 pp. See pp. 120-26. 980. KIYOTA, MINORU. "Buddhism in Postwar Japan: A Critical Survey" (entry 114). 981. KLEIN, NORBERT HANS. "On the Doctrine of Sokagakkai." Japanese Religions 5, no. 3 (July 1968): 63-82.

Page  136 136 The New Religions of Japan 982. KOBAYASHI, SAKAE. "Changes in the Japanese Religions after World War II" (entry 115), pp. 92-95. 983.. "Soka Gakkai, a Strange Buddhist Sect." Japan Christian Quarterly 24, no. 2 (April 1958): 104-11. 984. KOESTLER, ARTHUR. "Her Course Is Set." Life 57, no. 11 (11 September 1964): 72-74. +985. KOHLER, WERNER. Die Lotus-Lehre und die modernen Religionen in Japan (entry 118), pp. 203-35. 986. KOPPING (KOEPPING) PETER. "Soka Gakkai-die kiimpferische neue Religion Japans." Indo Asia 11 (July 1969): 247-58. 987. KUBOTA, TADAO. "What Means the Result of Local Elections?" Japan Socialist Review, no. 132 (15 May 1976): 1-6. 988. KUDO, TAKUYA. "The Faith of Soka Gakkai." Contemporary Religions in Japan 2, no. 2 (June 1961): 1-12. 989. KUMASAKA, Y. "Soka Gakkai: Group Psychologic Study of a New Religio-Political Organization." American Journal of Psychotherapy 20 (July 1966): 462-70. 990. KUWATA, KOICHIRO. "Political Parties in the Next Decade." Japan Quarterly 18, no. 2 (April-June 1970): 139-48. See pp. 139-40, 147-48. 991. LACY, EDWARD F., III. "Soka Gakkai Target: American Negroes." Negro Digest 12, no. 12 (October 1964): 20-23. 992. LANCZKOWSKI, GUNTER. Die neuen Religionen (entry 126), pp. 48 -54. 993. LANGDON, FRANK. "Japan: Multi-Party Drift and Okinawa Reversion." Asian Survey 9, no. 1 (January 1969): 40-49. 993A. LARSON, LYLE E. "Komeito: Japan's Newest Political Party." M.A. thesis, University of Michigan, 1967, 95 pp. Available at the Asia Library of the University of Michigan. *993B. LATYSHEV, I.A. The Role of Religion in the Political Life of Japan. 1964, 34 pp. In Russian. Cited in E. Stuart Kirby, Russian Studies of

Page  137 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 137 Japan: An Exploratory Survey (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981), xvi + 226 pp. See pp. 50-51, 180. 994. LAYMAN, EMMA McCLOY. Buddhism in America. Chicago: NelsonHall Publishers, 1976, xvii + 364 pp. See pp. 115-39. 995. LEE, JOOINN. "Komeito: Sokagakkai-ism in Japanese Politics." Asian Survey 10, no. 6 (June 1970): 501-18. 996. LEE, ROBERT. "Religious Evolution and the Individuation of the Self in Japanese History." Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1974, 352 pp. Available at the Harvard University Archives, Pusey Library, call no. HU 90.10579.10. 997. LEE, TOSH. "Members of the Soka Gakkai, a Study in Mass Political Behavior." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1970, 413 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International 31, no. 11 (May 1971): 6125A. University Microfilms International order no. 71 -3472. 998. "Lotus Power." Newsweek 75, no. 3 (19 January 1970): 46. 999. McCRIMMON, MARY. "From Christianity to Soka Gakkai." Japan Missionary Bulletin 18, no. 6 (July 1964): 397-402. +1000. McFARLAND, H[ORACE] NEILL. The Rush Hour of the Gods (entry 136), pp. 194-220. 1001. McPHERSON, WILLIAM. "Nichiren Shoshu of America, 1972-1977." Unpublished paper, Center for the Study of New Religious Movements, n.d. 1002. MARTINEZ, LUIS S. "Una religion militante en el Japon." Siglo missiones 45 (1958): 410-12, 426. 1003. METRAUX, DANIEL ALFRED. "The Last Word: Japan's Sokagakkai." Soka Gakkai News 62 (25 January 1978): 7-11. 1004.. "The Religious and Social Philosophy of the Sokagakkai." Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1978, 341 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International 39, no. 1 (July 1978): 418A. University Microfilms International order no. 7811146.

Page  138 138 The New Religions of Japan 1005.. "The Sokagakkai's Philosophy of Life." In Proceedings of First International Symposium on Asian Studies, 1979. Vol. 2, Japan and Korea. Hong Kong: Asian Research Service, 1980, pp. 479-87. 1006. MONSTERLEET, JEAN. "A propos du Soka Gakkai." Etudes 319, no. 12 (1963): 352-58. 1007. MOOS, FELIX. "Religion and Politics in Japan: The Case of the Soka Gakkai." Asian Survey 3, no. 3 (March 1963): 136-42. 1008. MORI, KOICHI. "Study of Makiguchi Tsunesaburo: The Founder of Soka Gakkai." Th.D. thesis, Graduate Theological Union, 1977, 236 pp. Bibliog., pp. 221-35. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International 38, no. 11 (May 1978): 677A-78A. University Microfilms International order no. 7805457. 1009. MORRIS, IVAN I. "Challenge of Soka Gakkai." Encounter 26, no. 5 (May 1966): 78-83. 1010.. Nationalism and the Right Wing in Japan: A Study of Post-War Trends. London: Oxford University Press, 1960, 476 pp. See pp. 140 -41. 1011.. "Soka Gakkai Brings 'Absolute Happiness."' New York Times Magazine (18 July 1965): 8-9, 36, 38-39. +1012. MURAKAMI, SHIGEYOSHI. Japanese Religion in the Modern Century (entry 153), pp. 107-9, 147-56, 164-66. 1013. MURAMATSU, TAKESHI. "Die Modernisierung Japans und die Nichirensekte." Translated by Hartmut 0. Rotermund. Kagami 3, no. 2 (1965): 34-47. 1014. MURATA, HAJIME. "Soka Gakkai." Hemisphere 10, no. 5 (May 1966): 8-12. +1015. MURATA, KIYOAKI. Japan'a New Buddhism: An Objective Account of Soka Gakkai. Foreword by Daisaku Ikeda. New York and Tokyo: Walker/Weatherhill, 1969, xiv + 194 pp. Illus. 1016. NAGOYA, KAZUHIKO. "Japan's New Political Party." Atlas 9, no. 2 (February 1965): 111-13.

Page  139 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 139 1017. "Namu myoho rengekyo." Time 73, no. 24 (15 June 1959): 38. 1018. "A New Faith Called Soka Gakkai Raises Old Problems in Modern Japan." Look 27, no. 18 (10 September 1963): 18-26. 1019. NISHIO, HARRY K. "Comparative Analysis of the Rissho K6seikai and the Soka Gakkai." Asian Survey 7, no. 11 (November 1967): 776-90. 1020.. "Extraparliamentary Activities and Political Unrest in Japan." International Journal (Canadian Institute of International Affairs) 34, no. 1 (Winter 1968-69): 122-37. 1021. NITOBE, INAZO. "Preface to the Original." In The Philosophy of Value, by Tsunesaburo Makiguchi (entry 851), pp. 187-93. 1021A. NORBECK, EDWARD. Religion and Society in Modern Japan: Continuity and Change (entry 168A), pp. 164-84. 1022. NORMAN, W.H.H. "Sokagakkai, Komeito and Freedom of Speech." Japan Christian Quarterly 36 (Fall 1970): 258-65. 1023. Novas religioes japonesas no Brasil, por uma equipe de Franciscanos de Petropolis(entry 172), pp. 9-17. 1024. NUKUI, HIROSHI. "Komeito's Drive toward the Lower House and Its Problems-Logic and Facts about the Fiction of a Religious Party." Japan Socialist Review, no. 119 (1 November 1966): 3-21. 1025. O'DONOGHUE, PATRICK FRANCIS. "Nichiren in Modern Buddhism: A Study in Catechetical Adaptation in Japan's Soka Gakkai Leadership." Ph.D. dissertation, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, 1977, 377 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International 38, no. 7 (January 1978): 4221A. University Microfilms International order no. 77-27,718. 1026. OFFNER, CLARK B. "Soka Gakkai." Japan Christian Quarterly 35, no. 3 (Summer 1969): 153-61. 1027., and STRAELEN, HENRY (HENRICUS J.J.M.) van. Modern Japanese Religions (entry 175), pp. 98-109.

Page  140 140 The New Religions of Japan 1028. OH, JOHN KIE-CH'ANG. "Fusion of Politics and Religion in Japan; the Soka Gakkai-Komeito." Journal of Church and State 14 (Winter 1972): 59-74. 1029. No entry. 1030. OKAMOTO, RICHARD. "Japan: A Booming Economy Has Spawned a Militant New Religion with 10 Million Adherents Bent on Dominating the World." Look 27, no. 18 (10 September 1963): 15-17. +1031. OLSON, LAWRENCE. "The Value Creation Society." American Universities Field Staff (Reports Service, East Asia Series) 11, no. 6 (1964): 1-24. 1032. OMORI, SHIGEO. "The Okinawa Problem: Controversy between Government and Opposition Parties." Japan Quarterly 15, no. 1 (January-March 1968): 22-29. 1033. _. "The Political Choice of the Komeito Regarding the Security Treaty." Asahi Journal 10 (1968): 93-95. 1034. "On Cooperation Among the Opposition Parties after the General Election." Japan Socialist Review, no. 339 (February 1977): 11-14. 1035. "On the Results of the 11th Upper House Election." Japan Socialist Review, no. 346 (September 1977): 3-12. 1036. "On the Strengthening of Cooperation Among the Socialist, Communist, and Komei Parties." Japan Socialist Review, no. 331 (June 1976): 15 -17. 1037. PALMER, ARTHUR ARVIN. "Buddhist Politics: Japan's Clean Government Party." Ph.D. dissertation, Claremont University, 1970, 190 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International 31, no. 1 (July 1970): 441A-42A. University Microfilms International order no. 70-11,910. +1038.. Buddhist Politics: Japan's Clean Government Party. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1971, xi + 98 pp. 1039. PLANNING SECTION, THE JSP HQS. "Soka Gakkai Decides to Run for Lower House." Japan Socialist Review, no. 63 (1 June 1964): 26-30.

Page  141 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 141 1040. "The Power of Positive Chanting." Time (17 January 1969): 51. 1040A. PREBISH, CHARLES S. American Buddhism. North Scituate, MA: Duxbury Press, 1979, xix + 220 pp. See pp. 12-13, 70-132, 189-90. 1041. "Present Situation of Komeito." Japan Socialist Review, no. 88 (15 June 1965): 46-55. 1042. "Publish and Be Damned." Japan Quarterly 17, no. 3 (July-September 1970): 241-43. 1043. RAJANA, EIMI WATANABE. "A Sociological Study of New Religious Movements: Chilean Pentecostalism and Japanese New Religions" (entry 190), pp. 79-85, 248-53. 1044. RAMSMEYER, ROBERT L. "The Soka Gakkai and the Japanese Local Elections of 1963." Contemporary Religions in Japan 4, no. 4 (December 1963): 287-302. 1045.. "The Soka Gakkai: Militant Religion on the March." Occasional Papers, no. 9 (Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, 1965), pp. 141-92. *1046. RASSAT, JOACHIM. "Die Soka Gakkai will Japan moralischer machen." Die Welt, no. 158 (July 1962). Cited in Werner Kohler, Die Lotus-Lehre und die modernen Religionen in Japan (entry 118), p. 290. 1047. REISCHAUER, EDWIN O. Japan: The Story of a Nation. New York: Knopf, 1970, xv + 345 pp. See esp. pp. 309-10. (Also other editions.) 1048. RICCO, MARIO. Religione della violenza e religione del piacere nel nuovo Giappone (entry 195), pp. 15-55. 1049. "Ridimensionamenti in seno alla Soka Gakkai?" Mondo e missione 100 (1971): 227. 1050. ROSENKRANZ, GERHARD. Der Weg des Buddha: Werden und Wesen des Buddhismus als Weltreligion. Basel: Basileia Verlag, 1960, 356 pp. See pp. 314-19. 1051. ROTERMUND, HARTMUT O. "Einfihrung zum Shakubuku Kyoten der Soka Gakkai; Bekehrung auf Biegen und Brechen." Zeitschrift fiir Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 24, no. 3 (1972): 227-41.

Page  142 142 The New Religions of Japan 1052.. "Soka-gakkai; ideologie d'une nouvelle secte japonaise." Revue de l'histoire des religions 184, no. 2 (October 1973): 137-57. 1053. SAITO, KEN. "Soka Gakkai: Third Force in Japanese Politics?" Orient/West 7, no. 11 (November 1962): 33-37. 1054. SASAKI ("CHAIRMAN SASAKI"). "Chairman Comments on the Komeito." Japan Socialist Review, no. 125 (1 February 1967): 8-9. 1055. SCALAPINO, ROBERT A., and MASUMI, JUNNOSUKE. Parties and Politics in Contemporary Japan. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1962, ix + 190 pp. See pp. 92-93. 1056. SCHECHTER, JERROLD. The New Face of Buddha: Buddhism and Political Power in Southeast Asia. London: Gollancz; NY: CowardMcCann, 1967, xix + 298 pp. See pp. 253-73. 1057. SCHIFFER, WILHELM. "The 'Soka Gakkai': Its History and Its Claims." France-Asie 19, no. 182 (January-March 1964): 1111-18. 1058. SHELDON, CHARLES D. "Religion in Politics in Japan: The Soka Gakkai." Pacific Affairs 33, no. 4 (December 1960): 382-87. 1059. SKELTON, T. LANE. "Social Movements and Social Change: The Soka Gakkai of Japan." Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1968, 307 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International 30, no. 3 (September 1969): 1246A. University Microfilms International order no. 69-15,001. 1059A. SNOW, DAVID ALAN. "The Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist Movement in America: A Sociological Examination of Its Value Orientation, Recruitment Efforts, and Spread." Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 1976, 370 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International 37, no. 8 (February 1977): 5374A. University Microfilms International order no. 77-1666. *1060. "Soka Gakkai Study." Unpublished manuscript, United States Information Service, Tokyo, 1960. Cited in James Wilson White, The Sokagakkai and Mass Society (entry 1087), p. 366. 1061. SOLOMON, TED J. "The Response of Three New Religions to the Crisis in the Japanese Value System" (entry 211).

Page  143 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 143 1062. SPAE, JOSEPH J. "Postscript as an Answer." Japan Missionary Bulletin16, no. 8 (October 1962): 507-9. 1063.. "Sokagakkai." Japan Missionary Bulletin 14, no. 7 (AugustSeptember 1960): 454-57. 1064. "Stamping in Nichiren's Footsteps." Economist 214 (20 March 1965): 1250, 1255. 1065. STEINER, KURT. Local Government in Japan. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1965, ix + 564 pp. See pp. 403, 439, 468. 1066. "The Super Missionary." Time 102, no. 2 (13 January 1975): 26. 1067. SWEARER, DONALD K. Buddhism In Transition. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1970, 160 pp. See pp. 58-62, 82, 90-91. 1068. TAKAGI, HIROO. "The Rise of the New Religions" (entry 224). 1069.. "Soka Gakkai Makes Advance into Political World." Japan Socialist Review (16 June 1962): 53. 1070. TAKASE, HIROI. "'Soka-Gakkai.' Gemeinschaft zur Schaffung von (geistigen und sittlichen) Lebenswerten. Uber das Geheimnis dieses energievollen Verbandes." Translated by Hartmut O. Rotermund. Kagami 2, no. 1 (1963-64): 55-63. 1071. TANABE, SUKETOSHI. "Preface to the Original." In The Philosophy of Value, by Tsunesaburo Makiguchi (entry 851), pp. 181-86. 1072. THOMPSON, STEPHEN I. "Religious Conversion and Religious Zeal in an Overseas Enclave: The Case of Japanese in Bolivia" (entry 228). 1073. THOMSEN, HARRY. "Ise or Daisekiji?" Japanese Religions 1, no. 2 (1959): 22-30. 1074.. The New Religions of Japan(entry 233), pp. 81-108. 1075. TSURUMI, SHUNSUKE. "A Brief History of Soka Gakkai." Japanese Religions3, no. 3 (Autumn 1963): 32-40.

Page  144 144 The New Religions of Japan 1076. UKAI, NOBUSHIGE. "The Japanese House of Councillors Election of July, 1962." Asia Survey 2, no. 6 (August 1962): 1-8. 1077. UYTTENDAELE, FRANCIS. "Sokagakkai on the March." Japan Missionary Bulletin 16, no. 8 (October 1962): 501-6. *1078. VERBA, SIDNEY, et al. ("Unpub. survey of political attitudes of Japanese made in late 1966 as part of the Cross-National Project for Political and Social Change by associates of Sidney Verba, University of Chicago.") Cited in James Wilson White, The Sokagakkai and Mass Society (entry 1087), p. 368. 1079. "War of the Sects" (entry 241). 1080. WARD, ROBERT E. Japan's Political System. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1967, ix + 126 pp. See pp. 39, 72-73. 2d ed., 1978, xi + 253 pp. See pp. 105-9, 117, 124-25, 131-33. 1081. WEEKS, J. STAFFORD. "Rissho Kosei-kai: A Cooperative Buddhist Sect." In Religious Ferment in Asia. Edited by Robert J. Miller. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1974, pp. 156-68. 1082. WEST, RICHARD. "Yen Buddhism." New Statesman 67, no. 1735 (12 June 1964): 904-6. *1083. WHITE, JAMES WILSON. "California F-Scale Administered to Sokagakkai Members in Tokyo, Oct. 1967." Cited in James Wilson White, The Sokagakkai and Mass Society (entry 1087), p. 368. +1084.. "Mass Movement and Democracy: Sokagakkai in Japanese Politics." American Political Science Review 61, no. 3 (September 1967): 744-50. 1085.. "Mass Movement, Militant Religion, and Democracy: Soka Gakkai in Japanese Politics." Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 1969. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International 305, no. 5 (November 1969): 2100A-2101A. University Microfilms International order no. 69-17,461. *1086.. "Militant Religion in Japan: The Soka Gakkai." A.B. thesis, Princeton University, 1964. Cited in James Wilson White, The Sokagakkai and Mass Society (entry 1087), p. 368.

Page  145 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 145 1087.. The Sokagakkai and Mass Society. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1970, xii + 376 pp. 1088. WILKINSON, STEPHEN L. "Nichiren Shoshu Sokagakkai in America: An Analysis of Ultimate Concerns Between 1960 and 1965." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1975, 288 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International 36, no. 12 (June 1976): 8127A. University Microfilms International order no. 76-13,460. +1089. WOODARD, WILLIAM P. "The Wartime Persecution of Nichiren Buddhism." Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan 3d Ser. 6 (November 1959): 99-122. 1090. WOODROW, ALAIN. Les nouvelles sectes. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1977, 187 pp. See pp. 145-46, 188. (See also entry 1090A.) 1090A.. As novas seitas [The new sects]. Translated by Celeste Maria Jardim de Moraes. Sao Paulo: Edicoes Paulinas, 1979, 243 pp. See pp. 164-65, 214-15. In Portuguese. (See also entry 1090.) 1091. YAMAMORI, TETSUNAO. "Soka Gakkai; a Religious Phoenix." Practical Anthropology 19, no. 4 (July-August 1972): 1518-68. Reprinted in Japanese Religions 8, no. 1 (March 1974): 1-18. 1092. YANAGAWA, KEICHI, and REID, DAVID. "Between Unity and Separation: Religion and Politics in Japan, 1965-1977." In Acts, 15th International Conference on Sociology of Religion, Venice, 1979. Edited by Jacques Verscheure. Lille Cedex: Secretariat C.I.S.R., 1979, pp. 387-409. Reprinted in Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 6, no. 4 (December 1979): 500-21. 1093. YANAGIDA, KUNIO. "Preface to the First Edition." In The Philosophy of Value, by Tsunesaburo Makiguchi (entry 851), pp. 194-97. 1094. ZARATE, ROBERTO M. GONZALEZ De. "Soka Gakkai: Una religion del valor." Razon y fe 171, no. 804 (January 1965): 53-66.

Page  146 146 The New Religions of Japan SUkyo Mahikari Denominational No publications known. Secondary +1095. DAVIS, WINSTON [BRADLEY]. Dojo: Magic and Exorcism in Modern Japan. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1980, xvii + 332 pp. Illus. Taireido Denominational 1096. KANTUW, N. A New Thought: The Doctrine of Tairei, Its Art of Healing Tokyo: Yoshusha, 1918. (Articles with separate pagination: "A New Thought," 19 pp.; "The Doctrine of Tairei," 12 pp.; "The Supreme Authority on the Art of Healing," 60 pp. Also contains Japanese original for the second article and translations into Japanese of the first and third articles.) 1097. TANAKA, MORIHEI. Taireido; a New Revelation for the Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Salvation of Mankind [Tokyo]: Taireido Honin, 1920, 447 pp. Illus. [Library of Congress listing includes: "Printed on double leaves, Japanese style."] 1098.. Tairedo: A New Revelation Showing the True System of Life; an Outline Only [Tokyo? 1919? (as listed in Library of Congress)], 56 PP. Secondary 1099. WITTE, JOHANNES. "Eine neue religiose Bewegung in Japan." Zeitschrift fur Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft 33 (1918): 103-4.

Page  147 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 147 TenkyS-kyo Denominational 1100. "Tenko-kyo, 'A New Religion for the Coming Era."' Translated by International Institute for the Study of Religions. Contemporary Religions in Japan 3, no. 2 (June 1962): 116-21. Secondary No publications known. Tenrilkyo Denominational (Unless otherwise specified, published at the city of Tambaichi or Tenri by the Headquarters of Tenrikyo Church, or The Tenrikyo Overseas Mission Dept., or Tenrikyo Central See, or Tenri Jihosha.) 1101. Acte de foi Tenrikyo. 1964, 9 pp. 1102. Anecdotes of Oyasama, the Foundress of Tenrikyo. 1962, 159 pp. "Trial" Translation, 26 May 1977, ii + 159 pp. Rev. ed., 1978. 1103. A propos du sazuke. 1976. (Also German and Spanish editions.) 1104. Besseki-FUihrer. 1974. 1105. Catechism of Tenrikyo. 1979, 42 pp. (Also French, Spanish, and Portuguese [2 vols] editions.) 1106. Coisa Emprestada e Tomada Emprestada. 1977, 54 pp. 1107. No entry. 1108. Dancing Psalms ("Mikagurauta"). 1950, 24 pp.

Page  148 148 The New Religions of Japan 1109. The Divine Model: The Life of the Foundress of Tenrikyo. 1958, 12 pp. 1110. The Doctrine of Tenrikyo: Preliminary Edition. 1954, 105 pp. (Editions in ten languages.) 2d ed., 1958, 105 pp. Reprint. 1964. 1111. "The English Glossary of Technics in Tenrikyo." In Nakanishi Kiyozo shU. Edited by Shunji Katayama. Osaka, 1936, pp. 454-441. (Pages numbered from right to left.) 1112. Foto (Oyasato). 1975, 24 pp. 1113. No entry. 1114. A Glimpse of Tenrikyo. 1953, 18 pp. 1115. Guide in Oyasato. 1968, 17 pp. (Japanese and English text.) 1116. Guide to Faith. Pamphlet series. July 1959-. 1117. Guide to Jiba. 1979, 45 pp. 1118. Guide to the Bessekc. Pamphlet. 1974. (Also German, French, Porguguese, and Spanish editions.) 1119. Guide to the Residence and Historical Sites. 1976, 27 pp. 1120. Hinokishim e tanno [Hinokishin and Tanno]. 1978, 37 pp. In Portuguese. 1121. Hinokishim expressdo da alegria de viver [Hinokishin, expression of the joy of living]. 1978, 18 pp. In Portuguese. 1122. Hinokishin 1973, 12 pp. In Spanish. (Also Portuguese edition.) 1123. Historia de criaqao humana [History of human creation]. 1974, 66 pp. In Portuguese. 1124. History of Tenrikyo. 1954. 1125. Imagens de Oyassama [Images of Oyasama]. 1973, 39 pp. In Portuguese. 1126. No entry.

Page  149 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 149 1127. Instruction No. 2. 1973, 4 pp. (Also German, Spanish, and Russian editions.) 1128. Introduccion a Tenrikyo. 1975, 186 pp. (Also Portuguese edition.) 1129. An Introduction to Catechism of Tenrikyo. Translated by Akio Inoue. 1961, 52 pp. Rev. ed., 1967, 47 pp. (French edition, trans. Jacques About, 1965, 50 pp.) 1130. No entry. 1131. Japan's New Shinto Movement: Tenrikya 1945. 1132. Jiba terra parental [Jiba, homeland]. 1978, 45 pp. In Porguguese. 1133. No entry. 1134. Die Lehre der Tenrikyo 1959, 90 pp. Rev. ed., 1975, 95 pp. 1135. Life of Oyasama, the Foundress of Tenrikyo. "Trial" ed., 1967, 317 pp. 1136. The Life of the Foundress of Tenrikya 1964, 25 pp. 1137. Meditation sur la doctrine. 1973, 55 pp. 1138. Mikagura-uta. 1975, 31 pp. In German. (Also French and Portuguese editions.) See also Nakayama, Miki, Mikagura-uta... (entry 1227). 1139. Mikagura-uta: A Trial Translation. Translated by Forest E. Barber. 1962, 26 pp. ("This translation is a private endeavor and is not to be construed as being authorized by Tenrikyo Headquarters.") 1140. Mikagura-uta for Teodori Practice. 1977, 14 pp. (Also French edition.) 1141. The Mikagura-uta: Practice Manual of Women's Musical Instruments 1977, 31 pp. 1142. Mikagura-uta (Romanized Practice Book for Musical Instruments). 6 vols. Tenri: Tenri Jihosha, 1973. Vol. 1, Kozutsumi (Tabor), 30 pp. Vol. 2, Surigane (Small Gong), 30 pp. Vol. 3, Fue (Bamboo Flute), 30 pp. Vol. 4, Champon (Cymbals), 30 pp. Vol. 5, Hyoshigi (Wooden Clappers) 30 pp. Vol. 6, Taiko (Drum), 30 pp.

Page  150 150 The New Religions of Japan 1143. Obschfi ocherk religioznogo uchenila "Tenrikio" [General description of the religious teaching of Tenrikyo]. Translated by O. Pletnerai and K. Ida. 1930, 35 pp. In Russian. 1144. Ofudesaki: The Holy Scripts. Translated by Seiichi Yoshida. 1961, 210 pp. (Trial translation.) 1145. Oyasato, Guide to Tenrikyo. 1958, 77 pp. Illus. (Also French, German, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish editions.) 1146. No entry. 1147. Resume de la doctrine et de l'histoire du Tenrikyo. Translated by Tatsuo Morishita. 1933, 129 pp. 1148. Selections from the Osashizu. 1976, 101 pp. +1149. The Short History of Tenrikyo. 1956, 274 pp. Illus. 2d ed. [title varies: A Short History of Tenrikyo], 1958, 272 pp. 3d ed. [listed with Sh-zen Nakayama as author], 1960, 270 pp. Illus. 4th ed., 1967, v + 285 pp. Illus. 1150. Shuyoka Handbook. 1976. 1151. Spiritual Maturity Sought for Mankind. Pamphlet. 1976. 1152. The Start for a New Life. 1977, 14 pp. 1153. The Statistical Year Book of Tenrikyo, 1956. "Compiled by The Investigating Section." 225 pp. Illus. 1154. The Story of Creation. 1976, 51 pp. 1155. Tenrikio. Translated by Kinzo Tomoda. N.d., 4 pp. 1156. Tenrikyo. 1947, 14 pp. 1157. Tenrikyo. 1975, 3 pp. In German. 1158. Tenrikyo: A Religion in Japan. Tenri: Tenrikyo Administration Headquarters, 1951, 7 pp. Illus.

Page  151 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 151 1159. Tenrikyo: die Offenbarung Gottes und die wahre Erlisung. Tenri: Abteilung fiir Uberseeische Mission von Tenrikyo, [1954], 14 pp. Illus. +1160. Tenrikyo, Its History and Teachings. 1966, viii + 324 pp. 1161. Tenrikyo: Japan's New Religious Movement. 1937, 37 pp. Illus. 1162. Tenrikyo: Japan's New Shinto Movement: Its Faith, Doctrines, History, Institutions and Mission World Described with Illustrations. 1934, 34 pp. Illus. 1163. No entry. 1164. Tenrikyo, New Revelation: Outline of Its Doctrine. 1946, 27 pp. Illus. 1165. The Tenrikyo Religion. N.d., 4 pp., pages not numbered. 1166. Tenrikyo (Religion du vrai salut). 1973, 46 pp. 1167. Tenrikyo —sa foi, ses preceptes et son salut. 1964, 11 pp. 1168. Tenrikyo: Teachings for the Joyous Life. 1976, 114 pp. 1169. Tenrikyo: (Tenrikyo in Outline). 1945, 18 pp. Illus. 1170. Tenrikyo: "Tenrikyo" the Central See. 1945, 18 pp. 1171. Tenrikyo: The Manifestation of God the Parent and the True Salvation 1954, 13 pp. 2d ed., 1957. 4th ed., 1964, 13 pp. Illus. (Also French, German, and Spanish editions.) 1172. Tenrikyo Toshokan-zo Tenrikyo Tosho Mokuroku. 1959, 133 pp. [Bibliography of Books on Tenriky6 in the Tenrikyo Library.] In Japanese; includes Western-language materials. 1173. Tenrikyo: Ubersicht der Lehre und deren Entwicklungsgeschichte. Translated by Shigeo Yamaguchi. 1932, 80 pp. 1174. No entry. 1175. Tenrikyo Year Book 1975: The 138th Year of Tenrikyo. 1975, 236 pp. Illus.

Page  152 152 The New Religions of Japan 1176. Tenrikyo Yearbook 1976: The 139th Year of Tenrikyo. 1976, 262 pp. Illus. 1177. Tenrikyo Yearbook 1977: The 140th Year of Tenrikyo. 1977, 287 pp. Illus. 1178. Tenrikyo Yearbook 1978: The 141st Year of Tenrikyo. 1978, 285 pp. Illus. 1178A. Tenrikyo Yearbook 1979: The 142nd Year of Tenrikyo. 1979, v + 289 pp. Illus. 1179. Tenri-O-no-Mikoto, What is the Character of God? 1976, 34 pp. (Also Portuguese edition.) 1180. Vida de Oyassama [The Life of OyasamaJ. 1973, 39 pp. In Portuguese. 1181. Was lehrt die Tenrikyo. 1974, 50 pp. 1182. The Way to a Happy Life. Women's Association, 1955, 8 pp. 1183. No entry. 1184. Yoboku Handbook. 1976, 112 pp. (Also Portuguese edition, Manual de Yoboku, 1976, 120 pp.) 1185. Yokigurashi. Frohes Leben. Ausstellung iiber Tenrikyo. Eine Religion in Japan. 12 Mai-15 Juni 1975. Marburg: Universititsbibliothek, n.d., 18 pp. 1186. AKAKI, TOKUNOSUKE. History, Doctrine and Practice of Tenrikyo. Osaka: Tenrikyo Senba Daikyokwai, 1911, 52 pp. 1187. ANDO, TAKATSURA. Reflections on God, Self and Humanit)y 1968, 119 pp. 1188. BLACKWOOD, R.T. Tenrikyo: A Living Religion. 1964, 14 pp. Reprint. 1968, 23 pp. 1189. FUKAYA, TADAMASA. A Commentary on the Mikagura-uta. Translated by H. Mimoto. 1962, 145 pp.

Page  153 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 153 1190.. "The Fundamental Doctrines of Tenrikyo." Tenri Journal of Religion 1 (March 1955): 17-30. (Also published separately, 1962, 1978, 18 pp.) 1191. _. Introducao ao "Tenrikyo" (Tenrikyo Nyumon) [Introduction to Tenrikyo]. Translated by Jose Sant'anna do Carmo. 1955, 51 pp. In Portuguese. 1192.. An Introduction to Moto-no-Ri. 1965, 39 pp. 1193. FUKUDA, YOSHIO. From Stone to Life: Mattress Prisoner Regains Freedom. Guide to Faith, no. 5. 10 pp. 1194. HASHIMOTO, MASAHARU. Rukovodstro dlia posnaniia istinnoi very sekty "Tenrikyo" [Guidance for learning the true faith of the sect Tenrikyo]. Translated by K.K. Furutani. Kharbin: Manjchzhurskoe propovednicheskoe upravleni, 1928, 18 pp. In Russian. 1195. HASHIMOTO, TAKETO. "The Teaching of Innen in Tenrikyo." Tenri Journal of Religion 13 (August 1979): 29-47. 1196. HIRASAWA, HAJIME. "Tenrikyo Followers' Views of Disease Seen From Patients with Malignant Tumors." Tenri Journal of Religion 9 (October 1968): 18-31. 1197. UDA, TERUAKI. "The Concept of Progress in Tenrikyo." Tenri Journal of Religion 10 (October 1969): 7-16. 1198.. "Idea of Evolution in the Creation of Story of Tenrikyo Doctrine." Tenri Journal of Religion 9 (October 1968): 9-17. 1199.. "Mikagura-Uta... Psalms for the Sacred Dance of Tenrikyo-A Trial Translation in French." Tenri Journal of Religion 6 (December 1965): 64-101. 1200.. "A Note on Humanism and Tenrikyo." Tenri Journal of Religion 8 (May 1967): 28-36. 1201.. "Tenrikyo and Humanism." Tenri Journal of Religion 4 (June 1962): 36-46. 1202.. "Tenrikyo and Humanism-Humanism and the Meaning of Corporality." Tenri Journal of Religion 5 (June 1963): 29-40.

Page  154 154 The New Religions of Japan +1203. IWAI, TAKAHITO. The Outline of Tenrikyo. Nara, 1932, vi + 319 pp. 1204. KANEKO, KEISUKE. "The Growth and Development of Early Tenrikyo Churches in the Koto District of Shiga Prefecture." Tenri Journal of Religion 11 (December 1970): 18-35. 1205.. "On the Returning Home to 'Jiba'-An Aspect of the Pilgrimage through Shrines and Temples in Yamato during the Meiji Era." Tenri Journal of Religion 8 (May 1967): 14-27. 1206.. Only if Breathing Is Done: From a Diary of a Hospital Patient Guide to Faith, no. 3. 1958, 6 pp. 1207. KANEKO, TADASHI. "Preliminary Notes on the Exposition of Ofudesaki." Tenri Journal of Religion 10 (October 1969): 37-45. 1208. KOIZUMI, TAKUZO. Tenrikyo. Doyusha, 1930, 176 pp. 1209. KUSUHARA, HISASHI. A Doctor and Tenrikyo. 1964, 18 pp. Reprint. 1968, 27 pp. 1210. MASUNO, MICHIOKI. Tenrikyo Translated by Takuzo Koizumi. 1924, 176 pp. (Includes "The Dancing Psalms composed by The Foundress as translated by Takahito Iwai," pp. 149-76.) 1211. MATSUDA, TAKETERU. "Obiyayurushi (The Grant of Safe Childbirth)-Taboos in Childbirth in Japan and Relief by God the Parent." Tenri Journal of Religion 8 (May 1967): 37-45. 1212. MATSUMOTO, SHIGERU. "The Idea of Salvation in Tenrikyo." Japanese Religions 6, no. 1 (September 1969): 33-40. 1212A.. In Quest of the Fundamental: Tenrikyo Way To Salvatiorn Translated by Tamotsu Ogata. 1976, 42 pp. 1213.. "The Meaning of Sacred Places As Phenomenologists of Religion Understand It." Tenri Journal of Religion 10 (October 1969): 46-56. 1214. MOROI, YOSHINORI. Assertions of a Tenrikyoist. 1959, 22 pp. 1214A.. Contemporary Thought and Tenrikyo Translated by Kosuke Matsumura. 1972, 61 pp. (Also French and Portuguese editions.)

Page  155 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 155 1215. ___. "Tenri-kyo: Some Misconceptions Corrected-After reading The Religion of Divine Wisdom by Dr. Henry Van Straelen, S.V.D." Contemporary Religions in Japan 4, no. 4 (December 1963): 304-23. (Also published separately at Tenri, 1964, 17 pp.) 1216.. What is Tenrikyo. 1959, 17 pp. Reprints. 1962, 1965, 1968, 25 pp. (Also Spanish edition.) 1217. NAKADAI, RYOZO. A Joyous Life with One Leg. Guide to Faith, no. 1. 1958, 8 pp. 1218. NAKAJIMA, HIDEO. "A Basic Structure of Revelation in Tenrikyo Doctrine." Tenri Journal of Religion 8 (May 1967): 9-13. 1219.. "The Basic Structure of the Idea of Salvation and Purification in Tenrikyo." In Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions Vol. 2. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1968, pp. 196-97. 1220.. "The Conception of Death in Tenrikyo-Idea of 'Passing Away for Rebirth."' Tenri Journal of Religion 2 (December 1959): 18-23. (Also published separately, 1962, 8 pp.) 1221.. "The Frame of the Logic of Faith-Based on Hinagata or the Divine Model of the Foundress of Tenrikyo." Tenri Journal of Religion 10 (October 1969): 1-6. 1222.. "The Fundamentality of Tenrikyo's View of the Salvation." Tenri Journal of Religion 3 (June 1961): 58-65. 1223.. "The Logic of Faith in 'Hinagata' or the Divine Model." Tenri Journal of Religion 6 (June 1964): 47-52. 1224.. "On the Teaching of 'Things Lent, Things Borrowed'-The Foundation of the Problem of Faith." Tenri Journal of Religion 5 (June 1963): 17-21. 1225.. "Some Problems on the Idea of God in Tenrikyo." Tenri Journal of Religion 9 (October 1968): 1-8.

Page  156 156 The New Religions of Japan 1226.; OKUBO, AKINORI; and IIDA, TERUAKI. "Yoshinori Moroi's Contributions to the Theology of Tenrikyo." Tenri Journal of Religion 4 (June 1962): 1-7 [following page 79 of Vol. 4, new pagination]. 1227. NAKAYAMA, MIKI. Mikagura-uta: The Songs for the Tsutome. "Trial" ed., 1967. First ed., 1972. 31 pp. 1228. (NAKAYAMA, MIKI MAEKAWA). A Study of the Ofudesaki in English. 2 vols. Translated and annotated by Akio Inoue. Tenri-shi, Japan: Tenrikyo Doctrinal Translator's Association of Hon'yaku, 1971. Vol. 1 published as Vol. 7 (220 pp.) and Vol. 2 as Vol. 8 (114 pp.), of the periodical Hon'yaku 1229. NAKAYAMA, SHOZEN. "The Anniversary of the Tenrikyo Foundress: Its History and Significance." Tenri Journal of Religion 7 (December 1965): 1-7. 1230.. A Collection of Sermons by the Patriarch 1953. 1231.. "The Doctrine and Practice of Tenrikyo." Tenri Journal of Religion4 (June 1962): 1-5; 5 (June 1963): 1-6; 6 (June 1964): 1-10; 8 (May 1967): 1-8. 1232.. The Doctrine of Tenrikyo. Preliminary Edition. 1954, 105 pp. 2d ed., The Doctrine of Tenrikyo, 1958. Reprint. 1964. 105 pp. 1233.. [Hitokotohanashi] Anecdotes on the Foundress and Her Disciples Translated by Michio Nishidai. 1964, xiv + 215 pp. 1234.. "The Missionary Spirit of the Foundress of Tenrikyo Manifested in the Book of Ofudesaki." In Proceedings of the IXth International Congress for the History of Religions, 1958. Tokyo: Maruzen, 1960, pp. 365-69. Reprinted in On the Idea of God in Tenrikyo Doctrine (entry 1238). 1235.. "On Sazuke, the Holy Grant in Tenrikyo." In Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions. Vol. 2. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1968, pp. 198-99. 1236. _. "On the Doctrine of Tenri-kyo." Contemporary Religions in Japan 4, no. 4 (December 1963): 325-31. (Also published separately, 1958, 7 pp.)

Page  157 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 157 1237.. On the Idea of God in the Tenrikyo Doctrine. 1957, 6 pp. "Read at the 23rd International Congress of Orientalists, Cambridge, 1954." Reprinted in collection of essays by the same title (entry 1238). 1238.. On the Idea of God in the Tenrikyo Doctrine. 1962, 34 pp. 1239.. "The Various Forms of Verbal Evolution in Tenrikyo Doctrine." Tenri Journal of Religion 3 (June 1961): 1-7. Abstract in X. International Kongress fir Religionsgeschichte (Marburg: Kommissionsverlag N.G. Ehvert, 1961), pp. 118-19. (Also printed separately by "Tenrikyo Print. Dept.," 1960, 10 pp.) 1240.. "Woman's Position Viewed by Tenrikyo." Tenri Journal of Religion 3 (June 1961): 8-12. (Also printed separately by "Tenrikyo Print. Dept.," 1960, 7 pp.) 1241. NAKAYAMA, YOSHIKAZU. Tenrikyo: Its Origin and History. 1968, 10 pp. (Also Spanish edition.) 1242. OKUBO, AKINORI. "Counselling in Tenrikyo." Tenri Journal of Religion 6 (June 1964): 74-83. 1243. PIETERS, MARY. A Philosophical Approach to Tenrikyo. Los Angeles: Tenri Press, 1964, 6 pp. 1244. SAWAI, YUICHI. "A Memorandum on the Danjiai or 'Discussion."' Tenri Journal of Religion 11 (December 1970): 11-17. 1245.. "The Methods and Task of Sermon." Tenri Journal of Religion 10 (October 1969): 17-25. 1246. Sectarian Shinto (The Way of the Gods) (entry 205), pp. 58-62. 1247. SERIZAWA, SHIGERU. "On 'Osatoshi'-A Problem of Conveying Teachings." Tenri Journal of Religion 5 (June 1963): 22-28. 1248.. "Systematic Description in the Ofudesaki." Tenri Journal of Religion 11 (December 1970): 1-10. 1249.; NAGAO, HIROMI; and NAKAJIMA, HIDEO. "An Introduction to the Tenrikyo Canons: Ofudesaki, Mikagurauta, Osashizu." Tenri Journal of Religion 4 (June 1962): 69-80.

Page  158 158 The New Religions of Japan 1250. SHINOZAKI, TOMIKI. Misfortune Turned into a Blessing. Guide to Faith, no. 6. 5 pp. 1251. SHIONOYA, SATOSHI. "Tenrikyo's Future Missionary Work." Tenri Journal of Religion 13 (August 1979): 48-58. 1252. SUGIYAMA, SOKICHI. A Surgical Operation on the Mind: A Reflection on my Day of Revival. Guide to Faith, no. 2. 1958, 4 pp. 1253. TAKANO, TOMOJI. "I Want to Become such a Man of the Belief: Memories of Some Predecessors of Tenrikyo." Tenri Journal of Religion 4 (June 1962): 19-24. 1254. TENRIKYO HAWAII DENDO-CHO. Tenrikyo Hawaii Dendo shi [A history of the missionary work of the Tenrikyo in Hawaii]. Honolulu, 1957, 365 pp. (In Japanese and English.) 1255. TOMINAGA, MIKITA, ed. Bibliography of Tenrikyo. Typescript. 1935, 130 pp. Available at Tenri University, Tenri, Japan. 1256. UEDA, YOSHINARI. The Outline of Tenrikyo Doctrine and Its History. 1955. 1257. [YAMAMOTO, GISUKE] Relying on God the Parent: The Coffeehouse Grows Big Like a Snowball. Guide to Faith, no. 4. 8 pp. 1258. YAMAMOTO, KUNIO. "On 'a Thing Lent, a Thing Borrowed'-with Reference to Disease." Tenri Journal of Religion 3 (June 1961): 66-74. 1259. YAMAMOTO, YOSHIO. "Tenrikyo and Religion-the Idea of Salvation in Our Religion." Tenri Journal of Religion 7 (December 1965): 25-35. 1260. YAMAZAWA, TAMESUKE. La doctrine de Tenrikio. Translated by Kiyoshi Mizutani and Tsuneji Takeuchi. 1931, 29 pp. 1261.. Tenrikyo, a New Shint5 Movement. 1933, 39 pp. Illus. 1262.. The Tenrikyo Doctrine. Translated by Hisaichi Ikari and Kenji Watanabe. [1930], 29 pp. 1263. YUINE, TAIJIRO. Catechism on Tenrikyo. 1925, 29 pp.

Page  159 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 159 Periodicals 1264. Tenri Journal of Religion. March 1955-. (Contents of vols. 1-13, August 1979, are included in the preceding denominational materials.) 1265. Tenri, Y.P. News (Los Angeles). 1266. Tenrikyo. Los Angeles: Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters in America, 1955-. 1267. Tenrikyo Hawaii Monthly. Honolulu: Tenrikyo Mission Headquarters in Hawaii, 1957-. 1268. Tenrikyo Newsletter (Los Angeles). Monthly. 1269. Tenrikyo; religio divini parentis nostri. Monthly. (Nos. 1-124/5: 26 October 1932-20 December 1940; new no. 1: 26 January 1962.) Semimonthly: 26 October 1934-20 January 1935. Monthly: 10 March 1935-. (In English, French, and German.) Secondary 1270. ANESAKI, MASAHARU. History of Japanese Religion (entry 3), pp. 313-14, 371-72. 1271. ASTON, WILLIAM GEORGE. Shinto: The Way of the Gods. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1905, ii + 390 pp. See pp. 375-76. 1272. BACH, MARCUS. Strangers at the Door (entry 13), pp. 118-21. 1273. BALET, L. "Le Tenrikyo, religion de la raison celeste." Melanges japonais 6, no. 23 (July 1909): 291-323; no. 24 (October 1909): 439-66. 1274. BECKER, CARL B. "Concepts and Roles of God in Tenrikyo." Tenri Journal of Religion 13 (August 1979): 1-28. 1275. BELLESSORT, ANDRE. La societe japonaise (Voyage au Japan). 9th ed. Paris: Perrin et Cie., 1926, xvi + 412 pp. See pp. 225-28. 1276. BERNIER, BERNARD. Breaking the Cosmic Circle: Religion in a Japanese Village (entry 23), pp. 116-20, 149-53.

Page  160 160 The New Religions of Japan 1277. BOWNAS, GEOFFREY. "Tenri and Yamato." In Japanese Rainmaking and Other Folk Practices. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1963, pp. 131-40. 1278.. Tenrikyo. Typescript. Tenri University Library, n.d., 118 pp. In the files of Tenrikyo headquarters. 1279. BRUMBAUGH, THOBURN T. "Young Sect Shows Rapid Growth." Christian Century 50 (3 May 1933): 605. +1280. CHINNERY, THORA E. Religious Conflict and Compromise in a Japanese Village. A Firsthand Observation of the Tenrikyo Church. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1971, x + 62 pp. (A published version of the M.A. thesis of Thora Elizabeth Hawkey [entry 1303], apparently the maiden name of Chinnery.) 1281. CLEMEN, CARL. Die nichtchristlichen Kulturreligionen in ihrem gegenwdrtigen Zustand (entry 38), pp. 29-33. 1282. EARHART, H[ARRY] BYRON. Japanese Religion: Unity and Diversity (entry 53); 2d ed., pp. 111-14; 3d ed., pp. 172-77. 1283.. "The New Religions" (entry 55), pp. 238-44. 1284. ECKEL, PAUL E. "The History and Development of Tenrikyo." M.A. thesis, University of Southern California, 1936, 118 pp. 1285. ELLWOOD, ROBERT S., Jr. The Eagle and the Rising Sun: Americans and the New Religions of Japan (entry 61), pp. 37-68. 1286. EVERMEYER, FLORENCE E. "How Some Orientals Worship in America." Missionary Review of the World 57, no. 6 (June 1934): 271 -73. 1287. FARR, KATHARYN. "Tenrikyo: Teaching of the Heavenly Reason." M.A. thesis, University of Washington, 1935, 90 pp. *1288. FOXLEY, C. "Tenrikyo, a New Japanese Sect." 1918. Cited in Mikita Tominaga, ed., Bibliography of Tenrikyo (entry 1255). *1289. FUJISHIMA, UTA. History of the Enlightened Period of Meiji. Taisho Kyokwai, 1915, pp. 436-37. Cited in Mikita Tominaga, ed., Bibliography of Tenrikyo (entry 1255).

Page  161 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 161 1290. GERLITZ, PETER. Gott erwacht in Japan: Neue fernostliche Religionen und ihre Botschaft vom Gliick (entry 69), pp. 45-74. 1291. GOWEN, HERBERT H. "The Religion of Heavenly Reason." Anglican Theological Review 17: 156-65. 1292.. "Tenrikyo, the Religion of Heavenly Reason." Religion: the Journal of the Society for the Study of Religions 12 (June 1935): 42-44, 52. 1293. GREENE, DANIEL CROSBY. "Tenrikyo; or the Teaching of the Heavenly Reason." Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan 22 (1895): 24-74. Reprinted in abridged form in Japan Evangelist 3 (1896): 156-59, 199-205. 1294. GUARIGLIA, GUGLIELMO. "Prophetismus und HeilserwartungsBewegungen" (entry 71), pp. 249-50. 1295. GUNDERT, WILHELM Japanische Religionsgeschichte (entry 72), pp. 132-36. 1296. HAAS, HANS. "3 Religionen der Japaner." Archiv fur Religionswissenschaft 17 (1914): 255-95. See pp. 270-71. 1297.. "Die Tanzpsalmen der Tenrikyo-kwai." Zeitschrift fur Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft 25 (1910): 162-73, 193-205. +1298.. "Tenrikyo: Ein neues synkretistisches Religionsgebilde in Japan unserer Tage." Zeitschrift fur Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft 25 (1910): 129-45. 1299. HACKER, P. "Tenrikyo, eine japanische Religion mit weltreligiosem Einschlag." Sonne der Wahrheit 11 (1931-32), no. 7: 81-82; no. 8: 91 -92. 1300. HAHN, THOMAS KITAI. "Tenrikyo and Education." Ph.D. dissertation, Michigan State University, 1974, 208 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International 35, no. 9 (March 1975): 5946A. University Microfilms International order no. 75-7179.

Page  162 162 The New Religions of Japan 1301. HAMMANN, LOUIS J. The Puzzle of Religion: the Parts and the Whole. Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1977, 175 pp. See pp. 69-79. 1302. HAMMER, RAYMOND JACK. "The Idea of God in Japan's New Religions" (entry 74), pp. 80-93. 1303. HAWKEY, THORA ELIZABETH. "Conflict and Compromise in a Japanese Village." M.A. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1963, 136 pp. See also entry 1280. *1304. HEISE, R. Uber die Religionen in Japan: Shinto, Konfuzianismus, Buddhismus. 1931. Cited in Mikita Tominaga, ed., Bibliography of Tenrikyo (entry 1255). 1305. HERBERT, JEAN. Dieux et sectes populaires du Japon (entry 82), pp. 153-66. +1306. HOLTOM, DANIEL C. The National Faith of Japan (entry 85), pp. 267 -86. 1307. HUNTER, LOUISE H. Buddhism in Hawaii: Its Impact on a Yankee Community (entry 91), p. 194. 1308. "Inspired Tenrikyo Teachings: Grand Sale of Religious Endeavors." Japan in Pictures 1, no. 9 (August 1933): 46-47. 1309. JEAN-JOSEPH. "A travers la presse religieuse." Melanges japonais, no. 22 (1909): 256-62. 1310. JORDAN, DAVID K. Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors: The Religion of a Taiwanese Village. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972, xviii + 197 pp. See p. 29. 1311. KATO, GENCHI. A Study of Shinto: The Religion of the Japanese Nation. Tokyo: Meiji Japan Society, 1926, ix + 250 pp. See pp. 210 -12. 2d ed., 1937, ix + 255 pp. See pp. 253-54. Reprints. London: Curzon; New York: Barnes & Noble, 1971. 1312. KOBAYASHI, SAKAE. "Changes in the Japanese Religions after World War II" (entry 115), pp. 41-52.

Page  163 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 163 1313. KOHLER, WERNER. Die Lotus-Lehre und die modernen Religionen in Japan(entry 118), pp. 50-58. 1314. LANCZKOWSKI, GUNTER. Die neuen Religionen (entry 126), pp. 15 -23. 1315. LANTERNARI, VITTORIO. The Religions of the Oppressed (entry 127), pp. 225-27. 1315A. LAUBE, JOHANNES. "Die Gottesbezeichnungen und die Gottesverstaindnisses der Tenrikyo auf dem Hintergrund der religiisen und politischen Geschichte Japans." In Der Religionswandel unserer Zeit im Spiegel der Religionswissenschaft. Edited by Gunter Stephenson. Darmstadt, Germany: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1976, pp. 109-22. +1316.. Oyagami: Die heutige Gottesvorstellung der Tenrikyo. Studien zur Japonologie. Monographien zur Geschichte, Kultur und Sprache Japans, vol. 14. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1978, 322 pp. 1317.. "Zur Bedeutungsgeschichte des Konfuzianistischen Begriffs 'Makoto' ('Wahrhaftigkeit')." In Fernbstliche Kultur. Edited by Helga Wormit. Marburg: N.G. Elwert Verlag, 1975, pp. 100-57. See pp. 147 -57. 1318. LOFTIN, MARION T. "The Japanese in Brazil: A Study in Immigration and Acculturation" (entry 129), pp. 256e-256i. 1319. McALPINE, W.A. "At Tenri." Japan Quarterly5 (1958): 363-67. 1320. MacCAULEY, C. "The Present Religious Condition of Japan." American Journal of Theology6, no. 2 (April 1902): 209-35. See pp. 218-19. 1321. McFARLAND, H[ORACE] NEILL. "The New Religions of Japan." Contemporary Religions in Japan 1, no. 2 (June 1960): 35-47. See pp. 39-43. +1322. MARUKAWA, HITOO. "Religious Circumstances in the Late Tokugawa and the Early Meiji Periods: Religious Backgrounds in the Cradle Years of Tenrikyo" (entry 139).

Page  164 164 The New Religions of Japan 1323. MINAMI, HIROSHI. Psychology of the Japanese People. Translated by Albert R. Ikoma. [Honolulu]: East-West Center, 1970, xii + 189 pp. See pp. 120-23. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press; Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1971, xvii + 177 pp. See pp. 115-17. 1324. MIYAMOTO, SHOTARO FRANK. "Social Solidarity Among the Japanese in Seattle." University of Washington Publications in the Social Sciences 11, no. 2 (December 1939): 57-130. See p. 99. 1325. MOCHIZUKI, KOTARO, ed. "The Tenrikyo (A Sect of Shintoism)." In Japan To-day: A Souvenir of the Anglo-Japanese Exhibition Held in London, 1910. [A Special Number of Japan Financial and Economic Monthly]. Tokyo: Liberal News Agency, 1910, 772 pp. See pp. 699 -702. +1326. MURAKAMI, SHIGEYOSHI. Japanese Religion in the Modem Century (entry 153), pp. 13-15, 44-45, 48-49, 70-72, 75-76, 85-86, 100-1. +1327. NEWELL, WILLIAM, and DOBASHI, FUMIKO. "Some Problems of Classification in Religious Sociology as Shown in the History of Tenri Kyokai." In The Sociology of Japanese Religion. Edited by Kiyomi Morioka and William H. Newell. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1968, pp. 84-100. Printed simultaneously as Journal of Asian and African Studies 3, nos. 1-2 (January-April 1968): 84-100. 1328. "Newly Born Religions of Japan." In Dai Nippon. Vol. 2. Tokyo: Bummei Kyokwai, 1931, pp. 179-83. 1329. Novas religioes japonesas no Brasil, por uma equipe de Franciscanos de Petropolis (entry 172), pp. 18-26. 1330. OFFNER, CLARK B., and STRAELEN, HENRY (HENRICUS J.J.M.) van. Modern Japanese Religions (entry 175), pp. 41-59. +1331. OGUCHI, IICHI, and TAKAGI, HIROO. "Religion and Social Development" (entry 179), pp. 313-51. 1332. OSAKA, MOTOKICHIRO. "Tenrikyo, One of Japan's New Religions." Japan Christian Quarterly 5 (October 1930): 363-70. 1333. OSTWALD, MARTIN. "Tenrikyo oder 'Die Lehre von der Himmlischen Vernunft."' Zeitschrift fiir Missionskunde und Religionswissenschaft 22 (1907): 196-210.

Page  165 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 165 1334. PETTAZZONI, RAFFAELE. La confession des peches. Vol. 2. Translated by R. Monnot. Paris: Librairie Ernest Leroux, 1931-32. See pp. 18-21. First published as La confessione dei peccati (Bologna: N. Zanichelli), 1929. 1335. PIERSON, D. "Missionary Problems in Japan." Missionary Review of the World (New York), 1912. 1336. RAJANA, EIMI WATANABE. "A Sociological Study of New Religious Movements: Chilean Pentecostalism and Japanese New Religions" (entry 190), pp. 57-63. 1337. RICCO, MARIO. Religione della violenza e religione del piacere nel nuovo Giappone (entry 195), pp. 57-101. 1338. ROSENKRANZ, GERHARD. Fernost-wohin? (entry 198), pp. 119-27. 1339. SCHINZINGER, ROBERT. "Peculiarities of the Japanese Character." Orient/West 8, no. 5 (September-October 1963): 30-41. 1340. SEIDENSTICKER, E.D. Review of The Religion of Divine Reason by van Straelen (entry 1346). In Monumenta Nipponica 13 (1957): 368-71. 1341. SHIMIZU, T., and UNNO, K. Modern Japan. Tokyo, 1933, pp. 363-64. 1342. "Sind die Japaner religiis? (aus der Praxis der Tenrikyo-Sekte)." Deutsche Japan-Post 7, no. 2 (1908-1909): 7. 1343. STEIN, GUNTHER. "Japan's Next Sect (the Tenrikyo)." Spectator (August 1935): 317-18. Also in Living Age 349 (1935): 142-44. 1344. STRAELEN, HENRY (HENRICUS J.J.M.) van. "Japan's Most Powerful Religious Movement." Missionary Bulletin 6 (1953): 1-7, 50-57, 76-85, 115-19, 129-34. 1345.. "Un messianisme japonais contemporain: La religion de la sagesse divine. Archives de sociologie des religions 4 (July-September 1957): 123-32.

Page  166 166 166 ~~~~~~~~~~~The New Religions of Japan + 1346. __. "The Religion of Divine Wisdom, Japan's Most Powerful Religious Movement." Folklore Studies 13 (1954): 1-165. Published in revised form as a book. Kyoto: Veritas Shoin, 1957, 236 pp. See Seidensticker (entry 1340) and Moroi (entry 1215) for reviews. 1347. __. "Tenriky?5, die Religion der Himmlischen Weisheit, Japans gr~sste religiose Bewegung."1 In X. International Kongress ftir Religionsgeschichte. Marburg: Kommissionsverlag N.G. Ehvert, 1961, pp. 121-23. 1348. ___. "Tenriky?5, le plus dynamique des mouvements religieux du Japon contemporain."1 In Missionsstudien. Edited by Karl Muller. Kaldenkirchen: Steyler, 1962, pp. 22-47. 1349. __. "Le Tenrikyo, un syncretisme dynamique au Japon contemporain."1 In Devant Les sectes non chre'tiennes: Rapports et cornpte rendu de la XXXIe semaine de missiologie. Louvain, Museum Lessianum, Section Missiologique, no. 42. Pai] DeseeD Brouwer, [1961], pp. 210-24. 1350. SUGAI, TAIKA. "The Soteriology of New Religions" (entry 221), pp. 34-38. 1351. "'Tenriky6."1 Japan Magazine 23 (1933). 1352. THOMSEN, HARRY. The New Religions of Japan (entry 233), pp. 33 -60. 1353. UEHARA, TOYOAKI. "A Study of Tenrikyo: With Special Reference to the Teaching of God and Man." M.A. thesis, University of Southern California, 1955, 248 pp. 1354. WARREN, F. "Tenrikyo, a Study in Religious Methods." Japan Christian Quarterly 7, no. 1 (January 1932): 30-38. 1355. WITTE, JOHANNES. "Eine Werbeschrift der Tenrikyo einer japanischen Shinto-Sekte."1 Ostasien Jahrbuch 6(1928): 42-61. 1356. YAMAMOTO, K. "The Religion of the Japanese Masses." Japan Christian Intelligencer 1, no. 1 (5 March 1926): 26-34. 1357. YAMAZAKI, F. "Tenriky?5." Japan Magazine 6, no. 4 (August 1915): 235-38.

Page  167 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 167 Tensmh-K-tai-JingU-Kyo Denominational (Unless otherwise specified, published at Tabuse by Tensho-K-taiJingu-Kyo.) +1358. Divine Manifestation: Ogamisama's Life and Teaching. 1970, 154 pp. (Spanish edition, 1975, 151 pp.; German edition, 1976, 247 pp.) 1359. Kami no Kuni (Kingdom of God). 1966, 200 pp. Illus. 1360. Key to Heaven: A Concise Explanation of God's Teaching. 1965, 185 PP. 1361. Mioshie: An Introduction to Ogamisama's Teaching. 1966, 19 pp. (Also German and Spanish editions.) 1362. Mioshie, the Divine Teaching. 1950, 33 pp. 1952, 35 pp. 1363. The Paradise of Tabuse. 1953, 58 pp. Illus. In Japanese. ("Explanation of Pictures" in English.) 1364. Prescription for Happiness. 1966, 51 pp. (Also Esperanto, French, German, and Spanish editions.) +1365. The Prophet of Tabuse. 1954, 183 pp. (Greek edition, 1967, 199 pp.; Spanish edition, 1967, 243 pp.; German edition, 1971, 339 pp.) 1366. The Road to God. 1952, 6 pp. 1367. Teachings of God Through Sayo Kitamura. 1964, 20 pp. 1368. 30 Years of Ogamisama's Sacred Task. 1975, 32 pp. (Also Spanish edition.) 1369. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF RELIGIONS. "Tensho Kotai Jingu-kyo (The testimony of believers)." Contemporary Religions in Japan 2, no. 3 (September 1961): 43-47.

Page  168 168 The New Religions of Japan 1370. KITAMURA, SAYO. Guidance to God's Kingdom. 1956, 1958, 1961, 21 PP. 1371.. Ogamisama Says... Religious and Philosophical Teachings of the Japanese Prophetess of Tabuse. 1963, 48 pp. (Also Esperanto, German, and Spanish editions.) 1372.. "Tensho Kotai Jingu-Kyo (The Dancing Religion)." Contemporary Religions in Japan 2, no. 3 (September 1961): 26-42. Periodicals 1373. Ogamisama's World-Wide Newsletter (Tabuse). Published from Fall 1965 (no. 1) to November 1976 (no. 43). Quarterly. (Also Spanish edition.) 1374. The Voice From Heaven. 1963-. (Also Spanish edition.) Secondary 1375. ANDERSON, MYRDENE. "Impact of the death of a charismatic leader: Incorporating an Ethnography of Tensho-Kotai-Jingu-Kyo." B.A. honors thesis, University of Hawaii, 1968, viii + 148 pp. Available in The Hawaiian Collection, Thomas Hale Hamilton Library, University of Hawaii at Manoa. +1376. BLACKER, CARMEN. "New Religious Cults in Japan" (entry 26). 1377. EYDE, DAVID B. "A Study of the Japanese Dancing Religion." Unpublished paper. The Hawaiian Collection, Thomas Hale Hamilton Library, University of Hawaii at Manoa. 1954, 19 pp. 1378. GUARIGLIA, GUGLIELMO. "Prophetismus und HeilserwartungsBewegungen" (entry 71), p. 249. 1379. HAMMER, RAYMOND JACK. "The Idea of God in Japan's New Religions" (entry 74), pp. 166-72. 1380. HERBERT, JEAN. Dieux et sectes populaires du Japon (entry 82), pp. 203-9.

Page  169 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 169 1381. JABBOUR, MILLARD E. "The Sect of Tensho-Kotai-Jingu-Kyo: The Emergence and Career of a Religious Movement." M.A. thesis, University of Hawaii, 1958, 128 pp. 1382. JOYA, MOCK. Quaint Customs and Manners of Japan. Vol. 2. Tokyo: Tokyo News Service, 1951, pp. 105-6. 1382A. KERNER, KAREN. "Building God's Kingdom: Society and Order in a Japanese Utopian Community." Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1979, ii + 365 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International 42, no. 12, pt. 1 (June 1982): 5173A-74A. University Microfilms International order no. DA 8211110. 1383.. "Japan's New Religions" (entry 107). 1384.. "The Malevolent Ancestor: Ancestral Influence in a Japanese Religious Sect." In Ancestors. Edited by William H. Newell. The Hague: Mouton, 1974, pp. 205-17. 1385. KOBAYASHI, SAKAE. "Changes in the Japanese Religions after World War II" (entry 115), pp. 104-7. +1386. KOHLER, WERNER. Die Lotus-Lehre und die modemen Religionen in Japan (entry 118), pp. 98-117. 1387. KOPPING, KLAUS-PETER. Religiise Bewegungen im modernen Japan als Problem des Kulturwandels (entry 122), pp. 49-76. 1388. LANCZKOWSKI, GUNTER. Die neuen Religionen (entry 126), pp. 38 -43. 1389. LANTERNARI, VITTORIO. The Religions of the Oppressed (entry 127), p. 225. 1390. LEBRA, TAKIE SUGIYAMA. "An Interpretation of Religious Conversion: A Millennial Movement Among Japanese-Americans in Hawaii." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 1967, 449 pp. Abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts 28, no. 3 (September 1967): 1134A-35A. University Microfilms International order no. 67-11,391. 1391.. "Logic of Salvation: The Case of a Japanese Sect in Hawaii." International Journal of Social Psychiatry 16 (1969-70): 45-53.

Page  170 170 The New Religions of Japan 1392.. "Reciprocity-Based Moral Sanctions and Messianic Salvation." American Anthropologist 64, no. 3 (June 1972): 391-407. 1393.. "Religious Conversion and Elimination of the Sick Role: A Japanese Sect in Hawaii." In Transcultural Research in Mental Health. Mental Health Research in Asia and the Pacific, vol. 2, edited by William P. Lebra. Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1972, pp. 282-92. Reprinted in Culture, Disease, and Healing: Studies in Medical Anthropology, ed. David Landy (New York: Macmillan, 1977), pp. 408 -14. 1394.. "Religious Conversion as a Breakthrough for Transculturation; a Japanese Sect in Hawaii." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 9, no. 3 (Fall 1970): 181-96. 1395. MAY, L.C. "The Dancing Religion: A Messianic Sect." Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 10 (Spring 1954): 119-37. 1396. MURAKAMI, SHIGEYOSHI. Japanese Religion in the Modern Century (entry 153), pp. 139-40. +1397. NAKAMURA, KYOKO MOTOMOCHI. "No Women's Liberation: The Heritage of a Woman Prophet in Modern Japan." In Unspoken Worlds: Women's Religious Lives in Non-Western Cultures. Edited by Nancy A. Falk and Rita M. Gross. San Francisco: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1980, pp. 174-90. 1398. OLSON, RONALD. "Mioshie: A New Messianic Cult." In Papers of the Kroeber Anthropological Society 8-9 [The Walter Buchanan Cline Memorial Volume]. Berkeley: University of California, 1953, pp. 78 -81. 1399. RAJANA, EIMI WATANABE. "A Sociological Study of New Religious Movements: Chilean Pentecostalism and Japanese New Religions" (entry 190), pp. 63-68. 1400. REPS, PAUL. Square Sun, Square Moon: A Collection of Sweet Sour Essays. Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1967. 2d printing, 1968, 100 pp. See pp. 44-48. 1401. SPAE, JOSEPH J. "Odorikyo, The Dancing Religion." Missionary Bulletin 12, no. 6 (July 1958): 440-44.

Page  171 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 171 1402. THOMSEN, HARRY. The New Religions of Japan (entry 233), pp. 199 -219. T-daiji of Hawaii Denominational 1403. HIRAI, TETSUSHO. Todaiji of Hawaii. Honolulu: Todaiji Hawaii Bekkaku Honzan, n.d. Secondary 1404. DeFRANCIS, JOHN. Things Japanese in Hawaii (entry 44), pp. 52-54, 72-77. 1405. HUNTER, LOUISE H. Buddhism in Hawaii: Its Impact on a Yankee Community (entry 91), pp. 195-96. 1406. MULHOLLAND, JOHN F. "Todaiji Hawaii, Bekkaku Honzan." Hawaii's Religions (entry 152), pp. 259-60. *1407. ROBINSON, BARBARA B. "Todaiji of Honolulu, Survey of a Regressive Religious Group." Hawaiian and Pacific Collection, Sinclair Library, University of Hawaii. Cited in Louise H. Hunter, Buddhism in Hawaii (entry 91), p. 249, n. 40. Zenrin-kai Denominational No publications known. Secondary 1408. SPAE, JOSEPH J. "Tenchi Kodo Zenrinkai." Japan Missionary Bulletin 13, no. 8 (October 1959): 514-17.

Page  172 172 The New Religions of Japan UTOPIAN GROUPS General Discussions +1409. FAIRFIELD, RICHARD, ed. Communes, Japan. Special issue of The Modern Utopian. San Francisco: Alternatives Foundation, 1972, 134 pp. See pp. 3-94. ("Material on Japanese communes was compiled from personal experience and interviews in the communes themselves with added material and insights from other writers and visitors...." Includes information on Atarashiki Mura, Ittoen, Shinky-, Yamagishikai, and several small communal groups.) 1409A. MATSUBA, MOSHE, ed. The Communes of Japan: The Kibbutz on the Other Side of the World. Imaichi-shi, Tochigi-ken, Japan: Japanese Commune Movement, 1977, 235 pp. [Includes general comments on kibbutz and Japanese communes, as well as brief articles on Itt-en, Atarashiki Mura, Yamagishi-kai, Shinky-, and other Japanese communal groups and farms.] Atarashild Mura Denominational No publications known. Secondary 1410. ANESAKI, MASAHARU. History of Japanese Religion (entry 3), pp. 402-3. +1411. PLATH, DAVID W. "The Fate of Utopia: Adaptive Tactics in Four Japanese Groups" (entry 187). +1412.. "Modernization and Its Discontents: Japan's Little Utopias" (entry 188).

Page  173 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 173 Ittoen Denominational (Unless otherwise specified, published at Kyoto by Ittoen Publishing House.) 1413. General Information about Ittoern N.d., 1 p. 1414. KUROKAWA, COLBERT N., ed. What is Itto-en? Its Theory and Practice 1959, 90 pp. Illus. 1415. NISHIDA, TENKO (ITTOEN TENKO-SAN). A New Road to Ancient Truth. "Being extracts from his writings translated by Makoto Ohashi in collaboration with Marie Beuzeville Byles with an introduction by Marie Beuzeville Byles." London: George Allen & Unwin, 1969, 183 pp. Illus. New York: Horizon Press, 1972. 1416. _. One Fact of Light. Translated by Colbert N. Kurokawa. 1958, 6 pp. 1417.. Selflessness: Selected Sayings of Tenko Nishida. 1958, 26 pp. Illus. 1418.. What is Itto-en? Its Theory and Practice Kyoto: Itto-en Publishing House, 1959, 90 pp. Illus. Periodicals 1419. Light. English Supplement to Hikari [Light], a monthly organ of the Itto En in Japanese. 1919-. Occasional. Secondary 1420. ANESAKI, MASAHARU. History of Japanese Religion (entry 3), pp. 400-1. 1421. BACH, MARCUS. Strangers at the Door(entry 13), pp. 96-104. 1422. BYLES, MARIE BEUZEVILLE. Paths to Inner Calm. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1965, 208 pp. See pp. 131-34, 160-75, 183-92.

Page  174 174 The New Religions of Japan +1423. DAVIS, WINSTON. "Ittoen: The Myths and Rituals of Liminality, Parts I-III." History of Religion 14, no. 4 (May 1975): 282-321; "Parts IVV." History of Religion 15, no. 1 (August 1975): 1-33. 1424. DEED, MARTHA L. "Itto En: Compound of One Light." Journal of Religious Thought 23, no. 1 (1966-67): 61-73. 1425. GERLITZ, PETER. Gott erwacht in Japan: Neue fernmstliche Religionen und ihre Botschaft vom Gliick (entry 69), pp. 129-38. 1426. HAMMER, RAYMOND JACK. "The Idea of God in Japan's New Religions" (entry 74), pp. 173-76. 1427. HAVENS, JOSEPH. "A Month in the Itto-En Religious Community." Inward Light 24 (Fall-Winter 1961): 32-34. 1428. HAVENS, TERESINA ROWELL. "Itto-en: Reconstruction by Penitence." Friends Intelligencer, 4 August 1945, pp. 491-93. 1429. IWAHASHI, TAKEO. "Ittoen: The New Religious Movement in Japan." The Friend (London) 67 (1927): 14. 1430. McFARLAND, H[ORACE] NEILL. "The New Religions of Japan." Contemporary Religions in Japan 1, no. 3 (September 1960): 33-36. 1431. "Peace and War in Japan." Catholic Worker (March 1941): 5. +1432. PLATH, DAVID W. "The Fate of Utopia: Adaptive Tactics in Four Japanese Groups" (entry 187). +1433.. "Modernization and Its Discontents: Japan's Little Utopias" (entry 188). 1434. REICHELT, KARL L. The Transformed Abbot. Translated by G.M. Reichelt and A.P. Rose. London: Lutterworth Press, 1954, 157 pp. See pp. 31-33. 1435. THOMSEN, HARRY. "Ittoen, the Park of One Light." Japanese Religions 1, no. 3 (1959): 16-24. 1436.. The New Religions of Japan (entry 233), pp. 221-34. 1437. ZIMMERMANN, WERNER. Licht im Osten (entry 259), pp. 51-64.

Page  175 Bibliography of Individual New Religions 175 Shinkyo Denominational +1438. SUGIHARA, YOSHIE, and PLATH, DAVID The Building of a Japanese Commune. California Press, 1969, xvii + 187 pp. Illus. W. Sensei and His People: Berkeley: University of Secondary +1439. PLATH, DAVID W. "A Case of Ostracism-and Its Unusual Aftermath." Trans-action (January-February 1968): 31-36. 1440.. "The Fate of Utopia: Adaptive Tactics in Four Japanese Groups" (entry 187). 1441.. "Modernization and Its Discontents: Japan's Little Utopias" (entry 188). 1442. No entry., and SUGIHARA, YOSHIE. See Sugihara (entry 1438). 1443. REPS, PAUL. Square Sun, Square Moon: A Collection of Sweet Sour Essays. Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1967. 2d Printing, 1968, 100 pp. See pp. 38-39. *1444. YAMANE, TSUNEO. "Formation of a Communal Settlement in Japana Case in Shinkyo." Unpublished paper. Cited in David W. Plath, "The Fate of Utopia" (entry 187), p. 1162. Yamagishi-kai Denominational No publications known.

Page  176 176 The New Religions of Japan Secondary +1445. PLATH, DAVID W. "The Fate of Utopia: Adaptive Tactics in Four Japanese Groups" (entry 187). +1446.. "Modernization and Its Discontents: Japan's Little Utopias" (entry 188). +1447.. "Utopian Rhetoric: Conversion and Conversation in a Japanese Cult." In Essays on the Verbal and Visual Arts: Proceedings of the 1966 Annual Spring Meeting, American Anthropological Society, pp. 96 -108.

Appendixes: Bibliographical Suggestions for Further Reading

pp. 177-192


Page  178

Page  179 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING A. Suggestions for Locating Western-Language Materials on the Japanese New Religions The materials in this bibliography are quite diverse in character, ranging from popular religious tracts to scholarly tomes. It is unfortunate, but not surprising, that such a wide range of materials is not housed in any single library. In fact, one of the purposes of compiling this bibliography has been to bring together citations of the disparate writings by and about the Japanese New Religions. The next step for the user of a bibliography, of course, is to obtain the actual materials cited; the following suggestions are intended to help the reader or librarian pursue leads and obtain materials. The general and secondary works in this bibliography present the least difficulty in searching. Many books and articles in these two sections can be found in a large public library, or a college or university library. More specialized works must be obtained from research libraries. In this bibliography two kinds of specialized publications abound: those in Japanese (or Asian) studies, and those in religion and theology. For my own convenience, I searched Japanese and Asian titles at The University of Michigan, which has a graduate program in Japanese Studies; similar research libraries related to graduate programs in Japanese (or Asian) Studies would give the reader access to most specialized works on Japan. I searched specialized works on religion at The University of Chicago, for me the closest research library in the field of religion; other research libraries related to graduate programs in religion should hold most of the specialized books and articles on religion. Two important exceptions should be mentioned for missionary publications. For Roman Catholic missionary publications, the library of Notre Dame University turned up some publications not available elsewhere. Protestant missionary publications were searched at Union Theological Seminary in New York, which houses the collection of the former Mission Research Library. The social science works in this bibliography will be found in most college libraries, although some works will have to be obtained from research libraries. For those who have access to the Library of Congress, of course, this is the most comprehensive collection in the United States, and the best single source for locating materials cited in this bibliography. A small, specialized center with probably the best collection of materials on religious movements in the United 179

Page  180 180 The New Religions of Japan States is the Program for the Study of New Religious Movements, Graduate Theological Union, 2465 LeConte Avenue, Berkeley, California 94709. This program focuses on American movements and files materials on several hundred groups, of which Japanese (or Japanese-derived) groups are a minority. A unique feature of this program is that it collects both the ephemera published by the New Religions and also unpublished articles by scholars (for example, see entries 901 -903). See also the Newsletter of this program, New Religious Movements, listed in Appendix D. Another American center, which I have not had the opportunity to visit, is the Institute for the Study of American Religion, P.O. Box 1311, Evanston, Illinois 60201. From the files of this institute has been published A Directory of Religious Bodies in the United States (entry 142A), including Japanese New Religions. On p. 76 of this work it is stated that "ISAR will, for cost, be happy to supply information on these groups from its files." Unpublished materials present greater difficulties. For the reader's convenience, doctoral dissertations have been cited with the microfilm order number. Master's theses should be available at the respective universities where they were submitted. Some unpublished materials are to be found in special collections. For example, entry 1375 is housed in The Hawaiian Collection, Thomas Hale Hamilton Library, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Searching special collections dealing with Asia, Japan, or religion may turn up not only obscure publications of a secondary nature, but also some of the denominational publications by the New Religions. Denominational publications are difficult to obtain, both in Japan and elsewhere. Among the more recent publications by New Religions, some have been prepared in a more scholarly format for Western readers, and some have been released through commercial publishers. These works are more likely to find their way into research libraries as well as college libraries. On the other hand, denominational publications that are more nearly direct translations of Japanese works and more focused on devotional practice are less likely to be found in college and university libraries. Two American sources for denominational works have already been mentioned: Library of Congress and the Program for the Study of New Religious Movements. These institutions are more concerned with cataloging and keeping what other libraries may discard as ephemera. Readers who are interested enough to seek their own materials may want to write directly to the offices of New Religions. California addresses of five Japanese New Religions are listed on pp. 215-16 of Robert S. Ellwood, Jr., The Eagle and the Rising Sun (entry 61). Addresses for a number of additional movements are found in J. Melton Gordon (with James V. Geisendorfer), A Directory of Religious Bodies in the United States (entry 142A). Those who have the time to wait for a reply may want to write directly to Japan, using addresses in Ichiro Hori, ed., Japanese Religion (entry 89A) or "Statistics on Religious Organizations in Japan 1947-1972" (entry 216A).

Page  181 Appendixes 181 The larger New Religions have prepared price lists of their publications and are able to send recent publications upon payment. These New Religions have special staff for translation of Japanese works and for foreign missions (outside Japan) and will be quicker to respond. The smaller New Religions do not always have special staff for dealing with Western-language inquiries and will be slower to respond. Older materials are not always kept by these headquarters, and preWorld War II materials are very hard to find. Except for the headquarters of New Religions, there is no one library in Japan that can be recommended for Western-language materials on the New Religions. The Diet Library and university libraries in Japan tend to focus on scholarly works and do not attempt to acquire devotional and denominational works. Until recently the best repository for materials published by the New Religions was the small library of the International Institute for the Study of Religions (Kokusai Sh-kyo Kenkyujo). This institute was of considerable help in compiling both the first and second editions of this bibliography, but after I left Japan in early 1980 the office of the institute closed and the library was scattered. (The institute continues as a foundation and still publishes Japanese Journal of Religious Studies.) To the best of my knowledge, the only international repository for materials on New Religions or "new religious movements" is the Project for the Study of New Religious Movements in Primal Societies, headed by Dr. Harold W. Turner, Department of Religious Studies, King's College, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB9 2UB, Scotland. This project focuses on the encounter of primal or tribal societies with more complex cultures, especially modern African religious movements arising out of the interaction of Christianity and African traditions. Turner himself has already published the first two volumes of a projected fourvolume work, Bibliography of New Religious Movements in Primal Societies, listed in Appendix D. (Turner kindly contributed many European citations for the first and present edition of this work.) Until a central repository for materials on Japanese New Religions exists, the interested reader has no alternative but to explore the aforementioned possibilities.

Page  182 182 The New Religions of Japan B. Western-Language Materials on Japanese Religion This list of bibliographies provides access to both specialized monographs and general surveys; therefore, no specific studies are mentioned. BANDO, SHOJUN, et al. A Bibliography on Japanese Buddhism. Tokyo: Cultural Interchange Institute for Buddhist Press, 1953, 180 pp. 1660 items classified by Buddhist sect and subdivided topically. Index of authors and subjects. EARHART, H[ARRY] BYRON. Japanese Religion: Unity and Diversity. 3d ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1982, xii + 272 pp. See pp. 213-54. Includes annotated bibliography, arranged by religious tradition, with separate sections for Japanese history and culture, and general works on Japanese religion. HECKEN, JOSEPH van. The Catholic Church in Japan Since 1859. Translated and revised by John Van Hoydonck. Tokyo: Enderle, 1963, vi + 317 pp. Includes bibliographical materials from 1859-1959. HERBERT, JEAN. Bibliographie du shint6 et des sectes shintoistes. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1968, 72 pp. Lists 1,182 Japanese and Western publications alphabetically. Subject index. IKADO, FUJIO, and McGOVERN, JAMES R., comps. A Bibliography of Christianity in Japan —Protestantism in English Sources (1859-1959). Tokyo: Committee on Asian Cultural Studies, International Christian University, 1966, 125 pp. Materials arranged alphabetically with separate indexes for title, author, and subject. KATO, GENCHI, et al. A Bibliography of Shinto in Western Languages from the Oldest Times till 1952. Tokyo: Meiji Jingu Shamusho, 1953, 58 pp. "Appendix, Books and Articles on Shinto Published 1941-1952," 7 pp. Index. Includes 1,138 items in 58 pages arranged alphabetically. KITAGAWA, JOSEPH M. "The Religions of Japan." In A Reader's Guide to the Great Religions. Edited by Charles J. Adams. 2d ed. New York: Free Press, 1977, pp. 247-82. A bibliographical essay discussing materials historically and topically.

Page  183 Appendixes 183 _. Religion in Japanese History. New York: Columbia University Press, 1966, x + 475 pp. For bibliography see pp. 373-407, "Works in Western Languages," and pp. 407-56, "Works in Japanese"; arranged alphabetically. See also pp. 341-59, "Chronological Table," and pp. 361-72, "Glossary."

Page  184 184 The New Religions of Japan C. Japanese-Language Materials on the New Religions Included herein are three kinds of works: (1) Western-language descriptions of Japanese materials; (2) general studies of the New Religions in Japanese; and (3) reference and bibliographical works on the New Religions in Japanese. For the person with no knowledge or beginning knowledge of Japanese, works in category (1) such as Holzman and the K.B.S. Bibliography are most useful. For those who read Japanese, works in category (2) such as Inui, et al., Saki, and Takagi provide general treatments, while Murakami and Tsurufuji take up more specialized topics within the New Religions. Except for some documentation of special problems, each of these books mentions the leading Japanese works on the New Religions. For those entering special research, works in category (3) such as the publications of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (Shumuka, Religious Affairs Section) are indispensable; the bibliography by Morioka and Yanagawa is a useful tool. The recent "handbook" for the study of Japanese New Religions by Inoue, et al., is a convenient synthesis of information and insights, the best single volume for introducing the reader to this subject. The comprehensive bibliography for Tenrikyo is apparently the only such work completed covering one New Religion. For Japanese materials on other New Religions, see the monographs listed under Secondary materials for that New Religion in Part II. HOLZMAN, DONALD, et al. Japanese Religion and Philosophy: A Guide to Japanese Reference and Research Materials. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1959, vii + 102 pp. Reprint. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1975. Author index and subject index. See esp. items 915-44 for "Sect Shinto and the New Religions," with brief annotations. INOUE, NOBUTAKA, et al. Shinshikyo KenkyU Chosa Handobukku [Handbook for study and field research of the New Religions]. Tokyo: Y-zankaku, 1981, 307 pp. Bibliography, pp. 259-306 (mostly Japanese, but including some Westernlanguage materials). The best Japanese work on the subject, by a team of younger specialists in Japanese New Religions; features separate chapters on aspects of the New Religions (origins, social organization, etc.), basic literature by and about the New Religions, and research methods; also included are a derivation chart for most groups, a vocabulary for major organizations, and a list of statistics for forty New Religions. THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF RELIGIONS. Directory of the Sectarian Shinto Federation and the Principal Shinto Shrines of Japan. Directory no. 5. Tokyo: International Institute for the Study of Religions, 1957, 40 pp.

Page  185 Appendixes 185 Lists official bulletins for sectarian Shinto.. New Religions, Bahai, Islam and the Japan Free Religious Association. Directory no. 4. Tokyo: International Institute for the Study of Religions, 1958, 75 pp. Lists official bulletins for the New Religions. INUI, TAKASHI; OGUCHI, IICHI; SAKI, AKIO; and MATSUSHIMA, EIICHI. Kyoso —Shomin no Kamigami [Founders-the gods of the people]. Tokyo: Aoki Shoten, 1955, 273 pp. Illus. A general study of the founders of eight major New Religions; several useful charts of chronology are included. K.B.S. Bibliography of Standard Reference Books for Japanese Studies with Descriptive Notes. Vol. 4, Religion. Tokyo: Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai (The Society for International Cultural Relations), 1963, iii + 181 pp. Reprint. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1971. See items 26-30, 91-94 for New Religions and sectarian Shinto. Annotations. KOKUGAKUIN DAIGAKU NIHON BUNKA KENKYUSHO, ed. Shinto Rombun Somokuroku [Comprehensive index of articles on Shinto]. Tokyo: Meiji Jingu Shamusho, 1963, 755 pp. See pp. 53-57 for articles on Sect Shinto and p. 160 for New Religions. MORIOKA, KIYOMI, ed. Hendoki no Ningen to ShFikyo [Man and religion in times of social change]. Tokyo: Miraisha, 1978, 242 pp. Features a general chapter on social change and religion by the editor, followed by four specific studies of New Religions (one of which appears in English as entry 759 in the present bibliography) and several other studies on change and religon. MURAKAMI, SHIGEYOSHI. Kindai MinshU Shukyoshi no KenkSy [Studies in recent popular religious history]. Rev. ed. Kyoto: H6ozkan, 1963, 248 pp. Chart of derivation of recent popular religions. Critical essays on the origin and development of Sect Shinto out of the peculiar socioreligious situation of late Tokugawa and early Meiji times. Extensive documentation in footnotes.. Kindai Nihon no Shukyosha [Religious leaders of recent Japan]. Tokyo: Asoka Shuppansha, 1967, 242 pp. Chronology of Japanese recent religious history. A general study of twenty-seven religious leaders, most of them founders of New Religions. Brief list of references after each chapter.

Page  186 186 The New Religions of Japan Nihon Hyakunen no Shuky?: Haibutsu Kishaku kara S$ka Gakkai made [A century of Japanese religion: From the persecution of Buddhism to Soka Gakkai]. Tokyo: Kodansha, 1968, 208 pp. See pp. 204-8 for bibliography. Chart of derivation of recent popular religions. Interpretation of the conditions during the century when the New Religions arose and analysis of major New Religions. See the translation of this book, entry 153. OGUCHI, ICHI. Nihon ShUkyo no Shakaiteki Seikaku [The social characteristics of Japanese religion]. Tokyo: Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai, 1953, 209 pp. See pp. 72-103 for brief comments on the New Religions. SAKI, AKIO. Shinko Shikyo —Sore o Meguru Gendai no JJken [The New Religions-the contemporary conditions surrounding them]. Tokyo: Aoki Shoten, 1960, 240 pp. See p. 240 for bibliography. Analysis of the major characteristics of the New Religions and the social conditions that gave rise to the New Religions. Shinshukyo no Sekai [The world of the New Religions]. 5 vols. Tokyo: Daizo Shuppan, 1978-79. The first volume treats "general problems" concerning the New Religions; the remaining volumes provide popular overviews of more than twenty major New Religions. SHIN-SHU-REN. Shin-shu-ren Yiran [Union of New Religions directory]. Revised and enlarged edition. Tokyo: Shin-shu-ren, 1966, 94 pp. Information concerning Shin-shu-ren (Shin Nihon Shukyo Dantai Rengo-kai, Union of New Religious Organizations of Japan) and its member organizations. See Table 1 in the present volume for the list of membership in Shin-shu-ren. SHUMUKA, BUNKACHO, MOMBUSHO [Religious Affairs Section; Ministry of Education, Science and Culture], ed. Sh-kyo Nenkan [Religion yearbook]. Published annually (successor to several earlier titles), valuable source of statistical and other current official information. See also the periodical Shumu Jiho, especially Kiyomi Morioka and Keiichi Yanagawa, "Sengo no Sh-ky6 JijoBunken Mokuroku" [The postwar religious situation-a bibliography]. TAKAGI, HIROO. Nihon no Shinko Shukyo [The Japanese New Religions]. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1959, viii + 209 pp. Illus. See pp. 207-9 for bibliography. Interpretation of the New Religions as mass movements.

Page  187 Appendixes 187 Tenrikyo Toshokan-zo Tenrikyo Tosho Mokuroku [Bibliography of books on Tenrikyo in the Tenrikyo Library]. Tenri Jihosha, 1959, 133 pp. Comprehensive bibliography of Japanese books on Tenrikyo, also including some Western-language materials (all the Western-language materials have been searched and inserted in the present bibliography, especially under the Secondary entries for Tenrikyo). THOMSEN, HARRY. Bibliography on the New Religions. Kyoto: Christian Center for the Study of Japanese Religions. 1960, 2 + 37 pp. Includes Japanese (especially denominational) materials for sixteen New Religions. TSURUFUJI, IKUTA. Kyoha Shinto no Kenkyu [A study of Sect Shinto]. Osaka: Taikosha, 1939, 443 pp. See appendix, pp. 1-4 for bibliography of Sect Shinto. A prewar survey of the thirteen original members of Sect Shinto. WATANABE, BAIYU. Gendai Nihon no ShUkyof [Contemporary Japanese religion]. Tokyo: Daito Shuppansha, 1951, 346 pp. Illus. Analysis of the New Religions in the context of Japanese religion.

Page  188 188 The New Religions of Japan D. Comparative Materials for the Study of New Religious Movements According to Wallace ("Revitalization Movements," p. 264), "Our files now contain references to several hundred religious revitalization movements, among both western and nonwestern peoples, on five continents," and a more thorough search for these movements "would without question gather in thousands." Whatever the total number of such movements, they are much too numerous to be treated individually. Therefore, no attempt is made to list materials for separate movements, since the following works contain references to major movements and relevant materials. The vast range and number of comparative materials is suggested by the kinds of publications listed here. There are some bibliographies, such as those of Turner and Leeson, that deal with new religious movements in specific areas. Other works have been included that pursue the problem of religious movements historically, as that of Cohn, and regionally, as those of Clark, Fuchs, La Barre (The Peyote Cult), and Worsley. Bibliographies within these works afford abundant materials. Some works have been listed because of their attempt at comparative study and synthetic interpretation: those of Guariglia, Lanternari, and Mihlmann. Theoretical arguments and relevant bibliographies can be found in La Barre, ("Materials..."), Robbins, et al., Smelser, Wach, Wallace, and Wilson. CLARK, ELMER T. The Small Sects of America. Rev. ed. New York: Abingdon Press, 1949, 256 pp. See pp. 236-40 for bibliography; also appendixes, index, and "Index of Religious Bodies in the United States," pp. 241-46. Briefly describes many American sectarian movements according to several types; excludes non-Christian groups. COHN, NORMAN. The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Messianism in Medieval and Reformation Europe and Its Bearing on Modern Totalitarian Movements. 2d ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1961, xvi + 481 pp. See pp. 435-68 for bibliography of original sources and modern works. A study of the historical origins and nature of medieval and later European millenarian movements. ELLWOOD, ROBERT S., Jr. Religious and Spiritual Groups in Modern America. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1972, xvi + 334 pp. Provides brief introductions to and selected documents from various groups, including some Japanese movements. FUCHS, STEPHEN. Rebellious Prophets: A Study of Messianic Movements in Indian Religions. New York: Asia Publishing House, 1965, xiv + 304 pp.

Page  189 Appendixes 189 Traces messianic movements in India regionally and tribally, with "Literature" cited at the end of sections. GLOCK, CHARLES Y., and BELLAH, ROBERT H., eds. The New Religious Consciousness. Contributions by Randall H. Alfred et al. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976, xvii + 391 pp. A volume of essays on new religious movements based on field work in the Oakland Bay area. GUARIGLIA, GUGLIELMO. "Prophetismus und Heilserwartungs-Bewegungen als volkerkundliches und religionsgeschichtliches Problem." Wiener Beitrage zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik 13 (Horn-Wien: Verlag Ferdinand Berger, 1959), pp. 1-322. See pp. 278-305 for bibliography. A worldwide comparative and typological study of prophetic movements discussed regionally. JULES-ROSETTE, BENNETTA, ed. The New Religions of Africa. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1979, xxii + 248 pp. Includes eleven chapters on aspects of various African New Religions, as well as a general introduction and conclusion, and a bibliography, pp. 231-40. LA BARRE, WESTON. "Materials for a History of Studies of Crisis Cults: A Bibliographic Essay." Current Anthropology 12, no. 1 (February 1971): 3-44. A bibliographical essay valuable for its theoretical clarification of "crisis cults" (and viewed from the standpoint that culture and symbols are "adaptive man-made artifacts"); it also provides some materials by geographical area.. The Peyote Cult. 4th enlarged ed. [Hamden, CT]: Archon Books, 1975, xix + 296 pp. A 1938 doctoral dissertation on the diffusion and religious use of peyote among Native Americans, this work is also valuable for its original bibliography, pp. 175 -88, and for three more recent bibliographic essays: pp. 195-210, 213-50, and 251 -85. LANTERNARI, VITTORIO. The Religions of the Oppressed: A Study of Modern Messianic Cults. Translated by Lisa Sergio. New York: Knopf; London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1963, xix + 343 pp. Bibliography, pp. 323-39. New York: New American Library, 1965, xvi + 286 pp. Bibliography, pp. 255-71. First published as Movimenti religiosi di liberta e di salvezza dei popoli oppressi (Milan: Feltrinelli, 1960), 365 pp. Also published as Religiose Freiheits- und Heilsbewegungen unterdriickten Volker, trans. Friedrich Kollmann (Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1960), 538 pp.

Page  190 190 The New Religions of Japan A worldwide comparative study of messianic and prophetic movements, discussed by region, including mention of some Japanese New Religions; the bibliography is conveniently arranged by region. LEESON, IDA. Bibliographie des 'Cargo Cults' et autres mouvements autochtones du Pacifique Sud. Document technique no. 30. Sydney: Commission du Pacifique Sud, 1952, 16 pp. (Also English edition.) Materials arranged according to geographical region within the South Pacific. MUHLMANN, W(ILHELM) E. Chiliasmus und Nativismus-Studien zu einer Psychologie, Soziologie und historischen Kasuistik der Umsturzbewegungen. With contributions by Alfons M. Dauer, et al. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 1961. 2d printing, 1964, 472 pp. See pp. 445-51 for bibliography. Separate indexes for subjects, personal names, names of founders and prophets, tribal groups, and names of religious movements. "Regional" papers by other contributors in Part 1, with analysis and interpretation by the main author in Part 2. New Religious Movements Newsletter. No. 1- (October 1978-). A publication of the Program for the Study of New Religious Movements in America, located at the Graduate Theological Union, 2465 LeConte Avenue, Berkeley, California 94709. Provides current information about new religious movements, legal questions, and ongoing research; it focuses mainly on movements in the United States, including those of Asian origin such as Japanese New Religions. The program has developed a file of published and unpublished materials by and about such movements and also has released some bibliographies such as Robbins's, listed in Appendix C. PALMER, SPENCER J., ed. The New Religions of Korea. Transactions of the Korea Branch, Royal Asiatic Society (Seoul) 43 (1967), 180 pp. Includes one general introduction and five specialized articles on Korean New Religions. ROBBINS, THOMAS. Civil Liberties, "Brainwashing," and "Cults": A Select Annotated Bibliography. Berkeley, CA: Center for the Study of New Religious Movements, Graduate Theological Union, 1981, 48 pp. Deals mainly with the legal, psychological, and sociological aspects of "brainwashing" and deprogramming; articles and books focus on movements in America, especially the Unification Church ("Moonies").

Page  191 Appendixes 191, and ANTHONY, DICK, eds. In Gods We Trust: New Patterns of Religious Pluralism in America. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1981, 338 pp. A collection of descriptive, interpretive, and theoretical articles focusing on the recent religious ferment in the United States; it does not deal with Japanese groups, but does treat Unification Church ("Moonies") and other "Eastern" groups.; ANTHONY, DICK; and RICHARDSON, JAMES. "Theory and Research on Today's 'New Religions."' Sociological Analysis 39, no. 2 (Summer 1978): 95-122. Review of recent literature of New Religions, especially American movements or branches in America, focusing on the diversity of theoretical arguments; pp. 114 -22 provide a convenient bibliography of recent literature. SMELSER, NEIL J. Theory of Collective Behavior. New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1963, xi + 436 pp. Illus. See pp. 388-427 for bibliography. See esp. pp. 313-81 for analysis of "The Value-Oriented Movement," a more lengthy abstract treatment of the same phenomena covered in Wallace, "Revitalization Movements"; extensive documentation of historical and theoretical materials. THRUPP, SYLVIA L., ed. Millennial Dreams in Action: Essays in Comparative Study. Comparative Studies in Society and History, Supplement 2. The Hague: Mouton & Co., 1962, 229 pp. Index for personal names, place names, and subjects. Seventeen papers dealing with millenarian and messianic themes in various areas and periods. TURNER, HAROLD W. Bibliography of New Religious Movements in Primal Societies. 4 vols. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1977-. Vol. 1, Black Africa, 1977, x + 277 pp. Index of authors and sources; select thematic guide. Vol. 2, North America, 1978, x + 285 pp. Indexes for authors and sources; films, records and tapes; main movements; and Indian individuals. Vols. 3 and 4, forthcoming. Vol. 1: 1,906 annotated items arranged by geographical subregions of Africa, with separate sections for theoretical and general works. Vol. 2: 1,608 annotated items arranged by three subregions of North America, with separate sections for theoretical and general works. Vol. 3 will treat Asia and Oceania; Vol. 4 will treat Latin America and the Caribbean. Religious Innovation in Africa: Collected Essays on New Religious Movements. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1979, x + 354 pp. These essays by Turner cover his earlier and more recent work on the methodology and typology appropriate for the study of African movements, with several historical and biographical treatments.

Page  192 192 The New Religions of Japan WACH, JOACHIM. Sociology of Religion. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1944. 1949, xi + 418 pp. See pp. 391-95 for bibliography of materials published 1943-48, supplementing documentation in the footnotes. See pp. 109-205 for "Specifically Religious Organization of Society," esp. pp. 156 -205 for the distinction between protest and secession; also pp. 306-9 for "Typology II: The New Faith." WALLACE, ANTHONY F.C. The Death and Rebirth of the Seneca. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1970, xiii + 384 pp. A detailed description and interpretation of one North American "revitalization movement" ("the Old Way of Handsome Lake") featuring an extensive bibliography, pp. 369-84.. "Revitalization Movements." American Anthropologist 48 (1956): 264-81. A theoretical treatment of the concept of revitalization as inclusive of all cultural innovations such as nativistic movement, reform movement, cargo cult, religious revival, messianic movement, utopian community, and other forms. For elaboration of this theory of revitalization see his Religion: An Anthropological View (New York: Random House, 1966), 300 pp. See esp. pp. 30-39, 157-66, 209 -15. WILSON, BRYAN R. Magic and the Millennium. A Sociological Study of Religious Movements of Protest among Tribal and Third-World Peoples. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1973, xi + 547 pp. Bibliography. Index of Authors. Index of Subjects. Index of Principal Movements, Tribes, and Persons. A comprehensive sociological interpretation of religious movements among tribal peoples from the viewpoint that "thaumaturgical (or... magical) preoccupations are the fundamental orientation of new religious movements among simpler peoples...." WORSLEY, PETER. The Trumpet Shall Sound. A Study of "Cargo" Cults in Melanesia. 2d augmented edition. New York: Schocken Books, 1968, lxix + 300 pp. See bibliography, pp. 277-88, with "Supplementary Bibliography of Literature on Melanesian Cargo Cults 1957-67, compiled by D.A. Heathcote," pp. 389-93. A study of "millenarism" in various areas of Melanesia with analysis of underlying factors.


pp. 193-213

Page  193 INDEXES

Page  194

Page  195 AUTHOR INDEX This index includes all entries with a specific author, and also some entries listed by translator or editor. Some entries are listed in the name of the headquarters or institute that issued them. A number of entries without specific authors are not included. All references are to entry numbers (not page numbers). Some concrete details explaining the handling of names are as follows. Pseudonyms are cross-referenced to actual names (when known); entry numbers are given under the actual name. Explanation of pseudonyms (when known) is given within entries. Cross-references are also supplied for the maiden name and married name of several women. Japanese names often appear in Western languages in somewhat different transliterations, making consistency difficult for the bibliographer. The solution in this bibliography has been to list all works by one author under the customary transliteration for this name, indicating where necessary the alternate transliteration used in the article or book cited. For example, entries 484-488 are listed under Deguchi, Onisaburo, the customary transliteration for this name. (Technically, the given name should be Onisaburo, with a long vowel indicated by a macron, but the principle herein is to provide macrons in the bibliography only when they are used in the citation.) In entry 485 the author's name is given as Onisabro Deguci; in entry 487 Deguchi is transliterated as Degutshi: each alternate reading is placed in parentheses in the respective entry. In this author index, alternate readings of names (such as Deguci and Degutshi) are not given entry numbers but cross-referenced to the customary transliteration (in this case Deguchi). Western names are given in their most complete form, with all works by the author listed under the complete form of the name. For other tips on efficient location of materials, see also Suggestions for Convenient Use of The Bibliography. 195

Page  196 196 The New Religions of Japan Abe, Yoshiya, 1, 576 Akaki, Tokunosuke, 1186 Akiya, Einosuke, 809 Akiyama, Aisaburo, 2 Alvarez, Silvester, 879 Anderson, Myrdene, 1375 Ando, Ichimaru, 380 Ando, Takatsura, 1187 Anesaki, Masaharu, 3-6, 394, 421, 439, 511, 1270, 1410, 1420 Anzai, Shin, 7-8, 17-18, 345, 880, 888 Aoki, Tamotsu, 9 Ariga, Tetsutaro, 10-11 Armstrong, Robert Cornell, 12 Arutiunov, Sergei Aleksandrovich, 12A Aston, William George, 609A, 1271 Azumi, Koya, 881, 882 b Babbie, Earl R., 883-884 Bach, Marcus, 13, 395, 577-578, 638, 743, 885, 1272, 1421 Baerwald, Hans H., 886 Bairy, Maurice A., 14, 579 Balet, L., 1273 Ballou, Robert 0., 15 Basabe, Fernando M., 16, 18, 887 -888 Beals, David R., 889 Beardsley, Richard K., 19-20 Becker, Carl B., 1274 Bellessort, Andre, 1275 Benner, Patterson D., 20A Benz, Ernst, 21-22, 513 Bernier, Bernard, 23-24, 890-891, 1276 Bethel, Dayle Morgan, 347, 892-893 Bird, Frederick, 894 Blacker, Carmen, 25-26, 895-896, 1376 Blackwood, R.T., 1188 Blaker, Michael K., 897 Bloom, Alfred, 898-899 Bobilin, Robert T., 27 Bownas, Geoffrey, 1277-1278 Braden, Charles S., 28, 514 Brameld, Theodore, 900 Brand, J.A., 29 Brandfon, Jane Hurst, 901-903 Branley, Brendan R., 30 Brannen, Noah S., 904-912 Braun, Neil, 31, 346 Brown, Delmer M., 32 Brumbaugh, Thoburn T., 1279 Bunce, William K., 33 Burajiru Nikkeijin Jihai Chosa Iinkai, 101 Bureau of Religions, Department of Education, 34 Burkert, Rudolf, 515 Burks, Ardath W., 915 Burrows, Edwin Grant, 35 Byles, Marie Beuzeville, 1422 C Caldarola, Carlo, 323-324 Callaway, Tucker N., 36 Cary, 0., 422 Cermeno, Antonio, 37 Chinnery, Thora E., 1280 see also Hawkey, Thora Elizabeth Clark, Edward M., 396-397 Clemen, Carl, 38, 1281 Cole, Allan B., 39 Comissao de Recenseamento da Col6nia Japonesa, 101 Creemers, Wilhelmus H.M., 41 Curtis, Gerald L., 42, 683, 919 d Dale, Kenneth J., 639-641 Dator, James Allen, 920-923 Davis, Roy Eugene, 668 Davis, Winston Bradley, 43, 1095, 1423 Deed, Martha L., 1424 DeFrancis, John, 44, 1404 Deguchi, E., 479 Deguchi, Hidemaru, 460 Deguchi, Isao, 480 Deguchi, Kyotaro (Kiotaro), 481-482 Deguchi, Nao, 460, 483 Deguchi, Naohi, 460 Deguchi, Onisaburo, 460, 484-488 Deguchi, Sumiko, 460 Deguci, Onisabro see Deguchi, Onisaburo Degutshi, Onisaburo see Deguchi, Onisaburo Delikhan, Gerald A., 924-925 Derzhavin, Igor Konstantinovich, 926-927 Devaranne, Theodore, 45, 516

Page  197 Indexes 197 Dobashi, Fumiko, 1327 Doherty, Herbert J., Jr., 928 Dore, Ronald P., 46 Drummond, Richard H., 47 Dugliss, Roderick B., 929-930 Dumoulin, Heinrich, 48, 440, 642, 931-933 Dutermuth, Fritz, 49 Duthu, J.B., 398, 423 e Earhart, H[arry] Byron, 50-59, 314 -315, 934-937, 1282-1283 Eckel, Paul E., 1284 Eder, Matthias, 60 Ellwood, Robert S., Jr., 61-62, 580, 684, 744, 938-939, 1285 Embree, John F., 399 Endo, Yoshimitsu, 940 Epp, Robert, 63 Evermeyer, Florence E., 1286 Eyde, David B., 1377 f Fairfield, Richard, 1409 Fantoli, Annibale, 64 Farnsworth, Lee W., 941 Farr, Katharyn, 1287 Feldman, Alexander, 942 Fernandes, Gonqalves, 517 Fisher, Galen M., 65 Flagler, J.M., 943 Florenz, Karl, 66 Foxley, C., 1288 Frager, Robert, 67 Franck, Frederick, 518 Fujieda, Masakazu, 734 Fujishima, Uta, 1289 Fujita, Yukei, 294 Fujiwara, Hirotatsu, 944-945 Fukaya, Tadamasa, 1189-1192 Fukuda, Yoshiaki, 381 Fukuda, Yoshio, 1193 Fukushima, Yoshitsugu, 382 g Garrigues, S.L., 946 Gay, J. Lopez, 68 Geisendorfer, James V., 142A Gerlitz, Peter, 69, 519, 643-644, 754, 1290, 1425 Gittings, J.A., 947 Goi, Masahisa, 286-292 Goncalves, Ricardo Mario, 70 Gowen, Herbert H., 1291-1292 Gray, Wallace, 520 Greene, Daniel Crosby, 610, 1293 Gresser, Julian, 948 Gross, Carl H., 949-950 Guariglia, Guglielmo, 71, 1294, 1378 Gundert, Wilhelm, 72, 303, 356, 400, 424, 437, 441, 1295 Guthrie, Stewart Elliott, 645 h Haas, Hans, 611, 1296-1298 Hacker, P., 1299 Hahn, Thomas Kitai, 1300 Hall, John W., 20 Hambrick, Charles H., 73, 744A Hammann, Louis J., 1301 Hammer, Raymond Jack, 74-79, 278, 401, 425, 521, 581-582, 600, 646, 685, 745, 951, 1302, 1379, 1426 Hammitzsch, Horst, 80, 777 Hamzavi, Abdol Hossein, 952 Hardacre, Helen, 601 Hashimoto, Hideo, 954-955 Hashimoto, Masaharu, 1194 Hashimoto, Taketo, 1195 Hata, Yasushi, 383 Havens, Joseph, 1427 Havens, Teresina Rowell, 1428 Hawkey, Thora Elizabeth, 1303 see also Chinnery, Thora E. Heise, R., 1304 Helton, W., 956 Hepner, Charles William, 426-427 Herbert, Jean, 81-83, 279, 350, 522 -523, 583, 686, 1305, 1380 Hesselgrave, David John, 957-961 Hibbard, E.L., 523A Higuchi, Kyoko, 735 Hino, Iwao P., 489-492 Hirai, Tetsusho, 1403 Hirasawa, Hajime, 1196 Hiroike, Chibusa, 298 Hiroike, Chikuro, 298-300 Hodous, Lewis, 84 Holmes, Fenwicke L., 679 Holtom, Daniel C., 85-86, 304, 351, 357, 402-403, 428, 438, 445, 766, 770, 772, 774, 1306

Page  198 198 The New Religions of Japan Holtzapple, Vicki Rea, 962 Honaga, M. 86 Hopkins, E[dward] Washburn, 87 Hori, Ichiro, 88-89 Hsu, Francis L.K., 90 Hickel, 524 Huffman, James Lamar, 962A Hunter, Louise H., 91, 687, 1307, 1405 Ichikawa, Hakugen, 963 Iida, Teruaki, 1197-1202, 1226 Ikado, Fujio, 92 Ikeda, Daisaku, 810-848, 856 Ingram, Paul 0., 965-966 Inoue, Tomegoro, 493 International Institute for the Study of Religions, The, 93-95, 669, 968-969 Ishibashi, Masashi, 970 Ishibashi, Tomonobu, 440, 442 Ishida, Takeshi, 971 Ishikawa, Taido, 972 Isono, Fujiko, 971 Italiaander, Rolf, 647-649, 973 Itoo, Eizoo, 494 Iwahashi, Takeo, 1429 Iwai, Takahito, 1203 Iwamoto, Tokuichi, 96 Iwata, Sumie, 97 Jabbour, Millard E., 1381 Jaeckel, Theodore, 98 Japan, Ministry of Education, 100 Japanese National Commission for UNESCO, 102 Jean-Joseph, 1309 Johnson, Chalmers A., 975 Johnson, Paul E., 103-104 Johnson, Thomas W., 105 Jordan, David K., 1310 Joya, Mock, 1382 k Kagawa, Toyohiko, 106 Kamomiya, J6kai, 627 Kamstra, Jakob H., 976 Kaneko, Keisuke, 1204-1206 Kaneko, Tadashi, 1207 Kantuw, N., 1096 Kasahara, Kazuo, 977 Kato, Genchi, 1311 Kawai, Teruaki, 736 Kawatsura, Bonji see Kawazura, Bonji Kawazura, Bonji, 434 Kerner, Karen, 107-108, 1382A-1384 Kirimura, Yasuji, 849 Kinvabara, T.J. see Kuwabara, T.J. Kishi, Nobusuke, 978 Kishida, Eizan, 309-312 Kishimoto, Hideo, 109-110 Kishimoto, Koichi, 979 Kitagawa, Joseph M., 111-112 Kitamura, R., 525 Kitamura, Sayo, 1370-1372 Kiyama, K., 416 Kiyota, Minoru, 113-114, 980 Klein, Norbert Hans, 981 Kobayashi, Sakae, 115-117, 225A, 280, 404, 526-527, 602, 650, 688, 746, 982-983, 1312, 1385 Koepping, Klaus-Peter see Kopping, Klaus-Peter Koestler, Arthur, 984 Kohler, Werner, 118-120, 528, 584 -585, 603, 651, 689, 985, 1313, 1386 Koizumi, Takuzo, 1208 Komarovskii, Georgii Evgen'evich see Svetlov, Georgii Evgen'evich Konko Kyotosha Foundation, 384 Kopping, Klaus-Peter, 122-123, 755 -756, 762, 986, 1387 Kotani, Kimi, 596 Kota{nski, Wieslaw, 124 Kreider, Roy, 324A Kubota, Shobun, 125 Kubota, Tadao, 987 Kudo, Takuya, 988 Kumasaka, Y., 989 Kunze, R., 529 Kurada, T., 417 Kurokawa, Colbert N., 1414 Kurozumi, Tadaaki, 418 Kusuhara, Hisashi, 1209 Kuwabara, T.J., 369 Kuwata, Koichir-, 990 Lacy, Edward F., III, 991 Lacy, Edward F., III, 991

Page  199 Indexes 199 Lanczkowski, Gunter, 126, 405, 429, 530, 586, 604, 652, 992, 1314, 1388 Langdon, Frank, 993 Lanternari, Vittorio, 127, 1315, 1389 Lanzaco, Federico, 17, 888 Larson, Lyle E., 993A Latyshev, I.A., 993B Laube, Johannes, 430, 1315A-1317 Layman, Emma McCloy, 994 Lebra, Takie Sugiyama, 316-318, 1390-1394 Lee, Edwin B., 371 Lee, Jooinn, 995 Lee, Robert, 128, 996 Lee, Tosh, 997 Lind, Andrew W., 690 Lins, Ulrich, 532 Lipp, Fredrick, 406 Ljungdahl, Vilmar, 533 Lloyd, Arthur, 612 Loftin, Marion T., 129, 1318 Lokowandt, Ernst, 130 Louis-Frederic, 131 Lowell, Percival, 132, 446 m McAlpine, W.A., 1319 MacCauley, C., 1320 McCrimmon, Mary, 999 McFarland, H[orace] Neill, 133-136, 407, 587, 653, 691, 1000, 1321, 1430 McPherson, William, 1001 Maeyama, Takashi, 137, 692-693 Makiguchi, Tsunesaburo, 850-851 Manikam, Rajah B., 138 Martinez, Luis S., 1002 Marukawa, Hitoo, 139, 1332 Masamune, Hakucho, 140 Masia, Juan, 654 Masumi, Junnosuke, 1055 Masuno, Michioki, 1210 Matsuda, Taketeru, 1211 Matsumoto, Shigeru, 1212-1213 Matsumura, Akiko, 141 May, L.C., 1395 Meishu-sama, 737 see also Okada, Mokichi Melton, J. Gordon, 142-142A Metraux, Daniel Alfred, 1003-1005 Miki, Tokuchika, 565-569 Minami, Hiroshi, 1323 Miura, Yoshikazu, 143 Miyake, Tadashi, 144 Miyake, Toshio, 385 Miyamoto, Shotaro Frank, 1324 Mizoguchi, Yasuo, 225A Mochizuki, Kotaro, 1325 Molina, Gonzalez Antonio, 145 Monsterleet, Jean, 1006 Moos, Felix, 1007 Moreau, J-Paulin, 694 Mori, Koichi, 1008 Morioka, Kiyomi, 146-150, 253, 655 Moroi, Yoshinori, 1214-1216 Morris, Ivan I., 372, 1009-1011 Muccioli, Marcello, 151 Mulholland, John F., 152, 284, 295, 763, 1406 Mullins, George Austin, 656-656A Murai, Tojuro, 495 Murakami, Shigeyoshi, 153-155, 342, 408, 431, 433, 534, 588, 605, 613, 657, 695, 747, 1012, 1326, 1396 Muramatsu, Takeshi, 1013 Murata, Hajime, 1014 Murata, Kiyoaki, 1015 n Nadolski, Thomas Peter, 535-536 Nagao, Hiromi, 1249 Nagoya, Kazuhiko, 1016 Nakadai, Ryozo, 1217 Nakajima, Hideo, 156, 1218-1226, 1249 Nakamura, Hajime, 157 Nakamura, Kyoko Motomochi, 1397 Nakamura, T., 496 Nakano, Yonosuke, 272-275 Nakayama, Miki, 1227-1228 Nakayama, Shozen, 1149, 1229-1240 Nakayama, Yoshikazu, 1241 Nebreda, Alfonso M., 158-159 Newell, William H., 1327 Newnan, Edna S., 161A Nicholson, Samuel O., 161B Nieda, Rokusaburo see Niyeda, Rokusaburo Niekawa, Agnes see Niyekawa, Agnes Nielsen, Niels C., Jr., 162-164 Nieto, C., 537 Nishida, Tenko, 1415-1418 Nishimura, Kogetsu, 497-499

Page  200 200 The New Religions of Japan Nishimura, Koogecu see Nishimura, Kogetsu Nishimura, Shozen, 386 Nishio, Harry K., 658, 1019-1020 Nishitani, Keiji, 165 Nishiyama, Shigeru, 166 Nitobe, Inazo, 1021 Niwano, Nikkyo, 167, 606, 628-635 Niyeda, Rokusaburo, 168 Niyekawa, Agnes M., 296 Norbeck, Edward, 168A, 344, 588A, 658A, 695A, 1021A Nordstokke, Kjell, 169-170, 696 Norman, W.H.H., 1022 Nukui, Hiroshi, 1024 0 O'Donoghue, Patrick Francis, 1025 Offner, Clark B., 173-175, 538, 589, 607, 659, 698, 748, 1026-1027, 1330 Ofuchi, Chihiro, 387 Oguchi, Iichi, 176-179, 1331 Oh, John Kie-Ch'ang, 1028-1029 Oishi, Shuten, 180-182 Okada, Mokichi, 738 see also Meishu-sama Okakura, K., 500 Okamoto, Masayuki, 388 Okamoto, Richard, 1030 Okano, Kimiko, 364 Okano, Shd-o, 365 Okubo, Akinori, 1226, 1242 Olson, Ronald, 1398 Omori, Shigeo, 1032-1033 Ono, Eiichi, 501 Ooms, Herman, 183 Opler, Marvin K., 319-320, 409 Osaka, Motokichiro, 1332 Osaki, Norio, 184 Ostwald, Martin, 1333 Otsuka, Kanichi, 760 Oya, Soichi, 185 P Palmer, Arthur Arvin, 1037-1038 Pettazzoni, Raffaele, 410, 1334 Philips, James M., 660 Pierson, D., 1335 Pieters, Mary, 1243 Planning Section, The JSP Hqs., 1039 Plath, David W., 186-188, 1411 -1412, 1432-1433, 1438-1442, 1445-1447 Prebish, Charles S., 1040A r Rajana, Eimi Watanabe, 189-190, 590, 661, 1043, 1336, 1399 see also Watanabe, Eimi Ramming, Martin, 191 Ramsmeyer, Robert L., 192, 1044 -1045 Raper, Arthur F., 193 Rassat, Joachim, 1046 Razumov, S.P. see Tanin, O. Reichelt, Karl L., 1434 Reischauer, August Karl, 194 Reischauer, Edwin 0., 1047 Reps, Paul, 1400, 1443 Ricco, Mario, 195, 699-700, 1048, 1337 Rigmark, W., 196 Robinson, Barbara B., 1407 Rochedieu, Edmond, 197 Rohlen, Thomas P., 67 Rosenkranz, Gerhard, 198-199, 1050, 1338 Rotermund, Hartmut 0., 200, 1051 -1052 Roth, Wilhelm, 411 S Sacon, Y.H., 201 Saito, Ken, 1053 Sakurai, Yasuo, 502-503 Sanada, Takaaki, 343-344 Sasaki, 1054 Sato, Kazuo, 389-390 Satomi, Kishio, 373 Saunders, Kenneth, 202, 540 Sawai, Yuichi, 1244-1245 Scalapino, Robert A., 1055 Schechter, Jerrold, 1056 Schiffer, Wilhelm, 203-204, 1057 Schiller, Emil, 541, 591 Schinzinger, Robert, 1339 Schmidt, K.O., 499 Schneider, Delwin B., 412-413 Schwartz, M.L., 352 Seidensticker, E.D., 1340 Seikyo Times, The, 852-853

Page  201 Indexes 201 Serizawa, Shigeru, 1247-1249 Sheldon, Charles D., 1058 Shibata, C., 206 Shibata, Reiichi, 354-355 Shibata, Reuchi see Shibata, Reiichi Shimazono, Susumu, 166, 207 Shimizu, T., 1341 Shimpo, Mitsuru, 150 Shinozaki, Tomiki, 1250 Shionoya, Satoshi, 1251 Shirado, Nakako, 435 Shiramizu, Hiroko, 166, 759 Sibiryakov, P., 541A Sieffert, Rene', 208 Skelton, T. Lane, 1059 Smith, Bradford, 701 Smith, Robert J., 209-210 Snow, David Alan, 1059A Solomon, Ted J., 211, 592, 662, 1061 Souhart, Odette, 542 Spae, Joseph J., 212-216, 281, 301, 358, 414, 543, 593, 608, 663 -664, 702, 749, 1062-1063, 1401, 1408 Spickard, Jim, 750 Stein, GUnther, 1343 Steiner, Kurt, 1065 Steiner, R., 504 Straelen, Henry (Henricus J.J.M.) van, 175, 217-220, 538, 589, 607, 659, 698, 748, 1330, 1344 -1349 Sugai, Taika, 221-222, 544, 1350 Sugihara, Yoshie, 1438 Sugiyama, Heisuke, 223 Sugiyama, Sokichi, 1252 Suzuki, Teiiti (Teiichi), 101 Svetlov, Georgii Evgen'evich, 12A Swearer, Donald K., 1067 t Takagi, Hiroo, 179, 224, 1068-1069, 1331 Takahashi, Ichiro, 392 Takahashi, Kyojiro, 225 Takano, Tomoji, 1253 Takase, Hiroi, 1070 Takeuchi, Aiji, 225A Tamura, Yoshiro, 636 Tanabe, Suketoshi, 1071 Tanaka, Chigaku, 370 Tanaka, Goro, 420 Tanaka, Jiro, 226 Tanaka, Morihei, 1097-1098 Taniguchi, Masaharu, 670-679 Tanin, O., 544A Tarkhanov, O.S. see Tanin, O. Tenrikyo Hawaii Dendo-cho, 1254 Teshima, Ikuro, 321 Thelle, Notto Normann, 227 Thompson, Stephen I., 228, 1072 Thomsen, Harry, 229-235, 282, 414, 432, 545, 609, 665, 703, 751, 1073-1074, 1352, 1402, 1435 -1436 Toda, Josei, 854-855 Toda, Yoshio, 89 Tominaga, Mikita, 1255 Tomokiyo, Yoshisane, 776 Toynbee, Arnold, 856 Tsurumi, Shunsuke, 1075 Tsushima, Michito, 166 Tucker, Beverley D., 546 U Ueda, Yoshinari, 1256 Uehara, Toyoaki, 1353 Ukai, Nobushige, 1076 Umeda, Yoshihiko, 236 Union of the New Religious Organizations in Japan, Research Office, 238 Unno, K., 1341 Uyttendaele, Francis F., 239, 1077 V Valisinha, Devapriya, 374 Verba, Sidney, 1078 W Wakimoto, Tsuneya, 110 Waldenfels, Hans, 240 Waley, Arthur, 443 Walton, W.H. Murray, 447 Ward, Robert E., 20, 1080 Warren, F., 1354 Watanabe, Baiyu, 242 Watanabe, Eimi, 666 see also Rajana, Eimi Watanabe Weeks, J. Stafford, 667, 1081 Wendt, Ingeborg Y., 243 Werblowsky, R.J. Zwi, 244

Page  202 202 The New Religions of Japan West, Richard, 1082 White, James Wilson, 1083-1087 Wilkinson, Stephen L., 1088 Williams, George M., 857-862 Wilson, Bryan R., 245-246 Wimberley, [Hickman] Howard, 704 -707 Witte, Johannes, 247-248, 547-552, 1099, 1355 Woodard, William P., 249-252, 1089 Woodrow, Alain, 1090-1090A y Yama, Evelyn K., 296 Yamada, Hiroshi, 347 Yamamori, Tetsunao, 1091 Yamamoto, Gisuke, 1257 Yamamoto, K., 1356 Yamamoto, Kunio, 1258 Yamamoto, Yoshio, 1259 Yamane, Tsuneo, 1444 Yamazaki, F., 1357 Yamazawa, 1260-1262 Yanagawa, Keiichi, 253, 739, 1092 Yanagida, Kunio, 1093 Yano, Junya, 863 Yashima, Jiro, 570 Yinger, J. Milton, 254 Yohan, E., 544A Yonekura, Isamu, 761 Yonetani, Gyokusuisen, 359 Yoshimura, Tadaaki, 255-256 Yoshimura, Tadachi, 257 Young, Arthur Morgan, 258 Youth Division of Soka Gakkai, 864 Yuasa, Tatsuki, 571, 572 Yuine, Taijiro, 1263 z Zarate, Roberto M. Gonzalez de, 1094 Zimmermann, Werner, 259, 283, 554, 708, 1437

Page  203 Indexes 203 TOPICAL INDEX This index includes the major topics found in most items. Some lengthy or important materials are indexed by several topics, while briefer materials, especially those in the category of "History and analysis of individual New Religions," are not included. Some entries either are indexed according to the subject indicated in the title or are not included because they were not available to the compiler. Entries from all sections of the bibliography are indexed together, but certain topics tend to accumulate entries primarily from one section. Topics such as "New Religions, definition of," "Historical development of the New Religions," and "Japanese religion, relationship of New Religions to" come mainly from Part I, General Bibliography. Topics such as "Doctrine," "Manuals, catechisms, guides, and outlines of religious teaching," "Prayers, prayer books, liturgies," and "Scriptures and commentaries" are drawn mainly from denominational materials in Part II, Bibliography of Individual New Religions. Topics such as "Comparative studies of Japanese New Religions with non-Japanese movements," "History and analysis of individual New Religions," and "Political activity and elections" are taken mainly from secondary materials in Part II. These general topics have been treated loosely in order to group many entries for the reader. Materials with more specialized focus have been listed under narrower topics with fewer items. All references are to entry numbers. All topics are subdivided according to the format of the bibliography: first come "General" references, if there are any, and then entries for each New Religion, arranged alphabetically (with "Utopian Groups" last). For other tips on efficient location of materials, see also Suggestions for Convenient Use of The Bibliography.

Page  204 204 The New Religions of Japan Acculturation (Konkoky5) 399 Addresses of New Religions (General) 61, 89A, 93-94, 142A, 152, 216A, 235, 253 American (continental) branches of New Religions (General) 61, 184, 201, 225; (Gedatsu-kai) 319; (Konk~ky?) 409; (Seich5-no-Ie) 701; (Sekai Ky-usei-ky-) 750; (Ska Gakkai) 788-789, 858, 862, 901-903, 922, 946, 955, 962, 991, 994, 1001, 1040A, 1059A, 1088; (Tenriky6) 1286 see also Hawaiian branches (Shinnyo-en) 757; (Sbka Gakkai) 778, 785, 790, 804, 809, 811-812, 817, 823, 826, 845, 849, 853, 857, 859, 896, 898-899, 907, 968, 973, 983, 1013, 1025 C Catechisms see Manuals, catechisms, guides, and outlines of religious teaching Cemeteries (SZka Gakkai) 969 Childbirth (Tenriky5) 1211 Ancestor worship (General) 118, 183, 209; (Gedatsu-kai) 316; (Seich5-no-Ie) 706; (Tensh5-Ktai-Jing-u-Ky'6) 1384 Architecture (General) 2; (S~ka Gakkai) 799 Art (Oomoto) 464, 469, 512, 518; (PL Ky~dan) 569, 571 b Blessings see Counselling and forms of blessing Bodhisattva (K5d? Ky-dan) 364; (Rissh5 Ksei-kai) 636 Buddhism (General) 48, 72, 74, 82, 110, 113 -114, 118, 125, 140, 243; (Kid? Ky~dan) 361-362; (Kokuchtkai) 368-369, 373; (Risshb Kbsei-kai) 614, 622, 628 -629, 632, 635, 640, 663, 667; Christian influence on New Religions (General) 22, 36, 106, 230 Christianity (General) 7-8, 11, 20A, 30, 36, 47, 50, 97, 128, 138, 140, 143, 179 -180, 192, 206, 225A, 240; (Genshi Fukuin Undb) 321, 323 -324A; (Iesu no Mitama Ky?5kai Kybdan) 345-347; (Oomoto) 520, 546; (Risshb Ksei-kai) 626A, 633, 660; (Sbka Gakkai) 916, 976, 979 Christian missions (General) 30-31, 47, 65, 69, 119, 128, 169-170, 172, 206, 214; (Risshb K5sei-kai) 640-641; (Seich6-no-Ie) 696; (Sbka Gakkai) 879, 958, 973; (Tenriky5) 1261, 1335 Church organization of New Religions (General) 147, 168A; (Konk-ky?) 406; (Rissh?5 Kbsei-kai) 623; (Tenriky5) 1170, 1204, 1327 City see Urban studies

Page  205 Indexes 205 Clean Government Party see Kbmeitb Commentaries on scriptures see Scriptures and commentaries Communal groups see the "Utopian Groups" in Part II of the bibliography, entries 1409-1447 Communism (General) 162 Comparative studies of Japanese New Religions with nonJapanese movements (General) 20A, 25, 56, 71, 107, 126-127, 188, 190, 245-246, 254; (Rissh-o Kbsei-kai) 656A, 660; (S?5ka Gakkai) 1090; (TenrikyZ) 1294, 1315; (Tensh?5-K5tai-JingU-Ky6) 1378, 1389 Conf ucianism (General) 74, 96; (Kurozumi-kyb) 430; (Tenriky6) 1317 Constitution see Legal questions about the New Religions Controversial literature (General) 15, 112, 223, 241; (Jikk6-ky5) 353; (S6ka Gakkai) 879, 900, 918, 942 -945, 953, 976, 984, 986, 998, 1011, 1017-1018, 1030, 1040, 1042, 1064, 1082 Conversion (General) 50; (Rissh- KZ~sei-kai) 656, 666; (Sbka Gakkai) 901, 904, 991, 1051, 1059A, 1074; (TenshU-Kbtai-Jingu-Ky-6) 1390, 1393-1394; (Yamagishi-kai) 1447 Counselling and forms of blessing (General) 103-104, 225A; (Rissh6 Kbsei-kai) 640-641, 644; (Sekai Kyu-sei-ky6) 717-718; (Tenriky?) 1103, 1235, 1242, 1247 Creation story (Hommichi) 330; (Tenriky6) 1123, 1154, 1198 Culture and New Religions (Oomoto) 452; (Ska Gakkai) 779, 802, 830; (Tensh&-Ktai-Jing-u-Ky?5) 1394 d Death (S~ka Gakkai) 817; (Tenrikyb) 1220 Democracy (Sbka Gakkai) 778, 1084 Dialogue see Interviews and dialogues Divination (Shinrei-ky?) 760 Doctrine (General) 15, 86, 166, 168A; (Ananaiky?) 263-275; (Bussho-Gonen Kai) 285; (Byakk? Shink!-kai) 286-287, 289; (D~toku Kagaku) 297-299; (Gedatsu-kai) 309-310; (Genshi Fukuin Undo) 321; (Hommichi) 329, 339-340; (Kokuch-ukai) 368, 370; (Oomoto) 450, 454-455, 467, 469, 471, 475, 480, 484, 490, 495, 503; (Pb Ky-odan) 556, 568, 570-572; (Reiyti-kai) 596; (Risshb Kbsei-kai) 614, 628, 630, 632, 634; (Seich6-no-Ie) 670, 673, 675-677, 679; (Sekai Kytisei-kyb) 712, 730, 737 -738; (S6ka Gakkai) 780, 807, 813, 817, 824-825, 838-839, 849, 851, 854-855, 857A, 861-862, 909, 940, 981, 988; (Taireid-6) 1096-1098;

Page  206 206 The New Religions of Japan (Tenrikyo) 1101, 1110-1111, 1128, 1130, 1134, 1137, 1147, 1162, 1164, 1168, 1173, 1179, 1181, 1186, 1190, 1192, 1195, 1197 -1198, 1203, 1211, 1212A, 1214 -1215, 1218, 1220, 1222-1226, 1231-1232, 1236-1240, 1247, 1249, 1256, 1258-1260, 1274, 1334, 1353; (Tensh6-Kbtai-Jingfl-Ky6) 1360, 1362, 1364, 1367, 1370-1372; (Ittben) 1414-1415, 1417 e Education (Miizu-kai) 434; (PL Kybdan) 565, 641; (Seich6-no-Ie) 670; (Ska Gakkai) 798, 800, 892-893, 949-950; (Tenriky-6) 1300 Elections see Political activity and elections Emperor (Hommichi) 337 Eschatology (General) 79 Ethical teachings (General) 86; (Byakk? ShinkU-kai) 286; (Dtoku Kagaku) 297-300; (Konk~ky-) 385; (Kurozumi-kyo) 430; (Risshb K-sei-kai) 663; (Ska Gakkai) 818, 902, 963; (Tenriky-o) 1317; (Tensh5-K6tai-JingU-Ky-) 1392 Evolution (Tenriky?) 1198 (Seich6-no-Ie) 693; (Sbka Gakkai) 815 Finances (General) 192 Folk religion and popular religion (General) 3, 26, 45, 65-66, 78, 176; (Nyorai-kyb) 442; (S5ka Gakkai) 933; (Tenriky5) 1277 Founders and foundresses (General) 26, 88, 157, 161A, 168A, 178, 207; (Ananaikyb) 261; (Dtoku Kagaku) 300; (Gedatsu-kai) 309; (Kokuchilkai) 367; (Konkky-o) 375, 382, 384, 387; (Kurozumi-ky-) 416-418, 426; (Oomoto) 453, 472, 482, 489, 499, 512, 537; (PL Ky?5dan) 567; (RisshZ K-sei-kai) 631, 635; (Seich6-no-Ie) 668; (Sekai Kyt~sei-ky?) 712, 720, 726, 731, 737-738; (Shinrei-ky-) 760, 764; (Sbka Gakkai) 826, 883, 892-893, 996, 1008; (Tenriky-) 1102, 1109, 1125, 1135-1136, 1180, 1221, 1223, 1229, 1233-1234; (Tensh&-Kbtai-Jing5-Ky6) 1358, 1360-1361, 1365, 1368, 1375 -1376, 1397; (Itt~en) 1415; (Shinky?5) 1438 see also Kami g Gods see Kami f Guides to sect teachings and headquarters see Manuals, catechisms, guides, and outlines of religious teaching Family (General) 90;

Page  207 Indexes20 207 h Hawaiian branches (General) 35, 44, 91, 152, 201, 253; (Bodaiji Mission) 284; (Ch~wad-6 Henj~ky?5 Mission of Hawaii) 294-296; (Konk?5ky6) 399; (SeichU-no-Ie) 690; (Sekai Kyluisei-ky?5) 1254; (Tensh5-K?5tai-JingU-Ky16) 1390; (Tihdaiji of Hawaii) 1403, 1407 Healing and sickness (health) (General) 104, 175-176, 212; (Ch~wad6 Henj~ky6 Mission of Hawaii) 294; (Gedatsu-kai) 310, 312, 316-320; (Hommichi) 329, 338; (Risshb K?5sei-kai) 624; (Seich&-no-Ie) 672, 674, 678; (Sekai Kytisei-kyb) 722; (Shinrei-kyb) 764; (S?5ka Gakkai) 841-842; (SUky6 Mahikari) 1095; (Taireid6) 1096-1097; (Tenriky?5) 1193, 1196, 1206, 1209, 1217, 1252, 1258; (Tensh6-K?5tai-JingU-Ky`6) 1393 Historical development of the New Religions (General) 3, 4, 6, 10-11, 51, 53, 55, 65, 72, 84, 92, 111-112, 118, 121, 136, 152-155, 167-168A, 174, 177, 179, 206, 218, 224, 242 History and analysis of individual New Religions (Ananaiky'6) 278, 282; (Bussho-Gonen Kai) 285; (D?5toku Kagaku) 301; (Fus5 —ky?5) 304; (Hommichi) 334; (Iesu no Mitama Ky~kai Ky?5dan) 347; (Izumo Taisha-ky-6) 351-352; (Kagami no Hongi) 358; (KWd5-chi-kybo) 360; (KokuchUkai) 368; (Konk-oky6) 377, 390, 397-398, 402-4039 407, 409, 411-4129 415; (Kurozumi-kyz5) 423, 426-428; (Misogi-ky?5) 438; (Nyorai-ky5) 442-443; (Ontake-ky'6) 445-447; (Oomoto) 491, 528, 532, 535, 538, 541, 545; (Pb Ky~dan) 577, 579, 584, 587, 588A, 594; (Reiy'u-kai) 603, 609; (Remmon-ky6) 610, 612; (Rissh6 Kbsei-kai) 620, 626-626A, 651, 653, 658A, 665; (Seich6-no-Ie) 691, 695A, 703, 705; (Sekai Kyu-sei-kyb) 751; (Sekai Mahikari Bunmei Kybdan) 756; (Shinnyo-en) 759; (Shinrei-ky6) 764; (Shinri-ky5) 766; (Shintb-Sh~usei-ha) 770; (Shintb-Taiky6) 772; (Shintb Tasei-ky?5) 774; (Sh-uy-dan) 777; (SZ~ka Gakkai) 792, 860, 883, 889, 892-893, 907, 922, 943-9449 949, 985, 1000, 1004, 1008, 1015, 1021A, 1027, 1031, 1037 -1038, 1045, 1057, 1059-1059A, 1073, 1075, 1085, 1087-1088; (SUky?5 Mahikari) 1095; (Taireido-) 1097, 1099; (Tenriky5) 1149, 1173, 1186, 1204, 1253, 1273, 1278, 1280, 1284, 1287, 1293, 1298, 1303, 1305-1306, 1327, 1330, 1346, 1352; (Tensh6-K~tai-Jingg-Ky-6) 1368, 1370, 1377, 1381, 1395, 1402; (Zenrin-kai) 1408; (Atarashiki Mura) 1410, 1412; (Itt-oen) 1422, 1436; (Shinkyo) 1438-1439, 1447 Immigration (General) 70, 169, 692

Page  208 208 The New Religions of Japan Interviews and dialogues (General) 50, 61; (Oomoto) 451, 523A; (Rissho Kosei-kai) 645, 647; (Shinnyo-en) 759; (Soka Gakkai) 817, 832, 845, 856, 894 Israel (Genshi Fukuin Undo) 324A Japanese religion, relationship of New Religions to (General) 3, 5, 12, 19, 22, 26, 28, 33-34, 43, 45, 51, 53, 55, 58, 62, 72-73, 77, 84, 88, 110, 112 -116, 118, 121, 123, 133-135, 140, 147-148, 150, 156, 163, 165, 168, 174-175, 180-182, 194, 202-203, 208, 210, 213 -214, 220, 222, 233, 238, 242, 247, 259; (Konkokyo) 412; (Oomoto) 452 K-meito [Clean Government Party] (Soka Gakkai) 781, 784, 803, 806, 828-829, 846-847, 863, 882, 886, 897, 917, 925-927, 929 -930, 937, 944, 948, 954, 966, 977, 993A-993B, 995, 1022, 1024, 1028-1029, 1033, 1036 -1039, 1041, 1043, 1054, 1085, 1087 see also Political activity and elections [For additional references to Komeito, check Komeito and Clean Government Party in the index of works on Japanese history and politics] Law see Legal questions about the New Religions Laymen (Kodo Ky-dan) 362; (Rissh- Kosei-kai) 622-623, 635 Legal questions about the New Religions (General) 1, 34, 40-41, 130, 153, 168, 223, 226, 252, 255; (Oomoto) 465A, 531-533, 535; (Soka Gakkai) 944, 1022, 1042, 1089, 1092 Liturgies see Prayers, prayer books, liturgies Lotus Sutra (General) 118, 125; (Remmon-kyo) 610-612; (Rissh- Kosei-kai) 617, 619, 625A, 632; (S-ka Gakkai) 786 m Magic (General) 117, 176; (SUkyo Mahikari) 1095 Manchuria (Oomoto) 459, 541A, 544A Jikaku, Saint, 361 k Kami [gods] (General) 74, 175, 207, 236; (Byakko Shinko-kai) 287; (Hommichi) 341; (Kokuch-kai) 401; (Kurozumi-kyo) 425; (Oomoto) 521, 553; (PL Kyodan) 581; (Reiyu-kai) 600; (Rissho Kosei-kai) 646; (Seicho-no-Ie) 685; (Sekai Kyusei-kyo) 745; (S-ka Gakkai) 951; (Tensho-Kotai-Jingu-Kyo) 1159, 1171, 1179, 1187, 1211, 1223, 1225, 1237-1238, 1274, 1302, 1316, 1353, 1360, 1367, 1379; (Ittoen) 1426 see also Founders and foundresses Karma (Byakk5 Shinko-kai) 289; (Tenrikyo) 1195

Page  209 Indexes20 209 Manuals, catechisms, guides, and outlines of religious teaching (AnanaikyU) 260, 262, 271-273; (Bussho-Gonen Kai) 285; (D~toku Kagaku) 298; (Fus6-ky?5) 302; (Gedatsu-kai) 307-308, 311; (Genshi Fukuin Undo) 321; (Hommichi) 333, 339; (Izumo Taisha-ky'6) 348-349; (Jikk-oky-o) 354-355; (Kami Ichij6-ky5) 359; (K~d-o Ky-odan) 365; (Konk~kya) 376-377, 381, 386, 388-389, 391-392; (Kurozumi-kyZ5) 419-420; (Miizu-kai) 434-435; (Ontake —ky-o) 444; (Qomoto) 449, 454-4559 467, 471, 473, 478, 492, 499, 502-504; (PL Ky?5dan) 558, 563; (Reiyti-kai) 596; (Rissh?5 Kbsei-kai) 615, 620-624, 626; (Seich6-no-Ie) 669; (Sekai Ky-usei-ky6) 709, 715-716, 721, 732-734; (Shinnyo-en) 757; (Shinrei-ky?5) 765; (Shinshil-ky6) 767; (Shint6-Shtisei-ha) 769; (Shint6-Taikyb) 771; (Shint?5 Taisei-ky6) 773; (ShintZ5 Tenk?5kyo) 776; (S?5ka Gakkai) 783, 790-795, 801, 809, 820-8219 837, 850, 869, 1025; (Taireid-6) 1096, 1098; (Tenk6-kyo-) 1100; (Tenriky?5) 1105, 1114-1119, 1129, 1145, 1150, 1160-1162, 1164, 1173, 1184, 1191, 1203, 1208, 1210, 1215-1216, 1246, 1256, 1261, 1263; (Tensh6&K~tai-JingTi-Ky5) 1370 -1371; (TZhdaiji of Hawaii) 1403; (Itt?5en) 1413-1414, 1416-1417 Meditation (Gedatsu-kai) 306; (Konk~ky6) 413 Messianic movements (General) 33, 71, 107, 127; (Tenriky?5) 1315, 1345; (Tensh?5-K~tai-JingU-Ky6) 1392, 1395, 1398 Millennial movements (General) 25; (Tensh6-K?5tai-JingU-Ky5) 1390 Miracles (Hommichi) 329; (Shinrei-ky-6) 761; (SUky?5 Mahikari) 1095 Missionary activity and propagation by the New Religions (General) 106; (Konk-6ky6) 38 1; (Oomoto) 547, 550; (Risshb Kbsei-kai) 641; (Sbka Gakkai) 807, 957, 959, 1051; (Tenriky5) 1234, 1251, 1254 Modernization (General) 32, 69, 109, 188; (S~ka Gakkai) 1013; (Atarashiki Mura) 1412; (Shinky?5) 1441; (Yamagishi-kai) 1446 Monotheism (General) 33; (Konk~ky6) 402, 410 Music (S?5ka Gakkai) 787; (Tenriky5) 1108, 1138, 1140-1142, 1227, 1297 Mythology (Hommichi) 337 n Nationalism (General) 89, 115, 198, 202; (Kokuchflkai) 370-373; (Oomoto) 532-533, 541Aq 544A

Page  210 210 The New Religions of Japan Nativistic movements (General) 118, 123 Negroes (Soka Gakkai) 991 New Religions, definition of (General) 9-9A, 11, 14, 21-22, 26, 50-52, 54, 56, 58-59, 63, 95, 105, 118, 121-123, 136, 140, 143, 161-161A, 168-168A, 175, 177, 189-190, 203, 214, 217 -218, 220-221, 224, 225A, 230, 232-233, 239, 242, 244-246, 248; (Rissho Kosei-kai) 656A; (Sekai Kyusei-ky-) 744A; (S-ka Gakkai) 1059, 1085, 1087; (Tenrikyo) 1280 see also Comparative studies of Japanese New Religions with non-Japanese movements New Religions, theory of see New Religions, definition of Nichiren (S-ka Gakkai) 852, 857A, 962A, 965, 1025, 1064 Nirvana (Shinnyo-en) 757 Numerical strength and statistics (General) 16-17, 89A, 92, 101 -102, 144, 168A, 216A, 222, 234, 242, 250-251; (Tenrikyo) 1153 0 Outline of teachings see Manuals, catechisms, guides, and outlines of religious teaching P Peace movements see World peace (Soka Gakkai) 812, 827, 832, 851, 856, 910, 1004-1005, 1021, 1071, 1093; (Tenrikyo) 1200-1201, 1214A, 1243 Pilgrimage (Sekai Kyusei-kyo) 727; (Shinto Tenk-kyo) 776; (Tenrikyo) 1205; Poems (Oomoto) 477, 488; (Rissho Kosei-kai) 616; (Sekai Kyusei-kyo) 725; (Soka Gakkai) 840 Political activity and elections (General) 39, 42, 144; (Kokuchukai) 371-372; (Oomoto) 532-533, 535, 541A, 544A; (Rissho Kosei-kai) 658; (Seicho-no-Ie) 704-705; (Soka Gakkai) 781, 784, 803, 806, 829, 846-847, 863, 878, 882, 886, 896-897, 906-908, 915, 917, 919, 923-924, 926-930, 937, 941, 944, 947-948, 954, 956, 966, 970, 975, 977-979, 987, 989-990, 993-993B, 995, 997, 1007, 1009-1010, 1016, 1019-1020, 1022, 1024, 1028 -1029, 1032-1039, 1041-1042, 1044, 1047, 1053-1056, 1058, 1065, 1076, 1078, 1080, 1084 -1085, 1087, 1092 Polytheism (Oomoto) 542 Popular religion see Folk religion and popular religion Prayers, prayer books, liturgies (Gedatsu-kai) 305; (Sekai Kyusei-kyo) 724-725; (Soka Gakkai) 785; (Tenrikyo) 1108, 1139, 1189, 1199 Prophecy (Ichigen-no-Miya) 343-344; (Soka Gakkai) 952 Philosophy (General) 108, 165;

Page  211 Indexes 211 Prophets see Founders and foundresses S Psychological studies of New Religions see Social background and social change Purification (Hommichi) 326, 328; (Sekai Mahikari Bunmei Kyodan) 752; (Tenriky?) 1218 r Ref ormation (Kokuchtikai) 368 Religious centers and headquarters (Gedatsu-kai) 307; (S?5ka Gakkai) 782, 805, 911-912, 933, 1072; (Tenriky?) 1113, 1132, 1170, 1205, 1213; (Tensh5,-Ktai-Jing-u-Ky-6) 1363 Revelation (Hommichi) 328; (Taireido) 1096; (Tenriky?) 1159, 1164, 1171, 1218, 1239, 1259 Revitalization (General) 187; (Oomoto) 520; (Shuy5dan) 777 Ritual and worship (General) 218; (Gedatsu-kai) 308; (K~d? Ky~dan) 363; (Oomoto) 489, 546; (ReiyU —kai) 595; (RisshM KZsei-kai) 630; (Sekai KyUsei-kyb) 710; (S6ka Gakkai) 894, 946; (Tenriky;'o- 1108, 1138-1140, 1186t 1189, 1199, 1227, 1286, 1296 RytikyU Islands (General) 8 Salvation (General) 166, 221; (Hommichi) 325; (Oomoto) 527; (Taireid-6) 1097; (Tenriky'd) 1159, 1166-1167, 1171, 1212-1212A, 1218, 1222; (TenshU-Kitai-Jing-i-Ky'6) 1391 -1392 Science, scientific thought (SeichU-no-Ie) 679; (Shinrei-kyU) 760; (Sbka Gakkai) 835 Scriptures and commentaries (Hommichi) 333; (Konkoky6) 378-380, 391; (Nyorai-ky-o) 440; (Oomoto) 463, 479, 483, 486-487, 552; (PL Kyodan) 562, 582; (RisshU K~sei-kai) 617-619, 625A, 628, 632, 636; (Seich&-no-Ie) 671; (ShintU Tenkokyo) 775; (SZka Gakkai) 786, 851, 857A, 905, 1051; (Tenriky?5) 1108, 1139, 1144, 1148, 1154, 1189, 1199, 1207, 1228, 1234, 1248-1249, 1297 Sermons, lectures, and talks (S;ka Gakkai) 813-814, 825, 848, 854-855; (Tenriky6) 1230, 1233, 1245; (Tensh6-K6tai-JingU-Ky6) 1371 -1372 Shamanism and shamanistic activities (General) 20A, 88, 118, 132, 157, 176, 243; (Gedatsu-kai) 318; (Sekai Kytisei-ky5) 750; (Shinnyo-en) 759 Shinto (General) 2, 20, 34, 41, 66, 72, 74, 81-83, 85, 89, 96, 99, 101, 124,

Page  212 212 The New Religions of Japan 126, 129-132, 151, 156, 191, 193, 198-199, 205, 216, 225, 236-237, 247, 255-258; (Izumo Taisha-ky6) 348; (Jikk6-ky6) 354; (Miizu-kai) 435; (Tenriky6) 1131, 1162 Shrines (Izumo Taisha-ky6) 352; (Tenriky6) 1205 Sickness see Healing and sickness (health) Sin and guilt (Ananaiky6) 286; (Saka Gakkai) 899; (Tenriky5) 1334; (Ittben) 1428 Social background and social change (General) 4, 6-8, 14, 16, 23, 32, 35, 43, 46, 49-51, 67, 77, 80, 90-92, 98, 101, 103-104, 110, 112-115, 122-123, 129, 135-137, 139, 141, 147-150, 153, 155, 158-159, 161A, 165, 167-168A, 173, 176-177, 179, 186-187, 189-190, 211, 225A, 228, 254; (Ananaiky5) 280; (Gedatsu-kai) 317, 319-320; (Genshi Fukuin Und5) 323-324; (Ichigen-no-Miya) 343-344; (Konkky?) 399, 404, 409; (Oomoto) 517, 526, 532, 535; (Reiyti-kai) 601-602; (Rissh? Kbsei-kai) 645, 666; (Seichb-no-Ie) 688, 693, 704, 706 -707; (Sekai KyUsei-ky?) 746; (S~ka Gakkai) 815, 882, 920-922, 963, 982, 989, 1004, 1059 -1059A, 1078, 1083, 1085, 1087; (Tenriky5) 1280, 1303, 1312, 1315A, 1327, 1331; (Tensh5-Kbtai-Jing-u-Ky?5) 1382A, 1384-1385, 1392; (Thdaiji of Hawaii) 1407; (Atarashiki Mura) 1411; (Shinky?) 1438-1439 South American branches (General) 70, 101, 129, 137, 169 -170, 172, 210, 228; (Oomoto) 517, 541A, 544A; (SeichU-no-Ie) 692-693, 696; (S~ka Gakkai) 1072, 1074, 1090 -1090A; (Tenriky?) 1318 Statistics see Numerical strength and statistics Students and youth (General) 18, 158; (Oomoto) 475; (Sekai KyUsei-ky6) 736; (Sbka Gakkai) 819, 831, 848 Superstition (Hommichi) 331 Surveys (questionnaires, etc.) (General) 216; (Sbka Gakkai) 1078, 1083 Syncretism (General) 69; (Tenriky?) 1298 t Taboos (Tenrikyb) 1211 Taiwan (Tenriky;) 1310 Taoism (General) 74 Temples (Kbd? Kybdan) 361; (SZka Gakkai) 782, 913, 933, 969, 1072; (Tenriky6) 1205 Testimony of believers (Oomoto) 495, 501; (Sekai Ky-isei-ky6) 711; (Ska Gakkai) 796-797, 808; (Tenriky6) 1182, 1188, 1193, Socialism (S-ka Gakkai) 963

Page  213 Indexes 213 1196, 1206, 1217, 1250, 1252, Worship 1257; see Ritual and worship (Tensh6-Khtai-Jingi-Ky?5) 1369 Theology (General) 108, 240; Youth (Konkky?) 393; see Students and youth (Tenriky?5) 1262 Travels (Oomoto) 513; (Rissh6 Kisei-kai) 614, 649; (S-ka Gakkai) 798, 973 U Universities see Education Urban studies (General) 46, 92 Utopian groups (General) 1382A see also the "Utopian Groups" in Part II of the bibliography, entries 1409-1447 V Village studies (General) 20, 23, 183, 193; (Rissh6 Kasei-kai) 645; (Ska Gakkai) 891, 900; (Tenrikyi) 1280, 1303, 1310 w Woman, view of (General) 161A; (ReiyU-kai) 601; (S~ka Gakkai) 903; (Tenriky6) 1240; (TenshZ~-Ktai-JingU —Ky-o) 1397 World peace (General) 27, 115; (Byakk6 Shink6-kai) 288, 291-293; (Hommichi) 335; (Oomoto) 458, 465, 467, 476, 517; (Pb Kydan) 574; (Rissho K?5sei-kai) 629, 648; (S5ka Gakkai) 820, 828, 833, 864; (Ittaen) 1431

Page  [unnumbered] MICHIGAN PAPERS IN JAPANESE STUDIES No. 1. Political Leadership in Contemporary Japan, edited by Terry Edward MacDougall. No. 2. Parties, Candidates and Voters in Japan: Six Quantitative Studies, edited by John Creighton Campbell. No. 3. The Japanese Automobile Industry: Model and Challenge for the Future?, edited by Robert E. Cole. No. 4. Survey of Japanese Collections in the United States, 1979-1980, by Naomi Fukuda. No. 5. Culture and Religion in Japanese-American Relations: Essays on Uchimura Kanzo, 1861-1930, edited by Ray A. Moore. No. 6. Sukeroku's Double Identity: The Dramatic Structure of Edo Kabuki, by Barbara E. Thornbury. No. 7. Industry at the Crossroads, edited by Robert E. Cole. No. 8. Treelike: The Poetry of Kinoshita YFji, translated by Robert Epp. No. 9. The New Religions of Japan: A Bibliography of Western-Language Materials, by H. Byron Earhart.